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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated ISth August, 1893. Ordered, " That it be the duty of the Clerk of this House to lay upon the table at the commencement of each session a list of all periodical returns or statements which aro by law or by resolution of this House required to be laid before the House, with a note of the time within which they should be so produced."—(Hon. Sir J. Hall.)

Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House to be laid before the House, showing Time within which they should be so produced.

I—H. 13.

Note. —Regulations under Acts ai nd other Returns or Statements not strictly " periodical " are included. Returns or Statements. p,„_.,_„t (■„ Time from Commencement of Session Jr-ursuant to within which they should be produced. Aocident Insurance Companies Aot, Statements deposited undor Agricultural and Pastoral Sooieties, Reports and Balance-sheets of Akaroa High School, Report and Accounts of.. Ammunition-supply, Contracts and Leases in connection with Accident Insurance CompanioB Aot, 1908, No time stated, sec. 6 Agricultural and Pastoral Sooioties Act, 1908, No time stated. Production persec. 12 missive. Akaroa High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 .. No time stated. Defence Act, 1908, sec 127 '.. .. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days from execution. Apiaries Amendment Act, 1913, sec. 9 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from gazetting. Publio Revenues Aot, 1910, sees. 81 and 83 .. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Publio Revenues Act, 1910, sec 83.. .. To be laid on table with Appropriation Acoount. Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1912, seo. 2 Ten days. Ashburton High School Act, 1878, sec. 8 .. No time stated. Auckland Grammar School Aot, 1899, sec 10 No time stated. Apiaries Amendment Aot, Regulations under Appropriation Account Appropriation Acoount, Remarks of Audit Office on Appropriations, Particulars of Transfers of .. Ashburton High School, Report and Accounts of Auckland College and Grammar School, Report and Accounts of Auckland University College, Report and Accounts of Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, Contracts under Bank of New Zealand Assets Board, Balancesheet, &c, of Bank of New Zealand, Balance-sheet, &c, of.. Auokland University College Act, 1882, sees. 18 One month. If Parliament sitting, and 25 one month from receipt. Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895, No time stated. sec. 37 Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, Ten days. 1895, sec 52 Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act Ten days. If Parliament sitting, as Amendment Act, 1898, sec. 24 soon as available. Births and Deaths Registration Amoudment Twenty-eight days. If Parliament Act, 1912, sec. 20 sitting, twenty-eight days after making. (To be referred to Native Affairs Committee.) Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricul- Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament tural College Act, 1896, sec 41 sitting. Census and Statistics Act, 1910, sees. 14 and 25 No time stated. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, Fourteen days. As soon as possible 1908, sec. 100 if Parliament sitting. Land Act, 1908, sec. 305 .. .. .. Ten days. Births and Deaths of Maoris, Regulations relative to Registration of Canterbury College : Accounts and Reports .. Census Returns Charitable Institutions, Reports on .. Cheviot Estate: Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Port Robinson Civil List Account.. Civil Service (vide Publio Servioe). Coal-mining Leases, Amalgamation of Coal-mining Leases, Assignments and Transfers of Coal-mining, Resumption of Land and Contracts for, by the State Consols, New Zealand (vide New Zealand). Copyright Act, Orders in Counoil under Cost of Living Act, Report of Transactions of Board County Councils' Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of New Zealand Constitution Act, sec. 65 .. Thirty days. Coal-mines Act, 1908, seo. 13 .. .. No time stated. Coal-mines Aot, 1908, sec 12, as extended by Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament seo. 2 of Aot of 1909 sitting. Coal-mines Aot, 1908, sec. 69 .. .. Ten days. If Parliamont silting, ten days from decision. Copyright Aot, 1913, sec. 29 .. ..As soon as may bo after making. Cost of Living Act, 1915, seo. 11 .. .. Twenty-one days. Counties Act, 1908, sec 141 .. .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt.

