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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 62 of " The Old-age Pensions Act, 1898."

The Registrar of Old-age Pensions to the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer. g IB( _ Old-age Pensions Department, Wellington, 17th June, 1907. I have the honour to submit herewith my report on the working of the Department for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1907. Pensions in Force. When in my last year's report the increase in the number of pensioners on the roll—the first increase for four years—was dealt with, it was pointed out that an increase was to be looked for each year. Bedrock was deemed to have been reached in the previous year, when as a result of three years' working of the new system of investigation inaugurated in 1902, the number of pensions had dropped from 12,776 to 11,770. The roll having thus been purged, it was but natural that an upward tendency should set in, for which there were several reasons. To begin with, an increase in the number of people becoming eligible was a factor; moreover, the tendency to view the pension scheme from a charitable aspect was fast disappearing, and in addition, the increase in the amount of pension payable from £18 to £26 brought forth claimants who had previously declined to apply for a pension. The results thus anticipated have been verified, and a further increase to the pension roll has to be recorded for the year ended on the 31st March last. -it ■»* On that date there were 13,257 pensioners on the books of the Department, including 660 Maoris, being an increase of 675 on the figures of the preceding year. The increase in the previous year was 812 Although the increase is a substantial one, it is not so great as might be expected, taking everything into consideration, and I desire to point to the fact that, in spite of the increase in the amount of the pension to £26 above referred to, and the widening on a much more liberal basis of the scope of the Act by the amendment in 1905, the number of pensions to-day only exceeds the number on the roll on the 31st March, 1902, by 481. There has been a steady drop in the percentage of pensioners to the population eligible by age and residence since that date, and the following comparison shows the position at the dates of the taking of the census on the last two occasions in 1901 and 1906 :— Actual European European Percentage of Population eligible by Pensioners. Pensioners. Age and Residence. 1901 ... 26,563* 11,307 42 1906 ... ■•■ 37,367+ 11,915 31 • See Begistrar-General's report on census of 1901, page 37. t See results of census 1906, page 288, The percentages for the past sixiyears are as follows : — Estimated European European On 31st March. Population eligible by Pensioners. Percentage. Age and Residence. 1902 ... (Estimated) 27,993 11,721 41 1903 . 29,384 11,589 39 19 04 ' „ 30,890 11,197 36 1905 '" I 32,013 11,138 35 1906 ..'. (Actual) 37,367 11,915 31 1907 ... .(Estimated) 38,611 12,597 32 rNoTE-In my last year's report the percentage for 1906 was given as 34 per cent,, the basis of computation being thTestimated eligible population at that date-i.e., 35,157. The actual population eligible is however, now available from the figures of the Registrar-General published in connection the census of 1906, and the increase rf over Iwo thousand in the numbers is no doubt due to the desire of intending applicants to ind.cate their qualification for the pension through the medium of their oensus papers.]

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Full details regarding the sex, occupation, age, wealth, and distribution throughout the colony cijE the pensioners on the roll will be found in the appendix, the following items of interest being taken therefrom:— 10,653 out of the 13,257 on the roll, or 80 per cent, of the whole, are in receipt of the full pension of £26. Of the pensioners who were admitted in the first year of the Act, 38 per cent, are still on the books, and no less than 417 died during the past year. Of the four chief centres of population, Christchurch has the highest number of pensioners—namely, 1,525, as against 1,342 in Auckland, 1,233 in Dunedin, and 622 in Wellington. The smallness of the pension roll in Wellington is accounted for by the fact that the population n at the pension age in that centre is a comparatively small one, the census figures of 1906 showing'the' Europeans"sixty-five years of age and over in each district to be as follows :— European Population, t>._ .„,.„_- f District. B % nd fiV o e ve l ear9 SoTrs 0 * 1. Christchurch ... ... ... 4,538 33 2. Auckland ... ... ... 4,643 28 3. Dunedin ... ... ... 4,157 29 4. Wellington ... ... ... 2,520 24 The percentage of the total number of European pensioners to the total European population of the pension age is 29 per cent." The male pensioners exceed the female by 1,927. In the Otahuhu, Stratford, Wellington, Christchurch, Timaru, and Dunedin districts, however, the females are in the majority. The age which claims the highest number of pensioners is seventy-three, 1,159 Europeans being at that age. Age seventy-four follows next with 1,052. There are 75 European pensioners of the age of ninety and over, of which number 9 are ninety-six and over, while 3 are centenarians. The following particulars relate to those pensioners who are ninety-six and over, and who have by my direction been seen alive"during the current month :— Pension No. District. Age. Sex. Address. Born. Conjugal Condition. 447 Hamilton 96 Male Tuakau 21st October, 1810 Widower. 55 Napier 96 „ Napier 7th May, 1810 „ 2044 Christchurch 97 Female Selwyn 1810 Widow. 740 Wellington 97 Male Te Aro 10th February, 1810 Widower. 797 Dunedin 98 Female Outram 14th August, 1808 Widow. 1866 Auckland* 98 Male Newton 1809 Widower. 278 Eussell* 103 „ Eussell 15th February, 1804 Unmarried. 343 Ashburton* 104 „ Methven 24th June, 1803 Widower. 155 Otaki 106 „ Waikanae 1801 * These pensioners draw their instalments in person at the post-office each month. The following statement shows the number of pensions on the roll at the end of each month of the year just ended : — Number of pensions at 31st March, 1906 .. 0. .. 12,582 Add new grants during April, 1906 .. .. 144 Deduct deaths during April .. .. 46 „ cancellations during April .. .. 15 fil 83 increase. Number of pensions at 30th April, 1906 .. .. .. 12,665 Add new grants during May .. .. .. 178 Deduct deaths during May .. ... .. 77 „ cancellations during May .. .. 30 — 107 71 increase. Number of pensions at 31st May, 1906 .. .. .. 12,736 Add new grants during June .. .. .. 192 Deduct deaths during June .. .. .. 100 „ cancellations during June .. .. 21 — 121 ;:: 71 increase. ,: Number of pensions at 30th June, 1906 .. .. .. 12,807 Add new grants during July .. .. ... 181 ~-.■•• •, .:-. . . .Deduct deaths during July ...... 94 •■;■ „ cancellations during July .. .. 15 . . -. •i ; ; — 109 72 increase. Number of pensions at 31st July, 1906 .. .. ~ 12,879



Add new grants during August ... ... 204 Deduct deaths during August ... ... 121 ~ cancellations during August ... ... 13 134 70 increase. Number of pensions at 31st August, 1906 ... ... ... 12,941) Add new grants during September ... ... 220 Deduct deaths during September ... .. 89 ~ cancellations during September ... L 6 104 116 increase. Number of pensions at 30th September, 1906 ... ... 13,065 Add new grants during October ... ... 182 Deduct deaths during October ... ... 102 ~ cancellations during October ... ... 17 119 63 increase. Number of pensions at 31st October, 1906 ... ... 13,12S Add new grants during November ... ... 171 Deduct deaths during November ... .. 102 ~ cancellations during November ... 14 116 55 increase. Number of pensions at 30th November, 1906 ... 13,183 Add new grants during December ... ... 135 Deduct deaths during December ... ... 86 ~ cancellations during December ... 16 102 33 increase. Number of pensions at 31st December, 1906 ... ... 13,216 Add new grants during January, 1907 ... 116 Deduct deaths during January ... . . 105 ~ cancellations during January ... ... 21 126 10 decrease. Number of pensions at 31st January, 1907 ... ... 13,206 Add new grants during February ... ... 146 Deduct deaths during February ... ... 71 ~ cancellations during February ... 34 105 ■ 41 increase. Number of pensions at 28th February, 1907 ... ... 13,247 Add new grants during.March ... ... 162 Deduct deaths during March ... ... ... 104 ~ cancellations during March ... ... 48 152 —- 10 increase. Number of pensions at 31st March, 1907 ... ... ... 13,257 Total increase for year, 675. New Claims. The number of new claims received during the year was 2,577, being 450 less than the 3,027 lodged in the previous year. These, with the 892 on hand awaiting investigation at the commencement'of the year, made a total of 3,469 dealt with. Of this number, 2,030 were granted—l,942



