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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the 28th Day ov June, 1898. Ordered, "That a Public Petitions M to Z Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions tnat may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prep-ire abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best s iked to convey to this Holism ail requisite information respecting their oontents, and to report the same from time to time to tuis House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House; also to have power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Field, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Holland, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Monk, Mr. Moore, Mr. Morrison, Mr. O'Meara, and the mover." —(Eon. Mr. T. Thompson.)


No. Petition. Page. No. Petition. Page. B. Bannerman, Rev. Wildarn (No. 1) Bannerman, Rev. William (No. 2) N. *352 *354 2 2 101 *313 Neil, James Ness, J., and Others 11 2 •306 D. 2 257 384 109 o. 9 11 5 Dryden, Henry O'Leary, Florence O'Leary, Jeremiah Olliver, William 376 F. 11 Final report H. Hoby, G., and Others 228 J 103 175 37 68 *209 *142 376 220 150 122 P. 8 5 5 8 7 9 4 11 8 6 5 178 6 Parry, Margaret Pascoe, J. J. H. Peach, J. C, and Others Percival, Alfred S. Peters, Catherine C. Pfafi, Catherine 0. Phillips, Coleman (see Appendix I.-2a) Power, Michael Price, T. E. .. Price, Eichard, and Others Parser, E., and Others .. 358 I. 10 leni Tapihana 9 128 117 123 23, 226 206 26 66 256 126 357 M. 4 5 5 7 10 7 3 3 8 6 10 Macbeth, P. .. MacMurray, Rev. G. .. Margoliouth, C, and Others Medley, Mary Catherine Meikle, J. J. .. Meikle, W., and Others Moore, T. Mountfort, Christina Mouat, Sir James Myers, John S..(No. 1) .. Myers, John S. (No. 2) .. 54 i 188 146 161 294 182 92 320 258 R. 4 6 6 8 9 10 4 9 8 Riddle, William .. Reidy, Thomas Revel, P. H. .. Roach, P. G., and Others Robinson, Thomas Holland, J. L. .. Ropotini, Timoti Rountree, John Rutherford, James, and Others .. 219 •284 1 63 55 187 170 183 331 302 58 338 •273 Me. 7 2 5 10 3 7 6 9 9 10 5 10 4 McAuiiffe, James MoClusky, A. J. McConnell, T. .. McGuinness, James Mclnnis, D. H. McKeever, William McKeown, A. .. McLaughlin, Hugh McLeod, Norman, and Others .. McNamara, Ann McNamara, Mary C. .. McSkimming, Peter, and Son McWilliams, Samuel 282 61 11 40 255 173 *315 j 203 s. Scott, John Scott, G. S., and Others Scully, J. Scully, P. Scholium, John Shearman, W. J., and Others Shirley, T. E. .. Simpkin, R. A., and Others 9 3 3 8 7 6 6 8 * 1897. J[ J •L



INDEX— continued.


No. 306 (1897).— Petition of Henry Dryden, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to the Public Petitions M to Z Committee's report, dated the 9th October, 1895, on the petition of John James Meikle. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition has already been dealt with, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th July, 1898.

No. 352 (1897). —Petition of Eev. William Bannerman, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays that the Bill now before Parliament which proposes to sanction marriage with a deceased husband's brother may be rejected. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition will be dealt with by the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th July, 1898.

No. 354 (1897). —Petition of Eev. William Bannerman, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays that the clauses in the Divorce Bill now before Parliament sanctioning dissolution of marriage for other causes than unfaithfulness and desertion may be rejected. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition will be dealt with by the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th July, 1898.

No. 284 (1897).—Petition of Adam John MoClusky, of Auckland. Petitioner, who has been employed in the Police and Prisons Departments, and who has been discharged therefrom, prays that a Committee be appointed to inquire into the charges brought against him, and that he may be granted compensation, &c. I am directed to report that, as the petition refers to grievances which have been considered and reported upon by the Public Petitions M to Z Committee in the years 1877, 1891, 1893, 1894, and 1895, the Committee has no further recommendation to make. 6th July, 1898.

