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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from tlie Journals of tlw. House of Representatives. Friday, the 10th Day of July, I i> 14. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all matters relating to schoolteachers, education, and public instruction generally, public-school training of teachers, higher education, technical education, manual instruction, and such other matters affecting education as may be referred to it; to have power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Hanan, Hγ. Milcolm, Mr. McCallum, Mr. Poland, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Statham, Mr. J. (!. Thomson, Mr. G. M. Thomson, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. ALLBN.) Friday, the 17th Day of ./r/.\, I'.iU. Ordered, "'That the Education Bill be referred to the Education Committee."—(Hon. Mi. All.en.) Thursday, the Ist Day of October, 1914. Ordered, "That the New Zealand University Amendment Bill be referred to the Education Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Allen.) •


I—l. 13,

No. Petitiunfi. Page. No. Petitioner. Page. 21<; Auckland Public School Assistant Misters' Association .. .. ■ ■ 2 2.'12 Auckland Women's Civic League (Rosettu ltaume and 2,166 others) .. .. 2 18 Fowler, James .. .. .. 3 42 Fromont, August, and 1,312 others, and 59 similar petitions.. .. .. 3 245 Baker, Luoretia, and 80 others. . .. 4 232 Haume, Rosetta, and 2,166 others (Auckhnd Women's Civic iieague).. .. 2 I-S7 Hewitson, William, Rev. Professor, ami 8il similar petitions .. .. .. 4 \i Hunter, Thomas A.. Professor, and 21 others, and 76 similar petitions .. j 3 2UX Cli iplin, Emily A., and 1,100 others .. 2 :il(i Cleary, Henry William, Right Rev., Bishop of Auckland, and 2,448 others .. i :SS!i MoQffl, Catherine .. .. .. ! 3 Xcw Zealand University Amendment Bill 2 280 Dunbp, l>. W., and 25 others, and 14 >imihr petitions .. .. . . 2 •in, O'Shea, Thomas, Most Rev. (Coadjutor, Bishop of Wellington), and 2.448 others 4 Education Bill .. .. . . 2 289 I'age. George A., and 17 othei>.. . . 4 211 Park, Nita, and 989 others .. .. 4 Find Report .. ■ • ■ ■ 5 401 Finlayxon, Janet A. .. . . . . 2 426 I Fletcher, H. J., and 27 others .. .. 2 Special Reports (two) .. . . . . 5



RBPOETS. Education Bill (vide also 1.-13 a). The Education Committee, to which was referred the Education Bill, has the honour 10 report that it has fully considered the Bill, taken evidence thereon, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed as amended in the copy attached hereto. The copy of the minutes of evidence is attached hereto (vide 1.-13 a). 30th September, 1914.

No. 203.—Petition of Emily A. Chaplin and 1,100 Others. Praying that the educational claims of girls and infants be recognized by making special provision for the appointment to the Council of Education of women members who have had practical experience in primary schools. I am directed to report that the subject-matter of the petition has been considered and dealt with in the Education Bill as reported to the House.

No. 216. —Petition of Auckland Public School Assistant Masters' Association. Praying that house allowance be granted to married assistant masters in primary schools. I am directed to report that the subject-matter of the petition has been considered and dealt with in the Education Bill as reported to the House.

No. 232. —Petition of Auckland Women's Civic League (Rosetta Baume and 2,166 Others). Praying that in the event of a Council of Education being set up, women should have representation on the said Council. I am directed to report that the subject-matter of the petition has been considered and dealt with in the Education Bill as reported to the House.

No. 286. —Petition of D. W. Dunlop and 25 Others, and 14 similar Petitions (as per Schedule attached). Praying that the proposed subdivision of the Auckland Education District be not given effect to. I am directed to report that the subject-matter of the petitions has been considered and dealt with in the Education Bill as reported to the House. 30th September, 1914. Schedule. No. 402.—Armstrong, J., and 109 others. i No. 332. —Lorking, S., and 3 others. No. 414. —Biss, Eha G., and 278 others. No. 344. —Lowe, Henry, and 9 others. No. 322.—Bishoprick, 0., and 17 others. No. 374.—McLean, E. M., and 68 othen No. 345.—Burns, —, and 8 otln No. 317. — Benniok, .T. W., and 5 other.-,. No. 354.—Clifford. H., and 10 other No. 440.—Shaw, J. L., and 159 other. No. 295. —Kay, William, and 87 others. No. 401. —Taylor, Alfred, and 149 others. No. 314. —Lowe, F. E., and 74 others. No. 400.—Wi1.-on, H. 8.. and 6 others.

