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B.—l [Pt. I]




[In previous years the corresponding Accounts were separately published under Nos. 8.-2, 8.-3. 8.-4, 8.-5, and 8.-21.1

B.—l [Pt. I]


ABSTBACT OP THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ;— Receipts and Expenditure compared with Yeak 1911-1912, — Consolidated Fund— Obdinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Treasury Bills Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Scenery Preservation Account .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 10 Naval Defence Act Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Accounts op Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Deposit Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Public Works Fund :— Public Works Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Ro*d Improvement Account .. .. .. .. 18 Railways Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. .. 18 Aid to Watbk-powbr Wobks Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Irrigation and Water-supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Other Accounts :— Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Maori Land Settlement Act Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 Conversion Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Loans to Local Bodies Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 Opening up Cuown Lands for Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 32 Haubaki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 34 National Endowment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Workers' Dwellings Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Mining Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Bank of New Zealand Act, 1903, Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 New Zealand Consols Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i 0 Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 NET ISSUES COMPARED WITH THE SUMS VOTED UNDER APPROPRIATION ACT, 1913 .. 43 CIVIL LIST ACT, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT:— Consolidated Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 Public Works Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Public Trustee's Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 SUMMARY OF CERTIFIED STATEMENTS OF LIABILITIES .. .. .. .. .. 59 \

B.—l rp Tl I


2—B, 1 [Pt. IJ .

B.—l TPt. II


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.


1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 19131914. £ 9. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 770,341 3 8 31,183 11 11 23 15 6 5,727 0 7 Balanoe at beginning of Year,— Cash in the Public Aooount Imprests in the hands of Offioers of the Government — In the Dominion On aooount of Imperial Pensions On account of other Governments 678,173 5 li; 25,665 8 5 144 0 5,525 2 8 709,503 5 0 807,275 11 8 3,407,538 1 3 1,052,346 17 9 1,167,977 8 3 728,636 7 3 462,993 17 4 124,222 18 4 3,968,349 12 5 93,929 16 0 52,764 18 9 361,339 1 11 Ordinary Revenue, — Customs Stamps Postal and Telegraph Revenue Land-tax Income-tax Beer Duty Railways Registration and other Pees Marine Miscellaneous 3,426,744 9 9 1,221,970 17 5 1,257,537 5 3 767,451 0 5 554,270 14 4 127,041 4 4 4,028,738 16 7 100,634 12 8 53,036 13 10 424,066 18 11 1,420,098 19 3 11,961,492 13 6 55,839 10 2 332 17 1 198,337 2 5 Territorial Revenue, — Cash Land Sales Deferred-payment Land Sales Pastoral Runs, Rents, and Miscellaneous .. .. .. 190,444 8 1 190,444 8 10 254,509 9 8 National Endowment Revenue r 59,413 19 7 72,401 14 2 12,224,338 16 6 .1,734,022 8 6 Amount paid to Post Office by the New Zealand Government State Fire Insurance Department for purchase of Debenture 2,000 0 0 Sinking Funds set free to redeem, — Debentures under the Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 100 0 0 ;S I 5,321 16 4 162 11 6 85 18 3 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of Previous Years Unauthorized 5,321 16 4 248 9 9 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 — Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 15th April, 1913 13,000 0 0 Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 — Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 15th April, 1913 .. 75,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 — Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 15th October, 1913 6,000 0 0 Totals £12 541,546 9 11 £13,035,268 17 10


B.—l [Pt. I],



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-: 914. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. S. s. d. 33,492 18 4 2,717,013 3 4 574,440 15 5 110,527 14 0 37,975 16 0 3,341 2 1 Permanent Appropriations,— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund.. .. .. .. .. .. .. S Under Special Acts of the Legislature Subsidies paid to Local Bodies Amounts paid over to Looal Bodies and to Deposit Aooounts— Payments under the Land Acts .. Payments under the Timber and Flax Royalties Aot E ndo wments — New Plymouth Harbour Board Greymouth Harbour Board Westport Harbour Board National Endowment Residue Old-age Pensions Widows' Pensions Military Pensions 32,070 13 5 2,887,980 14 6 545,103 11 1 120,673 7 2 53,226 19 1 2,357 0 10 4,745 14 11 19,313 8 2 47,138 9 10 72,401 14 2 394,558 9 6 27,073 0 8 29,445 4 6 32,070 13 5 2,887,980 14 6 545,103 11 1 120,673 7 2 53,226 19 1 2,357 0 10 3,460 19 9 25,102 0 0 68,271 6 3 59,413 19 7 397,037 7 11 22,108 3 0 4,745 14 11 19,313 8 2 47,138 9 10 72,401 14 2 394,558 9 6 27,073 0 8 29,445 4 6 4,052,185 6 2 4,236,088 7 10 35,517 4 3 55,025 18 11 1,066,772 4 1 2,817,140 17 7 117,703 4 9 23,668 3 2 404,316 4 9 29,947 12 6 314,599 2 6 505,267 2 3 Annual Appropriations,— Class I.—Legislative Departments II.—Department of Finance .. .. .. .. .. „ III.—Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. .. 1 IV.—Working Railways Department.. .. .. .. .. 8 „ V.—Publio Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads .. „ VI.—Native Department , VII.—Justioe Department VIII.—Mines Department „ IX.—Department of Internal Affairs .. „ X.—Defence Department XI. —Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Maohinery Departments XII.—Department of Labour XIII. —Department of Lands and Survey , XIV. —Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce „ XV. —Education Department .. .. .. .. .. 1 Services not provided for 43,742 14 7 68.984 4 4 1,170,883 8 5 3,004,180 14 9 125,466 3 7 23.985 14 0 419,749 9 8 29,877 8 7 456,982 8 8 488,569 9 4 43,742 14 7 68.984 4 4 1,170,883 8 5 3,004,180 14 9 125,466 3 7 23.985 14 0 419,749 9 8 29,877 8 7 456.982 8 8 488,569 9 4 146.983 19 9 28,548 16 2 253,791 11 9 192,837 17 6 1,131,755 17 6 3,435 9 0 134,019 18 4 29,177 5 6 231,245 8 2 178,904 1 3 1,084,041 15 9 2,506 15 0 146,983 19 9 28,548 16 2 253,791 11 9 192,837 17 6 1,131,755 17 6 3,435 9 0 7,589,775 7 7 7,029,852 18 9 ■ 750,000 0 0 Revenue transferred to the Public Works Fund 675,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — The Canterbury Loan Ordinanoe, 1862 — Debentures matured 11th September, 1913, redeemed .. - .. 100 0 0 The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867— Debentures matured 15th April, 1913, redeemed by renewal 13,000 0 0 Defence and other Purposes Loan Aot, 1870 — Debentures matured 15th April, 1918, redeemed by renewal 75,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873— Debentures matured 15th October, 1913, redeemed .. .. Debentures matured 15th October, 1913, redeemed by renewal 11,400 0 0 6,000 0 0 17,400 0 0» The State Fire Insurance Aot, 1908— Debentures maturing 1st May, 1918, redeemed 2,000 0 0 i 678,173 5 11 Balanoe at end of Year,— Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Offioers of the Government— In the Dominion In London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. On account of Imperial Pensions .. .. .. .. .. On aooount of other Governments 378,875 3 0 29,464 3 9 13,598 4 1 620 19 4 4,346 12 3 25,665 8 5 144 8 0 5,525 2 8 709,508 5 0 426,905 2 5 £12,541,546 9 11 Totals \i £13,035,268 17 10 I £13,035,268 17 10

B.—l TPt. I


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913—continued.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19.13-1914.

1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-: IS 913-1! i 1914. 1914. j £ s. d. 675,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued during Year .. .. .. .. .. ..1,1 100,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued in renewal during Year .. .. .. .. .. ' £ a. d. 1,125,000 0 0 ! 525,000 0 0 £ 125,01 525,0( )00 )00 8. 0 0 . d. , i 0 I 0 £ s. o 1,650,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,650,000 0 0 £775,000 0 0 \ Totals .. ., .. .. .. £1,650,000 0 C £1,650,000 0 0 L FORESTS STATE FORESTS «J I £ s. d. ! Balance at beginning of Year, — 30,977 19 1 Cash in the Public Account .. .. . , .. Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— 609 8 10 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. • ■ • • 81,587 7 11 £ 25,7 2 ■£■ s. d. 25,712 7 9 712 231 s. 7 0 i. d. 1 9 ) 6 & s. d 25,943 8 c £ s. d. 231 0 6 25,943 8 3 31,587 7 11 1,361 6 8 Bents from Lands set apart .. .. .. •■ ■• •• ... 10,163 17 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. •■ ■• 11 cne A n 1,361 6 8 10,163 17 4 1,5 9,8 1,541 0 1 9,813 11 10 541 313 : 0 11 ) 1 L 10 11,354 11 13 11,354 11 11 11,525 4 0 Contribution from the Consolidated Fund towards cost of forest-tree growing and 5,000 0 0 I planting .. 11,525 4 0 5,000 0 C 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 £48,112 11 11 Totals £48,112 11 11 £42,298 0 i £42,298 0 2 ST/ «TTE COAL- £ s. d. 15,425 11 11 £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — 15,425 1111 Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— 8,053 2 7 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. ..... 09 d7R Id fi £ 50,6 3 £ s. d. 50,680 15 6 1 380 : 386 : s. 15 13 . d. 5 6 i 0 , £ s. d 51,067 8 i , £ s. a. 8,053 2 7 386 13 0 51,067 8 6 23,478 14 6 iid,ilo 14 o 208,013 14 7 Proceeds of Sale of Coal 161,842 13 4 161,842 13 4 208,013 H 7 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Coal-mines Act, 1908, and Appropriation Act, 1912— Instalments received in respect of £50,000 4-per-cent. Stock Loan authorized, ■ 34,404 0 0 1943-63 issue.. Interest on overdue instalments 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising £50,000 loan— 1943-63 issue .. .. .. .. • .. ... ... 1929 issue 3i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock oreated to cover expenses of raising £50,000 loan .. s<1 XftA n 0 34,404 0 0 15,396 0 0 0 18 15,5 1,6 5 4 596 0 666 517 416 0 1 18 13 13 D 0 1 8 i 4 3 11 3 4 18,197 2 t 1,666 13 4 517 13 11 416 13 4 18,197 2 3 34,4U4 U U The Coal-mines Act, 1908,— 25,000 0 0 Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 34,404 0 0 25,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 £390,896 9 1 Totals £231,107 4 ] £390,896 9 £231,107 4 1

fe—l Tt. I],




1912-1913. EXPENDI EXPENDITURE. ITURE. 1913■1914. £ a. d, £ s. a. 100,000 0 0 675,000 0 0Treasury Bills renewed during Year .. Treasury Bills redeemed during Year .. £ s. d. .. ! 525,000 0 0 .. ' 1,125,000 0 0 j ,— 1,650,000 0 0 £1,650,000 0 0 Totals £775,000 0 0 ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 22,169 3 8 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 117 —State Forests Branch 28,442 9 11 25,712 7 9 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests in the hands of Offioers of the Government— In the Dominion 13,588 17 2 231 0 6 266 13 1 13,855 10 3 25,943 8 3 £48,112 11 11 Totals £42,298 0 2 OUNT. MINES AC OUNT. £ 8. d. 234,677 2 2 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 118—State Coal-mines £ s. d. £ a. d. 191,159 4 1 5,151 14 11 Interest on Debentures 6,129 17 6 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Coal-mines Act, 1908, and Appropriation Aot, 1912— Charges and expenses 2,601 2 3 0 3 6 100,000 0 0 The Coal-mines Aot, 1908,— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed by renewal I Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests in the hands of Offioers of the Government — In the Dominion 30,694 15 i 50,680 15 6 386 13 0 522 4 11 31,217 0 3 51,067 8 6 Totals £390,896 9 1 £231,107 4 1

b.—l γ^t.»i


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913—continued.


1912-1913. 1913-1914. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — 2,163 14 6 Cash in the Publio Acoount £ s. d. £ s. d. 332 9 8 11 14 3 Bents •• I 35 4 7 Land sales 70 0 0 The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, — 15,000 0 0 Debentures issued.. 14,000 0 0 £17,175 8 9 ■ Totals £14,437 14 3 NAVAL DEFENCE f> c (I. 15,000 0 0 [ r> c ft. 9QO 9RO 11 3 — ! Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. Cash in the Publio Account .. .. •• •• •• •• 15,860 16 3 Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government — In London •• ! 47,000 0 0 15, £ s. d. £ s. d. ' r\ f% s\ ■* rt rt i,860 16 3 15,000 0 0 17. \000 0 0 iv j \j\jyj *-* f , \J\J\J Kf \J 62,860 16 3 304,362 11 3 304,362 11 3 433,500 0 0 0 5 2 433,500 0 0 0 5 2 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Naval Defenoe Act, 1909— Prooeeds of sale of 3J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock .. .. •■ •• 15,000 0 0 Instalments reoeived in respect of £2,000,000 Loan authorized Interest on overdue instalments 15 i,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 >■ 433,500 5 2 433,500 5 2 13,876 16 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— 4-per-cent. Insoribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising £2,000,000 Loan under the Naval Defenoe Act, 1909 £751,739 12 5 Totals £77,860 16 3 ACCOUNTS OF £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — 7,812 6 10 Cash in the Publics Account £ s. d. k 8. d. 8,294 18 11 Revenue received for Looal Bodies,— 11,885 1111 Pees, Fines, &c. .. 21,627 3 5 Endowments of Land, &c... 15,827 2 3 Goldfields Revenue 8 7 Gold Duty 11,772 14 8 19,417 13 5 14,790 1 10 21,443 10 7 — 66,964 6 2 67,424 0 6 — Counties Separate Acoount, — . 70 6 6 Revenue of Counties in which the Counties Act, 1908,18 not m lull operation .. 171 1 4 i Advance Accounts, — 24 147 3 9 Amount repaid by Local Bodies Ditto on acoount of Unauthorized Expenditure of previous years 21,378 3 6 4,000 0 0 25,378 3 6 £98.994 3 3 Totals £98,994 3 3 £101,268 4 3


B.—l [Pt. I



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. AISAM *UXV« £ s. d. 16,842 19 1 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 119—Scenery Preservation £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. 13,009 13 11 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 — Charges and expenses 0 7 0 332 9 8 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 1,427 13 4 £17,175 8 9 Totals £14,437 14 3 ACT ACCO NT. £ s. d. 525,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 69,034 14 6 Expenditure under the Act 13,878 16 2 j The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,The Naval Defence Act, 1909— Charges and Expenses 1,782 1 0 150,000 0 0 ' The Naval Defence Act, 1909,— Temporary Advances repaid 15,860 16 3 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In London 7,044 0 9 7,044 0 9 7,044 0 9 47,000 0 0 62,860 16 3 Totals £751,739 12 5 £77,860 16 3 LOCAL BO IES. £ s. d. 11,205 9 1 21,460 4 3 16,151 11 2 17,599 11 4 Revenue paid over to Local Bodies, &c, — Fees, Pines, &c. Endowments of Land, &o. .. Goldfields Revenue Gold Duty £ s. d. 11,483 16 6 20,709 3 8 15,840 3 10 19,781 5 4 £ s. d. 67,814 9 4 66,416 15 10 Counties Separate Aooount, — Amount distributed amongst Local Bodies where the Counties Act, 1908, is not in full operation 78 8 0 80 13 8 24,201 14 10 Advanoe Accounts, — Payments on behalf of Local Bodies 21,562 5 3 8,294 18 11 Balance at end of Year,— Cash in the Public Aocount Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion 11,745 0 3 11,818 1 8 78 1 5 £98,994 3 3 Totals .. .. .. .. < .. £101,268 4 3

B._l r-p T . ii

STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913—continued.



1912-18. RECEIPTS. 191 191: 14. £ s. d. 226,082 10 .8 Balanoe at beginning of Year, — ' £ s. d. Cash in the Publio Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 143,528 16 4 Imprests in the hands of Offioers of the Government — In the Dominion .. .. .. .. . ■ .. .. 231 8 0 £ s. d. 143,528 16 4 & s. d. 134 0 0 231 8 0 143,760 4 4 226,216 10 8 64,439 6 2 6,630 2 6 1 9 11 25 0 0 4,061 5 0 8,127 4 0 6 14 4 1,266 14 11 57,991 5 4 229,233 5 10 38 0 0 5 5 0 169 7 6 Lodgments,— Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 74,128 18 2 Emigrants'Deposits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,428 4 4 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 16 General Assembly Library .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Gold Duty Suspense Acoount .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,630 1 10 Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Speoial Coal Rate Aocount Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts, 1909 .. .. .. .. 6 7 7 Land Aot, 1908— Mining Distriots Land Occupation Aocount .. .. .. .. 1,561 1 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108,812 3 8 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 295,228 8 6 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 3 6 New Zealand University Endowments, Westland .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. .. ,. .. .. 2,903 17 1 North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act 1886 Amendment Act, 1889 .. Otago University Reserves Act, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. 479 8 8 Public Trust Office Remittance Account .. .. .. .. .. 44,283 13 9 Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. 805 0 0 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Aot, 1913, seotion 58 .. .. .. .. .. .. .._>.,.. .. 203 5 0 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account .. .. .. .. .. 611 0 3 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. 59 9 0 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 75 6 0 Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,250 13 9 Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Speoial Coil Rate .. .. .. 1,518 2 9 Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, Special Coal Rate Account .. .. 1,812 2 7 74,128 18 2 11,428 4 4 2 16 125 0 0 4,630 1 10 6 7 7 1,561 1 8 108,812 3 8 295,228 8 6 22 3 6 5 10 0 2,903 17 1 13,057 11 0 1,748 11 2 35,122 1 4 4,731 15 9 479 8 8 44,283 13 9 805 0 0 610 13 6 83 18 3 282 0 9 426 5 11 203 5 0 611 0 3 59 9 0 75 6 0 3,250 13 9 1,518 2 9 1,812 2 7 2,059 9 6 551,951 19 7 K 430,117 7 8 Total? £656,333 18 4 £695,712 3 11 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORK FUND for thi £ s. d. 65,941 5 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion £ s. d. *573,959 6 5 £ s. d. 16,638 18 7 52,782 2 2 626,741 8 7 82,580 3 7 The Publio Revenues Act, 1910, section 56,— Temporary transfer to Irrigation and Water-supply Account now restored 10,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913— Instalments received in respect of £1,750,000 4-per-cent. ten-years convertible Debenture Loan Temporary advances on security of Debentures 1,532/222 0 0 390,000 0 0 1,922,222 0 0 Carried forward 2,558,963 8 7 82,580 8 7 * Includes £249,776 for redemption of debentures.

