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Session 11. 1912. NE W ZEALAND.


Laid bejore Parliament in pursuance of Section 91 of the Government Railways Act, 1908. In accordance with section 91 of the Government Bailways Act, 1908, the Board has the honour to transmit, for the information of Parliament, its report and balance-sheet for the year ending 31st March, 1912. The accounts show that members actually contributed £58,404 16s. Id. (including £292 11s. 7d., being arrears paid by the Wellington and Manawatu Eailway Company's staff), arrears of contributions due by ex-members of the Wellington and Manawatu Eailway Company, £177 168., contributions due and not paid, £4,746 6s. 2d., less contributions due and not paid 31st March, 1911, £3,873 19s. 4d.; fines paid, £447 12s. 6d. ; fines due and not paid, £34 2s. 6d.; payment from Consolidated Fund, £25,000; interest received, £12,137 15s. Id., less interest accrued 31st March, 1911, £2,530 3s. 7d. These amounts, together with the sum of £207,242 7s. lid. brought forward from last year, bring out an aggregate of £301,786 13s. 4d. on the debit side. The superannuation allowances actually paid during the year amounted to £50,620 Is., and allowances amounting to £240 12s. 3d. were due but not paid (less life allowances due and not paid March, 1911, £66 9s. lid.) representing grants to 744 members of the Eailway service who have either voluntarily resigned or been retired as medically unfit. Allowances amounting to £6,397 13s. 10d. were paid in respect to 170 widows and 270 children dependants of deceased members of the service who had not retired on superannuation at the time of their death, and £297 4s. due to widows and orphans remained unpaid (less widows' allowances due and not paid March, 1911, £7 Is. 6d. Payments amounting to £282 17s. 6d. were made to the legal repiesentatives of deceased members under section 86, subsection (c), and £496 18s. 7d. under section 82, subsection (6), of the Act. A sum of £8,809 15s., representing contributions of members of the service who voluntarily retired or whose services were otherwise dispensed with during the year, was refunded to the members concerned, in accordance with the provisions of the Act; and £830 9s. 3d., contributions due, still remained to be refunded under this head (less contributions due March, 1911, £254 Is. 3d.). Fines remitted to members amounted to £4 12s. 6d.; travelling-expenses of members of the Board, £18 9s. 5d.; contributions transferred to Public Service Superannuation Fund, £297 3s. 5d.; and commission and charges paid to Public Trust Office, £361 0s. 9d.; making a total of £68,329 4e. 10d., and leaving a balance of £233457 8s. 6d. to the credit of the Fund on the 31st March, 1912. The following show the balances brought forward at the end of each year, and also the annual value of the allowances actually granted by the Board in each year:— Balane■■ forward. Allowance grained. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1903 ... ... ... ... 7,056 11 9 1904 .. ... ... ... 40,357 17 3 12,010 14 8 1905 .. ... ... ... 68,670 7 8 8,519 7 8 1906 ... ... ... 90,984 11 10 6,348 13 7 1907 ... ... 110,736 12 3 4,398 14 11 1908 ... 126,642 18 11 7,332 7 11 . 1909 ... .. 157,151 14 9 6,359 11 0 1910 ... ... ... ... 173,876 1 8 11,828 0 6 1911 ... ... 207,242 7 11 8,064 11 5 1912 ... ... ... 233,457 8 6 7,065 16 4 71,927 18 0 Less members died, Ac. ... ... ... ... 12,895 19 1 Annual liability at 31st March, 1912 ... ... ... 59,03118 11



The amounts shown in the lists attached to the balance-sheet are those actually disbursed during the year, and do not represent the total annual allowances granted by the Board to the 31st March, 1912, which were, — £ a. a. Life allowances on account of voluntary retirements (760 persons) 55,568 0 7 Life allowances on account of retirements as " medically unfit " (132 persons) ... ... ... ... ... 7,789 9 5 Allowances to 198 widows and 384 children ... ... ... 8,570 8 0 Total annual allowances granted ... ... £71,927 18 0 Since the inauguration of the Fund, 170 beneficiaries have, however, died, including 29 during the year under review, and 8 members who had been placed on the Fund as " medically unfit" resumed duty. The Fund was relieved of an annual liability of £10,793 6s. Id. in respect to these 178 members. 119 children have reached the age of fourteen years (16 during the past year), 5 children have died, 19 widows remarried (2 during the past year), and 8 widows died, lessening the liability of the Fund by an additional £2,102 13s. per annum. There were 1,145 persons actually on the Fund at the 31st March, 1912, involving an annual liability of £59,031 18s. lid. Abthur M. Myers, Minister of Railways, Chairman of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund Board. Revenue Account of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund under Section 90 of the Government Railways Act, 1908, for the Yeab ended 31st March, 1912. Dr. £ ». a. Cr. £ s. a. £ s. d To Balance brought forward on Ist April, By Life allowances paid 50,620 1 0 1911 .. .. .. .. 207,242 7 11 Life allowances due Contributions paid .. £58,404 16 1 notpaid .. .. 240 12 3 Contributions due not paid .. .. 4,746 6 2 £50,860 13 3 Arrears of contribu- Less life allowances tions due by ex- due not paid 31st members Welling. March, 1911 .. 66 9 11 ton and Manawatu 50,794 3 4 Railway Company 177 16 0 Allowances to widows and orphans paid.. £6,397 13 10 £63,328 18 3 Allowances to widows Less contributions due and orphans due not paid 31st March, notpaid.. .. 297 4 0 1911 .. .. 3,873 19 4 59,454 18 11 £6,694 17 10 Fines paid.. .. £447 12 6 Less widows' allowFines due not paid .. 34 2 6 ances due not raid 48115 0| 31st March, 1911 .. 7 16 Payment from Consolidated Funa .. 25,000 0 0 6,687 16 4 Interest receivea .. £12,137 15 1 Payments under section 86 (c) .. 282 17 6 Less interest accrued Payments under section 82 (6) .. 496 18 7 31st March, 1911.. 2,530 3 7 Contributions re9,607 11 6 funded .. .. £8,809 15 0 Contributions duo not refunded .. 830 9 3 £9,640 4 3 Less contribu tion s duo not refunded 31st March, 1911 .. 254 1 3 9,386 3 0 Fines refunded .. .. .. 4 12 6 Travelling-expenses of members of Board .. .. .. .. 18 9 5 Contributions transferred to Public Service Superannuation Fund .. 297 3 5 Publio Trust Office, charges and commission .. .. .. 361 0 9 Amount of Fund at close of year .. 233,457 8 6 £301,786 13 4 £301,786 13 4 Examined and found correct. —Robert J. Collins, 30th May, 1912. Controller and Auditor-General. Balance-sheet of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund under Section 90 of the Government Railways Act, 1908, for the Yeab ended 31st March, 1912. Liabilities. Assets. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account above .. 233,457 8 6 In hands of Public Trustee .. .. 229,867 9 4 Life allowances not paid .. .. 240 12 3 j Contributions and fines in transit .. 4,780 8 8 Widows' allowances not paid .. .. 297 4 0 ! Contributions due by ex-members WelContribuiions due to be refunded not lmgton and Manawatu Railway paid .. .. .. .. 830 9 3 Company, payable by instalments.. 177 16 0 £234,825 14 0 £234,825 14 0 Arthur M. Myebs, Chairman of the Government Railways H. Davidson, Superannuation Fund Board. Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways. Examined and found correct. —Robert J. Collins, 30th May, 1912. Controller and Auditor-General.