to Europeans and 88 to Maoris —774 were rejected, abandoned, or rendered void by death, while the remaining 665 were on hand at the end of the year awaiting the necessary proofs. Though the new pensioners for the past year were numerically less by 43 than the 2,073 granted in the previous year, it is worthy of note, as an indication of the increasing popularity of the pension scheme, that the percentage of new participants to the people becoming eligible in each year has increased to a marked extent. The figures published by the Registrar-General in connection with the last census taken in April, 1906, show that at that date there were 3,762 persons who were sixty-four years of age and twenty-four years resident in the colony, and it was from the ranks of these that the new pensioners admitted during the past year were drawn, as against the 5,900 (approximately) who supplied the new pensioners for the previous year. The relative percentages for the two years are as follows: — People who became Year. eligible by Age and Pensionera . Percentage. Residence. 1906 ... ... ... ... 5,900 2,073 35 1907 ... ... ... ■• 3,762 2,030 54 In spite of this increase, it is a satisfactory feature that the percentage of the total number of pensioners to the total population eligible by age and residence keeps at the low rate referred to in a previous paragraph of this report, the percentages in 1906 and 1907 being 31 and 32 respectively. In 1901 it was 42 per cent. In connection with the granting of new pensions, it will no doubt interest you to know the extent of the assistance given by the Department to applicants in proving their eligibility for the pension on the score of age. A special form is provided by the Department for the purpose, and inquiries are made all over the world for proofs which applicants are themselves unable to obtain. During the past year no less than 672 applications for proof of age were received at Head Office, in 328 of which the claimants were proved to be of the required age, and 229 not of age. Of the remaining 115, replies from outside the colony are awaited in 101 cases, there being 14 cases in which no proofs were obtainable. Of the 2,030 new pensioners added to the roll, 88 were Maoris. There were 1,814 of British extraction, of which number 1,737 were born in the United Kingdom. Only 550 were of the minimum age of sixty-five, while 58 were of the advanced age of eighty and over. Further details regarding the nationality, age, sex, and conjugal condition of these new pensioners will be found in the Appendix, together with a comprehensive return setting out the number of new claims received in each district since the Act came into force, the number lodged during the past year, and the manner in which these latter have been dealt with. Of the total number of claims lodged since the Act was passed in 1898—namely, 31,271 —23,877 have been established as pensions. Annual Payments. The total payments for the year, being the first complete year since the pension was increased to £26, was £314,183 10s. 9d. If from this amount, is deducted the sum of £357 16s. Bd., being overpayments in the early years of the Act refunded and paid to the credit of the Public Account, the net charge against the"Consolidated Fund will be found to be £313,825 14s. Id. It is estimated that the sum of £335,000 will be necessary for the current year's expenditure. The payments made in each month during the year are as under: — 1906. £ s - d ' April ... ... ••■ ••■ ■■• •■■ 25,256 7 8 May .., •-• 25,817 7 2 June ••• 25,765 0 3 July 25,966 15 7 August 26,077 0 11 September 26,099 14 10 October 26,320 0 0 November 26,351 9 0 December ... ... ... ■■• ■■■ ••■ 26,642 4 7 1907. January 26,444 8 2 February 26,775 19 7 March ... ~. ... 26,667 3 0 £314,183 10 9 The payments for the first twelve months after the passing- of the 1905 Act increasing the pension— i.e., from September, 1905, to August, 1906—was £301,469 18s. 3d.



The following table shows the amount paid since the Act came into force, together with the cost per head of the population (exclusive of Maoris) in each year : — Gross Payments Population Cost per on Account of at End of Head of Pensions. Year. Population. £ 8. d. Three months ended 31st March, 1899 (at £18) 3,124 74-6,676 0 1 Year ended 31st March, 1900 (at £18) ... 157,342 758,617 4 1 1901 „ ... 197,292 772,719 5 1 1902 „ ... 207,468 789,994 5 3 1903 „ ... 210,140 814,842 5 2 1904 „ ... 203,164 838,954 4 10 1905 „ ... 195,475 864,971 4 6 „ 1906 (five months at £18; seven months at £26) ... ... 254,367 889,968 5 8 Year ended 31st March, 1907 (at £26) ... 314,184 913,873 6 10 Total ... ... ... £1,742,556 Although the increase on the amount paid last year is £59,817, it must be borne in mind that the payments this year have been at the increased rate of £26 throughout the year, whereas the payments last year included five months at the old rate of £18—viz., £81,779 —and seven months at the £26 rate —viz., £172,588. Made at the higher rate throughout the year the payments last year would have been approximately £295,865, on which sum this year's total is an increase of only £18,319. [gjj The following is a return showing the number of payments and the amounts paid in each postal district during the year ended 31st March last :— Number of Amount. Postal District. Payments. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 31,409 64,401 3 L 0 Thames .. .. .. .. .. 5,665 11,983 5 1 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. 1,278 2,460 13 9 Napier .. .. .. .. .. 5,337 10,673 18 3 New Plymouth ..■ .. .. .. 2,987 5,933 12 1 Wanganui .. .. .. . . .. 4,427 \ 9,278 310 Wellington . . .. .. . . .. 14,298 29,375 12 7 Blenheim .. .. . . . . . . 1,763 3,549 2 10 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 3,316 6,716 0 5 Westport .. .. .. .. .. 3,516 7,484 0 6 Greymouth .. .. .. .. .. 6,129 13,059 12 3 Hokitika .. .. .. .. .. 6,108 12,988 3 4 Christchurch .. .. .. .. 24,767 51,109 18 10 Timaru .. .. .. .. .. 5,203 10,594 0 0 Oamaru .. .. .. .. .. 2,980 6,176 15 6 Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 23,563 48,133 16 7 Invercargill .. .. .. .. .. 9,756 20,286 16 1 152,502 £314,204 15 9 [Note.—These figures include a number of payments which have been actually made, but through some informality have not been brought into the Treasury accounts, hence the slight increase on the amount previously shown as the payments for the year. The following figures show the balance with the Treasury: £ s. d. Payments not brought to charge on 31st March, 1906 .. . . .. .. 4 (j 8 Payments made during year 1006-7 .. .. .. . . 314,204 15 9 314,209 2 5 Less payments not brought to charge on 31st March, 1907 .. .. 25 11 H Gross charge against vote " Old-age Pensions Act, 18!>8 " .. £314,183 10 0 It may Here be pointed out that these large sums circulate not only in the colony, but in the immediate districts in which they are paid, and it can therefore be said that the benefit derived from the pension scheme is not merely confined to the "pensioners themselves, but is also felt by a large proportion of the whole population. Recoveries. The amount recovered and paid to the credit of the Public Account during the year was £357 16s. Bd. This sum is for the most part made up of the refund of overpayments in the early years of the Act obtained from the executors of deceased pensioners' estates, the balance representing odd instalments wrongly collected for sundry reasons.



