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Prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section .184 of the Coal-mines Act, 1925.

The Superintendent, State Coal-mines, Greymouth, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— 16th April, 1928. 1 have the honour to submit my annual report on the working of the State coal-mines for the year ended 31st March, 1928. Liverpool Colliery. Coal-winning. —The gross total output of coal for the year was 143,889 tons 14 cwt., a reduction of 7,290 tons 3 cwt. when compared with the figures of last year. After making allowance for stocks on hand at the beginning of the year, and deducting mine consumption and waste, there remained for disposal 142,985 tons 19 cwt., which is accounted! for as follows:—

I—C. 2a.

Screened. Unscreened. Small. Total. I Tons. cwt. qr. Tons. cwt. qr. Tons. cwt. qr. Export .. .. 10,720 2 0 36,112 5 0 30,019 18 0 Rail to Canterbury .. 9,134 8 1 27,981 11 1 8,791 5 3 Local sales .. .. 0,967 13 2 979 0 1 8,791. 1 1 Mine sales .. .. .. 158 12 1 Sold to workmen .. .. 1,916 10 0 Stook in bin .. .. .. 5,084 15 2 600 0 0 Stock on wharf .. .. 597 0.0 .. 131 13 0 27,419 3 3 72,232 14 1 43,334 1 0 Tons. cwt. qr. 76,852 5 0 45,907 5 1 11,737 18 0 158 12 1 1,916 10 0 5,684 15 2 728 13 0 142,985 19 0 Used on works .. .. .. 5,432 16 0 Waste .. .. .. .. 1,276 18 0 5,432 16 0 1,276 18 0 Totals .. .. 27,419 3 3 78,942 8 1 43,334 1 0 149,695 13 0 ! The gross total output from this colliery since its inception amounts to 1,795,19, '3 tons 13 cwt.



Days worked. —During the year the No. 1 mine worked 201 days 5 hours, and the No. 2 mine 205 days 5 hours. The difference between the days worked and the possible working-days, exclusive of 51 pay and back Saturdays, is accounted for as follows : —

The days worked at the No. I mine are 13f less than the previous year, and the No. 2 Mine 9§ less. Employees.—ln connection with coal-winning the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 373, made up as follows : Underground—Coal-hewers, 134 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 134. On the surface —74 men and 31 boys. In addition to those employed under the head of " Coal-winning " there were on an average 4 men employed on development work, making a total number for the colliery of 346 men and 31 boys. Payments.—The total payments made in connection with coal-winning for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation amounted to £98,974 18s., an increase of £5,194 9s. 2d. compared with the previous year. In addition to the amount expended on coal-winning, £994 Is. was expended on development work. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £1 95., and after making deduction for stores (explosives) the net return was £1 6s. 2d., an increase of Is. sd. per day compared with the previous year. Daily Output.—The average daily mine output was 708 tons, as compared with 703 tons for the previous year. The coal-hewers' average daily output was 5 tons 12 cwt., a decrease of 4 cwt. compared with the previous year. Days worked by Coal-hewers.—The total number of days that could have been worked by coalhewers was 31,668, the number worked was 25,617, and the number lost, including those lost through sickness, was 6,051. In the latter are included 3,352 days that were lost owing to the miners refusing to work on back Saturdays. Deficiencies. — The total amount paid under the minimum-wage clause during the year was £772 18s. 6d. This works out to a cost, of l-30d. per ton. Underground Workings.—At this colliery two mines, known as Nos. 1 and 2, are being worked, the bulk of the output during the year being obtained from the latter. In the former mine no new development has been carried out, operations being confined to the extraction of pillars, also the splitting of very large ones near the mine-entrance preparatory to extracting. Formerly, two seams, known as the top and Morgan seams, were worked at this colliery, but at the present time only the top one is being worked. The Morgan seam from the present mine-entrance was worked out by September last. No. 2 Mine. —At this mine three seams, known as the Anderson, Kimbell, and Morgan, are being worked. In the Anderson seam all work in the solid is practically completed, and preparations have been made for the extraction of pillars. In the Kimbell seam development work is confined to the east level section, also a small section to the rise off the west level. The east level is now in a distance of 26 chains from the main haulageroad, and from which rise headings are driven. As these headings reach a point about 8 chains from the level, the seam becomes so intersected with stone bands as to render it unworkable. The west level, which is in a distance of 20 chains from the main haulage-road, is stopped at Tararu Creek fault. This fault has a deplacement of several hundred feet, therefore there are no prospects of further development in this direction. From this level also rise headings are being driven, but the time is not far distant when they will reach the line where the seam becomes unworkable through the same cause as on the east side. Morgan Seam : At 19' chains from the main haulage-road the west level is stopped at the Tararu Creek fault. This fault is the same one as that encountered in the Kimbell west level, therefore there are no prospects of further development in that direction. The east level is now in a distance of 24 chains from the main haulage-road, and is still being developed. From these levels rise headings are in the course of being driven, and eventually will connect with the Morgan-seam workings at the No, 1 mine.