No* 426. —Petition of H. J. Fletcher and 27 Others. Praying that better school accommodation be provided at the Taupo District School. I am directed to report that the Education Committee has no recommendatign to make. 30th September, 1914.

New Zealand University Amendment Bill. The Education Committee, to which was referred the New Zealand University Amendment Bill, has the honour to report that it has considered the Bill, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed as amended in the copy attached hereto. 2nd October, 1914.

No. 451. —Petition of Janet A. Finlayson. Praying that she be granted relief in resp ct of the loss of status as a teacher in the Island Bay School. I am directed ! o report that the education Committee recommend , although the time has pas ed in which the petitioner has a right to appeal, that the Minister, in accordance with section 220 of the present Act, grant the petitioner leave to bring the case before the Court of Appeal 7th October, 1914.

L—l 3


No. 389.—Petition of Catherine McGill. Fraying for inquiry into the action of the North Canterbury Education Board in connection with the case of the late Rubina Leckie McGill. I am directed to report that, while sympathizing with the petitioner, the Committee is of opinion that no good purpose could now be served by holding an inquiry, and it has therefore no recommendation to make. 7th October, 1914.

No. 18. —Petition of James Fowler, of Auckland. Praying for the custody of his son Felix John Fow'er, an inmate of St. Joseph's Industrial School Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1914.

No. 12. —Petition of Professor Thomas A. Hunter and 21 Others, and 76 similar Petitions (as per Schedule attached). Praying that the national system of education on its present free, secular, and compulsory basis be maintained. I am directed to report that the Committee has heard evidence on the subject-matter of these petitions —much latitude being allowed witnesses in the desire to get all the facts—and is of opinion that the New Zealand State system of free, secular, and compulsory education (under which our children have received incalculable benefits, and under which, after thirty-seven years' experience, our people—the immense majority of whom have passed through our schools—compare most favourably morally, socially, and religiously with the people of any other part of the world) should be maintained. (Vide also 1.-13b.) 30th October, 1914.