The following table shows the amounts recovered in each year since the Act came into operation :— £ 8. d. Three months ended 31st March, 1899 ... ••• Nil. Year ended 31st March, 1900 ... ... ... •■■ ••• 25 15 0 1901 63 18 4 1902 127 1 11 1903 1.039 11 1* I 1904 2,349 14 71 1905 1,526 10 9t 1906 405 11 0§ : ;; 1907 357 ie 8 Total £5.895 19 4 • Including £55 fines. t Inoluding £30 fines. { Inoluding £25 fines. § Including £1 fine. Cost of Administration. The cost of administration for the past year was £5,250 14s. 6d., the details of the expenditure being as follows :— Salaries 3,472 13 1 Other charges— Clerical assistance ... ... ••■ •■• ••■ 10i * Contribution to Post Office for paying pensions ... ... 1,010 0 0 Travelling-expenses of Eegistrar, Stipendiary Magistrates, Deputy Registrars, Police constables ; interpreters' fees, &c. 241 12 10 Special payment to pensioner ... ... ... ••• 12 0 0 Postage and telegrams (three months only) ... ... 174 ott Contingencies ... ... ••■ •■• ••• 158 19 9 £5,250 14 6 It will be noted that of this sum no less than £1,184 was paid to the Post and Telegraph Department, £1,010 for services rendered and £174 for postage and telegrams for the last three months of the year.' In this connection it may be mentioned that in Victoria, where the old-age pension payable in that State is for the most part paid by officials of the Postal Department, 353 out of the 433 paying offices being post-offices, the total cost of the payment of pensions through the Post Office does not exceed £110 per annum. . . The amount paid for administering the Act in each year since the Act was passed is as follows :— £ Three months ended 31st March, 1899 ... ... ■■• ••• 510 Year ended 31st March, 1900 2,360 1901 ■•• 2,415 1902 2,535 1903 ••• ••■ 3,805 1904 :.: v.: s'.ew 1905 3,936 1906 4,758 ;; ;, 1907 5,250 Total £29,224 The percentage of the total cost of administering the Act since it came into operation tothe gross payments of £1,742,556 is 167 per cent,. Annual Liability. The liability at the end of each year since the Act came into force is as follows :— £ ■£ b. At 31st March, 1899, 127,319, or an average of 17 2 for 7,443 pensioners. 1900, 193,718, „ 17 3 „ 11,285 1901, 211,965, „ 17 2 „ 12,405 1902, 217,192, „ 17 0 „ 12,776 " 1903, 211,594, „ 16 19 „ 12,481 1904, 200,915, ~ 16 17 „ 11,926 1905, 199,081, „ 16 18 „ 11,770 1906, 313,018, „ 24 17 „ 12,582 1907, 326,0H4, . 24 12 „ 13,257 The increase for the past year is £13,066.



The accompanying table shows the number of pensions at each rate at the end of the year just closed :— Number of Bate. Liability. Pensions. £ £ 10,653 ... ... 26 ... ... ... ... ... 276,978 332 ... ... 25 ... ... ... ... ... 8,300 319 ... ... 24 ... ... ... ... ... 7,656 242 23 ... 5,566 175 22 3,850 224 21 4,704 171 ... ... 20 ... ... ... ... ... 3,420 111 ... ... 19 ... ... ... ... ... 2,109 186 ... ... 18 ... ... ... ... ... 3,348 105 17 1,785 89 16 1,424 89 15 1,335 91 ... ... 14 ... ... ... ... ... 1,274 72 ... ... 13 ... ... ... ... ... 936 62 ... ... 12 ... ... ... ... ... 744 62 ... ... 11 ... ... ... ... ... 682 51 ... ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... 510 47 ... ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... 423 43 ... ... " 8 ... ... ... ... ... 344 38 7 ... 266 35 ... ... 6 ... ... .. ... ... 210 24 ... ... 5 ... ... ... ... ... 120 12 ... ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... 48 8 ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... 24 12 ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 24 4 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 4 Totals 13,257 £326,084 Forfeited Instalments. The instalments due last year and unpaid on the 31st March amounted to £1,443 6s. Bd. £1,363 16s. Bd. of this amount represents absolutely forfeited instalments on which there is no further claim, while the balance of £79 10s. represents instalments the payment of which is in abeyance. The absolutely forfeited instalments in each month are : — Absolutely Forfeited Instalments. 1906. £ a. d. April ... ... ... ... ... 120 15 0 May ... ... ... ... ... 123 5 0 June ... ... ... ... ... 141 0 0 July ... ... ... ... ... 133 5 0 August ... ... ... ... ... 133 10 0 September ... ... ... ... ... 126 5 0 October ... ... ... ... ... 141 3 10 November ... ... ... ... ... 116 16 8 December ... ... ... ... ... 99 1 2 1907. January ... ... ... ... ... 86 6 8 February ... ... ... ... ... 68 11 8 March " ... ... ... ... ... 73 16 8 £1,363 16 8 Wealth of Pensioners. The amount of accumulated property owned by pensioners is set out in the following table : £ Freehold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 317,970 Leasehold .. .. .". .. .. .. .. 30,968 Life interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,965 Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,500 Stock, furniture, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89,066 506,469 Less mortgages on property .. .. .. .. .. 71,525 Total net property owned by pensioners .. .. .. .. 434,944 Total property owned by husbands and wives of pensioners (not themselves pensioners) .. .. .. .. .. .. 143,563 Grand total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. £578,507



There has been an all-round increase on the figures of the previous year, the total increase of the net property owned by pensioners'being £74,963. A which has contributed to this position is the admission to the pension roll under the Act of 1905 of 111 pensioners, who under previous Acts were ineligible by reason of the amount of their property and income, and are now each in receipt of a small pension. It may here be mentioned that out of 13,257 on the roll no less than 2,245 have benefited by the provision in the 1905 Act, whereby'a deduction of £150 instead of £50 is allowed in cases where pensioners permanently reside on their*'own properties|which produce no income. The average amount of property held by each pensioner, after the deduction of mortgages, is this year £32 165., as against an average of £28 12s. held last year. The total annual income earned by pensioners is £110,012, being an average of £8 ss. per annum per pensioner, as against £8 4s. per pensioner in the previous year. The particulars which go to make up these figures out in further detail in the Appendix. Homes and Hospitals. During the year the total amount paid to the controlling bodies of the various homes and hospitals throughout the colony was £16,121 7s. 2d., the number of pensioners resident in such institutions on the 31st March being 637.' Of this number»6ls represent pensioners who prefer to permanently reside in homes, the remaining 22]T)eing hospitaffpatients receiving treatment. A return setting out the amount paid to each institution,! and the number; of. pensioners'resident therein, is embodied in the Appendix. As indicating the effect which the operation of the pension scheme has had on the annual expenditure on outdoor relief in- the colony since the Old-age Pensions Act came into force in 1898, the following table is supplied. It will be noted that the cost of outdoor relief has decreased from £50,850 in 1899 to £36,532 in 1907, or a decrease from Is. 4£d. to 9£d. in the cost per head of the European population. European Annual Cost of Cost per Head Year ended. Population. Outdoor Belief. of Population. £ s. d. Slst March, 1899 746,676 50,850 1 4J 1900 .. .. .. 758,617 41,790 1 lj 1901 .. .. 772,719 42,181 1 1 1902 .. .. .. 789,994 38,934 0 llf 1903 814,842 43,421 1 0| 1904 838,954 42,618 1 0J 1905 .. .. .. 864,971 40,799 0 11 J 1906 .. .. .. 889,968 39,547 0 10J 1907 .. .. .. 913,873 36,532 0 9J Old-age Pensions and Friendly Societies. As some doubt seems still to exist as to the effect which the operation of the old-age pension scheme has on the membership of friendly societies, I should like to emphasize the statement made in my last year's report —namely, that any benefit derived from a friendly society by way of sick or funeral allowance is exempted, not only by law but in actual practice, from being applied to reduce the amount of pension payable to any claimant, This statement was fully borne out by the replies to my inquiry in the matter then published from the various Magistrates in the colony, every one of whom intimated that in no case had any deduction been made from a pension on account of benefits received from any friendly society. The law is very clear on the point, the definition of income in section 2 of the Old-Age Pensions Act of 1898 containing the following words : " ' Income ' . . . shall be deemed to include personal earnings, but not any pension payable under this Act, nor any payment by way of sick-allowance or funeral benefit from any registered friendly society." The meaning of this provision is that a member of a friendly eociety may be in receipt of a sickallowance of £60 (or more) per annum, or may have received by way of funeral benefit a similar sum, sufficient in itself to disqualify an ordinary applicant, and yet be entitled to receive the full pension of £26, provided he is otherwise qualified in accordance with section 8 of the Act referred to. The Old-age Pensions Act, therefore, in my opinion, offers a special inducement to a person to become a member of a friendly society, inasmuch as he will in his old age be to receive the old-age pension! in addition to any benefit that may accrue to him as a member of such^society. J. Eman Smith, Registrar.

