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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 18th August, 1893. Ordered, " That it be the duty of the Clerk of this House to lay upon the Table at the commencement of each session a list of all periodical returns or statements which are by law or by resolution of this House required to be laid before the House, with a note of the time within which they should be so produced."—(Hon. Sir J. Hall.)

Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House to be laid before the House, showing Time within which they should be so produced.

ote. —. legu! Nations urn ler ots am ot: er Returns or itatements not strict! ly " perioi iioa' are mc Eeturns or Statements. Pursuant to Time within which they should be produced. Administration Act, 1879, Rules under Administration Act, 1879, sec. 18 .. Ten days from commencement of session. If Parliament sitting, ten days from promulgation. No time stated. Agricultural and Pastoral Societies, Reports and Balance sheets of Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880, Reports of Analysts under Akaroa High School, Report and Accounts of.. Appropriation Account Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act, 1877, sec. 12 Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880, sec. 38 .. Fifteen days. If Parliament sitting, fifteen days from receipt. No time stated. Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Akaroa High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 Public Revenues Act, 1891, sees. 70 and 72, as amended by Public Revenues Act, 1896, sec. 7 Ashburton High School Act, 1878, sec. 8 Auckland Grammar School Act, 1899, sec. 10 Ashburton High School, Report and Accounts of Auckland College and Grammar School, Report and Accounts of Auckland University College, Report and Accounts of Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895, Contracts under Bank of New Zealand Assets Board, Balancesheet, &c, of Bank of New Zealand, Balance-sheet, &c, of.. Auckland University College Act, 1882, sees. 18 and 25 Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895, sec 37 Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895, sec. 52 Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1898, sec. 24 Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Act, 1896, sec. 41 Census Act, 1877, sec. 12 .. Cheviot Estate Disposition Act Amendment Act, 1897, sec. 6 New Zealand Constitution Act, sec. 65, as modified by Public Revenues Act, 1896, sees. 4 and 7 Civil Service Reform Act, 1886, sec. 7 No time stated. No time stated. One month. If Parliament sitting, one month from receipt. No time stated. Ten days. Canterbury College Accounts and Reports Ten days. If Parliament sitting, as soon as available. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Ten days. Census Returns, Abstracts of Cheviot Estate: Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Port Robinson Civil List Account.. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Civil Service, Skilled Persons appointed to the Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from appointment. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Twenty days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from publication. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from making. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after making. Coal-mining LeaBes, Amalgamation of Coal-mining Leases, Assignments and Transfers of County Councils' Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of County Councils' Balance-sheets Coal-mines Act, 1891, sees. 3 and 10 Coal-mines Act, 1891, sec. 9 Counties Act, 1886, sec. 188 Counties Act, 1886, sec. 185 Criminal Code Aot, 1893, Rules under Criminal Code Act, 1893, sec. 333 .. Customs and Excise Duties Act, 1888, Governor's Orders under Customs Duties Reciprocity Act, 1895, Agreements with other Australasian Colonies under Cyanide Process Gold-extraction: Moneys received and paid under Act Dairy Industry Act, 1898: Accounts, Reports, &c, under Customs and Excise Duties Act, 1888, sec. 17 Customs Duties Reciprocity Act, 1895, sec. 7 Cyanide Process Gold-extraction Act, 1897, sec. 16 Dairy Industry Act, 1898, sec. 52 .. Seven days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after close of finanoial year. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after close of financial year. No time stated. Drowned in New Zealand Rivers, Return of Persons Deeds Registration Aot, 1868, Regulations under Order of 26th July, 1882 (Mr. Pyke) Deeds Registration Aot, 1868, seo. 73 Fourteen days.



