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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated Ist July, 1892. Ordered, " That a return be laid before this House showing—(l) The number of coal-mining leases granted in the colony ; (2) the acreage granted under such leases ; (3) the royalty payable annually and the royalty paid annually , (4) the rent payable under such leases ; (5) the rent paid annually ; (6) the number of men which ought to be employed (7) the average number actually employed during the last twelve months (8) the total number of tons which should be brought to grass per annum; (9) the number of tons actually won (10) the number of mines in active operation ; (11) the number of mines not in operation."—(Mr. McLean.)

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Return of Coal Leases in New Zealand on 30th June, 1892.


T&essee. Section. Block. District. Area. Term, Years. Annual Dead-rent. I Annual Output required by Lease. Royalty. Actual Output. 4 a> >> H > 111 Amount of Royalty paid annually. Sh O PI Bemarks. Auckland. A. K. l>. 3,022 0 0 No defiuitej Nil term Tons. I Tons. About 30,000 £ 7,505 £ Bay of Islands Coal Co. Ruapekapeka Nil 4d. per ton 70 No lease issued; arrangement made "with Superintendent of Auckland in 1868. Royalty payable by instalments of 25 % on amount of dividends declared. Lease not issued draft lease to Wellington for approval. Taupiri Reserve Colliery Co. Portion Lake Kinihia, Taupiri 640 0 0 21 ! £32, not payable when royalty of 4d. a ton exceeds that amount Nil 4d. per ton on all coal sold About 17,221 44 Westport Coal Co. (Ltd.) Nelson. Kawatiri Bit Her Coal Reserve. Ditto 1,2 3,4 1 1 1 1 X. VI. XIV VI. VII. X. Ngakawau 2,479 1 88 2 951 2 7 99 from 1/1/88 ; £620 99 , 1/1/82! £738 75,000 I 6d. per ton 4th yr.., iO.OOO ■ 5th yr., 25,000; 6th yr.. 30,000 7th yr., 35,000 8th yr., 40,000 | 9th yr., 45,000;] remainder,! 50,000 3rd yr., 20,000; 4th & 5th yrs., 25,000 6 th & 7th yrs., 30,000;! 8th & 9th yrs., 50,000; remainder, 100,000 3rd yr., 2,000 4th to 7th yr., 4,000, remainder, 5,000 3rd yr., 10,000 4th to 7th yr., 15,000, next 35 yrs., 20,000; remainder, 50,000 1888, 130,170 1889, 163,015 1890, 160,240 1891, 192,606 Nil 458 10 £ s. d. 1888, 2,635 9 6 Nil 1889, 3,479 17 6 1890, 3,386 0 3 1891, 4,195 8" 3 Nil Nil] Government agrees to allow these two leases to be amalgamated as to output, on the understanding that the total output required by the two leases should be increased 20 per cent. I Westport Wallsend Coal Co. 1 6 2 II. I. VII. 3 118 0 0 63 „ 1/1/89 1st & 2ndyrs., £155, J 3rd yi\, £310, 4th to 21st yr., £775 remainder, £1,550 63 1/1/89 1890, 1,873 I Rent unpaid for years 1S91 and 1892, but company claim remission of rent, as their new lease granted by 1 -and Board in September, 1890, has not yet been issued. Hokihinui Coal Co. (Ltd.) 5 XV Moldhinui 160 0 0 42 „ 1/7/85 1st & 2nd yrs., £4 3rd & 4th yrs., £16; remainder, £40 42 1/7/85 Nil • 22 I Nil 40 Ditto 1 XVI. 640 0 0 63 1/7/88 63 „ 1/7/88 1st to 3rd yr., £32 4th to 7th yr., £64 remainder, £160 64


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Grey Coal Reserve.