m— is


Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, etc. — continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. County Councils' Balance-sheets Crimes Aot, Rules under Counties Act, 1908, sec 189 Crimes Act, 1908, sec 354 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Twenty days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from publication. Twenty-one days. Crown Tenants, Concession of Rent and Rates to Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Publio Bodies Empowering Act, 1911, subsec 3 of seo. 25 CustomB Aot, 1913, sees. 46 and 47.. Customs Act, Orders in Council under Customs Act, Orders in Counoil re Cook Islands Dairy Industry Act, Accounts, Reports, &c, under Customs Aot, 1913, seo. 303 Dairy Industry Act, 1908, sec. 46 .. Deeds Registration Act, 1908, sec 53 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after close of finanoial year. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, when approved. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from gazetting. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after receipt. No time stated. Deeds Registration Aot, Regulations under .. Defence Act, Rsgulations under Defence Aot, 1910, sec. 15.. Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Act, Annual Report Drowned in New Zealand Rivers, Return of Persons East Coast Native Trust Lands: Balancesheet and Statement Education Department, Report and Acoounts of Eduoation Regulations Education Reserves, Proposed Eduoation Reserves, Provisional Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Act, 1915, sec 14 Order of 26th July, 1882 (Mr. Pyke) East Coast Native Trust Lands Aot, 1902, seo. 13 Education Aot, 1914, seo. 163 Ten days. One month. If Parliament sitting, one month from receipt. As soon after gazetting as possible. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Three weeks. If Parliament sitting, three weeks after making. As soon as practicable. Eduoation Act, 1914, sec 161 Land Aot, 1908, seo. 324 .. Eduoation Reserves Act, 1908, seo. 7 Election Petitions Court, Rules and Orders of Legislature Act, 1908, sec 195 Electrical Motive Power, Reports on Feasibility of utilizing Waterways for Exhibitions, Reports of Proceedings of, with Regulations and By-laws made Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, Regulations under Faotories, Annual Report of Minister on Publio Works Act, 1908, sec. 277 .. Exhibitions Act, 1910, seo. 11 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908, sec 15 Faotories Aot, 1908, seo. 68 No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. One month. If Parliament sitting, one month after close of year. Ten days. If Parliament sifting, ten days after publication. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. No time stated. Fertilizers Aot, Regulations under Fertilizers Aot, 1908, seo. 20 Finance Aot, Regulations under Finanoe Aot, 1916, sec. 47 Finanoe Act, Report of Commissioner under .. Finance Aot, 1916, sec 25 Fire Boards, Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts of Footwear Regulation Act, Regulations under Friendly Societies, Report of Registrar of Friendly Societies' Regulations Fire Brigades Aot, 1908, sec 42 Footwear Regulation Act, 1913, sec. 8 Friendly Sooieties Act, 1909, sec. 9 Friendly Sooieties Act, 1909, seo. 103 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. No time stated. Six weeks. If Parliament sitting, within six weeks from making. Thirty days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. No time stated. Fruit-preserving Industry Aot, Annual Statement under Gisborne High School, Report and Accounts of Goldfields of New Zealand, Report on the Fruit-preserving Act, 1913, seo. 6 .. Gisborne High Sohool Act, 1885, sec. 16 Order of 3rd August. 1869 (Mr. Harrison). (Now laid on the table by oommand) Government Aocident Insuranoe Act, 1908, sec. 22 Government Aooident Insurance: Balancesheet and Report Government Aocident Insurance Department Deficiency Certificate Government Accident Insurance Department Regulations Government Aocident Insurance Department: Statement relative to Sinking Fund Government Aocident Insurance Aot, 1908, seo. 15 Government Accident Insuranoe Act, 1908, sec. 30 Government Aocident Insuranoe Aot, 1908, sec 9 Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourtoen days from issue of moneys. Ten days. (To bo referred to sessional Committee.) Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from close of financial year. On or before 1st April. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days. No time stated. Government Life Insurance Department, Annual Report and Acoounts of Government Life Insurance Department: Report of Actuary on Surplus Profits to be divided Government Life Insuranoe Act, 1908, sec 35 Government Life Insuranoe Aot, 1908, sec. 40 Government Life Insurance Department, Report of Actuary on Financial Condition of Government Life Insurance Department: Statement of Life-assurance and Annuity Business Government Railway Officers, Classified List of Government Life Insuranoo Aot, 1908, sec 38 Government Life Insurance Aot, 1908, seo. 38 Fourtoen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Government Railways Amendment Act, 1912, sec 3, and Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1913, sec. 19 Government Railways Aot, 1908, sec. 91 No time stated. Government Railways Superannuation Fund: Balance-sheet and Aooounts Government Railways Superannuation Fund Board, Reports of, and Statements relative thereto (vide also Railways) Government Railways Aot, 1908, sec 85 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after completion of audit. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt.



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, etc. — continued.