No. 1 Mine. No. 2 Mine. Dys. Hrs. Dy s * Hrs. Union holidays .. .. .. .. .. 17 0 17 0 Delays to shipping due to bad weather and bar conditions .. 30 0 30 0 Breakdown to bin machinery .. .. .. . . 0 3 0 3 Slip on railway-line .. .. .. .. . . 10 10 Strike re lamps being stopped .. .. .. . . 10 10 No steam in change and bath house at No. 1 mine . . . . 2 0 Too wet for men to walk from change and bath house to the mine .. 10 Funeral of last Dobson victim .. .. .. .. 10 10 Slip on electric-power line at the mine .. .. .. 10 10 Stop-work meeting .. . . .. .. .. 10 10 Fall of roof on haulage-road .. .. .. . . 3 0 Extra holidays taken during Christmas period .. . . 2 0 2 0 59 3 55 3



Stone-dusting. —To comply with the regulations under the: Coal-mines Act, 1925, it is now necessary that the roof, floor, and sides of every roadway or part of a road which is accessible shall be, treated either with incombustible dust or water in order to render the dust adhering thereto noninilammable. At these mines incombustible dust is used consisting of finely ground agricultural lime, 78 tons of which have been used during the year. The various roadways, &c, are marked off in zones, and from the various zones 371 samples have been taken and analysed. Any zone not complying with the regulations is re-dusted. In addition to the analysing of samples from these mines, forty-one samples from co-operative mines were also tested. Surface Work. —The plant and machinery in and about the mine has been maintained in efficient working-order, and during the year the following new plant and buildings have been erected : (a) The installing and housing of an additional Babcock and Wile;ox boiler at the middle brake power-house, also the fitting of same with a Wilton patent furnace ; (b) the removal of all plant and machinery from the old workshop at Dunollie, and the re-erecting of it in what was formerly the No. 3 mine change and bath house, situated near the storage: bin ; (c) the erecting of a separate power-line between the middle brake power-house and the No. 2 mine fan, also the installing of larger pulleys on the fan shaft and motor. This fan is now capable of producing over 100,000 cublic feet of air per minute ; (d) the installation of a plant for carrying out coal-analysis, also determining moisture and combustibility in mine dust; and (e) the erecting of an adjustable loading-jib for the prevention of breakage of coal when being loaded into wagons. Accidents. —Several minor accidents occurred during the year. There were: no accidents of a serious nature. The weekly payments made under the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Act, being at the rate of 66| per cent, of the wages earned prior to the accident, amounted to £3,143 6s. 4d. On the output produced for the year this works out to a cost of 5-24d. jier ton. Housing. —In my last annual report reference was made to the housing scheme introduced by the Department, whereby miners could borrow up to £300 to enable them to build their own houses. Up to the 31st March last seventeen houses have been built at Runanga, and three others are in the course of erection. The scheme under which these houses have been built has been most satisfactory to all concerned. James Colliery. Coal-winning.- —The gross total output for the year was 41,344 tons 19 cwt., an increase of 6,839 tons 18 cwt. compared with the previous year. After making allowance for stocks on hand at the beginning of the year, and deducting mine consumption and waste, there remained for disposal 40,048 tons 19 cwt., which is accounted for as follows :—

The gross output from this colliery since its inception amounts to 160,379 tons 6 cwt. Days worked. —The mine during the year worked on 225 days, being 10| days less than the previous year. The difference between the days worked and the possible working-days is accounted for as follows : Union holidays, 17 ; non-union holidays, 3 ; stop-work meeting, 1 ; funeral last Dobson victim, 1 ; delays to shipping, 3 ; want of wagons, 1\ ; breakdown of machinery, 2|-; lack of water for boilers, 1 : total, 36 days. In addition, the mine did not work on pay Saturdays (26) and back Saturdays (25). Employees. —In connection with coal-winning the average number of persons employed was 77, made: up as follows : Underground —Coal-hewers, 37 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 25. On the surface —13 men and 2 boys. In addition to those employed under the head of " Coal-winning " there were on an average 5 men employed on development work, making a total for the colliery of 80 men and 2 boys. Payments. —The total payments made in connection with coal-winning for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation amounted to £24,454 18s. 6d., an increase of £2,502 6s. lOd. as compared with the previous year. In addition to the amount expended on coal-winning, £1,448 2s. 7d. was expended on development work. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The ■ coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £1 9s. 0-72d., and after deducting stores (explosives) the net return was £1 3s. 5-lld., an increase of Is. 3d. per day compared with the previous year.