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c.— continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time within which they should be produced. Education Department, Report and Accounts of Eduoation Regulations Education Reserves, Proposed Eleotion Petitions Act, 1880, Rules under Education Act, 1877, sec. 101 Education Aot, 1877, sec 100 Land Act, 1892, sec. 238 .. Eleotion Petitions Aot, 1880, sec 14 One month. If Parliament sitting, one month from receipt. No time stated. No time stated. Three weeks. If Parliament sitting, within three weeks of making. As soon as practicable. Electrical Motive-power, Reports on feasibility of utilising Waterways for Explosives Act, 1882, Regulations under Electrical Motive-power Aot, 1896, sec 4 Explosives Aot, 1882, seo. 18 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Thirty days. No time stated. Six weeks. If Parliament sitting, within six weeks from making. No time stated. No time stated. Factories, Annual Report of Minister on Friendly Societies, Report of Registrar of Friendly Societies' Regulations Factories Act, 1894, seos. 25 and 26 Friendly Sooieties Act, 1882, seo. 5 Friendly Sooieties Act, 1882, seo. 41 Gisborne High School, Report and Accounts of Goldfields of New Zealand, Report on the Gisborne High School Act, 1885, sec. 16 Order of 3rd Aug., 1869 (Mr. Harrison). (Now laid on the table by Command) Government Accident Insurance Aot, 1899, sec. 26 Government Accident Insurance: Balancesheet and Report Government Accident Insurance Department Deficiency Certificate Government Accident Insurance Department Regulations Government Aooident Insurance Department: Statement relative to Sinking Fund Government Aooident Insurance Aot, 1899, seo. 19 Government Accident Insurance Aot, 1899, sec. 34 Government Aooident Insurance Aot, 1899, seo. 13 Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from issue of moneys. Ten days. (To be referred to sessional Committee.) Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from close of finanoial year. Sixty days from close of finanoial year. If Parliament not then sitting, fourteen days from commencement of session. On or before 1st April. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days. Government Advances to Settlers: Balancesheet Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894, seo. 50 Government Life Insurance Department, Annual Report of Government Life Insurance Department: Report of Actuary on Surplus Profits to be divided Government Insurance and Annuities Act, 1874, sec. 41, as amended by Public Revenues Act, 1882, sec. 15 Government Insurance and Annuities Act, 1874, sec. 45, as amended by Publio Revenues Act, 1882, sec. 15, and Government Life Insurance Acts, 1890, seo. 5, 1891, seo. 2, and 1893, seo. 2 Government Insurance and Annuities Aot, 1874, sec. 44 Government Insurance and Annuities Act, 1874, sec. 44 No time stated. Government Life Insurance Department : Statement of Liabilities under Polioies Government Life Insurance Department : Statement of Life Assurance and Annuity Business Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, Matters done under Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1891, Blocks of Land proclaimed under Government Railway Officers, Classified List of Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, sec. 50, as modified by sections 4 and 7 of the Public Revenues Act, 1896 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1891, sec. 5 Government Railways Department Classification Act, 1896, sec. 6 Government Valuation of Land Aot, 1896, seo. 19 Greymouth High School Act, 1883, seo. 16 .. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. No time stated. Government Valuation of Land Accounts Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Greymouth High School, Report and Aocounts of Harbour Boards' Aocounts Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. No time stated. First day of session. Fourteen days. As soon as possible if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Harbours Aot Amendment Aot, 1894, sec 10 Hokitika High School, Report and Accounts of Honorarium of Members, Deductions from .. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, Report on Immigration Restriction Act, 1899, Regulations under Imprests : Reports of Audit Offioe and Attorney-General on Disputed Issue and Credit Requisitions Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1877, Regulations under Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894, Regulations under Investment of Funds belonging to Post Office, Government Life Insurance Department, Public Trust Offioe, and Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds Land Act, 1892, Regulations under Hokitika High Sohool Act, 1883, sec. 8 Order of 21st Sept., 1885 (Mr. Hobbs) Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885, seo. 95 Immigration Restriction Act, 1899, seo. 20 .. Publio Revenues Act, 1891, sec. 53.. Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1877, sec. 23 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894, seo. 87 Public Revenues Aot, 1892, sec. 7 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after approval. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Ten days. Land Act, 1892, seo. 4 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Twenty days. Land and Income Assessment Acts, Regulalations under Land for Settlements Aot, 1894, Transactions under Land for Special Settlements, Reports on Blooks set aside for Liabilities of Government Departments Land and Income Assessment Aot, 1891, sec. 11 Land for Settlements Aot, 1894, sec 39 Land Act, 1892, seo. 165 .. Ten days. Publio Revenues Act, 1891, seo. 38.. Ten days from first sitting after receipt by Audit. No time stated. Life Assurance Companies, Statements and Abstracts of Reports of Life Assurance Companies Aot, 1873, seo. 38, and Life Assurance Policies Act, 1884, sees. 45 and 46 Lunatics Act, 1882, seo. 144, as amended by Lunatics Aot Amendment Aot, 1891, seo. 2 Lunatic Asylums, Reports of Inspector of Twenty-one days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting.


Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c.— continued.