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Tables embodied in Appendix. Table 1. Number and annual value of pensions (in distriots). 2. Pensions in North and South Islands. 3. Sex of pensioners (in districts). i. Ages of European pensioners. 5. Occupations of European pensioners. 6. Claims received in each district and how disposed of. 7. Nationalities-of pensioners admitted during year 1906-7. 8. Sex and oonjugal condition of pensioners admitted during year 1906-7. 9. Ages of pensioners admitted during year 1906-7. „ 10. Ages of European pensioners who died during year 1906-7. 11. Percentage of pensions granted in each year now in force. 12. Pensions in force and payments in each year. 13. New grants, deaths, and cancellations in each year, „ 14. Wealth of pensioners. „ 15. Amounts paid to homes and hospitals.

Table 1.—Number and Annual Value of Pensions granted to Europeans and Maoris in Force on the 31st March, 1907.

2-H. 18,


District. Number. Europeans. Maoris. Number. Annual Value. Auckland .. Coromandel Dargaville .. Hamilton .. Helensville .. Kaitaia Mangonui .. Maungaturoto Otahuhu Raglan Rawene Rotorua Russell Taupo Warkworth Whangarei .. Whangaroa.. Thames Opotiki Paeroa :,332 93 72 256 52 16 13 40 108 11 . 22 18 62 4 73 149 15 253 16 70 28 38 7 73 4 254 138 55 10 200 33 188 69 92 26 617 94 88 10 40 19 33 1 44 14 4 25 64 43 79 13 7 5 24 5 21 9 25 2 29 19 13 _ 33,065 3,335 2,292 7,055 1,332 1,458 655 980 2,727 917 2,074 1,514 3,446 415 1,853 3,861 898 6,554 961 1,554 1,316 971 928 2,053 333 6,137 3,252 1,306 721 5,124 848 4,841 1,773 2,288 702 15,384 2,402 2,109 Tauranga .. Te Aroha Whakatane Gisborne .. . Port Awanui Napier Dannevirke Waipawa Wairoa New Plymouth Stratford Wanganui .. Hawera Mar ton Patea Wellington .. Feilding Carterton .. 1 28 15 1 2 '2 2 1 5 2 1

Nurc -t - Numl 3er. District. Nun: Europeans Annual Vain,-. Maoris. Masterton .. Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Nelson Motueka Blenheim .. Havelock Christchurch Akaroa Amberley .. Ashburton .. Culverden .. Kaiapoi Kaikoura Timaru Fairlie Temuka Waimate Greymouth Reefton Hokitika Westport . .. Oam aru Dunedin . • Balclutha .. Clyde Lawrence .. Milton Naseby Palmerston South Waikouaiti.. Invercargill Queenstown Riverton Chatham Islands ■ • I 105 51 42 173 215 74 143 7 1,523 43 11 245 4 311 14 185 10 147 115 439 143 503 256 271 1,232 140 109 208 125 103 63 44 629 99 123 3 1 8 8 2 3 4 3 i2,520 1,420 934 4 ,190 5,177 1,802 3,462 182 37;552 "T,T72 285 6,078 100 - 7,850 435 4,555 248 3,517 2,707 11,263 3,638 12,876 6,587 ' • -6,755 ' 29,357 3,526 2,790 5,231 3,051 2,611 1,537 1,189 15,676 2,490 3,356 131 1 1 1 j 2 1 1 43 11 . 3 ; Totals .. i, 12,597 660 £326,084


Table 2.—Pensions in Force at the 31st March, 1907, in North and South Islands. Europeans. Maoris. Liability. In North Mind 5,060 620 138*898 In South Island 7,537 .. jW .. 187,186 12,697 .. 660 .. £326,084

Table 3.—Sexes of Pensioners on the Roll at the 31st March, 1907.

Table 4.— Ages of European Pensioners on the Roll at the 31st March, 1907. Number. Number. Number Ataee65 309 At age 78 419 At age 91 20 „ g 66 735 . „ 79 322 . M ... I 67 767 „ 80 314 „ 93 7 " 68 794 „ 81 248 „ 94 4 69 ... 823 „ 82 200 „ 95 4 " 70"" ... 842 „ 83... ... 158 . „ 96... .... 2 " 71 ... 865 . 84 130 „ 97 2 " 72 . ... 1,017 • „ 85 96 „ 98 2 73 1J59 ' . 86 91 „ 103 2 " 74 1,052 „ 87 81 „ 106 1 75 791 „ 88 48 - 76 ... 681 „ 89 31 Total ... 12,597 77 ... ... 549 „ 90... ... 24


Maoris. Europeans. District. Male. Female. Male. Female. Auckland .. Coromandel Dargaville .. Hamilton .. Helensville.. Kaitaia Mangonui .. Maungaturoto Otahuhu Raglan Rawene Rotorua Russell Taupo Warkworth Whangarei Whangaroa Thames Opotiki Paeroa Tauranga ,...-, Te Aroha Whakatane Gisborne Port Awanui Napier Dannevirke Waipawa .. Wairoa New Plymouth Stratford .. Wanganui .. Hawera Marton Patea Wellington Carterton .. Feilding 678 71 55 130 44 13 8 23 51 8 16 13 44 2 46 102 12 141 8 46 14 29 4 41 4 140 80 29 9 101 12 102 86 53 18 278 48 55 654 22 17 126 8 3 - 5 17 57 3 6 5 18 2 27 47 3 112 8 24 14 9 3 32 7 22 9 21 1 23 7 3 18 10 12 21 7 3 13 35 22 37 2 5 5 11 3 6 5 9 2 9 10 4 1 12 29 21 42 11 2 13 2 15 4 16 20 9 9 114 58 26 1 99 21 86 33 39 8 339 40 39 ' 1 21 7 I 7 8 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 2

Europeans. Maoris. District. Male. B'emale. Male. Female. Masterton Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North .. Nelson Motueka Blenheim Havelock Christchurch Akaroa Amberley Ashburton Culverden Kaiapoi Kaikoura Timaru Fairlie Temuka Waimate Greymouth Reefton Hokitika Westport Oamaru Dunedin Balclutha Clyde Lawrence Milton Naseby Palmerston South .. Waikouaiti Invercargill Queenstown Riverton Chatham Islands 60 37 28 99 119 44 92 7 731 26 • 9 167 2 164 12 92 6 80 71 357 118 375 201 155 598 83 86 138 64 75 37 21 390 67 82 2 45 14 14 74 96 • 30 51 792 17 2 78 2 147 2 93 4 67 44 82 25 128 55 116 634 57 23 70 61 28 26 20 239 32 41 1 "l 3 "l 2 3 "a 1 6 "2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 2 4 1 6 1 5 2 Totals I 7,262 5,335 330 330


Table 5.—Occupations of European Pensioners on the Roll at 31st March, 1907. Males.

