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E. 9


EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1915.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

CONTENTS. Page Part 1. Extraot from Report of Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 „ 2. Report of Board, with Statements Additional to tho;e prescribed by Regulations .. 2 Statements prescribed by Regulations .. .. .. .. . . . . 4

Part 1. EXTRACT FROM THE THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. The balance at the credit of the fund on the 31st December, 1915, was £340,582, an increase over that on the 31st December, 1914, of £37,882. The income for 1915 was £83,319, and the expenditure £45,438. During the year 428 members were admitted, while 253 left the fund, a net increase of 175. At the end of 1915,— The number of contributors was .. .. .'. .. .. 4,444 Of whom members under Part IX of Education Act, 1908, numbered . . 86 And members admitted under sections 3 and 4 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 (universities), numbered .. .. .. .. .. . . 66 The annual rate of contribution paid as at the end of the year was . . £52,795 The number of allowances in force at the end of the year was . . . . 555 representing an annual charge of . . . . . . . . £39,000 viz.,— Ordinary retiring - allowances £ were .. .. .. 346, representing 31,845 Retiring - allowances ia medically unfit cases . . 61, „ 4,803 Allowances to widows .. 83, ~ 1,507 Allowances to children . . 65, ~ 845 The amount held by the Public Trustee at the end of the year was .. £333,117

I—E. 9.

E. --9


In terms of the provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, section 4, and the regulations thereunder, all moneys belonging to the fund are paid to the Public Trustee for investment, and form part of the common fund of the Public Trust Office. In accordance with the regulations under the Public Trust Office Act interest is paid to the fund on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee—4j per cent, on the first £6,000 and 4J per cent. on the balance. No charge is made for investment. It has been suggested that better terms should be obtained ; or, failing this, that, as in the case of the Public Service Superannuation Fund, legislative authority be obtained to enable the Superannuation Board to make its own investments. The matter is receiving careful consideration. On arrears outstanding from contributors 5 per cent, interest is charged. Provision has been made for the payment by the Government of the contributions of contributors to the fund who have enlisted with the Expeditionary Forces engaged in the war, until the release of the contributors from military duties. The amount paid by the Government on this account in 1915 was £1,351. The number of contributors who had joined the Expeditionary Force up to the 31st December, 1915, was 183, of whom twenty have been killed in action or died of wounds, and two have returned to New Zealand and have resumed their duties in the Education service. The triennial investigation of the fund, as provided for under the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, section 38, was made by the Actuary appointed by the Governor for the purpose; and in his report, which was laid before Parliament during last session, he recommends that the annual subsidy to the fund be increased from £17,000 to £33,000. In view, however, of the special circumstances at present existing it was decided, as in the case of other superannuation funds, that the former rate of subsidy be continued.

Part 2. TENTH REPORT OF THE BOARD CONSTITUTED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT (PART I), 1908. For this Year ended 31st December, 1915. The Honourable the Minister of Education. Sir,— Wellington, 3rd April, 1916. The Board lias to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st December, 1915 :— Meetings. —The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. Contributors. —The number of contributors increased from 4,269 at the end of 1914 to 4,444 at the end of 1915, an increase of 175. Table A shows the contributors arranged according to percentage of contribution, together with the number admitted and the number left during the year. Retiring and other Allowances.— Allowances amounting to £5,140 17s. per annum were granted during the year. Details are given in Table 3. The annual amount payable at the end of the year was £38,999 17s. Eleven allowances were discontinued by death, and thirteen from other causes —viz., eleven children attained the age of fourteen years; one annuitant (retired medically unfit) was considered by the Board to have recovered, and she rejoined the Education service, her allowance consequently ceasing ; and one widow's allowance ceased on her remarriage.



Income. —The total income for the year was £83,319, made up as follows :— £ Members'ordinary contributions .. .. .. 52,644 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 17,000 Interest from Public Trustee .. .. .. 13,359 Interest on arrears of contributions . . . . 244 Contributions transferred from other funds .. .. 72 Total for year .. .. .. £83,319 It will be seen on reference to the balance-sheet that considerable amounts of contributions and interest were outstanding at the end of the year, the figures being £3,943 Os. 3d. and £684 os. sd. respectively. That these sums are so large is due to the fact that many of the contributors who failed to join, in 1906, and who were admitted in 1913 under section 5 of the amending Act of 1912, have not yet paid up the full amount of arrears due from the Ist January, 1906, payment of which was a condition of their admission. The regulations allow them to pay the arrears by annual or monthly instalments. Of outstandings on the 31st December, 1914, £1,377 19s. Bd. contributions and £340 7s. 2d. interest were paid off in 1915. Expenditure. —The allowances paid to contributors who have retired, and to dependants of deceased contributors, and annuitants, amounted to £37,375 15s. 2d., an increase of £3,891 3s. lOd. over that of 1914. Refunds of contributions on voluntary retirement from the Education service amounted to £4,493 16s. 10d., the refunds to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £2,552 12s. 10d., while contributions amounting to £874 16s. Id. were transferred to other superannuation funds. Net Revenue.— The total for the year was £37,882. Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £340,582 9s. 4d. Government Subsidy. —The Government subsidy of £17,000 was received during the first quarter of the year. The total subsidies paid by the Government since the inception of the fund amount to £84,000. Investment of the, Fund. —The fund receives interest on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee of 4j per cent, on the first £6,000 and 4j per cent, on the remainder. The rates are the maximum allowed by the Public Trust Office Act. The Board has given this matter earnest consideration during the year, and is of opinion that a higher rate of interest could be earned. Legislation is necessary, however, before this can be done, and the Board has drawn the attention of the Government to the matter. Actuarial Investigation. —The report of the Actuary, appointed by the Governor for the purpose, on his investigation of the fund for the years 1911, 1912, and 1913 was laid before Parliament during the session of 1915. He recommends that the annual subsidy be increased from £17,000 to £33,000. Contributors on Active Sendee. —The number of contributors who joined the Expeditionary Force up to the end of 1915 was 183. Of this number twenty have been killed in action or died of wounds, while two hay returned to New Zealand and have resumed the duties of their previous positions. As intimated in last year's report, the Government has undertaken to pay the contributions of members during the period they are members of the Expeditionary Force. The amount thus paid by the Government in 1915 amounted to £1,351 3s. 7d. Of the deceased contributors nineteen were unmarried, and their contributions to the fund (together with the amounts paid by the Government on. their behalf up to the date of their decease), amounting to £660 Is. 6d., were refunded to their respective estates. One contributor was survived by a widow and three children under the age of fourteen years, to each of whom the usual allowance was granted. Statistics. —The statements and accounts prescribed by regulations under the Act, together with other additional statements, are attached hereto. I have, &c, J. A. Han an, Chairman.