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time within which they should be produced. Marlborough High Sohool, Report and Accounts of MoLean Motor-oar Aot, 1898, Regulations under the Mining Aot, 1898, Amounts paid as Compensation under Mining Regulations .. Marlborough High School Aot, 1899, seo. 11 No time stated. MoLean Motor-oar Aot, 1898, seo. 10 No time stated. Mining Aot, 1898, seo. 113 Twenty days. Mining Aot, 1898, sec. 303 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-eight days from gazetting. (To be referred to Goldfields and Mines Committee.) Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. No time stated. No time stated. Ten days. Thirty days. Munioipal Corporations' Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of Municipal Corporations' Balance-sheets Munioipal Corporations Act, 1886, seo. 175 .. Munioipal Corporations Aot, 1886, sec. 172 .. Munioipal Franchise Reform Act, 1898, Regulations under Napier High Sohool, Report and Acoounts of.. Native Land Court, Orders of the Native Land Court Regulations Native Land Purchases Aot, 1892, Transactions under Munioipal Franchise Reform Act, 1898, seo. 18 Napier High School Act, 1882, sec. 23 Native Land Court Act, 1894, sec. 14 Native Land Court Act, 1894, sec. 101 Native Land Purohases Act, 1892, sec. 20, as modified by the Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1896, sec. 35 Native Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1895, sec 4 ; and Native Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1897, seo. 7 Native Land (Validation of Titles) Aot, 1893, sec. 15 Native Licensing Aot, 1878, sec 19 Thirty days. Native Lands Alienation, Applications for Orders in Council for Native Land (Validation of Titles) Aot, 1893, Applications, Orders, &c, under Native Licensing Act, 1878, Orders in Council under Native Reserves Accounts Native Townships Aot, 1895, Accounts under.. Ten days. Native Reserves Aot, 1882, seo. 12 .. Native Townships Acts, 1895, seo. 20 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Thirty days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Twenty-one days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Native Townships Aot, 1895, Regulations under Naval and Military Claims, Reports of Commissioners of Crown Lands on Naval and Military Claims : Reports of Minister on Commissioners' Reports New Plymouth High School, Report and Acoounts of New Zealand Consols Aocount New Zealand Institute, Rules and Statutes of New Zealand University, Report, Statutes, and Regulations of Old-age Pensions, Particulars relating to Native Townships Act, 1895, seo. 25 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Claims Aot, 1891, seo. 7 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Claims Act, 1892, sec. 3 New Plymouth High School Aot, 1889, sec. 13 No time stated. No time stated. New Zealand Consols Act, 1894, seo. 7 New Zealand Institute Act, 1867, seo. 17 New Zealand University Aot, 1874, seo. 28 .. Thirty days after 31st March. No time stated. No time stated. Old-age Pensions Act, 1898, seo. 62.. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after close of financial year. Ten days. (To be referred to a Select Committee.) No time stated. Old-age Pensions : Regulations under Act Old-age Pensions Aot, 1898, sec. 63.. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Aocounts of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks: Annual Report and Aocounts Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks: Regulations under Act Pensions proposed to be granted to Civil Servants Polioe Provident Fund : Actuary's Report .. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Aot, 1877, sec. 8 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Aot, 1889, seo. 128 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Aot, 1889, sees. 127 and 128 Pensions Act, 1884, sec. 5 .. No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. Polioe Provident Fund: Balance-sheet and Report Polioe Provident Fund Board, Report of, with Statement by Colonial Treasurer Port Robinson, Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Postal Notes, Regulations in relation to Polioe Provident Fund Aot, 1899, sec. 29 .. Polioe Provident Fund Aot, 1899, sec. 25 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from completion of audit. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. Polioe Provident Fund Aot, 1899, seo. 23 .. Cheviot Estate Disposition Aot Amendment Aot, 1897, seo. 6 Post Offioe (Postal Notes) Aot, 1885, seo. 6 .. Post and Telegraph Departmental List Post and Telegraph Classification and Regulation Aot, 1890, Seo. 4 of Regulations under Post-Offioe Savings-Banks Aot, 1867, boo. 13; and Post-Offioe Savings-Banks Act Amendment Act, 1869, sec. 6 Post-Offioe Savings-Banks Act, 1867, sec. 14.. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days of making. Ten days. Post-Offioe Savings-Banks Regulations Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days from date. Post-Offioe Savings-Banks Returns Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, not later than 31st March. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith i Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Thirty days, or as soon thereafter as practicable. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Provincial Distriots' Contributions to Revenue Public Account, Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Securities Act, 1895, Memoranda, Reports, and Orders in Counoil under Publio Securities Act, 1895, Regulations under Order of 2nd June, 1886 (Mr. Maoandrew) .. Publio Revenues Act, 1896, seo. 4 .. Public Securities Act, 1895, sec. 3 .. Public Securities Aot, 1895, seo. 9 .. Publio Securities Aot, 1895, Telegrams and Orders in Counoil under Publio Securities, Return of Public Securities Act, 1895, seo. 4 .. Publio Securities Act, 1895, see. 6 .. Publio Stores Aocounts Publio Stores Regulations .. Publio Stores Act, 1871, seo. 5 Public Revenues Act, 1896, seo. 8 ..



Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c. — continued.

* Government Railways Act, 1887, repealed, but duties of Commissioners transferred to Crown by subsection (2) of section 6 of Public Works and Government Railways Act Amendment Act of 1894.

H. Otterson, 27th June, 1900. Clerk, House of Bepresentatives.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil ; printing (1,200 copies), £4 ss,

By Authority : John Maokat, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oo.

Price 3d.]

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time within which they should be produced. Public Trust Office, Balance-sheet of Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894, sec. 36 Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894, sec. 55 Publio Works Act, 1894, seo. 4 No time stated. Publio Trust Offioe, Regulations of .. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from issue. No time stated. No time stated. Publio Works Act, 1894, Regulations under .. Public-works Estimates Publio Works : Statement of Works carried out and Expenditure thereon Public Works, Certificates of Auditor-General on above Railway Accounts, Monthly Railway By-laws Public Works Act, 1894, seo. 7 Public Works Act, 1894, sec. 8 Public Works Aot, 1894, seo. 8 No time stated. Railway Offioers, List of Railway Property Leases, Particulars of Public Works Act, 1894, sec. 207 .. Public Works Act, 1894, seo. 190 .. Government Railways Aot, 1894, sec. 9 Public Works Act, 1894, sec. 215 .. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from making. No time stated. Railways Construction and Land Act, 1881, Contracts under Railways, Private, Agreements with, for Interchange of Traffic Railways, Terms and Conditions of Leases of Railways, Working, Annual Report on Railways Construction and Land Act, 1881, sec. 13 Public Works Act, 1894, sec. 219 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty days of making. Thirty days before calling for tenders. One month. In month of May if Parliament be sitting. No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. Commencement of session. Public Works Act, 1894, sec. 211 .. Government Railways Act, 1887, seo. 61* Rangiora High Sohool, Report and Accounts of Representation Commission, Reports of Rangiora High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 Representation Act, 1887, sec. 5 .. Reserves, Change of Purpose of Public Reserves Act, 1881, sec. 7 .. Returns required by Aot or Resolution to be laid upon the Table Road Board Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of Securities held in the Colony or London on behalf of the Government Sinking Funds, Reports and Acoounts of the Commissioners of Order of 18th August, 1893 (Sir J. Hall) Road Boards Act, 1882, seo. 110 .. (Vide Publio Seouritiee). Ten days after first sitting after receipt. Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868, sec. 6, as amended by Public Revenues Act, 1882, sec. 15 Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Aot, 1877, sec. 8 Public Revenues Act, 1891, sec. 36 .. State Forests Act, 1888, sec. 2 Fourteen days. Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Accounts of Special Reports on Departments by Audit Offioe State Forests, Lands proposed to be withdrawn from Stook Aot, 1893, Regulations under No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. Stook Aot Amendment Act, 1898, Returns under Stook Aot, 1893, sec. 4 .. Stock Act Amendment Act, 1898, sec. 10 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after close of financial year. Fourteen days from next sitting. Surcharges disallowed by Ministers, Reports by Audit Office on Telegraph Regulations Publio Revenues Act, 1891, seo. 32 .. Timaru High School, Report and Accounts of Trade-unions, Annual Report of Registrar of .. Trade-unions Regulations Treasury Regulations Unauthorised Expenditure Unolaimed Lands vested in Public Trustee, Triennial List of Victoria College, Report and Accounts of Eleotrio Lines Act, 1884, seo. 16 .. Timaru High Sohool Act, 1878, sec. 8 Trade Union Act, 1878, sec. 16 Trade Union Act, 1878, sec. 31 Publio Revenues Act, 1891, sec. 5 .. Public Revenues Act, 1891, sec. 49, as modified by Public Revenues Act, 1896, sees. 4 and 7 Unclaimed Lands Act, 1894, sec. 26 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from publication. No time stated. One month. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days from approval. Ten days. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. On receipt from Council if Parliament sitting. No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. Ten days. Ten days from granting of relief if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Victoria College Act, 1897, sec. 44 .. Waimate High School, Report and Accounts of Waitaki High School, Report and Accounts of Wanganui High School, Report and Accounts of Westport-Ngakawau Coal-mining Lessees, Relief granted to, under Act Whangarei High School, Report and Accounts of Waimate High School Act, 1883, sec. 16 Waitaki High School Act, 1878, seo. 8 Wanganui High Sohool Act, 1878, sec. 7 Westport-Ngakawau Railway Extension Act Amendment Act, 1897, sec 4 Whangarei High School Act, 1878, seo. 8 ..

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RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-13

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RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-13

RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-13