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H. —3.



Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Head Office, Stamp Duties Department, Wellington, Ist August, 1928. The Hon. the Minister of Stamp Duties, Wellington. I have the honour to submit the usual report on the working of the Land Transfer and Deeds Registration Department for the year ended the 31st March, 1928. The returns appended show— A. —The business transacted under the Land Transfer Act. B.—The fees received thereunder, including the fees received on account of Crown grants. o.—The mortgages and discharges of mortgages, and the amount remaining secured by mortgage under the said Act on the 31st March, 1928. D.—The arrears existing at the various Land Transfer Offices at the close of business on the same date. E. —The number of deeds received for registration and the number remaining unrecorded on the 31st March last, also the fees received in the Deeds Registration Offices. The following table shows at a glance the amount of registration business under the Land Transfer and the Deeds Registration Acts transacted during the last five years : —

Pees under compulsory registration Act, 1924—Paid, £6,580; outstanding, £15,533 15s. C. E. Nalder, Registrar-General of Land, and Secretary for Land and Deeds.

! I I Year ended 31st March. i 1924. 1925. 1926. I 1927. 1928. ' ! Instruments .. .. .. •. 154,805 168,523 188,622 158,883 139,375 Searches (Land Transfer Act only) .. 45,205 43,965 45,577 41.726 40,254 Fees, excluding fees under compulsory £94,635 £100,623 £106,526 £97,990 £86,604 registration Act, 1924.



A.—Statement of Business transacted under the Land Transfer Act during the Year ended 31st March, 1928.