Accountant ... ... 5 Agent ... .... 22 i Ammunition-tester ... 1 Apiarist ... ... 1 Architect ... ... 2 Artist ... ... 3 Assayer ... ... 1 Auctioneer ... 1 Baker ... ... 36 Barman ... ••■ 1 Basket-maker... ... 3 Bath-keeper ... ... 1 Bellows-maker ... 1 Bellman ... ... 1 Billiard-marker ... 3 Blacksmith ... ... 44 Blindmaker ... ... 1 Boardinghouse-keeper ... 12 Boatbuilder ... ... 4 Boilermaker ... ... 2 Bookbinder ... ... 2 Bookseller ... ... 2 Bookkeeper ... ... 2 Bootmaker ... ... 107 Bottle-gatherer .. 1 Brewer ... ... 2 Bricklayer ... ... 23 Brickmaker ... ... 16 Bridgemaker ... ... 1 Builder ... ... 4 Bushfeller ... ... 3 Bushman ... ... 42 Butcher ... ... 39 Cabdriver ... ... 5 Cabinetmaker ... ... 18 Calico-printer ... ... 1 Canvasser ... ... 4 Carman ... ... 1 Carpenter ... ... 261 Carpet-layer ... ... 1 Carter ... ... 70 Carver ... ... 1 Chairmaker ... ... 1 Chemist ... ... 3 Chimney-sweep ... 3 Civil engineer ... 3 Clergyman ... ... 1 Clerk" ... ... 45 Coachsmith ... ... 5 Coach-painter ... ... 2 Coach-driver ... ... 2 Coal-dealer ... ... 2 Coffee-stall'keeper ... 1 Coke-dealer ... ... 2 Collector ... ... 7 Commercial traveller ... 3 Compositor ... ... 3 Confectioner ... ... 3 Constable ... ... 2 Contractor ... ... 12 Cook ... ... 57 Cooper ... ... 3 Coppersmith ... ... 1 Cordial-manufacturer ... 4 Corset-maker ... ... 2 Creamery-manager ... 1 Curio-dealer ... ... 1 Currier ... 2 Custodian ... ... 13 Customs officer ... 1 Cutter ... ... 1 Dairyman ... ... 9

Dealer ... ... 12 Dentist ... ... 1 Draper ... ... 14 Draughtsman ... ... 3 Drill-instructor ... 1 Driver ... ... .4 Drover ... ... 15 Dyer ... ... 1 Engine-driver ... .".'.,'• 14 Engineer ... ... 16 Engine-fitter ... ... 2 Evangelist ... ... 1 Expressman ... ... 4 Farmer ... ... 423 Felhnonger ... ... 6 Fencing-teacher ... 1 Fern-collector... ... 1 Ferryman ... ... 2 Fireman ... ... 3 Fish-canner ... ... 1 Fish-dealer ... .... 7 Fisherman ... ... 44 Fish-scale worker ... 1 Fiaxmiller ... ... 1 Fruiterer ... ... 3 Fruit-grower ... ... 7 Gardener ... ... 267 Gatekeeper ... ... 1 Glover ... ... 1 Goldsmith ... ... 1 Grain merchant ... 2 Greengrocer ... ... 1 Grocer ... ... 5 Groom ... ... 14 Gum-digger ... ... 227 Gum-sorter ... ... 1 Gunsmith ... ... 1 Hairdresser ... ... 5 Hatter .. ... 1 Hawker ... ... 17 Herbalist ... ... 2 Horse-trainer ... ... 1 Hosiery-manufacturer ... 1 Hotelkeeper ... ... 11 Inspector ... ... 1 Interpreter ... ... 1 Ironmonger ... ... 3 Iromnoulder ... ... 1 Jeweller ... ... 2 Joiner ... ... 7 Journalist ... ... 3 Labourer ... ...3,480 Lamplighter ... ... 1 Land agent . ... 2 Laundry man ... ... 2 Lawyer ... ... 1 Leather-dresser ... 1 Letter-carrier ... ... 2 Librarian ... ... 1 Lime-burner ... ... 1 Machine-knitter ... 1 Machinist ... ... 3 Magazine-keeper ... 1 Mail-carrier ... ... 6 Maltster ... ... 3 Master mariner ... 8 Messenger ... ... 3 Miller ... ... 4 Millwright ... ... 2 Mine-manager... ... 2 Miner ... ...1,049 Mining agent ... ... 4

Missionary ... ... i Moulder ... ... 1 Musician ... ... 3 Music-teacher... ... 14 Netmaker ... ... 2 Newspaper-seller ... 8 Nightwatchman ... 6 Orchardist ... ... 1 Oyster-dealer ... 1 Packer ... ... 2 Painter ... ... 31 Pattern agent ... ... 1 Photographer ... ... 2 Plasterer ... :..' 9 Platelayer ... ... 11 Ploughman ... ... 5 Plumber ... ... 15 Porter ... ... 6 Postmaster ... ... 3 Potter ... ... 2 Poultry-dealer... ... 2 Poultry-keeper ... 1 Pound-keeper ... ... 3 Presser ... ... 4 Printer ... ... 3 Prospector ... .. 5 Rabbiter ... ... 39 Railway employee ... 5 Ranger 1 Rope-maker ... ... 7 Saddler ... ... 10 Sawmiller ... ... 3 Sawyer ... ... 16 Sailmaker ... ... 3 Seaman ... ... 33 Seed-grower ... ... 1 Sexton ... ... 3 Shearer ... ... 1 Shepherd ... ... 38 Shipwright ... ... 17 Shooting-gallery proprietor 1 Shop-assistant... ... 2 Shopkeeper .. ... 21 Signalman ... ... 2 Sign writer ... ... 2 Slater ... ... 1 Soldier ... ... 5 Solicitor ... ... 2 Station hand ... ... 6 Station-manager 1 Stevedore ... ... 1 Steward ... ... 1 Stocking-weaver ... 1 Stock-dealer ... ... 1 Stock-inspector ... 1 Stockman ... ... 2 Stone-breaker ... ... 28 Stonemason ... ... 14 Storekeeper ... ... 13 Storeman ... ... 11 Surveyor ... ... 1 Surgical-belt maker ... 1 Surveyor ... ... 5 Tailor ... ... 28 Taxidermist ... ... 1 Teacher ... ... 16 Tea-dealer ... ... 1 Telephonist ... ... 1 Tinsmith ... ... 8 Verger ... ... 4 Veterinary Surgeon ... 3 Vocalist ... ... 1



Table 5. Occupations of European Pensioners on the Roll at 31st March. 1907— contd. Males —continued. Umbrella-mender ... 1 Waterman ... ... 7 Woodcutter ... ... 10 Undertaker ... ... 2 Weaver ... ... 1 Wood-merchant ... 2 Waggoner ... ... 2 Weighbridge-keeper .:. 1 Wood-turner ... ... 1 Waiter ... ... 4 Wellsinker ... ... 1 Wool-classer ... ... 9 Warder ... ... 4 Wheelwright ... 17 — Watchmaker ... ... 6 Whitesmith ....... 1 7,262 Females. Domestic duties ...4,993 Laundress ... ... 56 Sister of Mercy ... 2 Charwoman ... ... 37 Lacemaker ... ... 1 Stewardess Cook... ... 17 Music-teacher... ... 1 Registry-office keeper ... 1 Dairywonian ... ... 2 Needlewoman... ... 37 Teacher ... ... 5 Deaconess ... ... 1 Nurse ... ... 136 Washerwoman ... 14 Dressmaker ... ... 26 Postmistress ... ... 3 _ Governess ... ... 1 Saleswoman ... ... 1' 5,335

Table 6. Number of Claims received in each District since the Act came into Force, the Number made during the Past Year, and the Manner in which the Latter have been dealt with.