Statement of Beceipts and Disbursements of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1912, under Section 90 of the Government Railways Act, 1908. Receipts. Dr. £ s. d £ s. d. Balance in hands of Public Trustee on 31st March, 19J1.. .. .. .. .. 201,165 17 R Contributions by staff : — Head and departmental offices .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,051 14 9 Kawakawa-Whangarei Seotion.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 499*13 3 Kaihu Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 4 0 Gisborne Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 182 15 5 North Island main lines and branches .. .. .. .. .. 24,874 16 11 South Island main lines and branches .. .. .. .. .. 24,811 8 2 Weetland Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,777 3 8 Westport Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 895 13 3 Nelson Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 405 12 6 Pioton Seotion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 482 11 4 Lands and Survey Department .. .. .. . . .. .. 2 17 0 Justice Department .. .. ■ .. ■. ■ • .. 6 14 3 Arrears of contributions by late employees of Wellington and Manawatn Railway Company .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 292 11 7 58,404 16 1 Fines • ■ 447 12 6 Payment from Consolidated Fund in terms of seotion 19 of the Publio Servioe Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Interest •■ 12,187 15 1 £297,156 1 4 Disbursements. Q r< . Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. I Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Chisholm, D. E. .. .. .. 115 19 0 I Roberts, W. .. . .. .. 99 13 0 Campbell, G. .. • • • 42 0 0 Atkins, T. .. .. .. .. 58 9 0 Wright, C. .. .. • • • • 60 0 0 Egan, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 McDonald, J. .. ■ • • • 67 11 0 Rhodes, J. .. .. .. 25 1 0 Walters J. .. • ■ ■ • • 70 19 0 Horsnell, S. .. .. .. .. 75 13 0 Hoban, J. .. • • • ■ ■ 128 17 0 Fraser, E. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Lucas J. .. • ■ ■ ■ • • 45 13 0 Gilroy, J. .. .. .. .. 63 8 0 Faulkner, J. .. ■• • •• 43 16 0 Chambers, T. J. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Croft, R. .. •■ •• •• 49 6 0 Gorringe, R.. .. .. .. 48 18 0 Chapman, J. .. •■ ■• 59 17 0 Mollwraith, W. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Green, T. .. . . • ■ ■ • 52 3 0 Millar, 0. .. • • • ■ • ■ 40 3 0 Sharp, R. .. .. ■ • • • 45 13 0 Fisher, T. .. • • • • • • 61 11 9 Mussen, C. .. .. . • ■• 45 13 0 Diffey, W. .. •■ ■• ■• 38 7 0 McDowell, W. .. .. • ■ 86 2 0 Carter, L. .. ■• •• •• 51 2 0 Kennelly, T... .. ■• ■■ 52 3 0 Bennett, R. .. •• •• •• 58 8 0 Divehall, R... .. ■ • • • 47 9 0 Ford, P. .. • ■ ■ • • • 51 2 0 Condon, R. .. .. • • • • 54 5 0 Rouse, P. . • • ■ • ■ ■ • 68 2 0 Grant, J. .. • ■ ■ • 102 0 0 Wakeling, J. .. • ■ • • • • 56 7 0 I'Aneon, J.M. .. ■• •• 112 14 0 Graham, J. .. •• ■■ •• 66 10 0 Austen, T. .. • • • • • • 49 6 0 Walsh, M. .. • ■ ■ ■ • • 38 7 0 Hodges, E. .. .. ■■ ■• 52 3 0 Hook, J. •• ■• ■• •• 27 8 0 Irving, J 61 1 0 Horsnell, H 34 14 0 Knight, J. .. •• ■■ •• 45 13 0 ; Anderson, C. •• •• •• 43 16 0 Wesley, W. .. •■ ■■ ■• 102 18 0 Croekery, J. .. ■• •• ■• 49 6 0 Morse, G 51 13 0 King, F. W 47 9 0 Copley, A 66 0 0 Bryant, W 38 7 0 Woods, T. .. . ■ • ■ • ■ 43 1 0 Hardy, J. .. .. • • • • 60 5 0 Dunbar, J. .. ■■ ■• •• 93 18 0 Neil, J. .. .. •• ■■ 44 5 0 Neville P. .. • ■ • ■ ■ • 87 13 0 Ellis, J. A. .. .. • • • ■ 77 0 0 Pirth N .. .. •■ •• 65 15 0 Richards, D. .. •• •• 88 14 0 Clarke, M. .. •• •• •• 49 6 0 Devlin, H. .. .. •• •• 36 10 0 Stark, T. .. .. •■ ■■ 43 16 0 Webster, C. A. .. .. .. 58 12 0 MoHugh, G 68 9 0 Wells, H 48 0 0 Fisher? C 49 6 0 Conley, J 33 8 0 Meyonberg, W • • • • ■ • 49 11 0 Timma, J. .. .. .. • • 38 7 0 O'Connor, J. 73 1 0 Hope, W 58 9 0 Haines C W • • • • • • 109 18 0 ; Sinolair, J. J. .. ■ ■ • • 43 16 0 Smith, J. . .. . • • • 49 6 0 Elwood, J. .. .. • • • ■ 44 12 0 Lowney, M .. • ■ • • 49 6 0 Tindale, E. .. .. . • • • 77 0 0 Johnston, R. 51 3 0 Crawley.W 87 15 0 Manhire.R .. •• 52 19 0 Hill, T » J Towler F .. • • • • 47 17 0 , Soott, J. .. • ■ • • • • 5 4 0 Heaton, C 58 14 0 Paice, G ■• 60 10 0 Capper EH .. • • • • 47 9 0 Austin, J. .. .. ■ • • • 67 16 0 Sweeney, D. 43 16 0 Petrie, J » 8 0 Rogers G .. •• •• 43 16 0 Sanndercock, J. . • ■ 45 13 0 Coggins, G. '.'. 56 7 0 Logan, W 74 7 0 Bandeen, J • ■ • • 67 16 0 ! Brophy, M 52 19 0 Cunningham, H. .. ■■ •• 34 14 0 Harris, J. .. .. •■ ■■ d8 7 0 P arris h . ■ • • • 51 3 0 Fife, A. C 379 3 0 Sadler'r' " •• 76 6 0 i Brooks, J 63 0 0 Pace G '' ■ • - 47 9 0 I Kelliher, C 51 2 0 Bnrk'e T '.'. 43 16 0 : O'Malley, M. 34 14 0 Wilcook G " 83 10 0 Sim, J. 50 16 0 Meager T B ' 81 8 0 Gates, S 38 7 0 Grace G - 54 16 0 Quilioi, P 42 0 0 Greer' R' "" 43 16 0 Leathwick, B. T 108 10 0 Maedonaid, JV " " 66 18 0 Cooper, R. .. 56 15 0 Ballinger T • • . 62 12 0 Gieseg, H. .. .. . ■ ■ • 40 3 0 Railton G •• •• 65 5 5 Young, T 87 13 0 Thome'h •• •■ 54 16 0 Maye?, J. P 56 12 0 Payne F " '■'■ ■■ ■■ 6 ° Ol«*e> 81 8 0 McEwen,V 41 2 0 I Oldham, J. W. .. .. •• 87 0 0 (Continued) (Continued.)