Export Rail, Canterbury Local sales . . Sold to workmen Stock in bin . . Stock on wharf Stock in dump I Screened. Tons. cwt. qr. 14,265 3 0 12,618 4 1 404 11 2 Unscreened and Nuts. Tons. cwt. qr. 98 6 0 39 1 2 39 9 2 484 0 0 Tons. cwt. qr. 584 18 0 216 18 3 120 3 2 Small. Tons. owt. qr. 8,411 12 0 58 5 1 1,103 3 1 Slack. Tons. cwt. qr. 23,359 19 0 12,932 9 3 1,667 7 3 484 0 0 505 12 2 249 10 0 850 0 0 Total. 81 0 0 305 12 2 200 0 0 168 10 0 850 0 0 • • • ... 40,048 19 0 Used on works "Waste 27,368 18 3 660 17 0 1,227 12 3 10,791 10 2 3,350 0 0 3,350 0 0 852 6 0 852 6 0 Totals 27,368 18 3 1,513 3 0 4,577 12 3 10,791 10 2 44,251 5 0



Days worked by Coal-hewers. —The total number of days that could have been worked by coalhewers was 9,471,. the days worked were 7,932f, and the number lost, including those lost through sickness and not working on back Saturdays, was 1,538J. Daily Output. —The average daily mine output was 183 tons 15 ewt., an increase of 37 tons 5 cwt. per day as compared with the previous year. The daily average output per coal-hewer was 5 tons 4 cwt., an increase of 9 cwt. over last year. Deficiencies. —The total amount paid under the minimum-wage clause, during the year was £507 3s. 2d. This works out to a cost of 2-94d. per ton. Underground Development. —During the past year the principal work in connection with coal- . winning has been carried out in the extension of the main-heading section. The main headings were extended a distance of approximately 10 chains. From these headings other places are being driven in an easterly direction, and from which coal of excellent quality has been produced. In the extension of the main and companion headings the seam has been fairly uniform in quality and thickness, but somewhat variable in gradient. In the course of driving the first 6 chains the headings were practically on the strike of the seam, but contained a steep dip from right to left a-cross the faces. In driving the last 4 chains the seam commenced to rise in the direction the headings are being driven. This gradient gradually increased, and at the present time it is lying at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. These headings are now within 4 chains of connecting with the outcrops on the banks of Cannel Creek. Between these two points there is a, difference in level of 90 ft., the outcrops at Cannel Creek being so much higher. The present indications are that there is either a, displacement between these two points or the seam from the present face of the headings will require to rise at a gradient of 1 in 3 to connect with the outcrops. In conjunction with the development of the main-heading section three other small sections are worked, and from which pillars arc being extracted. Electrification. —At the present time the power plant at this colliery consists of two very old Colonial under-fired boilers, one straight-line self-contained air-compressor, and one 15-horse-power directcurrent generating set. This plant is being run to its full capacity, and as the various works extend will soon be inadequate to meet the mine requirements. The question of purchasing new plant has been carefully considered, and in view of the scattered nature of the field it has been decided to adopt electricity instead of steam and compressed air. Another matter carefully considered was whether power should be generated at the mine or obtained from the Grey Electric-power Board. To purchase and install a modern generating set the capital outlay would be rather high, therefore in order to avoid this expenditure it was deemed advisable to take power from the Grey Electric-power Board. Work in connection with the electrification is now well in hand and some of the necessary equipment has already arrived at the mine. Accidents. —During the year there were a few minor accidents, but not any of a serious nature. The payments made at this colliery under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act amounted to £262 lis. 7d. On the output produced this works out to a cost of l-55d. per ton. Future Developments. —The main heading is now within 4 chains of connecting with the coal outcrops on the banks of Cannel Creek. These outcrops vary from 7 ft. to 9 ft. in thickness. The development of the field will in the future be confined to this locality, where exploration work is now being carried on. At the present time it is doubtful whether the mine workings from the main-heading section will connect with the outcrops on the east bank of Cannel Creek. The old dip and east level sections encountered a fault which ran approximately parallel with the main heading. If this fault continues through into Cannel Creek it will be necessary either to connect the outcrops referred to by means of an outside tram from where the main heading connects with Cannel Creek or construct a stone drive from the present workings in the main-heading section. The work so far done in connection with the winning of coal from the districts already opened, also from exploration work carried out, shows that the field is broken up into a series of small basins. In the centre of the basins the coal is generally of good quality, but towards the edges it becomes thin and intersected with stone and pyrites. The undesirable features here referred to render the continuation, of exploratory and development work imperative. General. The'output from the Liverpool Colliery is 7,290 tons 3 cwt. less than the previous year, but the James Mine output shows an increase of 6,839 tons 18 cwt. The loss in output at the Liverpool Colliery is due to the number of working-days being less than those of the previous year. Although the output from the Liverpool Colliery and the number of working-days are less than those of the previous year, the payments made for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation are higher by £5,194 9s. 2d. This increase is due to the bulk of the output now being obtained from the No. 2 mine, where solid tonnage rates and yardage rates have to be paid. The reduction of working-time has always had a serious effect not only on the output, but on the general average cost of production, for it must be noted that the maintenance of the mines has to be attended to whether full time or otherwise is worked. Accompanying are copies of the plans of the Liverpool and James Mine workings. In conclusion, I wish, to state that all the officers in all branches have performed their duties in a satisfactory manner. lam also indebted, to yourself for valuable services rendered in connection with several matters concerning the mines. I have, &c, I. A. James, Superintendent. The Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington.




