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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated UOtli August, 1889. Ordered, "That there be laid before this House a return, showing for each and every financial year commencing with the year 1869-70 down to and including the year 1888-B'J, the names of all persons who have been members of the Executive Government of. the colony, and the sums drawn by each such member in each year in respect of (1) ministerial salary, (2) house-allowance, (3) travelling-allowance, (4) in any other way."—(Major Steward.)


Return showing the Names of all Persons who have been Members of the Executive Government of the Colony, and the Sums drawn by each in respect of Ministerial Salary, House-allowance, and Travelling-allowance and Expenses.


TrovMlitiir. Ti'« DAlliiir/. T-.-., ,-.,11 1,,.. Salary. TravellingHouse- allowance allowance. ami Expeusos. Salary. TravellingHouse- ullov, allowance. and Expenses. Salary. Travi House- allowance allowance ami Bxpensos. Salary. TravellingHouse- allowance ; allowance. and Expenses.' Salary. TravellingI Hoiisl'- , allowance allowance. and Expenses. Name. Travelling- i ravelling- Travelhug- <. . House- allowance «_, _,. House- allowance Kalfivl , House- allowance u , , h,Ual >- allowance. and baiarj. allowance. ami ttaiaij. allowance and halaiy. Bxpensos. Exponsos. Bxpensos. 1860-70 1870-71. 1R71-73 Pox, Hon. W. Yogcl, Hon. J. .. McLean, D. Bell, P. D. Gisborne, W. Feathers ton, I. E. Sewell, H. Waterhousc, G. M. Reeves, W. Ormond, J. D. Hall, J. Miller, J. It. .. Stafford, Hon. E. W. Fitzherbert, Hon. \V. Sewell, II. Gillies, T. B. .. Reid, D. Curtis, O. Waterhousc, G. M. Vogel, Hon. J. .. McLean, Hon. D. Hall, Hon. J. .. Ormond, J. D Bathgate, J. Richardson, 17 .. O'Rorke, G. M.. . Reynolds, W. H. Katene, W. Parata, W. Pollen, D. isuu-iU. ioiu-ii. lati-ix. £ a. d. £ b. cl. S; :■. <!. £ s. d. £ a. tl. £ s. d,| £ s. d. £ b. tl. £ s. d.'j £ s. d. .. 1,000 0 u .. 263 2 01,000 0 0 .. 84 0 011,000 0 0 .. 162 12 <■' 283 10 1 .. l.ii.lO 0 0 .. 583 11 0J1, 000 0 0 I 0 Oil,000 0 0 .. 8,062 0 0 194 8 11 .. 1,000 0 0 .. 014 6 01,000 0 0 87 10 0 ail 11 01,000 0 I 225 0 0 514 15 0 194 8 10 147 6 8 .. 72 0 0 .. .. 1,860 12 0 120 19 8 75 0 0 997 b 8149 12 0 43 0 01,000 0 01-50 0 0 102 1 (i 1.000 O 0150 0 0 -I 9 6 194 8 10 125 18 9 .. .. 1.777 14 (I 50 0 0 .. .. 1,000 0 0 4.5 0 0 53 5 0 833 0 8l '.'. '.'. .. .. .. .. .. 594 8 11 .. 236 9 0 194 8 11 236 11 2 .. 131 4 0 .194 8 11 148 7 4 119 3 5 . . ' . . .. . . .. 65 2 V 65 2 ... .. .. .. .. 85 2 7 85 2 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 5 85 2 5 '.'. '.'. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72D 8 V 720 8 7 :;2! II 11 720 8 7 '.'. '.'. '.'. .. .. .. .. .. .. 344 1 8 682 15 11 '.'. .'. .. .. .. .. -. .. .. .. 172 11 7 53 10 :■'. L869-70. L870-71. 1871-72. : 1.S73-74. t s. (i. .1 .-. d. <j s. d. £ s. d. 00 12 2 29 3 4 £ s. d. .. 157 15 o '.. '.'. 17 17 6 12 15 5 12 7 :i 12 15 5 12 15 4 65 2 0 12 15 4 446 4 011,750 0 0 ! 10 II 8 195 Ci 0,1,375 0 0 28 7 2 217 6 0 108 1 3 16 16 i' 803 11 5 96 8 7 89 1 1 i 2H!'. 7 0 1.25:) O 0 81 0 11 78 4 7 6 0 0 1.2.5) 0 0 11.2 10 0 102 b -1 191 2 Oil, 250 " 0 150 I) O 0 0 0 75 10 0 400 0 0 8 .1 ■■: .. 1 ,250 O 0 102 10 0 296 14 6 213 17 0 83 Hi (i 297 14 3 16 7 0 328 15 4 117 9 0 381 17 0 Totals .. .. 1.294 12 6149 12 01,70117 95,000 0 0282 10 04,369 3 0-5. 285 6 0450 0 04.11115 6!5,76S 2 s'l ■5,000 0 01282 10 04,309 3 n|o,285 6 0450 0 04.111 15 6 5,768 2 3696 13 lljl,787 14 09,728 11 5602 9 6,1,686 10 1 I I * Houso-allowan e and travelling-allowance and expenses, 1870 71. 187 1 1872, l«7J-7). as per parliamentary paper H. 35 of 18T3.