Grey Valley Coal Co. (Brunner Lease) 2a Sq. 119 Grey 1 280 0 0 [ 63 from 1/1/87 63 „ 1/1/89 63 from 1/1/87 |8yrs., £480 28 yra., First 8 yrs., First 8 yrs., | £750; 27yrs.,£1,000 45,000, next 28 Od.perton; j yrs., 75,000; re- 55 yrs., Is. mainder of per ton term, 100,000 S yrs., £250 28 yrs., Ditto 21 yrs. at 6d. I £500; 27yrs.,£1,000 perton;re-j I mainder Is. I First 8 yrs., 6d.per ton; 55 yrs., Is. per ton ;188 If If If 1188 1887, 78,607 1S88, 83,058 1889,18,986 1890,47,622 1891, 76,969 1889, 59,199 1890,44,535 1891,69,592 125 1887, 1,047 12 3 1888, 888 10 6 1889, 1890, 706 12 3 1891, 1,444 4 6 1889, 1,234 16 0 1890, 859 1 6 1891, 1,480 12 0 We s t p o r t Coal Co. (Coal-pit Heath Mine) Oobden 777 0 0 63 „ 1/1/89 Royalty for 1889, £478, does not equal rent. 231 21 yrs. at 6d. j per ton; remainder Is. I 130 Nil Nil Smith, W S. 25 Sq. 124 1 28(5 0 0 66 „ 1/1/89! I 66 „ 1/1/89 66 „ 1/1/89 2 yrs., £64, 3rd yr., 3rd & 4tb yrs., 21 yrs. at ! £128'; 4th to 21st 12,000; 5thyr., 6d. resiyr., £320, residue 15,000 6thyr., due, Is.per of term, £640 18,000- 7thyr., ton 21,000; 8th yr., 24,000; 9th yr., 27,000 10th to 21st yr., 30,000; residue, 100,000 Ditto Ditto Ditto 21 yrs. at 6d. residue, Is. per ton Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 320 Output clauses of lease extended to 30th September, 1891. Smith & Hamilton Ditto . 2G 1,280 0 0 66 „ 1/1/89 Ditto. 128 McDougall, A., & others, Coal Creek Co. 4 11 I. Sq. 3 223 2 0 4,000 0 0 65 . 1/1/90 j 66 from 1/7/88 65 „ 1/1/90 65 „ 1/1/90 66 from 1/7/88 65 „ 1/1/90 1st year, £11 4s. 2nd 2nd yr., 3,000; yr., £22 8s.; 3rd to 3rd & 4th yrs., 5th yr., £56 resi- 6,000; remaindue, £112 der, 12,000 2 yrs., £200, 5 yrs., 3rd & 4th yrs., 21 yrs. at I £500 residue, 25,000, next 6 6d. per J £2,000 yrs., 50 000, ton resinext 11 yrs., due Is. 75 000 resi- per ton due, 150,000 1st yr., £34 5s., 2nd 2nd yr., 5,000; 20 yrs. at yr., £68 10s.; 3rd to 3rd & 4th yrs., 6 d per 20th yr., £171 5s. 10,000, re- ton resiremainder, £342 10s. mainder, 20,000 due, Is. ' per ton 500 56 Output clauses of lease extended to 31st December, 1891. Ditto I. 685 0 0 171J Ditto. Westport Coal Co. County of Grey (outside Coal Reserve). Black Ball Coal Co. 8 1 V II, Cobden Mawheranui 240 3 3 640 0 0 21 from 1/1/87 21 , 1/1/86 21 „ 1/1/86 21 „ 1/1/86 2 yrs., £12; 3 yrs., 3rd yr., 2,000 6d. per ton £24; remainder of next 4 yrs., term, £60 5,000 ; remainder, 10,000 First 2yrs.,£16; next 3rd yr., 5,000 3yrs.,£64 remain- next 4 vrs., der of term, £160 10 0 0 0 "remainder of term, 20,000 Ditto Ditto Nil Nil Nil 160 Ditto 640 0 0 634 2 13 14 The output clauses of these leases were suspended to 31st December, 1891. 2 3 II. II. 160 160 .

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Return of Coal Leases in New Zealand on 30th June, 1892— continued.