Schedule. No. 183. —Anderson, <'.. ;mcl 7>JO others. No. 278.—H0110w, N., and 285 others. No. 626.—Bain, Alexander, and 6.711 others. No. 244.—Hughi and 137 others. N . 110.— Barker. —. and 438 others. No. 107.—Jordan. C. W., and 561 others. No. 168. —Barnett, Annie H.. and 883 other*. No. 208.-—lust. M.. and 137 others. No. 217.—Bennett. Ida. and 44 others. No. 171. —Kenny, Mildred, and 109 others. No. 166. —Berre.sford-M iUrinson, E., and 229 others, No. 149. —King, Margaret, and 174 others. No. 479.—Bodkin. W. A., and 10 othere. No. 123.—Kirk. J., and 183 others. No. 164.— Bowen, J., and 32 others. No. 239. —Knowlγ . Ma py R., and 44 others. No. 190.—Brake. ('.. and 140 oth< rs. No. 179.—Little, J. C, and 281 others. No. 174. —Browne. Robert, and 86 others. No. 194. —Love, R. J., and 29 others. No. 165.—Boylen. H. F., and 45 others. No. 169.—Lynch, M. J., and 47 others. No. 180.—Bryan, A., and 1,458 others. No. 241.—McGill, D., and 99 others. No. 279. —Callaghan, Margaret, and 74 othere. No. 301.—McSwiggan, J. McG., and 30 others. No. 113. —CUughley, John, and 21 others. No. 300. —McKenzie, A., and 292 others. No. 277. —Caughley, R., and 4 others. No. 477. —Marslin, Ed., and 32 others. No. 177. —Chapman, Alice, and 109 others. No. 478. —Marslin, M., and 6 others. No. 210.— Collier, W. C, and 746 others. No. 51.—Meyers, C. X., and 1,835 others. No. 242.—C00k, Charles, and 117 others. No. 281. —Newdick, F., and 144 others. No. 69.—Cooke, C. J., and 1,000 others. No. 167.—Pickering, T.. and 81 others. No. 182.—Cousins. 11. (J., and 1,502 others. No. 192.—Potter, S., and 119 others. No. 173. —Crow, W. J., and 72 others. No. 291.—Rayne, George, and 270 others. No. 191. —Davidson. W.. and 175 othere. No. 181. —Raynor, Elsie, and 1,373 others. No. 72.—De Latour, H. A., and 932 others. No. 82.—Roach, T., and 450 others. No. 208. —Donaldson. Gladys and 137 others. No. 176.—Rothbury, S., and 126 other . No. 240.—Douglas, G. H., and 99 others. No. 50.—Roulston, T., and 1,433 others. No. 261. —Duncan, G., and 225 others. No. 112. —St. John, C. E., and 448 others. No. 243. —Earl, Florence, and 167 others. No. 120. —Shrimpton, J., and 163 others. No. 109. —Farland, W. J., and 388 others. No. 163. —Steward, Thomas, and 1,000 others. No. 170. —Fletcher, Amiie, and 91 others. No. 111. —Sutton, John, and 1,104 others. No. 156. —Foster. G. 8.. and 178 others. No. 105.—Talbot, H. E., and 923 others. No. 175. —Friel, Isabel C, and 151 others. No. 302.—Teasdill. F., and 178 others. No. 71.—Fullford. Annie, and 1,233 others. No. 218.—Timlin, P. J., and 55 others. No. 209.—Goulton, F. 8., and 609 others. No. 147.—Turner, J. R.. and 200 others. No. 260.—Graham, J., and 100 other-. No. 238.—Twoh'H, James, ,md 204 others. No. 70.—Hall, E. A., and 727 others. No. 178.—Wakelin. H., iird 57 others. No. 106.—Hill. W. G., and 341 others. No. 172.—Wallace, W., and 308 others. No. 108.—Hirper. Freda., and 247 others. No. 290.—William!, C. F., and 355 othere. No. 73.—Holder, H. F., and 331 others. No. 262.—W00d. E. A., and 11 others. No. 237.—Holland, Rlioda. and 58 others.

No. 42. —Petition of August Fromont and 1,312 Others, and 59 similar Petitions (as per Schedule attached). Praying that the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill be not passed. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion the proposals in the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill introduced this session by the Hon. James Allen, should not be allowed to become law. (Vide also 1.-13b.) 30th October, 1914.



Schedule. No. 88. —Adams, R., and 793 others. No. 140. —Massey, (J., and 211 others. No. 85. —Barnett, M. J., and 794 others. No. 74.—Mauera. Angelina, and 1,021 others. No. 131.—8e11, W., and 292 others. No. 122.—Mitchell, A., and 504 others. No. 63.—Berrill, W. J., and 232 others. No. 138.—Moran, Jack, and 634 others. No. 233.—Bleakley, X., and- 524 others. No. 189. —Morgan, T. E., and 757 others. No. 119. —Bosarh.M., and 257 others. No. 160. —Morrison, P., and 261 others. No. 78.—Boyle, Thomas, and 609 others. No. 150. —Murray, M., and 695 others. No. 117. —Brosnan, J. C, and 872 others. No. 79.—McCormack, E., and 1,093 others No. 142.—Bryson, Thomas, and 311 others. No. 136.—McGrath, J., and 359 others. No. 187.—Butler, J. E., and 736 others. No. 128.—Nixon, E. C, and 364 others. No. 81.—Cassin, Mary, and 217 others. No. 159.—O'Connell, J., and 348 others. No. 84.—Clark. William, and 1,008 others. No. 87.—O'Hanlon, E. J., and 101 others. ■ No. 80.—Cotterill, A., and 752 others. No. 77.—O'Neill, P., and 231 others. No. 146.—C0x, 0., and 218 others. No. 141.—Porter, A., and 223 others. No. 115.—D'Ath, J. H., and 562 others. No. 130.—Reed, G. T., and 699 others. No. 137.— Devino, T., and 328 others. No. 118.—Roughan, W., and 643 others. No. 62.—Draper, Mary, and 407 others. No. 132.—Soollard, X., and 479 others. No. 116.—Duffy, J., and 328 otherrs. No. 143. —Scott, John, and 419 others. No. 162.—Pake, I. J., and 425 others. No. 139.—Simmon*, C. H., and 236 others. No. 61. —Fogarty. Miry, and 277 others. No. 75. —Stanton, J. W., and 677 others. No. 76.—Frost, Sirah, and 306 others. No. 60.—Stevenson, E. S., and 1,167 others. No. 145.—G110n. Annie, nnd 374 others. No. 83.—Toomey, M., and 201 others. No. 193. — Hiiles, George, and 506 others. No. 147. —Turner, J. C, and 174 others. No.l29.—Hmneffy, A. P., and 477 othera. No. 135.—Valentine, T., and 445 others. No. 158.—Hyhnd," John P., and 451 others. No. 114.—Welh, J., and 497 others. No. 134.—Kearney, John, and 580 others. No. 161.— WiUann. S., and 1,115 others. No. 144.—Keegan, J.,«nd 455 others. No. 157.—Willis, Ellen, and 1,349 others. No. 188.—Kelly, M, and 2,876 others. No. 148.—Wilson, D., and 1.075 others. No. 89.—Kelly, W., and 250 others. No. 86.—York, George, and 237 others. No. 121. —Mahoney, E. E., and 347 others.