2—H. 13.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Government Valuation of Land Accounts Greymouth High School, Report and Acoounts of Harbour Boards' Accounts Valuation of Land Act, 1908, soo. 42 Greymouth High School Aot, 1883, sec. 16 .. Harbours Aot, 1910, seo. 52 Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Thirty days. Hauraki Plains Act, Reports on Administration of, with Statement of Accounts Hokitika High School, Report and Acoounts of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Aot, Orders in Counoil under Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, Reports on Immigration Restriction Act, Regulations under Industrial and Provident Sooieties Act, Regulations under Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Aot, Regulations under Industrial Schools (private), Regulations under Hauraki Plains Act, 1908, sec 10 .. Hokitika High Sohool Act, 1883, sec. 8 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Aot, 1909, sec. 130 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Aot, 1909, seo. 76 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908, sec. 44 .. Industrial and Provident Sooieties Act, 1908, seo. 22 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908, sec. 127 Industrial Schools Act, 1908, sec. 40 No time stated. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days from gazetting. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after approval. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourtoen days from gazetting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after gazetting. No time stated. Production permissive. Thirty days. Industrial Sooieties : Reports and Accounts .. Industrial Societies Aot, 1908, seo. 12 Industrial Unions: Return of Number of Mombers in each Union Institute, New Zealand (vide New Zealand). Investment of Funds belonging to Post Office, Government Insuranoe Office, the Government Accident Insurance Office, Public Trust Office, the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, the State Fire Insurance Office, the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Office, and the Deposits undor the New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 Iron and Steel Industries Act, 1914 : Returns relative to Bounties paid Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Aot, 1908, seo. 17 Public Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 91.. Ten days. Iron and Steel Industries Aot, 1914, sec. 12 .. Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Aot, 1914: Report and Statemont of Accounts Labour Department, Reports of Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Aot, 1914, sec 5 Labour Department and Labour Day Aot, 1908, sec 12 Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 1913, sec. 24 Land Aot, 1908, sec 3 To be prepared in April and laid before Parliament within thirty days of meeting of next ensuing Parliamont. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after receipt. Fourteen days. Labour Disputes Investigation Act, Regulations under Land Act, Regulations under Land Aot, Regulations under, relative to Residence Conditions Land and Income Assessment Act, Regulations under Land for Settlements Act, Transactions under Land Aot, 1908, seo. 195 .. Land and Income Assessment Act, 1908, sec 119 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, sec. 85 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteon days after gazetting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. No time stated. (To be referred to Lands Committee.) Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting fourteen days after publication. Twenty days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from olose of financial year. Ten days. Land for Special Settlements, Reports on Blocks set aside for Land Laws Amendment Aot: Report re Part VII —Aggregation of Private Land Land Settlement Finance Act, Revenue Acoounts and Balance-sheets under Legislature Act : Reports as to Member being of Unsound Mind Legislature Aot, Reports of Representation Commissioners under Liabilities of Government Departments Land Act, 1908, sec 200 .. Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913, sec 65 .. Thirty days. Land Settlement Finanoe Aot, 1909, sec 31.. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from reoeipt. Forthwith if report in the affirmative. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten d,ays from first sitting after receipt by Treasury. No time stated. Legislature Act, 1908, seo. 31 Legislature Aot, 1908, sec. 22 Publio Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 42.. Life Insurance Companies, Statements and Abstracts of Roports of Looal Authorities Superannuation Fund: Statement of Rovenue and Balanco-sheet Looal Authorities Superannuation Fund: Triennial Report of Actuary Local Bodies'Loans : Annual Report Marlborough High Sohool, Report and Accounts of Mental Defectives : Report of Inspeotor Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec 33 .. Local Authorities Superannuation Act, 1908, sec. 13 Local Authorities Superannuation Aot, 1908, sec 14 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, seo. 86 Marlborough High Sohool Aot, 1899, seo. 11 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after receipt. Fourteen days. No time stated. Military Service Aot, Regulations under Mental Defectives Act, 1911, seo. 78 Military Servioe Aot, 1916, sec. 54 .. Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Twenty days. Mining Act, Amounts paid as Compensation under Mining Regulations Mining Act, 1908, sec. 131 Monopoly Prevention Aot, Report of Board constituted under Mining Aot, 1908, sec 393, and the Mining Amendment Act, 1914, seo. 26 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-eight days from gazetting. (To be referred to Goldfieids and Mines Committee.) Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after presentation to Minister. Monopoly Prevention Act, 1908, sec 11, as extended by Monopoly Prevention Amendment Aot, 1913, sec. 2