Lessee. Section. Block. District. Area. Term, Years. Annual Dead-rent. Annual Output required by Lease. Royalty. Actual Output. o o o III Amount of Koyalty paid annually. u o IS Remarks. Ni elson — continued. County of Bi utter (outside Coa Tons. No specific output required in leases of small area Ditto ■I Reserve). Moore & Walker Weitzell& Powell I 75 2 VI. Watakere a. e. v. 2 0 0 21 from 1/1/84 £2 4 0 31 1 21 „ 1/9/71 £4 5s. Tons. 6d. per ton No return I Nil I £ £ s. Nil Sq. 137 Trennery, John 6 XV Reefton Cox, mty of Inangahuc No output stipulated Ditto I. Nil 4 17 4 3 19 21 from 1/1/78 £4 17s. One-fiftieth No return Nil Hamilton, Francis Ditto Venus Gold-min-ing Co. Asliton and Lamberton Keenan, Patrick Duggan, Hugh. Fox, John, and others Ditto P hce n ix ExWed Go. Butler, John Wise, George Perotti, G. Happy Valley Gold mining Co. 2 8 3 39 37 64 31 7 9 27 58 16 66 XV 10 0 0 21 „ 1/7/80 £10 6d. per ton „ 10 0 These small areas were granted to supply coal to gold-mining claims only, and are not continuously worked, but only to meet demand. Royalty clauses have not been enforced. XV XV 3 1 20 21 „ 1/7/82 £4 10 0 0 21 „ 1/7/80 £10 4 0 10 0 XIV 14 0 10 21 , 1/7/82 £15 2 Nil XI. XI. XIV 10 0 0 21 „ 1/7/82 £10 5 2 32 21 „ 1/1/83 £6 9 3 36 21 „ 1/7/82 £10 A I- . Nil 10 0 Nil r - I XV XV. 4 3 0 21 „ 1/7/82 £5 4 3 10 21 „ 1/7/82 £5 " 1 1 ■Small areas granted to supply gold mining claims only. XV II. II. VI. Waitahn 10 0 0 21 „ 1/7/84 £10 9 3 18 21 „ 1/1/84 £10 10 0 0 21 „ 1/1/85 £10 9 2 8 21 „ 1/1/88 £10 1 Nil 10 0 Nil X. Pakawau Cow, nty of Collingwooi First 2 yrs.,1,000; remainder, 4,000 d. 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, £ s. a. 63 8 0 56 16 0 38 13 0 37 9 0 Richmond, J C, and others 1 1,097 0 0 21 from 1/1/86 Pirst2yrs.,£28; next 3yrs.,£56, residue of term, £112 6d. per ton 11886, 4,1( 1886, 4,168 1887, 3,783 1888, 4,181 1889, 3,574 1890, 4,092 .68 19 19 Nil loyalty for 1890, £9912s., does not exceed rent, loyalty for 1891, £68 18s., does not exceed rent. Kerr and Adams 1 640 0 0 21 „ 1/1/86 First 2 yrs., £16; next 3yrs., £32, residue of term, £64 3rd yr., 1,000; each subsequent year, 4,000 1891, 2,918 1891, XIII. 640 0 0 21 1/1/86 Nil Nil Nil 64 0 «


