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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

In compliance with the provisions of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to report as follows on the business of the Patent Office during the year 1890:— 2. The Appendix to this report contains the following returns: — A. Statement of moneys received and paid in connection with the office during 1890. B. List of the staff aud salaries. C. Number of applications for patents in each year to 1889. D. Number of provisional and number of complete specifications received during 1890. E. Number of applications to register trade-marks during 1890. F. Nature of inventions for which letters patent applied for during 1890. G. List of applications for letters patent during 1890. H. List of applications for letters patent for which complete specifications havebeen lodged from Ist January, 1891, to 13th March, 1891. I. List of registered Patent Agents. 3. Only one appeal has been made to the Supreme Court, and in that my decision was upheld. 4. Five designs were registered during 1890. 5. During the year 862 type-written letters and about 1,200 printed letters and memoranda were despatched. In connection with this, I may mention that a large amount of correspondence might be avoided and time saved if inventors and others would ascertain what are the requirements of the Act and regulations before preparing and forwarding their applications for letters patent or to register trade-marks. Manufacturers and others would frequently save themselves expense, delay, and vexation by ascertaining, before adopting trade-marks, whether their proposed marks are such as can legally be registered. 6. In accordance with a suggestion in my report of last year the publication, fortnightly, of a special supplement to the New Zealand Gazette was commenced on the 2nd April last. This supplement is entirely devoted to the business of this office, and contains, in addition to the various notices required by law to be gazetted, many others of interest and use to inventors and business men. The publication fortnightly of such information renders it unnecessary to attach to this report some details such as were furnished in last year's report, and in future no information which has been published already in the Patent Office supplement to the Gazette will be repeated in the annual report. 7. Eeferring to paragraph 11 of last year's report, I again urge the advantage that would accrue to the working-men of the colony from the prompt publication, in a cheap form, of specifications of inventions, and I venture to think that part of the surplus revenue of the department might well be spent in thus diffusing knowledge which would of necessity be beneficial to the colony as a whole. 8. Steps have been taken to make this colony a party to the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the office of which is at Berne. This will afford considerable advantage to New Zealand colonists who desire to protect their inventions, designs, or trade-marks in other parts of the world. Fuller information on this subject may be obtained on personal application at this office, or by reference to a good text-book on the law of patents, &c. 9. Proposals from the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom for a scheme by which protection granted to inventions or trade-marks in one portion of the British Empire would include similar protection throughout the Empire have been carefully considered, but the obstacles to such a boon appear to be, for the present at any rate, insurmountable. 10. The Patent Office library is still in an upper room at the Museum. It contains about 2,180 volumes of specifications and other publications of the various patent offices of Europe, Canada, United States, Australia, &c. Since the services of the Museum Assistant and Librarian were dispensed with, no record has been kept of the periodical additions to the library, nor of the number of readers. To be thoroughly useful the library should be attached to and be under I—H. 12.


the care of this office, with a competent attendant. A small fee might be charged to visitors to cover expenses. 11. In conclusion, I have to express my regret that, owing to pressure of work in the Government Printing Office, the issue of this report has been unduly delayed. C. J. A. Haselden, Patent Office, Wellington, Eegistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. 18th September, 1891.

APPENDIX. A.—Statement of all Fees, Salakies, Allowances, and' other moneys received "and paid under the Act during the year ending 31st December, 1890. Patent fees ... ... ... ... ...£1,743 0 10 Designs fees ... ... ... ... ... 350 Trade marks fees ... ... ... ... ... 168 8 0 Total ... ... ... ... ...J!1,914 13 10 Salaries paid ... ... .. ... ... £405 0 0 Other moneys paid ... ... ... ... ... 91 10 0 Total ... ... ... ... ... £496 10 0 B.—Staff of Officees and Salaries. Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks ... ... Nil. Clerk ... ... ... ... ... £140 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Total ... ... ... ... ... £230 0 0

C.—Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

Note. —By " N.Z." is meant those in which the applicant resides in the colony, and by " Foreign " those in which they are not so resident. * These columns are not filled up, as necessarily the returns would be incomplete and of no. value, the respective periods not having yet expired.


Num Applic rece: ber of lations ived. Numbe: Applii lapsed 0; 1 of such :ations : refused. Number 0 and Le Regist sealed c Applic >f Patents tters of :ration m such :ation. : Numbei Patent! owii 1 of such 5 lapsed lg to ■ment of il Fees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in force to End of Term. Year and Act. Non-pa] Renew! N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 1861) 1864 j 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 O 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 24 55 74 133 99 164 160 189 194 53 i-i P *o -4^ P 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 141 216 242 300 266 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 69 107 132 216 204 10 4 2 8 12 7 20. 13 16 23 48 57 116 90 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 i 1 2 3 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74' 41 29 "2 8 1 7 17 17 9 o 8 14 16 11 40 32 49 40 4-3 u CO P & i~



D.—Number of Applications for Patents during the year ending the 31st December, 1890.

E.—Number of Applications to register Trade-mark during the twelve months ending 31st December, 1890.

If the columns were totalled they will show an excess of the actual numbers—which are, applications 160, registrations 136 —as some applications include two or more classes. It will, of course, be borne in mind that, as no trade-mark can be registered until two months after the application has been gazetted, the numbers shown as registered have yet to be augmented.

F.—Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the year 1890.

Number of Provisional Specifications received. Number of Complete Specifications lodged in first instance. Total. New Zealand. 109 Foreign. 58 New Zealand. 243 Foreign. 204 614

Number of Class. Number of Applications received. Number registered. Number of Class. Number of Applications received. Number registered. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 1 4 13 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 4 9 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 33 34 35 37 38 89 4:2 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 1 1 2 3 17 1 63 16 3 11 8 4 1 1 1 3 2 1 51 15 3 11 8 4 1

Nature of Invention. I I fol Nature of Invention. 3 a "I Nature of Invention. .dvertising Jarms Lmalgamating L nchors .quatic amusement artificial birds LStronomy .. ixes !aby-jumper iatteries, galvanic .. iatteries, secondary ielts ieater, grass-seed .. ieds iellows Severage iinders ileaching Slight-destroying ilind-roller ioats, &c. toilers 5ook, account iook-stand, &c. ioots and shoes Sottles Sottling Soxes Jrakes ,. .. 4 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 5 1 2 2 5 Bricks Brooms and brushes Buckle Butter-boxes Butter-making Butter-moulds Butter-packing Button Canals, &c. Calculating devices.. Candlesticks Cartridges Castings Castors Chairs Chaff-baggers Checking-apparatus Chemicals'.. Chimney-cowls Chimney-sweeping .. Churns Cigarette-case Cleaning-rails Clips Clipping horses, &c... Closets Coin-freed machines Commode Compass, mariners' 2 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 4 4 1 1 Goncentrating-machine Condensers Cooling Corks, making Corrugated iron Corset Couplings .. Cow-sucking stopper Cradle-rocker Cramps Cranes Crushing-mills Curing fish Cutlery Catting Darning Delivering goods Digger, rotatory Digging potatoes Disinfecting Displacement of liquids Diving-dresses Doors Drains Dredging Dressing flax Drills Driving pipes and piles Electric belt 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 A 1 8 35 1 G 1


F. —Number and Nature of Letters Patent applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1890 — continued.

Note.—As some applications are entered under more than one head, the figures will add up to more than th« actual number of applications received.


Nature of Invention. en s I Nature of Invention. 'S I I I < Nature of Invention. ED a o o Electricity Electric drills Electric lighting Electric machines Elevator Engines Evaporating Excluding dust and draught.. Exercising-machine Extinguishing fire Exterminating rabbits Explosives.. Extracting fat, &c. Feeding animals Fencing Filters Fire-bars Fire-escapes Fire-extinguishers Fire-grates Fire-resisting composition .. Fish, &c, curing Flax-dressing, &c. Flooring, &c. Flour Flue Flushing drains Food Fuel Funnels and liquid measure.. Furnaces Furnaces, smelting.. Furniture Games, &c. Gas Gas-burners Gas-regulators Gates Glass, working, &c.. Gold, &c, saving, &c. Goods, delivering Grinding Grubber Gum treating Hammer-drop Harness Harpoon Harrows Harvesting Hats Hooks Horse-clippers Horse-shoes, &c. Horses bolting, preventing .. Indicators Ink Insulator Ironsand, treating Iron, smelting, &c. Jack, lifting Judging races Keys Kiln Knives, cleaning Labels Ladders Lamps Lettering, &c. Life-buoy .. Lifting .. Lining-package Loading trucks, carts, &c. Loading and unloading vessels Lock nuts 6 1 3 9 3 12 1 2 1 2 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 S 7 2 1 1 1 81 1 9 1 1 1 12 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 9 1 1 1 2 Malt-house floor Manures Matches Mattresses Measuring.. Mechanical motion Medicines Message register Metal articles, making Metals, separating Milk and cream, separating .. Milk-strainer Milking cows Motors Music-stand Music-stools Musical instruments Neckties Nightsoil, treating Number-boards Nursing Oil Opening tins Ores, treating Ornamental plates Ovens Packing butter, eggs, &e. Paint Pans Paper-stand Phonographs and phonograms Photography Piles, driving Pipes, driving Pipes, tobacco Plastering, &c. Ploughs Poison Polishing Pontoon Potato-bagger Potato-digger Potato-planter Preserving.. Presses Printing Projectiles Propellers Pulverising Pumps Punching-machine Quartz-crushing Rabbits, exterminating Rails Railway-carriages Railway safety apparatus Raising ships, &c. Ranges ■ .. Reaping Refrigerating Rifle-sights Roofing Rowlock Sap-extractor Sashes, fasteners, &c. Saving life Saws Screws Seed-sower Separating dust from air, &c. Separating metals Sewage, treating, &c. Sewing-machines 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 19 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 U 1 1 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 6 1 1 8 2 5 1 3 1 2 7 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 2 Sharpening Sheaf-carriers Shearing Shears Ships and boats, &o. Shoes and boots, &c. Sifting Signalling Skate Smelting Smoke, consuming Soap Sowing seeds Spade Spouting cover Stamps, rubber, &c. Stone-gatherer Stones (machinery) Stopper Stores Straining-wire Street-sweeper Stump-extractor Sugar Sulphates Sulphur Tables Tailors' tweed-rack Tape-case Targets Telegraphy Theodolites Threshing Ticket-register Timber Time-keepers Tin-opener Tins Tires Tobacco, &c. Tools Totalisators Tram-cars Traps for animals Tubing Twine Type-writers Urinals Valves Varnish Vats Vehicles Ventilators Vessels Washing-machines Water displacement, &c. Water-heaters Water-proofing Water-tanks Water-regulator Wax. chewing Weeding Well-sinking ., Whisks .. Window-fastener3 Window-sashes Wire-fencing Wheels Wool-cutting machine Wool-preparing Wool-washing Wreck-recovery machinery .. Writing 1 1 7 2 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 i 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 G 2 1 12 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 5 8 e i 2 4 1 1

ft.—l 2

G.—List of Applications for Patents during the Year 1890. JfoiE. —An asterisk (*) denotes that a provisional specification has been filed with the application. 4163, 2nd January. Arthur Biddell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Agent.—An invention for a toy or game called " Jack Homer."* (Abandoned.) 4164. 3rd January. George Henry Davies, Civil Servant, John Gell, junr., Electrical Engineer, and Thomas Marsh Davies, Mining Agent, all of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for the reduction of ironsand by means of electricity, to be called " Davies and Gell's Ironsand Reducer, consisting of a separator and smelter."* (Abandoned.) 41G5. 7th January. William Milne, James Milne, Robert Milne, Alexander Martin Milne, and Andrew Milne, all of 166, Sussex Street, Sydney, New South Wales, trading under the style or firm of " Milne Brothers," as Engineers and Millwrights.—An invention for an improved clip for fastening telegraph wires to insulators, and for other similar purposes. 4166. 9th January. Joseph William Corbett, of Morwell, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for a new cementitious and fire-resisting composition.* (Abandoned.) 4167. 9th January. Eugene Francis Murphy, of Eveleigh, near Sydney, New South Wales, Wagon Builder's Assistant.—An invention for an improved tool or appliance for assisting in placing railway-wagon springs in position, and for other purposes.* (Abandoned.) 4168. 9th January. Edward Murgatroyd, of Colne, Lancaster, England, Engineer.-—An invention for improvements in or applicable to the wheels of carts, wagons, tramcars, and other vehicles, to prevent the vehicle running back down an incline." 4169. 9th January. James Ballantyne Hannay, of Cove Castle, Loch Long, Dumbarton, Scotland, Chemical Engineer.—An invention for an improved process and apparatus for manufacture of sulphate of lead pigment. 4170. 9th January. James Brookhouse Preston, of Darlington, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer, John Sandrocotta Marshall, of No. 124, Market Street, Sydney aforesaid, Tobacconist, and Francis Cotton, of No. 169, Phillip Street, Sydney aforesaid, Commercial Agent. —An invention for improvements in lathes for turning irregular forms. 4171. 9th January. John Bustard, of Clyde Cottage, Leichardt Street, Waverley, near Sydney, New South Wales, Civil Engineer, Patrick Joseph McMahon, of 279, George Street, Sydney aforesaid, Sharebroker, and Thomas Low, of Marion Street, Leichardt, near Sydney aforesaid, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved process for converting nightsoil, garbage, and such like into innoxious materials, and improvements in apparatus therefor.* (Abandoned.) 4172. 9th January. Henry Gurney, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of burning bricks and tiles, and an improved kiln therefor. 4173. 9th January. John O'Sullivan, of Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand, Labourer.—An invention for trapping rabbits. (Lapsed.) 4174. 9th January. Alice Mary McLeod, of Valley Road, Mount Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand, Lady.—McLeod's patent automatic flax feed-box and splitting feed-rollers and scutcher-bar adaptable to the present dressing machines. 4175. 7th January. Alfred Sculthorp Minett, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved process of treating ironsand, to be called " Minett's Patent Flux for Ironsand or other minerals."* (Abandoned.) 4176. 15th January. James Curtis, of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand, Boiler-maker.—An invention for the automatic releasing of any weights for the purpose of driving piles, stampers, pipes for artesian wells, &c, to be called " Curtis's Automatic Half-wheel Release-block." (Lapsed.) 4177. loth January. Henry Alfred Watkins, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Butcher. —An invention for a new or improved road skate.* (Abandoned.) 4178. 9th January. Edmund Anscombe, of St. Glair; Dunedin, New Zealand, Carpenter and Joiner.—An invention for " The Climax Spout Protector." 4179. 10th January. William Beaton Sangster, of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for a pipe fpr smoking tobacco, and entitled " The Breach Loader." (Lapsed.) 4180. 10th January. Joseph Gabriel Bentley, of Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Painter.—An invention for simplex spouting cover. 4181. 17th January. James Obadia Zacharia Cameron, of the Ballarat Water Supply, Ballarat, Victoria, Foreman of Works. —An invention for an improved automatic cut-off valve, principally adapted for use in connection with the siphon pumps used for raising water from drainage wells.* (Abandoned.) 4182. 18th January. William Henry Potter, /Architect, and John Edward Hayes, Brass Founder, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved portable support for music and some other purposes.* (Abandoned.) 4183. 20th January. Frederick Bull, of Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for a new chemico-mechanical combination process for the manufacture of superior fibre from the Phormium tenax. 4184. 16th January. Joseph Alexander Fleming, of North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for washing and bleaching New Zealand flax, to be called "Fleming's Washing and Bleaching Machine for New Zealand Flax." (Lapsed.) 4185. 21st January. Alfred Adair and John George Cruickshank, both of Johannesburg, South Afriqan Republic, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in stones or equivalent devices for use in machinery for grinding quartz and other substances. 4186. 20th. January. Michael Fanning, of " Rupertswood," Sunbury, Victoria, Gardener,—An invention for an improved rabbit-trap.