Collieuy Profit and Loss Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1928.

Plant, Buildings, etc., on Hire Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1928. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest .. .. .. .. 160 13 9 By Hire of plant, buildings, &c. .. .. 569 6 7 Depreciation .. .. .. 374 14 1 535 7 10 Net revenue—Transferred to General Profit and Loss Account .. .. 33 18 9 £569 6 7 £569 6 7

Colliery Working Accounts fob the Year ended 31st Ma rch, 1928. Dr. Liverpool. .Jambs. Cr. Liverpool. Jambs. £ s. d. Co Stooks on hand, 1st April, 1927 5,280 10 6 Coal-winning— Wages .. .. 82,564 0 11 Stores and materials used 7,117 18 8 Railway tickets .. 861 7 II Subsidized bus fares, &o. Stores sales (at cost) .. 7,798 3 8 Coal purchased .. 346 18 1 Special rate .. .. 823 12 0 Royalty I I £ s. d. 1,083 1 2 By Sales of coal Sales of stores, power, &c... 22,583 9 5 Stocks of coal on hand at 924 9 5 31st March, 1928, at mine, wharf, and afloat 284 16 6 251 17 10 263 16 3 527 12 6 £ s. d. 185,486 8 2 8,778 16 8 £ s. d. 55,964 19 7 6,337 18 5 535 2 2 104,792 11 4 Gross profit—To Profit and Loss Account .. .. 95,810 11 II. +"'.oo «na •; •! 104,792 11 4 95,810 11 11 i 25,919 3 1 30,580 18 8 fKIt Kllll 1 O 25,919 3 1 30,580 18 8 £200,603 3 3 £200,603 3 3 £50,500 1 9 £56,500 I 9 £200,603 3 3 £56,500 I 9

Dr. Liverpool. I Jambs. Cr. Liverpool. James. To Salaries Kent Interest Travelling-expenses Printing and stationery Repairs and maintenance .. Telegrams and postages Railway haulage Insurance Coal-minors' Relief Fund .. General expenses Marine freight Audit fees Wharfage Superannuation Eund su bsidy Stores adjustment and losses Depreciation—Mine buildings, plant and machinery £ s. d. 3,026 4 10 4,309 3 7 133 7 9 195 17 2 6,032 3 4 168 6 4 12,051 15 11. 3,542 11 1 290 18 3 590 5 2 43,716 9 9 86 5 0 2,470 16 0 83 14 10 9 10 7 £ s. d, 921 2 7 17 13 0 1,591 7 0 41 15 6 58 9 5 543 15 11 53 13 10 3,217 17 3 901. 2 6 84 7 3 135 8 5 15,366 10 0 28 15 0 791 8 9 23 19 0 By Gross profit at mine Rents £ s. d. 95,810 11 11 497 16 6 £ s. d. 30,580 18 8 7,491 15 11 2,515 6 2 Preliminary expenses written off Net profit—Transferred to General Profit and Loss Account 84,199 5 6 26,292 11 7 1,103 8 6 12,109 2 11 3,184 18 7 £96,308 8 5 £30,580 18 8 £96,308 8 5 £30,580 18 8



Depot Trading Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1928.