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lurley, J H. XIII. VI. Waitapu 450 0 0 30 „ 1/1/88 9 2 6 3,, 1/1/90 First 3yrs.,£2210s.; next 4 yrs., £45 residue of term, £112 10s. 3rd yr., 1,500; next 4 yrs., j 4,000 remainder of term, 7,000 1,000 tons Westland. 1 £10 10 0 'aylor, Joseph 734 X., XI. i Arnold 640 0 0 21 from 1/1/89 First 3yrs., £20 next 4 yrs., £100, remainder of term, £250. (Dead - rent merges into royalty) None for first 2 yrs., 4,000 for next 5 yrs. , j 8,000 for next 6 yrs. ; 10,000 for remainder 1st yr., 2,000 2nd yr., 5,000 3rd and subsequent yrs., 15,000 6d. per ton About 100 10 , 6d. per ton About 100 10 Surrender of this lease was accepted in March, 1892, and lease cancelled by His ! Excellency the Governor I 26th April, 1892. i trey Valley Coal Co. 853 3 31 21 „ 1/8/73 Merges into haulagefees, as carried by Government railway From date of amalgamation (7/8/88) to 19/7/90, 110,6441$ 733 X. 853 3 31 £20 Merges into From dati haulage- amalgan fees, as tion (7/8, carried by to 19/7, Govern- 110,644 J ment railway ;e of 1 ma!/88) '/90, 150 150 10 100 DO Nil Nil Nil Nil This mine has been closed since July, 1890. The conditions had been more than fulfilled prior to July, 1890, but since that date the output conditions have not been fulfilled. Nil Nil Cantebbuby. 4,200 Leemmg,W.&R., and Brown, H. I iVI., VII. 71., VII. :.| Hororata Hororata 301 3 0 30 fm. 16/11/82 £37 15s. Nil ; 6d. per ton 4,200 6d. per ton 1 9 Nil Nil 6 „ 6 Nil Nil Nil ! This lease was issued in purj suance of " The Mines Act, 1877 " There is no provision therein requiring a certain i output of coal, or the employment of any number of men. \ These leases provide that the lessees will, after the expiry of 12 months, keep continuously /, /, employed in the working of the mines not less than 6 men for the whole term of 21 years, and V that the output of marketable coal during the 2nd and 3rd „ „ ; years be not less than 2,000 tons, during the 4th year 3,000 tons, and during the 5th and subsequent years not less than 4,000 / tons. Terms of lease will not be arranged until lessees obtain means of bringing down the coal. Interim rent, Is. per acre per annum, paid to 30th September, 1892. Ditto. Nil Nil Goss, James VI., X. ' v VI., X. 200 0 0 21 „ 31/8/91 £25 2nd & 3rd yrs., 2,000 4th yr., 3,000 5th yr., 4,000 Ditto Nil Duncan, Fredk., & Stott, David VI., X. VII. VI., X. VII. Alford 200 0 0 75 1 32 21 „ 5/9/91 21 „ 1/9/91 £25 £9 8s. 6d. G 6 Cloudesley, Wm, McDonald, A., and Williamson, Henry XIV., XV XIV., XV Grasmere 640 0 0 Ditto XIV., XV 360 0 0 Otago. ■es Act, 1877 " 6d. per ton ",. 210 1,600 2 2 1 3 £5 5s. Nil 2 15 1 Not working. See Christian 1 10 J Archer. See also Sees. 140 and 141 same block. Nil 12 0 See also Sees. 2, 3, 9, 12, and 16, Block I., Bannockburn. Archer, Mary Holt, James Pryde, John 10 130-133 10 V V. II. I. Kyebum Leaning Book Bannockburn Leases granted under " The Min 10 3 1 1 30 from 5/5/80 £2 15s. : Not stated 5 3 7 21 „ 5/5/80 £1 10s. .. 19 2 28 30 „ 18/8/80 £2 10s. 15 0 5 21 „ 2/11/81 £4

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Return of Coal Leases in New Zealand on 30th June, 1892— continued.