A. (i.) Number of Contributors on the 31st December, 1915, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

(ii.) Number of Contributors under Sections 3 and 4 of Amendment Act, 1912 (Universities), (included in above Figures).

(iii.) Number of Contributors under Part IX, Education Act, 1908 (included in (i) above).

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1915).

C.—Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906).

(4.) Number in Course of Emotion on 31tt Ma: oh, 1915. District. (1.) Erected under the Act of 1905. (3.) During Year ending 31st March', 1915. Total. (2.) To March, 19.14. Auckland Wellington Christchurch . . Dunedin Frankton Junction Ngaruawahia .. Tauranga Te Puke Tolago Bay .. Gisborne Napier Hastings Patea 35 40 31 20 58 23 27 2 25 16 ii 118 90 58 26 6 6 6 7 8 14 i 6 6 6 7 8 14 4 8 10 2 Hawera Manaia Wanganui Palmerston North 13 6 6 2:5 4 2 6 6 8 10 4 2 19 12 23 5 5* 6 12 14 Masterton Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Ashburton Temuka Timaru Fairlie Willowbridge .. Waimate 14 6 12 5 5 6 6 9 19 7 13 6 7 16 9 19 7 13 6 7 Oamaru 12 i Invercargill Totals 126 183 162 77 548

(4.) Number in Course of Emotion on 31tt Ma: oh, 1915. District. (1.) Erected under the Act of 1905. (3.) During Year ending 31st March', 1915. Total. (2.) To March, 19.14. Auckland Wellington Christchurch . . Dunedin Frankton Junction Ngaruawahia .. Tauranga Te Puke Tolago Bay .. Gisborne Napier Hastings Patea 35 40 31 20 58 23 27 2 25 16 ii 118 90 58 26 6 6 6 7 8 14 i 6 6 6 7 8 14 4 8 10 2 Hawera Manaia Wanganui Palmerston North 13 6 6 2:5 4 2 6 6 8 10 4 2 19 12 23 5 5* 6 12 14 Masterton Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Ashburton Temuka Timaru Fairlie Willowbridge .. Waimate 14 6 12 5 5 6 6 9 19 7 13 6 7 16 9 19 7 13 6 7 Oamaru 12 i Invercargill Totals 126 183 162 77 548

(4.) Number in Course of Emotion on 31tt Ma: oh, 1915. District. (1.) Erected under the Act of 1905. (3.) During Year ending 31st March', 1915. Total. (2.) To March, 19.14. Auckland Wellington Christchurch . . Dunedin Frankton Junction Ngaruawahia .. Tauranga Te Puke Tolago Bay .. Gisborne Napier Hastings Patea 35 40 31 20 58 23 27 2 25 16 ii 118 90 58 26 6 6 6 7 8 14 i 6 6 6 7 8 14 4 8 10 2 Hawera Manaia Wanganui Palmerston North 13 6 6 2:5 4 2 6 6 8 10 4 2 19 12 23 5 5* 6 12 14 Masterton Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Ashburton Temuka Timaru Fairlie Willowbridge .. Waimate 14 6 12 5 5 6 6 9 19 7 13 6 7 16 9 19 7 13 6 7 Oamaru 12 i Invercargill Totals 126 183 162 77 548

M. Number. F. Annual Bate Annual 0 £ Total. Salary. Contributions. £ £ 6,339 ! 1,184,266 74,939 Total entered (including net increases in salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 2,570 3,769 640 1,255 1,895 j 324,244 22,144 Total existing at 31st December, 1915 1,930 2,514 4,444 - ! 860,'022 j 52,795

(4.) Number in Course of Emotion on 31tt Ma: oh, 1915. District. (1.) Erected under the Act of 1905. (3.) During Year ending 31st March', 1915. Total. (2.) To March, 19.14. Auckland Wellington Christchurch . . Dunedin Frankton Junction Ngaruawahia .. Tauranga Te Puke Tolago Bay .. Gisborne Napier Hastings Patea 35 40 31 20 58 23 27 2 25 16 ii 118 90 58 26 6 6 6 7 8 14 i 6 6 6 7 8 14 4 8 10 2 Hawera Manaia Wanganui Palmerston North 13 6 6 2:5 4 2 6 6 8 10 4 2 19 12 23 5 5* 6 12 14 Masterton Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Ashburton Temuka Timaru Fairlie Willowbridge .. Waimate 14 6 12 5 5 6 6 9 19 7 13 6 7 16 9 19 7 13 6 7 Oamaru 12 i Invercargill Totals 126 183 162 77 548




1. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st December, 1915.

2. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st December, 1915.

Number. , _ , . . — , . . Annual Kate of Annual Bate oi Salary. Contributions. M. P. [ Total. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. Contributors at 31st December, 1914 ... 1,880 2,389 4,269 766,88112 8 '47,831 7 2 Stew contributors entered during the 129 299 428 , 55,791 18 6 3,095 5 8 year ended 31st December, 1915 Slet increase in salaries and contributions ... ... ... 79,773 5 10 j 4,609 13 11 by promotions during the year i Totals ... ... ... 2,009- 2,688 4,697 902,449 17 0 j 55,536 6 9 Contributions discontinued during the 79 174 253 42,427 10 0 2,741 15 0 year ended 31st December, 1915, by resignation, &c. Total at 31st December, 1915... 1,930 2,514 4,444 860,022 7 0 52,794 I.I 11