Total Number of i Claims received since Act came into Foroe. Claims awaiting Investigation on 31stMar., 1906. For Fir 31i lancial Yea it March, V, ' ending )07. Claims awaiting Investigation on 31st Mar., 1907. District. Deputy Registrar. Claims received. Claims established. Claims rejected, &a. Auckland Ooromandel ... Dargaville Hamilton Helensville ... Kaitaia S. Ruddock ... J. Mclndoe ... S. Thompson W. Shanaghan G. A. Tapp ... W. Sefton ... W. Druminond J. flemphill... G. Foreman ... J. O'Sullivan G. H. Fry ... A. P. Bent ... B. J. Parsons D.Ryan E. M. Johnson W.J. Reeve... P. Carmody ... J. Jordan C. O'Keilly ... H. E. Bush ... W. A. Thorn H. E. Bush ... J. S. Willcocks G. J. A. Johnstone C. H. Mellsop E. B. Mathias S. Tausley ... J. Eccleton ... H. H. Can- ... W. A. D. Banks M.Foley ... C. A. Barton A. Trimble ... D. W. Mason M. O'Brien ... L. Crow C. V. Roberts H. Salmon ... E. Rawson ... 3,142 309 260 499 437 75 175 98 770 220 300 211 341 102 217 435 109 589 87 211 293 76 109 320 283 654 375 76 252 558 96 501 200 258 77 1,346 200 220 277 57 14 10 21 325 28 22 91 9 23 6 13 22 14 18 230 25 15 50 7 17 2 5 24 3 9 9 25 103 8 5 39 2 2 1 3 27 1 2 5 1 49 9 12 23 Mangonui M aungaturoto Otahuhu Raglaii Rawene ... . ... Hotorua Russell Taupo Warkworth ... Whangarei Whangaroa ... Thames. Opotiki Paeroa Tauranga Te Aroha Whakatane ... Gisborne Port Awanui ... Napier ' ... Uannevirke ... Waipawa Wairoa New Plymouth Stratford Wanganui Hawera Marton Patea Wellington Feilding Carterton Masterton 11 2 3 34 15 5 8 5 10 10 11 2 5 18 10 I ... 24 3 12 5 14 36 6 3 10 3 36 17 5 2 8 5 13 11 8 19 22 14 42 5 31 29 6 8 16 5 49 34 14 6 24 8 33 23 20 7 130 17 14 30 11 28 12 35 1 15 5 8 7 17 3 6 3 12 10 1 3 2 4 17 16 7 4 2 3 1 13 9 1 57 4 9 9 1 1 2 13 6 18 50 3 8 13 3 35 5 5 11 1 33 30 7 4 24 7 25 16 15 5 83 9 9 19 6 3 20 5 4 1 12 9 3 9 *22 5 n 1 7 Carried forward ... 14,758 447 1,200 834 419 394


Table 6. —Number of Claims received in each District since the Act came into Force, the Number made during the Past Year, and the Manner in which the Latter have been dealt with — continued.

Table" 7.—Original Nationalities of Pensioners to whom new Pensions were granted during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1907. Number. Number. Number. English ... ... 860 Gibralter ... ... 1 Belgian ... ... 2 Irish ... ... 455 West Australian ... 1 Greek .... .,. 2 Scotch ... ... 402 Heligoland... ... 1 Italian ... ... 2 Welsh ... ... 20 Indian ... ... 3 Bosnian ... ... 1 New-Zealander ... 16 German ... ... 30 Bohemian ... ... 1 Tasmanian ... ... 14 Danish ... ... 26 Finn ... ... 1 Canadian ... ... 10 Norwegian ... ... 22 Ladrone Islander ... 1 Victorian ... ... 9 Swedish ... ... 10 Negro ... ... 1 New South Welsh ... 7 Austrian ... ... 7 Maori ... ... 88 Channel Islander ... 5 'Swiss ... ... 7 South Australian ... 4 French ... ... 6 Total ... 2,030 New Foundlander ... 3 American ... ... 5 West Indian... ... 3 Prussian ... ... 4 These pensioners are now all British subjects as required by the Act.


9 incial Yeai March, 1? Total Number of Claims received since Act came into Force. Claims awaiting Investigation on 31st Mar., 1906. For Fin; 31st r ending 307. Claims awaiting Investigation on 31st Mar., 1907. District, Deputy Registrar. Claims received. Claims established. Claims rejected, &c. Brought forward ... Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Nelson Motueka Blenheim Havelock Christchurch ... Akaroa Amberley Ashburton Culverden Kaiapoi Kaikoura Timaru Fairlie Temuka Waimate Greymouth ... Reef ton Hokitika Westport Oamaru Dunedin Balclutha ... Clyde Lawrence Milton Naseby Palmerston South Waikouaiti Invercargill Queenstown ... Riverton Chatham Islands Port Chalmers T. O'Rourke J. Fitzgerald C. J. Hewlett B. C. Kelling . F. Pidgeon ... J. Terry A. J. Ching ... P. A. Keddell D. Jackson ... F. Lewin T. W. Tayler A. S. Bird ... A. G. Ashby... J. P. Clarkson T. Howley ... D. Hyland ... J. Gillespie ... W. Y. Purchase B. Harper ... H. Smith ... J. N. Nalder J. N. Stenhouse R. P. Ward ... R. S. Stokes W. A. Matthews F. T. D. Jeffrey A. M. Byes ... D. McRae ... F. W. Hart ... W. Hilliard... S. Kidd J. R. Colyer... A. J. Thompson J. M. Adam R. W. Rayner (Agency closed) 14,758 144 102 ! 408 589 ■ 174 368 26 2,895 117 17 475 21 620 50 349 21 313 213 896 325 1,090 568 546 2,476 286 237 402 245 213 115 65 1,260 231 307 ! 11 338 447 2 ' 7 9 4 18 1 96 1 17 8 1 5 " 5 6 21 5 32 16 1 82 13 3 6 13 3 43 16 10 1 1,200 7 18 39 41 17 11 4 220 7 2 36 3 44 834 4 10 31 26 13 19 3 217 8 2 38 419 3 5 5 9 4 4 2 75 394 2 3 10 15 4 .i 6 24 3 12 3 1 46 1 32 . 5 39 2 42 16 47 22 79 37 60 309 24 29 33 14 20 9 18 105 '7 16 26 11 33 18 78 37 57 240 21 19 29 21 14 7 12 95 11 16 1 5 1 14 2 21 6 13 6 4 118 5 4 7 7 1 7 9 14 3 20 10 . 33 11 9 3 6 7 1 5 29 12 4 2 1 1 24 6 31,271 892 2,577 2,030 774 665