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, et c.— continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should bo produced. Napier High Sohool, Report and Acoounts of.. ] National Provident Fund : Actuary's Report.. '. Napier High School Aot, 1882, seo. 23 National Provident Fund Aot, 1910, Bee 24.. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from payment. As soon as practicable after making. National Provident Fund: Statement of ! Amounts paid in by Government Native Land Act, Orders in Council under, rolativo to Land for Native Settlement Native Land Aot, Orders in Council undor, ! vesting Land in Boards Native Land Aot, Regulations under .. ! National Provident Fund Aot, 1910, sec. 25.. Native Land Act, 1909, sec. 295 Native Land Act, 1909, sec 234 .. As soon as practicable after making. Native Land Act, 1909, sec 430 .. Twenty - eight days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty-eight days aftor making. (To be referred to Native Affairs Committee.) As early aa possible. (To be referred to the Native Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports of Native Land Court on, and Recommendations of Maori Land Boards in the Matter of oertain Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1910, sec 28, and sec. 14, 1914, and Native Land Amendment and Native Laud Claims Adjustment Aot, 1915, seo. 23 Native Reserves Act, 1882, sec. 12 .. Naval Defenco Aot, 1913, seo. 25 .. Native Reserves Accounts .. .. Naval Defence Aot, Regulations under No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament Bitting, fourteen days after gazetting Fourteen days. Naval Defence Act, Securities in which Sinking Fund under, iB invested New Plymouth High School, Report and Acoounts of New Zealand Consols Account .. New Zealand Institute, Regulations and Transactions of New Zealand University, Report, Statutes, and Regulations of Old-age and other Pensions, Particulars relating to Naval Defence Act, 1909, sec 7 .. New Plymouth High School Act, 1889, sec 13 New Zealand Consols Act, 1908, sec 7 Now Zealand Institute Act, 1908, seo. 11 No time stated. Thirty days after 31st March. Twenty days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Now Zealand University Aot, 1908, sec. 31 .. Pensions Act, 1913, seo. 70 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after close of financial year. Ten days. (To be referred to a Select Committee.) Fourteendays. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. No time stated. Old-age and other Pensions : Regulations under Aot Orohard and Garden Diseases Aot, Regulations under Otago Boys' and Girls' High Sohools, Report and Aooounts of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks : Annual Report and Accounts Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks: Regulations under Act Pensions proposed to be granted to Civil Servants Pensions Act, 1913, sec. 74 Orohard and Garden Diseases Aot, 1908, seo. 20, and sec 4, 1914 Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, 1877, sec 8 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Aot, 1911, seo. 113 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, subsec 2 of sec. 123 Civil Service Act, 1908, seo. 28, as amended by the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, seo. 54 No time stated. As soonas practicable. Teu days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after granting. Police Provident Fund (vide Public Service). Port Robinson, Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Post Offioe Regulations Land Act, 1908, sec. 305 .. Ten days. Post and Telegraph Aot, 1908, sec. 118 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, not later than 31st March. Fourteendays. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. To be laid on table with abstract of revenue and expenditure. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after signing. Post Office Savings-banks Returns Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, sec. 82 Prisoners Detention Aot, Regulations under .. Prisoners Detention Aot, 1916, sec 7 Provinoial Distriots' Contributions to Revenue Publio Aooount, Abstract of Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account: Remarks by Audit Office on Abstract of Revenue and Expenditure Publio Account: Reports by Controller and Auditor-General on Details of Revenue and Expenditure • Publio Acoount, Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of the Order of 2nd June, 1886 (Mr. Maoandrew) .. Public Revenues Aot, 1910, sees. 80 and 83 .. Publio Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 83.. Publio Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 84, as amended by the Public Revenues Act, 1913, sec. 23 Publio Revenues Act, 1910, seo. 84.. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after signing of Controller's report. As soon as practicable. Public Account, Statement showing in Detail the Expenditure of the Publio Acoount, Transfers of Balances of Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1914, sec. 6 Public Revenues Aot, 1910, sec. 56 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after transfer. Twenty-eight days. Public Debt Extinction : Report and Aooounts of Board Public Health Regulations Publio Debt Extinction Aot, 1910, seo. 24 .. Publio Health Aot, 1908, sec 14 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Public Revenues Act: Determination of Disputes by Governor in Council on Opinion of Attorney-General Public Revenues Act, Regulations under Public Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 18.. Public Revenues Aot, 1910, sees. 3, 87, 105, 127 Public Revenues Act, 1910, sec. 97.. Public Seourities, Memoranda, Reports, and Orders in Counoil relative to Publio Seourities, Return of Public Revenues Act, 1910, seo. 101 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after gazetting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Thirty days, or as soon thereafter a practicable. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Public Securities, Telegrams and Orders in Counoil relative to . Publio Revenues Act, 1910, seo. 98