Nurnbor of Annual Rat Contributors. Hetin How discontinued. M. P. 1 Salary, o EH ;e at Date of ,,, ... Allowances granted, ement. b r, Other Pay- ,, . ,.... Pensions; , , J Contributions. . , 0 , monts (noriAnnual Rate. , 1 . reournng). By death before pension entered £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 239 16 0 .. !J,482 8 2 upon — (a.) Contributions paid to per- 22 3 25 4,528 0 0 sonal representatives (6.) Leaving widow or child* 9 I I 10 2,940 0 0 By voluntary retirement— (a.) Ordinary .. .. 18 116 134 19,270 0 0 (6.) University .. 3 .. 3 670 0 0 By lapsed membership .. 4 24 28 2,792 0 0 By transfer' to other funds . . 4 .. 4 1 ,619 0 0 By allowances granted on retirement— (a.) Ordinary ., .. 3 18 21 4,133 10 0| (6.) Medically unfit .. 3 5. 8 1,585 0 0 (o.) Extended provisions .. 9 .. 9 3; 070 0 0 (d.) University .. .. 2 .. 2 485 0 0 (e.) Part IX, Education Act, 2 ,3 5 990 0 0 1908 By ineligible contributors with- . . 4 4 345 0 0 drawn 22 9 18 3 4 4 3 ; 25 I 10 116 134 3 24 28 4 218 0 0 28,5 0 01,008 4 I 1,037 3 4| .. 4,123 II 10 48 1.0 0 .. 85 7 11 146 19 4j .. 371 7 II 132 5 4 .. 877 10 1 3 3 9 2 2 18 21 5. 8 9 .. 2 3 5 344 3 o! 1,922 9 0 119 16 0 722 11 0 296 11 0| 1,648 4 Ol 48 10 0 137 13 0 87 6 0 260 0 0 * v " .. J ■ 4 4 22 15 0 .. 18 (i 0 Totals .. .. 79 174 :253 42,427 10 0 79 174 253 2,741 15 0 4,975 17 07,966 16 0 ♦Five widows and fifteen children were granted allowances, contributions. Seven widows and three children of deceased annuitant! amounting to £165. The total allowances granted during the year then Iron ie chil were grant Idren of dec ranted durii and four widows were granted refunds of s were also granted.allowances during the year efore amounted to £5,140 17s. ices g:



3. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st December, 1915.

(1.) (2.) (3.) Details of Column (Hj. Retiring-allowances. Allowances to Particulars. Total Allowances. Ordinary (Age or Service). Medically unfit. Widows. Children. Number. — j jf Annual Rate. M. j P. £ Number. | Number. Number. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Number. Annual Rate. - Annual Rate. M. F. M. | I. M. F. .... .. , ! ! . -. , I !_ I l_ Allowances as at 31st December, 1914 Allowances granted during the year at retirement of contributor (including deceased contributors) Allowances granted during the year to widow's and children of deceased annuitants £ s. d. 227 277 504 35.193 11 0 27 38 65 4,975 17 0 I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. 161 157 28.708 18 0 33 23 4,421 10 0 72 1,309 3 0 \ 33 25 754 0 0 16 21 3,968 6 0 3 5 722 11 0 5 90 0 0 \ 8 7 195 0 0 ... 10 10 165 0 0 ! ... ... j ... ... 7 S 126 0 0 .. 3 39 0 0 : Total Allowances discontinued during the year^f 254 325 16 : 8 j 579 40,334 8 24 1,334 11 0 0 1 177 178 32,677 7 2 832 4 6 0 36 0 2 28 15,144 1 1 341 5 0 0 84 1 1.525 3 18 0 0 ! 41 35 0 7 4 988 143 0 0 0 0 __ Allowances existing at end of year! 238 317 555 '38,999 17 0 170 176 31,844 18 0 34 27 |4,802 16 0 83 1,507 3 0 i 34 31 845 0 0 • I '■ ! Particulars of Allo\ lances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued — By death By expiry ... ... ... * 9 2: 7 6 11 1.121 11 0 13 213 0 0 7 2 832 6 0 ; 2 ! ... 289 : ... ... 1 52 5 0 0 0 1 is b 0 '7 \"i 143 6 0 Total 16 8 j 24 1,334 11 0 7 j 2 832 6 0 2 1 341 5 0 1 18 0 0 7 i 4 143 0 0 ■ogress of Allowances since Es, ■ablishment of Fund to the 31st December, 191, I I Total granted ... Total discontinued 115 376 77 59 691 145,490 8 136 I 6,490 11 0 0 215 45 215 185 35,888 11 0 47 33 6,370 14 0 45 9 4,043 13 0 13 6 1,567 18 0 95 12 1,723 3 216 0 0 0 53 19 63 11,508 0 32 I 663 0 0 0 Total existing 238 317 : 555 38,999 17 0 170 1176 31,844 18 0 34 27 4,802 16 0 170 83 1,507 3 0 34 ; 31 845 0 0 + Full details a: i __; i ■e given in Return No. 4 (a) and (6).



I. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES. i (a,) Allowances discontinued dueing tub Year:

(i.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year 1st January to 31st, December, 1915, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and, Children.

(ii.) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1915, ceased to be entitled to benefits.

[Act under which Date from which (a) Re- i eranted Annual Rate of ' tiring - allowance dis- D , . . = , e ' , Annuitant. % *•: Lapsed continued, and (5J Pay- Kftffi ft continued. Retiring- ment of Benefits to I .. I perannuation allowancop. Widow and Children ' t,ona ' Amendment Act, hfionri 1908; U, 8 uDe S an - perannuation Amendment Act, 1912. ' : r~ : j £ s. d. (a.) , (6.) ! £ s. d.i Bedford, Bernard 8... .. ■ Death .. 52 0 0 June 29 June 30 .. , E. Bongo, Alfred* .. .. „ .. 237 5 0 Mar. 12 .. 1245 19 11 A. Butcher, Anthony 1 G. .. | „ .. 52 0 0 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 .. E. Dunning, Eliza L. . . . . „ .. 52 0 0 Jan. 30 . . .. E. Gillman, Alfred T. .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 July 10 July 17 .. • E. Grant, James . . .. i „ .. 52 0 0 ' Nov. 8 I Nov. 9 . . E, Haultain, Frances A. .. „ .. 52 0 0 Feb. 18 .. .. 111. Hill. Charlotte J* . . .. Expiryf .. 52 0 0 Aug. 31 .. E. Miller, James* .. .. Death .. 52 0 0 .. 14 Aug. 15 .. E, Moore, William .I. .. .. „ .. 148 19 0 „ 7 I „" 8 .. A. Rice, Vincent E. .. .. „ .. 319 7 0 Dee. 3 Dec. 4 .. A. Soott. James .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 Jan. 24 . . .. E. Total .. .. .. 1,173 11 0 .. .. 245 19 11 * Retired on grounds of medical unfitness for further duty. f Re-entered Education service. *

I ' ' " " ! I " """""" | I N„ mP ' Widow or Annual Rate of of Termination Name. . Allowance. ' of Payment of Remarks. Allowance. _ _„_J J .... _ . £ Appleby. William T. 1). .. Child .. 13 6 August .. Attained age of 14 years. Barnett, Wilfred E. .. „' .. 1.3 12 October Braik, Elaine I. .. .. „ .. 13 I!) June .. ,, Bramley, Winifred M. .. ,, .. 13 14 August .. ,, Christie, Margaret* .. „ .. 13 22 June Look, William John .. „ .. 13 2 September .. „ Marshall, Eliza F., Mrs. .. Widow.. 18 14 June .. Kemarried. Osmers, Eric A. .. .. Child .. 13 23 „ .. Attained age of 14 years. Rockc . Max W... ., „ .. 13 5 December Turner, Alexander K. .. „ 13 17 November .. Warren, Francis M. ... „ .. 13 I 16 July Webber, MinaH. 0. .. ! „ .. I 13 13 „' Total .. . . . . 161 * £95 8s. 5d., balance of contributions in excess of allowances drawn, paid over to estate.