3—B. 1 [Pt. I].

B. —1 iPt. I],




1913-14. 1912-13. EXPENDITURE, £ s. d. 64,173 12 2 6,502 14 0 25 0 0 3.426 6 7 4 19 1 636 6 9 55 15 9 54,646 19 0 228,733 5 10 Withdrawals, — Eduoation Reserves Amendment Aot, 1910 Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Act, 1908 General Assembly Library Gold Duty Suspense Acoount Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts, 1909 Land Act, 1908— Mining Districts Land Occupation Account Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 Miscellaneous Money-order Settlement Account North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act 1886 Amendment Act, 1889 .. Permanent-way Material for Open Lines of Railway Public Trust Office Remittance Account Railways Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 Trustee Act, 1908 £ s. d. 71,807 16 11 11,360 4 6 4 0 6 125 0 0 4,018 7 9 6 14 4 626 15 5 447 4 i 110,730 15 3 275,598 1 9 £ s. ci. 83,178 17 11 25,000 0 0 34,500 0 4 6,700 0 0 627 16 4 63 4 10 4,298 15 5 43,365 i 1 4,731 15 9 556 18 8 2 2 2 523,381 1 5 512,573 14 0 143,528 16 4 231 8 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion In London H3,lll 0 9 219 IB 0 29,000 6 9 172,331 2 6 143,760 4 4 £656,333 18 4 * Totals £695,712 3 11 Year ended 31st I March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913. £ s. d. 56,986 3 7 1,148,832 4 5 445,142 2 6 16,785 1 10 12,905 14 11 14,456 7 10 374,345 13 4 10,643 18 8 251,374 13 8 23,79C 2 1 22,550 6 10 726 15 10 Annual Appropriations,— Class XVI. —Public Works, Departmental - „ XVII.—Railways .. XVIII.—Public Buildings .. XIX. —Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences XX. —Tourist and Health Resorts XXI.—Immigration XXII.—Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works XXIII.—Development of Goldfields XXIV.—Telegraph Extension XXV.—Contingent Defence „ XXVI.—Lands Improvement Services not provided for £ s. d. 66,626 12 9 1,104,896 9 4 369,600 2 2 9,059 1 9 14,988 17 8 33,914 2 2 377,979 7 8 4,889 7 11 392,647 13 3 30,186 0 2 16,996 2 2 23 10 0 £ s. d. 2,421,807 7 0 2,378,539 5 6 The Public Revenues Act, 1910, section 56, — Temporary transfer to Irrigation and Water-supply Account 10,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913— Temporary advances repaid .. .. .. ... 390,000 0 0 2,378,539 5 ,6, Carried forward 2,821', 807 7 0

B.—l IPt. I




1912-13. RECEIPTS. 1913-14. £ s, d. 82,580 3 7 & b. d. £ s. d. 2,558,963 8 7 Brought forward 855,226 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912— Instalments received in respect of £1,242,900 4-per-cent. Stock Loan,1943-63 issue Interest on overdue instalments Debentures issued in exchange for Debentures matured 15th April, 1913, under the Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created and issued--1929 issue Premium 1943-63 issue .. .. .. .. .. .. .'. .]' 387,674 0 0 2 0 4 206,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 500 0 0 200,000 0 0 894,176 0 4 855,226 0 0 434,500 0 0 203,100 0 0 30,300 0 0 203,100 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1902— Interest on overdue instalments .. Debentures matured 1st December, 1912, renewed Debentures issued as seourity for advance for redemption of Debentures matured 1st December, 1912 Debentures issued for redemption of Debentures matured 2nd December, 1912 Proceeds of 4-per-cent. Stock Loan to pay off advances 0 6 9 871,000 0 0 i 0 6 9 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906— Interest on overdue instalments .. Debentures issued as security for advance for redemption of Debentures matured 1st December, 1912 Proceeds from 4-per-cent. Stock Loan to pay off advances 0 16 > 80,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 12 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908— 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created and issued— 1929 issue Premium .. .. .. .. .. ,. Temporary advance for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April," 1912 '.'. ■ Prooeeds of Loan to pay off advances obtained for redemption of Debentures .. Interest on overdue instalments 100,000 0 0 250 0 0 I 200,000 1 2 100,250 0 0 100, COO 0 0 100,000 0 0 ,226,000 0 0 0 14 9 174,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1911 — 4-per-ceflt. Inscribed Stock created and issued, 1943-63 issue Debentures matured 31st December, 1912, renewed Debentures matured 31et March, 1913, renewed Instalment received in respect of £1,500,000 Loan authorized Interest on overdue instalments .. Debentures issued .. Temporary advance on seourity of Debentures issued i 100,000 0 • 0 ,000,000 14 9 : I I 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 I The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870— Instalments received in respect of £363,000 4-per-cent. Stock Loan for redemption of Debentures due 15th April, 1913 Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 15th April, 1913 Interest on overdue instalments .. .. .. [, 113,224 0 0 27,900 0 0 0 11 9 141,124 11 9 ,088,806-19 6 Carried forward .. 3,794,514 8 11

B.—l TPt. il.

Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.



EXPENDITURE. 1913 1914. £ 8. d. 2,378,539 5 6 £ s. d. £ s. 2,821,807 7 Brought forward The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908Transfer to Loans Redemption Account of gross proceeds of sale of £100,000 New Zealand 4-per-cent. Insoribed Stock for redemption of Debentures 100,250 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903— Debentures matured 1st January., 1914, redeemed .. 1,000 0 The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870— Debentures matured 15th April, 1913, redeemed Debentures matured 15th April, 1913, redeemed by renewal 363,000 0 0 27,900 0 0 390,900 0 6,403 4 8 3,768 9 0 746 5 7 960 7 0 18,102 12 0 3 18 6 3,201 3 4 39,763 14 2 Charges and Expenses in respect of loans raised under,— The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1912 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913 The Immigration and Publio Works Loan Act, 1870 52 0 5 10,566 5 0 2,080 18 0 625 0 0 2,625 14 0 69,799 0 3 0 17 6 19,699 15 8 72,949 13 10 105,449 10 10 471 4 2 The Bllesmere Lands Drainage Aot, 1905,— Expenditure under seotion 6 296 15 0 200,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st May, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st May, 1912, redeemed by renewal Temporary advances repaid 403,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 46,000 0 0 72,700 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1901— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st December, 1912, redeemed Temporary advances repaid Temporary advances on Reserve Fund Securities repaid 164,700 0 0 203,100 0 0 30,300 0 0 434,500 0 0 203,100 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1902— Debentures matured 1st December, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 2nd December, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st December, 1912, redeemed by renewal Temporary advanoes repaid .. .. .. .. .. 871,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903— Temporary advances on Reserve Fund Securities repaid • • 565,500 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works aud Land Settlement Aot, 1904— Temporary advanoes on Reserve Fund Securities repaid Carried forward ,412,739 5 6 419,703 12 10

fe.—i [Pt. ij.




I 1912-1913. ■ RECEIPTS. 1913 ■1914. £ s. d. ,088,806 19 0 Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,794,514 8 11 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising loans— 1929 issue— The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 (£363,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 (£1,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 (£203,100) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 (£40,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 (£1,242,900) 3,758 9 8 10 7 1 2,102 17 9 414 3 2 12,868 18 6 4-per-oent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising loans — 1943-63 issue— The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 (£363,000) The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 190L (£1,000) The Aid "to Public Works anl Land Settlement Act, 1902 (£203,100) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 (£40,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912.. 19,154 16 2 12,100 0 0 33 6 8 6,770 0 0 1,333 6 8 41,430 0 0 61,666 13 4 i 3i percent. Insoribod Stock created to cover expenses of raising loans — The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 (£303,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Setilement Act, 1901 (£1,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1902 (£203,100) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 (£40,000) The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 (£1,242,900) 3,025 0 0 8.6 8 1,092 10 0 333 6 8 10,357 10 0 15,416 13 4 750,000 0 0 Revenue transferred from the Consolidated Fund in aid of Public Works 675,000 0 0 Receipts under Section 16 of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1912 21,890 4 5 86,969 14 6 6,843 13 2 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of previous Years 9,051 8 8 1,625 10 1 Special Receipts in connection with the Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account 1,593 7 8 Amount held in Deposits Account for Purchase of Permanent-way Material now restored to Public Works Fund, same being no longer required in a Deposit Account 25,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 2 5 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900— Debentures matured 1st May, 1912, renewed Temporary advances for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 .. Proceeds of loan to pay off advanoes used for redemption of Debentures Interest on overdue instalments 402,000 2 5 45,000 0 0 117,700 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901— Temporary advance for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 Proceeds of loan to pay off advances obtained for redemption of Debentures .. Debentures issued as security for advance for redemption of Debentures matured 1st Deoember, 1912 Interest on overdue instalments Proceeds of 4-per-cent. Stook Loan to pay off advanoes 1,000 0 0 0 1 5 1,000 0 0 ■ 164,700 1 5 30,000 0 0 0 0 4 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903— Proceeds of loan to pay of! advanoes obtained for redemption of Debentures .. Interest on overdue instalments 30,000 0 4 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904— Proceeds of loan to pay off advances obtained for redemption of Debentures .. Interest on overdue instalments 565,500 0 0 0 6 9 565,500 6 9 The Native Land Purohases Act, 1892— Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 31st October, 1912 125,000 0 0 6,402 4 4 3,707 14 1 960 6 8 18,102 5 3 3,201 2 2 39,245 11 S 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stook created to cover expenses of raising loansAid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 (£200,000) Aid to Publio Works and Laud Settlement Act, 1901 (£117,700) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903 (£30,000) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 (£565,500) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 (£100,000) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 (£1,500,000) 71,679 3 11 The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870,— Proceeds of 4-per-cent. Stock Loan to pay off Debentures due 15th April, 1913 249,776 0 0 800,000 0 0 Temporary advanoes on Reserve Fund Securities Totals £4,598,287 12 6 (37.367,901 12 1


B.—l [Pt. I].

Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913—continued.


1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. ,412,739 5 6 Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,419,703 12 10 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1906— Debentures matured 1st December, 1912, redeemed Temporary advances repaid 80,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed Temporary advances repaid 200,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 750,000 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1911— Debentures matured 31st December, 1912, redeemed by renewal Debentures matured 31st March, 1913, redeemed by renewal Debentures matured 1st March, 1913, redeemed Temporary advances repaid .. .. .. .. 1,050,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 The Native Land Purchases Act, 1892, and the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1899— Debentures matured 31st October, 1912, redeemed by renewal 800,000 0 0 Repayment of advances on Reserve Fund Securities 573,959 6 5 52,782 2 2 Balance at end of Year, — Oash in the Publio Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government — In the Dominion In London Investment Account 1,142,577 16 10 11,006 2 10 15,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 1,178,583 19 8 026,741 8 7 Totals ■ £7,367,901 12 1 £4,598,287 12 6

b.—l rp-r. II


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.


1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 2,299 7 2 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Acoount £ s. d .' £ s. d. 2,476 15 6 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act, 1910,— Debentures issued 2,000 0 0 2,906 19 0 Recoveries on aooount of expenditure of previous years i i £5,206 6 2 Totals £4,476 15 6 £4,476 15 6 THE I RAILWAYS £ s. d. 567 10 8 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account £ a. d. £ s. d. 93 17 0 28,780 0 0 The Government Kailways Amendment Act, 19.10, Debentures issued Totals • — 45,000 0 0 £45,093 17 0 £29,347 10 3 £45,093 17 0 THE WA HOU AND HINEMURI £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — 39,670 19 0 Cash in the Publio Aooount 60,000 0 0 Investment Aooount .. .. .. .. ., ,, \\ 99,670 19 0 £ s. d. 31,091 1 2 60,000 0 0 £ s. d. 91,091 1 2 Contributions under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Bivers Improvement Aot, 1910 — 1,111 6 8 Consolidated Fund 3,333 6 8 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. \\ 1,109 4 5 Gold-mining Companies 1,111 6 8 3,333 6 8 633 3 9 5,553 17 9 j 5,077 17 1 1,143 9 10 ' Intereet on Investments .. - .. 2,250 0 0 £106,368 6 7 ' Totals £98,418 18 3 AID TO WATER- £ b. d. j Balance at beginning of Year, — Gash in the Publio Aooount : The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Water-power Works Aot, 191050,000 0 0 ! Debentures issued £ 8. d. £ s. d. 14,990 16 6 165,000 0 0 £50,000 0 0 £50,000 0 0 Totals £179,990 16 6


B.—l rp T . [].



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 2,729 10 8 Vote 121—Hutt Railway and Road Improvement £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,117 19 7 * Balance at end of Year, — 2,476 15 6 Cash in the Public Account 358 15 11 I £5,206 6 2 S,206 6 2 Totals £4,476 15 6 ENTS ACCOUNT. IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT. £ s. d. 29,253 9 9 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 122—Railway Improvements £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 39,563 0 6 0 3 6 The Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910, Charges and Expenses authorized by the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 .. j 1 1 0 93 17 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account 5,529 15 6 £29,347 10 3 Totals .. .. £45,093 17 0 RIVERS IMI PROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ s. d. 10,665 13 11 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 125—Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement £ s. d. I £ s. d. 9,631 11 6 3,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 Interest on Debentures " 555 13 4 555 18 2 Refund of amounts overpaid on basis of £150,000 loan instead of £100,000 loan,— Contribution from Consolidated Fund Contributions from Gold Duty .. .. .. .. 31,091 1 2 60,000 0 0 1,111 11 6 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. ,, 25,287 6 9 60,000 0 0 85,287 6 9 91,091 1 2 £106,368. 6 7 Totals .. £98,418 18 3 POWER WORKS ACCOUNT. £ s. d. 35,009 0 0 Annual Appropriation,— Vote No. 123—Development of Water-power £ s. d. £ s. d. 142,826 12 5 0 3 6 The Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910— Charges and expenses authorized by New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account .. .. " I 18 0 14,990 16 6 37,162 16 1 £50,000 0 0 Totals .. .. £179,990 16 6

B.—l [Pt. I]


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.


1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. & s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Aooount £ a. £ s. d. A. £ s. d. 311 9 6 Temporary transfer from Fund, under Seotion 56, Public Revenues Act, 1910 10,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Irrigation and Water-supply Aot, 1913— Debentures iesued 35,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 The Appropriation Aot, 1912, Section 16 — Debentures issued !15,000 00 Totals .. .. ■• •• •• •• j £45,311 9 6 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT £ s. d. 18,242 0 4 50,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year,— Cash in the Public Account Investment Account £ s. d. 23,879 1 3 50,000 0 0 g, s. d. 73,879 1 3 68,242 0 4 Receipts under the Land Act, 1908, — Rents from Lands 15,716 2 7 12,634 3 7 "r" 1,886 2 6 Other Receipts,— Interest on Securities held by Investment Account * * 1,987 6 6 Totals £91,582 10 4 £82,762 6 5 STATEMENT of the BEOEIPTS and EXPENDITUBE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUN n J O „ : £ a. d. 66,039 13 0 £ s. ■ a. & s. i Balance at beginning of Year,— Cash in the Public Account .. •• •• •• •• ••! •• *I,*>U u 9 £ s. ' a. £ s. i. 47,672 0 4 )99,497 0 0 i Amount received from the State Advances Office in terms of Seotion 89 of the New I Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 .. •• ■• ■• •• lbS,SII i.i ( ■ 163,877 12 0 399,497 0 0 155,000 0 0 155,000 0 0 Amount received from the State Advances Offioe, being part proceeds of loan obtained by High Commissioner— For redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1913 .. .. ■■ 5U,0OU U u ) I For redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 .. .. ■ • -j ( 3 50,000 0 0 155,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 155,000 0 0 .LOO j WV v « The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 — Instalments reoeived in respect of £23,400 4-per-oent. ten-years convertible Debentures Loan ! 20,488 0 0, Debentures issued ••! 286,100 ° 306 ,588 0 20,488 0 0 286,100 0 0 ! I 306,588 0 0 ■ i Amount set aside for opening up Crown lands for Settlement in terms of Section 63 of the Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913 .. .. •• •• •• •• d.uuu u .. 3,000 0 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. ■• •■ ■• •• 571,137 12 571,137 12 4 620,536 18 0

"B.—l OPt. I].



4—B. 1 [Pt. I].