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, etc. — continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should bo produced. Public Service Aot, Regulations under Publio Service Act, 1912, sec 34 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after payment. Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Aot, Actuary's Report under Public Servioe Classification and Superannuation Acts, Additional Amounts paid into Fund by Government under Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, sec 48 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, sec. 49, and Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 39 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, sec. 47 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Aot, Accounts, Statements, and Report under Public Service Commissioner, Report of Publio Servioe Commissioner, Statement relative to Suspension of Publio Service, Return of Temporary Officers in the Publio Servico Superannuation : Actuary's Triennial Report Publio Servioe Superannuation: Report of Board, together with Accounts and Statements Publio Servioe Superannuation: Report of Teachers' Superannuation Board, together with Aooounts and Statements (vide also Teachers) Publio Trust Office : Annual Report.. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Publio Service Act, 1912, seo. 15 .. Public Service Aot, 1912, sec 10 .. Twenty-one days. Seven days. If Parliament sitting, seven days after suspension. Forthwith after making. Public Service Aot, 1912, sec. 45 .. Public Service Superannuation and Classification Amendment Aot, 1908, sec 38 Publio Servioe Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, seo. 47 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, seo. 37 Ton days. If Parliament Bitting, ten days after receipt. Publio Trust Office Amendment Aot, 1913, seo. 47 Publio Trust Office Act, 1908, sec 39 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliamant sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from issue. No time stated. No time stated. Publio Trust Office, Balance-sheet of Public Trust Offico : Unclaimed Lands vested in Public Trustee Public Trust Office, Regulations of .. Public Trust Office Aot, 1908, sec 85 Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 63 Publio Works Aot, Regulations under Publio Works Act, 1908, sec 4 Public-works Estimates Publio Works : Statement of Works carried out and Expenditure thereon Publio Works : Certificates of Auditor-General on above Railway Accounts, Monthly Railway By-laws Public Works Act, 1908, seo. 7 Public Works Aot, 1908, sec. 8 Public Works Act, 1908, sec. 8 No time stated. Government Railways Act, 1908, sec 30 Government Railways Aot, 1908, sec. 11 No time stated. Ton days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. No time stated. Railway Officers, List of Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1912, sec. 3, and Government Railways Amendment Act, 1913, seo. 19 Government Railways Act, 1908, seo. 37 Railway Property Leases, Particulars of Railways, Private, Agreements with, for Interchange of Traffic Railways, Terms and Conditions of Leases of (vide also Government Railways) Rangiora High School, Report and Aocounts of Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, Reports and Acoounts under Representation Commission, Reports of Government Railways Aot, 1908, seo. 42 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from making. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty days of making. Thirty days before calling for tenders. Government Railways Act, 1908, seo. 33 Rangiora High Sohool Act, 1881, sec 16 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Aot, 1910, seo. 10 No time stated. Thirty days. Legislature Aot, 1908, seo. 22 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. Commencement of session. Reserves, Change of Purpose of Public Reserves and Domains Act, 1908, sec. 7 Order of 18th August, 1893 (Sir J. Hall) Returns required by Act or Resolution to be laid upon the Table Road Board Accounts, Reports on Speoial Audit of Roads, Orders in Counoil or Proclamations closing Sale of Food and Drugs Act, Regulations under Road Boards Act, 1908, seo. 104 .. Public Works Act, 1908, sec. 133 .. Ten days after first sitting after receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of issue. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after gazetting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from date. Twenty-one days. Sale of Food and Drugs Aot, 1908, sec 28 .. Savings-banks Regulations Savings-banks Act, 1908, sec. 69 Soenery Preservation Aot, Statements under.. Securities held in the Dominion or London on behalf of the Government (vide Publio Seourities). Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Act, Regulations under Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, seo. 17 Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Aot, 1908, sec 13', as amended by the Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Amendment Act, 1912, sec. 3 Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, sec. 57 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, seo. 51 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. Shipping and Seamen Amendment Aot: Exemptions by Minister Sinking Funds, Report and Aooount of the Commissioners of Sinking Fund under Naval Defence Aot: Seourities in which invested Slaughtering and Inspection Aot, Regulations under • No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting fifteen days from making up. Fourteen days. Naval Defence Act, 1909, sec 7 .. Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908, seo. 62 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after gazetting.