4187. 20th January. Chables Gilbeet, of Walballa, Victoria, Mining Manager.—-An invention for a reversing water-wheel. 4188. 20th January. John Howaed, Machinist, and John Heney Geddes, Wool-broker, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in machines or apparatus for cutting or clipping wool or other similar fibrous products. 4189. 2lßt January. Alexandee Stephen Pateeson and William Eenest Hughes, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a new aquatic amusement.* (Abandoned.) 4190. 25th January. John Caetee, of Upper Eiccarton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for improvements in grass-mowing machines. 4191. 24th January. William Beown and Eichaed John Kitto, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Hat Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of felt hats. 4192. 23rd January. Job Osboene, of Winfield Farm, Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a gorse-cutting apparatus to be attached to a traction engine. 4193. 27th January. John Gotfeied Dudeck, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler..—An invention for improvements in apparatus for straining wire and wire-fencing. 4194. 28th January. Edwin Dooeey, Eailway Inspector, Petee Minehan, Superintendent of Maintenance, Chabi-es Lodge, Eailway Inspector, Geoege Boniface, Carpenter, and Samuel Nesbitt Allen, Commission and Forwarding Agent, all of Townsville, Queensland.— An invention for improved contrivances for automatically taking up the slack of wires, chains; or rods used in operating railway and other signals. 4195. 28th January. Middleton Ceawfobd, of 3, Oxford Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in means for effecting the separation of particles of different specific gravities, more especially intended for the separation of gold and other metals, 4196. 28th January. James Fostee, of Hillside Eoad, Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Printer.— An invention for straight-lacing in boots and shoes. (Lapsed.) 4197. 28th January. James Fostee, of Hillside Eoad, Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Printer.— An invention for glass-lined butter-boxes. (Lapsed.) 4198. 30th January. Gundee Tellefsen, of Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Labourer. An invention for a toy—to wit, a puzzle rattle. (Lapsed.) 4199. 30th January. Thomas Gagee, of 95, Manchester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Tailor. —An invention for improvements in electric belts. 4200. 31st January. Eobeet Floeence Nenningee, of Newark, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in a new smelting and reverberatory furnace, and an apparatus for catching the dust and condensing the fumes from the furnace. 4201. Ist February. Henby Thomas Whitcheb, of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand, Builder and Contractor.—An invention for lifting and releasing all kinds of monkeys or hammers where a vertical blow is required for driving piles or pipes for artesian wells, to be known as " Whitcher's Automatic Pipe and Pile Driver, &c." (Lapsed.) 4202. 27th January. John Daniel Aenaboldi, of Cambridge East, Auckland, New Zealand, Inventor. —An invention for use in darning socks, stockings, &c, called " The Simplex Darning Frame." (Lapsed.) 4203. 27th January. James Page, of Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for step-ladders, to be called " Page's Improved Patent Safety Step-ladder." 4204. Ist February. Illius Augustus Timmis, of No. 2, Great George Street, Westminster, London, S.W., England, Civil Engineer. —An invention for improvements in coiled steel springs. 4205. Ist February. James John Wood, of Brooklyn, State of New York, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in dynamo-electric machines in part applicable to electro motors. 4206. 3rd February. John Nichols Davies, of Giveleath, Cornwall, England, Seed, Manure, and Agricultural Implement Merchant. —An invention for improvements relating to harvesting machines. 4207. 3rd February. Gael Gustaf Pateik de Laval, of Stockholm, Sweden, Civil Engineer.—■ An invention for improvements in churns. 4208. 3rd February. Duncan Campbell, of the Bank of New South Wales, Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant. — An invention for an improved meat-label or ticket, and method of fastening the same.* 4209. 3rd February. Aethue Pickaed, of Leeds, York, England, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in the construction of canals or watercourses, and in the means employed for imparting a current to the water for moving boats and other vehicles. 4210. Ist February. Asa Noeman Whitney, of 22, Harewood Square, London, England, or Woodlands, Cleveland, Auckland, New Zealand, Master Mariner, and Manager Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited), Melbourne.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of metallic cartridges, called "Asa Whitney's Patent Cartridge."* 4211. 3rd February. Mack Saundees, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer, and James Geangee, of the same place, Accountant. —An invention for utilizing the up and downgrade power of sea waves for mechanical purposes, to be called " The Timaru Marine-motor."* 4212. 4th February. William Eodiee, of Cobar, New South Wales, Squatter.—An invention for "The Nonpareil Babbit-net." 4213. sth February. Eugene David Bush, of Melbourne, Victoria, Sanitary Engineer.—An invention for an improved closet or commode, parts of which are applicable to other purposes. 4214. 6th February. William Toogood, of Featherston, Wairarapa, New Zealand, Storekeeper.— An invention for the washing and cleansing of New Zealand hemp or other fibres,-



4215. sth February. Daniel McGill, Engine Driver, and Walter John Percy, Carpenter, both of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved drop-hammer. (Lapsed.) 4216. 7th February. George Syme, jun, of Hawera, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for the Simplex Eacing Number Board. 4217. sth February. Eugene David Bush, of Melbourne, Victoria, Sanitary Engineer.—An invention for improvements in urinals, to be called " Bush's Automatic Urinal." 4218. Ist February. Alexander Heinrich, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for an advertising toy, and entitled "Jubilee Wheel." (Lapsed.) 4219. sth February. George Dalgleish, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Timber Merchant.—An invention for a rock-shearing machine for the purpose of shearing rock. (Lapsed.) 4220. 6th February. Weymouth Eoberts, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Contractor, and James Keir, of the same place, Blacksmith.—An invention for a fan for removing chaff and cavings from threshing-machines.* (Abandoned.) 4221. 7th February. James Webster, of North Moeraki Downs, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved beater for drum of grass seed and grain-strippers. 4222. 11th February. Edmund Battersby, of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand, Painter.—An invention for a circular lifting and self-releasing slider for lifting and releasing monkeys for pipe- and pile-driving.* (Abandoned.) 4223. 12th February. George Lincoln Cole, of Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Tweed Hat Manufacturer.—An invention for the vivienne costume hat, being an improvement on the men's curled brim tweed hat, so as to make it suitable for ladies' wear. (Lapsed.) 4224. 12th February. Edward Hughes Elliott, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for manufacturing barbed wire. 4225. 12th February. George Henry Hunt, of Paddington, near Sydney, New South Wales, Dealer.—An invention for an improved automatically-opening gate, specially suitable for starting horse-races.* (Abandoned.) 4226. 12th February. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Machinery Merchants. —An invention for improvements in steam boilers. 4227. 13th February. Arthur Biddell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Agent.—An invention for converting a colonial oven into an open or close fire-range, called " The Converter Eange Top."* (Abandoned.) 4228. 13th February. James Johnny Fougere, of Warren Street, Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for improvements in siphon-flushing apparatus. (Lapsed.) 4229. 13th February. Louis Langesen, of View Hill, Oxford, Canterbury, New Zealand, Sawmiller. —An invention for an improved cigarette case, to be called "The Volunteer Cigarette Case." (Lapsed.) 4230. 14th February. Frederick Stahl and John Spring Eew, both of St. Arnaud, Victoria, Mining Managers. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for grinding and amalgamating auriferous and argentiferous material.* 4231. 13th February. James Holms Pollok, of 27, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, Scotland, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the wet method of extracting gold from ores and in aparatus to be used therewith. 4232. 14th February. Lazare Weiller, of Angouleme, France, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of metallic alloys or compounds. 4233. 11th February. William John McCullough, of England Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Fireman.—-An invention for " McCullough's Improved Flax-hackles." (Lapsed.) 4234. 12th February. Chapman Ewen, of Tamahere, Auckland New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for " Ewen's Improved Self-locking Wire-strainer." 4235. 12th February. Eobert Milligan Smith, of Mason's Buildings, Karangahape Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for the secure fastening of windows, to be called " The Burglar's Defiance Window-fastener." (Lapsed.) 4236. 15th February. Summers Brown, of St. Leonard's, near Sydney, New South Wales, Accountant.—An invention for an improved coating, plastering, and stuccoing material. 4237. 15th February. William Eoberts, of Petersham, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, and Howard Eaymond Belden, of Sydney aforesaid, Publisher.—An invention for improvements in grinding and amalgamating pans. 4238. 14th February. Frank Oakden, of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for an automatic revolving nozzle for dredging. (Lapsed.) 4239. 17th February. Thomas Brining, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, and George Listek, Tanner, of Leeds, York, England.—An invention for improvements in or relating to machinery or apparatus for rivetting and nailing boots and shoes. 4240. 17th February. Charles Eobert Edward Bell, of London, England, Match Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in and connected with the manufacture of matches, and in machinery or apparatus therefor. 4241. 14th February. John Harold Arthur, of Auckland, New Zealand, Confectioner.—An invention entitled "Arthur's Chewing Wax."* 4242. 19th February. Henry Arrow, of Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a hand safety fire-escape. 4243. 17th February. Mark. Saunders, of Timaru Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements on the " Combined Grass-seed Stripper and Dresser," patented No. 2831, 20th February, 1888.* (Abandoned.)



4244. 18th February. Job Osbobne, of Winfield Farm, Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for sinking artesian wells. 4245. 22nd February. Charles Burgon, of La Plata Works, Malm Bridge, Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping sheep and other animals. 4246. I9th February. Frederick Flavall, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for Flavall's patent separating check-feeder for threshing machines. (Lapsed.) 4247. 24th February. Alfred Argles, of Waikaia, Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a displacement of water and mercury, also oils, acids, or any liquid body by stroke and pressure under water without a vacuum and no waste. 4248. 25th February. Thomas Gregory, of Southport, England, Watchmaker.—An invention for improvements in self-registering and checking apparatus for tramcars, omnibuses, and like purposes. 4249. 27th February. George Herbert Eoyce, of Townsville, Queensland, Engineer.—An invention for an improved automatic machine for the delivery of prepaid articles. 4250. 24th February. Peter Young, of Grange Street, Dunediu, New Zealand, Goldminer.—An invention for testing and working for gold in the beds of rivers, creeks, and sea beaches, to be called " Young's Patent Torpedo Digger." 4251. 24th February. Peter Young, of Grange Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Goldminer.—An invention for gold-saving by electricity, to be called " Young's Electrical Gold-saving Apparatus." (Lapsed.) 4252. 25th February. Elizabeth Ann Louisa Mackay, wife of Eobert Mackay, of Suburban North, Nelson, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper.—An invention for exterminating rheumatics, to be called " Mrs. Mackay's Eheumatic Exterminator." (Eefused.) 4253. 24th February. George Ferrars Townshend and Alfred Nicholson, both of Auckland, New Zealand, Draughtsmen.—An invention for a process for dressing flax, to be called "Townshend and Nicholson's Flax-dressing Process."* (Abandoned.) 4254. 24th February. Henry Smith Hall, Engineer, and James Cooper Cairns, Commission Agent, both of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for "Hall and Cairns's Patent Flax-bleacher and Cleaner." (Lapsed.) 4255. 25th February. Alfred Sculthorp Minett, Gentleman, and Isaac Jones, Eailway Employe, both of Huntly, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for treating ironsand, to be known as " Minett and Jones's Patent Fluxing Process for Ironsand."* 4256. 26th February. John Bow, of Auckland, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention entitled "the best butter-box." (Lapsed.) 4257. 27th February. James Walter Oliver, of Greenstreet, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved cut-off valve for steam-engine governors, to be called " The Oliver Governor Valve."* (Abandoned.) 4258. 28th February. Illius Augustus Timmis, of No. 2, Great George Street, Westminster, London, S.W., England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the electric lighting of railway trains. 4259. 3rd March. William Barnett, Chemist, and James Trent, Gentleman, both of Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in butter-kegs or boxes. (Lapsed.) 4260. 3rd March. John Thomas Stamp, of 20, Queensberry Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer, and George Edmund Brown, of Little Arden Street, North Melbourne, aforesaid, Carpenter. —An invention for an improved portable apparatus for receiving and automatically registering the receipt of tramway or other tickets, money, and the like.* (Abandoned.) 4261. 3rd March. Henry Shaw Smith, of Pitt Street, in the City of Sydney, New South Wales, a member of the firm or company of H. P. Gregory and Co.—An invention for improvements in grinding-pans. 4262. 3rd March. Charles Campbell, of Yarraman's Station, near Willow Tree, New South Wales, Squatter.—An invention for improved means or compensating device for fencing wires to equalise ordinary strain during varying temperature, and minimise extraordinary strain on same. 4263. 3rd March. John Farish Newman, Mechanician, and Thomas William Butcher, Commission Agent, both of Sydney, New South Wales, and Eichard Boyd Echlin, Sharebroker, and Eichard James Cottell, Auctioneer, both of Brisbane, Queensland. —An invention for an improved coin-freed machine for issuing and recording receipts, checks, &c, specially useful as a totalisator.* 4264. 3rd March. John Moman Brosius, of Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, Engineer. An invention for spring-driven sewing machines. 4265. 3rd March. Clemens Baron Yon Bechtolsheim, of Stockholm, Sweden, Civil Engineer.— An invention for improvements in centrifugal creamers. 4266. 4th March. Thomas Thatcher, of Fernham, Wanganui, Wellington. New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved malt-house floor.* 4267. 4th March. John Ashworth, of Makino Eoad, Fielding, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for canning and preserving butter, and some other alimentary substances which can be similarly treated.* (Abandoned.) 4268. sth March. Henry Hamling, jun., of Broadway, Picton, Marlborough, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Hamling and Jenkins's Eowlock Safety."* (Abandoned.) 4269. 3rd. March. James Eodgers, of Timaru, New Zealand, Eailway Guard.—An invention entitled "Eodgers's Blight Destroyer."* (Abandoned.)



4270. sth March. Ashley John Hunter, Civil Engineer, Heney Joseph Carson, Analytical Chemist, and Oswald Eobert Young-husband, Shipbroker, all of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved method of deoxidizing the New Zealand ironsand, to be called " The Hunter-Carson Process of deoxidizing Ironsand." 4271. 7th March. Chaeles Launcblot Garland, of Phillip Street, Sydney, New South Wales, General and Mining Agent.—An invention for improvements in and relating to electric drills. 4272. 7th March. Sidney Smith, of No. 48, Eoyal Arcade Sydney, New South Wales, Patentee's Agent.—An invention for improvements in cooling and refrigerating enclosures, and in apparatus connected therewith.* (Abandoned.) 4273. 3rd March. Thomas Begg, of Castle Street, Duuedin. New Zealand, Engineer.--An invention for sap-extractor and timber-bleacher. 4274. 3rd March. Edmund Arundel, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Painter.—An invention for an improved stove for heating irons, commonly called " flat irons," and to be known as " The Little Jersey." 4275. 6th March. Thomas Buchanan Campbell Eobison, of Church Square, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in pumping appliances, principally applicable to dredgers. 4276. 7th March. Stephen Alley, of the Sentinel Works, Polmadic, Eenfrew, Scotland, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for treating metallic ores or compounds with chemicals. 4277. Bth March. John Eamagb, of Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for straining milk, to be known as " Eamage's Patent Milk-strainer." 4278. 10th March. Alfred Hareall Florance, of Bathurst, New South Wales, Medical Practitioner and Chemist.—An invention for extracting gold from pyrites, and known as " Florance's Process." 4279. 10th March. Llewellyn Chaeles Eussell Jones, Solicitor, Assignee of Francis Joseph Spence, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for an improved process or mode of manufacturing certain classes of explosive compounds. 4280. 10th March. John William Portee, of the Eifle Eanges, Williamstown, near Melbourne, Victoria, Eanger ; and Arthur Thomas Metcalp Johnson, of No. 104, Simpson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, Professor of Music. —An invention for improvements in targets for rifle and other shooting practice.* 4281. 10th March. Alfred Ambler, of Prospect and Well House Mills, Wilsden, near Bingley, York, England, Spinner. —An invention for improvements in the cleansing or washing of wool and like animal fibres, and in apparatus employed therein. 4282. 10th March. Eobert Halket Punshon, of 172, Fleet Street, London, England, Chemist.— An invention for improvements in explosive compounds, and in cartridge cases for containing the same. 4283. 10th March. George Frederick Simonds, of Fitchburge, Massachusetts, United States of America, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in methods and machines for making irregularly-shaped metal articles that are circular in cross sectional area. 4284. 11th March. James Chaeles Wilson Nicholson, of George and King Streets, Sydney, New South Wales, and Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, trading as " Nicholson and C 0.," importer of music and musical instruments. —An invention for an improvement in musical stools. 4285. 7th March. C. Hawker Wilson, of Grafton Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Sulphur Manufacturer.—An invention for purifying sulphur ore, called " Wilson's Sulphur Digester." 4286. oth March. John Knapton Mawson, of Hackett's Eoad, Bligh'sEoad, Papanui, near Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer, and Eobert Malcolm, of Oaonui, near Opunake, Taranaki, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improved sheaf-carrier with attachments for working same. 4287. 7th March. James Welman, of Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand and of Poole, Dorset, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the construction of centrifugal pumps for the purposes of dredging. 4288. 12th March. Hugh Hunter, of Wellington, New Zealand, Marine Engineer.—An invention for a compound or double-acting slide-valve to be applied to any steam engine.* 4289. 12th March. William Kendall, of Norfolk Island, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved claw-hammer, to be called " Kendall's Patent Lever Claw-hammer."* 4290. 11th March. Andrew McFarlane, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention for an improved arrangement of flues and fixing chimneys for portable washing coppers and other boilers, and entitled " McFarlane's Patent Portable Boiler." 4291. 11th March, John White, of Auckland New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention entitled " White's Patent Eotary Shears, for cutting Fabrics and Sheet Metals."* (Abandoned.) 4292. 13th March. John David McKean, of Picton Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Worsted-spinner, &c.—An invention for a machine to be used for the separation of the long fibre in flax, tow, and other fibrous materials from that which is shorter, to be called " McKean's Fibre Hackler." 4293. 13th March. Mark Saundees, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer, Charles Henry Inglis, of Christchurch, Canterbury, aforesaid, Merchant, James Geanger, of Timaru, aforesaid, Accountant and Agent.—An invention for the rapid loading into drays or other vehicles, of grain or other material, the title of this invention being "The Universal Eapid Harvester."* 4294. 14th March. Alfred Billens, of 137, Cashei Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Carriage-lamp Maker.—An invention for an improvement in milk-skimmers. 52— H. 12.