n. _


Government Bailways Superannuation Fund— Disbursements— contd.

Or. (Continued.) c>: {Continued) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowanoea paid to- JB e d O'Connor, B. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Course, G. .. .. .. 80 17 6 Ashby, T. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Tanner, J. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Boyle, J. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Shann, G. .. .. .. 50 2 0 Templeton, 8. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Shnffill, W. .. .. 49 6 0 Elsom, J. .. .. .. 52 3 0 Power, T. .. .. . 36 10 0 Heinemann, F. .. .. .. 52 19 0 ! Fitzgerald, 0. .. 49 6 0 Alexander, W. .. .. .. 132 0 0 ! Foster, C. .. .. .. 60 1 0 Winter, W. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 j Fyfe, A. .. .. 93 18 0 Mathesnn, J. .. .. .. 52 6 0 Cleverlev, 0. .. 82 4 0 O'Cailaghan, C. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Alexander, W. .. 84 10 0 Voyoe, H. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Broad, G. .. .. 86 2 0 Bolton, W. .. .. .. .. 60 13 0 t Stagg, W. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Bowse, J. .. .. .. .. 19 19 0 White, G. .. .. .. 45 0 0 Potter, T. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Gordon, J. .. .. . 54 18 0 McKenzie, S. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Verey, W. A. .. 65 4 0 Ingles, A. .. .. .. .. 49 4 0 Fee, E. .. .. 43 16 0 Sharp, J. .. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Smeal, W. .. .. .. 66 18 0 Kirk, A. R. .. .. .. .. 66 0 0 Fuller, J. .. .. 51 3 0 Bonan, W. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Tank, R. .. .. .. . 49 0 0 Charles, W. .. .. .. .. 25 11 0 Gilbransen, L. .. .. 29 4 0 Taylor, A. .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Moore, G. .. .. 81 0 0 Hoskin.J. .. .. .. .. 48 1 0 Frost, J. E. .. .. 50 18 0 Bishop, C. .. .. .. .. 48 18 0 Horsan, J. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Cavanagh.B. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Chapman, G. .. .. 77 9 0 Lawrell, H W. .. .. .. 94 10 0 Cairns, P. .. .. . 45 7 0 Robinson, J... .. .. .. 50 4 0 Mitchell, A. .. .. " 68 9 0 Collick, U. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 HamsoD, W... .. .. ' 70 17 0 Shirley, J. W. .. .. .. 25 9 0 Smith, J. .. .. 190 0 0 SymoQS, C. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Finnie, J. .. .. .. 79 9 0 Collier, C. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Sheridan, H. .. .. 65 15 0 Dowrick, W. 56 7 0 Tull, B 58 8 0 Russell, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 James, R. .. .. 56 12 0 Martin, T. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Soott, D. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Stewart, J. .. .. .. .. 95 0 0 Ewing, R. .. .. 52 1 0 Joyce, T. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Greenwood, R. W. .. .. 54 15 0 Sweeney, B... .. .. .. 40 3 0 Slater, J. .. .. .. 36 2 0 H ood - c - 38 7 0 Milroy, J. 54 16 0 Booker, H. . .. .. .. 51 3 0 Stevens, M. .. .. 21 18 0 Burgess, T. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Mills, C. .. .. ' 43 16 0 Marcus, C. A. .. .. .. 172 10 0 Stubbs, A. .. .. . 79 16 0 Gallagher, F. 47 9 0 Gordine, A 69 10 0 Gflloway T 84 18 0! Varooe, J " 58 8 0 O'Malley, J. .. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Whitehead, J. .. .. 49 6 0 Matthewson, J. .. .. .. 155 0 0 Harms, N. .. .. 51 3 0 Red path, J. .. .. .. .. 73 9 0 Staunton, J.. . .. ..' " 40 3 0 Nimmo, T. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 ! Newlands, J. .. .. 87 13 G Phillips, J. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Thompson, W. .. 27 8 0 Wisbart, A 80 13 0 ! Auton, M 32 4 0 Olson, C. M. .. .. .. 66 0 0 Such, W. P... .. 80 17 0 s -™ lh . T- •• 71 15 0 Liddell.G .'I 60 5 0 McCormick, Mrs. A. .. .. .. 51 13 0 Fitzhenry, W 54 ir 0 Bishop, T 86 2 0 Cockburn, J. .. '' ' 42 0 0 Graham, H. .. .. .. .. 35 0 0 Gibson, L. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Lunham, H. .. 45 13 0 Walton, J. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Barr, W. L 79 8 0 Griffiths, J 71 15 0 Mitchell, C.F 36 10 0 Shinkwin, C. 27 8 0 Silva, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Delaney, W. .. . 48 16 0 Moir, R 24 16 0, Connal, R 60 5 0 Tonkin, J. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 Eadie, J. .. 97 1 0 Mcllroy, R 80 17 0 , Evans, R .. '" 52 1 0 Burnby, C 52 19 0 Thome, G 40 3 0 Dowden, A. .. .. .. .. 47 7 0 Round, E. .. .. . 69 8 0 Sweet, G. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Summers, G. .. .. " 46 11 0 Olsen, T. .. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Robertson, A. .. .. 60 13 0 Home, A. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Undrill, T. .. .. 45 18 0 Smart, T 58 5 0 Wells, W 64 14 0 Eus-ell, P 53 10 8 Miller, J. .. . ' 66 10 0 Adams, H 49 6 0 Felton, G . 229 3 4 Stevenson, W 58 8 0 Hart, A "60 10 0 Moore, R. .. .. .. .. 65 15 5 Verdon, B. .. .. 135 13 0 Johnson, O. W 48 0 0 Packman, A. .. ., 90 0 0 Cocksedge, J. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Ferguson, R. .. 42 0 0 Wyatt, J. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Dellow, W. 8. . 68 2 0 Peterkin, T. A. .. .. .. 175 15 0 Ingram, C. E. 124 IS 0 HiHier, W 121 0 0 Fowke, T. M. .. " " Io4 7 0 Gunner, J. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Cottam, G. H. .. 113 13 0 Allan, P 54 10 0 Anderson, R. .. 70 Jo n McAleer.R.J 49 11 0 Wylie, N. B "" " 63 0 0 Effo'd.J.A 65 15 0 Bryant, E " " 5219 0 Dixon, H. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Hodge, W. .. .. 8" <? 0 Griffiths, J 74 12 0; Kulsch, C. A. .. " 81 8 0 Trevella S 64 14 0 , Smith, A. G. .. .. 62 2 0 Esther, R. T. 30 0 0 Power, W 51 0 0 Cairns, W 65 15 0, Hansen, C " " Moore, P 49 6 0 Draper, G. D. .. 92 0 0 OisP.J 70 19 0 Osbom.J " 51 3 0 Sadler, W 50 2 0 1 Lobb, J. H '' 49 6 0 Gulliver, W.J 83 0 0 Staunton, T " " 56 12 0 ™ tab ?u m,T Y 33 8 0; Hutchinson, J. C 66 18 0 Woodbury.J. 93 18 0 Burke, J. ... 42 0 0 Bailey, 1 51 8 0 Pope, F. J 67 Iβ 0 Dewe, E 54 16 0 I Webster, W. .. 64 6 0 Loomes, C 61 8 0 ! Pedlow, J. .. 52 19 0 (Continued.) (Continued.)