Dr. Wellington. Christchurch. Wanganui. Cr. Wellington. Wellington. Christchurch. Christchurch. Wanganui. ! To Stocks on hand, 1st April, 1927 Purchases of coal Purchases of firewood, coke, &c. Wharfage Haulage to depot Wages —Discharging £ s. d. 2,347 10 2 126,620 5 6 4,078 6 11 1,128 8 4 629 14 1 346 7 7 £ s. d. 6,556 3 0 52.743 4 2 836 8 3 35,163 18 10 426 19 7 95,726 13 10 6,631 7 1 £ s. d. 610 113 By Sales of eoal 16,248 2 9 Sales of coke, wood, &e. 249 13 4 Stocks on hand at 31st March, 1928— Coal.. 297 9 8 Firewood, coke, &c. 29 13 6 17,435 10 6 1,832 17 5 £ s. d. 137,184 0 10 4,674 16 0 3,691 15 5 498 7 7 £ s. d. 91,454 19 10 1,502 6 0 8,763 10 2 637 4 11 £ s. d. 18,210 18 2 552 11 3 313 5 4 191 13 2 Gross profit — To Profit and Loss Account 135,150 12 7 10,898 7 3 (£146,048 19 10 £102,358 0 11 £19,268 7 11 £146,048 19 10 ] £102,358 0 11 £19,268 7 11 ... Depot Profit and Loss Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1928. I Wanganui. Dr. Wellington. Christchurch. Cr. Wellington. Christchurch. Wanganui. To Wages Salaries Rents Interest .. .. .. Travelling expenses and allowances .. Repairs and maintenance Postages and telegrams Printing and stationery Insurances Cartage Sacks Freights General expenses Audit fees Superannuation Fund subsidy . .. Reserve for bad debts Depreciation £ s. d. 1,603 14 8 1,529 9 10 577 0 0 396 8 2 79 0 9 548 15 1 73 17 3 94 7 9 116 8 9 3,385 6 0 209 9 2 87 13 10 347 12 0 40 0 0 26 12 2 72 0 0 627 2 5 £ s. d. 1,541 16 10 1.082 7 3 92 10 0 156 2 3 30 13 11 395 5 4 54 6 6 80 13 9 26 1 8 1,944 2 11 167 6 11 14 13 9 137 11 2 36 0 0 22 15 6 100 0 0 360 19 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 437 19 4 By Gross profit from Trading Account - 10,898 7 3 488 16 5 Net loss— To General Profifand Loss 201 0 0 Account 45 15 5 25 13 5 127 16 8 34 16 1 18 5 8 27 4 3 442 1 4 12 3 0 1 7 5 31 16 5 24 0 0 13 7 9 10 7 0 144 18 5 £ s. d. 6,631 7 1 £ s. d. 1,832 17 5 254 11 2 Net profit —To General Profit and Loss Account j— 9,814 17 10 1,083 9 5 6,243 7 0 388 0 1 2,087 8 7 2,087 8 7 — Ii £10,898 7 3 I £6,631 7 1 £2,087 8 7 £10,898 7 3 £6,631 ■7 1 £2,087 8 7



Statement or Colliery Property Accounts as at 31st March, 1928.

Liverpool. James. Macdonald. Totals. Development and Property Account — Balance at 31st March, 1927 Additions during the year Depreciation Electrification of James Colliery — Balance at 31st March, 1928' Machinery, plant, ropes, and rolling-stock — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 66,029 14 2 31,006 16 10 1,182 18 10 1,102 7 6 67,212 13 0 32,109 4 4 3,352 10 10 1,607 4 4 63,860 2 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 76,978 9 8 3,093 4 6 80,071 14 2 30,502 0 0 80,071 14 2 448 4 0 £ s. d. 174,433 16 4 448 4 0 £ s. d. 174,433 16 4 448 4 0 Balance at 31st March, 1927 Less transferred to plant, buildings, &c, on hire 32,753 8 11 6,684 13 7 Additions during the year Depreciation 32,753 8 11 6,684 13 7 4,362 11 1 1,100 8 11 37,116 0 0 7.785 2 6 3,481 19 11 836 4 10 Less provisionally written off Buildings at mine — Balance at 31st March, 1927 Additions during the year —: 33,634 0 1 6,948 17 8 28 17 0 2 16 6 : 33,605 3 1 4,143 4 5 1,198 3 3 304 0 2 78 3 1 6,946 1 2 479 17 3 40,551 4 3 40,551 4 3 Depreciation 4,447 4 7 1,276 6 4 320 9 2 71 17 0 479 17 3 5,811 2 0 Cottages at mine — Balance at 31st March, 1927 Additions during the year 4,126 15 5 4.213 3 0 1,509 15 7 1,204 9 4 479 17 3 2,016 2 2 5,811 2 0 Less sales and recoveries during the year Depreciation Plantation at mine — Balance at 31st March, 1927 Additions during the year Coal (Stock on hand at mine, wharf, and afloat) Stores (stock on hand) Less provisionally written off . . 5,722 18 7 1,095 0 0 4,627 18 7 307 19 0 4,319 19 7 1,389 1 11 103 17 1 1,492 19 0 6,337 18 5 7,941 9 5 257 2 7 7,684 6 10 2,016 2 2 51 6 8 1,964 15 6 — 1,964 15 6 910 5 5 910 5 5 535 2 2 6,284 15 1 2,403 4 5 6,873 0 7 7,684 6 10 i , £121.427 4 6 I £ £121,427 4 6 £39,635 16 8 £39.635 16 8 £83.426 12 4 £' £83,426 12 4 £244,489 13 6 •244.489 13 6