4295. 15th March. William Hodge, of Timaru, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for straining fencing-wire, to be called " Hodge's Patent Wire-strainer.* 4296. 15th March. Daniel Bebnabd Bate, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer and Millwright. —An invention for the electrical harpoon or fishing-line, for killing or taming wild beasts and fishes of all descriptions, with electrical energy, or electrical chemicals or charges. 4297. 18fh March. John Sims and Job Habtwell, both of Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a new or improved machine or process for dressing New Zealand flax and fibres, which can be similarly treated.* 4298. 15th March. William Lilley White, of Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Basketmaker.—An invention for an improvement in water-tanks and cisterns. 4299. 15th March. Charles Gbant, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a sliding and fastening arrangement for the seats of vehicles. 4300. 18th March. Eobekt William Millab, of Aylesbury, Canterbury, New Zealand, Station Manager.—An invention for an improved sheep-feeding rack. 4301. 20th March. Isaac Smith and Joseph Smith, of the firm of David Smith and Company, of Kensington Works, Siddall, Halifax, York, England, Commission Wool-combers.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for treating or scouring and washing wool and other fibrous substances. 4302. 20th March. Anthony Haebis, of the Vulcan Engine Works, Middlesborough, York, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or relating to machines for playing games of chance, or for providing other amusements or pastimes. 4303. 20th March. Montague Babnett and Babend Baknett, both of 407, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria,- Importers. —An invention for improved means for raising and lowering vertically sliding-frames, such as window sashes.* (Abandoned.) 4304. 21st March. Angelo Tobnaghi, of Hunter's Hill, Sydney, New South Wales, Mathematical Instrument Maker. —An invention for a process of pulverising and amalgamating for saving gold and silver. 4305. 21st March. Edwabd Peitchabd, of Sydney, New South Wales, General Contractor.—An invention for improvements in certain descriptions of secondary batteries.* (Abandoned.) 4306. 18th March. Thomas OliveeTubnbull, of Kawhia, Auckland, New Zealand, Storekeeper.— An invention for " Turnbull's Stock Ear Clip, for the marking of Sheep, Cattle, and other Stock." 4307. 22nd March. James Gkesham, of the firm of Greshain and Craven, of Craven Iron-works, Salford, Manchester, Lancaster, England.—An invention for improvements in or applicable to vacuum-brake mechanism. 4308. 22nd March. Alfeed John Mountfobt, of Greytown North, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for dressing and cleaning the fibre of the Phormium tenax, or New Zealand flax, by means of rollers and brushes, to be called " Mountfort's Roller-process for dressing New Zealand Flax." 4309. 24th March. Alban Vincent Knapp, of Wellington, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and Edwaed Abthue Knapp, of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for the shrinking of tires, to be called " Knapp's Liliputian Tire-shrinker." 4310. 22nd March. Cheistophee O'Bbien, of the Thames, Auckland, New Zealand, Assayer.— An invention for extracting the precious metals from refractory ores, to be known as " An Improved Process for Extracting the Precious Metals from Eefractory Ores." 4311. 26th March. James Thomson, of the Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Saddler.—An invention for an improved spring stirrup-bar. 4312. 22nd March. Gilbeet Laing Meason and Fbedeeic William Maechant, of Timaru, New Zealand, Civil Engineers. —An invention for an automatic water regulator for water-races.* (Abandoned.) 4313. 27th March. John Haevey Dickson, of St. Albans, England, Contractors' Agent.—An invention for improvements in and relating to paint and other brushes. 4314. 27th March. Geoege Bodley, of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for a new or improved metal button.* (Abandoned.) 4315. 27th March. Peecival Evebitt, of London, England. Engineer.—An invention for improvements in coin-freed exhibiting apparatus. 4316. 22nd March. Thomas Begg, of Castle Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for carbonizing and charring timber. 4317. Ist April. Joseph Waeeham, of No. 113, Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in machinery for dressing New Zealand flax.* (Abandoned.) 4318. 29th March. Ebnest Heebeet Pottee, of Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Salesman. —An invention for washing and cleaning flax fibre after its being stripped, also wool in the fleece and lock, divesting it of its animal and other impurities, also for textile fabrics in piece or made up into household or personal use, to be called "Potter's Boiler Spring Eubber." 4319. 3rd April. Josiah Clifton Fieth, of Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for an insulator, to be called "Firth's Patent Pumice Insulator."* 4320. 2nd April. Geoege Gettings, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Engineer and Ironworker.—An invention for an improved heating and close annealing furnace by the use of atmospheric gas, with an improved bottom, or bed for sheet furnace, and for combining both operations in one and the same furnace, to be termed " Atmospheric Gas Combination Heating and Close Annealing Furnace." 4321. 3rd April. Llewellyn Saundebson, J.P., of 10, De Vesci Terrace, Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland, Esquire.—An invention for improvements in electric arc lighting.



4322. 3rd April. Frederick Yokk Wolseley, of Sydney, New South Wales, and London, England, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements in cutters and combs, sheep-shears, horseclippers, and similar instruments, and in holders therefor. 4323. 3rd April. Peter Trolove, of Woodbank, Marlborough, New Zealand, Runholder.—An invention for laying poisoned grain for the destruction of rabbits : title " Trolove's Patent."* ■(Abandoned.) 4324. 9th April. William Terey, of Littlebourne, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Compositor.— An invention for locking-up type in chases, called " Terry's Instantaneous Locking-up Apparatus." 4325. 9th April. Carl Olof Lundholm, and Joseph Sayeks, both of Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland, Chemists.—An invention for improvements in making and applying explosives. 4326. 9th April. Arthur William Attenbeow, Chief Engineer s.s. " Eemmount," of Sydney, New South Wales, and John Fitzallen Baeeett, Rubber Merchant, of Erskine Street, Sydney aforesaid.—An invention for improvements in indiarubber, and such like valve discs for pumps and pumping engines.* 4327. 9th April. John Waed Jones, Engineer, and Edward Kynaston Beidgee, Gentleman, both of Temple Chambers, Falcon Court, Fleet Street, London, England.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of boots and shoes. 4328. 9th April. John Law Kirkbeide, of Marton, New Zealand, Journalist. —An invention for improv3inents in the means of raising, lowering, and securing window-sashes. 4329. 10th April. Loftus Perkins, of 6, Seaford Street, Gray's Inn Eoad, Middlesex, England, Engineer,—An invention for improvements in refrigerating and freezing apparatus. 4330. 10th April. Algar George Fareow, of the firm of Farrow and Jackson, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for an improved process and means for the aeration, bottling, and discharge of beers or other liquids. 4331. 10th April. Edwaed Field, of Chandos Chambers, 22, Buckingham Street, Adelphi, London, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in engines to be worked by hot gases, such as air or products of combustion with steam. 4332. 14th April. John Gaedinee, of Cross Street, Manchester, Lancaster, England, Typewriter Specialist.—An invention for improvements in typewriters. 4333. 14th April. James Benjamin Poynter, of Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for a new or improved calculating-machine.* (Abandoned.) 4334. 9th April. Geoege Walter Blanks, Beenard Lepebdee, and Febdeeick John Bied, of Mitchell Street, Glebe, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers. —An invention for the "Invicta Sheep-shearing Machine." 4335. 11th April. John Hudson, of Kakaramea, near Patea, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for a mechanical apparatus for nursing infants, usually called a baby-jumper, to be called "Hudson's Baby-jumper." 4336. 11th April. John Gotfried Dudeok, of Otakeo, Taranaki, New Zealand. Settler.—An invention for an improved safety stirrup. 4337. 12th April. Henry George Williams, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Brushmaker.—An invention for an attachment and carriage, to be attached to and used with artificial birds for use for shooting practice and matches, and called " Williams's Aerial Collapsing Pigeon." 4338. 12th April. Robert Fergus Smith, of 29, Digby Road, Finsbury Park, London, England. —An invention for lax letters. 4339. 14th April. James Kelly, Freeman's Bay Foundry, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, Millwright, and Iron and Brass Founder.—An invention for the pressing of wool, flax, tow, hay, apples or other fruit, oil seeds, blood and like materials, to be designated "The Patent Treble Worm Gear Press." 4340. 15th April. George James Addison Eiohardson, of Don Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Mining Agent.—An invention for " Richardson's Spreading Table." 4341. 19th April. Edward Neave, of the firm of Neave and Co., of Sydney, New South Wales, Gas and Sanitary Engineers.—An invention for a method of and apparatus for treating atmospheric air to obtain oxygen therefrom. 4342. 21st April. Maecelin Francois Castelnau, of Paris, France, Mining Engineer.—An invention for improved process and apparatus for treating various mixed or compound ore with a view of separating the same according to the respective density of its component parts. 4343. 21st April. Richard Lewis Cousens, of Johannesberg, South Africa, Electrical Engineer.— An invention for a process and apparatus for extracting precious metals from ores or quartz. 4344. 21st April. Heney Athelstan Acworth Dombeain, of Calverley, Leeds, York, England, Engineer, and Oliver Thumper, of 40, Louise Road, Stratford, Essex, England, Enginesmith.—An invention for apparatus for extracting fatty and other matters from substances by means of volatile solvents. 4345. 21st April. Harry Scott, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved tram-wheel guard. 4346. 21st April. Charles Squire, of Gapes Valley, Geraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a draft pole-steadier or a patent neck-yoke for three-horse draft pole or tongue, to be called the " Draft Pole-steadier." 4347. 23rd April. Charles Nees, of 48, Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Millwright and Engineer.—An invention entitled " The Invincible Flax Machine." 4348. 21st April. John Stevenson, of Waianawa, Southland, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for cutting drains in land, and to be called " Stevenson's Patent Lever-wheel Drain Plough."



4349. 23rd April. Alexander McDonald, of Milton, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for steam and other engines, and entitled " McDonald's Patent Eotary Equilibrium Expansion Valve." 4350. 23rd April. Andbew McLeod, of Auckland, Engineer, and EDWARD Kersey Cooper, of the Thames, Mining Engineer. —An invention for saving gold, called " McLeod and Cooper's Patent Gold-saving Appliance, adaptable to all the present berdans and pans."* (Abandoned.) 4351. 23rd April. James Copeland, of Brunswick, near Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention, a single double-acting rein, " Copeland's Patent." 4352. 28th April. Thomas Lloyd, of Normanby, Hawera, New Zealand, Storeman.—An invention for improvements in butter-moulds, to be called " The Simplex Butter-mould, Lloyd's Patent." 4353. 28th April. Orfeur George Parker, at present residing at Greymouth, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved method of saving gold from sea-wash or alluvial drift when raised in large quantities by mechanical process. (Refused.) 4354. 28th April. Eichard Humphrey, Watchmaker, and Daniel Lea, Gentleman, both of Timaru, New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Humphrey and Lea's Centrifugal Calculator, a toy ■ calculated to afford amusement and instruction."* (Abandoned.) 4355. 29th April. Stephen Hooper, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Settler.-—An invention for improvements in spring hooks. 4356. 29th April. John Brown, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in engines, in which steam and other expansive fluids are the motive power.* (Abandoned.) 4357. Ist May. Erastus Stephen Bennett, of Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado, United States of America, Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved combined separator and amalgamator. 4358. 2nd May. John Alves, of City Bank Chambers, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved concentrating table. 4359. 3rd May. Joshua Naylor and Harry Williams, both of Richmond, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for moulding and pressing semi-dry bricks. 4360. 2nd May. William Maxwell Wood, of Washington, D.C., United States of America, Lieutenant of the United States Navy.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for manufacturing projectiles. 4361. 2nd May. Brin's Oxygen Company (Limited), of Connaught Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, England. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for the obtainment of oxygen and nitrogen gases from atmospheric air. 4362. 2nd May. Edward Brasier,-of Bastable House, New Cross, in the County of Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for decorticating, breaking, and separating fibrous material, such as New Zealand flax (yocka), aloes, pineapple, and other like fleshy fibrous plants and leaves. 4363. 3rd May. William James, of Adelaide, South Australia, Saddler.'—An invention for " James's conjoined Buckle and improved Spring Hook." 4364. 3rd May. Robert Dangar Dixon, Gentleman, of Brewarrina, and Owen Blackett, Engineer, of Sydney, both of New South Wales.—An invention for an improved flexible drivingshaft. 4365. 3rd May. Albert Ernest Woodhouse, of Amberley, Canterbury, Farmer. —An invention for a new portable folding metal-hurdle for fencing or other purposes. 4366. 3rd May. W 7illiam Heithersay, of Petersburg, South Australia, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved reversible share for ploughs, scarrifiers, and cultivators. 4367. 3rd May. Georges Dury, of Burnett Street, St. Kilda, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for effecting the separation of metals from ores, as also for washing solid matters or treating different gases or fluids.* (Abandoned.) 4368. 3rd May. Ludovico Van Vestraut, Civil Engineer, and Richard Wakeham Baxter, Export Merchant, both of the Green, Southall, Middlesex, England.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for charging inclined gas retorts. 4369. 3rd May. Thomas Headen, of 51, High Street, Prahan, Victoria, Builder and Contractor.— An invention for improvements in earth-closets.* (Abandoned.) 4370. 3rd May. Walter Charles Barton, of Quorn, in the Province of South Australia, Machinist. —An invention for a new appliance for weeding lines of railway.* (Abandoned.) 4371. 3rd May. Thomas Wilson, of 27, Durham Street, South Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for improvements in whisks or mixers.* (Abandoned.) 4372. sth May. William Easdown Smith, of Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Manufacturing Stationer and Printer.-—An invention for an automatic numbering and chequeprinting machine. 4373. 29th April. James Johnny Fougere, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for lifting sewage.* (Abandoned.,) 4374. sth May. Robert Kennard, of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for a healing ointment, to be known as " Kennard's Ointment.'' 4375. 6th May. Thomas Henderson, of Stanley Street, North Adelaide, South, Australia, Shipbuilder. —An invention for an improved rotary digging machine. 4376. 6th May. George Frederick Strawson, of Newbury, Berks, England, Chemical-manure Manufacturer.—An invention for improved apparatus for distributing seeds, manure, and other solid or liquid substances over land or crops.