No. 285 (1897).—Petition of Eichard Witty, of Dunedin. Petitioner states that he was permanently injured by a railway accident at the Kensington Railway-station. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Eailways Committee for consideration. Bth July, 1898.

No. 313 (1897).— Petition of Jambs Ness and 3 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray for relief on account of injuries received from a railway accident at the Auckland Eail way-station. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Eailways Committee for consideration. Bth July, 1898.

No. 17. —Petition of John Stirling and 59 Others, of Preservation Inlet. Petitioners pray that they may be granted an annual subsidy of £100 to enable them to secure the services of a doctor for the residents of Preservation Inlet. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. Bth July, 1898.

No. Petition. Page. No. Petition. Page. 104 311 ; 278 383 169 133 262 46 17 82 Small, George J. Smith, Maria Smith, Maria Smith, A. Smith, Margaret Sommerville, J. R., and Others .. Southerly S. .. Stapp, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Stilling, J., and Others Sweeney, Catherine 6 10 4 10 6 7 9 3 2 5 w. 7 3 3 4 4 4 8 6 2 7 9 10 120 72 15 31 56 •357 225 140 *285 194 168 149 Walker, John Warner, H. N. Welch, J. G. .. Wheatley, James, and Others Wilcock, J., and Others Williamson, John Wilks, John Willis, Eev. W. N. de L., and Others Witty, R. Woolfield, T. R. (No. 1).. Woolfield, T. R. (No. 2).. Woods, W. T., and Others T. 358 105 272 102 295 Tapihana, Ieni Tanner, T., and Others Thomas, 0., and Others Thompson, T., and Others Thomson, George 5 8 5 9 238 212 Y. Yearbury, George, and Others Young, j. C. .. 8 9 * 1897.



No. 11.—Petition of James Scully, of Ponsonby, Auckland. Petitionee prays that he may be granted further compensation for loss of office as sergeantmajor, in the Defence Department. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason for departing from the decision arrived at, and reported to the House on the 16th July, 1896, as follows : " That the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner is entitled to and should receive the same retiring-allowance as was paid to Sergeants-Major White and Haslem—viz., one month's salary for each year of service." 12th July, 1898.

No. 40.—Petition of Pateick Scully, of Wellington. Petitionee states that while suffering from an attack of influenza he took a bottle of gin from an hotel at Clyde, Otago, of which action he has no recollection whatever, and that consequently he was dismissed from the Police Force. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th July, 1898.

No. 26.—Petition of Thomas Mooee, of Pukekohe. Petitionee prays for relief on account of the Pukekohe West Eoad Board allowing drainage-water to overflow on to his land at Pukekohe. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner does not show that he has exhausted his legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th July, 1898.

No. 15.—Petition of James Geoege Welch, of Stratford. Petitionee states that he has suffered great wrongs at the hands of the police and certain other persons in connection with the marriage of his stepdaughter to a Maori named Eakatau, &a. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th July, 1898. '

No. 55.—Petition of D. H. Mclnnes and 3 Others, of the Waipu North Eoad Board. Petitioners pray that they may be granted the sum of £300 to complete road-works undertaken with the assistance.of grants made by the Government on previous occasions. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 13th July, 1898.

No. 46.—-Petition of Lieut.-Colonel Chaeles Stapp, of New Plymouth. Petitionee states that after thirty-three years of distinguished military service he has been forced to.retire at an advanced age without sufficient provision for his support. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that this Committee, having carefully considered the petition of Lieut.Colonel Stapp, and taken the evidence of persons personally acquainted with the valuable and distinguished military services rendered by him during a critical period in the history of the colony, considers his case to be an exceptional one, and therefore recommends that he may be granted the sum of £750, in addition to any sum he may have already received from the colony; or that in lieu thereof he be granted an annual allowance of £50 for the remainder of his life. 15th July, 1898.