Government Railways Superannuation Fund— Disbursements— contd

rlM Cr - (Continue,!.) Cr. (Continue.) uife allowances paid to— £ a . d. Life allowances paid lo— £ s d Tnomas, J. .. .. .. .. 106 8 0 Whelan, E. .. .. 56 7 0 Rama«e, R 62 12 0 George, E 95 0 0 Oonland, G. .. .. .. .. 63 16 0 Gibson, G. .. .. 64 9 0 Yardley, T. G. .. .. .. 88 19 0 Brown, D. .. .. .. 70 9 0 MoKeliar, A. .. .. .. 83 7 0 Williaraeon, A. .. .. 42 4 0 Hislop, J. .. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Robertson, J. F. .. .. 148 15 0 McNeil, W. P 113 13 0 Semple, W 45 18 0 Stephens, W. H. .. .. .. 75 13 0 Kerr, J. .. .. 126 3 0 Cameron, J 56 12 0 Hurndell, H. 62 12 0 Walsh, L 45 13 0 Mullan, T 121 17 6 J* lll "' R - 73 19 0 Niool.J 99 0 0 packer, H.. 88 0 0 Currie, J 63 2 0 Wakehn, W. T. .. .. .. 76 14 0 Schneider, F. 87 13 0 Syraons, J. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Crombie, W. .. 17112 0 Glenny, I. W. .. .. .. 117 7 0 Hannay, W. M. .. 213 18 1 Smvth, R 52 3 0 Newman, W. .. .. 67 3 0 Gillman, G. F 69 0 0 Bowler, P 54 a 0 Leamy. J 21 18 0 Grierson, A 99 0 0 Trounoe, R. D. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Kendall, W... .. . 52 3 0 Burgess, J. .. .. .. .. 37 11 0 Drennan, J. .. .. .. 104 7 0 Duff y. A. .. .. .. .. 109 11 0 Foster, C. H. .. .. 99 0 0 Frame, J. .. 150 0 0 Newlands, W 63 8 0 Wellsted, G. G 115 2 3 Hull, H. .. 77 9 0 Mason, W. .. .. .. .. 103 6 0 Irwin, J. .. .. 60 5 0 Kay, J 96 0 0 Patrick, A 88 14 0 Dineen,D. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Crutch, C. .. .. .. 160 0 0 Dow, R. .. .. .. .. 58 14 0 Jones, 8. 71 10 0 Watt, N. .. .. .. 84 18 0 : Bartlett, G. .. .. 83 4 0 How . 0. .. .. .. .. 103 6 0 Gillespie, J. .. .. 73 I O Webb, H. J 103 6 0 Pert, J. .[ 73 J J Blockley, T... .. .. .. 52 19 0 . Solomon, W. .. .. 45 18 0 Stanley, T. .. ... .. .. 109 11 0 Groves, W. W. .. 68 9 0 Dumbleton, W .. .. .. 66 16 0 Church, J. .. .. .. 84 10 0 Btamish.C. 78 5 0 i Hallberg, H. 52 0 0 Shardlow, B. .. .. .. 29 15 0 ; Forman, J. .. .. 71 10 0 Oliver, H 43 1 0 King, W. .. . ' 54 3 0 Kemp, W. .. .. .. .. 88 19 0 ] White, G. W. .. . 124 13 0 Dervan, A. .. .. .. .. 14 12 0 i Mealy, M. .. .. 77 9 0 ? ohert y-J; 66 16 0 Finlayson.P " 65 0 0 Luke.R.H 56 7 0 Silvester, A 75 17 0 Pnllin.W 64 14 0 Maihie.A 56 7 n Wall, W. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Kennedy, R. . 93 1R 0 MoDonald.J 51 3 0 Howe, G. .. " f 2 7 0 Barnett, J 60 1 0 Wilson, G. G. .. .. '' 140 5 0 Barber, A. .. .. .. .. 45 8 0 ' McLean, J... . 112 iq 7 Sloan.P 54 16 0 Alpe.S. , " 99 0 1 Tate, W. .. • • .. 56 15 0 ! Barbor, H. W .. 91 IS 0 L °an, J. .. .. .. .. 56 15 0 Tullooh, J. .. 82 S n Laws, T 68 9 0 Curtiu, D ' 62 17 0 Duncan, R 62 12 0 I Carrington, G. J 63 0 0 Sweetman, F. 46 11 0 ! Gronwall, H. K 42 3 0 Robins, G. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Kennedy, W. .. 69 7 0 Staunton.J 62 12 0 ' Mullaney, M. .. .. . 75 17 0 Ons P. J- • • • ■ ■ • .. 130 0 0 I White, J. .. 93 7 0 gwry.M 42 18 0 Neilaon, T '.'. " 96 0 0 Hollinger, T. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Styles, A. .. .. 49 17 0 Tun,bull,A in 14 0 Porteous, G. .. " 8 2 7 0 McKelvie, S. 75 2 0 ! Morse, C 86 13 0 Stewart, J 100 3 0 I Smith, H ' 133 7 n Lowe, F. C... 65 15 0 ! Murdoch, J. .. .. . '' 103 7 0 Shaw, F 66 16 0 I Illingworth, G. .. 180 0 0 Day, F 39 18 0 Purcell, S 86 13 0 McWilliams, A 170 0 0 Beagley, J ]'. 62 12 0 Sinclair, A 102 0 0 Lyons, J 58 10 0 Dun°»n, J 58 9 0 Day, J 165 00 P'Per. J- W. 236 13 0 Green, W. li .. .. " 29 4 n Snaddon-A. 72 0 0 i Spring, D '.'. 93 0 0 * 0,ne , r -G 56 12 0 Auld.E 39 0 0 Spaiks, J. .. .. .. .. 76 10 0 1 McDougall, J. .. 71 10 n £»vey, J 57 10 0 Griffith, J 71 10 0 Holmes.J 83 9 0 I .Gall, W [[ 76 u 0 J° D ee. H. J 91 13 0 i Williams, A. .. ISO n 0 135 0 0 Goodall, J '. \ 59 9 0 G' bb .H 78 5 0 Cameron.S 71 10 0 Sloan, W.J. 97 16 0 Stewart, R. W 82 3 0 £ nunn > J • • 71 15 0 Hyndman, A. .. .. ' 56 7 0 Qualey. M. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Healey, L. .. .. 77 9 f) Jones, J. F 109 8 0 Flynn, G " 110 17 0 Loader, J 82 3 0 Campbell, C. .. .. '' 25 11 0 Oory, M 75 13 0 Cole, G 19 10 0 S , * 1 ". J - 79 16 0 Jelfs.W I; 107 12 0 Wright, J. 62 12 0 Schulenbe.g, L 58 10 0 O'Donnell.J. 43 16 0 McNeely, J .. .. 73 IS O Dlxon . 0 50 2 0 Revell, J. K. .. .. " 60 5 0 Garr . ard -G 66 16 0 Rodgers.J ] 86 2 0 Serpless, J 64 14 0 T.irnbull, E. .. .. 54 3 0 Power, W.E 60 0 0 Miller, J ?5 1? 0 Sherris, J. .. 127 5 0 Moore, S. M. .. .. '' 66 IS 0 Ross, R 82 3 0 Molntyre, A. .. 57 1? n At ye°, A 63 0 0 McLean, D. .. .. " 113 8 0 Dennis, T 107 12 0 Maodonald, A. V 246 13 0 Noble, T 90 8 0 1 McKeown, T. .. " 7 Burton, A. .. .. .. 60 10 0 O'Neill, W 54 0 0 [Continued.) {Continued.)



Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements— contd.

Cr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Bowyer, J. H. .. . . .. 78 5 0 Pox, J. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Grover, E. .. .. .. .. 73 13 0 Smith, J. H. .. .. .. 132 0 0 Chattaway, B. H. .. .. .. 24 5 0 Brooker, T. W. .. .. .. 29 15 0 Fanning. S... .. .. .. 90 0 0 Ryan, T. .. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Jenkins, T. .. .. .. .. 84 15 0 , Westburv, G. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Green, G. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 j Wraight, W. .. .. .. 103 6 0 Roberts, W... .. .. .. 61 1 0 Thomson, D. .. .. .. 114 2 0 McKinnon, J. .. .. .. 58 14 0 Wood, G. .. .. .. .. 43 7 0 Hendren, J... .. .. .. 23 13 0 Griffin, W. H. .. .. .. Ill 0 0 Slight, J. .. .. .. .. 107 12 0 Black, G. .. .. .. .. 110 17 0 Seguin, W. .. .. .. .. 29 4 0 Vasta, C. .. .. .. 1112 0 Powke, C. E. .. .. .. 117 8 0 Olive, S. T. .. .. .. .. 61 1 0 Hepburn, R. .. .. .. 63 8 0 Bratherton, P. G. .. .. .. 97 11 0 Sherwood, S. .. .. .. 64 9 0 McNeill, J. .. .. .. .. 70 9 0 Arthur, T. .. .. .. .. 466 13 0 Payton, R. .. .. .. .. 45 18 0 Grant, A. .. .. .. .. 408 7 0 Keat, L. I. .. .. .. .. 114 2 0 Keenan.O. .. .. .. .. 2113 0 Halliday, W. .. .. .. 46 19 0 Harrison, J... .. .. .. 62 12 0 Aitken, W. .. .. .. .. 62 17 0 Hill, H. .. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Steel, J. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 Tilleyshort, 0. .. .. .. 93 2 0 Allen, M. .. .. .. .. 105 0 0 Alderton, W. H. .. .. .. 128 7 0 Fleming, J. .. .. .. .. 26 12 0 Brown, W. .. .. .. .. 68 2 0 Bogle, J. K... .. .. .. 124 13 0 Watts, C. W. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Sleeman, J. .. .. .. .. 78 0 0 Eggleton, J. .. .. .. 84 5 0 Maxwell, R... .. .. .. 130 16 0 Brown, A. .. .. .. .. 88 18 0 Heald, C. A. .. .. .. 140 5 0 Slade, T. .. .. .. .. 49 17 0 Hughes, S. .. .. .. .. 100 8 0 Olver, W. .. .. .. •• 58 10 0 Hay ward, J... .. .. ".. 100 8 0 Burgess, H... .. .. .. 49 17 0 Instone, J. .. .. .. .. 93 18 0 Hynes, T. .. .. .. .. 86 13 0 Wilson, H. .. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Davidson, A. .. .. .. 132 0 0 Vickery, A. T. .. .. .. 55 0 0 Brass, J. .. .. •• •■ 117 8 0 Maloney, T... .. .. .. 52 0 0 Btanton W... .. .. •■ 52 19 0 Wilson, James .. .. .. 68 9 0 Weir, R. .. .. .. • • 104 7 0 Hand, J. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Gaynor, G. .. .. .. ■ • 58 10 0 Mahon, H. .. .. .. .. 32 17 0 Brown, T. .. .. .. . • 63 0 0 Turner, E. .. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Oussen, M. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Bagley, T. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Ames, W. .. .. ■ • ■ • 110 17 0 Durry, G. R. .. .. .. 110 17 0 O'Hara J. .. .. .. . • 84 10 0 Sutton, J. .. .. .. .. 73 13 0 Clark, W. C. .. .. • • 69 13 0 Beale, W. .. .. .. .. 61 1 0 Hunt, T. .. .. • ■ • • 64 6 0 Holmes, H. .. .. .. .. 71 4 0 Sutherland, J. .. .. •• 69 7 0 Shad well, E. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Perry W. .. • • • ■ • • 42 5 0 Kane, A. .. .. .. 119 11 0 Burbery, C. .. . • • • ■ ■ 56 7 0 Derry, C.J... .. .. .. 79 9 0 Base, W. .. •• •• •■ 175 0 0 McLellan, J. .. .. .. 127 10 0 Bryden, R. N. .. .. .. 65 0 0 White, J. .. .. .. .. 