No. 316.—Petition of Most Rev. Thomas O'Shea (Coadjutor, Bishop of Wellington), Right Rev. William Henry Cleary (Bishop of Auckland), and 2,488 Others. Praying that, if the petition signed by 140,000 persons, as alleged, in favour of the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill has been presented to your honourable House, the same may be referred to a Committee of your honourable House, and that your petitioners may be afforded an opportunity of being heard thereon. I am directed to report that, as no petition signed by 140,000 persons in favour of the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill has been presented to your honourable House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. (Vide also 1.-13b.) 30th October, 1914.

No. 211.—Petition of Nita Park and 989 Others; No. 245—Petition of Lucretia Baker and 50 Others ; and No. 289 —Petition of George A. Page and 17 Others. Praying that the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill be passed into law. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the proposals in the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill, introduced this session by the Hon. James Allen, should not be allowed to become law. (Vide also 1.-13b.) 30th October, 1914.

f No. 487.—Petition of Reverend Professor William Hewitsox. and 89 similar Petitions (as pei Schedule attached). Objecting to certain provisions embodied in the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill. I am directed to report that the Committee has heard evidence on the Bubject-matter of these petitions —much latitude beinjr allowed witnesses in the desire to gel all the facts and is of opinion that the New Zealand State system of free, secular, and compulsory education (under which our children have received incalculable benefits, and under which, after thirty-seven years' experience our people —the immense majority of whom have passed through our schools —compare most favourably morally, socially, and religiously with the people of any other part of the world) should be main tamed. Further, that the Committee is fully alive to the value of biblical and religious instruction, and is of opinion that full opportunity should be given lor the adoption of ;; voluntary system, such as that known as the Nelson system, in which the teaching is imparted outside the statutory school hours, under which the State exercises no authority in religious matters, and under which there is no compulsion or violation of rights of conscience. (Vide also 1.-13b.) 30th October, 1914.