No. 61.—Petition of G. S. Scott and 42 Others, of Mahurangi Heads West. Petitionees pray that they may be granted a sum of £400 to construct a wharf at Mahurangi Heads West. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd July, 1898.

No. 66. —Petition of Chbistina Mountfoet, of Wanganui. Petitionee prays that she may be granted an increased compassionate allowance, on account of her late husband's services in the Post and Telegraph Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd July, 1898. .

No. 72. —Petition of Hoeatio Nelson Waenee, of Auckland. Petitionee states that lie was in the service of the Colonial Government of New Zealand from the year 1844 to the year 1854, and then in the Provincial Government of Auckland from 1855 to 1867, and again in the General Government from 1870 to 1875, making in all a service of nearly thirty years. He prays that he may be granted a pension, or some other relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, 22nd July, 1898.



No. 273 (1897).—Petition of Samuel Me Williams, of Auckland. Petitioner states that while in the service of the Prisons Department as warder he sustained an injury to one of his legs, which permanently incapacitated him from performing his duties, and consequently he was discharged from the service. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, under the special circumstances of the ease, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th July, 1898.

No. 31. —Petition of James Wheatley and 215 Others, of Westport. Petitioners pray that the protection of seals at the Steeples, Cape Eoulwind, may be removed for a period of three years, I am directed to report that the Committee does not approve of granting the prayer of the petition, and, further, expresses a hope that the department will continue to vigilantly protect the seals. 29 th July, 1898.

No. 357 (1897). —Petition of John Williamson, of Grey mouth. Petitioner states that while serving in the Waikato Militia, in the year 1865, the whare in which he lived was burnt by the Maoris, together with the whole of his furniture, &c. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th July, 1898.

No. 56.—Petition of John Wilcock and 59 Others, of the West Coast, North Island. Petitioners pray that certain amendments may be made in " The Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1896." I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Government. 29th July, 1898.

No. 54.—Petition of W. Riddle, of Taueru. Petitioner alleges that in the year 1888 he was wrongfully convicted for having in his possession the worm and head of a still, and was fined £75. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no grounds for claiming a remission of the fine. 29th July, 1898.

No. 92.—Petition of Timoti Ropotini and 46 Others, of Wairewa. Petitioners pray that they may be exempted from paying rates to the Akaroa County Council. I am directed to report that, from the evidence placed before the Committee, it does not appear that the petitioners have been exceptionally treated in the matter of local taxation, therefore the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th July, 1898. _j

No. 9. —Petition of Francis Macbeth, of Hokianga. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has already been granted 51 acres of land for hia services, in the opinion of the Committee he has no further claim upon the colony. 29th July, 1898.

No. 278 (1897).—Petition of Mabia Smith, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for an investigation into certain alleged grievances against the Police Department. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner appeared before the Police Commission and had her alleged grievances inquired into, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th July, 1898.

No. 142 (1897).—Petition of Coleman Phillips, of Featherston. Petitionbe states that at the last general election he was a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives as member for the electorate of Wairarapa; that through the action of the Returning Officer (Mr. Adam Armstrong) in fixing the 25th November, 1896, instead of the 27th November, as the latest day for receiving nominations, his own nomination, presented on the 26th November, was returned as being too late ; that the action of the Returning Officer was not in accordance with "The Electoral Act Amendment Act, 1896" ; and that he has suffered great personal inconvenience and loss thereby. He prays that for the future greater care may be exercised in selecting Returning Officers, and for other relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the evidence goes to show that during the last general election the conduct of Mr. Adam Armstrong, Returning Officer for the electorate of Wairarapa was irregular and improper; that the Committee thinks it is expedient that in



the future the Government should make careful inquiries before appointing Returning Officers ; that the Committee recommends the Government to amend " The Electoral Act Amendment Act, 189G," clause 15, with the view of definitely fixing the day and hour in which nominations for candidates for the House of Representatives shall close. 2nd August, 1898. [For Minutes of Evidence and Appendix, do., vide Appendix 1.-2 a.]