(/>.) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown-) at the End op the Year:—

(i.) Allowances granted in Contributors (other than medically unfit cases).

(4.) Number in Course of Emotion on 31tt Ma: oh, 1915. District. (1.) Erected under the Act of 1905. (3.) During Year ending 31st March', 1915. Total. (2.) To March, 19.14. Auckland Wellington Christchurch . . Dunedin Frankton Junction Ngaruawahia .. Tauranga Te Puke Tolago Bay .. Gisborne Napier Hastings Patea 35 40 31 20 58 23 27 2 25 16 ii 118 90 58 26 6 6 6 7 8 14 i 6 6 6 7 8 14 4 8 10 2 Hawera Manaia Wanganui Palmerston North 13 6 6 2:5 4 2 6 6 8 10 4 2 19 12 23 5 5* 6 12 14 Masterton Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Ashburton Temuka Timaru Fairlie Willowbridge .. Waimate 14 6 12 5 5 6 6 9 19 7 13 6 7 16 9 19 7 13 6 7 Oamaru 12 i Invercargill Totals 126 183 162 77 548



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (other than medically unfit cases) —continued.

2—E. 9.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act. 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act. 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. L_ J Men —continued. Haslam, Francis W. C. Hassing, George M. Hendry, James* ... Hill, John D. C. ... Hogben, George* ... Hogwood, Robert Horan, Thomas ... Howard, Charles C. Hubbard, Charles C. Hughes, Thomas ... Hughson, William Humphreys, Joseph W. Ingpen, Edward L. Jefferson, Alfred ... Jeffery, James Johnston, Bobert... Jones, Thomas A. Kilburn, Joseph ... Kirby, James H. ... Jja Prelle, John J. Law, Henry* Lawrence, Basil K. S. Lee, Clement W. ... Lee, Wesley Lock, Charles H. W. Lothian, John, Bev. Lyon, Christopher, Bev. Lyttle, John Mabbett, Arthur ... Macandrew, Colin Macandrew, William McDonald, Kenneth McFarlane, Henry McGavin, John ... Macky, John McNicoll, David A. Maddison, John ... Mathias, Vincent W. Matthews, Ernest W. D. Mehaffey, William G Menzies, Edward M. Menzies, George ... Menzies, John* ... Millar, William ... Millington, Edward W. Monteath, Thomas Moores, Peter Morgan, Richard ... Mossman, Edwin... Mulhern, John Mulligan, Thomas Murdoch, James ... Murray, David Murray, George W. Murray, James B. Neill, John Nicholls, Alfred ... O'Donoghue, Denis Officer, John Orr, James O'Shea, Jeremiah... Overton, William B. Paterson, William A.* Patrick, John H. Petrie, Donald ... Professor, Canterbury College ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... Inspector, „ ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... Director of Education ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Native school „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Native school... ... Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board ... Janitor, Otago High School Board . . Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago University „ Otago Education Board Wellington Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ... ... ... „ Native school... Christchurch Boys' High School... . . „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... ... ; „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ... Secretary, Otago High School Board ... Teacher, Southland Education Board Wellington Education Board „ Native school ... ... Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board ... Inspector of Reserves, Canterbury College... ... Teacher, Native school ... : „ Southland Education Board ... I „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board ... ! „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ... Secretary, Southland Education Board and Southland High School Board ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board Nelson Education Board Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ a ... ... ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board & s. 242 10 52 0 308 17 208 16 459 14 116 7 52 0 68 8 65 14 214 1 52 0 98 2 52 0 39 2 148 14 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 92 11 212 11 129 5 52 0 156 11 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 84 7 172 0 52 0 79 18 52 0 147 5 188 10 52 0 97 16 52 0 229 0 52 0 52 0 107 10 104 17 88 14 99 6 52 0 62 1 160 11 52 0 52 0 52 0 172 11 129 7 84 10 310 2 U E A A A A E E A A E A E U A E E E E E A A A E A E E E E A A E A E A A E A E A E E A A A A E A A E E E A A A A 56 6 114 16 116 15 126 12 52 0 52 0 125 10 122 14 325 17 E A A A E E A A A • i Al Uowanoea granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoembe i „_ „_! ir, 1915. * AUowi


(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (other than medically unfit cases) —continued.


Name. Occupation. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate lE.Edncation Act,1908; of Allowance. ' f Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannui ation Amendment Act, 1912. Men— continued. Porritt, Thomas, Bev. Pridham, Ernest ... Pryde, Patrick G.... Beid, George B. ... Reid, James Reid, John Robertson, James Salmond, William Schmidt, Peter E. Scott, John L. ... Scott, Samuel M.... Short, Arthur* ... Simmers, George Annaud*... Sloman, John F. ... Smith, Aaron Y. ... Smith, John Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ New Plymouth High School Secretary, Otago Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Professor, Otago University Architect to North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Dannevirke High School „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Southland Education Board Secretary to Marlborough High School Board and Education Board Inspector, Hawke's Bay Education Board... Teacher, Otago Education Board £ s. 52 0 201 15 277 1 102 11 89 1 103 15 79 14 138 7 52 0 205 13 69 12 96 13 210 9 87 8 106 7 79 0 E A A A E A A U E A A A A E A E Smith, John A. Stenhouse, John ... Stevens, Joseph E. Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Ralph D. Stewart, Washington S. Stott, Alexander ... Thomas, Algernon P. W. ... Tomlinson, Thomas E. Turkington, Samuel* ..; Ward, Joseph Ward, William ... Watson, Clement Webber, Edmund White, David R. Whyte, John Wild, Herbert A. ... Wilding, Charles B. Williamson, Alex. W. Williamson, John Wood, John Woods, George E. Worley, William F. Yeats, Duncan M. Young, Andrew ... Young, Henry, Bev. a n .... Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Southland Education Board Professor, Auckland University College Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... a a ... ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board Principal, Dunedin Training College Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school... „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Nelson Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school ... 222 16 230 2 118 5 88 6 213 17 55 10 93 11 189 6 66 11 98 4 52 0 52 0 229 18 236 7 350 0 55 2 80 10 52 0 127 4 94 14 138 16 52 0 146 7 213 19 146 2 52 0 A A A E A E A U A A E E A A A E A E A A A E A A A E Women. Alexander. Helen... Allan, Mary, K. ... Anderson, Annie C. Anderson, Barbara C. Anderson, Khzabeih, Mrs.... Anderson, Helen Andrews, Helen B. Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs, ... Bannister, Mati'da E.* Barton, Annie, Mrs. Batcbclor, Bessie ... Batten, Annie E. B. Beale, Arundel M. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. Birkett, Emma, Mrs.* Blades. Bithiah ... Blair, Jes-ie, Mrs * Biybh, Sarah F. R. Bond, Jane A. Total (170 men) 18,718 6 A A A E E A E A A E A E E E E A A E A Teacher, Otago High School „ Otago Eaucation Board 139 14 92 1 100 12 52 0 52 0 103 13 52 0 104 18 85 4 52 0 94 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 71 8 79 10 52 0 111 14 a n ... ... „ Auckland Education Board Native school... Hawke's Bay Education Board ... it a ... ... „ . Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Grey Education Board Westland Education Board Auckland Education Board .... Native school... Taranaki Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Otago Education Boaid „ Wanganui Education Board „ Nelson Education Board * Allowances granted during the eriod from 1st Januar to 31st Deoe iber 1915.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (other than medically unfit cases) —continued.