Statement of Depot Property Accounts as at 31st March, 1928.

Wellington. Christchurch. Wanganui. Totals. Depot Propertv Account — Balance at 1st April, 1927 Additions during the year £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,651 16 7 2,062 9 7 £ s. d. 3,527 4 0 1,240 11 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,174 10 9 10 3 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Depreciation 11,714 6 2 627 2 5 11,087 3 9 62 4 9 11,024 19 0 4,682 8 2 390 5 4 4,767 15 10 360 19 3 4,406 16 7 10,287 3 8 834 19 10 4,406 ) 16 7 1,184 13 9 144 9 5 1,040 4 4 1 9 0 558 18 8 28 5 4 1,038 15 4 16,470 10 11 Less provisionally written off Stocks and stores on hand Less provisionally written off .. 4,292 2 10 9,452 i 3 10 3 10 530 13 4 14,275 0 0 £15,317 1 10 £13,859 0 5 £1,569 8 8 i £30,745 10 11 I I '



General Prof it and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1928. Dr. I Cr. To Net loss— £ s. d. 'By Net profit— £ s. d. £ s. d. Wanganui Depot .. .. .. 254 11 2 I Liverpool Colliery .. .. 12,100 211 Balance —Profit for year, carried down ... 21,806 0 11 James Colliery .. .. 3,184 18 7 Christchurch Depot.. .. 388 0 1 Wellington Depot .. .. 1,083 9 C Net recoveries— Soddonvillc Colliery.. .. 352 8 9 Point Klizahoth Colliery .. 2,027 8 0 Net revenuo from hire of plant, buildings, &o. .. .. 33 18 9 . 19,179 6 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 2,881 14 7 £22,061 1 1 £22,061 1 1 To Sinking Fund Account for redemption of loan £ s. d. £ s. d. capital .. .. .. .. 4,552 0 5 By Balance—Profit for year 1927-28 .. ..21,806 911 Balance—Net profit for year .. .. 17,254 9 6 £21,806 9 11 £21,806 9 11 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1928. ■ Liabilities. £ g. cl. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loan under Coal-mines Act, 1908 150,000 0 0 Collieries— Loan under Coal-mines Act, 1908, Development and Property Acand Appropriation Act, 1912 .. 25,000 0 0 counts .. .. .. 174,433 16 4 New Zealand Consolidated In- Machinery, plant, ropes, and scribed Stock .. .. 52,601 0 7 rolling-stock .. .. 40,551 4 3 227,601 0 7 Buildings at mines .. .. 5,811 2 0 Accrued interest on loan capital .. .. 3,811 13 11 Cottages at mines .. .. 6,284 15 1 Sundry creditors— Plantations at mines. . .. 2,403 4 5 Liverpool Colliery .. .. 9,310 11 5 Electrification (James Colliery) 448 4 0 James Colliery .. .. 4,463 16 7 Coal stocks (bins, wharf, and Wellington Depot .. .. 1,968 12 10 afloat) .. .. .. 6,873 0 7 Christchurch Depot .. .. 2,968 12 8 Stores on hand .. .. 7,684 610 Wanganui Depot .. .. 229 19 7 244,489 13 6 18,941 13 1 Plant, buildings, &c, on hire .. .. 3,735 12 5 Deposits on contracts .. • .. .. 1,015 0 0 Depots— Sinking Fund . . .. .. .. 62,338 7 4 Property Accounts .. 16,470 10 11 Reserves— Stocks and stores on hand .. 14,275 0 0 General Reserve .. .. 81,972 2 0 30,745 10 11 Bad Debts Reserve .. .. 609 18 11 Prospecting on State Coal Reserve .. 756 8 8 Accident Insurance Reserve .. 4,246 14 9 Sinking Fund investments .. .. 62,338 7 4 86,828 16 5 Housing advances to workmen .. 4,662 0 3 General Profit and Loss Account — Interest accrued due .. .. 59 8 5 Net profit for year .. .. .. 17,254 9 6 4,721 8 8 Investments (ordinary).. .. 14,300 0 0 Interest accrued due .. .. 153 18 2 14,453 18 2 Sundry debtors — Liverpool Colliery .. .. 4,876 16 8 James Colliery .. .. 121 11 5 Wellington Depot .. .. 19,095 15 4 Christchurch Depot .. .. 5,062 0 3 Wanganui Depot .. .. 4,398 14 10 33,554 18 6 Less provisionally written off 167 14 0 33,387 4 6 Cash in Receiver-General's Deposit Account 1,065 0 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. 22,097 16 8 £417,791 0 10 £417,791 0 10 State Coal-mines Office, Wellington, 12th July, 1928, J. G. Coates, A. W. Gyles, A.1.A.N.Z., Accountant. for Minister of Mines. I hereby certify that the attached Working and Profit and Loss Accounts of Depots and Collieries, General Profit and Loss Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that in the opinion, of the Audit Office interest on capital expenditure on the unopened MacDonald Colliery should be charged to General Profit and Loss Account instead of being capitalized, as development was sufficiently completed several years ago.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