Lessee. Section. Block. District. Area. Term, Years. Annual Dead-rent. Annual Output required by Lease. Royalty. Actual Output. < hi pi Amount of Royalty paid annually. Is o 1 ■Sj Remarks. Itago — continued. Leases granted under £ s. d. I 6 5 0 " The Mines Act, , 1877"— cont .tinued. Marie, Collins Toussant Harrington, Peter Jones, Mary Price, George .. Dungay, Cath. Holt, James Cowan, James O'Brien, Patrick Lang Tong McDougall and Sons Pryde, John 134-136 II. Leaning Bock A. B. P. 24 0 13 30frm.23/ll/81 I Tons. Not stated 6d. per ton I Tons. 7 1 £ s. 3 2,10, 45 6 53 140, 141 1 3 1 1 I. VIII. I. II. IV Blackstone St. Bathan's Blackstone St. Bathan's Leaning Rock Kawarau Nevis Kyeburn Crown 200 0 0 200 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 15 1 26 12 0 0 20 0 0 6 0 0 20 0 0 30 „ 1/10/82 21 „ 7/3/83 15 „ 10/10/83 21 „ 24/9/84 21 „ 4/3/85 10 „ 15/2/85 21 „ 23/6/85 10 „ 10/3/86 21 „ 6/10/86 20 0 0 25 0 0 2 10 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 1 10 0 5 0 0 1 10 0 5 0 0 " No returns 1,033 No returns 965 191 1,000 No returns 3 ■2 1 2 2 10 5 0 Beported as abandoned. Ceased working. XII. I. l 3 25 0 1 10 900 See Sec. 10, Block I., Bannockburn . Granted under " Otago Waste Lands Act, 1872." 12 I. Bannockburn 8 1 29 30 „ 7/11/86 2 5 0 I 2,036 4 10 Clark, Henry Murray, Bobt., Falconer, C. Cowan, James Hutokeson,W.H. 23, 24, 28, 29 ! 4 57, 58, & adjoining sections I., VI. III. Akatere Kawarau Moeraki 392 3 17 80 0 0 1,464 0 0 21 „ 1/11/72 21 „ 7/2/75 50 „ 5/2/85 30 0 0 :! 0 0 20 0 0 2,000 Not stated See above 7,814 Ditto. Granted under " The Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1884." Baird, B. E. McDougall, B. Pryde, John III. I. I. Kawarau Crown Bannockburn 98 3 0 26 0 6 20 0 26 20 from 1/6/88 15 „ 7/3/88 30 „ 1/7/88 Leases granted un 12 7 6 7 10 0 2 12 6 idcr " The Coal-m :ines Act 1886 <•'.' £8 19 2,3 I 2,3,9 J Not stated i 6d. per ton I 3d. per ton ! 6d. per ton j 5. 1320 i See above i 7 10 See Sec. 10, Block I., Bannockburn . Ditto. t £7 7s. 6d. Archer, Christian Marie, Collins T. 16 20 114, 115, 117 1 1 I. II. Kyeburn Leaning Bock 102 2 16 16 0 0 9 0 36 30 „ 29/8/88 21 „ 12/12/88 21 „ 1/1/89 12 17 6 2 0 0 15 0 i 405 2 2 0 No returns See Sees. 134 to 136, Block II.. Leaning Bock. Healey, Thomas Jones, Mary III. XIII. Swinburn Lauder 50 0 0 20 0 0 21 „ 12/6/89 21 „ 28/8/89 6 5 0 2 10 0 See Sees. 2, 10, 45, Block I. St. Batban's. 5 0 Wilson, Thomas, sen.; Wilson, Thos., jun. Tumbull, George McPherson, Mary McDougall & Son 34 20 34 4 I. XIII. II. I. Cromwell Blackstone Teviot Crown 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 19 3 22 21 „ 25/6/90 21 , 14/6/90 21 „ 16/7/90 21 „ 16/10/90 5 0 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 5 0 0 . m 109 200 1,542 2 1 3 15 0 See Sees. 1, 2, and 3, Block I., Crown District. 7 10 4d. per ton Gore, James 5 I. 19 3 33 21 „ 15/10/90 5 0 0 : No returns 5 0