Act umier whiou Allowance granted. Nams, Oooupation. Annual Rate G, Education Act, 1908; of Allowance f; Superannuation j Amendment Act, 1908: U, Superannuation Amendment I Act, 1012. Women —continued. Bott, Amelia Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. ... Bright, Aimee D. Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. ... Brown, Charlotte M., Mrs. Brown, Jessie C. ... Bullock, Julia W. Cairns, Jessie Caldwell, Margaret, Mrs. ... Campbell, Jane* ... Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. Carrick, Marie, Mrs. Cato, Eva P.* Chatwin, Georgina E. Checkley, Martha, Mrs. Christie, Catherine W. Coad, Emma M. ... Coghill, Margaret* Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. ... Coneys, Jessie T.* Cooke, Jean L. Cowens, Janet, Mrs. Davis, Elizabeth ... Dement, Mary A.... Dewar, Janet Dewhirst, Eliza E. Evans, Alice Evans, Eliza H. ... Faulks, Flora Finlayson, Jessie M. M., Mrs.* Fleming, Janet Forsyth, Agnes ... Fowler, Jane B. ... Fowler, Lillias A. Foy, Mary R. Francis, Catherine A., Mrs.... Fraser, Johanna ... Fraser, Mary I. ... Galloway, Helen Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. Goulding, Jane E. Gower, Nanette ... Grant, Catherine D.* Haig, Catherine ... Hall, Mary Hanna, Sarah F. ... Harrison, Nellie ... Haughton, Sophia E. J. Henderson, Christina K. ... Henderson, Jessie Heney, Annie, Mrs. Henry, Margaret... Hooper, Jane D.* Hopper, Mary E. ... Home, Ellen J. ... Huie, Marjory S.... Hutchen, Jessie K.* Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. James, Sarah B., Mrs. Johnson, Susan H. Johnston, Tristiana E. N. ... Jordan, Mary E., Mrs. Joyce, Lucy J. Judkins, Anne, Mrs. • Teacher, Otago Education Board Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Caversham Industrial School „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board a a ... „ Wellington Education Board Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Otago Education Board £ s. 58 19 ■ 41 14 74 13 54 5 18 3 '108 6 52 0 52 0 77 10 86 17 11 13 52 0 110 9 123 18 109 12 52 0 96 19 89 13 31 0 52 0 87 10 74 15 75 15 52 0 78 11 56 18 52 0 82 7 70 17 71 15 52 0 63 11 94 5 91 16 52 0 52 0 80 5 267 3 66 3 11 10 52 0 52 0 112 2 104 3 115 2 93 12 94 5 52 0 123 17 63 12 52 0 52 0 129 12 80 18 92 1 56 19 88 8 52 0 99 19 52 0 109 10 108 1 93 13 70 2 A A A A A A E E A A E E A A A E A A A E A A A E A A E A A A E A A A E E A A A A E E A A A A A E A A E E A A A A A E A E A A A A a a „ Thames High School ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board Principal, Wanganui Girls' College Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ Native school ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board „ New Plymouth High School „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Christchurch Girls' High School... „ Ocago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school... * Allowi inoes granted during the period from, 1st January to 31st December, 1915.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (other than medically unfit cases) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Act under which Allowanoo granted. Annual Rate of E, Education Aot, 1908; Allowance. f Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908: U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. £ s. Keesing, Kate ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 86 2 Kelts, Isabella F. R. ... „ „ ... ... j 62 13 Kemple, Frances M. ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... I 103 13 Kitching, Lucy H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... j 82 13 Kitchingman, Eliza ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... I 52 0 Langford, Marg. H., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... | 125 4 Latimer, Ella, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Lawson, Mary K. ... „ Wellington Technical School ... .... 100 0 Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. ... Caretaker, Christchurch Girls'High School ... \ 52 0 Leighton, Lucy J. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... ' 87 16 Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 82 19 Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 Lissaman, Martha H. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Little, Edith J. E. ... „ Otago High School ... ... ... 95 2 Longmore, Frances ... „ y~nd Education Board ... ... 52 0 Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 50 19 McCarthy, Mary A. R. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 93 10 Macdonald, Isabella ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 94 19 McEwan, Mary* ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 110 7 McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 Mcintosh, Janet ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 80 1 Mclntyre, Isabella ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 90 8 Mackav, Christina F. ... „ „ ... 52 0 Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Macky, Mary A. F., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... ! 95 19 McLaren, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 5 Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. „ „ ... ... 101 4 Mellish, Marion A. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 87 16 Menzies, Margaret ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 1 101 7 Metherell, Rosa M. ... „ „ ... ! 52 0 Mills, Jessie G. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 57 16 Mills, Mary W.* ... ... „ „ ... ... ... 97 0 Milne,RobertinaM.M.,Mrs.* „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 28 12 Moller, Louisa A. ... ... j „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 Murrish, Charlotte ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 62 12 Nicholson, Maud' ... „ „ ... ... j 8110 Nixon, Elizabeth A.* ... ,.,, „ ... ... 88 1 Page, Margaret ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... j 101 6 Pascoe, Ada ... ... | „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 87 19 Paterson, Jane ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 Peake, Sarah N. ... ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 52 0 Pearson, Agnes A. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 73 3 Pettit, Barbara M. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 66 15 Phillips, Leonora M. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 89 8 Phillips, Mary ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... i 52 0 Plummer, Mary ... ... „ „ ... ... i 52 0 Quinn, Elizabeth O* ... „ „ ... ... 90 17 Ritchie, Christian... ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 Roberts, Mary A.... ... Clerk, Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 Rooney, Christina ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 Rosie, Wilhelmina J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 117 4 Rowley, Elizabeth M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 58 7 Ryder, Maud H. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 96 1 Ryan, Arabella C. ... „ Auckland Education Board "... ... 103 12 Satchell, Edith E. ... „ Nelson College ... ... ... 52 0 Sayers, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... j 52 0 Simpson, MargaretE. ... „ „ ... ! 52 0 Sinclair, Elizabeth ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 15 Smart, Marion, Mrs.* „ ... ... j 97 8 Snodgrass, Margaret T., Mrs. „ Southland Education Board ... ... 32 6 Sotheran, Jane ... ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... 76 12 Spence, Mary L. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... i 76 0 Stephens, Mary M. ... „ „ ... 82 9 Stevens, Dora S. ... ... . „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 I i I A A A A E A E A E A A E E E A E A A A A E A A E E A A A A A E A A A E A A A A A E E A A A E E A E E E A A A A E E E A A A A A .A E i ______ ______ j * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1915.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (other than medically unfit cases)— continued.