2—C. 2A



Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1928. Receipts. ' Payments. To Cash in Public Account at £ s. d. £ s. d. By James Colliery— £ s. d. £ s. d. 31st March, 1927 .. .. .. 10,565 19 6 Property and development 1,465 16 3 Proceeds sale of coal, &e. .. 317,835 18 7 Machinery, plant, and rollingRecoveries, refunds, &c. .. 2,061 15 4 stock .. .. .. 105 211 Forfeited deposit .. .. 10 0 0 Buildings .. .. 21 14 6 -319,907 13 11 Wages .. .. .. 22,034 11 1 Contracts—Deposits .. .. .. 35 0 0 Special rate .. . . 268 13 9 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,655 7 2 Coal purchased .. .. 238 13 3 Investments realized.. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Subsidized bus-fares .. 279 12 0 Dishonoured cheques recredited .. 135 11 3 24,414 3 9 Repayment of housing loans .. .. 382 7 6 ; Liverpool Colliery — Property and development.. 994 1 0 Machinery, plant, and rollingstock .. .. ~ 509 9 6 Buildings .. .. 170 4 11 Cottages .. .. 1,755 5 7 Stores and materials .. 25,158 12 2 Wages .. .. .. 80,854 15 6 Special rate .. .. 940 7 6 Railway tickets .. .. 2,583 9 3 Plantation .. .. 89 12 1 Coal purchased .. .. 313 10 5 113,369 7 11 MacDonald Colliery— Property and development 3 10 0 Cottages .. .. 419 0 .890 II ousing loans .. .. .. 4,200 () 0 Prospecting on State Coal Reserve .. .. .. .. 346 4 10 Seddon villo Colliery Account.. .. 42 11 9 Wellington Depot Account .. 16,759 16 4 Christchurch Depot Account .. 45,752 7 11 Wanganui Depot Account .. 3,742 6 8 Coal purchased on account of depots (Suspense Account).. 1,120 13 5 67,375 3 4 Superannuation Fund subsidy .. 323 12 6 Management and office salaries 6,023 3 6 Interest .. .. .. 9,101 19 2 Travelling-expenses.. .. 180 7 3 Printing and stationery .. 299 15 1 Repairs and maintenance .. 3,801 18 3 Wharfage .. .. .. 3,627 3 9 Railway haulage .. .. 16,406 18 1 Marino freights .. .. 59,669 11 1 Postages and telegrams .. 224 6 1 Insurances.. .. .. 103 0 7 Rents .. .. .. 116 9 0 Compensation .. .. 3,812 18 0 Coal-miners' Relief Fund .. 277 14 6 General expenses .. .. 965 11 4 Investments —general .. 10,000 0 0 Sinking Fund instalment .. 4,552 0 5 Audit fees .. .. .. 115 0 0 Contracts —Refunds .. 20 0 0 Cheques dishonoured .. 141 13 6 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 1,065 0 0 120,504 9 7 Cash in Public Account at 31st March, 1928 .. .. 22,097 16 8 £352,681 19 4 £352,681 19 4


'Table sirowiNC the Position of the State Coal-MINES Account peom Inckption to 31st Maboh, 1928.