4377. Bth May. Charles William Maclean, of 276, Walsh Street, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improved means for adjustably connecting two rotating objects in the same axial line, specially applicable for connecting the hoisting and opening drums of grab cranes. 4378. l_st May. Andrew McLeod, of Auckland, Engineer, and Andrew McLeod, of Helensville, Contractor.—An invention for shifting timber, called "A. and A. McLeod's Patent Timberjack."'" (Abandoned. ) 4379. sth May. Charles Cooper, of Parneli, Auckland, Saw-mill Proprietor.—An invention for a universal belt-coupler for belts used in driving machinery. 4380. Bth May. Charles Effey, of Ferry Eoad, Christchurch, New Zealand, Mattress-spring Manufacturer and Upholsterer.—An invention entitled "The Keelhorn Patent Double Mattress Spring." 4381. Bth May. Adam Burgess, of Linwood, Christchurch, Selwyn, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for an improvement in digger-ploughs, to be known as " The Burgess Patent Digger-plough." 4382. 9th May. Edwin Atkinson, of Ponsonby Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Slate and Artificial Stone] Manufacturer.—An invention entitled " Atkinson's Patent Lettering and Ornamentation for artificial stone or other composition." 4383. 10th May. Henry Taylor, of Balmain Eoad, Leichardt, near Sydney, New South Wales, Monumental Mason.—An invention for an improved process for hardening, preserving, and preparing Oolitic and other limestones.* (Abandoned.) 4384. 14th May. William Toogood, of Feather stem, Wellington, Storekeeper.—An invention entitled "The Toogood Improved Patent Fibre-dressing Machine for dressing New Zealand Hemp or other Fibres."* ( Abandoned.) 4385. 10th May. Donald McDonald, of Waipu, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an air-tight box or package, intended principally for butter, to be called " McDonald's Air-tight Box." 4386. 14th May. George Edward Cluett, of Wellesley Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler and Fish-curer.—An invention for curing and preparing fish for export or keeping in store, to be designated," Cluett's Patent Fish-cure." 4387. 15th May. John Christie and Thomas Christie, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumbers.— An invention for an improved method of generating smoke, with or without fumes, for detecting leaks in drains or other articles, and entitled " Christie's Patent Improved Smoke-testing Machine." 4388. 15th May. The Marshall Improved Window Furniture Company, of San Francisco. California, United States of America.—An invention for sash balances and locks. 4389. 19th May. John Davy Postle, of Bega, New South Wales, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of maintaining perishable comestible and other substances in a fro74en state during transit or storage. 4390. 19th May. Eobert Taylor Coghlan, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—-An invention for improvements in amalgamators, useable also as tin- and gem-washing machines.* (Abandoned.) 4391. 19th May. John Drummond, of Taradale, Hawke's Bay, Blacksmith.—An invention for improvements to potato-digger.* 4392. 12th May. Charles Town Williams, of Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand, Carpenter.— An invention for waterproofing porous material. 4393. 14th May. William Toogood, of Featherston, Wellington, New Zealand, Storekeeper.—-An invention for the improved stripping, washing, dressing, and drying of the New Zealand hemp or other fibres, to be called " Toogood's Combined Improved Patent Fibre-dresser and Cleaner."* (Abandoned.) 4394. 19th May. John Henry Nobing,- of 171, High Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Chemist.—An invention for the admixture or combination of the essential oil of eucalyptus or eucalyptol, with menthol. 4395. 20th May.—-Naomi Warburton, of Wellington, New Zealand, Spinster.—An invention for an improved chimney-pot, to be called "The Successful Chimney-pot."* (Abandoned.) 4396. 20fch May. Louis Eodgers, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention, entitled " The Pegasus Tin-opener, for the more rapidly opening all kinds of tinned meats, condiments, spices, or other things used when tinned." 4397. 21st May. Louis Weigert, of Berlin, Prussia, Doctor.—An invention for exciting fluid for galvanic batteries for electric light. 4398. 21st May. Alexander Mathieson, Eadcliffe, Styx, Christchurch, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for an improved apparatus for straining wire-fencing. 4399. 23rd May. John Hempstalk, of Heathcote Valley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Shipwright. —An invention for raising sunken or stranded vessels embedded or partially embedded in mud, sand, silt, shingle, or other material. 4400. 31st May. Henry Hunt, Farmer, and James Keie, Machinist, both of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for a potato-digger, to be called " Keir and Hunt's Potato-digger." 4401. 24th May. Alexander Tait, of Waianawa, Southland, New Zealand, Engineer.--An invention for " Tait's Patent 'Belt-coupling for machine belting." 4402. 29th May. Eobert Gray, of Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for improvements in ploughshares. 4403. 31st May. Henry Bollmann Condy, of Ford's Folly, Church Eoad, BatterseaJ Surrey, England, Manufacturing Chemist—-An invention for improvements in or relating to the manufacture of white lead,



4404. 31st May. William Dunsmoee Bohm, of 51, The Avenue, Acton, Middlesex, England, Metallurgical Chemist and Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and apparatus for the separation of gold and silver from ores or materials containing them. 4405. 31st May. William Dunsmobb Bohm, of 51, The Avenue, Acton, Middlesex, England, Metallurgical Chemist and Engineer.—lmprovements in the separation of gold and silver from ores "or materials containing them. 4406. 31st May. Eobeet Heney Wyche, of Marton, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved safety-fastener for stirrups. 4407. 31st May. James Amos, of Sydney, New South Wales, Miller.—-An invention for an improved wheaten flour, and process of manufacturing the same.* 4408. 27th May. Heemann Lemp, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in electric welding apparatus. 4409. 4th June. Geobge Abthue. Peaeson, of 54, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.-—An invention for the purposes of insuring the proper lubrication of the cylinders of all engines, to be named " Pearson's Patent Visible Feed Lubricator. "* (Abandoned.) 4410. 29th May. Heney Eobeets, of Manukau Eoad, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Grocer.— An invention for a brake for drays and other two-wheeled vehicles, to be called " Eoberts's Patent Lever Spring Brake."* (Abandoned.) 4411. 4th June. William Gbant Campbell, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer. — An invention for a double-wire concave for threshing-machine, the title of which is to be "The Double-wire Concave." 4412. 3rd June. John Wild, of Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper.—An invention for a rut-filler and loose stone gatherer. 4413. sth June. John Bobebtson, of Eussell's Plat, Canterbury, New Zealsnd, Blacksmith, and Thomas Alexandee Bubningham, of Christchurch, Canterbury aforesaid, Saddler.—An invention for an improved easy-riding stirrup. 4414. sth June. Thomas Danes, of 198, Lichfield Street, Christchurch, Engineer.—An invention for the sinking of artesian wells and bore-holes by the combined mechanical rotary and driving process.* (Abandoned.) 4415. 6th June. Cesae Felix Josz, of 92, Boulevard Leopold 11., Brussels, Belgium, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of ornamental plates of metal or other sheets, 4416. 6th June. Edwabd Tyee, of Ashwin Street, Dalston, Middlesex, England, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for insuring safety of traffic on single lines of railway. 4417. 6th June. Elijah Beans Coenell, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. —An invention for improvements relating to the generation of heat in furnaces, and to apparatus therefor. 4418. 6th June. Dan Eylands, of Barnsley, England, Glass Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in or relating to glass-lined fittings for glass-lined tubing. 4419. 7th June. Eichabd McAllistee, of Liverpool Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Gasfitter, Saeah McAllistee, wife of Wiliam McAllister, of the same place, Gasfitter, and David West, of Collins Street, Hobart, aforesaid, Licensed Victualler. —An invention for improvements in an apparatus for increasing the illuminating power of gas, and decreasing the consumption thereof. 4420. sth June. John Andeeson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Brassfounder.—An invention for an improvement in water valves, and entitled " Anderson's Patent Hydraulic Sluice Valve. 4421. 7th June. William Toogood, of Featherston, Wellington, Storekeeper.—An invention for the better dressing of New Zealand hemp, or other fibres, to be called " Toogood's Improved Patent Stripper."* (Abandoned. ) 4422. 11th June. Eobeet Oeb, of the Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Law Clerk.—An invention for improved scraping machinery for dressing New Zealand flax and other fibrous plants. 4423. 11th June. Ignatius Ealeigh Buens, of the Federal Coffee Palace, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of lubricating oil mixtures. 4424. 12th June. Edwaed Tayloe, of Geelong, Victoria, Engineer. —An invention for an improved apparatus for cooling either water or air.* (Abandoned.) 4425. 12th June. Ignatius Singee, Analytical Chemist, and Moeitz Wolff Judell, Merchant, both of Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, England.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for pressing travelling fleeces of wool, and such like materials. 4426. 13th June. Eichaed Bbown, of Haily Largs, Scotland (at present residing at Brisbane, Queensland), a Member of the Iron and Steel Institute, and Geoege Heney levine, of Brisbane aforesaid, Analytical Chemist and Assayer.—An invention for improvements in the wet-method of extracting gold from finely-divided auriferous quartz-ores, or other auriferous material, and in apparatus therefor. 4427. 13th June. Walteb John Peecy and Aethue Welch Pebcy, of Petone, Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenters.-^An invention for improvements in apparatus for dressing New Zealand flax.* (Abandoned.) 4428. 11th June. Chaeles Campbell, of Blue Spur, Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for an improved hydraulic elevator, to be known as " Campbell's Hydro-Atmo-spheric Elevator,"



4129. 11th June. Joseph Pickering Pbescott, of Henderson's Mill, Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Agent. —An invention entitled "Improved Eipples for Gold-saving Purposes."* (Abandoned.) 4430. 17th June. Thomas Kemp, of Carterton, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved box for packing butter, to be called " Kemp's Glazed Butter-box." 4431. 19th June. Alfbed Fredebic Betham, Writing Clerk, and Henry Betham Woolnough, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, both of Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improved apparatus for disengaging ships-boats from their supporting tackles. 4432. 19th June. Carl Albert Eoepke, of Manchester, England, Watchmaker. —An invention for improvements in musical boxes. 4433. 20th June. Henry George Bedell, of Windsor Place, Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber and Gasfitter. —An invention for " Bedell's improved Automatic Gas-governor and Purifier for Gas-burners, Gas-stoves, and Gas-fires, of any capacity." 4434. 20th June. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusets, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in art of electric welding. 4435. 20th June. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in electric welding and apparatus therefor. 4436. 20th June. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in methods of and apparatus for shaping, forming, swaging, rivetting, and other metal working operations by electricity. 4437. 20th June. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in methods of and apparatus for soldering, brazing, and welding metals by electricity. 4438. 21st June. John Downing Bertram, of Anstruther Street, Echuca, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for an improved horseshoe. 4439. 21st June. James Frederick Hodgetts, of 39, Badcliffe Square, London, England, late Professor of Nautics.—An invention for improvements in the construction of the hulls of ironclads or other vessels. 4440. 19th June. James Benjamin Poynter, of Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for apparatus for facilitating the calculation of percentages and some other purposes. 4441. 21st June. .Frederick William Bursill, of Marchmount, Eangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Life Insurance Agent.—An invention for pressing wool, " Bursill's Patent Horizontal Wool-press.''" (Abandoned.) 4442. 26th June. Samuel Whitbubn, of No. 26, Woodhead Street, North Fiteroy, Melbourne, Victoria.—An invention for an improved candlestick.* (Abandoned.) 4443. 26th June. Thomas Milton, of George Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Wire-worker.— An invention for an improved trace for traction purposes.* (Abandoned.) 4444. 25th June. Joseph Hopkibk, of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, Flax-dresser. —An invention entitled " Hopkirk's Eotary Scraping-machine for Dressing Flax."* (Abandoned.) 4445. 30th June. Gustav Bernard Eeetz, of 454, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an improvement in neckties, and in the method of holding same.* 4446. 30th June, George Joseph Cartwright, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improved appliances to be used in connection with boilers and boiler-furnaces, whereby the fuel in the furnaces shall be more effectively consumed. 4447. 30th June. William Macandrew, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for dressing New Zealand flax.* (Abandoned.) 4448. 30th June. William Henshaw Clabke, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention for improvement in hand-printing stamps, to be called " Clarke's Hard-faced Elastic Eubber-stamp." 4449. 3rd July. John Gell, jun., of Wellington, New Zealand, Assistant Officer-in-Charge of Wellington Telegraphs.—An invention for an improved Morse telegraph-key. 4450. 3rd July. George William Wilton, of Adelaide Eoad, Wellington, New Zealand, Pharmaceutical Chemist. —An invention for a utensil for warming or keeping warm infants' or other food, &c, to be called " The Economic Food-warmer." 4451. 4th July. George Duncan, of 25, King Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Engineer, and John Latta, of 49, Paradise Street, Liverpool aforesaid, Cork Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in making corks and in apparatus therefor. 4452. 4th July. Eichard Stanfield, Professor of Engineering, of Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh, Scotland ; Thomas Clarkson, Demonstrator in Metallurgy, of King's College, London, England; and Peter Strickland, Merchant, of No. 6, Crosby Square, London, aforesaid.— An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for separating metals, minerals, and other dense bodies from ores or associated materials, applicable also for sizing purposes. 4453. 4th July. William Lewis Luxpord and Alfred Henby Wilds, of Palmerston North, Timber Merchants.—An invention for an improved joint and mode of fixing flooring and other jointed boards.* 4454. Ist July. Walter William Crawford, of Milton Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, &c.—An invention for electrolytic package lining. 4455. sth July. Eobert Stanton Dixon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mariner.—An invention for improved appliances to be used in combination with a mariner's compass or other analogous instrument, whereby- the magnetic needle is rendered less susceptible to the influences of local magnetism. 4456. sth July. Albert Leslie Campbell and William Philip Guthridge, trading under the name of " Campbell, Guthridge, and C 0.," at No. 83, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchants.—An invention for an improved one-man drag-saw.



4457. 2nd July. Laura Graham, of Waiorongomai, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a scraper-attachment to brushes. 4438. 2nd July. Elijah Speagg, of Wakefield Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for numbering and lettering logs or other articles, to be called " Spragg's Combination Timber-brand." 445.9. 3r.d July. James Garland Trevithick, Naval Architect, and Francis Eichaed Teevithick, Engineer, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an incombustible lamp-wick, to be called " Trevithick Brothers' Patent Incombustible Lamp-wick." 4460. 3rd July. Geoege Paul Clippoed, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agent. —An invention for providing a book-stand, and also a table for the use of invalids or others when sitting, so that -without the person using it having to leave his or her seat, it can be used for either the aforesaid purposes, to be called the "Victoria Book-stand and Table."* 4461. 9th July. William John Gibbons, of Patea, New Zealand, Master Mariner.—An invention entitled " Improvements in Ships' Boats."* (Abandoned.) 4462. 9th July. Joseph Tempeeley, of Marton, New Zealand, Manufacturing Saddler.—An invention for improved method of manufacturing saddles. 4463. 10th July. Joseph James Swithin List, of Eockdale, near Sydney, New South Wales, Joiner. —An invention for an improved railway brake-pipe coupling, applicable also for other coupling purposes.* 4464. 10th July. Isaac Feedinand Thompson, Mechanical Engineer, and Wales Lewis Palmer, Manufacturer, of 237, First Street, San Francisco, California, United States of America.— An invention for certain improvements in automatic cut-off engines. 4465. 10th July. Joel Bacon Low, of Eoom No. 26, Nevada Block, Montgomery and Pine Streets, San Francisco, California, United States of America, Mining Engineer. —An invention for certain improvements in railway cars. 4466. 10th July. Millaed Johnson, of Punt Eoad, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, Victoria, Analytical Chemist; William Eddington Field, of the same place, Analytical Chemist; and Joseph Samuel Beeman, of Harbledown, Carlisle Street, St. Kilda aforesaid, Engineer and Electrician. —An invention for a new and improved method of preventing the sickening of mercury (or in some cases resuscitating sickened mercury) used in the amalgamation of gold and silver ores and minerals. 4467. 10th July. Edwaed Wateeb of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent xigent. —An invention for improvements in harvesting machines. (A communication from Eichard Hornsby and Sons (Limited), of Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham, Lincoln, England, Engineers.) 4468. 11th July. Joseph Tempeeley, of Marton, New Zealand, Manufacturing Saddler.—An invention for a new or improved safety-stirrup attachment. 4469. 7th July. Thomas Eobson French, of Marion Street, Cavershain, Dunedin, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for "the French Venus lamp," for use in railway carriages, steamboats, or any place where it is necessary for the oil to be over the flame and the light cast downwards. 4470. 10th July. Waltee Swinburne, of Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for registering messages left at offices, &c, during absence of occupier, and called " The Door-register." 4471. 11th July. Eobeet Whiley, of Manakau, near Otaki, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for straining and fastening wire in fences, to be called " Whiley's Patent Wirestrainer and Fastener." 4472. 14th July. Eichaed Claekson Scott, of Burlington House, Litherland Park, near Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Manufacturer. —An invention for shaping soap.* 4473. Bth July. William Hoesfall, of Camp Eoad Mills, Leeds, York, England, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved construction of furnaces for burning towns' or other refuse. 4474. Bth July. William Hobsfall, of Camp Eoad Mills, Leeds, York, England, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved construction of furnace for burning towns' or other refuse. 4475. 14th July. James Eoss and James Muie, of Masterton, North Wairarapa, New Zealand, Coachbuilders.—The Zealandia wool-press, to be an improved press for the purpose of baling-up wool, flax, or other fibre. 4476. 14th July. Gael Linde, of Hilda Strasse, Wiesbaden, Germany, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the refrigeration of chambers or stores. 4477. 14th July. Charles Burgon, of La Plata Works, Malm Bridge, Sheffield, England, Sheepshear Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in machinery or apparatus for shearing or clipping sheep or other animals, parts of which improvements are also applicable for actuating or driving other machinery or apparatus. 4478. 14th July. Jambs Vivian Griffiths, of 13, Leadenhall Buildings, Leadenhall Street, London, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in horseshoes. 4479. 16th July. Thomas Bassett, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Merchant..—An invention for an improved automatic easy-chair. 4480. 16th July. Arthue Haeey Parkee, of Paradise Street, Bradford, York, England, Cleansingfluid Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved cleansing compound for scouring and bleaching wool and other fibres and fabrics, and for general purposes. 4481. 16th July. Christian" Heineich Lehmann, of Adelaide, South Australia, Saddler.—An invention for an improved draught-collar for horses. 4482. 19tll July. Joseph James Swithin List, of Eockdale, near Sydney, New South Wales, Joiner.—An invention for an improved automatic continuous railway-brake.