No. 128. —Petition of Rev. G. MacMureay and 2 Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that any Bill having for its object the granting of any additional facilities for divorce may not be passed into law. I am directed to report that, as there is a measure now before the House dealing with the subject-matter of the petition, the Committee declines to make any recommendation. 3rd August, 1898.'

No. 109.—Petition of William Olliver, of Lyttelton. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of his late services in the Railways Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Railways Committee. 3rd August, 1898.

Nos. 102, 105, and 117.—Petitions of T. Thompson and 58 Others, T. Tanner and 36 Others, and C. Maegoliouth and 21 Others. Petitioners pray that the Cycle Traffic Bill now before Parliament may not be passed. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioners have made out a case worthy of the consideration of the House when dealing with the Cycle Traffic Bill. 3rd August, 1898.

No. I.—Petition of Thomas McConnell, of Waimate. Petitioner prays that he may be granted compensation or a small pension for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, the petitioner having received the usual land-grant made to old soldiers, the Committee considers he has no further claim on the colony; but, as the petitioner may be entitled to participate in an Imperial fund of a compassionate nature from which grants are made to old soldiers, the Committee recommends that the Defence Department should forward the petitioner's case to the proper authorities for consideration. sth August, 1898. '

No. 82.—Petition of Catherine Sweeney, of Greymouth. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband, who was killed on the co-operative works at Mangaonoho. I am directed to report that, on account of the exceptional circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends a compassionate allowance, not exceeding £50, be granted to the petitioner. sth August, 1898.

No. 103. —Petition of J. J. H. Pascoe, of Catlin's River. Petitioner states that while in the execution of his duty as constable, in arresting a lunatic, he was shot at and wounded in the hip; that on account of the said wound his health has never been good since; and that he was dismissed from the Police Force. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. sth August, 1898.

No. 58.—Petition of Maby Caroline McNamara, of Tinakori Road, Wellington. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of the death of her late husband, who was for many years employed in the Government Printing Office. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th August, 1898.

No. 122.—Petition of B. Purser and 2,599 Others, of Blenheim. Petitioners pray that the construction of the Blenheim-Hurunui Eailway may be proceeded with. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Railways Committee. 12th August, 1898.

No. 175.—Petition of J. C. Peach and 399 Others, of Inglewood. Petitioners pray for the erection of a joint post-office and Courthouse at Inglewood. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, 18th August, 1898.



No. 150.—Petition of Eichabd Peice and 402 Others, of New Plymouth. Petitionees pray for the construction of a central prison at Moturoa, New Plymouth. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th August, 1898.

No. 173. —Petition of W. J. Sheaeman and 247 Others, of Ashburton and Christchurch. Petitionees pray that the Cycle Traffic Bill be not allowed to pass. I am directed to report that, as the Bill is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1898.

No. 140.—Petition of W. N. de L. Willis and 35 Others, of Waikato and Waipa. Petitionees pray that no change be made in the marriage-laws of the colony in the direction of facilitating divorce. I am directed to report that, as the petition deals with the subject-matter of a measure now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1898.

No. 170.'—Petition of A. McKeown, of Pihama, Taranaki. Petitionee prays for relief on account of certain law-costs incurred in an action against the Public Trustee. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee for consideration. 18th August, 1898.

No. 104. —Petition of Geoege Johnson Small, of Wanganui. Petitionee states that he is entitled to the New Zealand Cross for an act of bravery performed at an attack on the Taurangaika Pa in the year 1868. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1898.

No. 178. —Petition of G. Hoby and 162 Others, of Taranaki. Petitionebs pray that a central prison may be erected at Moturoa. lam directed to report that, as the matter is a question of administration, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th August, 1898.

No. 315 (1897). —Petition of Thomas Edwaed Shieley, of Napier. Petitionee prays that his service in the Armed Constabulary Force may be added to the length of his service in the Postal Department. • I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim for such service to count. 30th August, 1898.