1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 14,688 10 6 Annual Appropriation, — Vote No. 124—Irrigation and Water-supply £ s. a. £ s. d. ( 33,601 14 2 Temporary transfer from Public Works Fund under Section 56, Public Revenues Act, 1910, now restored 10,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Appropriation Act, 1912— Charg-s and Expenses Irrigation and Wa f jer Supply Act, 1913— Charges and Expenses 0 3 6 0 7 0 311 9 6 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aooount 1,709 4 10 £15,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. £45,311 9 6 :or the Year endei 31et March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st Mabch, 1913. £ s. d. 8,866 2 6 17 2 8 Interest paid in respect of Debentures issued .. Surveys, Koading, &o. .. i,i £ s. d. 4,433 1 3 1 1 8 I £ s. d. 4,434 2 11 8,883 5 2 23,879 1 3 50,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Investment Account 37,1 50,( 37,148 7 5 50,000 0 0 j 87,148 7 5 73,879 1 3 Totals £82,762 6 5 l= £91,582 10 4 :or the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial il Year ended 31st Mabch, 1913. £ s. d. 10,061 16 11 Annual Appropriations,— Vote 120—Land for Settlements Expenses £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ e. fl. 4,568 11 11 10,061 16 11 Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto, — Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. 17 12 3 81 13 1 36 6 10 111 15 6 17 10 7 24 6 6 1 14 2 66 13 11' 6 10 0 943 18 8 50 18 3 Total. Total. Name of Estate. 32 15 2 35 10 10 172 15 3 67 12 6 31 14 2 43 18 7 Airedale Albury Allanholm Annan Aorangi Ardsjowan .. Ardlussa (Ardlussa Estate Company) Argyll Ashley Gorge Ashwick .. .. ... Avenel Avenel Extension Aviemora Aylesbury .. B*lachraggan (M. Henry and B. F. Henry) Barnego Beaumont .. Bicker^taffe Blind Itiver 33,432 1 3 17 12 3 81 13 1 36 6 10 111 15 6 17 10 7 24 6 6 33,433 15 S 66 13 11 6 10 0 943 18 8 50 18 3 128 0 1 3 0 9 31,434 13 11 218 18 8 25,6G1 1 8 0 2 3 16,206 11 8 14,200 0 0 0 2 3 13 14 2 7 10 4 17 8 7 8 15 5 48 7 2 21 0 9 0 2 3 13 14 2 14,207 10 4 17 8 7 8 15 5 48 7 2 21 0 9 30 0 2 18 16 2 46 14 0 19 7 7 Carried forward 47,632 1 3 1,475 18 5 49,107 19 8 74,151 13 5 4,563 11 11

B.—l iPt. I




1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 620,536 13 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 571,137 12 4 Brought forward 832 12 6 13,207 18 7 Receipts on account of capital value of land under the Land Aot, 1908,— Section 191 Section 177 108 2 6 108 2 6 14,040 11 1 Receipts derived from Estates, — Rents, &o. 340,183 0 10 309,192 17 2 Sale of Crown Lands 135,664 6 11 Interest on Securities held by Investment Account 1,972 11 10 8,603 1 7 Proceeds of Sale of Workers' Dwellings on Settlement Lands under Section 16 of the Workers' Dwellings Act, 1910 3,901 3 2 Credits in. reduotion, — Avenal Extension 9 6 7 8 4 2 Recoveries on account of Estates, — Elderslie No. 2 Sherenden Waihau I 14 0 3 5 7 4 19 7 8 4 2 The New Zealand S'ate-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, — Land for Settlements Branch— Debentures issued 44,000 0 0 155,000 0 0 190,400 0 0 15,300 0 0 39,500 0 0 30,000 0 0 814,766 0 0 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908, the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910; and the New Zealand Loans Acts, 1908,— Temporary Advance lor redemption of Debentures due 1st April, 1912 .. 3J-per-ceut. Stock created fur redemption of Debentures maturtd 1st April, 1912 Debentures issued for redemption of Debentures matured 1st May, 1912 Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, renewed D benture* matured 1st May, 1912, renewed Debentures matured 31st October, 1912, renewed 1,244,966 0 0 2,236,347 7 0 Carried forward .. 1,052,981 2 9

B.—l jP-r I].

for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. I 19131914. a s. d. 10,061 16 11 £ s. d. £ b. ,d. x. s. d. £ s. d. 4,568 11 11 Brought forward Total. Name of Estate. Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto — continued. . Bourndale .. Braco Braeburn Buddo Cardrona Carrington Carroll Chamberlain Clandeboye Clandeboye No. 2 .. Olandon Claremont Clareview (D. Buckley) Clydebank Conical Hills Cradock Culverden .. Douglas Drayton Duncan Dyer Earnscleugh Eccleston No. 1 Ecoleston No. 2 Edendale Elderslie Elderslie No. 2 Elsthorpe Epuni Epworth .. ... Ermedale Pencourt Plaxbonrne Forest Gate.. .. .. .. Fortification Hill (D. W. Westenra and W. and T. Washbourne) Four Peaks Pyvie Glenham Glentanner Greenfield Hall-Jones Hatuma Hawtrey Heatherlea (J. R. McDonald and M. A. Bartholomew) Hekeao Hetana Highbank Hikawera .. Hillersden (Trustees of Estate of late T. Carter) Hornby Horsley Downs Howard (J. Kerr) Huinga Janefield Kaimahi Kanakanaia . ■ .... Kapua Kapuatohe Karapiro Kauroo Hill Kereta K inlooh Kitchener .. Kohatahi .. Kobika Kohika No. 2 Knowsley Park (M. Matheson) Kumeroa Kurow Ladbrook Langdale .. Landsdowne (M. Croucher and D. M. Sutherland) Lindsay Linton Longbush .. .. Lyndon No. 1 Lyndon No. 2 Lynton Downs (T. Harrison).. ... . .. Maerewhenua .. - .. Mahora Mahupuku Makareao and extension Manga-a-toro Mangapouri Mangatahi Purohase-m ou ey. Incidental Expensee. Total. 74,151 18 5 22,143 0 0 0 16 4 122 2 4 1 17 1 4 6 0 52 1 9 0 0 3 21 7 3 66 16 5 4 14 8 5 11 5 30,690 11 6 47,632 1 3 1,475 18 5 66 14 2 1 7 10 16 0 0 4 9 1 83*18 9 49,107 19 8 66 14 2 1 7 10 16 0 0 4 9 1 33 18 9 93 1 6 1,293 0 6 1 15 7 61 8 9 990 13 3 14 4 0 2 10 4 104 17 5 4 4 5 3 9 2 2 3 9 143 8 7 93 2 10 179 0 8 36 4 11 11 14 3 0 3 1 922 19 6 35 16 11 228 18 9 40 11 10 10,234' 8 9 47 19 6 13 3 2 9 6 4 16 14 0 520 7 8 121 12 1 34 15 5 520 18 3 3 9 4 136 18 8 46 7 2 27 10 1 1 12 9 51 0 8 5 9 4 13 0 0 2 16 94 2 11 46 11 9 331 18 1 18 9 11 5 17 3 0 6 1 7 0 2 36 12 11 255 0 1 21 1 3 47 19 6 13 3 2 9 6 4 16 14 0 520 7 8 10,356 0 10 34 15 5 520 18 3 3 9 4 136 18 8 46 7 2 27 10 1 1 12 9 51 0 8 5 9 4 18 0 0 2 1 6 94 2 11 46 11 9 331 18 1 18 9 11 5 17 3 0 6 1 7 0 2 36 12 11 255 0 1 21 1 3 421 14 10 0 19 1 72 14 9 2 9 10 96 1 10 1 15 0 125 13 0 29 13 0 11,278 18 2 4 16 8 50 15 11 11,283 14 10 50 15 11 33 15 11 2 9 10 45 15 9 5 11 10 62 12 2 2 6 2 33 15 11 2 9 10 45 15 9 5 11 10 62 12 2 2 6 2 8 16 9 11 11 3 34 6 0 15 6 8 231 16 4 II 12 3 17 0 1 5 8 9 3 10 8 33 11 4 3 15 1 10 6 12 2 9 170 0 6 0 18 8 60 4 4 1 10 7 3 0 3 15 14 0 193 10 3 21,158 11 10 166,300 2 2 4,400 0 0 14 11 0 14 4 3 24 16 5 67 1 8 7 4 10 2,403 6 2 45 16 2 23 4 5 5 3 0 29 6 7 3 8 6 6 12 16 15 7 6 18 2 8 8 11 18 4 144 10 0 1 17 4 133 2 1 15 8 21,173 2 10 14 4 3 24 16 5 67 1 8 7 4 10 168,703 8 4 45 16 2 23 4 5 4,405 3 0 29 6 7 3 8 6 6 12 16 15 7 6 18 2 8 8 11 18 4 144 10 0 1 17 4 133 2 1 15 8 26 5 1 7 15 3 3 17 3 49 8 0 19,157 10 3 32 3 5 7 16 4 4 16 7 13 1 10 4 12 9 13 10 9 32 18 0 32 3 5 7 16 4 19,162 6 10 13 1 10 4 12 9 13 10 9 32 18 0 84 13 0 14 15 1 22 3 11 9 10 4 29 19 8 80 10 8 42 12 8 35 7 0 4 16 2 73 14 10 21 8 0 71 8 1 29,840 15 3 42,321 5 0 220 15 2 44 12 9 4 16 13 19 9 19 0 8 57 2 9 393 11 8 40 3 8 12 5 7 16 12 3 40 5 6 36 14 10 9 7 7 50 16 8 30,061 10 5 44 12 9 4 16 13 19 9 19 0 8 57 2 9 42,714 16 3 40 3 8 12 5 7 16 12 3 40 5 6 36 14 10 9 7 7 50 16 8 183,692/. 8 1 Carried forward 352,323 12 8 8,226 11 11 360,550 4 7 4,568 11 11

8.-l [Pt. I].




1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. ,236,347 7 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. 1,052,981 2 9 Brought forward ** 2,236,347 1 0 Carried forward 1,052,981 2 9


B.—l [Pt. I] 7

for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913- continued.


1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ 8. d. 10,061 16 11 £ a. a. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 4,568 11 11 Brought forward Total. Name of Estate. Pure Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto — continued. 355 Mangawbata Mangawhero .. .. .. Maori Hill (D. Cameron) .. .. .. 2£ Marawiti Matakanui .. . . . •. ■ ■ j Matamata Maungaraki Maytown Mead Meadowbank Meadows Melling Merrivale Methuen Mills Momona Morice Mount Nessing Ngatapa .. .. Normandale Northbank Ohakea Ohauiti (E. Revell and H. J. Rowe) If Okauia Omaka Omihi Valley Opouriao Orakipaoa Otahu Otaio Otamatakau Otanamono .. ... .. .. j Otarakaro Otekaike Papaka Paparangi .. .. .. .. .. ! Pareora No. 1 Pareora No. 2 Patoa Pawaho Peaks Pitt Plumer Plunket Poerua Pomahaka Poroporo (A. J. Stone-Wigg, O. H. Beetham, and H. H. Beetham) .. .. .. .. 3f Pouparae Pourerere Preseofc Puhipuhi Puhuka .. .. .. .: Puketapu Punaroa .. .. .... Rainclifi .. .. Rainford ... Rakitairi Rangiatea Rapuwai Raumati Raureka Rautawiri .. .. .. .. ■ • Rewi Richmond Brook Ringway Roimata Rosebrook Rosewill Ruapuna No. 2 Soargill Selwyn Sberenden Sherwood Downs Spotswood .. Springhill (L. M. Rhodes, A. V. L. Rhodes, and L. B. Vallanee) .. .. .. .. 5^ Starborough Steward St. Helens Stoke .. .. .. .. .. I Strathmore.. Studholme Tablelands .. Tahawai Takitu .. .. .. .. Purchase-money. chase-n 2,323 15,652' .8,212 18,647 i4,984 Incidental Expenses. Total. 133,692 8 1 20 14 0 24 11 10 14 0 6 8 8 6 4 7 1 173 13 5 8 11 5 3 8 8 12 14 2 111 9 1 60 10 0 352,323 12 8 25,652'17 0 8,226 11 11 10 7 0 22 14 10 89 8 1 16 17 0 ■2 3 6 167 11 7 2 10 6 7 5 1 22 7 7 10 12 9 12 11 3 11 9 10 16 18 6 9 2 3 19 14 4 2 3 0 48 3 10 423 15 4 87 6 0 12 2 9 8 11 3 12 19 11 243 18 3 6 0 5 13 3 9 360,550 4 7 10 7 0 22 14 10 25,742 5 1 16 17 0 2 3 6 167 11 7 2 10 6 7 5 1 22 7 7 10 12 9 12 11 3 11 9 10 16 18 6 9 2 3 19 14 4 2 3 0 48 3 10 423 15 4 87 6 0 12 2 9 8 11 3 12 19 11 18,456 6 3 6 0 5 13 3 9 50 2 9 4 15 6 11 18 9 4 6 0 24 12 11 43,542 16 11 275 6 0 18 8 7 6 7 5 25 14 8 i 6 16 6 30 7 5 0 6 8 33 1 2 4 12 2 12 7 8 3 10 6 0 10 4 31,027 13 2 14 3 124 9 3 13 17 5 7 14 6 4 5 6 47 17 9 2 2 10 1 14 0 1 19 10 0 17 8 2 7 11 49 14 1 3 0 0 28 16 9 I 18,212 8 0 32 16 7 8 19 1 8 5 2 4 19 9 18 4 195 2 8 2 8 8 56 13 6 2 111 6 5 5 2 8 16 3 84 19 5 3 16 10 2 11 4 4 5 3 111 18 1 24 8 10 32 16 7 8 19 1 8 5 2 4 19 9 18 4 195 2 8 2 8 8 56 13 6 21 11 6 5 5 2 8 16 3 84 19 5 3 16 10 2 11 4 4 5 3 1 1 1 18 1 24 8 10 14 11 5 14 11 5 6 9 10 16 2 4 0 11 6 0 14 0 4 5 2 25 18 8 0 19 2 7 17 5 11 18 6 16 11 9 5 8 4 38 18 10 ! 8 9 2 2 8 10 15 12 3 28 15 5 11 18 4 1 11 10 5 7 11 240 5 2 27 3 4 285 17 2 86 13 3 77,572 10 0 405 17 9 8 8 2 j 38,647 1 0 1,221 1 2 3 13 4 8 12 0 3 3 0 11 3 14 1 2 4 6 40 9 5 1 18 5 8 4 3 24 19 2 15 19 5 10 16 9 21 9 3 4 5 11 2 19 10 2 4 0 28 13 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 7 12 10 319 9 2 53 10 5 357 12 5 251 10 6 969 10 3 445 14 6 21 11 11 39,868 2 2 3 13 4 8 12 0 3 3 0 11 3 14 1 2 4 6 40 9 5 1 18 5 8 4 3 24 19 2 15 19 5 10 16 9 21 9 3 4 5 LI 2 19 10 2 4 0 28'13 3 4 4 2 3 2 3 7 12 10 319 9 2 53 10 5 357 12 5 251 10 6 969 10 3 445 14 6 21 11 11 159 8 9 113 2 11 5 11 13 12 7 8,499 0 3 14 2 7 34 1 9 0 14 9 18 6 5 54,984 9 3 129 8 5 58 10 7 2 10 6 28 1 9 35 12 0 1 13 0 16 15 8 0 12 6 28 4 10 54,984 9 3 129 8 5 58 10 7 2 10 6 28 1 9 35 12 0 1 13 0 16 15 8 0 12 6 28 4 10 297,202 18 9 Carried forward .. .. 48? 489,820 7 11 19,820 14,124 5 6 503,944 13 5 4,568 11 11

B.—l TPt. 11.




1912-1913 RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ B. d. £ s. d. 1,052,981 2 9 £ b. d. 1,236,347 7 0 Brought forward i :S I I D Totals J ;£2,236.347 7 0 £1,052,981 2 9

B.—l [Pt I].

for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913—continued.



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 191: 1-1914. £ s. d. 10,061 16 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,568 11 11 Brought forward Total. Name of Estate. Purchase-money. 'Expenses' Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. Total. 297,202 18 9 2 3 6 2 4 0 18 12 5 120 13 8 38 6 3 6 7 2 265 12 6 285 0 10 1 17 11 16 15 5 388 18 3 26,758 2 10 18 13 0 93 1 10 2 6 2 783 17 8 78 9 11 175 6 1 13,888 5 4 3 3 4 3 14 6 3 0 2 Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto— continued. 489,820 7 11 14,124 5 6 Tamai .. .. .. .. •• •• 370 Tara (R. Meredith) .. .. .. .. 31,710 0 0 302 15 9 Tarawahi .. .. .. .. .. .. 837 Tariki (G. Bee) 10,833 4 0 483 0 2 Taumata .. . ■■ •• 980 Tautari .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 2 6 Tawaha .. .. .. .. •. •■ 19 12 3 Teanaraki .. .. . • ■• •• •■ 334 Tβ Arai .. .. .. .. .. .. 136 6 6 Tea«dale .. .. •■ •• •• •• 40 18 3 TeMata •• 0 9 1° Te Matua .. • ■ • • • • • ■ ■ • 5 18 8 Te Puke (A. Rattray and R. R. G. Eattray) .. 9,309 0 0 78 1 2 Timaunga 192 9 0 Timaunga Extension .. .. .. • ■ 48 lo u Tokaora .. ■• •■ ■■ ■■ •• 37 6 1 Tokarahi .. • • • ■ ■ • • • • i6 jj ° Tomoana .. •• •■ •■ • •• 0 1 < 6 Toagoio •• 21 6 2 Totara .. ■ • ■ • •• ■ • ■ • 2y b a Tripp •• 132 19 10 Valverde ■■ « 1 0 Waari •• 13 2 5 Waddington .. •. ■ • • • ■ 3 17 7 Waiapi .. .. ■ • ■ • ■ • • • 14 3 8 Waiarikiki (A. S. McAuley) .. .. . .. 18,509 18 1 \ 1 14 1 Waimate .. .. . . • • ■ ■ • ■ 581 7 6 Wa!hau •• 2,718 3 4 Waikakahi .. .. .. • • • • ■ 420 6 5 Waimana .. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ •• 23 4 11 Waimarie .. .. .. .. ■■ •■ 4 5 10 Waipapa .. .. • • • ■ • • • 11 3 4 Waipuka .. .. .. .. ■ •• 243 Waitakaruru (Crown lands) .. .. ,. 314 13 3 | 1,290 6 6 Wangapeka.. .. •• •• ■• •■ 10 4 4 Whareuui .. .. . ■ •• ■ • •• 4 11 7 Whitehall .. .. ... •• •• •• 837 Wigan ■ • 24 11 8 Wilford .. .. .. ■ ■ ■ • ■ 5 18 0 Willows .. .. ■■ ■• • • • ■ 600 Winchester .. .. .. .. • ■ ■ 345 17 1 Windsor Park No. 1 .. . .. ■ ■ ■ • 18 9 10 Windsor Park No. 2 .. .. .. ■ • • • 9 17 1 489,820 7 11 81,710* 0 0 10,833 4 0 9,309 0 0 14,124 5 6 3 7 0 302 15 9 8 3 7 483 0 2 9 8 0 49 2 6 19 12 3 3 3 4 136 6 6 40 18 3 0 9 10 5 18 8 78 1 2 192 9 0 48 16 0 37 6 1 46 3 3 0 17 6 21 6 2 29 8 9 132 19 10 40 1 0 13 2 5 3 17 7 14 3 8 1 14 1 581 7 6 2,718 3 4 420 6 5 23 4 11 4 5 10 11 3 4 2 4 3 1,290 6 6 10 4 4 4 11 7 8 3 7 24 11 8 5 18 0 6 0 0 345 17 1 18 9 10 9 17 1 503,944 13 5 3 7 0 32,012 15 9 8 3 7 11,316 4 2 9 8 0 49 2 6 19 12 3 3 3 4 136 6 6 40 18 3 0 9 10 5 18 8 9,387 1 2 192 9 0 48 16 0 37 6 1 46 3 3 0 17 6 21 6 2 29 8 9 132 19 10 40 1 0 13 2 5 3 17 7 14 3 8 18,511 12 2 581 7 6 2,718 3 4 420 6 5 23 4 11 4 5 10 11 3 4 2 4 3 1,604 19 9 10 4 4 4 11 7 8 3 7 24 11 8 5 18 0 6 0 0 345 17 1 18 9 10 9 17 1 18,509 18 1 27,216 9 5 76,424 17 11 218 0 4 26 8 3 7 2 5 11 10 0 4 13 5 31413 3 46 19 11 2 16 2 8 9 5 44 0 7 4 17 6 12 0 10 170 4 2 37 14 5 20 1 3 444,413 17 6 Totals .. .. .. 560,497 3 3 21,331 13 1 560,497 3 3 21,331 13 1 581,828 16 4 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908, the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, and the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Debentures matured 1st April, 1913, redeemed .. Eepayment of Advances Debentures matured 1st January, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 1st May, 1912, redeemed .. .. Debentures matured 2nd March, 1913, redeemed Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed by renewal Debentures matured 1st May, 1912", redeemed by renewal Debentures matured 31st October, 1912, redeemed by renewal 581,828 16 4 50,000 0 0 155,000 0 0 3,200 0 0 345,400 0 0 15,300 0 0 10,000 0 0 39,500 0 0 30,000 0 0 814,766 0 0 50,000 0 0 L,413,166 0 0 Interest paid to Consolidated Fund in respeot of Debentures iseued 234,159 13 8 46 14 4 247,689 4 10 Interest under subsection (8) of section 191 of the Land Act, 1908 15 17 2 9,418 16 3 66,856 11 7 Section 90 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Aot, 1909,— Interest Sinking Fund 18,500 0 0 18,500 0 0 76,275 7 10 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, — Section 63 Amount advanced in terms of section 63 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, to be set aside for opening up Crown lands for settlement State Advances Act, 1913, — Sinking Fund under section 26 34,171 0 0 3,000 0 0 48,910 5 7 7 19 10 60 2 6 10,483 14 1 Charges and Expenses— On issue of Debentures On renewal of Debentures On redemption of Debentures 10,551 16 5 I Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 64,297 6 11 47,672 0 4 -;2,236,347 7 0 Totals .. .. .. •• £1,052,981 2 9