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Drummy, Jeremiah Andrews, Jane, trans, to Col. Bank of N.Z. Iα XVI. I Alexandra S. I III. I Idaburn I 7 1 14 14 from 12/8/91 2 0 0 j 3 0 021 „ 12/10/91 0 15 0 6d. per ton j 3d. per ton „ j i Licenses to raise Lignite under " Tlie C ~!oal-mines Act, 1886." Jones, J and A. McCready and Coombs Craig, James Thomson, Wm. Smith, Joseph. .. Beck & McLean McLean, Lachl. Cairns, Walter B. Sewell, R. M. Lett, Kobert .. Blanchard, A. J Wade, John E. Redland and Anderson Leckie, Arch. Willetts, J M. Willetts, J Thomson, Wm. Wade, John E. Part 11 1 In part Part 4 Part Part Pt. res. Part 4 Part 9 Part 3 Part Part Part 76 Part 76 Part Part 3 II. Teviot V Kyeburn V Teviot IX. Leaning Rock IX. Kaitangata III. Idaburn III. VI. Kurow IX. Kaitangata IX. Leaning Rock V Kj'eburn IV Kurow I. Bannockbum V. Kyeburn VIII. Papakaio VIII. IX. Leaning Rock IV Kurow 2 0 0 3 frm. 13/11/89 2 0 0 Not stated 3 0 0 3,, 1/4/90 500 5 0 0 3,, 1/6/90 500 7 19 3,, 1/7/90 750 2 0 0 3,, 1/7/90 100 5 0 0 3,, 1/9/90 500 5 0 0 3,, 26/10/90 500 3 0 0 3,, 12/11/90 300 5 0 0 3,, 1/1/91 2 10 0 10 0 0 3 „ 1/3/91 10 0 0 10 0 0 3 „ 8/4/91 10 0 0 8 0 0 3,, 22/4/91 800 5 0 0 2,, 1/7/91 500 2 0 0 3,, 1/7/91 200 10 0 0 J 3 „ 7/10/91 10 0 0 10 0 013 „ 7/10/91 10 0 0 5 0 0 i 3 „ 1/8/91 5 0 0 6 1 0:3 „ 18/11/91 6 5 0 ' Nil : 1,500 j 330 654 See below 19 I J 1,105 „ ! No returns 1147 1 448 No returns i 1,300 No returns I J 1,660 : "„ i 650 i i 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 5 I 2 i Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 0 5 0 5 0 Nil 8" 0 2 0 6 5 5 0 Nil i I I I I i I Now working. 8" 0 Prospecting. 2 0 7 2 See previous license. 6 5 Morris, John 3a Southland. Aband. (rent paid to 16/9/91). Under " Land Act, 1877 " Under " Land Act, 1877 " Exchanged for license under " Coal-mines Act, 1886." License cancelled 3/12/90 (rent paid to 6/3/90). Under"Land Act, 1877 " Aband. (rent paid to 18/6/91). Under " Land Act, 1877 " Exchanged for Coal mining Lease No. 6. Under " Land Act, 1877 " Transferred to H. Pernble. Royalty paid annually in Jan. Under " Land Act, 1877 " Under sec. 220, " Land Act, 1885." Ditto. Under sec. 5, " Ooal-mines Act, 1886." New license for 3 years from 1/3/91 at £2 10s. per annum rent paid to 1/3/93. Under s. 5,"Coal-mines Act, 1886." IV Menzies Perry 2 0 01 Year to year 2 0 0 ~| f Knight, Thomas 174 Wairio IV Menzies Ferry IV VI. Chatton VI. I. Waikaka I. I. Longwood VI. Waikaka 4 3 27 2 0 0 2 2 0 0,, 200 I, o S-i CO 0 3 36 „ 2 0 0 Z § 5 0 0 7 from 7/11/83 5 0 0 if g 4 0 0 7,, 1/1/85 400 ■§";? 2 0 0 7,, 31/4/86 200 | g 2 0 0 7,, 1/1/86 200 § S 5 0 0 Year to year 0 15 0 "^ 5 0 0 3 from 1/3/88 5 0 0 g CD O a O -I { £1 1 31/1 Is. 3d. 12/92 to Nil Nil Nil 2 0 Nil Parratt, Thomas i i'arrington, P (J rover, Thomas 3b 3d 24 17 IV IV VI. VI. so o a o £1 Is. 3d. to 31/12/92 Nil Nil Leitze, William j 18 I. 2 0 slioddon & Kirk i'opham, James 18 13 I. I. Mapp & McKen- I zie 29 VI. i

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Return of Coal Leases in New Zealand on 30th June, 1892— continued.