4483. 19th July. Edward Josiah Tobin, representative of and for the firm of Holdsworth, McPherson and Co., Ironmongers, &c, and Thomas Davidson, Filter Manufacturer, all of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in filters and filtering apparatus. ■1484. 21st July. Joseph Hopkirk, of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Faxdresser. —An invention entitled, "Hopkirk's Improved Flax-scraping Machine for Dressing Flax.' >:i (Abandoned.) 4485. 17th July. Andrew McLeod, of Belmont Terrace, Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for feeding flax, called " McLeod's Patent Flax-feed Box, adaptable to all the Flax-dressing Machines." 4486. 18th July. James Grice, of Bank Street, Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention entitled " The Union Double-lock Undercarriage for Vehicles.." 4487. 22nd July. Mary Eliza Mountfokt, of Napier, New Zealand, and Annie Barry Mountfort, of Feilding, New Zealand.—An invention for a surveyor's spring balance-tape case which enables the surveyor to apply a fixed strain. 4488. 23rd July. Alfred Cole, of Grey Street, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in scutching and hackling machines. 4489. 23rd July. Norman Winstanley, of Walter Street, Blenheim, New Zealand, Surveyor's Assistant. —An invention for an improvement in rowlocks.* 4490. 22nd July. Eichard Knowles Parkerson, of Ealing, Canterbury, New Zealand, Sheepfarmer.—An invention for improvements in reaper-and-binder machines.* (Abandoned.) 4491. 25th July. Samuel Asa Stowell, of Levin, Wellington, New Zealand, Professor of Herbal Medicines. —"Professor S. A. Stowell's Sovereign Specific for the cure of rheumatism, rheumatic gout, lumbago, ulcerated sores, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds, sprains, sore breasts, chilblains, stiff joints, piles, &c." 4492. 26th July. James Higginbottom, of 32, Seel Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Milling Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or appertaining to the separation of dust from air, or of dust, bran, stones, or other like impurities from flour, grain, or other pulverulent or granular material.* 4493. 26th July. John Perkins Jackson, of 63, Duke Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery and appliances for or connected with the manufacture and dispensing of aerated waters. 4494. 26th July. James S. Thomson and Bobeiit J. Thomson, of Waverley, Patea, New Zealand, Settlers.—An invention for improvements for dressing New Zealand flax. 4495. 26th July. George Eoss, of Wellington New Zealand, Meohauical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for raising sunken ships and vessels.* 4496. 26th July. Albert Swanson and William Downham Eowlingson, of corner of Lonsdale and Queens Streets, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers.—An invention for improvements in piling wrought scrap iron. (A communication from Eichard Eussell Gubbins, of Hourah Lodge, Belvedere, Kent, England, Engineer.) 4497. 24th July. James Foster, of Hillside Eoad, Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention for proof butter-box. 4498. 24th July. William Henry Cutten, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for saving power as usually applied for lifting water for treating wash-dirt on board a golddredging machine, entitled " Cuoten's Patent Improved System of arranging the pumping machinery on Gold-dredges." 4499. 25th July. Thomas Charles Hement, of 148, Hereford Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for exhausting foul air, &c, to be called " Hement Brothers' Sanitary Purifier." 4500. 28th July. Iwan Hoffman, of Neuschleussig, near Leipsic, Saxony, Sculptor.—An invention for improvements in or relating to harness, especially applicable for controlling frightened or runaway horses. 4501. 29th July. Middleton Crawford, of 3, Oxford Street, Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Engineer.—lmprovements in grinding apparatus, more especially applicable for use in grinding and amalgamating ores containing gold and silver. 4502. 29th July. Arthur Gyles and Valentine Harrison, of Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Printers and Eubber-stamp Makers. —An invention entitled " The Effective Advertiser and household indicator of articles required for tradesmen."* (Abandoned.) 4503. 29th July. Thomas William Witt, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for improvements in twine and wrapping-paper, stands, and cutters, to be called " The Triumph Paper and Twine-stand."* 4504. 30th July. George Samuel Wemyss Dalrymple, of Masterton, New Zealand, Land Agent. —An invention for an improved stump-extractor, which is applicable also to some other purposes where great force is required. 4505. 24th July. William Trimble, of 96, Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Practical Flaxspinner and Linen-manufacturer. —An invention for a process of so treating the tow of Phormium tenax as to fit it for being spun on the spinning machinery now in operation in Great Britain and Ireland and elsewhere, into yarns fit to make towelling, coarse shirtings, huckabacks, and other such goods, to be designated "Trimble's Patent Tow and Fibre Process." 4506. 29th July. William Service, of Auckland, New Zealand, Box Manufacturer.'—An invention for an improved spade for agricultural purposes.* 4507. Ist August. William Lucas, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved method of manufacturing malleable-iron castings.* 3—H. 12.


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4508. 30tli July. Jambs Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Maker.—An invention for patent reversible points for steel ploughshares. 4509. 30th July. James Gbay, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Maker.—An invention for sectional renewable steel ploughshares. 4510. 30th July. James Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Maker. —An - invention for improvements in digging-ploughs—a combined detachable land- and sidepiece. 4511. 30th July. John Stewart Ebid, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for an improved device for securing fence-wires to droppers or standards. 4512. 31st July. George Gettings and William Miller, of Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineers and Ironworkers.—An invention for a combined deoxidizing and puddling furnace, for use with either coal or gas, with revolving pots for uniformly heating ironsand and thoroughly deoxidising the same for the manufacture of workable iron from ironsand with flux. 4513. 31st July. George Gettings and William Miller, of Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineers and Ironworkers.—An invention for an improved vertical transverse tubular boiler fired by waste gas from deoxidizing and puddling furnaces, or by gas from gas producers. 4514. 31st July. William Vaile, of Dedwood Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for the " Eagle Blast Hand-bellows." 4515. Ist August. Charles McQueen, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new automatic sand- and gravel-sifter or separator, for use in connection with golddredging, to facilitate the saving of gold. 4516. 4th August. Adam Burges, of Linwoocl, Christchurch, New Zealand, Blacksmith. — An invention for a machine to exterminate twitch and sorrel. 4517. 31st July. Arthur Marie Francois Laurentcely, of 59, Rue de Province, Paris, France, Chemist, and Illius Augustus Timmis, of No. 2, Great George Street, Westminster, London, S.W., England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to and in the manufacture of electric secondary cells. 4518. sth August. Harold James Augustus Pyke, of Paparoa, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for a chimney-sweeping appliance. 4519. sth August. Charles Louis Becker, of Masterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand, Clerk, and Frederick William Henry Kummer, of the same place, Sheepfarmer.—An invention for laying poisoned grain, to be known as "The Speedy Poison-layer." 4520. sth August. Herbert Woodham, of Foxton, Wellington, New Zealand, School-teacher. —An invention for a milking syphon for cows. 4521. 7th August. Andrew Young and William Gardener, of Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand, Engineers and Boilermakers.—An invention for an improved and perfected life buoy, to be called " The Rescue Buoy."* (Abandoned.) 4522. Ist August. John Affleck, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and Samuel Pedlar, of North Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for " Affleck and Pedlar's Patent Lifting-gear for attachment to digging and other ploughs." 4523. 9th August. James Noah Paxman, of the Standard Ironworks, Colchester, Essex, England, Engineer, and William Paxman, of Hythe Hill, Colchester aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to crushing-mills. 4524. 9th August. John Gangee, of London, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in steam-boilers, 4525. 9th August. Joseph William Corbett, of Morwell, Victoria, Mining Manager.—An invention for an improved gas-making retort.* (Abandoned.) 4526. 11th August. James Warburton, of Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for anew or improved apparatus for milking cows.* (Abandoned.) 4527. sth August.—William Watson, of Adam Street, Dunedin. New Zealand, Engineer and Draughtsman.—An invention for gold saving, called " The Revolving Double-harrow Goldconcentrating Trough." 4528. sth August, William Watson, of Adam Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer and Draughtsman.—An invention for gold-saving in dredges, quartz-batteries, and alluvial tailraces, called " The Automatic Combination or Endless Revolving Self-washing Cocoanutmatting or Bagging Process." 4529. 7th August. Andrew Douglas Davys, of York Place, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for digging, sorting, and bagging potatoes, to be known as " Davy's Potato-digger, Sorter, and Bagger." 4530. Bth August. Alfred Billens, of 137, Cashel Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Lampmaker.—An invention for an improvement in ordinary funnels, forming a combination of a liquid measure and funnel. 4531. 12th August. Robert Allen, of Ballarat, Victoria, Engineer.—-An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for raising sunken vessels, and to prevent vessels foundering.* 4532. 14th August. Richard Edmund Shill, of 37, Worlingharn Road, East Dulwich, Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for separating precious metals by amalgamation from ores or metals containing them.* (Abandoned.) 4533. 14th August. Daniei, Robertson Gardener, of 36, Jamaica Street, Glasgow, Lanark Scotland, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for improvements in or connected with gas lamps. 4534. 14th August. Joseph Speight, of Kirwee, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer, and Robert William Miller, of Aylesbury, Canterbury aforesaid, Farm Manager. —An invention for a twitch grass-exterminating plough.



4535. 14th August. Joseph Fielding Higgins, of Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for type-setting, type-justifying, and type-distributing. 4536. 11th August. John Hodgson Lee, of Te Puke, Auckland, New Zealand, Landowner.— An invention for catching and shaking flax, to be called "Lee's Flax Catcher and Shaker." 4537. 16th August. David Hill Pattie, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Chemist, Botanist, and Commission Agent.—An invention for dressing the Phormium tanax, or New Zealand hemp, and the name is " Unique." 4538. 13th August. J. Howard Jackson, of Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.— An invention for end locking bars for ripples. 4539. 13th August. Chables Hemus, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Photographer.— An invention for the production of autograph portraits, to be called " Hemus's Autograph Portrait." 4540. 13th August. John Cokmack, of Tuapeka West, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention entitled " The Cormack Patent Direct Steam Elevator."" (Abandoned.) 4541. 15th August. John Cameeon Feasee, of Coromandel,. Auckland, New Zealand, Saw-mill Proprietor, —An invention for grinding-and amalgamating-pan. 4542. 18th August. Thomas Fieth, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Medical Herbalist.— An invention for cooking purposes, to be called " The Una Cooking-range." 4543. 19th August. Petee Eobeetson Eussell, Saddler's Foreman, and Haeey Wood Downing, Saddler, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of saddles.* 4544. 20th August. William John Blakey, of Auckland, New Zealand, Blockmaker.—An invention for an improved clip for clothes lines. 4545. 21st August. Sidney Smith, of No. 56, Boyal Arcade, Sydney, New South Wales, Patentees' Agent. —An invention for improvements in cooling and refrigerating enclosures, and in apparatus therefor, and for other cooling and refrigerating purposes. 4546. 21st August. Eobeet Young, of Eossitterville, near Drake, New South Wales, Architect and Engineer.—An invention for an improved machine for dressing ores and classifying discrete metalliferous materials.* (Abandoned.) 4547. 21st August. Andeew Faiegeieve, of Sydney, New South Wales, Sugar Expert and Analytical Chemist. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture or production of raw or refined sugar, and apparatus to be used therein. 4548. 22nd August. Chables Vincent Pottee, of Adelaide, South Australia, Consulting Brewer.— An invention for an improved fire bar and smoke-consumer. 4549. 23rd August. Edwaed Lloyd Pease, of Hurworth-on-Tees, Durham, England, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in the means or appliances for guiding and controlling gasholders. * 4550. 25th August. William Aethue Hills, of Sydney, New South Wales, Metallurgist.—An invention for the manufacture of sodium chloride." (Abandoned.) 4551. 25th August. Edwaed Thundeebolt, at present residing at No. 31, Forest Street, Collingwood, near Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer, and James Fulton, of Trenery Crescent, Abbotsford, near Melbourne aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improved contrivances for closing railway carriage doors by means of compressed air or vacuum.* 4552. 25th August. Albeet Haeley Stoeey, of 38, Lindore Eoad, London, England, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved apparatus for cleaning knives.* (Abandoned.) 4553. 25th August. James Newland, of Cairns, Queensland, Mechanic, and Edwaed Albeet Koch, of the same place, Medical Practitioner.—An invention for an improved clothes-wash-ing machine. 4554. 25th August. Eobeet Ashton Lister, of Dursley, Gloucester, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in horse-gears. 4555. 25th August. John Waed Jones, Engineer, of 1, Canonbury Terrace, London, England, and Edwaed Kynaston Beidgee, Gentleman, of Temple Chambers, Falcon Court, Fleet Street, London aforesaid.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of boots and shoes. 4556. 25th August. Nicolaus August Otto, of Cologne, Germany, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in gas and oil motor engines. 4557. 25th August. Nicolaus August Otto, of Cologne, Germany, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in gas and oil motor engines. 4558. 25th August. Joseph Elton Bott, of Eyam, Derby, England, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in circular saws. 4559. 26th August. Alexandee Ceawfoed Leslie, of High Street, Blenheim, New Zealand, Plumber and Gasfitteiv —An invention for augmenting the illuminating power of gas, to be known as " Leslie's Patent Burner Attachment." 4560. 27th August. William Moeiaety, of Carterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand, Merchant. An invention for a new or improved butter-separator, which can be also used as a churn.* (Abandoned.) 4561. 28th August. Geoege John Hoskins and Chaeles Heney Hoskins, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for an improved punching machine, the same being more especially adapted for punching holes in cylindrical surfaces. 4562. 28th August. Geoege John Hoskins and Chaeles Heney Hoskins, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers. —An invention for an improved machine for caulking seams and joints in steam boilers and other analogous constructions. 4563. 28th August. Maximilian Joseph Hartuno, of Botany, near Sydney, New South Wales, Analytical Chemist and Metallurgist.-—An invention for improvements in the treatment of metalliferous materials and ores for the production of plumbic salts and chlorine and the extraction of gold.



4564. 28th August. James Daniel Baied, Civil Engineer, and George Paokee, Photographer, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved method of advertising.* (Abandoned.) 4565. 28th August. William Eeid Eussell, of Adelaide, Engineer, William Heithebsay, of _ Petersburg, Machinist, and Aethub Lucas Haeeold, a member of the firm of " Harrold "Brothers," of Adelaide, Manufacturers and Machinery Merchants, all of South Australia.— An invention for an improved ploughshare, consisting of a reversible blade with a plug fitting into a corresponding recess in a socket-piece made and varied to fit different kinds of ploughs. 4566. 29th August. William Booth, of " The Grip " Office, Eichmond, Surrey, England, Merchant. —An invention for new or improved tourniquet or screw clamp. 4567. 28th August. William Benjamin Waltees, of Maryhill Terrace, Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the method of churning butter, to be known as "Walter's Patent Pneumatic Churn." 4568. 26th August. Aethub Cometti, of Eeid Eoad, South Dunedin, New Zealand, Carpenter.— An invention for the prevention of rattling in every description of sliding window, door, or frame, and entitled " Cometti's Anti-window Eattler." 4569. Ist September. William Faieweatheb, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Engineer, &c.—An invention for the destruction of rabbits in burrows, to be called " Fairweather's Eabbits in Burrows Suffocator." 4570. 29th August. Piebee Finch Maetineau Bubbows, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect. — An invention for improvements in winders or reels for stretching fencing or other wire. 4571. sth September. William Toogood, of Eeatherston, Wairarapa, New Zealand, Storekeeper.— An invention for the manufacturing of elastic mattresses, to be called " Toogood's Patent Portable Elastic Mattress."* 4572. sth September. Isaac Lewis, of Eeefton, Inangahua, Nelson, New Zealand, Assayer and Metallurgist. ■ — An invention for a combined gold-saving auriferous ore-concentrator and grinder.* (Abandoned.) 4573. sth September. David Camebon Simson, of Hawera, New Zealand.—An invention for a milch cow self-sucking stopper. 4574. Ist September. Henby Mansell, of "The Pines," Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer. —An invention for cleaning and polishing brilliantly metals, &c, the said invention to be styled " H. Mansell's Lion Brand Soap." 4575. 2nd September. Thomas Fibth, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Medical Herbalist.—An invention for cleaning tramway rails, to be called " Firth's Automatic Tram-way-cleaner."* (Abandoned.) 4576. 4th September. William John Cousins, of Lome Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for a spring, to be called " Cousins's Simplex Carriage-spring. 4577. 4th September. Alexandeb Bubt, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Metal Merchant.—An invention for heating water for domestic and sanitary purposes, entitled " Burt's Purus Gas W 7ater-heater.'' 4578. Bth September. Annie Summebs, residing at Yarra Glen, Victoria, Agriculturist.—An invention for an improved combined current wheel and conduit.* (Abandoned.) 4579. Bth September. Eichaed Muie, of 124, Chapel Street, Windsor, near Melbourne, Victoria, Scientific Bootmaker, and William Geoth, of 228, Collins Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Watchmaker.—An invention for improvements in horseshoes, and adjustable appliances therefor. 4580. Bth September. Patbick Blackie, of Eedfern, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer, and John Nisbet, of Coolabah, New South Wales, Grazier. —An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines. 4581. Bth September. Patbick Blackie, of Eedfern, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer, and John Nisbet, of Goolabah, New South Wales, Grazier.—An invention for an improved mechanical motion. 4582. Bth September. Henby Shaw and Edwabd Shaw, both of No. 9, Central Arcade, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in the mechanism of fluid or other pressure brakes. 4583. Bth September. Maximilian Hectoe, of Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved contrivance to be used for preventing horses running away, or for stopping runaways.* (Abandoned.) 4584. Bth September. John Edwabd Eickaeds, of Birmingham, Warwick, England, Tobacco and Cigarette Manufacturer.-—An invention for improvements in machines for rolling tobaccoleaf or cut tobacco into cigars, cigarettes, tobacco-plugs, and other such articles. 4585. 9th September. Alfbed Buckingham Ibbotson, of the firm of " Ibbotson Brothers and Co. (Limited)," of Sheffield, England.-—An invention for improvements relating to couplings for railway-carriages and other vehicles, and to apparatus connected therewith. 4586. 10th September. William Wellington Fifield, of the Ferry, Porirua, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved stopper for bottles and some other vessels.* 4587. 12th September. William Thomas Angus and William Angus, both of Sydney, New South Wales, Coachbuilders.—An invention for convertible seats for vehicles. 4588. 12th September. James Liddell, of Stuart Town, New South Wales, Miner,—An invention for an improved concentrating machine.* (Abandoned.) 4589. 12th September. Heney Tippee, of Summer Hill, near Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in rectangular wooden vessels or boxes, and lids therefor,