B.—l [Pt. I].



1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 3,844 0 11 Balance at beginning of Year,— Cash in the Public Account £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,844 0 11 Totals £3,844 0 11 £3,844 0 11 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the NA' HVE LAND SETTLEMEN £ s. d. 1,823 14 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of the Officers of the Government — In the Dominion £ s. d. 9,630 13 11 £ s. d. 2,524 12 10 4,348 6 10 9,630 13 11 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Native Land Amendment Act, 1913— ln-talments received in respect of £250,000 4-per-oent. ten-years convertible Debenture Loan Debentures issued 267,389 0 0 218,889 0 0 48,500 0 0 Amount transferred from Maori Land Settlement Account under section 27 of the Appropriation AcD, 1913 3,844 0 11 Native Land Act, 1909— Section 379, subsection (1) .. 1,115 18 3 105,000 0 0 Amount received from the State Advances Office in terms of section 94 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 135,000 0 0 22,912 8 9 Amount received in respect of Survey Liene 29,180 7 1 I 3,503 11 5 Rents, &o. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • 1 32,861 15 8 Land-sales 19,481 13 1 Repayments of Advances by Maori Land Boards under section 274, Native Land Act, 1909, — Principal Interest 97 16 3 355 3 9 93 15 0 889 5 0 453 0 0 483 0 0 £136,247 7 0 Totals £•198,956 8 11

B.—l 'Pt. I].

ACT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.

s—B. 1 [Pt. I].



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-: [914. £ s. d. 3,844 0 11 Amount transferred to'Native Land Settlement Account under section 27 of the Appropriation Act, 1913 Balance at end of Year, — Gash in the Public Account Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. I £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,844 0 11 £3,844 0 11 £3,844 0 11 .CCOUNT for the Year ended 31st Maech, 1914, as compared with the Financial Year ended 31st :aeoh, 1913. £ s. d. 49 7 4 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 135 —Native-land Purchase Expenses £ s. d. a s. a. 831 17 6 106,850 18 9 Expenditure under the Act 280,490 15 7 14,555 7 0 5,161 0 0 Payment to the State Advances Office under section 95 of the New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Act, 1909, — Interest Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. .'. \\ \[ 20,039 14 6 20,039 14 6 19,716 7 0 • Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, — Section 113 48,500 0 0 Native Land Aot, 1909,— Seotions 274 and 417 25,000 0 0 9,630 13 11 Balance at end o{ Year, — Cash in the Puolio Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion 121,888 12 5 2,205 8 11 124,094 1 4 9,630 13 11 Totals £136,247 7 0 £498,956 8 11


B.—l [Pt. I].



1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 191! 1914. £ s. d. Dr. 2,059 19 10 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Advances in the hands of Stock Agents— Cash ,. £ s. d. 14,060 13 2 £ s. d. 828 18 8 901 8 2 14,962 1 4 Dr. 1,231 1 2 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, — Issued for conversion on acoount of — £3,500,000 Loan £4,500,000 Loan £1,874,661 0 0 3,018,384 0 0 950 3 6 Issued for expenses of conversion, being amounts in excess of that required to close— £3,000,000 Loan £3,500,000 Loan £3,938 3 0 3,224 1 8 4,893,045 0 0 7,162 4 8 4,900,207 4 8 303,090 0 0 24,000 0 0 ! 3£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, — Issued for conversion of Debentures.. Issued for expenses of conversion 327,090 0 0 V £326,809 2 i Totals £4,915,169 6 0

B.—l [Pt. I].

the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.



1912-1913. EXPENDITURE, 1913 1914. £ g. d. Scrip and Debentures converted into 4-per-cent. Insoribed Stock, — Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, j 1901 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1908 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, ! 1911 .. .. .. .. .. I Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1918 .. .. .. .. .. Government Advances to Settlers Aot, 1908 .. j New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10,— Advances to Settlers New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, I 1909-10,— Advanoes to Settlers State Advanoes Aot, 1918,— Advances to Settlers Advances to Workers Looal Authorities Branoh General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 Government Railways Aot, 1908 .. Land for Settlements Act, 1908 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 Native Land Amendment Aot, 1913 Naval Defenoe Aot, 1909 Scrip and Debentures oonverted into 3J-per cent. Inscribed Stock, — Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 converted. £ 200,000 117,700 30,000 25,000 100,000 j !1,226,000 j 209,200 j 100,000 82,400 566,500 250,000 250,000 500,000 10,800 75,000 ! 365,800 23,400 250,000 433,500 ■ Amount converted. £ itaie. £ 101 101 101 102 101 101 102 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 Kate. £ t ] Premium. £ rexm £ 2, 1, 1, 12, 4, 1, 11, 5, 5, 10, 1. 7. 5. 8i 1U1J1. £ ,000 ,177 300 500 ,000 ,260 ,184 ,000 824 ,330 ,000 ,000 1,000 216 ,500 ',316 468 i,000 1,670 £ 8. a. £ s. a 200,000 101 2,000 117,700 101 1,177 30,000 101 300 25,000 102 500 100,000 101 1,000 11,226,000 101 12,260 209,200 , 100,000 102 101 4,184 1,000 82,400 101 824 566,500 102 11,330 250,000 250,000 500,000 10,800 75,000 ! 365,800 23,400 250,000 433,500 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 5,000 5,000 10,000 216 1,500 7,316 468 5,000 8,670 4,893,045 0 0 ■ 300,000 0 0 3,090 0 0 303,090 0 0 4,815,300 77,745 77, ',745 4,893,045 0 0 Expenses Aooount, — Brokerage and Commission Discount Stamp Duty Rent and Office Expenses Inoome-tax on Dividends 14,223 14 4 62 7 6 1,775 0 0 6,358 13 1 456 0 5 105 0 0 17 19 6 68 18 5 13,593 2 8 543 13 9 8,757 1 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advanoes in the hands of Stook Agents— Cash .. 7,900 11 8 14,060 13 2 7,105 3 2 901 8 -2 795 8 6 14,962 1 4 Totals £4,915,169 6 0 £326,809 2

b.—l rPT.ji.




1912-1913. RECEIPTS, 1913 1914. £ b. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Oash in the Public Account £ £ s. d. £ e. a. 7,256 13 7 4,956 13 7 Refund under section 64 of the Looal Bodies' Loans Act, 1908,— Counties— Waimairi !., .. .. .. 525 19 5 • - £7,256 13 7 Totals £5,482 13 0 stateme: P T of the BECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE of the OPENING UP CRO N LANDS 'OR SETTLE £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. 'd. 19,836 12 10 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. ..•.-., 7,905 11 4 10,404 10 11 248 18 9 2,498 19 7 20,085 11 7 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, — Section 63 ' 34,171 0 0 38,270 0 0 £58,355 11 7 Amount received from the State Advances Office in terms of section 77 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 63,955 0 0 Totals £108,530 10 11


B:—l [Pt. il

for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.


1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 500 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 Loans under the Looal Bodies' Loans Aot, 1908, — Counties— Clifton Kawhia Eaglan Waipa Whangamomona 150 0 0 380 0 0 530 0 0 950 0 0 1,000 0 0 Boroughs— Lower HuU Waipawa 870 0 0 870 0 0 1,000 0 0 River Boards— Hutt 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 Drainage Boards— Oroua .. .. .. .. South Hautapu 350 0 0 2,300 0 0 Total Loans 2,400 0 0 » Transfer to State Advanoes Aooount in terms of seotion 72 of the Looal Bodies' Loans Aot, 1913 3,082 13 0 4,956 13 7 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Aooount £7,256 13 7 Totals £5,482 13 0 MENT ACCO NT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Finanoial Year ended 31st Maec: :, 1913. . & ' b. a. 47,951 0 8 Annual Appropriation,— " Vote 126—Roads to open up Crown Lands £ s. d. £ s. d. 63,245 3 7 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aooount Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion 44,588 11 6 7,905 11 4 2,498 19 7 696 15 10 45,285 7 4 10,404 10 11 Totals £58,355 11 7 £108,530 10 11

B.—l TP-r. I].




1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 7,445 1 9 Balanoe at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government — In the Dominion £ s. d. 2,778 5 1 £ s. d. 76 9 2 2,778 5 1 7,521 10 11 1,245 0 0 5,167 19 1 451 16 4 Receipts under seotiou 5 of the Hauraki Plains Act, 1908, — Land Sales Perpetual Leases Miscellaneous 757 10 0 6,718 2 3 659 2 5 8,134 14 8 6,864 15 5 Amount reoeived from the State Advances Offioe in terms of section 84 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 15,000 0 0 I 10,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913,— Debentures issued 5,000 0 0 ! £29,386 6 4 Totals £25,912 19 9 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the STATIONAL I NDOWMENT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 68,446 5 3 Balanoe at beginning of Year,— dash in the Public Aocount 73,841 12 5 f 94,965 6 2 Rents, &c, from National Endowment Lands .. 88,235 4 10 Totals £162,076 17 3 £158,411 11' 5" STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WORKERS' DWELLINGS £ s. d. Balanoe at end of Year, — Gash in the Public Account £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,958 8 3 2,958 8 3 Proceeds of sale of Workers' Dwellings under seotion 16 of the Workers' Dwellings Aot, 1910 3,672 18 8 Totals £6,631 6 11 £2,958 8 3 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the MINING £ s. d. Subsection (4), Seotion 4, Mining Amendment Act, 1913, — £ s - <*• Amount received from the State Advances Offioe — Being balance of £10,000 raised for the Teviot-Molyneux Gold-mining Company : under Seotion 88 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 8,320 0 0 Being balanoe at credit of Profit and Loss Acoount .. .. . • 66 6 7 £ s. d. 8,386 6 7 Totals £8,386 6 7 I


8.-l [Pt. I].

ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.


EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 22,695 10 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,992 18 7 Expenditure under the Act Payment of Principal and Interest under section 84 of the New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Aot, 1909 2,474 16 1 3,912 10 8 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 — Charges and expenses 0 3 6 2,778 5 1 Balance at end of Year,— Cash in the Publio Account 4,445 1 7 Totals £29,386 6 4 £25,912 19 9 .CCOUNT for the Year ended 31st Maech, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31s Maech, 1913. £ s. d. J Annual Appropriation,— £ Si a. 2,688 12 9 Vote 127—Boads to open up National Endowment Lands £ s. d. 2,688 12 9 £ s. d. 4,281 15 1 81,881 6 3 Expenditure under the Land Act, 1908 81,881 6 3 77,308 7 2 Balance at end of Year, — 73,84112 5 Cash in the Public Account 73,841 12 5 80,486 15 0 £158,411 11 5 Totals £158,411 11 5 £162,076 17 3 CCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st Maech, 1913. £ s. d. Balance at end of Year— Cash in the Publio Account S s. d. £ a. d. 2,958 8 3 6,631 6 11 : y £2,958 8 3 Totals £6,631 6 11 .DVANCES ACCOUNT for the Year ended 81st March, 1914. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Advances, — Teviot-Molyneux Gold-mining Company Boss (xoldfields Beconetruoted (Limited) 5,478 3 1 1,898 0 0 7,376 3 1 State Advances Act, 1913, section 26, — Sinking fund 100 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 910 3 6 Totals £8,386 6 7

B.—l [Pt. I]




1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. 132,300 0 0 Balanoe at beginning of Year,' — Cash in the Publio Account £ a. d. £ s. d. 537,997 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— State Advances Act, 1913, — Advances to Settlers Branch— Instalments received in respect of £250,000 4-per-oent. ten-years convertible Debenture .Loan Advances to Workers Branch— Instalments received in respeot o£ £250,000 4-per-cent. ten-years convertible Debenture Loan Local Authorities Bran oh— Instalments received iin respeot of £500,000 4-per-cent. ten-years convertible Debenture Loan 218,889 0 0 218,889 0 0 875,557 0 0 437,779 0 0 137,618 0 0 750,000 0 0 117,300 0 0 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, — Advances to Settlers Branch— 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created and issued, 1943-63 issue Instalments received in respeot of £200,000 4-per-cent. Stock Loan, 1943-63 issue Interest on overdue instalments Amount received in respect of £750,000 Loan authorized Proceeds of Loan to pay off advances obtained for redemption of Debentures Proceeds'" of 3J-per-cent. Stock for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 Issues in renewal of Debentures matured 23rd October, 1912 Amount received from the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Office for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 125,000 0 0 62,382 0 0 0 6 5 536,100 0 0 750,000 0 0 37,186 0 0 187,382 6 5 ,328,204 0 0 Advanoes to Workers Branoh— Instalments received in respect of £150,000 4-per-oent. Stock Loan, 1943-63 issue Interest on overdue instalments Amount reoeived in respect of £750,000 Loan authorized Proceeds of Sale of 3£-per-oent. Stock for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 Debentures issued Amount received from New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Office for redemption of Debentures matured 1st April, 1912 Temporary advances 103,213 0 0 46,787 0 0 0 5 0 750,000 0 0 133,500 0 0 7,000 0 0 7,343 0 0 100,000 0 0 F 46,787 5 0 ,101,056 0 0 206,427 0 0 Land for Settlements Branch — 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created and issued, 1943-63 issue Instalments received in respect of £300,000 4-per-cent. Stock Loan, 1943-63 issue Interest on overdue instalments Proceeds of 4-per-cent. Stock Loan for redemption of Debentures maturing 1st April, 1913 Amount in respeot of £210,000 Loan authorized 100,000 0 0 93,573 0 0 0 11 5 50,000 0 0 210,000 0 0 466,427 0 0 Local Authorities Branch— Instalments received in respect of £400,000 4-per-cent. Stock Loan, 1943-63 issue Interest on overdue instalments 4-per-cent. Insoribed Stock created and issued, 1943-63 issue 193,573 11 5 275,236 0 0 124,764 0 0 0 12 10 75,000 0 0 199,764 12 10 275,236 0 0 4-per-cent. Insoribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising Loan— Advances to Settlers Branoh Advances to Workers Branch Land for Settlements Branoh Local Authorities Branoh 8,737 9 2 6,553 1 10 15,290 11 0 17,474 18 3 48,056 0 3 3J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising Loan— Advanoes to Settlers Branoh Advances to Workers Branch Land for Settlements Branoh Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. .. 1,666 13 4 1,250 0 0 2,916 13 4 3,333 6 8 9,166 13 4 Guaranteed Mining Advanoes Branch— Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 1 1 11 Interest on overdue Instalments 27,763 4 0 24,008 6 1 6,722 6 6 58,493 16 7 Prooeeds of Sale of 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising Loan— £ Advances to Settlers Branoh .. .. .. .. .. 867.300 Advances to Workers Branoh .. .. .. .. .. 750,000 Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. 210,000 14,371,717 18 6 Totals £2,098,284 9 3

B.—l [Pt. I]

LOAN ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.