Lessee. Section. Block. District. Area. Term, Years. Animal Dead-rent. Annual Output required by Lease. Royalty. Actual Output. III hi fil Amount of Royalty paid annually. si a* o p Remarks. voo — continued. A. B. P. 2 0 0 £ s. d. 2 0 0 Tons. £ s. Hoffman, John 18 I. Waikaka 7 from 5/8/86 { g CD o a 3.3 O o a o PS o o Forfeited for non-payment oi rent. Under sec. 220, " Land Act, 1885." Exchanged for 14 years' lease as from 3/1/91, at 5s. per acre and 6d. per ton royalty; £15 Is. for year ended 3/7/92. Under sec. 5, " Coal-mines Act, 1886." Under sec. 5," Coal-mines Act, 1886." License expired 4/1/92. Act oi 1891 takes this out of Land Board's jurisdiction. Undei s. 5," Coal-mines Act, 1886." License expired 5/4/92. Act oi 1891 takes this out of Land Board's jurisdiction. Undei s. 5, " Coal-mines Act, 1886." Cancelled. Under s. 5, " Coalmines Act, 1886." Expires 4/12/92. Under sec. 5, " Coal-mines Act, 1886." Under sec. 5," Coal-mines Act, 1886." Abandoned. Under s. 5, "Coalmines Act, 1886." Under sec. 5, "Coal-mines Act, 1886." Ditto. Under sec. 8, "Coal-mines Act, 1886." Ditto. McKenzie, Mapp, and O'Hagan 29 VI. 10 1 0 3 „ 4/6/88 10 0 0 Handyside, W Wairio 10 0 193 4 3 0 3 „ 2/11/88 McGregor, Colin 14 IX. Chatton 10 0 3 „ 4/1/89 10 0 McKenzie, J 29 VI. Waikaka 10 0 3 „ 5/4/89 10 0 Shields, William 3a IV Menzies Ferry 2 0 0 3 „ 6/11/89 2 0 0 McKenzie, J 29 VI. Waikaka 3 2 0 3 „ 4/12/89 3 10 0 Nil Hunter, Thomas 17 VI. Cbatton 4 0 0 3 „ 4/12/89 4 0 0 Nil Thomson, Alex. 3e IV Menzies Ferry 1 2 33 3 „ 5/3/90 2 0 0 2 0 Alley, Jesse 197 IX. II. Wairio 5 2 0 3 „ 5/2/90 10 0 Nil Edge, W H. Cassells, Albert 14 '20,21,22, ! and 82 Unsurv. Unsurv. Chatton Longwood 2 0 0 320 0 0 3 , 7/5/90 30 „ 1/1/87 2 0 0 16 0 0 [o annual output 3d. per ton required bv law )itto 290 (1889) No work done 2 0 Nil £2 5a. West and Gilroy West, Gilroy, and others Esther, George. Slattery, Michael Todd & Graham Benson, Samuel 110,11,12 4 7 198 I. XIV XIV Preservation Jacob's River 80 0 0 170 0 0 218 2 26 20 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 30 „ 6/9/88 30 „ 7/12/88 30 „ 4/10/88 30 „ 1/7/89 30 „ 1/7/90 3 „ 1/7/90 4 0 0 8 10 0 10 19 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 Nothing done £6 7s. 6d. ('91-92) £7 8s. 3d. ('91-92) 301 593 2 2 Nil Wairio Under sec. 5, "Coal-mines Act, 1886." Ditto. Dudley, J D. Nightcaps Coal Company McDonald, Alex. Shields, W I Part 29 200 VI. Waikaka Wairio 6 3 11 4 3 0 3 „ 3/12/90 3 „ 4/3/91 3 8 0 10 0 29 30 III. III. Mataura Head 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 „ C/6/91 3 „ 18/12/91 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Nil Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,160 copies), £6 2s. 6d. Price <?£.] By Authority : George Didsbuey Government Printer, Wellington.— 1892.

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Bibliographic details

COAL LEASES IN NEW ZEALAND ON 30th JUNE, 1892 (RETURN OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, D-16

Word Count

COAL LEASES IN NEW ZEALAND ON 30th JUNE, 1892 (RETURN OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, D-16

COAL LEASES IN NEW ZEALAND ON 30th JUNE, 1892 (RETURN OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1892 Session I, D-16