61 1 0 Robinson, G. .. .. • • 42 3 0 Matheson, T. .. .. .. 100 8 0 Carter, S. M. .. .. . • 128 7 0 Stentou, J. .. .. .. .. 79 6 0 Sinclair, J. .. .. .. • • 76 14 0 Dawes, F. J. .. .. .. 185 1 0 Gichard, W... •■ •■ •• 69 6 0 Martin, J. .. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Hutchins, T. • • • • • ■ 63 8 0 McPherson, C. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Moreland, J. .. • • ■ • 53 11 7 Davis, W. H. .. .. .. 90 8 0 Reeve, A.J... ■ • • ■ • • 75 2 0 Mackie, T. .. .. .. .. 61 16 0 Groves, R. .. .. •• •■ 51 0 0 Dallard, G. .. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Atherton, R. .. .. ■■ 39 0 0 Richardson, R. .. .. .. 66 18 6 Aubrey, A. .. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Sutherland, A. .. .. .. 117 8 0 Brough J. .. . ■ • ■ • • 73 1 0 Amundsen, A. .. .. .. 76 13 0 Johnston, G. 79 18 0 Rugg, G 155 7 3 Lepper, C. .. ■ ■ ■ • • • 67 3 0 Summerhayes, F. .. .. .. 98 17 6 Henderson, W. M. .. .. .. 32 17 0 Aickin, G. G. .. .. .. 253 10 0 Handisides D. .. .. .. 123 5 0 Morrison, A. A. .. .. .. 48 13 7 Milne, J. .. • • • • 47 13 0 Bowes, W. F. .. .. .. 93 10 0 Pickard, T. .. .. .. • • 60 13 0 Johnson, H. R. .. .. .. 157 0 0 Hancock, H. J. •• .. ■• 55 9 0 Frith, S. .. .. .. .. 75 19 9 Stephenson, C. .. .. .. 52 0 0 Pepper, W. .. .. .. .. 53 15 9 Rosoman, G. .. .. • • 54 3 0 Forrester, F. .. .. .. 52 17 4 Butler, E. .. .. .. .. 73 19 0 Dray, A. M. .. .. .. .. 85 6 10 McAuliffe, W. .. • • • • 65 0 0 Paton, T. .. .. .. 131 4 5 * Owen, J. . . . • • • 128 7 0 Woodham, H. .. .. .. 105 14 5 Long J. .. .. .. ■ • 67 3 0 Watters, J. .. .. .. .. 56 16 6 Bennett, R... .. .. .. 96 0 0 Batchelor, W. H. .. .. .. 95 5 5 Mockett, S. .. . • • • • • 73 13 0 Breeze, T. .. .. .. .. 83 2 7 Nicholson, S. .. •■ •• 136 0 0 MfJCearney, T. .. .. .. 47 17 4 Thomson, M. G. .. .. . • 84 6 0 Richardson, G. .. .. .. 57 9 8 Eadie.J. .. .. •• •• 58 7 0 Ames, H. .. .. .. .. 53 12 3 Jones, T. .. .. . ■ ■ • 27 8 0 Harris, J. D. .. .. .. 160 4 10 McFarlane, D. .. .. .. 33 3 0 , Stewart, J. .. .. .. .. 105 13 1 Stimpson, H. .. .. .. 77 9 0 O'Brien, S. .. .. .. .. 34 2 6 Curson, H. .. .. .. •• 86 2 0 j Bultitude, W. B. .. .. .. 39 7 5 Stuart, L. J. .. .. .. 110 0 0 Allardyce, P. J. .. .. .. 41 5 11 Bolton.J. .. .. .. •• 58 10 0 Selwood, A. E. .. .. .. 8 9 1 Diamond, T. .. .. .. 67 3 0 Henry, C. .. .. .. .. 33 15 5 Williams, D. .. .. • • 49 6 0 Pickering, G. .. .. .. 45 0 7 Jones, J. R. .. .. •• •• 51 13 0 Donaldson, A. .. .. .. 69 10 2 Lyons J. .. .. • • • ■ 58 10 0 Reynolds, J. .. ■. .. 37 4 4 Berry F. G... .. .. •• 114 2 0 Jenkins, J. .. .. .. .. 39 2 8 Pascoe, H. .. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Owen, W. J. .. .. .. 123 11 8 Barr, M. .. .. .. .. 97 15 0 Worsley, C. .. .. .. .. 90 0 0 McGahan, T. .. .. .. 75 17 0 Thomas, H. J. .. .. .. 48 5 6 Salisbury, J. .. .. • • 108 0 0 Barnett, R. .. .. .. .. 42 2 6 Miller, R. .. .. .. ■ • 68 9 0 Longman, E. .. .. .. 15 4 4 Curtis, S. .. .. •. ■ • 29 18 0 Peck, C. .. .. .. .. 53 17 3 Lowden, D. C. .. .. . • 73 19 0 Poison, J. E. .. .. .. 25 14 7 Climpson, W. .. .. •• 71 15 0 I Peters, W. .. .. .. .. 20 17 0 Fraser, A. .. .. .. .. 69 7 0 ' Ennis, J. .. .. .. 30 16 0 (Continued.) (Continued.)



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. Disbursements — contd.