Applications. °"S&»5T ° f I T "nsfers. Mortgages. Town and Suburban. Country. . Town and Suburban. Country. Town and Suburban. Country. District. — - —r-i i . : I i ; i ! : ; , ; . I (h I 1 I L* M fa | I ! Area Vain - i I Are- ' Value I To™ I Area . , Co "" ' a ' Area ' • J Con " I Area Amount f , Amount | Area. Valui. g Are„. j value. | and Country. 1 ' sideration. , | Area - ■ sideration. | Area ' secured. § Arca - ; secured. fc | S | fc Suburban.: S3 ] fc | | fc [ | K Acres. £ Acres. £ Acres. Acres. Acres. £ | Acres. £ i Acres. £ Acres. £ Auckland .. jlOO 79 377,169 36 2,497 113,234 282 203 149,423 7,482 4,024 '5,257,181 | 2,226 477,464 I 3,812,426 1 6,949 i 2,863 4,800,862 2,673 642,607 3,138,687 Taranaki .. ! 1 1 600 4 64- 2,000 47 17 2.184 726 216 391,636 533 84,181 888,586 675 232 415,774 847 193,197 1,078,522 Wellington ..11 3 36,660 9 400 14,995 403 58 2,928 6,320 1,084 5,322,877 1,362 314,730 3,096,651 7,261 1,323 5,362,178 1,899 582,591 3,264,477 Hawke's Bay .. 1 .. 13,400 .. .. .. 16 11 157 888 484] 553,057 270 96,819 689,116 1,016 504 604,255 466 249,737 1.042,592 Gisborne . 1 .. .. .. 21 15 3,470 369 216; 170,004! 251 83,378 472,097 323 172 172,059 344 379,015 787,472 Nelson .. .. 11 .. 991 358 75 167,063 313 44,515 215,911 322 84 142,562 299 95,853 183,746 Marlborough ..7 2 21,600 j 1 7 750 18 2 171 151 126 ; 93,820 ; 105 115,728 370,035 127 91 76,838 138 193,411 240,423 Canterbury ..28 5 11,480 ' 9 650 23,265 40 17 271 3,842 835 2,499,765 1,254 287,337 2,691,744 4,163 986 2,248,236 1,699 568,379 2,626,028 Otago .. .. 32 36 106,139 3 71 2,295; 84 10 12,207 2,453 677 1.567,061 , 612 241,393 826,357 2,464 634 1,272,713 652 412,796 743,671 Southland ..1 .. 20 .. .. I 10 | 2 1,191 935 402 392,859! 390 133,250 538,103 1,123 415 471,956 609 279,007 607,322 Westland ..I .. 350 .. .. .. 26 1 ! 1,436 208 49 71,309 93 14,024 70,007 155 37 65,709 98 30,344 60,865 Totals, 1927-28 .. 182 126 567,418 j 62 3,689 156,539 ! 958 336 174,429 23,732 8,188 ! 16,486, 632 j 7,409 1,892,819 13,671,033 24,578! 7,341 15,633,142 9,724(3,626,937 13,773,805 Totals, 1926-27 .. 187 175 254,652 | 84 17,983 422,722 | 845 340 | 63,890 25,651 8,095 ]17,174,289 8,455 2,058,666 15,164,571 26,452 7,985 17,475,127 112, 105 k,004, 856 17,290,476 _ I I I 1 « I II 1 Discharges. 3» .9 Certificates of Title g | J g S > g . * § S5 J s if 1 « S,g S issued (other than ® '& « S s -u . s oS °„ . $ : S3 Certificates in Lieu % § S v $ S -2 ° £•? I : s"S <5 « § f| g $ £ DUtrtet - .1 of Crown Grants). ? | 8 || 2 g \ "S|° | . J S | "j,« | 2 g _ | g | | Amount. g| || | | | | | | B | & | | |& || | ||| |«| | | g I r 1° K C e° g q U iS. "thers. | | J g g j | | f | | I § f I j *** T" S_j__ I I £ | £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. 6,289 5,343,712 9 321 1,064 5,239 68 2 427 200 903 122 38 288 238 9,022 163 259 1,211 1 9 ! 210 7,041 21,102 6 5 23 5 11 Taranaki .. 1,202 1,328,863 5 52 566 353 102 1 252 101 92 63 13 29 49 1,819 75 149 244 4 959 3,145 12 1 Wellington .. 6,248 5,754,750 3 423 1,510 3,914 4 6 486 490 491 185 80 219 119 9,766 116 312 ! 1,134 1 43 3,017 17.294 13 5 0 8 0 Hawke's Bay .. 1,027 1,403,516 .. 163 1.745 460 3 6 136 18 159 54 20 64 48 1,801 16 85 [ 333 2 1 1,103 3,132 8 3 Gisborne .. 581 1,030,250 4 24 10 289 2 .. 68 28 63 127 17 26 27 1,359 4 72 105 .. 44 490 1,597 2 2 Nelson .. 597 470,839 .. j 87 539 226 13 5 78 38 112 1 3 12 22 588 4 60 145 .. 356 1,488 1 6 Marlborough .. 227 305,171 1 I 42 432 112 1 4 18 6 40 12 16 13 -394 .. 32 84 1 181 699 0 0 Canterbury .. 4,064 3,312,364 1 358 1,552 2,167 21 3 272 52 475 2 6 140 39 8,490 53 531 1,086 .. 16 3,541 13,109 2 6 Otago .. 2,222 1,256,969 1 i 93 742 1,171 6 4 151 117 121 1 18 54 49 2,854 17 147 607 1 1 1,222 6,166 16 6 Southland .. 1,246 836,435 .. | 54 612 476 73 8 111 22 74 1 5 27 22 1,602 30 125 308 3 1 540 3,079 18 8 Westland .. 155 79,598 [ 15 106 140 1 1 69 81 25 6 8 274 8 27 63 1 165 677 18 6 Totals, 1927-28 23,858 21,122,467 24 1,632 8,878 14,547 294 ! 40 2,068 1,153 2,555 568 200 881 ; 634 37,969 486 1,799 5,320 18 320 18,615 71,493 0 0 23 13 11 Totals, 1926-27 27,283 25,279,303 20 1,776 8,755 15,488 126 35 2,146 788 2,936 653 164 1,015 531 38,696 1,117 1,913 5,018 32 242 18,096 77,983 11 7 31 9 3 I I !_ I



B.—Return of Fees received under the Land Teansfee Act foe the Year ended the 31st March, 1928.

C. —Return showing the Total Amount of Money secured by Mortgage under the Land Transfer Act on the 31st March, 1928.

Return shoiuing Number and Amount of Mortgages under Land Transfer and Deeds Registry released in each District from Ist April, 1927, to 31st March, 1928. „ , Amount. District. Number. £ Auckland .. ... ... ... ... 8,433 6,912,765 Taranaki .... ... ... ... ... 1,304 1,403,416 Wellington ... ... ... ... 6,583 6,099,210 Hawke'sßay ... ... ... ... 1,178 1,625,290 Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... ... 582 1,034,150 Nelson " ... ... ... ... ... 765 574,960 Marlborough... ... ... ... ... 271 358,286 Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... 4,113 3,373,395 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 2,895 1,662,892 Southland ... ... ... ... ... 1,305 873,878 Westland ... ... ... ... ... 156 80,598 Totals ... ... ... 27,585 £23,998,840

District. General Fees. Assurance Fees. „ Registration Fees. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland ... ... ... ... 21,102 6 5 23 5 11 618 15 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 3,145 12 1 ... 377 10 0 Wellington... ... ... ... 17,294 13 5 0 8 0 1,191 5 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 3,132 8 3 ... 1,041 5 0 Poverty Bay ... ... ... 1,597 2 2 ... 93 15 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 1,488 1 6 ... 465 0 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 699 0 0 ... 303 15 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 13,109 2 6 ... 1,630 0 0 Otago ' ... ... ... ... 6,166 16 6 ... 301 5 0 Southland ... ... ... ... 3,079 18 8 ... 478 15 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 677 18 6 ... 78 15 0 Totals ... ... ... 71,493 0 0 23 13 11 6,580 0 0 Corresponding period, 1926-27... 77,983 11 7 31 9 3 6,843 15 0