6—B. 1 iPt. I



i. £ s. d. 310,000 0 0 757,000 0 0 384,497 0 0 Amounts paid over to the State Advances Office Account on account of Loan, — Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. .. Land for Settlements Branch Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. .. ■ •.. /.. Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch £ a. d. 263,343 1 0 150,000 0 0 273,877 12 0 474,155 15 0 £ s. d. 10,000 0 0 1,161,376 8 0 1,461,497 0 0 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, — Charges and Expenses authorized by the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— On issue of Debentures and Stock— £ s. d. Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. 12,061 7 11 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. 7,803 6 10 Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. 19,833 3 9 Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. .. 21,653 2 9 27,763 14 5 24,008 15 1 6,722 9 0 61,351 1 8 58,494 18 6 29,486 10 0 7,342 10 0 36,829 0 0 On redemption of Debentures— Advances to Settlers Branoh Advances to Workers Branch 61,351 1 3 676,100 0 0 750,000 0 0 The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908, — Advances to Settlers Branch— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed Debentures matured 23rd October, 1912, redeemed by renewal 1,426,100 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch— Debentures matured 1st April, 1912, redeemed 133,500 0 0 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909, — Advances to S"ttlers Branch — ■ Temp* rary advances repaid Temporary advances on Reserve Fund securities repaid 500,000 0 0 117,300 0 0 617,300 0 0 100,000 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch— Temporary advances repaid 537,997 0 0 537,997 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Gash in the Public Account Investment Aooount 557 0 0 875,000 0 0 875,557 0 0 Totals £4 371 717 18 fi £2,098,284 9


B.—l FPt. I]



1912-1913. RECEIPTS. 1913-1914. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 12,931 18 1 Balance at beginning of Year,— „.., „ „ Cash in the Publio Account .. .. • • • • ■ ■ • • ' > Imprests in the hands o£ Officers of the Government— In the Dominion •• 9,598 14 5 7,914 8 2 1,684 6 3 1,248 11 9 , 9,598 14 5 14,180 9 10 621 10 7 Receipts under the Bangitaiki Land Drainage Aot, 1910 .. .. • • • • 110 2 11 110 2 11 10,000 0 0 Advances received from the State Advanoes Offioe under Seotion 5 of the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910 •■ •■ •■ •■ •• •• :, -" uu u u 5,000 0 0 The New Zea'and Loans Act, 1908, — Raneitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913— Debentures issued •■ 5 ' 000 ° ° 5,000 0 0 £24,802 0 5 Totals ■• £19,708 17 4 £19,708 17 4 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the BANK OF NEW ZEALAND ACT, 1903, £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year,— Investment Account Totals £ s. d. £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 . £500,000 0 0 £500,000 0 0 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the RE£ RESERVE FUND ACCOUN1 SER IVI Ei FUND ACCOUNT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. 800 ,.000 0 0 800,000 0 0 00 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year,— Investment Acoount 100 0 0 The Public Eevenues Act, 1910,— The Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907, and New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Debentures matured 1st August, 1912, renewed 800,000 0 0 £1,600,000 0 0 100 0 0 Totals £800,000 0 0 ,y STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the NEW ZEAL. .ND CONSO jS ACCOUNT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 14 0 474,105 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year,— Cash in Deposit Account .. Investment Account 6 14 0 475,885 0 0 475,891 14 0 474,111 14 0 Deposits inscribed .. 100 0 0 1,780 0 0 Totals £475,991 14 0 £475,891 14 0


B.—l iPt. [].

ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913.


1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913-1914. £ s. d. £ a. £ s. d. 15,203 6 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 17,873 3 6 <sj o. u. so a. 15,203 6 0 Expenditure under the Aot .. Balance at end of Year, — 7,914 8 2 Cash in the Publio Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,835 13 Imprests in the hands of Officers of the Government— 1,684 6 3 ' In the Dominion 1,835 13 10 7,914 8 2 1,684 6 3 1,835 13 10 9,598 14 5 ! , I 9,598 14 5 • £24,802 0 5 £24,802 0 5 Totals — £19,708 17 4 - i ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913. i £ s. d. Balance at end of Year,— 500,000 0 0 Investment Aocount £500,000 0 0 Totals — £ s. d. £ a. d. 500,000 0 0 . £500,000 0 0 \ for the Year endad 31st March, 1914, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 800,000 0 0 The Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907, and New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — Debentures matured 1st August, 1912, renewed 800,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Investment Acoount 800,000 0 0 £1,600,000 0 0 Totals £800,000 0 0 id 31st March, 1914, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913. for the Year endi £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 14 0 475,885 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Gash in Deposit Aocount .. Investment Account 106 14 0 475,885 0 0 475,991 14 0 Totals £475,891 14 0 £475,991 14 0

B.—l |Pt. I].



The Treasury, Wellington, 27th April, 1914.


1912-1913. 1913-1914. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 : — £3,500,000 Loan raised for redemptions,— Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (due 13th November, 1913) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (£100,000) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 .. .. (£200,000) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 .. .. (£117,700) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. .. (£30,000) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 (£565,500) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 .. .. (£100,000) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. (£1,226,000) New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. (£200,800) Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. (£750,000) Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. .. (£210,000) Due 1st July, 1914 .. .. .. £3,400,000* * Instalments 3,500,000 0 0 I uterest on overdue instalments 113 0 £1,476,600 Loan raised for redemptions (part of £4,500,000 Loan), — £ General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 (due 15th May, 1914) .. 10,800 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 (due 30th June, 1914) .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 Government Railways Act, 1908 (due 30th June, 1914) .. .. 75,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 (due 30th June, 1914) .. 281,500 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 (due 1st July, 1914) .. .. 84,300 Naval Defence Act, 1909 (due 1st July, 1914) .. .. .. 433,500 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — Advances to Settlers (due 1st July, 1914) .. .. .. 566,500 £1,476,600* * Instalments 4-per-cent Inscribed Stock, 1929 Issue, — Created for redemption of £17,500 debentures due 15th January, 1914, under ! the Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 Created for redemption of debentures due 1st July, 19.14, under the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 (Advances to Settlers) Created for part charges and expenses of £3,500,000 Loan .. Created for balance charges and expenses of £3,500,000 Loan 18,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 27,450 18 4 1,292,844 0 0 245,450 18 4 Debentures issued in renewal:— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1906 — Matured 1st January, 1914, renewed to 1st January, 1919 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 — Matured 31st March, 1914, renewed to 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. 12,900 0 0 50,000 0 0 12,900 0 0 62,900 0 0 50,000 0 0 Transfer from Public Works Fund, being gross proceeds of sale of £100,000 New '■ Zealand 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock (1'929 Issue) at lOOA, for redemption of debentures due 13th November, 1913, under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Dairy Industry Act, 1908, — Amount applied by the Public Trustee in redemption of debentures in terms of Appropriation Act, 1913 (Sections 22 and 23) .. 100,250 0 0 1,781 0 0 Totals £5,203,237 1 4


B.—l |Pt. I].

REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

G. F. C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury. A. O. Gibbbs, Examined and found correct. Accountant to the Treasury. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1913-1 91 4 .

1912-1913. EXPENDITURE. 1913.914. £ s. d. £ s. d. 8. ). £ s. d. .. Debentures Redeemed:— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 (due 13th*November, 1913) Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (due 13th November, 1913) .. ' Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (due 15th January, 1914) Dairy Industry Act, 1908 (due 1st August, 1915, £438; and 1st January, 1916, £1,343) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j - 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 17,500 0 0 ioc IOC Vi ] 0, 0, 7, 1, ,( ,£ W oc 5< 11 00 00 ■00 8J 219,281 0 0 1,781 0 0 - Debentures .Redeemed by Renewal:— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1906 — Matured 1st January, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 — Matured 31st March, 1914 IS 5( ,( in 0( 100 100 12,900 0 0 50,000 0 0 62,900 0 0 Expenses Account:— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 .. .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 Naval Defence Act New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, .1909 and 1910 — Advances to Settlers Advances to Workers Land for Settlements 7,492 15 5 4,409 10 0 1,123 18 6 21,185 15 8 3,997 7 9 285 12 7 45,930 12 9 4,025 3 6 453 9 8 1 4 ] 21 4f 4 1( 2f 7, 4, I , 11, 3, ■f), 4, 0, 18, 7, ,4 ,4 ,1 ,1 ,! £ ,! ,( , i. ',< i,( ,i 4! 4< 12 If 9! 2! !K 0! 4; 01 0! 8( :92 M 2:5 8S 197 185 130 125 L53 l!)5 •97 S(i7 10,095 19 4 28,097 17 5 7,867 8 2 Balance at end of year,— Cash in the Public Account . . .. . . .. Investment Account . . .. .. 3' ,74 17, 18 ,( 61 ,41 190 KM) 134,965 10 9 37,690 10 7 4,748,400 0 0 4,786,090 10 7 I I i I ■ . I Totals £5,203,237 1 4

B.—l [Pt. 11.


SUMMARY of BALANCES on 31st MARCH, 1914.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 13-19 14.

I, Balances. Gash. Imprksts. Invustmbnts. Total. i I « , a.: Consolidate Fund: — Ordinary Revenue Account .. 426, 90o I J State Forests Account •■ 13,855 10 3 Stata Coal-mines Account .. 31,217 0 3: Scenery Preservation Account .. 1,427 13 4 ; Naval Defence Act Account .. 7,044 0 9; Accounts of Local Bodies .. 11,818 1 8j Deposit Accounts .. •• 172,331 2 6 £ .. d. I! 664,598 11 2 Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account .. 378,875 3 0 State Forests Account.. .. 13,588 17 2 State Goal-mines Account .. 30,694 15 4 Scenery Preservation Acooniu .. 1,427 13 i Naval Defence Act Account .. 7,044 0 9 Accounts of Local Bodies .. 11,745 0 3 Deposit Aocounts .. .. 143,111 0 9 £ s. (1. 378,875 3 0 13,588 17 2 30,694 15 4 1,427 13 4 7,044 0 9 11,745 0 3 143,111 0 9 £ s. d. 48,029 19 5 266 13 1 522 4 11 73 1 5 ! 29,220 1 9 j £ s. d. i £ s. a. 426,905 2 5 13,855 10 3 31,217 0 3 1,427 13 4 7,044 0 9 11,818 1 8 172,331 2 6 i I I 586,486 10 7 78,112 0 7 J 664,598 11 2 I 26,006 2 10 10,000 0 0 1,178,583 19 8 I Public Works Fund .. • • • • i 1,178,683 19 8 | Public: Works Fond .. . 1,142,577 16 10 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account The Railways Improvements Account The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Aid to Water-power Works Ac COUNT i Irrigation and Water-supply Account j Native Land Settlement Account i Land for Settlements Account.. i Cheviot Estate Account .. i Opening up Crown Lands fob Settlement Account Hauraki Plains Settlement AcCOUNT National Endowment Account .. i Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account "Workers' Dwellings Account Conversion Account State Advances Loan Account New Zealand Consols Account.. Reserve Fund Account.. ... Bank of New Zealand Act, 1903, Account ' Loans Redemption Account j Mining Advances Account 358 15 11 5,529 15 6 85,287 6 9 37,162 16 1 1,709 4 10 124,094 1 4 64,297 6 11 87,148 7 5 45,285 7 4 4,445 1 7 80,486 15 0 1,835 18 10 6,631 6 11 7,900 11 8 .875,557 0 0 475,991 14 0 800,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 4,786,090 10 7 910 3 6 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account .. 358 15 11 The Railways Improvements Ac count .. .. .. 5,529 15 6 The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. 25,287 6 9 Aid to Water-power Works Account .. .• •• 37,162 16 1 Irrigation and Water-supply Account 1 1,709 4 10 Native Land Settlement Account 121,888 12 5 Land for Settlements Account.. 64,297 6 11 Cheviot Estate Account .. j 37,148 7 5 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. ■■ 44,588 11 6 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. •. 4,445 1 7 National Endowment Account .. 80,486 15 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Ac count .. .. .. 1,835 13 10 Workers' Dwellings Account .. 6,631 6 11 Conversion Account .. .. 7,105 3 2 State Advances Loan Account .. 557 0 0 New Zealand Consols Account.. : 106 14 0 Reserve Fund Account Bank op New Zealand Act, 1903, Account Loans Redemption Account .. 37,690 10 7 Mining Advances Account .. 910 3 6 fiO.000 0 0 2,205' 8 11 " 50,006' 0 0 I 696 15 10 795' S 6 875,000 0 0 475,885 0 0 i 800,000 0 0 j 500,000 0 0 14,748,400 0 0 358 15 11 5,529 15 6 85,287 6 9 37,162 16 1 1,709 4 10 i 124,094 1 4 ' 64,297 6 11 87,148 7 5 , 45,285 7 4 : 4,445 1 7 I 80,486 15 0 i 1,835 13 10 6,631 6 11 7,900 11 8 j 875,557 0 0 475,991 14 0 800,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 4,786.090 10 7 910 3 6 Total .. £9,833,904 10 0 —r —-—- _ . £107,815 16 8 £7,519,285 0 0; £9,833,904 10 0 Totals .. .. .. £2,206,803 13 4 I i

B.—l [Pt. I


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913.


8 b s> Issued. i Voted. i Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. I Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Class I.—Legislative Departments :— 1 Legislative Council .. .. .. .. I 2 House of Representatives .. .. 3 General Expenses .. .. .. .. ! Total Class 1 £ s. d. 1,764 17 7 12,339 9 1 29,687 1 2 43,791 7 10 £ s. d. 22 17 6 25 15 9 £ s. d. 1,764 17 7 12,316 11 7 29,661 5 5 £ s. d. £ β-d. 1,764 17 7 12,316 11 7 29,661 5 5 £ s. d. 1,712 0 0 10,982 0 0 29,988 0 0 £ a. d. I 326 14 7 J £ s. d. 52 17 7 1,334 11 7 43,791 7 10 48 13 3 I 43,742 14 7 43,742 14 7 42,682 0 0 326 14 7 I 1,387 9 2 i Class II. —Department of Finance :— I 4 Treasury Department .. .. .. .. \ 5 National Provident Fund and Friendly Societies Office 6 Rates on Crown Lands.. ! 7 I Rates on Native Lands i 8 : Land and Income Tax Department ! 9 Pensions Department .. .. .. .. ! 10 Treasury : Miscellaneous Services i ' 13,127 1 4 6,797 18 8 77 4 11 0 6 2 27,184 17 2 11,616 1 5 13,044 12 0 , 13,127 1 4 6,797 18 8 77 4 11 0 6 2 27,184 17 2 11,616 1 5 13,044 12 0 896 17 4 I 21 1 1 492 3 9 24 12 10 1,429 2 4 12,230 4 0 6,776 17 7 77 4 11 0 6 2 26,692 13 5 11,591 8 7 I 11,615 9 8 38 8 6 i 12,230 4 0 6,815 6 1 77 4 11 0 6 2 26,692 13 5 11,591 8 7 11,615 9 8 12,788 0 0 7,250 0 0 350 0 0 50 0 0 28,417 0 0 11,786 0 0 10,331 0 0 557 16 0 434 13 11 272 15 1 49 13 10 1,724 6 7 194 11 5 1,284 9 8 I — Total Class II .. .. .. j 71,848 1 8 71,848 1 8 2,863 17 4 68,984 4 4 38 8 6 69,022 12 10 70,972 0 0 3,233 16 10 1,284 9 I 8 _ Class III. —Post and Telegraph Department :— 11 Postal and Telegraph Salaries .. 12 Conveyance of Mails by Sea 13 I Conveyance of Inland Mails I 14 I Carriage of Mails by Railway .. .. I r> Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Lines I 16 Miscellaneous Services 12 13 14 I 15 j 16 746,597 12 2 105,298 3 2 90,647 8 6 77,049 1 11 92,582 3 8 170,620 11 C 746,597 12 2 105,298 5 2 90,647 8 6 77,049 1 11 92,582 3 9 170,620 11 0 47,189 7 6 699,408 4 8 22,687 13 8 82,610 11 6 6,269 11 4 84,377 17 2 ! 1 10 0 j 77,047 11 11 i 6,484 4 4 86,097 19 5 29,279 7 3 ! 141,341 3 9 30 9 5 699,438 14 1 82,610 11 6 ' 84,377 17 2 77,047 11 11 86,097 19 5 I 141,341 3 9 705,627 0 0 84,113 0 0 82,650 0 0 77,180 0 0 75,000 0 0 140,638 0 0 6,188 5 11 1,502 8 6 132 8 1 1,727 17 2 ' 11,097 19 5 703 3 9 j Total Class III .. .. .. 1 1,282,795 2 6 .,282,795 2 6 111,911 14 1 jl, 170, 883 8 5 30 9 5 11,170,913 17 10 1,165,208 0 0 7,823 2 6 13,529 0 4 ! Class IV. —Working Railways Department :— 17 Working Railways .. .. .. .. 3 !,445,805 0 4 I 17 3,445, 805 0 4 441,624 5 7 |3,004, 180 14 9 48 5 0 13,004,228 19 9 2,958,294 0 0 45,934 19 9 Total Class IV .. .. ..3 3,445,805 0 4 !, 445. 805 0 4 441,624 5 7 3,004,180 14 9 j 48 5 0 3,004,228 19 9 2,958,294 0 0 45,934 19 9 Class V.—Public Buildings, Domains, and Main- _ TENANCE OF ROADS : 18 Public Buildings 19 Government Domains 20 Maintenance and Improvement of Roads.. 18 1!) 20 83,792 6 c 2,588 1 f 44,031 5 5 83,792 6 3 2,588 1 3 44,031 5 3 4,915 5 5 12 18 0 17 5 9 78,877 0 10 j 2,575 3 3 44,013 19 6 43 10 3 78,877 0 10 2,575 3 3 44,057 9 9 81,659 0 0 2,982 0 0 45,000 0 0 2,781 19 2 406 16 9 942 10 3 Total Class V 130,411 12 i 130,411 12 9 4,945 9 2 J 125,466 3 7 125,509 13 10 ! 129,641 0 0 4,131 6 2 ; 43 10 3 1 I

B.—l IPt. I


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.


I Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. 21 i 22 ] 23 j 24 S 25 Class VI. —Native Department :— Native Department Native Land Court Maori Lands Administration Maori Councils Miscellaneous Services . . I £ s. d. 2,774 11 6 14,249 7 10 6,070 5 1 150 5 6 887 14 7 £ s. d. 35 6 0 62 2 4 17 12 6 £ s. d. 2,739 5 6 14,187 5 6 6,052 12 7 150 5 6 856 4 11 . I £ s. d. ; 354' 16 7 32 7 0 £ s. d. 2,739 5 6 14,542 2 1 6,084 19 7 150 5 6 856 4 11 £ s. d 3,175 0 1 15,150 0 1 6,683 0 < 350 0 < 1,306 0 1 £ s. d. 3,175 0 0 15,150 0 0 6,683 0 0 350 0 0 1,306 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ s. d. 435 14 6 607 17 11 598 0 5 199 14 6 449 15 1 £ s. d. 3i 9 8 i Total Class VI 24,132 4 6 146 10 6 23,985 14 0 387 3 7 24,372 17 7 26,664 0 0 2,291 2 5 I I 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 Class VII. —Justice Department :— Department of Justice Crown Law Office Patent Office Supreme Court Bankruptcy Magistrates' and Wardens' ('ourts Criminal Prosecutions Coroners Justice : Miscellaneous Services.. Prisons Police Department Police : Miscellaneous Services .. Stamp Department Lands and Deeds Registry . . i 2,504 17 6 5,733 19 6 1,662 8 4 10,644 9 6 3,750 4 11 67,441 11 2 9,671 0 8 4,498 18 5 16,805 12 3 56,311 2 7 215.691 10 3 1,608 9 9 13,197 11 2 30,699 9 5 11 15 1 77 13 6 24 10 6 1 16 0 8,456 5 10 493 2 0 1 1 0 977 17 1 7,641 5 0 2,464 15 8 2,493 2 5 5,656 6 0 1,662 8 4 10,619 19 0 3,748 8 11 58,985 5 4 9,177 18 8 4,497 17 5 15,827 15 2 48,669 17 7 213,226 14 7 1,608 9 9 13,031 13 0 30,543 13 6 224 1 3 27 0 5 10 0 0 1,847 9 11 2,493 2 5 5,656 6 0 1,662 8 4 10,844 0 3 3,775 9 4 58,995 5 4 11,025 8 7 4,497 17 5 15,827 15 2 48,720 7 11 214,374 16 2 1,608 9 9 13,031 13 0 30,688 2 6 2,574 0 0 5,891 0 0 1,813 0 0 10,459 0 0 3,494 0 0 67,495 0 0 11,400 0 0 4,500 0 0 14,096 0 0 48,490 0 0 216,047 0 0 .1,617 0 0 1.5,343 0 0 33,122 0 0 80 17 7 234 14 0 150 11 8 8.499 14 8 374 11 5 2 2 7 1,672 3 10 8 10 3 2,311 7 0 2,433 17 6 385 0 3 281 9 4 1,731 15 2 230 7 11 56' 10 4 1,148 1 7 165 18 2 155 15 11 144 9 0 Total Class VII 440,221 5 5 20,471 15 9 419,749 9 8 | 3,451 12 6 423,201 2 2 436,341 0 0 15,768 10 6 2,628 12 8 1 16 0 447 10 2 6,690 1 9 4,016 12 6 19,170 14 4 44 4 5 j 6,690 1 9 J 4,016 12 6 19,214 18 9 ' I 6,881 0 0 5,440 0 0 23.255 0 0 Class VIII. —Mines Department :— Mines Department Geological Survey Branch Miscellaneous Services 40 4! 6,691 17 9 4,016 12 6 19.618 4 6 190 18 3 1,423 7 6 4,040 1 3 Total Class VIII 30.326 14 9 ' 449 6 2 i 29,877 8 7 ! i 44 4 5 29,921 13 0 35,576 0 0 5,654 TT" I V I


B.—l IPt. I

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c .—continued.

7—B. 1 [PT. I .

PUBLIC AC C OUNTS, 1913-191 4.

] Issued. Voted. i Amount Unissued. Issued ■ in Excess. > Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. _l 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Class IX. —Department of Internal Affairs :— £ s. d. j Clerk of Executive Council .. .. .. 50 0 0 Office of Minister of Internal Affairs .. .. 7,903 17 2 Ministers' Secretaries .. .. .. .. j 923 15 0 Messengers and Office-keepers .. .. .. 14,656 14 0 . Audit Department .. .. ... .. 18,043 13 4j Registrar-General's Office .. .. .. 15,351 15 7 I Electoral .. .. .. .. .. 5,732 2 6 High Commissioner's Office .. .. .. 13,915 7 6 t Museum .. .. .. .. .. 2,523 10 1 Advertising Office .. .. .. .. j 1,059 12 0 Dominion Laboratory . . .. .. .. I 4,859 4 11 j Printing and Stationery .. .. .. | 111,638 7 4 Mental Hospitals j.. .. .. . . ! 160,096 17 8 ! Home for Defectives '. . .. .. .. 1,317 11 10 Tourists .. .. .. .. .. 49,034 18 9 Public Service Commissioner's Office .. .. 5,717 11 2 Public Health, Hospitals and Charitable Aid .. 74,369 16 11 Cook Islands Administration .. ... .. 5,260 1 1 Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 150,178 0 10 Total Class IX .. .. .. 642,632 17 8 £ s. d. 1,310 14 9 2,775 13 5 9,798 12 2 35 8 2 83 9 11 5,792 13 8 19 4 0 2 11 0 20 19 4 96,374 0 0 48.052 3 10 208 13 6 573 2 10 3 0 9 7,741 19 4 655 8 1 12,202 14 3 185,650 9 0 £ s. d. 1,310 14 9 2,775 13 5 9,798 12 2 35 8 2 83 9 11 5.792 13 8 19 4 0 2 11 0 20 19 4 96,374 0 0 48.052 3 10 208 13 6 573 2 10 3 0 9 7,741 19 4 655 8 1 12,202 14 3 £ s. d. 50 0 0 6,593, 2 5 923 15 0 11,881 0 7 8,245 1 2 15,316 7 5 5,648 12 7 8,122 13 10 2,504 6 1 1,057 1 0 4,838 5 7 15,264 7 4 112,044 13 10 1,108 18 4 48,461 15 11 I 5,714 10 5 66,627 17 7 4,604 13 0 137,975 6 7 £ s. d. 100' 6 10 220 7 10 968 3 9 20 0 0 ! . 599 15 2 1,828 14 5 £ s. d. 50 0 0 6,593 2 5 923 15 0 11,881 0 7 8,345 8 0 15,316 7 5 5,648 12 7 8.122 13 L0 2,504 6 1 1,057 1 0 4,838 5 7 15,264 7 4 112.265 1 8 1,108 18 4 49,429 19 8 5,734 10 5 68.227 12 9 4,604 13 0 139,804 1 0 £ s. d. 50 0 0 ! 7,472 0 0 1,205 0 0 12,012 0 0 10,570 0 0 14,835 0 0 5,373 0 0 8,879 0 0 3,871 0 0 1,099 0 0 5.071 0 0 20,237 0 0 116.111 0 0 1,118 0 0 49.133 0 0 7,439 0 0 69,703 0 0 5,659 0 0 144,834 0 0 £ s. d. 878 17 7 281 5 0 130 19 5 2.224 12 0 756 6 2 1.366 13 11 41 19 0 232 14 5 4,972 12 8 3,845 18 4 9 1 8 1,704 9 7 1,475 7 3 1,054 7 0 5,029 .19 0 £ s. d. 481 7 5 275 12 7 296 19 8 * 185,650 9 0 456,982 8 8 4,737 8 0 461,719 16 8 484,671 0 0 24,005 3 0 1,053 19 8 t>2 63 64 63 Class X.—Defence Department :— Headquarters and District Staffs .. .. 87,855 17 8 Royal New Zealand Artillery .. .. ..I 61.579 18 5 Territorial Force .. .. .. .. 221,024 12 0 Stores and Magazines, Guns. Ammunition, Equipment, Clothing, &e. .. .. .. I 79,706 6 8 ; Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 91,101 11 1 j Capital and non-recurrent expenditure .. .. 96,818 7 3 9,025 19 1 3,574 8 5 53,199 0 0 10.323 17 3 70,727 17 0 2,666 2 0 9,025 19 1 3,574 8 5 53,199 0 0 78,829 18 7 58,005 10 0 167,825 12 0 2,517' 4 5 3,927 18 6 78,829 18 7 [ 80,129 0 0 60,522 14 5 ! 62,396 0 0 171,753 10 6 ; *168,182 0 0 1,299 1 5 1,873 5 7 3,571 10 6 66 67 10.323 17 3 70,727 17 0 2,666 2 0 69,382 9 5 20.373 14 I 94.152 5 3 264 17 3 69,647 6 8 i +68,777 0 0 20,373 14 1 J {18,990 0 0 94,152 5 3 i §115,273 0 0 870 6 8 1,383 14 1 21,120 14 9 Total Class X .. .. .. 638,086 13 1 149,517 3 149,517 3 9 9 488,569 9 i ' 6,710 0 2 495,279 9 6 ! 513,747 ( 0 0 24,293 1 9 5.825 11 3 l_ 68 70 71 72 78 Class XI. —Customs, Marlne and Hakbouks, and Inspection of Machinery Departments :— Customs Offices and Services .. .. .. 58,577 15 4 Customs: Miscellaneous Services .. .. 7,178 15 9 Marine and Harbours .. .. .. .. 44,841 11 11 Government Steamers .. .. .. .. 20,724 1 11 Marine : Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. 6,951 15 7 Inspection of Machinery and iSurvoy of Ships .. 14,623 7 3 814 16 7 111 16 0 2,737 0 2 1,691 19 3 550 2 6 7 13 6 814 16 7 111 16 0 2,737 0 2 1,691 19 3 550 2 6 7 13 6 57.762 18 9 7.066 19 9 42.104 11 9 i 19.032 2 8 6,401 13 1 14,615 13 9 685 1 2 6 19 4 181 1 10 I 58,447 19 11 J 7,066 19 9 42,111 11 1 i 19.032 2 8 6,40] 13 1 14,796 15 7 60,677 0 0 12,668 0 0 44,121 0 0 17.100 0 0 12.055 0 0 15,467 0 0 2,229 0 1 5,601 0 3 2,009 8 11 1,932 2 8 5,653 6 11 670 4 5 Total Class XI .. .. .. 152,897 7 9 I 5,913 8 0 146,983 19 9 J 873 2 4 147,857 2 1 .162,088 0 0 J 16,163 0 7 1,932 2 8 * Inclusive of £9,000 transferred from vote 65 under order of the Governor, 26th February, 1914. t Exclusive of £9 003 transferred to vote 64 under order of the Governor, 26th February 1914 transferred from vote 67 under order of the Governor 18th March 1914. Exclusive of £3,000 transferred to vote 66 under order of the Governor 18th March, 1914. : Inclusive of £3,001

B. — 1 !Tt. II


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c .—continued.


o Issued. Issued ! j Net Expenditure. Voted. Amount Unissued. in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Imprests. Total. I I 74 Class XII. —Department of Lahchk: — Department of Labour.. £ s. d. 30,934 9 7 £ s. d. 2,385 13 5 £ s. d. 28,548 16 2 £ s. d. 185 9 3 £ s. d. 28,734 5 5 £ s. d. 31,620 0 0 £ s. d. 2,885 14 7 £ s. d' j Total Class XII 30,934 9 7 2,385 13 5 28,548 16 2 185 9 3 28,734 5 5 31,620 0 0 2,885 14 7 75 76 77 Class XIII. —Department of Lands and Survey :— \ Department of Lands and Survey Miscellaneous Services Valuation .. .. .. .. 208,461 8 4 58,916 10 1 42,478 17 11 45,017 9 0 2,213 6 5 8,834 9 2 163,443 19 4 56,703 3 8 33,644 8 9 7,979 12 9 689 5 5 339 5 5 171,423 12 1 57,392 9 1 33,983 14 2 174,122 0 0 100,298 0 0 34,772 0 0 2,698 7 11 42,905 10 11 788 5 10 13t : "'" Total Class Xlllf .. Class XIV. —Department of Agbicultuke, Indus\/y, tries, and Commerce :— Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce 309,856 16 4 223,228 14 11 309,856 16 4 56,065 4 7 253,791 11 9 9,008 3 7 262,799 15 4 309,192 0 0 46,392 4 8 78 223,228 14 11 30,390 17 5 192,837 17 6 2,148 6 10 194,986 4 4 197,233 0 0 2,246 15 8 Total Class XIV .. 223,228 14 11 223,228 14 11 30,390 17 5 192,837 17 6 2,148 6 10 194,986 4 4 197,233 0 0 2,246 15 8 j Class XV. —Education Department: — . Head Office Elementary Education Secondary and Higher Education Manual and Technical Instruction Training Colleges and Training of Teachers Native Schools Infant-life Protection School for the Deaf Education of the Blind Otekaike Home Industrial Schools Physical Training and Junior Cadets School Buildings, Furniture, and Sites Miscellaneous Services 12,354 17 8 733,746 1 0 100,213 9 6 80,311 6 0 42,769 14 0 33,108 4 5 1,465 8 1 5,429 3 9 767 7 2 5,256 13 10 61,098 4 8 8,101 11 4 115,162 9 3 17,480 15 2 ' 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 , 92 12,354 17 8 733,746 1 0 100,213 9 6 80,311 6 0 42,769 14 0 I 33,108 4 5 1,465 8 1 5,429 3 9 J 767 7 2 5,256 13 10 61,098 4 8 8,101 11 4 i 115,162 9 3 17,480 15 2 28 4 6 26,315 6 11 12,703 11 9 7.889 8 7 4 18 10 2,585 16 10 113 5 4 2,670 15 7 792 9 8 2,080 5 1 25,453 5 7 985 3 6 162 16 1 3,724 0 1 12,326 13 2 707,430 14 1 87.509 17 9 72,421 17 5 42,764 15 2 30,522 7 7 1,352 2 9 2,758 8 2 Or. 25 2 6 3,176 8 9 35,644 19 1 7.116 7 10 114,999 13 2 13,756 15 1 545 1 11 12,871 15 1 707,430 14 1 87,509 17 9 72,421 17 5 42,764 15 2 30,522 7 7 1,352 2 9 2,758 8 2 Cr. 25 2 6 3,176 8 9 35,732 0 4 7,116 7 10 114,999 13 2 13,756 15 1 12,652 0 0 717,354 0 0 86,945 0 0 68,903 0 0 41,745 0 0 31,771 0 0 1,593 0 0 3,313 0 0 264 0 0 3,702 0 0 34,403 0 0 10,956 0 0 119.200 0 0 14,987 0 0 9,923 5 11 1,248 12 5 240 17 3 554 11 10 289 2 6 525 11 3 I 219 15 1 564 17 9 3,518 17 5 1,019 15 2 ' * 87 1 3 3,839 12 2 4,200 6 10 1,230 4 11 1,329 0 4 Total Class XV .. .. .. 1 1,217,265 5 10 1,217,265 5 10 85,509 8 4 1,131,755 17 6 632 3 2 1,132,388 0 8 1,147,788 0 0 22,052 5 1 6,652 5 9 Unauthorized :— Services not provided for 59,897 19 10 1,295 6 8 4,730 15 8 59,897 19 10 56,462 10 10 3.435 9 0 4,730 15 8 L Total Unauthorized .. .. 59,897 19 10 1,295 6 8 4,730 15 8 59,897 19 10 56,462 10 10 3,435 9 0 4;730 15 8 I


B.—l [Pt. I].

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c .—continued.


Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued ik Excess. Expenditure. I Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. SUMMARY. Class I.—Legislative Departments ,, II. —Department of Finance ,, III. —Post and Telegraph Department ,, IV. —Working Railways Department „ V.—Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads ,, VT. —Native Department ,, VII. —.Justice Department ,, VIII. —Mines Department ,, IX. —Department of Internal Affairs ,, X.—Defence Department ,, XI. —Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments ,, XII. —Department of Labour ,, XIII. —Department of Lands and Survey ,, XIV. —Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Com- £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 43,791 7 10 j 48 13 3 43,742 14 7 71.848 1 8 2,863 17 4 i 68,984 4 4 38 8 6 1,282,795 2 6 , 111,911 14 1 1,170,883 8 5 30 9 5 3,445,805 0 4 441,624 5 7 3,004,180 14 9 48 5 0 130.411 12 9 4,945 9 2 ! 125,466 3 7 j 43 10 3 24,132 4 6| 146 10 6 23,985 14 0 387 3 7 • 440,221 5 5 I 20,471 15 9 j 419,749 '9 8 3,451 12 6 30,326 14 9 449 6 2 ! 29,877 8 7 44 4 5 642,632 17 8 ; 185,650 9 0 456,982 8 8 4,737 8 0 638,086 13 1 ] 149,517 3 9 ' 488,569 '9 4 6,710 0 2 152,897 7 9 \ 5,913 8 0 146,983 19 9 ! 873 2 4 30,934 9 7 2,385 13 5 i 28.548 16 2 185 9 3 309,856 16 4 ! 56,065 4 7 i 253,791 11 9 9,008 3 7 223,228 14 11 30,390 17 5 l 192.837 17 6 2,148 6 10 1,217,265 5 10 J 85,509 8 4 1,131,755 17 6 632 3 2 59,897 19 10 , 56,462 10 10 [ 3,435 9 0 j 1,295 6 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 43,742 14 7 42,682 0 0 69,022 12 10 70,972 0 0 1,170,913 17 10 ! 1,165,208 0 0 3,004,228 19 9 2,958,294 0 0 125,509 13 10 I 129.641 0 0 24,372 17 7 26,664 0 0 423,201 2 2 436,341 0 0 29,921 13 0 35,576 0 0 461,7.19 16 8 484,671 0 0 495,279 9 6 513.747 0 0 147,857 2 1 162,088 0 0 28,734 5 5 31,620 0 0 262,799 15 4 309,192 0 0 194,986 4 4 j 197,233 0 0 !1,132,388 0 8 '' 1,147,788 0 0 4,730 15 8 ! £ s. d. £ s. d. 326 14 7 1,387 9 2 3,233 16 10 1,284 9 8 7,823 2 6 13,529 0 4 I 45.934 19 9 4,131 6 2 J 2,291 2 5; 15,768 10 6 : 2.628 12 8 5,654 7 0 i 24,005 3 0 i 1,053 19 8 24,293 1 9 : 5,825 11 3 16,163 0 7 i 1.932 2 8 2,885 14 7 '• 46,392 4 8 I 2,246 15 8 I 22.052 5 1 I 6,652 5 9 j 4,730 15 8 merce ,, XV. —Education Department Services not provided for Total Consolidated Fukd 8,744,131 14 9 1,154,356 7 2 7,589,775 7 7 29,633 13 8 7,619,409 1 3 ! 7,711,717 0 0 177,267 5 4 I 84,959 6 7 i


B.—l Ft. I ,

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NEW ZEALAND STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913.


