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1910. N E W ZEAL A N I)


Brought up 7th September, 1910, and ordered to be printed. ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday the 7th Day of July, 1910. Ordered, " That a Standing Orders Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Allen, Mr. Graham, Hon. Mr. Guinness, Mr., Mr. Massey, Hon. Mr Millar Mr. Stall Worthy, Hon. Sir W J. Steward, Mr. Wilford, and the mover."—(Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward )

be poet;

The Standing Orders Committee have the honour to report that they have carefully considered the Standing Orders, and recommend the House to adopt the amendments as shown in the Appendix attached hereto. A. R Guinness, 7th September, 1910. Chairman.



Amendments proposed by the Standing Orders Committee in the StandingOrders of the House of Eepresentatives : — 15. If there be more than two Candidates for the Speakeiship, the votes shall be taken for each Candidate separately The Candidate who has the smallest number of votes shall retire, and the votes shall be taken for the remaining Candidates separately until the number of Candidates shall be reduced to two. The names of the two remaining Candidates shall be submitted in the order they were first proposed, and thereupon a separate vote of the Members then present shall be taken , and the one having the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, pgoyieted-tae—a«atto--e£-¥etoo givon eaaH-ke-aa-abßohito -majority of fee--Mombore-4feea-proaont. Members shall record their votes ivhile in their seats. The Clerk shad order the doors to be locked during the taking of each vote. The Member thus elected shall be conducted to the Chair 22, During tho remaining torm-e£-t&e-J2arfiaffleat-M-ft-&poakor holdo a-QeßH&ießiea-from tho Grovomor autberiei-ag-ym-te-ndminiotof-fee-eafe «p-afiwffiatie»4e-ißeftibe3?Sr 40. Otlior aad further prorogations of Parliament a*e can also be effected by Proclamations issued from time to time by the Governor in the New Zealand Gazette. 68. Unless the House shall otherwise direct, Orders of the Day for Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays are to be disposed of before the House will proceed upon any Motions of which notice shall have been given. [Standing Order No. 70 becomes No. 71, and Standing Order No. 71 becomes No. 70.] 73. For the first ten weeks of the Session there shall be no Questions on the Order Paper for Thursday and Local Bills shall have precedence on that day until they are disposed of, after which, for the first sis eight weeks only, Private Members' Public Bills shall be dealt with, and then Government Bills. At the expiration of sis eight weeks, if Local Bills are disposed of, Government business shall be dealt with. At the expiration of ten weeks Government business takes precedence on Thursdays. Neu' Standing Order 73a. If on any Wednesday or Thursday on which Private Members' Orders have precedence such Orders are postponed by Resolution of the House, then the Private Members' Orders so displaced shall be set down in the same order of precedence for the Wednesday or Thursday (as the case may be) next following the last Wednesday or Thursday on which Private Members' Orders have already been set down in priority. 77 When Private Members' Public Bills become dropped Orders they are to be set down upon the Order Paper after the Orders set down for the next day, and shall be arranged as follows, viz. (1) Bills for Third Beading , (S) Bills for Beport; (1) (3) Bills for Committal or for further consideration in Committee , (3) (4) Second Readings. New Standing Order 77a. Such displaced Orders are to be set down after the Orders specially appointed for any subsequent day in the sequence of their displacement those first postponed taking precedence of those subsequently postponed. 97 Motions will have precedence on each day according to the order in which the Notices for the same were given for that day Lapsed Motions will be placed beloio them.