Schedule. No. 551. —Reverend A. Anstice. No. 523. —Reverend J. M. Innis. No. 529. —Reverend J. H. Archer. No. 540. —Reverend S. W. Jenkin. No. 516. —Reverend W. J. Ashford. No. 505. —Reverend H. A. Job. No. 504.—Reverend M. Aspland. No. 562. —Reverend Harry Johnson. No. 564. —Reverend P. Bandy. No. 525.—Reverend L. A. Johnston. No. 534.— Reverend William Ba,rnett. No. 548. —Reverend J. F. Jones, B.D. No. l'J4.—Reverend D. C. B No. 660.—Pastor E. T. Jonea. No. 520. —Reverend Matthew Bell. No. 496. —Reverend T. A. Joughin. No. 517. —Reverend Charles C. Brown. No. 558.—Reverend W. F. Kennedy. NO. 671. —Reverend H. W. Burgoyne. No. 527.—Reverend E. A. Kirwood. No. 513. —Reverend George Burgess. No. 544. —Reverend John Laird. No. 542. —Reverend Forde Carlisle. No. 531. —Reverend W. E. Lambert. No. 549.—Reverend Joseph Carlisle. No. 566.—Reverend R. J. Liddell. No. 507. —Reverend G. Cur. No. 570. —Reverend A. Liversedge. No. 559.—Reverend James W. Chappie. No. 503. —-Reverend C. A. Lyon. Xo. 498.—Reverend H. Cotton. No. 497.—Reverend J. J. Mather. No. 524. —Reverend Charles Connoi No. 537. —Reverend J. D. Mill. No. 510.—Reverend H. Steele Or No. 511. —Reverend Robert Mitchell. No. 546.—Roverend G. G. Cule. No. 554.—Pastor S. Morris. No. 528. —Reverend Charles D.iUaston. No. 490.—Reverend Alexander A. Murray. No. 567. —Reverend J. Dickson. No. 480. —Reverend J. H. MacKenzie. No. 492.—Reverend James N. Dodds. No. 569. —Reverend W. G. Noble. No. 611.—Revorend William Drew. No. 612.—Reverend A. North. No. 555.—Reverend T. Eocersall. No. 563.—Reverend F. Oldriene. No. 610.—Reverend H. E. Eldiidge. No. 568.—Reverend T. R. Richards. No. 541.—Reverend Howard Elliott. No. 536.—Reverend W. S. Rollings. No. 488. —Reverend Robert Erwin. No. 506. —Reverend I. Sargenson. No. 535.—Reverend E. Evans. No. 556.—Roverend D. P. Siunders. No. 500. —Reverend W. A. Evans. No. 491. —Reverend John M. Saunders, M.A. No. 509.—Reverend W. S. Fernie. No. 501.—Reverend W. Saunders. No. 518. —-Reverend Ralph Gebbie. No. 572.. —-Reverend A. J. Seamer. No. 553. —Reverend H. G. Goring. No. 552. —Reverend E. E. Small. No. 561.—Reverend R. S. Gray. No. 495. —Reverend G. Knowles Smith. No. 514. —Reverend S. Griffiths. No. 502. —Reverend William Tanner. No. 519.—-Reverend Herbert Grimstead. No. 565.—Reverend B. L. Thomas. No. 557. —Reverend E. E. Hale. B.A. No. 526.—Reverend A. F. Turner. No. 533. —Reverend F. Hales. No. 560. —Reverend H. van Staveren. No. 499.—Reverend A. O. Harris. No. 538. —Reverend B. J. Wainwright. No. 512. —Reverend George Hervey. No. 508. —Reverend A. H. Wallace. No. 613.—Reverend J. T. Hinton. No. 532.—Reverend W. Wallace. No. 545.—Reverend W. H. Huiton.l No. 521.—Reverend Caleb Wallis. No. 547.—-Reverend E. E. Hobday. No. 522.—Reverend Charles Waterhouse. No. 493.—Roverend R. H. Hobday. No. 530.—Reverend T. A. Williams. No. 543.—Reverend H. B. Hughes, M.A. No. 5] s.—Reverend H. Young. No. 539. —Reverend Dr. J. G. Hughes.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that this Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the capable and impartial manner in which the Chairman (Mr. G. M. Thomson) has presided over its deliberations, and tenders him a hearty vote of thanks for his services. This resolution to be recorded in the minutes of the Committee, and reported to the House. 30th October, 1914.

Special Report. On behalf of the Education Committee I am directed to report that this Committee desires to record its appreciation of the. excellent work done throughout this session by its Clerk, Mr. S. T. Patterson, who has discharged the various arduous duties imposed on him with diligence and fidelity, and begs to recommend to the House that some employment be found for him during the recess. 30th October, 1914.

Final Report. The Education Committee, consisting of 10 members, has during the session held 34 meetings, the average attendance being 8 members at each meeting. The Committee has had before it for consideration I he following business : The Education Bill, together with 18 petitions thereon; the New Zealand University Amendment Bill; 232 petitions, with 71,972 signatures, re the Religious Instruction in Schools Referendum Bill: and 4 miscellaneous petitions. The Committee has reported to the House on all the above matters. 30th October, 1914.

Approximate Cost, ot Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (6io copies), £3 15b.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l4

Price 6d.-\

2—l. 13.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. G. M. THOMSON, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-13

Word Count

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. G. M. THOMSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-13

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. G. M. THOMSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-13