. : Issued. Amoont Issued It ; - 1 —T— 0TED - Unissued. ™ I jO Expenditure. ; Credits. INet Expenditure., Imprests. Total. j HiXCEbS. 1 New Zealand State Forests Account :- £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ■. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ e. d. 117 of the Land, and Survey 80 17.10 28,442 9 11 266 13 1 23,fa> 3 0 32,403 0 0 3,698 17 0 .. T(!)t . vl 28 473 ~7~~9~! 30~ 17 10 28,442 9 11 .266 13 1 28,709 3 0 32,408 0 0 3,698 17 0 __ :_ I {.___.. ,. _,_ __ ; Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. "1 £ s. d. ; £ s. d. 3,698 17 0 3,693 17 0 30 17 10 28,442 9 11 : L_ 266 13 1 28,709 3 0 32,408 0 0 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st Makch, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. [ Issued. . AM0UNT Is^ EE I ■'■■ — —- VoTED - Unissued. _ ™ 1° I ■ Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. j ja_«aa. State Coal-mines Account -- £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b.. d. £ s. d] | £ , s. d. * s n d - : J; *' d . £ s ' d '• 118 State Coal-mines .. 196,788 4 8 5,629 0 7 191,159 4 1 522 4 11 191,681 L J^_,_^^ 7 _________ " ■ Total" .. 196,788 4 8 5,629 0 7 191,159 4 1 , 522 4 11 191,681 9 0 349,997 0 0 158,315 11 0 ___ _. Issued. 191,159 4 1 j. 522 4 11 191,681 9 0 i 349,997 0 0 158,315 11 0 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the SCENEEY PBESEEVATION ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAE ended 31st Makch, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. 1 the SCENEEY PEESEEVATION ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAE ended 31st Makch, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. Issued. • Amount | IS ®™° Voted tt Jt * , Unissued. excess. Expenditure. Credits. |Net Expenditure. Imprests. , Total. VVlUil UliC ii.__i.vyi_4JL-U vLiu wi T aarIK r, ■ i _ ISSUEO • ■ issued. Amount , T _ I : — V0TED - , UNISSUED. Ex^ ESS . > Expenditure. Credits. |Net Expenditure. Imprests. , Total. j ,-. _ j n - A \ L' * A \ « a A \ £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. 1,411 2 11 £ s. d. 13,009 13 11 £ s. d. ! £ s. d. 13,009 13 11 £ s. d. 16,552 0 0 £ s. d. 3,542 6 1 l £ •s. d. Sceneey Preservation Account:- £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. * B -*- ,„*„ s " a - 3 f 42 6 1 ; 119: Scenery Preservation 14,420 16 10 1,411 2 11 13,009 13 11 j „ 13,009 13 11 16,552 0 0 3,542 6 1 | .. £ s. d. 14,420 16 10 Tota l 14,420 16 10 1,411 2 11 13,009 13 11 .. 13,009 13 11 16,552 0 0 3,542 6 lj 14,420 16 10 1,411 2 11 13,009 13 11 13,009 13 11 16,552 0 0 3,542 6 1 J


8.--1 [Pt. I

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913.


a ' Expenditure. Credits. Issued. Net Expenditure.] Imprests. Total. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Class XVI.— Public Works, Departmental:— Public Works, Departmental £ s. d. 67,358 8 5 £ s. d. 731 15 8 I. £ s. d. 3 66,626 12 9 £ s. d. . 66,626 12 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. t £ s. d. 66,626 12 9 £ s. d. 67,401 0 0 £ s. Til 7 £ s. d. 774 7 3 £ s. d. 93 Total Glass XVI .. • .. 67,358 8 5 731 15 8 66,626 12 9 66,626 12 9 67,401 0 0 ! 774 7 3 94 95 Class XVII. —Railways :— Railway-construction Additions to Open Lines 15,329 14 1 2,798 3 7 606,448 2 1 498,448 7 3 611,194 6 0 ! 831,600 0 0 220,405 14 0 498,448 7 3 ; 500,000 0 0 1,551 12 9 621, 777" 16 2 501,246 10 10 4,746 3 11 Total Class XVII .. ;1,123,024 7 0 18,127 17 8 1,104,896 9 4 4,746 3 11 1,109,642 13 3 1,331,600 0 0 | 221,957 6 9 : 96 I 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Class XVIII. —Public Buildings (including Purchase of Properties, Sites, Furniture, Fittings, &c.) :— General .. .. Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Workers' Dwellings 72,896 2 9 28,949 2 4 79,211 18 10 j 4,407 14 4 I 26,003 16 6 1,435 6 0 122,119 2 10 ! 41,782 5 1 i 6,085 5 8 66,810 17 1 504 1 10 28,445 0 6 397 1 1 i 78,8H 17 9 10 0 0 4,397 14 4 2 12 11 26,001 3 7 1,435 6 0 165 1 0 121,954 1 10 41 4 0 41.741 1 1 1,231 3 8 68,042 0 9 28,445 0 6 78,814 17 9 4,397 14 4 26,001 3 7 1,435 6 0 121,954 1 10 41,741 1 1 80,000 0 0 43,375 0 0 110,450 0 0 6,175 0 0 50,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 65,000 0 0 11,957 19 3 14,929 19 6 31,635 2 3 1,777 5 8 23,998 16 5 8,564 14 0 3,045 18 2 23,258 18 11 Total Class XVIII 376,805 8 8 I 7,205 6 6 J 369,600 2 2 1,231 3 8 370,831 5 10 490,000 0 0 119,168 14 2 Class XIX. — Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harboub-defenges :— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour-defences 5,178 4 1 3,345 11 10 563 11 10 I 3 13 10 ■ 24 12 3 5,174 10 3 3,345 11 10 538 19 8 7,375 0 0 12,400 0 0 3,000 0 0 2,200 9 9 9,054 8 2 2,461 0 4 I 104 105 106 5,174 10 3 3,345 11 10 538 19 8 Total Class XIX 9,087 7 9 28 6 0 9,059 1 9 9,059 1 9 22,775 0 0 13,715 18 3 107 Class XX. — Tourist and Health Resorts (inoluding Sites, Furniture, Fittings, &o.) :— Tourist and Health Resorts 15,060 19 11 72 2 3 14,988 17 8 I 14,988 17 8 18,900 0 0 3,911 2 4 Total Class XX 15,060 19 11 72 2 3 14,988 17 8 14,988 17 8 18,900 0 0 3,911 2 4 i I

B.—l [Pt. I].


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND, &c.—continued.


i> Issued. Issued in Excess. Voted , Amount Unissued. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. iprests. I Total. £ s. d. 26 11 2 £ s. d. 33,940 13 4 ' 1 Class XXI. —Immigration :— 108 Department of Immigration 108 £ s. d. 79,663 3 8 £ s. d. 45,749 1 6 £ s. d. 33,914 2 2 £ s. d. ; 36,055 0 0 J £ s. d. 2,114 6 8 £ s. d. Total Class XXI 79,663 3 8 45,749 1 6 ! 33,914 2 2 26 11 2 33,940 13 4 36,055 0 0 2,114 6 8 ■ 109 110 1 111 Class XXII. —Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Woeks :— i 109 Roads, &o. .. 110 Baokblook Roads i 111 Roads and other Works on Goldfields and Mineral Lands 232, 447 14 11 133,879 8 7 7,317 19 8 5,172 18 2 225,129 15 3 128,706 10 5 2,309 14 9 2,692 9 4 227,439 10 0 131,398 19 9 360,925 0 0 201,225 0 0 133,485 10 0 69,826 0 3 24,253 6 9 110 4 9 24,143 2 0 .. 24,143 2 0 51,000 0 0 26,856 18 0 Total Class XXII .. 390,580 10 3 12,601 2 7 377,979 7 8 5,002 4 1 382,981 11 9 613,150 0 0 230,168 8 3 Class XXIII. —Development of Goldfields :— 112 Development of Goldfields 112 5,368 9 5 479 1 6 4,889 7 11 4,889 7 11 9,300 0 0 4,410 12 1 Total Class XXIII .. 113 5,368 9 5 479 1 6 4,889 7 11 ! 4,889 7 11 9,300 0 0 4,410 12 1 Class XXIV. —Telegraph Extension :— 1113 Telegraph Extension 33,937 0 11 I 392,647 13 3 33,937 0 11 ' 392,647 13 3 392,647 13 3 j 376,000 0 0 Total Class XXIV .. 426,584 14 2 426,584 14 2 16,647 13 3 392,647 13 3 376,000 0 0 16,647 13 3 Class XXV. —Contingent Defence :— 114 Contingent Defence 114 30,224 16 5 38 16 3 30,186 0 2 30,186 0 2 50,000 0 0 19,813 19 10 Total Class XXV 30,224 16 5 38 16 3 30,186 0 2 30,186 0 2 50,000 0 0 19,813 19 10 ! I ! Class XXVI. —Lands Improvement :— 115 J Improved-farm Settlements Hβ! Lands, Miscellaneous .. Total Class XXVI 16,544 3 3 3,558 16 0 20,102 19 3 3,106 17 1 13,437 6 2 3,558 16 0 •• 13,437 6 2 25,000 0 0 3,558 16 0 6,700 0 0 16,996 2 2 31,700 0 0 11,562 13 10 3,141 4 0 " 14,703 17 10 3,106 17 1 16,996 2 2 .. .. Unauthorized :— Services not provided for 702 7 5 678 17 5 23 10 0 23 10 0 23 10 0 Total Unauthorized.. .. 23 10 0 702 7 5 678 17 5 23 10 0 23 10 0

B.—l [Pt. I]


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND, &c .—continued.


r Voted. j. . i Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Issued. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. SUMMARY. J Class XVI. —Public Works, Departmental „ XVII. —Railways ... „ XVIII.— Public Buildings.. ,, XIX. —Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbourdefences ,, XX. —Tourist and Health Resorts ,, XXI. —Immigration „ XXII. —Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works „ XXIII.—Development of Goldfields ,, XXIV. —Telegraph Extension ,, XXV. —Contingent Defence ,, XXVI. —Lands Improvement Services not provided for .. .. . . .\ £ s. d. 67,358 8 5 ! 1.123,024 7 0 i 376,805 8 8 j £ s. d. : £ s. d. 731 15 8 i 66,626 12 9 18,127 17 8 jl,104,896 9 4 7,205 6- 6 ! 369,600 2 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 66,626 12 9 ! 67,401 0 0 4,746 3 11 1,109,642 13 3 11,331,600 0 0 1,231 3 8 ! 370,831 5 10 490,000 0 0 £ s. d. 774 7 3 221,957 6 9 119,168 14 2 £ s. d. 9,087 7 9 i 15,060 19 11 79,663 3 8 : 28 6 0 : 9,059 1 9 72 2 3 14,988 17 8 45,749 1 6 : 33,914 2 2 9,059 1 9 22,775 0 0 14,988 17 8 18,900 0 0 26 11 2 33,940 13 4 i 36,055 0 0 13,715 18 3 3,911 2 4 2,114 6 8 390,580 10 3 5,368 9 5 426,584 14 2 30,224 16 5 20.102 19 3 702 7 5 12,601 2 7 i 377,979 7 8 479 1 6 : 4,889 7 11 33,937 0 11 i 392,647 13 3 38 16 3 30,186 0 2 3,106 17 1 ! 16,996 2 2 678 17 5 I 23 10 0 5,002 4 1 382,981 11 9 613,150 0 0 4,889 7 11 9,300 0 0 i 392,647 13 3 ■ 376,000 0 0 30,186 0 2 50,000 0 0 16,996 2 2 31,700 0 0 23 10 0 230,168 8 3 4,410 12 1 16,647 i3 3 19,813 19 10 14,703 17 10 23 JO 0 Total Public Works Fund 2,544,563 12 4 122,756 5 4 421, 807 i 7 0 11,006 2 10 12,432, 813 9 10 |3,046, 881 0 0 630,738 13 5 16,671 3 3 TATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the WELLINGTON - HUTT EAILWAY AND BOAD IMPEOVI YEAE ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriati EMENT ACCOUNT for the PINANCIA: on Act, 1913. 1 Expenditure. I Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Wellington -Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account :— Hutt Railway and Road Improvement £ s. d. 4,178 19 7 £ s. d. 61 0 0 ! £ s. d. 4,117 19 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,117 19 7 £ s. d. 4,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 117 19 7 121 Total 4,178 19 7 I 61 0 0 j 61 0 0 i 4,117 19 7 4,117 19 7 4,117 19 7 4,000 0 0 117 19 7 TATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the BAILWAYS IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. YEAE ended 31st March, 1914, 1 ISSDBD. Voted. Amount Unissued. ■ i Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. [Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Railways Improvements Account: — 122 Railway Improvements Total £ s. d. 40,268 8 10 40,268 8 10 £ s. rl. 705 8 4 £ s. d. 39,563 0 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 39,563 0 6 £ s. d. 40,000 0 0 £ s. d. 436 19 6 £ s. d. 705 8 4 39,563 0 6 39,563 0 6 40,000 0 0 436 19 6


8.--1 [Pt: T]

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the AID TO WATER-POWER WORKS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913.


i O > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. I I Total. 123 Aid to Water-power Works Account :— Development of Water-power £ s. d. 143,412 9 11 £ s. d. J 585 17 6 i £ s. d. 142,826 12 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 142,826 12 5 200,000 0 0 142,826 12 5 200,000 0 0 i £ a. A. 57,173 7 7 57,173 7 7 £ s. d. ; i; j Total 143, 412. 9 11 585 17 6 142,826 12 5 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the IEEIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR endsd 31st MARCH, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. I O Expenditure. Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. 124 Irrigation and Water-supply Account: — Irrigation and Water-supply Total £ s. d. ! £ s. d. 34,262 5 9 I 660 11 7 34,262 5 9 660 11 7 £ s. d. 33,601 14 2 £ s. d. & s. d. 33,601 14 2 £ s. d. 35,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,398 5 10 £ s. d. j 33,601 14 2 33,601 14 2 35,000 0 0 1,398 5 10 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the WAIHOU AND OHINEMUEI EIVEBS IMPEOVEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAE ended 31st Maech, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. S Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. i Waihou and Ohinemuhi Bivees Improvement Account :— Waihou and Ohineinuri Rivers Improvement £ s. d. J 9,844 15 5 ! £ s. d. I 213 3 11 & s. d. 9,631 11 6 £ s. d. 9,631 11 6 £ s. d. 30,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 20,368 8 6 £ s. d. 125 Total 9,844 15 5 213 3 11 9,631 11 6 9,631 11 6 30,000 0 0 20,368 8 6 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the LAND FOE SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. YEAE ended 31st March, 1914, compare* Expenditure. Issued. — -=• 2: Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. I Total. Land fob Settlements Account: — : 120 Land for Settlements Expenses Total : __ "L £ 3. d. 4,574 2 1 4,574 2 1 £ e. d. 5 10 2 £ s. d. 4,568 11 11 £ s. d. £ a. d. 4,568 11 11 £ s. d. 13,579 0 0 £ r. d. 9,010 8 1 & s. a. 5 10 2 4,568 11 11 I 4,568 11 11 13,579 0 0 j 9,010 8 1 I V S

B.—l TPt. I


STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913.

B_B. 1 ITt. I

The Treasury, 27th April, 1914. G. P. C. Campbell, Examined and found correct. - Secretary to the Treasury. Eobeet J. Collins, A. 0. Gibbes, Controller and Audi tor-General. Accountant to the Treasury.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 13-19 14.

1 > . f Issued. Voted. amount Unissued. Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. j Nativb Land Settlement Account :— 135 Native Land Purchase Expenses Total £ s. d. 831 17 6 831 17 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 831 17 6 831 17 6 £ s. d. J £ s. d. 831 17 6 £ s. d. 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 £ s. d. 418 2 6 418 2 6 £ s. d. 831 17 6 STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the OPENING UP CEOWN LANDS FOE SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1914, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Expenditure. Excess. Credits. [Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Opening up Grown Lands fob Settlement Account :— Roads to open up Crown Lands £ s. d. 63,260 4 1 £ b. d. 15 0 6 £ s. d. 63,245 3 7 £ s. d. 696 15 10 £ s. d. . 63,941 19 5 £ s. d. 100,100 0 0 £ s d. 36,158 0 7 £ s. d. 126 Total .. .. .. - 696 15 10 63,941 19 5 100,100 0 0 63,260 4 1 15 0 6 63,245 3 7 36,158 0 7 • • STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAE ended 31st March, 1914, compare* with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1913. > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. [Net Expenditure. Imprests. I i Total. 127 National Endowment Account :— Eoada to open up National Endowment Lands .. £ s. d. 4,562 9 1 £ s. d. 280 14 0 £ s. d. 4,281 15 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,281 15 1 £ s. d. 22,750 0 0 £ s. d. 18,468 4 11 £ s. d. Total 4,562 9 1 280 14 0 4,281 15 1 18,468 4 11 4,281 15 1 22,750 0 0


B.—l [Pt. I

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914, under the Civil List Act, 1908.