1_ , T n Annual Rate of Name. Occupation. .«__ __,_. r Allowance. ; J j . Name. r. 7 Act under whioh Allowance granted, E,EducationAct,1908; A, Superannuafciou Am en dment Act, 1908; U, Superannu- | ation Amendment [ Act, 1912. 1 I Women —continued. £ B . Stevens, Emma M. ... . Teacher, Otago Education Board ... . ... 86 12 Stewart, Jessie ... ... I „ Industrial school ... ... ... ; 52 0 Stoddart, Frances* ... j „ Nelson Education Board ... ... I 52 0 Stuart-Forbes, Emma L. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 100 16 Taylor, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 Tennent, Margaret I. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 Thomson, Annie'... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ,,, 95 17 Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 88 6 Tregear, Mary C. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Tregoning, Mary* ... „ Otago Education Board... ... .... 78 4 Truscott, Kate, Mrs, .... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 15 Tulley, Catherine M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 86 8 Turnbull, Isabella ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 89 7 Wakelin, Ellen A. ... Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... 52 0 Walker, Mary M. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... 69 19 Wallace, Eliza G. ... „ Auckland Grammar School ... ... 135 5 Watt, Margaret, Mrs. .. „ Otago Education Board... ,.. ... 67 11 Webb, Frances E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 67 16 Wilding, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... 10 7 Williams, Alice L. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 80 10 Williams, Mary A., Mrs.* .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 53 9 Willis, Effie, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 92 12 Willis, Eliza M. ... "... „ -66 15 Wimperis, Frances M. ... „ Otago Girls'High School ... ... 52 0 Woodford, Kate S. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 73 14 Woodward, Laura ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Wraytt, Christina ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Wright, Lydia ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 126 8 | A E E A E E A A E A A A A E A A A A A A A A E A E E A Total (176 women) ... ... 13,126 12 13,126 12 Grand total (346) ... ... 31,844 18 31,844 18 * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decembi er, 1915.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

I Act under which Allowance granted. Nam*. Oooupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. Baragwanath, John Bowler, Frederick H. Burnard, John D. Bussell, Henry ... Charles, Robert Clark, George B. Cooper, Charles Dalbv, JohnS. ... Drafim, William 11. Elmsly, Frederick Feist, Adolph M. Glanville, James E. Goodeve, Henry E.* Grant, Henry A.* Hames, Luther Harrison, Thomas C. Hawkes, Richard N. N. ... Honore, Jacob* Kerr, Charles K. Lorking, Walter H. McClure, William D. ... Marr, Thomas M. Mason, Herbert Matheson, Dugald May, Thomas L. Mayo, Egbert J. Mehaffey, John Petrie, George Pilkington, John J. Rice, John H. ... Scott, Edward A. Smith, Edward W T aygood, James E. White, George H. Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board ,i Otago Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Boys' College... „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board Inspector, Grey Education Board ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. 52 0 81 4 80 11 52 0 48 8 122 13 114 5 52 0 135 2 113 6 98 2 100 5 110 3 124 10 122 11 52 0 52 0 115 9 97 15 52 0 90 9 52 0 75 3 95 7 116 6 114 14 113 9 139 11 111 17 92 2 221 9 52 0 109 17 129 12 E A A E A A A E A A A A A A A E E A A E A E A A A A A A A A A E A A .\ Women. Albert, Sarah E. Austin, Christina, Mrs. ... Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. ... Boulcott, Henrietta Chapman, Lucy Cromb, Grace C, Mrs. ... Crosby, Eleanor E. T.* ... Ecclesfield, Isabel Galpin, Rachel, Mrs. Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., Mrs. Grant, Elsie D.* Hamilton, Janet A. Jackson, Mary B. Kelly, Elizabeth* Lavery, Mary S. Lea, Mary E. ... McKay, Elizabeth McKeown, Emily M, McLean, Elizabeth Paterson, Elizabeth S.* ... Paul, Susan B. Peat, Janet H.... Ray, Josephine Scott, Elizabeth A. Stewart, Agnes G.* Sweetman, Isabella, Mrs. Thomson, Ellen, Mrs. ... I Total (34 men)... 3,290 0 E A E E E A A A A A Teacher, Otago High School Board „ Grey Education Board Wellington Education Board 52 0 77 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 60 10 54 16 63 12 42 8 35 14 n a ... i, North Canterbury Education Board Taranaki Education Board „ Christchurch Girls' High School „ Wellington Girls' College ... Grey Education Board Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board Otago Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... 85 19 45 17 65 2 86 6 27 3 52 0 52 0 26 5 52 0 57 11 52 0 52 0 52 0 67 12 87 17 36 7 72 17 A A A A A E E A E A E E E A A A A I Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board Total (27 women) 1,512 16 Grand total (61) 4,802 16 * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1915.