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, etc .— continued.

28th June, 1917. A. P. Lowe, Clerk, House of Eepresentatives.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies), £0.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Price 6d.~]

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Southland Boys' and Girls' High Sohools, Report and Acoounts of State Advanoes Act: Annual Statement State Advanoes Aot: Statement of Transfer .. State Coal-mines: Balanoe-sheet, Statement of Aooounts, and Report State Coal-mines : Resumptions and Contracts Southland Boys' and Girls' High Sohools Aot, 1877, sec. 8 State Advances Act, 1913, seo. 64 .. State Advances Aot, 1915, sec. 2 .. Coal-mines Aot, 1908, sec. 118 No time statod. Fourtoen days. Ten days. Fourteen days. Coal-mines Act, 1908, sec. 69 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from decision. Fourteendays. If Parliament sitting, forthwith on preparation. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. No time stated. State Fire Insurance Office, Balance-sheet, Statement of Acoounts, and Report of State Fire Insuranoe Offioe, Regulations of .. State Fire Insurance Aot, 1908, sec. 36 State Fire Insurance Aot, 1908, sec. 45 State Fire Insurance, Recommendation of Board for Discontinuanoe of State Fire Insuranoe : Requisitions for raising Supplementary Capital State Fire Insurance : Sinking Fund Aooretions and Investments State Fire Insurance Aot, 1908, sec. 22 State Fire Insurance Aot, 1908, sec. 24 As soon as practicable. State Fire Insuranoe Act, 1908, sec 28 Fourteendays. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after olose of financial year. No time stated. State Forests, Lands proposed to bo withdrawn from Statutes Compilation Aot, Compilations under Stock Act, Regulations under State Forests Aot, 1908, seo. 28 Statutes Compilation Act, 1908, sec 3 Stock Act, 1908, sec 3 Commencement of session. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days aftor close of financial year. Twenty - one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after 31st March. Within thirty days after commencement of next ensuing session. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after rooeipt by Minister. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of payment. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from publication. As soon as practicable after making. Stook Act, Returns under Stook Act, 1908, sec. 46 .. Stock Condemned and Slaughtered, Return of i Stook Act, 1908, sec. 46 .. Swamp Drainage Act, Report and Statement j of Acoounts under Teachers' Superannuation: Triennial Actuarial Report Teachers' Superannuation Board : Accounts and Statements, aocompanied by Report of Board Teachers' Superannuation Fund, Additional Payments into, out of Consolidated Fund Telegraph Regulations Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, seo. 13 Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 38 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, seo. 37 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, seo. 39 Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, sec. 133 Thermal Springs District Aot, Orders in Counoil under Timaru High Sohool, Report and Accounts of Trade-unions, Annual Report of Registrar of .. Thermal Springs District Act, 1910, sec. 4 .. Timaru High Sohool Act, 1878, sec 8 Trade-unions Aot, 1908, sec 16 No time stated. One month. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days from approval. Ten days. Ten days. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Trade-unions Regulations Trade-unions Act, 1908, sec. 31 Treasury Regulations Unauthorized Expenditure Acoount Unclaimed Lands vested in Public Trustee, Triennial List of University, New Zealand (vide New Zealand). Valuation of Land (vide Government Valuation of Land). Victoria College, Roport and Accounts of Public Revenues Act, 1910, seos. 3, 87,105,127 Public Revenues Act, 1910, sec 54 Public Trust Office Aot, 1908, sec. 85 Victoria College Act, 1905, sec. 44 .. Ten days. On receipt from Council if Parliament sitting. Twenty-one days. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Aot: Statement of Moneys paid Waimate High School, Report and Accounts of Waitaki High Sohool, Report and Accounts of Wanganui High School, Report and Acoounts of Water-power and Electrical Energy, Reports on Whangarei High Sohool, Report and Acoounts of Workers' Dwellings Act, Statements under .. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, sec. 17 Waimate High School Aot, 1883, sec. 16 Waitaki High School Act, 1878, seo. 8 Wanganui High School Act, 1878, sec. 7 Public Works Aot, 1908, sec 277 .. Whangarei High School Act, 1878, sec 8 .. Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910, seo. 18 No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. As soon as practicable. No time stated. Thirty days.

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RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-13

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RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-13

RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-13