£ s. a. £ s. a. £ a. d. CIVIL LIST. FIRST DIVISION. His Excellency the Governor:— The Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.O.,— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 Allowance, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 5 000 0 0 2,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 The Judses: — The Chief Justioe,— Sir E. Stout, K.C.M.G.— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 1,666 13 4 The Puisne Judges,— P. R. Chapman, salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 T. Cooper, salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 .. J. E. Denniston, salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 W. B. Edwards, salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 Sir J. S. Williams, salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 January, 1914 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 7,500 0 0 9,166 13 4 Establishment of the General Government :— The Prime Minister, Minister of Lands, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Labour. Minister of Industries and Commerce, Commissioner of State Forests, Minister in Charge of Land for Settlements, Valuation and Scenery Preservation Departments,— Hon. W. F. Massey— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,600 0 0 Minister of Finance, Minister of Defence, Minister of Eduoation, Minister in Charge of Land and Income Tax Department and State-guaranteed Advances Offioe, — Hon. J. AllenSalary, 1 February, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 House allowanoe, 1 February, 1913, to 31 Maroh 1914 1,166 13 4 233 6 8 Minister of Railways and Native Minister, — Hon. W. H. Hemes— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 House allowance, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,400 0 0 1,300 0 0 200 0 0 1,500 0 0 Minister of Public Works, Roads, and Bridges, Minister oi Mines, and Minister in Charge of Publio Buildings ana Domains, — Hon. W. Praser — Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 Maroh, 1914 1,000 0 0 Attorney-General, Minister of Justice, Minister of Stamp Duties, Minister in Charge of Police, Prisons, Crown Law, and Public Trust Departments,— Hon. A. L. Herdman— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 House allowanoe, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 1,200 0 0 Minister of Customs, Minister of Marine, Minister in Charge of Inspection of Machinery, Advertising, Government Printing and Stationery, Legislative, State Fire Insurance, Government Life and Accident Insurance, Electoral, National Provident Fund, and Old-age Pensions Departments,— Hon. F. M. B. FisherSalary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 House allowance, 1 April, 1913, to 31 Maroh, 1914 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 1,200 0 0 ; • Carried forward .. .. •• 7,900 0 0 16,166 13 4 :

b.—l r?T. i}



G. R C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury. The Treasury, Wellington, 26th April. 1914. A. O. Gibbes," Examined and found correct. Accountant to the Treasury. Eobbrt J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

g_B. 1 [Pt. I] .


£ s. d. £ s. d. 7,900 0 0 £ s. d. 16,166 13 4 Brought forward SSTABLISHMBNT OF THE GSJNEEAL GOVERNMENT— Continued. Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Immigration, and Minister in Charge of Audit Office, Registrar-General, High Commissioner, Museum, Friendly Societies, and Laboratory Departments,— Hon. F. H. D. Bell, K.O.— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,000 0 0 Postmaster-General and Minister of Telegraphs, Minister of Public Health, Minister in Charge of Hospitals and Charitable Aid, Mental Hospitals, and Tourist and Health Resorts Departments,— Hon. R. H. RhodesSalary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 House allowance, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 Member of the Executive Council representing the Native Race, and in Charge of Maori Councils, Cook and other Islands Administration, — Hon. Dr. Pomare— Salary, 1 April, 1913, to 31 March, 1914 1,200 0 0 400 0 0 10,500 0 0 SECOND DIVISION. Native :— Pensioners, — Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington 483 6 8 10 0 0 97 10 0 Medicines and medical attendance Food-supplies Contingencies 3,044 5 6 1,186 1 8 582 16 3 590 16 8 4,813 3 5 I 5,404 0 1 Total .. £32,070 13 5 s

B.—l TPt. I




Consolidated Fund. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. FOE SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Legislative Department: — Bonus to staff, nightwatchmen, and attendants in Bellamy's Bonus to Hansard Supervisor and Assistants Bonus to Acting Serjeant-at-Arms 211 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Department of Finance: — Salary of D. J. Henderson, Binder, Treasury Department, from 1st April to 11th May, 1914, on leave of absence on half-pay Salary of J. M. King, Commissioner of Taxes, from 1st to 26th April, 1914, on leave of absence.. 261 0 0 11 13 4 60 8 4 48 15 0 Post and Telegraph Department: — Additional compensation granted to H. A. Giller, late Assistant Postmaster, Christchurch, on his retirement from the Service 300 0 0 Native Department: — Costs of C. B. Morison in connection with —(1) Drafting of the Native Land Amendment Bill; (2) the perusing of the Rating Act Amendment Bill, 1913 ; (3) revision of the West Coast Settlement Bill, 1913 525 0 0 Justice Department: — Gratuity to Mrs. F. McArthur on account of the death of her husband, Dr. A. McArthur, late Stipendiary Magistrate at Wellington 400 0 0 Police Department: — Increase of salary, J. Cullen, Commissioner of Police, 1st April,1913,to31st March, 1914, in excess of appropriation 25 0 0 Mines Department: — Refund of royalty paid by Puponga Coal Company on coal lease at Puponga 651 14 6 Department of Internal Affairs :■ — Additional retiring-allowance to G. A. Birch, Clerk, Public Health Department, Dunedin, from 1st September, 1913, to 31st March, 1914.. Allowance in lieu of additional leave of absence on retirement to A. M. Smith, late Secretary, Public Service Superannuation Board Amount expended.. .. .. £37,686 12 1 Amount received on sale of coal purchased by the High Commissioner.. £37,686 12 1 21 0 0 54 12 9 Compassionate allowance to Philip Eva, of New Plymouth, for services as Militiaman, now blind Grant to Mrs. A. E. Rees, widow of the late W. L. Rees, M.H.R. Long-service increments to messengers as provided for under Public Service Regulation No. 208 Salary of T. Lynch, Messenger, for month of April, 1914, on leave of absence Salary of H. Eastgate, Clerk, Audit Department, from 1st April to 30th June, 1914, on leave of absence Salary of Miss J. Bicknell, Assistant Inspector of Hospitals, from 1st April to 31st May, 1914, on leave of absence Special allowance to Mr. E. Best to meet expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of ancient Maori history 25 0 0 250 0 0 80 6 7 13 6 8 72 10 0 38 6 8 30 0 0 Defence Department: — Maintenance and attendance of Sergt. W. R. Lawrence in private hospital and convalescent home, who was injured on duty, from 16th July to 21st September, 1912 585 2 8 41 3 6 Customs Department , : — Grant on account of Customs duty paid on tobacco destroyed by floods at Gore 30 0 0 Carried forward 2,849 9 0 30 0 0

B.—l (Pt. I].




Consolidated Fund— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Brought forward 30 0 0 2,849 9 0 Customs Department —continued :— Long-service pay of P. McCallion, Messenger, Customs Department, Dunedin, retired on superannuation, from 1st April, 1914 Salary of L. J. Thompson, Examiner, H.M. Customs, Auckland, on leave of absence from 1st to 28th February, 1914 Salaries on retirement, being three months' leave on full pay, from 1st January to 31st March, 1914— C. G. R. Gore, Collector of Customs, Blenheim G. Prain, Clerk, Customs Department, Dunedin .. P. McCallion, Messenger, Customs Department, Dunedin 2 5 0 20 8 4 78 15 0 86 5 0 42 10 0 Department of Labour: — Increase in salary of P. W. Rowley, Secretary of Labour, from 1st January to 31st March, 1914, in excess of appropriation 260 3 4 25 0 0 Department of Lands and Survey: — Amount overpaid to David Maxwell when refunding amount of rent deposited by him on Tututawa Domain, Section 43, Mangaehu Village Salary of W. F. Gordon, Draughtsman, New Plymouth, on retirement from 1st April to 31st May, 1914 2 10 0 48 6 8 50 16 8 Department of Agriculture: — Transit and incidental expenses of E. Clifton and family from New Zealand to San Francisco in connection with the Panama Pacific Exhibition Miscellaneous expenditure in connection with the Panama Pacific Exhibition Increase of salary, E. Clifton, Director, Fields and Experimental Farms Division, 1st January, 1914, to 31st March, 1914, in excess of appropriation 188 9 8 24 0' 4 37 10 0 Advances outstanding 250 0 0 1,295 6 8 Total services not provided for 4,730 15 FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Advances. Final Charges. Total. Class I. Legislative Departments— £ s. d. Vote 1—Legislative Council .. 52 17 7 „ 2—House of Representatives .. 1,334 II 7 Class II. Department of Finance— Vote 10—Treasury Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. 1,284 9 8 Class III. Post and Telegraph Department— Vote 13—Conveyance of Inland Mails 1,727 17 2 „ 15—Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Lines .. 11,097 19 5 „ 16—Miscellaneous Services .. 703 3 9 Class IV. Working Railways Department— Vote 17—Working Railways ' .. 45,886 14 9 Class VII. Justice Department— Vote 29—Supreme Court .. .. 160 19 0 „ 30—Bankruptcy .. .. 254 8 11 „ 34 —Miscellaneous Services .. 1,731 15 2 „ 35—Prisons .. .. .. 179 17 7 Class IX. Department of Internal Affairs— Vote 48—Registrar-General's Office .. 481 7 5 „ 49—Electoral .. .. 275 12 7 „ 57—Tourists Class X. Defence Department— Vote 64—Territorial Force „ 65—Stores and Magazines, &o... 605 9 5 „ 66—Miscellaneous Services .. 1,383 14 1 48 5 0 52 17 7 .1,334 11 7 1,284 9 8 1,727 17 2 11,097 19 5 703 3 9 45,934 19 9 224 1 3 27 0 5 385 0 3 281 9 4 1,731 15 2 230 7 11 50 10 4 296 19 8 481 7 5 275 12 7 296 19 8 3,571 10 6 264 17 3 3,571 10 6 870 6 8 1,383 14 1 Carried forward .. 67,160 18 1 67,160 18 4,483 4 5 71,644 2 6 4,730 15 8

TPt. I



G. F. C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury. A. O. GIBBES, The Treasury, Wellington, 27th April, 1914. Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. Robert J Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


Consolidated Fund— continued. Final Charges. £ s. d. £ s. d. Total. £ s. d. Advances. £ s. d. Brought forward .. 67,160 18 1 Class XI. Customs, Marine, and Harbours, &c.— Vote 71—Government Steamers .. 1,932 2 8 Class XV. Education Department— Vote 79—Head Office .. „ 81—Secondary and Higher Education . . .. 564 17 9 „ 82 —Manual and Technical Instruction .. .. 3,518 17 5 ,, 83 —Training Colleges and Training of Teachers .. 1,019 15 2 „ 89—Industrial Schools .. 1,241 19 1 4,483 4 5 219 15 1 71,644 2 6 1,932 2 8 219 15 1 4,730 15 8 564 17 9 3,518 17 6 87 1 3 1,019 15 2 1,329 0 4 £75,438 10 2 £4,790 0 9 Total services in excess of votes 80,228 10 11 Total Consolidated Fund £84,959 6 7 Public Works Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Public Works Department: — Additional Salary of W. H. Gibbs, late Storekeeper, Christchuroh, on retirement from 1st to 18th April, 1914 Salary of Miss 0. Ellison, late. Typist, Public Works Department, on retirement from 1st to 30th April, 1914 10 10 0 13 0 0 FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Final Charges. Advances. 23 10 0 Total. • Class XXIV. Telegraph Extension— £ s. d. Vote 113—Telegraph Extension _.. 16,647 13 3 16,647 13 3 £16,647 13 3 16,647 13 3 Total Public Works Fund £16,671 3 3 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTE. Fina 1 Charges. Advances. Total. Vote 121 —Hutt Railway and Road £ s. d. Improvement .. .. 117 19 7 £117 19 7 117 19 7 £117 19 7 Total Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account £117 19 7 Public Trustee's Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Amount overpaid to beneficiary in Trust Fund Penalty of 10 per-cent. on Income Tax paid after due date 11 9 9 7 16 4 £19 6 1

B.—l [Pt. I].


SUMMARY of CERTIFIED STATEMENTS of LIABILITIES as on 31st March, 1914, as rendered by respective Departments.


Clase. Department. Amoi int. iivil List... Consolidated Fund. 'S s. d. 'ermanent charges Native Purposes Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, 1908... Pensions Act, 1913, — Old-age pensions Military pensions Widows'pensions Stock Act, 1908 Slaughtering and Inspection Act 1908 Amendment Act, 1910 ... 12,692 0 0 £ s. 227 16 a. 9 64 11 8 3 0 0 10 0 558 0 0 15,005 11 8 1,687 0 0 I Legislative Departments,— Legislative Council House of Representatives ... General expenses II 152 2 1 152 2 ] Department of Finance, — Treasury National Provident and Friendly Societies Office Land and Income Tax 99 0 493 14 0 6 592 14 6 III Post and Telegraph Department,— Various services .. Working Railways Department Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Boads, — Public buildings ... Maintenance of roads IV V 63,566 5 136,909 0 6 0 1,719 6,099 8 0 6 0 7,818 8 6 VI Native Department,— Various services ... Justice Department,— Various services ... Crown Law Office Prisons... Police ... Stamps... Land and Deeds ... VII 4,041 3 3 529 4 6 1,399 12 7 420 19 4 513 17 5 1,979 7 7 8,355 0 2 VIII Mines Department, — Various services ... Department of Internal Affairs, — Ministers' Secretaries Messengers and office-keepers Audit Office Registrar-General Electoral Museum Advertising Dominion Laboratory Printing and Stationery Mental hospitals Home for Defectives Tourists Public Service Commissioner's Office Public health, hospitals, and charitable aid ... Cook Islands administration Miscellaneous 8,658 17 6 IX 281 5 0 30 12 11 270 15 0 229 14 4 24 0 0 91 14 8 52 3 0 2,030 5 3 1,818 4 7 25 10 0 7,526 0 0 278 12 0 3,500 0 0 2,905 15 5 X Defence Department,— Headquarters and District Staffs ... Royal New Zealand Artillery Territorial Force Stores and magazines ..: ■ Miscellaneous 19,064 12 2 188 6 401 16 4,706 18 1,445 11 313 2 4 8 8 4 5 7,055 15 5 XI Customs, Marine and Harbours, &c, — Customs offices and services ... Marine and harbours Government steamers Marine, Miscellaneous Inspection of Machinery ... 583 16 10 764 18 10 99 0 8 1,447 16 4 Carried forward 269,383 5 1

B.—l [Pp. I]


SUMMARY of CERTIFIED STATEMENTS of LIABILITIES as on 31st March, 1914, as rendered by respective Departments— continued.


Class. Department. Ami lUUt. Consolidated Fund —continued. XII Brought forward Department of Labour £ s. d. £ s. d. 269,383 5 1 869 0 7 XIII Department of Lands and Survey,— Department Miscellaneous Valuation 1,386 10 7 860 18 5 1,818 10 9 XIV 4,065 19 9 Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce, — Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce 8,420 0 0 XV Education Department,— Various services ... 2,402 10 6 Total Consolidated Fund £285,140 15 11 Public Works Fund. XVI Public Works Departmental 105 17 1 XVII Eailways,— Construction Open lines 160,395 3 10 127,382 0 0 287,777 3 10 XVIII Public Buildings,— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental hospitals Hospitals and charitable institutions School buildings Workers' dwellings 178,423 18 1,911 18 24,498 14 7 7 9 t i 20,727 4 6 9,587 1 4 235,148 17 9 XIX Lighthouses, Harbour - works, and Harbourdefences, — Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour-defences 933 11 12 2 2 7 945 13 9 4,889 0 0 XX Tourist and Health Eesorts ... XXI Immigration XXII Construction, Maintenance, &c, of Eoads, Bridges, &c, — Eoads, &c. Backblock roads Eoads on goldfields 174,227 0 33,169 0 18,718 16 0 0 4 226,114 16 4 1,192 4 9 XXIII Development of Goldfields ... XXIV Telegraph Extension 235,665 16 3 XXV Contingent Defence 55 0 0 XXVI Lands Improvement, — Improved-farm settlements Lands, Miscellaneous 10 1 193 14 4 9 203 16 1 Total Public Works Fund £992,098 5 10


B.—l TPt. I

SUMMARY of CERTIFIED STATEMENTS of LIABILITIES as on 31st Maech, 1914, as rendered by respective Departments—cowiwtwed £ s. d. State Forests Account ... ... ... ... ... ... 183 10 7 State Coal-mines Account ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,044 15 10 Scenery-preservation Account ... Land for Settlements Account, — Construction of roads out of loading ... ... ... £3,043 0 0 Land for Settlements expenses Land for Settlements Account ... ... ... ... 342 13 7 3,385 13 7 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account ... ... 3,679 0 0 Railways Improvements Account ... ... ... ... ... 63,669 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Account ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 Irrigation and Water-supply Account ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account ... ... ... 8,215 18 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account ... ... ... 13,566 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account ... ... ... ... ... 45 15 7 National Endowment Account, — Lands Department ... ... ... • ... ... Nil. Public Works Department ... ... ... ... £468 0 0 . 468 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account ... ... ... ... ... 344 5 7 Public Trustee's Account Government Insurance Account ... ... ... ... ... 447 19 0 Government Accident Insurance Account .... ... ... ... 313 16 5 State Fire Insurance Account ... ... ... ... ... 1,507 9 2 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Account ... ... "... 899 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account— Native Department ... ... ... ... ... £2,204 12 9 Lands Department ... ... ... ... ... 363 5 1 2,567 17 10 Summary . £ s. a. Consolidated Fund .. ... ... ... ... 285,140 15 11 Public Works Fund ... ... ... ... 992,098 5 10 State Forests Account ... ... ... ... 183 10 7 State Coal-mines Account ... ... ... ... 2,044 15 10 Scenery-preservation Account ... Land for Settlements Account... ... ... ... 3,385 13 7 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account 3,679 0 0 Railways Improvements Account ... ... ... 63,669 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Account ... ... ... 34,964 0 6 Irrigation and Water-supply Account ... ... ... 200 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account ... 8,215 18 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account ... 13,566 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account ... ... ... 45 15 7 National Endowment Account... ... ... ... 468 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account ... ... ... 344 5 7 Public Trustee's Account Government Insurance Account ... ... ... 447 19 0 Government Accident Insurance Account ... ... 313 16 5 State Fire Insurance Account ... ... ... ... 1,507 9 2 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Account . 899 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account ... ... ... 2,567 17 10 £1,413,741 3 10 Note.—This statement is not audited, the Audit Office not having sufficient information in the office to enable it to do so. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,500 copies), £65.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l4 Price Is. 3d.]


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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1913-1914., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, B-01-part01

Word Count

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1913-1914. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, B-01-part01

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1913-1914. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, B-01-part01