(iii.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Oontributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 3908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Adams, Annie, Mrs. Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. ... Barnett, Laura, Mrs. Bedford, Fanny E., Mrs.* Teacher, Thames High School Board „ Otago Education Board I £ 18 18 18 18 18 18 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E A E a a ... ••• „ Auckland Education Board Bennett, Mary R., Mrs. ... Otago Education Board I E Berry, Alice M., Mrs. Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... Brought on, Esther, Mrs. ... Browne, Ellen, Mrs. Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Burns, Ruby M., Mrs.* Butcher, Elizabeth M.* Closs, Jane, Mrs.... Crummy, Sarah, Mrs. Danaher, Mary, Mrs. Dawson, Annie, Mrs. Duncan, Jane, Mrs. Dunnett, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Duthie, Grace, Mrs. Ellis, Elizabeth, Mrs. Evans, Margaret A. T., Mrs. Fannin, Martha, Mrs. Ferguson, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Foster, Frances, Mrs. Gillman, Emma, Mrs.* Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. Goodwin, _jillah, Mrs. Goulding, Vera F., Mrs.*t ••• Gow, Annie, Mrs. Grant, Annie E., Mrs.* Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. Hutchinson, Margaret G., Mrs. Hutton, Helen B., Mrs. Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. Ladley, Ada, Mrs. Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. Look, Bertha R., Mrs. Maber, Grace M., Mrs. Macan, Agnes, Mrs. Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. ... McClelland, Elizabeth J., Mrs. McCullough, Kate, Mrs. ... Mcintosh, Emily, Mrs. MeKinnon, Grace, Mrs. Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs Mason, Margaret H. R., Mrs. Mehaffey, Marv E. A., Mrs. Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. Miller, Margaret A., Mrs.* ... Moore, PhoeOe J., Mrs.* Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs.* ... Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. Parry, Kate, Mrs. Patrick, Mary J., Mrs. Paul, Sybil F. M„ Mrs. ... Peacock, Iw 0. C, Mrs. ... Peterson, Elizabeth S., Mrs. Pole, Alice, Mrs. Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... Assistant Truant Officer, Wellington Education Board Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ Otago Education Board Clerk to Canterbury College Board Teacher, Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... Secretary to Nelson Education Board Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Marlborough High School „ Taranaki Education Board E E E E A A E E E E E E A E E A A E A E E E A A E E A E „ Native school ... Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board Principal, School of Art, Otago ... Teacher, Native school .,. .., ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A A E A E E E A E E „ Otago High School Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland High School Board Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board it a ... ... „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ... „ Native school ... 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A A E E A A A E A A A A E A A E E E North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board North Canterbury Education Board Taranaki Education Board Allowances granted during the leciod from 1st January to 31st December, 1915. t Wife of contributor killed m aotive service.


(iii.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors —continued.

(iv.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.


WidowR. Oooupation of Deceased Contributor. Act under whiob. Allowance granted. Annual Rate E, Education Act, 1908; t T,i "™"° A, Superannuation of Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Rice, Emily, Mrs.* Rockel, Annie L., Mrs.* Selby, Emma, Mrs. Shand, Annie, Mrs. Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Mary A., Mrs. Somerville, Fannie, Mrs. ... Stewart, Frances, Mrs. Taylor, Margaret, Mrs. Tegner, Clara, Mrs. Templer, Amelia A. M. A.,. Mrs. Thomas, Mary E., Mrs.* .. Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. Tobin, Laura, Mrs. Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs Turner, Gertrude K, Mrs. .. Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. Vos, Lavinia, Mrs Walter, Rosa A., Mrs. Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. Secretary, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Christchurch Boys' High School... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 £ s. 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 A A E U A A A A E E A 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board .... 18 Native school ... ... ... ... 18 „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 ( 18 0 1 7 19 A A E A A A A E E 18 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 Young, Mary A., Mrs. / 1 Q „ Otago Education Board ... ... „ I 1 E Total (83) ... ... ... 1,507 1,507 3 * Allow! mces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1915.

Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amend- ! ment Act, 1912. Boys. Appleby, Graham B.* ... Teacher, Otago Education Board Appleby, Raymond L. C. ... „ „ Brownlee, John K. ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... Burns, Hector S.* ... Inspector, Education Department Burns. Ross S.* ... ... „ „ Dale, John H. ... ... Teacher, Native school ... Evans, William S. ... „ Taranaki Education Board Evans, Harry M. ... .... „ Evans, Colin M. ... ... „ „ Evans, Jack ... ... „ aazzard, Thomas H.* ... „ Southland Education Board Soulding, Mervin R. :S ... „ Marlborough High School olow, Donald H. A. ... „ Taranaki Education Board greenwood, Milton G. ... „ Native school ... Maule, Cecil F.* ... ... „ Otago Education Board £ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 £ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 E E A A A A A A A A A A A E A * Alio wanoes [ranted during the leriod from 1st January to 31st Decern .er, 1915.


(iv.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants—continued.

3—E. 9.


Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. , Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under whioh Allowance grauted. AtiTinnl Rate E.KduoationAcd, 1908; Annual nate A _ SnperannuatioB of Allowance. Amendment Act. 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. o Boys—continued. MeKinnon, Hugh L. MeKinnon, John C. Miller, Alexander S. Osmers, Harry N. Paul, Frederick A. T. Paul, Eric H. Rockel, Alex. A.*... Rockel, Max W.*f Sigley, Harry S. ... Smith, Edward H. Turner, Eric H. K. Turner, Francis J. Turner, Geoffrey R. Walsh, Harold G. Warren, Horace V. Williamson, Dudley N. Williamson, Kenneth Williamson, Leslie Williamson, Jack Williamson, Ronald I ± L_ Teacher, Southland High School Board Auckland Education Board „ Westland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board Native school ... Christchurch Boys' High School... „ Auckland Grammar School £ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 £ 13 15 13 B 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 B 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 455 18 " a ... „ Auckland Education Board Otago Education Board a a ft a ... Total (35 boys) Less Max W. Rockel 455 18 Girls. Appleby, Muriel V. A. Barnett, Kate ,].... Barnett, Laura ... Braik, Elaine I.* J Brownlee, Gwendolen A. ... Burns, Burns Marie K.* Olarkson, Mary L. Dunning, Dorothy B. A.* ... Goulding, Vera J. S.* Goulding, Jeanne H.* Hutchinson, Margaret M. M. Hutchinson, Kathleen M. B. Look, Gwendoline McCullough, Hazel K. McCullough, Elsie L. McCullough, Frieda M. Marshall, Gertrude E. Mehaffey, Mary E. M. Miller, Marjorie L.* Miller, Elizabeth A.* Miller, Margaret O.* Osborn, Mavis E. Paul, Ruth Peacock, Winsome F. Rockel, Iris M.* ... Sigley, Joyce C. ... Sigley, Hazel M. ... Sigley, Ethel G. ... Thomas, Olive M.* Vereker-Bindon, Enid B. ... Walsh, Evalyn F. Warren, Eva E. ... ... i Total (34 boys; Teacher, Otago Education Board a it Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Marlborough High School •I a •. • Southland Education Board a a ' • • „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago High School Board a a i, Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board 442 13 E 1.3 A 13 A 13 A 18 A 13 A 13 E ' 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 E .1.3 A 13 A 13 A 18 E 13 A 18 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 416 13 13 1.3 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 .1.3 13 13 18 13 18 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 442 „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board Native school ... „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Total (32 girls)... Less Elaine J Braik 416 13 * Allowances granted during tht 1 Allowance ceased 19th June. Total (31 girls) 403 403 845 t Allowance ceased 5th December. Grand total (65) 845 period from 1st January to 31st December, 1915.