Or. (Continued.) ■ Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Allowances paid to widows and orphans £ r d. Conway, J. .. .. .. .. 36 5 I for period 19th March, 1911, to 16th Sutherland, J. .. .. .. 24 11 1 March, 1912 (52 weeks)— continued. McGahan, J. .. .. .. 25 19 2 Wheeler, C, and child .. .. 30 19 1 Eades, J. .. .. .. 2G (i 7 Gilmer, E. M., and child .. .. 30 11 3 Hardcastle, G. .. .. .. 1C 6 3 Bain, C. J. .. .. .. .. 126 5 0 Oartwright, J. .. .. .. 19 6 8 Children (two) of the late G. Elliott .. iiG 0 0 Stent, J. .. .. .. .. - 21 3 11 Dowland, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Reeves, C. A. .. .. .. 29 18 9 ! Pedlow, B., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 Craig, J. .. .. .. 20 15 6 Currie, J. .. .. .. .. 10 1 0 Davis, E. .. .. .. .. 7 16 10 ! Dunn, A., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 Angus, W. C. .. .. .. 29 18 9 j Close, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Hey wood, W. .. .. .. 23 9 5 j Children (two) of the late D. Haining .. 26 0 0 Stephens, W. B. .. .. .. 25 9 6 Ruane, J., and three ohildren*.. .. 56 19 1 Morrison, I. .. .. .. .. -21 17 1 Venn, M. J. .. .. '.. .. 17 19 1 Dawsett, T. .. .. .. .. 11 6 5 Keyte, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Coxon, R. A. .. .. .. 10 1 Children (two) of the late J. S. Smith .. 26 0 0 Harvey, J. .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Walton, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Norman, H... .. .. .. 8 12 2 Children (three) of the late W. H. Thomas 39 0 0 Livingstone, J. .. .. .. 3 8 11 McPherson, M., and ohild .. .. 19 0 6 Court, T. .. .. .. 13 6 3 Child of the late T. Smith .. .. 13 0 0 Berrett, T. .. .. .. .. 4 1111 Gifiord, M. M., and child .. .. 28 11 5 McGowan, J. .. .. .. 3 19 8 Meadowcroft, E., and three children .. 56 19 1 Singa, W. .. .. .. .. 0 14 5 Child of the late A. R. Reed .. .. 13 0 0 Foreyth, J. C. .. .. .. 29 18 6 Jamieeon, M. J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Kirkwood, J. .. .. .. 33 8 10 Child of the late P. W. Styles .. .. 13 0 0 O'Brien, M... .. .. .. 38 0 10 Stewart, E. M., and two children .. 43 19 1 Davia, J. .. .. .. .. 1 13 5 Muir, R. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Atkinson, W. .. .. .. 37 9 5 Beaton, E., and four children.. .. 61 18 4 Earl,J. .. .. .. .. 24 10 0 Chalmers, A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Reynolds, J... . .. .. 29 11 3 Nixon, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Boyd, D. .. .. .. .. 34 16 8 MoChesney, C. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Penn, H. .. .. .. .. 36 14 7 Colthorpe, E., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Roskruge, T. P. .. .. .. 13 6 8 Jones, A. B., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Nicho's, I. .. .. .. .. 4 17 10 Clare, E. I., and four children .. .. 67 8 8 Ruddle, W. .. .. .. .. 5 16 1 Proggatt, L. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Mainwaring, E. G. H. . .. 79 15 2 Kerr, B. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Freeman, H. R. .. .. .. 32 16 5 Children (two) of the late 0. Sheehan .. 26 0 0 Craven, H. .. .. .. .. 54 8 9 Children (two) of the late W. H. D. Eooles, T. .. .. .. .. 29 16 9 Warren .. .. .. .. 26 0 0 Emerson, T.. . .. .. .. 44 6 8 Layton, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Shea, W. .. .. .. .. 7 0 4 Hastings, A., and four children .. 69 19 1 Butler, J. .. .. .. .. 3 10 7 McCullough, S. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Elvines, F. .. .. .. .. 10 6 2 Bryant, H., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 Carrell, J. .. .. .. .. 36 0 7 Brown, H., and three ohildren .. 47 14 1 Sellars, G. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Abraham, E. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Murdoch, J... .. .. .. 17 14 10 Holland, A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Butt, E. .. .. . .. 21 11 6 Nicol, L. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Robinson, T. W. .. .. .. 17 3 10 Maher, M. L., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 McPherson, D. .. .. .. 18 9 6 Lawson, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Fitzpatrick, C. .. .. .. 65 14 3 Cuildren (three) of the late J. Thornton 39 0 0 Shorten, J. .. .. .. .. 17 17 0 Edwards, M. E., and two children . . 43 19 1 Lntton, J. .. .. .. .. 17 2 4 Livingstone, M. C, and ohild . 30 19 1 Lancaster, B. .. .. .. 3 4 6 Cole, M. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Harris, P. .. .. .. .. 14 13 6 Alexander, H. E., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Skeats, J. .. .. .. 4 2 2 Jonas, M., and ohild .. .. .. 30 19 1 Maclay, T. E. .. .. .. 38 15 8 Seaman, C. M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Yardley, A. .. .. .. .. 7 19 10 Hood, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Winder, W... .. .. .. 8 18 4 ] Shannon, A., and three children .. 56 19 1 Sullivan, M., and three ohildren .. 46 15 6 £50,628 16 8 Yates, M., and three ohildren.. .. 49 5 6 Lees repayments to Fund— £ s. d. Richards, A. J., and two children .. 43 19 1 Scott, T. .. .. 6 14 5 Moore, M. A., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 Wjlie, L. .. .. 2 13 Hesp, S. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 8 15 8 Children of the late W. J. Home .. 26 O 0 McCarty, J., and two ohildren 29 10 11 £50,620 1 0 Syma, E. M. .. .. .. 1719 1 Young, A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Allowances paid to widows and orphans Children of the late J. Bennett .. 39 0 0 for period 19th March, 1911, to 16th McNab, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 March, 1912 (52 weeks)— £ e. d. O'Reilly, E.. and six children .. .. 95 19 1 Children (two) of the late W. G. Sherburd 26 0 0 MacCurdy, C. E., and two children .. 43 19 1 Saddler, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Dolan, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Lewis, A. E., and two children .. 34 4 1 EvariB, M., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 Levett, K. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Turner, B. C, and child .. .. 30 19 1 Johnsen, I. M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Diekson, I., and two children.. .. 43 19 1 Long. M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Children (three) of the late P. McDonnell 39 0 0 Murie, J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Children (three) of the late W. Mundy.. 39 0 0 McDowell, R. A., and three children .. 56 19 1 Andrews, M. L., and three children .. 46 1 11 Evans, E. J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Child of the late G. B. Moneon .. 13 0 0 Buchanan, M. G. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Galvin, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Murphy, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Watt, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Lawson, M., and ohild .. .. 20 2 8 Robinson, E. .. .. 17 19 1 Meager, K. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Andrews, 8. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Martin, A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Wise, M. C. .. .. .. .. 26 0 0 Johnston, M. .. .. .. 19 6 9 Smith, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Nelson, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Stirling, M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Meredith, A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Martin, J., and four ohildren .. .. 69 19 1 Haynes, 8. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Durrant, E. A., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 Fleming, W. A., and ohild .. .. 80 19 1 Greig, S. E. .. " .. .. .. 17 19 1 Kelly, C. M., and two children .. 43 19 1 Heyoock, C. G. H., and two children .. 43 19 1 Orr, J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Armstrong, M., and four children .. 57 6 3 Murohie, S. M., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Denison, M. J., and ohild .. 33 6 9 Bracefield, J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Lewton, J. E., and ohild .. 80 19 1 (Continued.) (Continu </.)