140. By the indulgence of the House, a Member may explain matters of a personal nature, although there is no Question before the House; but such matters may not be debated , but during a debate, by the indulgence of the House, a Member who has spoken may explain matters of a personal nature. 183. When a Division is called for the Clerk is to turn a tw# i/wee-minute sand-glass, kept on the Table for that purpose, and the doors are not to be closed until after the lapse of two three minutes, as indicated by such sand-glass. 184. The doors are to be closed so soon after the lapse of two three minutes as the Speaker or the Chairman of a Committee of the •whole House shall think proper to direct. 199. The Chair is ordinarily taken by the Chairman of Committees. In case of his absence, the House appoints a Chairman. When the office of Chairman of Committees becomes vacant the House shall proceed forthwith to the election of a Chairman of Committees in the same manner as is provided for the election of Speaker, save and except that instead of the Clerk of the House presiding the Speaker shall preside. 204)t—3:£—aHy--4iliejeaee-Bhettld—ayise- in Committoo oonoorning—the ek)etien-el-a-ChaiHBaa-MR-§peftfeef-aasHr»e8 tho Chair, and a Chairman is ftppemtod by tae-Heaee; te-aet^as^e^pe*ai i y--Gfeawi»eB--o£--Ge»»itte6s,---wh6a--feq : a6eted—by—the ■t .■nfn.TMTiflTi <"i"r i ■nyn'iTn^iyoa V .,'llCTil IlICTTI \J2tr T^7tt III 1T.T1 T Bt_"t)W7 222. Lists are to be posted in some conspicuous place 4a near the Clerk's Office, and in the Lobby of the House, of all Members serving on each Select Committee. 260. Witnesses may be examined by the House, or any Committee thereof, pursuant to "-The Parliameatey PrivilogoD Act, sections 252 and 263 of ' The Legislature Act, 1908." 272. Bills and Messages from the Legislative Council may be .received from any Member of the Council by Mr Speaker in full House, or at the Bar of the House by a Clerk of the House, or the Serjeant-at-Arms through a Clerk of the Council. 289. Whenever a written or telegraphic Message from the Governor shall be announced the business before the House shall be immediately suspended, aad tho boaror of tho Mossago introdueed Message—te-Mft-Speakeft and the Message shall be delivered to Mr Speaker by a Minister of the ■Crown, being a Member 891^-A—MoB6age-4a-¥mtmg from tho Governor io brought to the T-J /ni(.!/'' yvt?", n \x\ ininlnv c\T "frir* ( iTrnvTi noiTio* n ,lvi r\m\\r\-r. - J__LTJtiWt; X.r y Tt 1U.HI11T3 WT ut OIJL17 \_AI \J VV llj Wills' CT iLTJJUUIUU1 • 295. Addresses to the Governor are presented by the whole House, or by such members as the House may name for that purpose, or by letter from the Speaker to the Governor 302. The Governor's answer to any Address presented otherwise than by the whole House is reported to the House by one of the * Members who presented the Address, or is brought dovou by Message from the Governor 334. The House will not proceed upon any Petition; Motion, or Bill for granting any money, or for releasing or compounding anv of money owing to the Crown, except in a Committee of the whole House. 339. At the commencement of every Session a Lands Committee, ■consisting of Ten Members, shall be appointed, to whom shall stand referred after their first reading all Bills affecting or in. any way relating to the lands of the Crown, %t— fidtt6ationol -eg—efetf-pablie sesoFves-t or reserves vested in the Croivn or in any Local Authority, or in Trustees for public purposes the Committee shall have power to make such amendments therein as they think proper and to report generally when necessary upon the principles and provisions of the Bill



340. With the exception of the Bills referred to in Standing Orders 339 and 400, a Bill when read a first time shall be ordered to be read a second time on a future day, unless it is on Motion by leave of the House read a first time and referred to a Select Committee. 377. When a Bill has passed the House M)-. Speaker signs the same, and the Clerk forthwith certifies the date of its passing at the ieet head of the Bill. 419 This House will not proceed upon any Motion, or Bill for granting any money, or for releasing or compounding any sum of money owing to the Grown, but in a Committee of the wholeBouse. 432. The Chairman of Committees takes the Chair of the Committee of Supply and of the Committee of Ways and Means. In case of his absence, the GefftSHttee-eleet-fteif House appoints a Chairman. 4gg,—J-β— ease—afty-diJfefeHee-ahowtd—Hriee-»-olocting a-Ghai«fta»-Mfe-—rooumoo the-QbftHyftßd-4he-Hmwe-ftppeiate-a-Membe^-fee-tetei-tiw■ Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not giveu ; priuting (1,300 copies), £2..

By Authority : John Mackay Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lft. Price Sd.\

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Bibliographic details

STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE (REPORT OF THE). (Hon. Mr. GUINNESS, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-07

Word Count

STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE (REPORT OF THE). (Hon. Mr. GUINNESS, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-07

STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE (REPORT OF THE). (Hon. Mr. GUINNESS, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-07