5. REVENUE ACCOUNT for the Yeah ended 31st Deobmbbb, 1915. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st December, 1914 ..302,700 14 9 By Allowances .. .. .. 37,375 15 2 Contributions of members .. .. 52,643 16 11 Contributions refunded— Government subsidy .. .. 17,000 0 0 On voluntary retirement £4,119 11 2 Interest— • On death of contributor 2,552 12 10 From Public Trustee £13,358 13 5 On lapse of membership 374 5 8 On arrears of con- ' 7,046 9 8 tributions ~ 244 9 6 Contributions transferred to other funds 874 16 1 13,603 2 11 Commission .. .. .. .. 101 10 0 Contributions transferred from other Contributions overpaid refunded .. 39 0 1 funds .. .. .. .. 72 5 9 Balanoe, 31st December, 1915 .. ..340,582 9 4 £386,020 0 4, £386,020 0 4 Balance-Sheet as at 31st Deobmbbb, 1915. . £ s. d. £ s. To Fund as per Eevenue Acoount ..340,582 9 4 By Amount held by Public Trustee ..333,117 6 11 Retiring-allowances— ' Contributions— In transit ,\ .. £79 2 4 In transit .. .. £4,220 2 1 Unpaid .. .. 359 14 6 Outstanding .. 3,943 0 3 138 16 10 8,163 2 4 Refunds of contributions on Interest accrued — death of contributor-— Due on arrears contributions .. 684 0 5 In transit .. .. £10 3 3 Unpaid .. .. 630 9 10 640 13 1 ; On lapse of membership— Unpaid ....... 62 14 2 Contributions transferred to other ■ ■ , funds--Unpaid .. .. .. .. 2 10 0 Unclaimed contributions .. .. 154 7 2 Suspense Account .. .. .. 82 19 1 £341,964 9 8 £341,964 9 8 E. O. GIBBES, Secretary for Education. F. K. ov, Gastko, Chief Clerk and Accountant, and Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. 28th March, 1916. Examined and found correct.—R. J, Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.—-3rd April, 19.16.


APPENDIX. 1. Historical Outline : — The Teachers' Superannuation Act, which was passed by Parliament on the 81st October, 1905, and came into force on the Ist January, 1906, was amended by a supplementary Act on the 29th October, 1906. Every person who at the date of the coming into operation of the principal Act was permanently employed for not less than twenty hours a week in the Education .service had the option of electing within six months to become a contributor to the fund. Those who so elected became "original members," and, as such, are entitled to special benefits. A person who did not so elect to join the fund at its commencement might, however, be allowed to join it on certain conditions to be imposed by the Superannuation Board. All teachers in public schools, and in Native and other schools under the control of the Education Department who were subsequently permanently employed, were compelled to become contributors as from date of appointment ; other persons in the Education, service had the option of becoming contributors. On the 10th October, 1908, the former Acts were repealed by the Public Service Classification, and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, Part I ; but existing contributors Were allowed six months in which to elect to remain subject to the provisions of the former Acts if they so desired. On the 24th December, 1909, this Act was amended, providing, among other things, for the extension of time allowed in which to make the election referred to above to the 30th June, 1910 ; the amending Act also fixed a maximum retiring-allowance of £300 per annum in the case of persons who become contributors to the fund after the passing of the Act (24th December, 1909). The chief difference between the Act of 1908 and the former Acts affected the basis of calculation of the retiring-allowance of a contributor. The retiring-allow-ance was to b ; one-sixtieth of the average rate of salary received during the three years next preceding retirement, for each year of service, provided that in no case may the allowance exceed two-thirds of that salary. Under the former Acts the basis had been one-sixtieth of the total salary received by the contributor during the period of contributing to the fund (or, in other Words, one-sixtieth of his average salary for each year of service during the whole period of contribution), and, in addition, in the case of original members, one one-hundred-and-twentieth of the salary during the years of service between the Ist January 1878, and the Ist January, 1906, with a further proviso that in no case should tin original member receive a retiring-allowance of less than £52 per annum. By the same Act of 1908 the right to be admitted at a future date was taken away from I hose persons employed on the Ist January, 1906, as teachers in public schools or under the Education Department, and also from those persons who, being first permanently employed in other branches of the Education service after the Ist January, 1906, had the option of joining within six months after the date of appointment but did not do so. By the Amendment Act of 1912, however, the first-named persons were given a further opportunity of joining the fund. They had to make an election before the 30th June, 1913, if they wished to join, the regulations under the Act providing that contributions had to be paid from the Ist January, 1906, together with 5 per cent, compound interest thereon. By the amending Act of 1912 the definition of '' Education service " was extended so as to admit of the staffs of universities joining the fund. Any person in the employ of the University of New Zealand, the Auckland University College, Victoria University College, Canterbury College, the University of Otago, or the Canterbury Agricultural College at the date of passing of the Act (7th November, 1912) had the option (to be exercised before the 30th June, 1913) of joining. Any pc son first permanently employed on the staff of any one of those institutions after the passing of the Act is compelled, to become a contributor. The basis of calculation of the retiring-allowance in the case of persons appointed under the



provision in respect of universities differs from that in respect of contributors under the Act of 1908. The retiring-allowance is one-sixtieth of the average rate of salary for the three years next preceding retirement, for each year or part of a year of contribution to the fund, together with a one-hundred-and-twentieth part of such salary for each complete year of service between the Ist January, 1878, and the date of passing of the Act (7th November, 1912). These allowances are subject to the limitation of a maximum of £300 prescribed by the amending Act of 1909. 2,|Provision for the Government contribution to the fund has been made as follows :— (a.) Under the (section 23) Teachers' Superannuation Act, 1905 (the original Act), £5,000 was paid during the first quarter of 1906. No payment was made in 1907 or 1908. (b.) Under the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 (section 39), £7,000 was paid during the first quarter of the years 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912. (c.) Under the Public [Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912 (section 9), £17,000 has been paid during the first quarter of each year subsequent to the date of the Act.

Approximate Oont of Paper. — Preparation, not, given ; printing {1,250 copies), £10.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—lol6.

Prim 9d.)


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1915.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, E-09

Word Count

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1915.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, E-09

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1915.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, E-09