No. 126. —Petition of John Scott Myees (No. 1),.0f Canterbury. Petitionee prays for an inquiry into an alleged miscarriage of justice in connection with the case of Tomlinson v. Myers, for false and malicious prosecution, &o. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not placed any fresh evidence before it, the Committee sees no reason for altering its decision of 1897, viz.: "That the Committee has no recommendation to maka." 30th August, 1898.

No. 169. —Petition of Maegabet Smith. Petitionee prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband, who was employed as light-keeper at the Cape Bgmont Lighthouse. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1898.

No. 188.—Petition of Thomas Eeidy, of Napier. Petitionee prays that he may be refunded a fine of £10, inflicted on him for refusing to answer certain questions put to him by the Chairman of the Police Commission. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the circumstances of this case are such that they cannot make any recommendation. 30th August, 1898.

No. 146.—Petition of Fbedebick Heney Ebvell, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays that his claim for military services rendered to the colony may be reconsidered. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioneriappointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August,, 1898.



No. 187.—Petition of William McKeevee, of New South Wales. Petitioner prays that he may be allowed to take his claim for military services rendered to the colony before a Judge and jury. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1898. _

No. 194.—Petition of Thomas Eobinson Woolfield (No. 1), of Papatoetoe. Petitioner prays that, he may be granted some reward for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1898.

No. 120.—Petition of John Walker, of Picton. Petitioner prays that he may be granted some recompense for his military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguish' ment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommend.ation to make. 30th August, 1898.

No. 133.—Petition of J. E. Sommerville and Others, of Matarawa. Petitioners pray that inquiries may be made into the case of C. A. V. H. de C. yon Blaramberg. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Public Petitions A to L Committee. . 30th August, 1898.

No. 68.—Petition of Catherine Cashman Peters, of Wellington. Petitioner states that her land, situated in the Town .of Palmerston North, has been considerably depreciated in value by the closing of a road running through the Show Ground. She prays that the road may be opened by the Government, or that she be paid compensation. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 30th August, 1898.

No. 123.—Petition of Mary Catherine Medley, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that a grant of land or of money may be awarded her on account of the services of her late husband (Captain Spencer Medley), who acted as an officer of the Naval Brigade in the Taranaki war, as Private Secretary to Sir George Grey, and as Assistant Naval Officer in the Defence Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 30th August, 1898.

No. 255.—Petition of John Schollum and 61 Others, of Puhoi. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a sum of £150 to repair the two main bridges on the Puhoi-Makarau Eoad. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September, 1898.

No. 206.—Petition of William Mbikle and 45 Others, of Swanson. Petitioners pray that they may be granted the sum of £250 for road repairs in the Swanson and neighbouring district. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September, 1898.

No. 219.—James McAuliffe, of Caversham. Petitioner states that, in July last, while assisting the police in trying to arrest a man who was suspiciously moving about the premises of Messrs. Todd Brothers, Caversham, he was shot in the thigh, and that ever since he has been incapacitated from performing any work, &c. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, after having carefully considered the circumstances of the case, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th September, 1898.



No. 203.—Petition of E. A. Simpkin and 79 Others, of Tokatoka. Petitioners pray that a sum of £250 may be granted to improve the main road from Matakohe to the Wairoa Eiver. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September, 1898.

No. 238.—Petition of George Yeaebuey and 29 Others, of Hukerenui.

Petitioners pray that they may be granted a sum of £300, to connect the Eamarama Eoad with the Jordan Eoad, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September 1898.

No. 220.—Petition of T. E. Price, of Tauranga. Petitionee prays that "The School Committees Election Act, 1891," may be amended. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th September, 1898. ■

No. 225.—Petition of John Wilks, of Wade, Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a reconsideration of his claims for military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claims have been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th September, 1898.

No. 37.—Petition of Alfred Spencer Peecival, of Oamaru. Petitioner prays that he may be reinstated in the Telegraph Service, or that he may be paid the usual compensation. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 15th September, 1898.