Amount remaining Amount secured by Amount of Amount remaining ■ yy , • , secured by Mortgage during Mortgage paid secured by Mortgage on the the Year ended off during the Mortgage on the 31st March, 1927. 31st March, 1928. same Period. 31st March, 1928. =£ £ i6 £ Auckland ... 66,628,381 7,939,549 5,343,712 69,224,218 Taranaki ... 19,952,281 1,494,296 - 1,328,863 20,117,714 Wellington ... 61,601,828 8,626,655 5,754,750 64,473,733 Hawke'sBay ... 20,548,333 1,646,847 1,403,516 20,791,664 Poverty Bav ... 11,592,053 959,531 1,030,250 11,521,-334 Nelson ..." ... 3,846,970 326,308 470,839 3,702,439 Marlborough ... 4,336,528 317,261 305,171 4,343,618 Canterbury ... 45,714,741 4,874,264 3,312,364 47,276,641 Otago ... ... 15,285,605 2,016,384 1,256,969 16,045,020 Southland ... 12,624,928 1,079,278 836,435 12,867,771 Westlaud ... 976,032 126,574 79,598 1,023,008 Totals ... 263,107,680 29,406,947 20,122,467 271,392,160

H. 3.


D.—Return showing Arrears in the Land Transfer Department on the 31st March, 1928.

Other Instruments unrecorded. District. Transfers. Mortgages. Miscellaneous. Auckland ... ... 23 28 65 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 21 22 54 Wellington ... ... 12 21 34 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 7 12 15 Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 3 5 7 Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury ... ... ... ... 31 37 30 Otago ... ... ... ... 5 7 5 Southland ... ... ... ... 8 15 19 Westland ... ... ... ... ... 1 2 Totals ... ... ... 110 148 231

E.—Return showing the Number of Deeds remaining unregistered on the 31st March, 1927; the Number received for Registration and the Number registered during the Year ended the 31st March, 1928; also the Number remaining on that Date, and the Amount of Fees collected during the same Period.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (480 copies), £0 15s. By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92S. Price 3d.]

Applications . .... . . (other than Unregistered TT . , , Applications Applications Applications those already Ingtr * mcnts Unregistered Certifloates Zoeived awaiting detained for mentioned) awaiti Instruments of prev ious to District. Compliance Examination received Oomplian 6 oe detained Title due but r Current with mthe with Q m not issued. Month not Requisitions. Survey Office. Month Requisitions . Survey Office. yet passed. and nofc yet r passed. Auckland ... 82 47 5 249 38 86 2 Taranaki ... 2 ... ... 25 ... 19 Wellington ... 4 6 2 221 65 32 Hawke's Bay... 1 ... ... 33 21 16 Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 2 ... 4 Nelson . . ... ... 1 6 ... 8 Marlborough... 2 ... ... 3 ... 12 Canterbury ... 2 2 ... 89 38 39 Otago ... 2 ... 3 29 ... 42 6 Southland ... 1 1 ... 12 ... 24 Westland ... 2 ... ... 17 Totals ... 98 56 11 686 162 282 8

Received Unrecorde _ . I ° r ,. Recorded Unrecorded tv i ■ on Registration duri on District. 31st March, | urm § the same 31st March, Pees ' 1927. nd< L d Period. 1928. 31st March, 1928. £ s. d. Auckland ... ... ... 201 9,168 9,094 201 8,271 10 6 Taranaki ... ... ... 5 471 473 3 428 17 0 Wellington ... ... ... 45 1,527 1,500 68 1,423 11 0 Hawke'sBay ... ... 12 738 731 19 712 15 6 Poverty Bav ... ... ... 4 4 ... 3 13 0 Nelson ... ... ... 26 679 695 6 623 0 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 257 257 ... 257 12 0 Canterbury... ... ... 16 398 386 15 356 10 6 Otago ... ... ... 42 3,159 3,132 46 2,877 7 0 Southland ... ... ... 14 243 249 8 229 4 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... 196 Totals ... ... 361 16,646 16,523 366 15,185 10 0^

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Bibliographic details

LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION. ANNUAL REPORT OF DEPARTMENT, 1927-28., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, H-03

Word Count

LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION. ANNUAL REPORT OF DEPARTMENT, 1927-28. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, H-03

LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION. ANNUAL REPORT OF DEPARTMENT, 1927-28. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, H-03