Table 8.—Sex and Conjugal Condition of Pensioners who were admitted during the Year ended the 31st March, 1907. Sex. Single. Married. Widowed. Totals. Males ... 290 608 302 1,200 Females ... 40 353 437 830 Totals ... 330 961 739 2,030 Table 9.—Ages of Pensioners admitted during the Year ended the 31st March, 1907. Number. Number. Number. At age 65 ... ... 550 At age 74 ... ... 59 At age 83 ... ... 6 „ 66 ... ... 312 „ 75 ... ... 45 „ 84 ... 7 „ 67 ... ... 201 „ 76 .:. ... 45 „ 85 ... ... 3 „ 68 ... ... 167 „ 77 ... ..." 24 „ 86 ... ... 3 69 ... ... 127 - „ 78 ... ... 22 „ 87 ... ... ' 1 70 ... ... 127 „ 79 ... ... 18 „ 88 ... ... 2 „ 71 96 „ 80 15 „ 90 1 „ 72 95 , 81 12 „ 91 ... ... 1 " 73 84 ' 82 7 Total ... M80 Table 10.—Ages of European Pensioners who died during the Year ended the 31st March, 1907. Number. Number. Number At age 65 ... ... 11 At age 76 ... ... 63 At age 87 ... ... 21 , 66 25 „ 77 57 „ 88 ... ... 8 „ 67 ... ... 28 „ 78 ... ... 50 „ 89 ... ... 5 „ 68 ... ... 36 „ 79 ... ... 46 „ 90 ... ... 9 „ 69 ... ... 48 „ 80 ... ... 29 „ 91 ... ... 6 „ 70 ... ... 43 „ 81 ... ... 31 „ 92 ... ... 4' „ 71 ... ... 62 „ 82 ... ... 34 „ 93 ... ... 4 „ 72 ... ... 67 „ 83 ... ... 31 „ 94 ... ... 1 „ 73 . ... 85 „ 84 ... ... 30 , 96 ... ... 4 „ 74 ... ... 74 „ 85 ... ... 23 „ 75 ... ... 66 i „ 86 ... ... 26 _ . —— Total ... 1,027 Table 11.—Number of Pensions granted in each Financial Year, together with the Numbers of suoh Pensions in Force on the 31st March, 1907. , T , , , Percentage of Pensions granted -, N . ul "ber of such Pensions Porce in each Year. PeiiMons stUl in Force tQ p ensions on 31st March, 1907. grant ed. Year ended 31st March, 1899 ... 7,487 2,845 38 1900 ... 4,699 1,867 40 1901 ... 2,227 1,127 51 1902 ... 1,694 933 55 1903 ... 1,391 899 65 1904 ... 1,063 795 75 1905 ... 1,210 995 82 1906 ... 2,075 1,828 88 1907 ... 2,031* 1,968 97 Totals... ... ... 23,877 13,257 * Includes one reinstatement.



Table 12.—Comparative Statement of Pensions in Force, and Payments made in each Financial Year since the Act came into Operation.

Table 18. —Number of Pensions granted since the Act came into Operation, with Number of Deaths and Cancellations, and Number in Force at End of each Year.

I „ . Number of Date. Pensions in Force. Payments to End of Financial Year. Expenditure. Pensions. Pensions. I it 31st March, 1899 ... 7,443 1900 ... I 11,285 1901 ... ; 12,405 1902 ... ' 12,176 1903 ... 12,481 1904 ... 11,926 1905 ... ■ 11,770 1906 .. 12,582 1907 ... 13,257 £ 3,124 157,342 197,292 207,468 210,140 203,164 L95.475 *254,367 314,184 Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. 154,218 ... 3,842 ... ' 39,950 ... 1,120 10,176 ... 371 2,672 ... ... 295 6,976 ... 555 7,689 ... 156 58,892 ... 812 59,817 ... 675 3,842 1,120 371 812 675 295 555 156 Total £1,742,556 • This includes five months at the £18 rate, and seven months at the £26 rate.

Year ending 31st March. Number of Pensions granted. Deaths. Cancellations. In Force at End of Year. Liability each Year. L899... L900. . L901... L902... L903... L904... L905... L906... L907... 7,487 4,699 2,227 1,694 1,391 1,063 1,210 2,075 *2,031 38 786 815 935 1,064 928 890 1,038 1,097 6 71 292 388 622 690 476 225 259 7,443 11,285 12,405 12,776 12,481 11,926 11,770 12,582 13,257 127,319 193,718 211,965 217,192 211,594 200,915 199,081 313,018 326,084 Totals... 23,877 7,591 3,029 • Includes one reinstatement oi cancelled pe: ision.


Table 14.—Wealth of Pensioners.


District. So-s go-3 Iross Ac tmulated Property. Stock, Furniture, &c. a SfS, MO Income and Property of Husbands and Wives (not Pensioners). Freehold. Leasehold. Life Interest. Cash. Income. Property. Auckland • ■ ! Coromandel .. j Dargaville Hamilton .. , Helensville Kaitaia.. Mangonui Maungaturoto Otahuhu Raglan.. .. Rawene Rotorua Russell Taupo.. Waikworth Whangarei .. ; Whangaroa .. I Thames Opotiki Paeroa Tauranga Te Aroha Whakatane Gisborne Port Awanui Napier.. Dannevirke Waipawa Wairoa New Plymouth .. Stratford Wanganui Hawera Marton Patea Wellington Carterton Feilding Masterton Otaki Pahiatua Palmerston North Nelson.. Motueka Blenheim Havelock Christchurch Akaroa .. Amberley Ashburton Culverden Kaiapoi Kaikoura Timaru Fairlie Temuka Waimate Greymouth Reefton.. Hokitika Westport Oamaru Dunedin Balolutha Clyde Lawrence Milton Naseby Palmerston South Waikouaiti Invercargill Queenstown Riverton Chatham Islands 1,342 133 91 289 53 60 27 40 112 36 86 61 141 17 SO 154 39 258 37 79 53 40 36 92 17 254 139 55 38 215 34 190 71 94 27 622 89 96 106 59 42 176 215 74 143 7 1,525 46 11 245 4 816 17 185 10 147 116 439 143 504 257 273 1,233 141 109 208 125 103 63 48 632 99 134 6 £ 13,999 779 795 2,022 472 501 255 512 692 120 247 502 1,076 36 664 i 1,630 368 1,020 48 905 140 399 26 1,197 71 3,464 1,032 475 34 1,719 262 1,720 754 895 349 5,791 981 637 1,292 504 592 1,473 2,129 480 1,179 89 9,171 364! 91 2,589 19 1,387 149 969 50 1,055 1,043 3,293 1,038 4,138 2,679 1,848| 13,792 824 1,229 1,281 789 1,058 444 494 3,895! 892 1,056 48 £ 22,592j 3,110 1,090! 9,850: 975i l,106i 718 1,256: 4,093' 309' 4,084, 1,435 5,495 403 3,856: 2,027j 1,437 3,038 720| 1,485j 1,928! 1,926! 357! 2,595; 162! 3,006i 5,069 639 1,255 5,143 527 1,460 2,415 2,236 643 5,099 1,933 2,367[ 3,043| 884 1,320 5,841 7,525 3,063 3,970 130 46,718 1,213 37 7,758 162 12,119 418 7,142 55 7,149 4,746 2,322 1,230 7,061 •2,238 7,231 32,265 4,833 1,096 4,173 5,279 1,937 1,693 2,361 19,432j 1,164 2,5231 £ 1,001 214 117 50 65 375 £ 3,861 447! £ 4,665 147! 195 745 192 27 84 469 9,198 ; 576! 353 1,809 161! 278 70 318 632 £ 6,270 130 90 2,076 163 20 4,071 124 122 251 34 84 34 104 129 42 107 & 11,998 341 2,334 506 484 237 335 992 280 953 18 812 m "l30 42 IOI 329! 252 683 . _.] 16 7 218 107 725 35 75 215 16 398 350 153 150' 332 438 61 1,461 459 694 143 1,068 35 398 205 180j 22 470 290 238 177 147 90 179 328 606 51 222 55 159 940 618 342 1,545 1,053 329 120 274 222 50 497 75 118 128 48 107 2 84 4 247 1,006 293 899 100 834 200 1,671 3,761 1,087 350 2,994 1,405 2,373 905 1,358 168 7,304 2,330 1,561 1,840 353 250 2,939 4,388 1,245 3,705 98: 20 72 319 6 95 514 103 80 76 82 375 350 175 327 345 1,498 265 128 180 522 2,160 "630 647 "573! 221; 215i i|l88 15 20 539 175 15 293 724 83 257 229 359 1,539 296 569 574 61 2,737 100 260 378 42 407 1,749 373 391 6,050! 28 30 831 28 1,362 75 1,038 36 867 421 1,224 123 1,959 1,556 1,148 7,060 171 400 1,781 296 1,103 230 116 1,778 605 338 2,067 829 247 30 1,075 85 644 313 405 47 3,901 1,021 225 775 432 426 1,130 1,249 523 989 20 11,790 153 109 1,343 10 1,258 135 1,081 27 1,758 950 1,165 435 3,220 911 2,726 15,426 907 948 1,296 1,286 532 483 493 4,858 548 666 707 1,395 70 958 139 28 1,385 150 230 1,059 566 614 583 224 637 1,364 2,041 885 753 12,787 545 152 2,189 340 440 158 13 415 118 125 133 70 23 1,699 531 73 285! 32 171 290 1191 459 2,589 64 11 482 16,249 120 120 3,776 250 20 105 50 342 176 2,259 602 3,212 2,348 543 1,317 696 862 1,541 304 954 100 877 98 180 80 75 11 2,582 86 1,983 35 1,969 438| 220 289 892 183 1,401 8,893 1,927 70 897 845 1,108 433 668 4,555 50 212 336 209 28 369 ioi; 365 167 347! 205 297 3,1121 173 82 209J 310: 243 102 20 892 ! 61 244 3 4,607 1,572 305 1,694 1.662 1,651 295 1,976 1,735 3,473 16,554 715 281 2,667 2,156 1,587 1,176 161 9,598 484 895 318 2,060 80 69 1,878 701 534 225 345 40 162 Totals 13,257 110,012 317,970 30,968 17,965 50,500 89,066 71,525 22,763 143,563