No. 161.—Petition of F. G. Eoach and 16 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners state that they are agents, resident within the colony, representing firms in Great Britain, and are liable for the payment of income-tax; that non-resident agents can visit New Zealand and dispose of goods for their principals without such payment, and that they are thereby placed at a disadvantage. They pray that section 19 of " The Land and Income Assessment Act Amendment Act, 1892," may be repealed. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the prayer of the petitioners merits the serious consideration of the Government. 20th September, 1898.

No. 228.—Petition of Margabet Paery, of Thames. Petitioner states that her late husband was granted 60 acres of land for military services rendered, but that he never received a Crown grant for the same, and that subsequently the land was given as an endowment to the Taranaki County. She prays that her claim to the said land may be made valid, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd September, 1898.

No. 256.—Petition of Sir James Mouat, V.C., of London. Petitioner prays that he may be given a further opportunity of substantiating his claim for recognition of services rendered to the colony in organizing the medical staff during the Maori war, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd September, 1898.

No. 272.—Petition of Charles Thomas and 18 Others, of Kaiatea. Petitioners pray that a sum of money may be placed on the estimates for the construction of a bridge over the Ngunguru Eiver. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd September, 1898.

No. 258. — Petition of James Eutheefoed and Another, of the Inch Clutha Eiver and Eoad Board. Petitioners pray that a sum of £300 may be granted for the construction of river-protection works at Inch Clutha. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd September, 1898.



No. 257.—Petition of Florence O'Leary, of Wellington. Petitioneb prays that he may be reinstated in the Police Department, or that he be paid the usual compensation, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd September, 1898.

No. 295.—Petition of George Thomson, of Okarito. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of injuries received while in discharge of his duties as Harbourmaster at Okarito. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 27th September, 1898.

No. 168. —Petition of Thomas Eobinson Woolfield (No. 2), of Papatoetoe. Petitioner prays for the remission of a fine of £2, and costs £1 Bs., inflicted for trespassing on the railway-line at Papatoetoe. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th September, 1898.

No. 212.—Petition of Jambs Crichton Young, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that, in addition to the compensation allowed him on retiring from the Government Life Insurance Department, he may be granted four months' pay, amounting to £80. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th September, 1898.

No. 262. —Petition of Samuel Southebby, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted an inquiry into his alleged grievances against the Public Trust Office. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petition should be referred to the Waste Lands Committee. 28th September, 1898.

No. 320. —Petition of John Eountbee, of Auckland. Petitioner states that he is a partner of Thomas Bell, of Sunday Island; that in the year 1888 140 settlers arrived on the said island; that to save the said settlers from starvation the said Thomas Bell had to share the produce of his land with them ; and that, in addition, the settlers killed and consumed the greater part of his flock of sheep. Petitioner prays that Thomas Bell may be compensated for the loss he has sustained thereby. I am directed to report the Committee recommends that a sum of money be placed on the supplementary estimates to compensate Mr. Bell for the loss he has sustained through supplying the settlers with food when they were in a destitute condition, and when food could not otherwise be procured. 7th October, 1898.

No. 294.—Petition of Thomas Eobinson, of Dairy Flat. Petitioner prays for relief on account of military services rendered to the colony. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th October, 1898.

Nos. 282 and 183. —Petitions of John Scott, of Sydenham, and Hugh McLaughlin, of Little Grey Junction. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Eailways Committee. 7th October, 1898.

No. 209 (1897). —Petition of Mrs. Catherine Cardiff Pfaff, of Kumara. Petitioner states that in November, 1890, her son, Charles Joseph Pfaff, while an inmate of the Kumara Hospital, was unskilfully treated by the then medical officer of the said hospital. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th October, 1898.

No. 331. —Petition of Nobman MoLeod and 9 Others, of Northern Wairoa. Petitioners pray that they may be granted a totalisator license for the 26th and 27th December next. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition, but refer it to the Government for consideration. 21st October, 1898. 2—l. 2.



No. 302.—Petition of Ann McNamaea, of Wellington. Petitioned states that she is the widow of the late John McNamara, who served as a messenger to> the House of Representatives for twenty-four years, &c. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st October, 1898.