4590. sth September. Jambs Clare, of Hackett Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Boatbuilder. —An invention for saving life at sea, to be called " Clare's Life-saving Pontoon." 4591. Bth September, Geoege Newman, of Kyber Pass Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Gas and - Hot-water Fitter, Plumber, &c. —An invention for an improved gas-stove, to be called ".Newman's Hot Air Chamber Gas-stove." 4592. 9th September. John Webster, of Australian Mutual Provident Society's Buildings, Cathedral Square, Christclrurch, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.—An invention for the use of spiral or coiled springs on road vehicles. 4593. 10th September. William Speae McLean, of Yaldhurst, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a combined grubber and skeith-harrow. 4594. 11th September. Benjamin Goulton, of Kaeo, Wangaroa, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. An invention for a blast-fan chilling chamber, for the purpose of keeping meat and other perishable articles in a fresh condition. 4595. 11th September. Charles Loomes, of 14, Gloucester Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Salesman.—An invention for a new method of manufacturing type and fancy letters from wood. 4596. 11th September. Geoege Kidd Askin, of Timaru, New Zealand, Mechanic.—An invention for improvements in tobacco-cutting machinery, to be known as " Askin's Automatic Tobaccocutter." 4597. 12th September. Elizabeth Benjamin, of Dunedin, New Zealand. —An invention for dredging and lifting material, and entitled " Benjamin's Patent Ladder-dredge." 4598. 15th September. Gustav Mahlstedt, of 129, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.—An invention for a machine called "The Street-refuse, Sweeping, Elevating, and Removing Machine." 4599. Bth September. William Benjamin Waltees, of Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer, and William Brown, of Dunedin, aforesaid, Accountant.—An invention for the separation and extraction by means of volatile solvents of grease, oils, gums, and resins from vegetable, animal, (including fish), or mineral matter, and the separation of constituents chemically or mechanically combined in minerals or mineral products, and capable of being separated by liquid solvents, to be known as " Walter's Separator." 4600. 18th September. Dr. Charles Mattei, of 4, Paper Buildings, Middle Temple, London, but now temporarily residing at Scott's Hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for a new or improved continuous process of and apparatus for treating ores for the extraction of metals.* (Abandoned.) 4601. 18th September. Eichard Hornsby and Sons (Limited), of the Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham, Lincoln, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in harvesting machines. 4602. 18th September. Willian Feasee and William Pooley Teevaskis, both of Lower Bargarg, Nillah Cootie, near Manafield, Victoria, Farmers. —An invention for a new or improved contrivance to be used for the extermination of rabbits and similar animals.* (Abandoned. ) 4603. 18th September. Joseph Hall, of Marske, near Eichmond, York, England, Inventor. —An invention for improvements in or relating to type-writers.* (Abandoned.) 4604. 18th September. Jeeemy Taylor Marsh, of No. 1, Pembroke Eoad, Kensington, Middlesex, England, Lieutenant-Colonel, Eoyal Engineers, and Thomas Seaville Truss, of No. 10, Chestnut Villas, Forest Gate, Essex, England, Professor of Natural Philosophy.—An invention for improvements in rotary propellers for the projnilsion of vessels, also applicable for producing currents of air for all purposes. 4605. 18th September. The Bethel Electric Medical Baths Company (Limited), of No. 412, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improved method of and apparatus for administering electricity to the human body. 4606. 19th September. Chkistophee Burton, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer, and Wilson Littlejohn, of the same place, Watchmaker.—An invention for improvements in surveyors' measuring-band cases. 4607. 19th September. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvement in phonographs. 4608. 20th September. William Alexander McKay, of Wellington, New Zealand, Photographer. —An invention for " McKay's Segment Door Carrier." 4609. 11th September. Thomas' William Quelch Honeywill, Inventor, and Carl Johannes Edward Linnemann, both of Hokitika, New Zealand.—An invention for an electrystore, or a machine for procuring an unlimited storage of electric force for safe transit from point of accumulation.* (Abandoned.) 4610. 13th September. Alfred Scdlthoep Minett and Isaac Jones, both of Huntly Iron and Smelting Works, New Zealand, Ironworkers. —An invention for the production of malleable iron direct from the ironsand ore, known as " Minett and Jones's Bloomery Process for the Magnetic Ironsand of New Zealand."* (Abandoned.) 4611. 15th September. John Chambees, of 139, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention entitled " Chambers's Flax-cleaning Machine."* (Abandoned.) 4612. 16th September. Henry Fenwick, of Waikari, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—^An invention for an improved grass-stripping machine. 4613. 22nd September.—Thomas Wemyss Jdst, of Melbourne, Victoria, Hydraulic Engineer.—An invention for an improved ink, to be known, as " Just's Anti-forgery Ink."* (Abandoned.) 4614. 22nd September. Frederick William Hudson, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manufacturer. —An invention for improved refrigerating chest or chamber.



4615. 22nd September. Charles Arthur Barrett and Alfred Barrett, both of London, England, Engineers.—An invention for an improved automatic or coin-freed dynamometer, or muscular power-testing machine. 4616. 25th September. John Eobert Hannah, of Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Photographer. —An invention for the Physioo-matt surface Photographic Prints. (Withdrawn .) 4617. 26th September. Herbert Lindley and Thomas Browett, both of Sandon Engine-works, Salford, Lancaster, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in liquid hydrocarbon motor engines. 4618. 26th September. Eobert Imeay, of O'Connell Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant. — An invention for coin-freed apparatus for supply of opera glasses. 4619. 26th September. Walter Burnham, of 5106, Cornell Avenue, Hyde Park, Cook, Illinois, United States of America, Steam Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to apparatus for returning water of condensation from a steam engine to the boiler or generator, and for similar purposes. 4620. 29th September. William O'Brien, jun., of Upper Waipori, Otago, New Zealand.— An invention for additional improvement on the ordinary hydraulic elevator, to be called " O'Brien's Hydraulic Suction Dredging Elevator."* (Abandoned.) 4621. 24th September. John O'Maba, of Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Babbitter.—An invention for " O'Mara's Patent Hinged Descending Table-plate for Eabbit-traps." 4622. 25th September. George Paul Clifford, of the Octagon, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention for providing a bed-table and reading stand for the use of invalids when confined to bed, so that, without in any way pressing the body or incommoding the patient, it can be used for either the aforesaid purposes, to be called "The Invalid's Bedtable and Beading Stand." 4623. 25th September. Samuel Edward Denniston, of Spey Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for the " Denniston Improved Flax-dressing, Washing, and Bleaching Machine for the manufacture of New Zealand Flax." 4624. 25th September. Louis Cerchi, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Chair Manufacturer. —An invention for a machine for sharpening band-saws, or any other parallel saw. 4625. 25th September. Eobert Lookhead, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Importer.—An invention for improved apparatus for washing clothing-fabric, to be known as " Lockhead's Universal Combined-washer." 4626. 30th September. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improved amalgamator. 4627 2nd October. George Speller Wright, Civil Servant, and Charles Ballard, and Geoege Makshall, Sharebrokers, all of Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia. —An invention for improvements in the process of treating metalliferous ores. 4628. 3rd October. William Toogood, of Featherston, Wairarapa, Wellington, Storekeeper.— An invention for a new or improved scutcher for cleaning New Zealand hemp or other fibres, to be called " Toogood's Patent Scutcher."* (Abandoned.) 4629. 25th September. Andrew McLeod, of Belmont Terrace, Eemuera, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for saving gold, called " McLeod's Patent Amalgamating Plates, adaptable to all Battery-tables, Sluices, Cradles, &c."* (Abandoned.) 4630. 3rd October. Allan Skene, of Wellington, New Zealani, Butcher.—An invention for anew or improved signal for use in omnibuses, tramway cars, and for such like purposes.* (Abandoned.) 4631. 30th September. James Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Maker.— An invention for " Gray's Improved Sectional Canister for sowing turnip and other small seeds." 4632. 27th September. Alexander Carstaies McNeil, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for a seed-sowing plough attachment. 4633. 6th October. William Hicks, of Sims Street, Footscray, Victoria, Tallow Eefiner.—An invention for improvements in or relating to vats for extracting oil or tallow from animal or other materials.* (Abandoned.) 4634. 6th October. James McKinless, of Shrewsbury Villa, Brooks' Bar, Manchester, England, late Commercial Traveller.—An invention for improvements in maturing spirits and other liquors, and apparatus connected therewith. * (Abandoned.) 4635. 6th October. The Universal Compositor Company, (Limited), of Temperance Buildings, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria.—An invention for improvements in machinery for distributing, setting, and justifying type. 4636. 3rd October. Charles Ulrich, Accountant, and Samuel Barton Lush, Gentleman, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a cooler and curer for preserving and salting meat, fish, dairy produce, and similar articles ; also for tanning purposes.* (Abandoned.) 4637. 4th October. John Webster, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.— An invention for spring couple for chains, traces, drag-ropes, and other purposes requiring elasticity. 4638. 7th October. Samuel Lowe, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant, and Eichard Pickup Park, of Forest Hill, Nunawading, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus, to be used for fumigating trees or plants, also for destroying vermin or insect pests, or for disinfecting buildings and other such places.* (Abandoned.) 4639. 9th September. Michal Sherlock, of Westport, New. Zealand, Miner.—An invention for separating coarse sand and stones from the finer sand in the process of saving gold from auriferous wash-dirt, to be called " Sherlock's Boiler Screen,"



4640. Bth October. Bhodes Battye, of No. 280, Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, Accountant. —An invention for improvements in fluid-pressure brakemechanism. 4641. Bth October. Henri Shaw Smith, a member of the firm of 11. P. Gregory and Co., Machinery Merchants, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in rock-drills. 4642. 10th October. James Fostek, of Hillside Road, Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention for rustless butter-case. 4643. 10th October. Chaeles Coebett Powell Wilson, of Hurd Street, Portland, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for utilising the motion of a floating vessel moored alongside a wharf.* (Abandoned.) 4644. 10th October. Fbedeeick Yoek Wolseley, of the Melbourne Club, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping sheep and other animals. 4645. 10th October. Loftus Peekins, of 6, Seaford Street, Gray's Inn Road, Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in cold store-rooms and in the treatment of frozen meat, to prepare it for use. 4646. 10th October. William Bubnley, of North-east Erie County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for an improvement in galvanic batteries. 4647. Bth October. George Feaseb, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the more effectually saving gold and silver from the raw ore or tailings in a machine formerly known as "McKay's Roller-pan," in converting it into a continuous grinder with a continuous silent overflow from the centre of mill; the invention to be known as " Fraser's Improved Grinding and Amalgamating Mill." 4648. 13th October. Geobge Robinson, of Inangahua Junction, Nelson, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved plant or weed extractor. 4649. 13th October. William Caeey, C.8., Colonel, Royal Artillery, of Southampton, England.— An invention for improvements in. pipe couplings. 4650. 7th October. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention for improvements in the form and construction of metal screws for wood-work, leather, and other materials. 4651. 14th October. Haeold James Augustus Pyke, of Paparoa, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent. — An invention for an improvement in the axe-haudle slasher, to be called " The Protection Groove." 4652. 11th October. Fbedeeik Petebsen, of Union Street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in dredges, &c. 4653. 11th October. Feedeeik Petebsen, of Union Street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hydraulic lifting-tools, &c. 4654. 15th October. Geoege Polgbeen, of liartwell, Upper Tutaenui, Rangitikei, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement for the working of the ground whilst ploughing, by splitting the furrows with one or more skeiths or steel plates following the mouldboard of the plough, to be called " Polgreen's Patent Furrow-splitter."* 4655. 11th October. James Black Malcolm, of Mercer Road, Auckland, New Zealand, Tramway Manager, and Richaed Fbeeman, of Mount Eden Road, Auckland aforesaid, Tramcar Superintendent.—An invention for cleaning the rails of tramways, to be called " The Tramway Line-cleaner." 4656. 14th October. Albeet Noble, of 137, Durham Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Electrician.—An invention for an automatic fire-alarm. 4657. 18th October. Alieed Pbice, of Thames, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention called " Price's Improved Grinding and Amalgamating Pan." 4658. 14th October. John Edwabd Taylob, of Mangare, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler, formerly Dress Goods Manufacturer. —An invention entitled " Taylor's Patent System of Drawing or Propelling Tram-cars by means of Compressed Air."* (Abandoned.) 4659. 13th October. Robeet Tudehope, of Wellesley Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber.— An invention for improvements in water-closet cisterns, to be called "Tudehope's Patent Water-closet Cistern by combined Float and Ball Cock Displacement." 4660. 18th October. James Andeeson, of 22, Arthur Street, Spring Hill, Brisbane, Queensland, Gentleman. —An invention called " Anderson's Combined Potato-planter, Digger, and Gatherer." 4661. 16th October. John Rees Jones, of Grey Street,.Gisborne, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved simple-action apparatus for automatically opening and closing dredger and ballast-buckets.* 4662. 17th October. Geoege Methven, of Goodall Street, Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention called " Methven's Patent Automatic Bagger.'' 4663. 20th October. John Beazley, of Tavistock Villa, Station Road, New Barnet, Hertfordshire, England, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in castors or receptacles for pepper and other pulverulent materials. 4664. 20th October. Geoege Button and William Edwaed Wyeth, both of Kimberloy, Griqualand West, South Africa, Engineers.—An invention for improved apparatus for extracting gold and silver from their ores by electrical amalgamation. 4665. 20th October. Chaeles Joseph van Depoele, of 502, Essex Street, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in and relating to the method of and apparatus for the production and utilization of pulsating electric currents.



4666. 20th October. —Peancis Adbian Miles, of Denne Hill Farm, Wymynswold Kent, England, Farmer, and Augustus Clifford Arter, of Barham, Kent aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in potato-pJanting machines. 4667. 20fch October. Arthur Edmund Gorsb, of West Bromwich, Stafford, England, Machinist.— An invention for improvements in the manufacture of barbed wire, and in the machinery for the same. 4668. 20th October. Harry Barringer Cox, of Hartford, Connecticut, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in thermo-electric generators. 4669. 20th October. John Grebnhill, of Bank Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer, and William Brisbane, Agent, and Louis Lawrence Smith, Medical Practitioner, both of 41, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for an improved lamp for the destruction of the codlin moth and other insects.* (Abandoned.) 4670. 18th October. George Fraser, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the more effectually saving gold and silver from the raw ore or from tailings, by the introduction of a silent central overflow for grinding and amalgamating pans or mills, and settlers; the invention to be known as " Fraser's Improved Silent Central Overflow." 4671. 21st October. Feedeeik Petersen, of Union Street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in dredging machinery. 4672. 24th October. Frederick Walter Page, of Chertsey, Canterbury, New Zealand, Labourer. —An invention for coiling and running out of fencing wire, ropes, and other materials of a similar kind, to be called " Page and Eeid's Wire-coiling and Eunning-out Machine." 4673. 4th November. Arthue Frederick Bush, of Picton, Marlborough, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker. —An invention for a new or improved cramp for picture and some other frames. 4674. 29th October. Gustaf Dillberg, of Sydney, New South Wales, Electrician, and James Alexander Philp, of the same place, Journalist. —An invention for improvements in printing appliances. 4675. 29th October. Francis Hylton Molesworth, of Adelaide, South Australia, Analytical Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the construction of rotary furnaces for the calcination of sulphide and other ores. 4676. 30th October. James Thomas Stabback, of 159, Spring Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Dentist, and Francis Cornelius Mitchell, of No. 6, Garroways Queen's Walk, Melbourne aforesaid, Accountant and Draughtsman.—An invention of an improved anchor.* (Abandoned.) 4677. 30th October. Donald Grant Brown, of 19, Murray Street, Prahan, near Melbourne, Victoria, Furniture Dealer.—An invention for an improved means for locking nuts on bolts.* (Abandoned.) 4678. 30th October. James Henry Wickes, of Eochester, in the County of Monroe, and State of New York, United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in refrigerator structures. 4679. 27th October. John William Bowman, of Upper Eiccarton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Threshing-machine Proprietor.—An invention for an improved humler for portable threshing and grain-cleaning machinery. 4680. 27th October. William Eollitt, Miller, and John Thomas Watson Stevenson, Eailway Station-master, both of Ashburton, New Zealand.—An invention for the better cleansing of varnish, enamel, paint, and glass work, more especially as applied to railway carriages and steamships liable to be soiled by smoke.* (Abandoned,) 4681. Ist November. Edward Samuel Oliver, of Cullensville, Marlborough, New Zealand, ■ Hotelkeeper, and John William Synnerholm, of the same place, Miner.—An invention for an improved tool for opening packing cases, taking up and laying flooring boards, and for some other similar purposes. * 4682. 30th October. William Harrison, of South Eakaia, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for an arrangement for increasing the travelling speed of a Fowler compound traction-engine. 4683. 4th November. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep Farmer.— An invention entitled "The Solway Improved Press for Wool or other Material."* (Abandoned.) 4684. 4th November. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, New Zealand, Sheep Farmer.— An invention for " The Solway Improved Permanent Wire-strainer." 4685. sth November. Henry Thomas Green, of St. Leonard's, near Sydney, New South Wales, Boat-builder.—An invention for improved method of hanging window-sashes, doors, and similar contrivances. 4686. 29th October. Herbert Oldham, of Tuakau, Auckland, New Zealand, Eope-maker.—An invention for an improved flax-dressing, -cleaning, and -drying machine, to be called " Oldham's Improved Flax-dressing, -cleaning, and -drying Machine." 4587. 6th November. Evan Owens, of Ferguson Street, North Williamstown, near Melbourne, Victoria, Dealer.—An invention for an improved fire-grate.* (Abandoned.) 4688. 7th November. Philip Diehl and William Brandt, both of Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States of America, Mechanical Engineers.—An invention for improvements in sewingmachines. 4689. 7th November. Thomas Clark Palmer, of Croxton House, 27, Mackenzie Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Clerk.—An invention for improved means for locking nuts on bolts.* 4690. 4th November. Charles Edwaed May, of Glen Eoad, Mornington, Otago. New Zealand, Electrician.—An invention for " May's Automatic Fire-extinguisher."