Table 15. —Number of Old-age Pensioners maintained in Homes and Hospitals throughout the Colony on the 31st March, 1907, together with the Amounts paid to such Institutions during the Year.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not Riven; printing (1,700 copies), £15 11s. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7.

Price 9d.}

B—H. 18.

Controlling Body. Institution. Payments Year 1906-7. °oJ"§ Amount handed to % 2 % r Pensioners after ai c °'§ Deduction of §."gJS Maintenance. K*"?3 Location. Name. Whangarei .. Auckland North of Auckland Charitable Aid Board.. Auckland Charitable Aid Board Little Sisters of the Poor Veterans' Home Jubilee Institute for the Blind Thames and Coromandel Charitable Aid Board Waikato Charitable Aid Board Cook Distriot Charitable Aid Board Hawke's Bay United Charitable Aid Board Taranaki District Charitable Aid Board .. Patea and Wanganui Charitable Aid Board Palmerston North Charitable Aid Board.. Carter's Home Trustees North Wairarapa Benefit Society Benevolent Institution Contributors Society for Relief of Aged Needy Sisters of Compassion Wairau Charitable Aid Board Picton Charitable Aid Beard Nelson Charitable Aid Board Buller Charitable Aid Board Charleston Hospital Trustees Reefton Hospital Trustees Greymouth Hospital Trustees Westland Hospital Trustees Westland Charitable Aid Board Kumara Ho.-phal Trustees North Canterbury and Ashburton Charitable Aid Board Ditto Samaritan Home Trustees Nazareth House South Canterbury Charitable Aid Board.. North Otago Benevolent Society Otago Benevolent Institution Homo for Aged and Poor Southland Charitahle Aid Board Old Men's Home Costley Home Home £ s. d 166 3 1 1,C49 11 7 539 10 1 839 4 10 2 3 4 0 61 24 34 I 4s. per month. 6s. 6d. per month. 8s. 2s. 6d. per week. a ■ • Thames Old Men's Home .. Old Men's Home Old Men's Home Old People's Home Old Men's Home Jubilee Home No institution Old Men's Home Solway Home Ohiro Home Home Home for Incurables Old Men's Home Hospital Old People's Home Hospital.. 303 5 0 250 4 2 106 6 4 532 11 0 602 7 3 335 8 3 55 5 8 39 0 0 . 21 13 4 437 4 7 615 12 5 276 6 8 67 10 1 119 13 8 ; 825 3 4 383 13 4 58 10 0 325 3 11 717 16 9 524 19 8 '15 6 8 10 9 5 21 19 11 2 1 1 17 24 14 6 14 26 18 6t 14f 5s. per month. 4e. Is. per week. 10s. 4d. per month. 10b. 5s Nil. Hamilton Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Palmeraton N. Carterton Masterton Wellington Blenheim Picton Nelson Westport Charleston Reefton Greymouth Hokitika Is. 6d. per week. 7s. 7d. per month. 5s. per month. Is. per week. 6s. per month. 2s. per week. 2s. 11s. 4d.per month. 5s. 10s. 7s. 6d. 13s. 4d. 13s. 4d. Kumara Christchurch .. Hospital (Ross) Hospital Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Jubilee Home Old Men's Home, Ashburton Samaritan Home Home Old Men's Home Benevolent Institution Home (Bowmont Street Home { Lome Farm 709 2 11 735 9 5 99 4 11 361 6 11 243 13 0 253 1 8 2,235 19 2 175 13 4 25 ) 29 f 1 17 11 16 76 9 20 t 14 } 615 Is. per week. 4s. per month. 5s. Is. 6d. per week. 8s.8d. per month. 13s. 4d. 13s. 4d. , 4s. 6d. 8s. 6d. Invercargill .. I 848 18 4 15,472 4 2 Thames Napier Hawera Wanganui Otaki Wellington Christchurch .. Ashburton Kumara Oamaru ' Dunedin Clyde Cromwell Invercargill .. Arrowtown Queenstown .. Riverton Thames Hospital Trustees Napier Hospital Trustees Hawera Charitable Aid Board Wanganui Hospital Board Otaki Hospital Trustees Wellington Hospital Trustees North Canterbury Hospital Board Ashburton Hospital Trustees Kumara Hospital Trustees Oamaru Hospital Trustees Dunedin Hospital Trustees Dunstan Hospital Trustees Cromwell Hospital Trustees Southland Hospital Trustees Arrow District Hospital Trust Wakatipu Hospital Trust Wallace and Fiord Hospital Trust Hospital Patients only. Hospital 10 16 8 G 10 0 13 0 0 23 17 8 6 10 0 261 18 6 37 19 0 4 6 8 19 4 5 84 0 0 39 18 4 27 6 7 2 10 4 68 9 4 21 2 2 2 3 4 19 10 0 2 8 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 Total £16,121 7 2 637 * One month's instalments onl; t These pensioners draw their instalments in person.

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Bibliographic details

OLD-AGE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1907., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-18

Word Count

OLD-AGE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1907. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-18

OLD-AGE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT (NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1907. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-18