Name of Works. Total Capital Expenditure. Total Amount of Depreciation written off Assets as per Balance-sheet, 1928. Net Profits. Net Losses. Liabilities as per Balance-sheet, 1928. Point Elizabeth Colliery Less sales and loss by fire .. £ s. d. 98,210 9 0 2,291 6 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Liverpool Colliery j .. Less sales and loss by fire .. 95,919 2 1 95,919 2 1 147,583 4 11 292,511 16 6 1,875 0 0 9,310 11 5 290,636 16 6 183,231 17 3 107,404 19 3 66,050 8 10 Seddonville Colliery Less sales 38,243 2 5 548 17 0 37,544 7 1 Briquette-works property Less sales of plant 37,694 5 5 37,694 5 5 16,135 2 6 2,066 5 0 22,660, 18 10 14,068 1.7 6 14,068 17 6 Prospecting on State Coal Reserve 756 8 8 756 8 8 Plant, buildings, &c., on hire .. 4,460 1 0 724 8 7 3,735 12 5 47 10 10 Charming Creek prospecting .. 5,956 18 6 5,956 18 6 5,954 11 8 J ames Colliery 56,567 2 7 17,406 8 I 39,100 14 6 1,886 18 7 4,463 16 7 MacDonald Colliery 86,337 10 4 2,910 18 0 83,426 12 4 2,859 11 4 Wellington Depot property .. Less sales and transfers 18,875 1 0 863 14 9 6,986 7 3 11,024 19 0 5,015 5 9 1,968 12 10 18,011 6 3 Christchurch Depot property Less sales and loss on horses 11,426 14 7 238 5 0 7,746 2 5 2,968| 12 8 Wanganui Depot property Less sales and loss on horses 11,188 9 7 6,781 13 0 4,406 16 7 3,702 5 7 169 13 5 2,493 16 10 1,038 15 4 585 13 2 229 19 7 3,532 12 2 Dunedin Depot property Less sale of plant 2,023 3 7 641 10 0 4,248 3 5 1,381 13 7 1,381 13 7 Hulks property Less sales 4,033 15 5 1,948 17 0 1,786 12 11 Office furniture Less sales 2,084 18 5 2,084 18 5 189 13 9 17 5 0 172 8 9 172 8 9 Grand total Less losses and sales 172 8 9 639,429 5 5 10.660 14 1 Interest on investments Discounts Cash lost (highway robbery) .. 628,768 11 4 377,873 13 3 250,894 18 1 11,838 12 10 13 2 9 89 0 1 Totals, profit and loss Balance, profits over losses .. 235,065 15 6 81,016 18 8 154,048 16 10 Stocks on hand less provisionally written off Investments (ordinary) Interest on investments accrued Sinking Fund investments Sundry debtors Cash in Public Account Cash in Receiver-General's Deposit Account Housing advances to workmen and accrued interest 235,065 15 6 235,065 15 6 28,832 7 5 14,300 0 0 153 18 2 62,338 7 4 33,387 4 6 22,097 16 8 1,065 0 0 4,721 8 8 Carried forward 417,791 0 10 18,941 13 1



Table showing the Position of the State Coal-mines from Inception to 31st March, 19 28— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (535 copies, including maps), £55 10s.

By Authority: W. A. G. Skinner. Government Printer, Wellington.—l92B.

Price Is. 9d.]

Name of Works. Total Capital Expenditure. Total Amount of Depreciation written off. Assets as per Balance-sheet, 1928. Net Profits. | Net Losses. Liabilities as per Balance-sheet, ifl'28. Brought forward Loan Account Bad-debts Reserve Accrued interest payable ■Sinking Fund Seneral Reserve Gfcneral Profit and Loss Account Deposits on contracts Accident Insurance Reserve .. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 417,791 0 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,941 13 1 227,601 0 7 609 18 11 3,811 13 11 62,338 7 4 81,972 2 9 17,254 9 6 1,015 0 0 4,246 14 9 £417,791 0 10 £417,791 0 10



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Bibliographic details

STATE COAL-MINES (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1928., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, C-02a

Word Count

STATE COAL-MINES (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1928. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, C-02a

STATE COAL-MINES (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1928. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, C-02a