No. 63.—Petition of James McGuinness, of Greytown. Petitionee prays that he may be granted 40 acres of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st October, 1898.

No. 149. —Petition of W. T. Woods and 8 Others, of the Mangere Road District. Petitionees pray that the Mangere Road Board may be compelled to remove all gates, fences, and other erections on the public roads in the Mangere Road District unless such erection is absolutely necessary for protection from any dangerous place. I am directed to report that, as the petitioners do not appear to have exhausted their legal remedy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st October, 1898.

No. 383. —Petition of Aethue Smith, of Wellington. Petitionee states that in the month of October, 1897, he was employed on the Government, steamer " Tutanekai" ; that while climbing over a pile of deck cargo a heavy sea struck the vessel, and he was violently thrown against some railway material and severely injured, &c. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the Government to find the petitioner some light employment, or to grant him such a small amount of compensation as will enable the; petitioner to establish himself in some business. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 338. —Petition of Petee McSkimming and Son, of Stirling. Petitionebs pray that they may be refunded the sum of £73 165., being duty paid on machinery imported for making drain- and sewage-pipes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 358. —Petition of leni Tapihana, of Maketu. Petitionee prays that he may be given the Cross for valour, in acknowledgment of his bravery and stout-heartedness in carrying despatches at the time of the war at Eotorua and Tauranga. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 357.—Petition of John Scott Myees (No. 2), of Canterbury. Petitionee prays that inquiry may be made into an alleged miscarriage of justice in connection, with the case of Tomlinson v. Myers for false and malicious prosecution, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 311. —Petition of Mabia Smith, of Wellington. Petitioneb prays that inquiry may be made into her complaint against the Police Department, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1898.

Nos. 23 and 226.—Petitions of John James Meikle, of Wyndharn. Petitionee prays that the report of the Public Petitions M to Z Committee, of October, 1895, may be given effect to, &c. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has signed a receipt for £500 in full satisfaction, release, and discharge of all claims and demands, or alleged claims and demands, which he now has or at any time heretofore has had against Her Majesty the Queen or the Government of New Zealand, upon or in respect of the prosecution and conviction of himself for sheep-stealing, or the prosecution and conviction at his instance of William Lambert for perjury, and for any expenses, costs, or charges incurred in or about the said prosecutions, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 182.—Petition of John Louis Eolland, of Eeefton. Petitionee prays for recognition of his services as military chaplain during the Maori war. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd November, 1898.



No. 101.—Petition of James Neil, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays that he may be paid the sum. of £7, being the value of 14 gallons of tricopherous destroyed by the Customs authorities on account of the non-payment of duty on the same. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 3rd November, 1898.

No. 384.—Petition of Jeeemiah O'Leary, of Woodville. Petitioner prays that he may be granted compensation on account of injuries received while employed upon the Government co-operative works on the Kawatau Valley Road. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason for departing from the decision arrived at during last session, viz.: "That, while regretting the circumstances of the ease, the Committee has no recommendation to make." 4th November, 1898.

No. 376.—Petition of Michael Powee, of Porirua. Petitioner prays that he may be granted compensation for loss of office as an attendant at the Porirua Asylum, or that an inquiry into his case may be held. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 4th November, 1898.

Final Eepoet. I have the honour to report that the above Committee has held forty-eight meetings during the past session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 97 Number of petitions dealt with by the Committee ... ... ... 92 Number of petitions unconsidered ... ... ... ... ... 5 Number of reports presented to the House ... Number of specific recommendations made therein Number referred to Government for favourable consideration ... Number referred to Government for consideration ... ... ... 19 Number " no recommendation," &c. ... ... ... ... 63 I am also directed by the Committee to further report: "That this Committee desires to place upon record its high appreciation of the courteous and able manner in which the Chairman (Mr. Meredith) has conducted the business of the Committee during the past session." 4th November, 1898.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given: printing (1,325 copies), £7 Bs.

Authority : John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington. —1898.

Price 6d.}

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Bibliographic details

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, I-02

Word Count

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. MEREDITH, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1898 Session I, I-02