Government Bailwayh Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements— contd.

Cr. (Continued.) Cr. {Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans £ b. d. Payments to legal representatives of the £ a. d. for period 19th March, 1911, to 16th under-named deceased beneficiaries March, 1912 (52 weeks)— continued. under the provisions of section 82 (6) Carter, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 of the Government Railways Act, Byrne, E. L., and child .. .. 30 19 1 1908, viz. :— Faulkner, M. T., and three ohildren .. 56 19 1 Late Alexander Mortis— £ e. d. Bchrader, E. .. .. . . 17 19 1 Contributions .. .. 258 8 0 Cooper, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Compensation .. .. 98 12 7 Sammons, C. .. .. .. 17 19 1 'iw 367 0 7 Winter, A. H. S. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Late Richard RobinsonWatkin, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Contributions .. .. 95 17 7 Robb, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Compensation .. .. 44 0 5 McNeil, C, and rive ohildren .. .. 82 19 1 189 18 0 Campbell, E. J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Payments to legal representatives of the Thompson. A., and two children .. 43 19 1 under - named deceased beneficiaries Hanlon, M. E., and five children .. 82 19 1 under the piovieions of section 86 (c) Courtnev, O. A., and three obildren .. 56 19 1 of the Government Railways Act, Cairns, R., and seven children .. 107 6 11 1908, viz. :— Walker, E., and obild .. .. 30 19 1 j Late D. McPhereon— Keleber, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 ; Contributions .. .. 107 12 6 Shaw, M. J., and two children .. 48 19 1 I Compensation .. .. 1S3 0 3 Allan, J. H. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 ! Edge, J. S., and four children.. .. 68 14 10, 260 12 9 Child of the late J. Major .. .. 13 0 0 Less superannuation allow- 247 19 2 McGregor, E. .. .. .. 17 19 1 anoe paid 18 13 7 Claik, K., and three obildren .. .. 54 19 10 Late R. Dobson— Davies, L, and two children .. .. 43 19 1 Contributions .. .. 133 1 1 Young, L. M., and two children .. 43 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Templeton, E. J., and two children .. 43 19 1 Forrester, G. .. .. 17 19 1 133 1 1 Guy, A. F., and four children .. .. 69 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 81 10 0 Allan, M., and ohild .. .. .. 30 19 1 ance paid 51 11 1 Tasker, E. P., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Late J. D. Watt— Sole, O. E., and four children .. .. 69 19 1 Contributions .. .. 94 11 2 Taylor, A., and two children .. .. 43 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Redway, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Dambrogio, H. A., and four children 61 2 8 94 11 2 Smitheiam, M. J., and six children .. 83 12 4 Less superannuation allow- 57 19 11 Fromont, C. E., and six children .. 83 8 4 ance paid 86 11 3 Wakefield, S. E. M., and two obildren .. 43 19 1 Late P. Harris— Ta\ lor, M., and three ohildren .. 56 19 1 Contributions .. .. 95 14 9 Gaitt, M. E., and two children .. 43 19 1 Compensation .. . Nil Edwards, G. A., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Frei, E. .. .. .. . 17 19 1 95 14 9 Morrdl, A. A., and six children .. 85 14 1 Less superannuation allow- 56 16 1 Arober, L. E. .. .. .. 17 19 1 ance paid 88 18 8 Barry, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Late W. WinderRooks, A., Fen. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Contributions .. .. 104 8 3 Maolarlane, W. G. M., and two children 43 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Children (i-ix) tf the late J. Kennelly 78 0 0 Kennedy. M. A., and child .. 29 3 4 104 8 3 Pringle, E., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 3 18 4 Palmer, E., and two children .. 43 19 1 anoe paid — 100 9 11 Flint, M. A., and two children .. 43 19 1 Late A. Yardley— Thessman, J., and three children .. 56 19 1 Contributions .. .. 30 8 2 Bll.E. C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Robertson, M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Irvine, A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 30 8 2 Styles, M. .. .. .. .. 21 5 8 Less superannuation allow- 9 13 10 Giles, A. M. G., and four children .. 86 7 10 ] anre paid 20 14 4 Millward, A. M. C, and child .. .. 37 16 11! Late R. Maclay— Chambers J., and two children .. 49 0 4 I Contributions .. .. 55 16 7 Louden, E. S., and four children .. 85 6 9 ! Compensation .. .. Nil Curtin, A. .. .. .. .. 21 11 3 Sheriff, B. .. .. .... 21 7 3 55 16 7 Branford, M., and child .. .. 35 16 2 Less superannuation allow- 38 17 11 Maclennan, J. J., and three children .. 64 6 3 ance paid 21 18 8 Southern. M. E., .. .. .. 17 13 1 Clark, C. E., .. .. .. 14 13 2 Contributions refunded to members who Mitchell, M. A., and child .. .. 27 6 7 have left the service .. .. .. 8,809 15 0 Dawson, M. M. .. .. .. 15 14 9 Fines remitted and refunded .. .. 4 12 6 Woolcock, N., and two children .. 39 7 0 Travelling-expenses of members of Board Ryan, M. A., and two children .. 32 7 4 attending quarterly meetings .. .. 18 9 5 Carradiis. E., and eix children .. 65 12 11 Contributions transferred to Public Servioe Hnnley, K., and child .. .. 21 2 9 Superannuation Fund .. .. 297 3 5 Hiblop. M. L. .. .. .. 9 11 7 Public Trust Office commission .. .. 361 0 9 Humphrey, H. M. J., and two children 21 2 11 Bulance of receipts over disbursements ..229,867 9 4 McDonnell, C. MoA. Children (three) of the late H. Nelson .. 14 17 10 Nolan, A. J., and obild .. .. 16 8 £6,397 13 10 £297,156 1 4 (Continued.) '

Arthur M. Myers, Chairman of the Government Railways H. Davidson, Superannuation Fund Board. Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways. Examined and found correct.—Robert J. Collins, 30th May, 1912. Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cott of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (16,000 copies), «23 10s. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2.

I'riee „.'

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-05

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-05

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-05

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