4691. 6fch November. Heney Eobebts, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Grocer.'—An invention entitled " Eoberts's Adjustable Blind-roller," a blind-roller to obviate the fastening of the blind to the roller by tacks or other similar contrivances.* (Abandoned.) 4692. 6th November. Henby Eichaed Juey, of Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Millwright.-—An invention for an improvement in table cutlery, in the form of a safety carving-fork-guard, to be called "Jury's Patent Safety Carving-fork Guard." 4693. Bth November. James Keie, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Machinist.—An invention for Keir's Chaff- and Caving-fan, for removing chaff and cavings from threshing-machines. 4694. 7th November. Geobge William Hoen, of Upper Albert Street, Thames, New Zealand, Carpenter, now Tailing-plant Owner.—An invention for a continuous circular discharge to the Mackay's Pan, or any pans for grinding tailings. 4695. 7th November, John Caetee, of Eiccarton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for apparatus for cutting seed potatoes for planting. 4696. 11th November. William Cabey, C.8., Colonel, Eoyal Artillery, Southampton, England.— An invention for improvements in diving-dresses. 4697. 12th November. Joseph Noeth Cockee, of West Devonport, Tasmania, Farmer, and Chaeles Eenest Webstee, of Hobarfc, in the said colony, Merchant.—An invention for an improved potato-harvester.* 4698. 13tli November. Edwabd Teegeae, Surveyor, and Follett Caeeington, Surveyor, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvement in angular measurement by means of surveying or astronomical instruments, as in theodolite, to be called " Tregear and Carrington's Theodolite." 4699. 13th November. William Langdown, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for improvements in the construction of gigs or similar vehicles. 4700. 12th November. William Wilkie Mitchell, of Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement upon Symes's Simplex Eacing Number Board, to be known as " Mitchell's Improved Eacecourse Telegraph." 4701. 11th November. John Edwaed Taylor, of Mangare, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler, formerly Dress Goods Manufacturer. —An invention entitled " Taylor's Patent Bagfiller."* 4702. 12th November. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Jervois Eoad, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for evaporating moisture from fruit, vegetables, and other articles, to be called " Johns's Patent Evaporator."* 4703. 14th November. William Kidd Eldeb, of Arch Hill, Auckland, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineer.—An invention for an improved maize- or seed-planter.* 4704. 17th November. George Scott and John Lee Scott, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a lifter for hot plates of stoves, ranges, &c. 4705. 17th November. John Lee Scott and Geoege Scott, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for an improved bottom grate for stoves, ranges, and other fireplaces. 4706. 17th November. John Lee Scott and Geoege Scott, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in chaff-bagging machinery. 4707. 17th November. John B. Taylob, of Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand, Printer.—An invention for a combined portmanteau tent-bed.* 4708. 17th November. William McKeegan, of Webb Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in pumps used for gold-dredging or other purposes in rivers or lagoons, &c* 4709. 18th November. Albxandee Thomson, of Brunnertou, New Zealand, Minister of the Presbyterian Church.—An invention for the purpose of assisting teachers while giving instruction in jfcne science of astronomy, the title of the invention being " Thomson's Keplerion." 4710. 19th November. Feank Walcot, of Adelaide, South Australia, Inventor.'—An invention for an improved emery sharpener and rasp combined. 4711. 15th November. David Mudie, of Elaine, Victoria, Prospector. —An invention for a quartzcrushing, amalgamating and gold-saving machine.* 4712. 18th November. Mack Saundebs, of Timaru, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements on "The Combined Grass-seed Stripper and Dresser." 4713. 13th November. Eobeet N. Smith, Grahamstown, New Zealand, Contractor, and James Scott Ingeam, Te Aroha, New Zealand, Journalist.—An invention for a cremating dessicatorcloset. 4714. 24th November. Aethuk James Billows, of Upper Eoxburgh Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for the manufacture of a medicinal preparation of the plant Lichen Hibernicus (Irish moss), in the form of a jelly, to be known as " Gladstone's Concentrated Irish-moss Jelly." 4715. 24th November. Geoege Smith Duncan, of Melbourne Chambers, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hydraulic machines for automatically regulating the supply and return of the power water, specially applicable to hydraulic lifts.* 4716. 24th November. Feancis Elleeshausen, of Hebburn-on-Tyne, Durham, England, Alkali Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of caustic soda. 4717. 24th November. Feanois Elleeshausen, of Hebburn-on-Tyne, Durham, England, Alkali Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of sulphide of sodium. 4718. 24th November. Heney Metcalp, of No-. 6, Highett Street, Richmond, near Melbourne, Victoria, Carpenter.—An invention for a nailless self-holding packing-case. 4—H. 12.



4719. 24th November. Bernard Charles Molloy, Member of Parliament, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, London, England.—An invention for improvements in the amalgamation of precious metals, and in the means or apparatus employed therein. 4720. 20th November. John Mitchell, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for an improvement in the method of securing sheets of corrugated iron or other corrugated ■material. 4721. 25th November. William Toogood, of Featherston, New Zealand, Storekeeper.—An invention for Toogood's patent fibre scutching and hackling machine, to be called "Toogood's Patent Fibre-scutcher and -hackler." 4722. 26th November. Arthur Gatenby, of Lemon Springs, near Oaklancls, Tasmania, Landed Proprietor.—An invention for an improved dropper or stretcher for wire-fencing. (Withdrawn.) 4723. 25th November. Victor James Williams, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Brush Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved mode of manufacturing brushes, to be called " Patent Invincible Finished Brushes."* 4724. 26th November. James Seed, of Southbrook, Canterbury, New Zealand, Flaxmiller.—An invention for " Seed's Improved Safety Scutch-mouth." 4725. 28th November. Frederick Foster, of 9, Armagh Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Boilermaker. —An invention for improved clip or button for boat-oars or sculls. 4726. 27th November. James Mcllwrick, Farmer, and Frederick Elias Childs, Blacksmith, both of Makikihi, South Canterbury, New Zealand. —An invention entitled the " Universal Pulverising Mould-board Attachment."* 4727. Ist December. Frederick Eedman, of 27, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, E.C., London, England. —An invention for improvements in clocks for advertising and other purposes. 4728. Ist December. Charles Burgon, of La Plata Works, Malm Bridge, Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in machines for shearing or clipping sheep or other animals.* 4729. Ist December. Charles Burgon, of La Plata Works, Malm Bridge, Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved apparatus to be used in sharpening the cutters and combs of sheep-shearing or clipping machines. * 4730. Ist December. Henry Noyes, of Planet Chambers, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent (nominee of Wilhelm Pelz, of Koningwinter). —An invention for an improved method of manufacturing wrought-iron disc wheels. 4731. Ist December. John Kueffer, of San Francisco, California, United States of America, Pianoforte Maker. —An invention for improvements in station-indicators for railway-cars or -carriages, and means for operating the same. 4732. 25th November. Thomas Arthur, Dunedin, New Zealand, Eailway Stationmaster.— An invention for improved composition for cleansing paint, varnish, and glass. 4733. 28th November. Arthur Wemyss Horsbrugh, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for the production of fuel gases, to be called " The Phoenix Process for the Production of Fuel and Illuminating Gases by means of Waste Heat or Water-power, or any other available power."* 4734. 2nd December. James Hopkins Stevens, of Feilding, Wellington, New Zealand, Postmaster.—An invention entitled "The Hot-air Track-weeder."* 4735. 2nd December. John Anderson, of Kereru, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for dressing native flax whereby all the gum is extracted from the flax. 4736. 2nd December. George Eobinson, of Inangahua Junction, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for a new or improved water-wheel, and method of transmitting power from the same.* 4737. 3rd December. Alfred Nobel, of 53, Avenue Malakoff, Paris, France, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture and application of explosive compounds. 4738. 3rd December. Charles LtioN Bachelerie, of 22, Chaussee d'Antin, Paris, France, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved process and apparatuses for preserving organic substances, and especially alimentary substances. 4739. 29th November. Thomas Carins Burt, of Walker Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for washing shingle, sand, or mud, extracting the fine gold, collecting the floating gold, by revolving amalgam plates through the water and over the surface of the water. 4740. 29th November. James John Hamilton McLean, of Waianiwa, Otago, New Zealand, Farm Manager.—An invention for McLean's patent potato-digger and separator. 4741. 4th December. W tilliam Toogood, of Featherston, New Zealand, Storekeeper. —An invention for Toogood's patent combined fibre-dressing, -cleaning, -scutching, and -hackling machine, to be called "Toogood's Patent Automatic Fibre-dresser, -scutcher, and -hackler." 4742. 4th December. John Abbott, of 55, Lee Park, Blackheath, Kent, England, Engineer. —An invention for an improved means for loading and unloading vessels. 4743. 4th December. Paul Giffard, of Paris, France, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for charging metallic cartridge-cases with liquified carbonic-acid gas, and in the construction of such cartridge-cases. 4744. 6th December. Nathaniel Dodgshun, of Stafford Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for " Dpdgshun's Improved Tailor's Tweed Back." 4745. 6th December. Donald Archibald Douglas, of Blenheim, New Zealand," Architect.—An invention for destruction of rabbits by concussion and asphyxia.* 4746 3rd December. George Higgins, of Auckland, New Zealand, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in waterproof boots and shoes,



4747. 3rd December. Alexander Stoebie, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Implement Maker.—An invention for " Storrie's Patent Manure Distributor," for the purpose of distributing artificial manure either in drills or broadcast, as may be desired. 4748. 4th December. Alice Watts, Wife of Eobert Watts, Water Street, Maori Hill, Dunedin, New Zealand, House Painter.—An invention for " Watts's Patent White Floating Soap." 4749. 4th December. Geoege Peel, Amalgamator, and Duncan Edwaed Cleek, Miner, both of Thames, New Zealand.—An invention for saving gold and silver, called "The Peel and Clerk Central Amalgamating-pan."* 4750. Bth December. Joe Osboene, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved gorse-cutting apparatus, to be attached to the rear of a traction-engine or other wheeled vehicle. 4751. 12th December. Thomas Ealph Douse, of 8, Holborn Viaduct, London, England, Engineer. —An invention for "Electric Eire Indicator and Suppressor." 4752. 9th December. Jean Baptiste Eteveneaux, of Palmerston Street, Westport, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for " Eteveneaux's Eevolving Endless Hopper," for the purpose of separating sand containing gold from stones and other debris. 4753. 15th December. Chaeles Coopee, of Guildford, Western Australia, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved spark-arrester for locomotive and other engines. 4754. 15th December. James Jamieson, of Sydney, New South Wales, Farmer.—An invention entitled " Combination Multiple Furrow, Plough and Planter." 4755. 15th December. Joseph Caetee Oakman, of O'Connell Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for an'improved exercising machine.* 4756. 11th December. Josiah Clifton Fieth, of Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for a new or improved method of cleaning, treating, or preparing kauri-gum for the market. 4757. 16th December. Aethue Noeman Laweence Benpobath, of Manaia, New Zealand, Account-ant.-—An invention for an account book, to be called "The At-a-Glance Account Book." 4758. 18th December. Eobeet Ashton Listbe, of Dursley, England, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in pumps for milk and other fluids. 4759. 18th December. James Clegg, of Connaught Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of light emitters or illuminants for electric lamps. 4760. 18th December. Geoege William Chinneey, Luthee Geoege Chinneey, Swartz Maetyn Chinneey, Samuel Bostock, and Caedeoss Geant, all of London, England, Manufacturers. ■—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of aerated or gaseous liquids, and for filling or charging the same into bottles. 4761. 18th December. Heney Jeegee, of Norwood, South Australia, Watchmaker.—An invention for an improved water-engine. 4762. 18th December. Chaeles James Jutson, Gentleman, and Feedeeick Abeaham Poupaed, Manufacturer, both of London, England. —An invention for improvements in shoes for horses or other hoofed animals. 4763. 18th December. William AlgeenonEde-Clendinnen, of BurwoodEoad, Hawthorne, Victoria, Auctioneer.—An invention for an improved means for securing sliding window and other sashes in any desired position.:;: 4764. 15th December. William Adams, near Lawrence, New Zealand, Mine Manager. —An invention for saving fine gold passing over tables, and entitled " W. Adams's Patent Amalgamator." 4765. 17th December. John Lochhead, of Dunsandel, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved gorse-cutting machine. 4766. 19th December. Eeuben Hallenstein, of Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for apparatus for working fire-proof doors, for closing lift-openings and other apertures in floors of buildings. 4767. 15th December. William Heney Bagnall, of Turua, Thames, Auckland, New Zealand, Millowner.—An invention entitled "Bagnall's Method of regulating Temperature on board Ships."* 4768. 18th December. William Edwaed Connell Osboene, of Mount Eden Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for a temporised support for rifle-sights. 4769. 18th December. Geoege Ballaed, of Buekland, near Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for attachment to plough for pulverising soil, to be called "Ballard's Patent Pulveriser."* 4770. 22nd December. Chaeles Anketell, of Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an improvement in a reaper-and-binder.* 4771. 24th December. Gundee Tellepsen, of Danevirk, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Billiardmarker. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for washing floors. 4772. 23rd December. Daniel Whitbuen, of Morrinsville, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand.— An invention entitled " Whitburn's Patent Automatic Cradle-rocker."* 4773. 29th December. Heney C. Moie, of Summer Hill, near Sydney, New South Wales, Doctor of Medicine.—An invention for improvement in reversible seats for railway-cars, and for other purposes. 4774. 31st December. Thomas Eyan, of Tasman Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Marine Engineer and Millwright.—An invention, to be called " Thomas Eyan's Patent Pneumatic Wreck-recovery Machinery," for lifting ships and other substances from submarine and submerged depths in fresh and salt waters.*. 4775. 31st December. Alpeed Smith, Electrician, and Heebeet Matthews, Pickle Manufacturer, both of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. —An invention for a method of controlling by electricity the working mechanism of totalisators or other machines of a similar nature.*



4776. 31st December. Jessie Dewab, wife of Peter Dewar, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Book Agent.—An invention for an improved corset or hygienic waist. 4777. 31st December. Joseph Lathlean, of Moonta Mines, South Australia, Miner.—An invention for an apparatus for indicating the order of arrival of the competitors in a race, to be palled " The Bunners' Silent Judge. "* 4778. 31st December. Mobitz Wolff Judell, of Adelaide, South Australia. —An invention for improvements in the construction of vehicles and chambers for the conveyance or storage of perishable articles of good.:;:

H. — List of Applications foe Letters Patent, accepted from Ist January, 1891, to 13th Maech, 1891, with which Complete Specifications have been Lodged. 4779. 2nd January. Edwabd Willis Van Senden, Wool-broker, Eobeet Aechibald White, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Andbew Tennant, Sheep-farmer, and William Pile, Sheepfarmer, all of Adelaide, South Australia.—An invention for an improved contrivance for automatically unloading trucks or -wagons. 4780. sth January. Edwaed Tabee Covell, of 163, Cottage Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvement in fastenings for horseshoes. 4781. sth January. The Marshall Improved Window-fubnitube Company, having its principal place of business in San Francisco, California, one of the United States of America.—An invention for improvements in sash-balances. 4782. sth January. The Pollok Patents Gold Extracting- Company (Limited), of 27, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, North Britain.—An invention for improvements in the method of precipitating gold or silver in the process of its extraction. 4783. sth January. Thomas Thatcher, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved method of constructing fascine works for river and harbour training-walls and pro-tection-works. 4784. sth January. Eobeet Chapman, of Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand, Borough Engineer.— An invention for a new or improved breakwater for diverting or giving direction to the flow of water in streams, rivers, lakes, or other waters for the protection of the land, or improving the means of navigation in tidal or other waters. 4785. 6th January. Eobeet Standley, of Eanelagh Street, Adelaide, South Australia, Machinist.— An invention for improvements in the construction of stump-jumping ploughs and other agricultural implements. 4786. 6th January. Charles Eastman Triples, of 40, East 77th Street, New York, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for amalgamating and separating precious metals from powdered ore or earth. 4787. 6th January. Thomas Alt a Edison, of Llewellyn Park, in Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Inventor.—An invention for improvement in methods and apparatus for applying the power of electric-motors, especially applicable to electric railways. 4788. 6th January. Charles Eobeet Clarke Tichbobne, Ph.D., F.1.C., of 15, North Great Georges Street, Dublin, Ireland ; Alfred Edward Darley, of Ardes Street Brewery, Dublin aforesaid, Brewer; Maemaduke Francis Purcell, of 71, Harcourt Street, Dublin aforesaid, Barrister at Law, F.C.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E.I. ; and Samuel Geoghegan, of St. James' Gate Brewery, Dublin aforesaid, Civil Engineer. —An invention for a method of and appliances for the collection and utilisation of the carbonic-acid gas and other products given off during the process of all fermentations. 4789. 6th January. Samuel Howaed Stott, of the Lindens, Fulwood, Preston, Lancaster, England, Agent.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for diffusing upon plants fertilizing, insect-destroying, or other compounds in liquid form. 4792. 9th January. Ernest Charles Lea, of Silverdale, Kingston-on-Thames, in the County of Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in sewing-machines. 4793. 9th January. William Heney Cowaed, of Newark House, Railway Place, Bath, in the County of Somerset, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in mills for crushing or pulverising ores and other substances. 4794. 9th January. Mephan Ferguson, of the Carlton Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved composition for coating pipes for the conveyance of steam, gas, water, sewage, and other fluids. 4795. 9th January. Eveeaed Hesketh and Alexander Marcet, both of 23, St. Swithin's Lane, London, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in or connected with the freezing or chilling of meat and other perishable articles. 4797. 6th January. John Smyth, of Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Sawmiller.—An invention for " Smyth's Portable Hurdle," for fencing purposes. 4799. 7th January. Susan Arabella Mackie, wife of Samuel Joseph Mackie, of 17, Howley Place, Maida Hill West, Middlesex, England, and Eandolph Chaeles Want, of 32, Victoria Street, Westminster, England, Solicitor. —An invention for improvements in and connected with boiling apparatus. 4800. 7th January. Carl Luheig, of Dresden, Saxony, German Empire, Engineer, and John Charles CuNiNGHAME,^of 127, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Iron- and Coalmaster.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for dressing ores. 4801. 7th -January. Carl Luhrig, of Dresden,- Saxony, German Empire, Engineer, and John Charles Cuninghame, of 127, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Iron- and Coalmaster. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for washing, separating, and concentrating ores of different specific gravities,



4802. Bth January. John Wesley Ffeost, of 80, Kilmore Street, Christchtlrch, New Zealand, Eubber-stamp Maker.—An invention entitled " The Premier Eotary Ink-pad." 4803. 9th January. Samuel Kingsbuey, of Ashley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for " Kingsbury's Patent Chaff-blow Ter." 4804. 10th January. Chaeles Edwaed Thomson, of Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Bank Manager.—An invention for an oscillating-bladed water-wheel to utilise the power of running water without construction of race. 4805. 15th January. Frederick Alfeed Messeb and Walter Fuller Thoepe, both of 8, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London, England, Engineers.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for storing pails with water or other liquid for use in fire-extinguishing and for other purposes. 4806. 15th January. James Benjamin Poyntee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Accountant.—-An invention for a new or improved calculating-machine. 4807. 15th January. William James Alexandee, of Christchurch, Canterbary, New Zealand, Publisher. —An invention for an advertising medium to be placed in the water-closets at railway stations, public and other buildings, to be called " The Sanitary Advertiser." 4809. 23rd January. Aethue Helwig, of 131, Leighton Boad, Kentish Town, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in button-hole sewing machines. 4810. 23rd January. Alexandee Stanley Elmoee, of Spring Grove, Hunslett, Leeds, in the County of York, England, Electrometallurgist. —An invention for improvements in the process and apparatus for manufacturing copper-tubes, sheets, strips, and wires by electrolysis. 4811. 23rd January. Edwaed Watees, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (nominee of Zachary Taylor French and William Cristian Meyer, both of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, one of the United States of America, Machinists). —An invention for improvements in means or apparatus employed in sewing, 4812. 23rd January. Edwaed Waters, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent (nominee of Zachary Taylor French and William Cristian Meyer, both of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, one of the United States of America, Machinists). —An invention for improvements in the method of sewing boots and shoes, and in the means or apparatus employed therein. 4813. 24th January. Cael August Beegeesen, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in wool-presses, to be known as " Bergersen's Patent Woolpress." 4815. 21st January. Martin McDermott and Eobeet Hall, both of College Eoad, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Ironmongers.-—An invention for laundry purposes, to be called " McDermott and Hall's Liquid Blue." 4816. 23rd January. John Anderson and Archibald Moeeison, trading as "Anderson and Morrison," both of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumbers.—An invention for obtaining an induced current of air to or from a building (or where required), or both ways combined, for the purposes of ventilation or disinfecting, and entitled the " Zephyr Ventilator and Ejector." (Eefused.) 4817. 29th January. Henry Shaw and Edwaed Shaw, both of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in couplings, to be used with flexible or other pipes. 4818. 29th January. Jose Baxeees Alzugaeay, of 123, Eva de Don Pedro, Oporto, Portugal, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in extracting metals from ores and metalliferous materials, and in furnaces or apparatus therefor. 4822. 29th January. Howard Matravers Ashley, of Ferrybridge Foundry, Ferrybridge, York, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of glass bottles and similar hollow glass articles. 4823. 30th January. Jacob Geebes, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Pianoforte-tuner.—An invention for an improved self-fastening pegless clothes-line. 4824. 30th January. Levi Myeon Shaw, of Gypsum, County of Saline, and State of Kansas, one of the United States of America, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in piston engines. 4825. 30th January. Eobeet Hill Ceowden, of 62, Southwark Street, London, Brush Manufacturer.—An invention for certain improvements in or connected with brushes used by painters and others. 4826. 30th January. William Dalton, of Melbourne, Victoria, Plumber.—An invention for an improved method of raising sunken vessels, to be called " Dalton's Simplex Wreckraiser." 4827. 2nd February. Heebeet Akeoyd Stuart, of Bletchley, England, Mechanical Engineer, and Charles Eichard Binney, of London, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in engines operated by the explosion of mixtures of combustible vapour or gas and air. 4828. 2nd February. George Goodlbt, of Colebrook Street East, Brunswick, Victoria, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in machinery for compressing and accumulating air and water. 4829. 3rd February. Thomas Beining, of 27, St. Paul's Street, Leeds, in the County of York, England, Boot and Shoe Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or appertaining to machinery or apparatus for lasting boots and" shoes. 4830. 3rd February. John Eobeet Topliss, of 215, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Journalist.— An invention for type-distributing machine.



4831. 3rd February. Joshua Alexandbb Kay, Consulting Mechanician, and John Eobbet Topliss,*! Journalist, both of 215, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria.—An invention for type-grooving or nicking-machine. 4832. 2nd February. Thomas Summeeton, jun., of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An .invention for an improved air-presure pump. 4833. 29th January. Chables Feedeeick Lange, of 4, George Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Tobacconist.—An invention for collecting nicotine in smoking-pipes, and retaining same, and entitled " Lange's Patent Cylinder Pipe." 4838. 6th February. William White Mansfield, of Martin Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for improvements in hose-reels, to be called " Mansfield's Patent Ever-ready Self-winding Hose-reel." 4839. 2nd February. Thomas Maetin Lewington, of Bridle Path, Lyttelton, New Zealand, Ship Joiner. —An invention for automatically registering the number of carcases of sheep, lambs, or any parcels or packages passed through or over a trough or shoot. 4840. 30th January. Feedebick John Maindonald, of West Eyreton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an adjustable self-feeder, to be attached to threshingmachines. 4842. 3rd February. James Beown, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Accountant.-—An invention for "Brown's Hydro-atmospheric Metallic Concentrator and Gold-saving Machine, for saving fine gold." 4843. sth February. James Houston, of Eankeillor Street, South Dunedin, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for an economic clothes-drying horse. 4844. 6th February. Illius Augustus Timmis, of 2, Great George Street, Westminster, London S.W., England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the arrangements for supporting the bodies of railway vehicles. (Eefused.) 4846. 7th February. Henby Philip Washboene, of Nelson, New Zealand, Mining Expert.—An invention for crushing quartz for prospecting purposes, called " The Parapara Mortar." 4847. 10th February. Eenest Hunt Beckee, Labourer, and Thomas Dunnill Clapham, Tailor, both of Ashurst, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved apparatus for straining wire and facilitating the fastening of the same. 4848. 6th February. John Owen, of Auckland, New Zealand, William Millee and Geoege G^ttings, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Engineers and Ironworkers.—An invention for a simplex deoxidising and puddling furnace for thoroughly deoxidising and puddling ironsand with flux ; both operations to be performed by the same furnace at the same time. 4849. sth February. Aethub Watts and William Heney Edwaeds, trading as " Watts and Company," Customs Street East, Auckland, New Zealand, Builders and Blind-makers.-—An invention for "The Acme Enamel," for the coating of wooden boards or other articles. 4851. 7th February. Eobebt Cockebell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for " B. Cockerell's Patent Eeversible dividend cradle Dredge-bucket for Mining and other purposes." 4852. 12th February. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, of Sydney, New South Wales, Manager of the Parke and Lacy Company, Dealer in Machinery and Supplies.—An invention for improvements in certain descriptions of ore concentrators. 4853. 12th February. Henby Ambeose Snelling, of St. George's House, 6 and 8, Eastcheap, in the City of London, England, Wholesale Teadcaler.—An invention for a new or improved method of treating and preparing hops, and blending the same for infusion together with tea, coffee, cocoa, and other substances, for which such prepared hops are applicable. 4854. 13th February. Geoege Gilbeet, of Woodville, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for " The Little Gem Combined Washing-bath, Eubbiug-board, Soap-tray, and Dressapron." 4856. 13th February. William James Alpe, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Fishing Tackle Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved live-bait can for trout-fishing. 4858. 16th February. Geobge Smith Duncan, of Melbourne Chambers, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improved means for automatically governing the power water used in hydraulic machinery and for automatically returning it either to the main or an accumulator. 4859. 14th February. John Eobb, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for an improved self-feeder, to be attached to threshing-machines. 4860. 19th February. David Maceae, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved advertising apparatus. 4861. 16th February. Eobebt Austin, of Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand, Miller. —An invention for washing and cleaning all kinds of fabrics requiring to be so treated, and entitled "The Perfect Washer." 4862. 21st February. James Williams, of Melbourne, Victoria, Manufacturer.—An invention for an improved composition for washing wool and other cleaning purposes. 4863. 21st February. John Feebieb, of Casterton, Victoria, Farmer.—An invention for an attachment to reaping machines and other vehicles to prevent their overturning on sloping ground. 4864. 18th February. John Andebson and Aechibald Moeeison, trading as " Anderson and Morrison," of Dunedin, New Zealand, Plumbers.—An invention for applying an induced current of air for ventilating ships, steamers, stores, buildings, or for the thawing of frozen provisions or airing, and entitled " Anderson's and Morrison's Patent Ejector Ventilator." 4865. 19th February. Wjlliam Andeews, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a combination straw shaker, elevator, and riddle,




4866. 19th February. William Cuddon, of Fendalton, near Christchurch, New Zealand, Malster, and William Andebws, of Christchurch aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for the Australasian patent combination malt-cleaner, combing, and dust-separator. 4867. 21st February. John Watt, of Gore, Ofcago, New Zealand, Gas Engineer.—An invention for manufacturing, illuminating, and heating gas, &c. Title: " Watt's Hydro-carbon Gas Generator and Oxygenic Absorber." 4868. 24th February. Walter Habfobd and Wallace Eobebts, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a new and improved method of supporting and controlling Venetian blinds, to be called " Harford's Venetian Blind-roller with Check and Cant." 4870. 27th February. Ludwig Epstein, of East Twickenham, Middlesex, England, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the formation of electrodes for use in primary and secondary electric batteries. 4871. 27th February. Feedeeick James Wigmoeb, of 138, Cromwell Street, Collingwood, Victoria, Eabbit Killer. —An invention for killing and exterminating rabbits, entitled " Wigmore's Patent Eabbit Exterminator." 4872. 27th February. Montague Baenett and Baeend Baenett, both of 407, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Importers. —An invention for improved means for raising and lowering vertically sliding frames, such as window-sashes. 4873. 27th February. William Chables Chatpield, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for a new and useful combination of linoleum, oilcloth, bonlinicon, or any similar composition, with wood or other material, to form decorative and useful panels, to be called " Chatfield's Panelling." 4874. 27th February. Alpeed Beadshaw Buet and Aethub Fieldwick, both of Bath Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineers. —An invention for an automatic butter-printer. 4875. 2nd March. William Eoss Caeeuthees, Engineer, and Geoege Teeacy Stevens, Engineer, both of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in fish-joints for railways and tramways. 4879. 4th March. John Edlington Chastee, of 7, Eegent Place, Shawiands, Eenfrew, North Britain, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the extraction of metals from ore. 4880. 9th March. Julius Fbedebick William Heney Sohadick, of Westport, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for a revolvable diaphragm for telescopes. 4881. 10th March. Ludwig Mond, of Wilmington Hall, Northwich, England, Manufacturing Chemist.—An invention for new or improved manufacture of nickel, and articles of nickel, or plated with nickel. 4882. 10th. March. Thomas Young, of 27, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, Scotland, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in valves for corrosive or other fluids. 4884. 10th March. Aethub Latimeb McCeedie, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer and Architect. —An invention for an improved point or switch connecting-piece for overhead and other railways. 4885. 12th March. Meele J. Wightman, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States of America.— An invention for electric-motor controllers. 4886. 12th March. William James, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper.—An invention for a nutless bolt. 4887. 13th March. Heney Bohls, of 419, Battery Street, San Francisco, United States of America, Cigar Manufacturer.—-An invention for improvements in cigarette machines. 4888. 13th March. Loeentz Albeet Geoth, of 3, Tokenhouse Buildings, London, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improved process and apparatus for tanning hides and skins. 4889. 13th March. Hugh Thomas Smith, of 494, Kent Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in oil lamps. 4891. 12th March. Waltee Blake, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for appliances to be attached to flax-stripping machines, for automatically washing and cleaning the fibre by water sprays, and also an attachment for drying the said fibre. (For further applications see Patent Office supplement to Neio Zealand Gazette.)

I.—List op Eegisteebd Patent Agents. C. H. Izard (of Bell, Gully, and Izard, Barristers and Solicitors), Wellington. H. Hughes, M.1.M.E., Consulting Engineer and Patent Agent, Wellington. W. R. Haselden (of Haselden and Thompson, Barristers and Solicitors), Wellington. H. Hall, Barrister and Solicitor, Wellington. L. 0. H. Tripp (of Chapman, FitzGerald, and Tripp, Barristers and Solicitors), Wellington. W. H. Quick, Barrister and Solicitor, Wellington. A. Gray (of Campbell and Gray, Barristers and Solicitors), Wellington. C. H. Treadwell (of Buckley, Stafford, and Treadwell, Barristers and Solicitors), Wellington. A. S. Paterson, Barrister and Solicitor, Wellington. A. H. Hart, Patent Agent, Christchurch. H. H. Murdoch, Patent Agent, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. W. E. Hughes, Patent Agent, Auckland. E. S. Baldwin, Mechanical Engineer and Patent Agent, Auckland.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,300 copies), £20 10s.

By Authority; Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93. Price 9d.]

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-12

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-12

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-12