-to. 1875-76. 1876 77. 1-77 78. Vogel, Sir J. McLean, Sir D. Riohardsorl, E. .. Pollen, D. Atkinson, II. A. Reynolds, W. H. O'Rorke, G. M. Parata, W. Katene, W. Bowen, C. C. Ormond, J. D. .. Rcid, D. Whitaker, F. .. McLean, G. Tawhiti, II. K. .. Grey, Sir G. .. Larnach, W. 3. M. Maeandrew, J. .. Sheehan, J. Fisher, J. T. Whitmore, G. S. Ballance, J. Stout, R. Nahe, H. Gisborne, W. .. .. 1,750 0 0 .. 1,259 0 0 .. ,1,250 0 0 - - 1,250 0 0162 10 0 . . 1,020 16 8 60 0 0 .. 1,250 0 0150 0 0 .. i 147 16 11 55 4 10 400 0 0 400 0 0 12 10 0 078 15 8 31 9 0 1878-79. 10 12 o l.lil 12 1 507 10 0 1.259 (i (, 42 2 D1.259 0 0 358 10 Oil,555 1 3 41 14 01,250 0 0 179 8 6 783 0 11 698 9 0 296 10 6 165 12 0 544 7 1 138 5 6 638 8 10 87 10 0 175 0 6 1,250 0 o : 124 12 ii 1,665 5 6 L06 9 -1 4 1 0 6 106 5 10 104 8 - I 91 M 0 139 16 0 421 1.5 6 356 3 8 100 2 O 1:18 13 1 5 0 0 55 SO .. .. 275 10 0 250 11 6 238 14 6 250 11 G 33 4 0 1,250 0 0 12 10 0 12 6 25 0 0 55 16 0 148 5 0|1,250 0 0 717 6 3 •• 611 11 2 1.041 13 4 1.198 5 0 103 6 8 73 15 6 100 0 0 2 1! 5 0 350 3 s 42 2 0 356 3 8 9 O 0 350 3 8 42 It 10 12 12 0 3.56 3 8 67 I 1 LO 1 I > 1 1 o 356 3 8 LIS 19 6 1-251 6 10 19 15 2 103 10 0 25 10 2 893 16 4 107 5 2 898 16 1 57 5 2 890 9 2 40 1-1 I 880 7 6 2-1 8" o 0 9 12 I 7 376 6 10 8 17 8 2 18 17 9 79 1 6 - 163 0 6 \\ 60 18 0 362 1 61,75o"o 0 176 16 0 5 0 0 1.250 0 0 47, 0 I) 1.259 0 0 173 9 01,250 0 0 176 16 0 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 10 O o 1,232 12 10 56 15 O 400 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. *51 "3 6 .... 150 0 0 '88 "a 0 *471 18 11 .. "222 16 0 .. j 150 0 0 *24 16 0 j 7160 9 0 Totals .. .. 9,397 8 10 471 13 10: .. 9.397 8 10 471 13 10 1.667 0 6 9.283 17 3; 231 9 41,551 12 09,346 14 4! 581 10 01,484 6 2 i : 300 0 01,019 * ! , I 9,266 1-5 1406 7 111,718 4 69.652 12 10 1879-80.1 1880--81.1 1881 ~82.t L882 83.1 L883 84.1 Grey, Sir G. Fisher, J. T. .. Maeandrew, J. .. Sheehan, J. Whifcmore, G. S. Ballance, J. Gisborne, W. Thompson, J. \V. Xalic, 11. Hall, Hon. J. .. Whi taker, P. .. Atkinson, H. A. Rolleston, W. .. Oliver, R. Bryce, J. Dick, T. Tomohana, H. .. Johnston, W. \V. Conolly, E. T. Oliver, R. Mitehelson, E. .. Stout, 1!. 475 2 8 339 7 8 330 7 8 12 10 0 339 7 8 339 7 8 3 7 2 325 18 10 38 14 2 288 19 7 31 13 6 66 13 4 837 7 4 .1 520 16 8 598 2 4 9 5 6 598 2 4 ■598 2 4 90 14 6 15 11 310 0 0 .. .. 47 ,o „ 171 18 Oj 286 16 ii 1.530 14 7 .. .; jo"i o 188 oo.. 02 7 0.. 3!', 2 0.. BOO; 133 15 7 .. .. \\ 1,487 10 o :. 165 17 7 1. loo o o 1,062 10 0,187 IO o 20 s .. o 0 137 LO o 1,062 10 O .. in :, o 0 1,002 10 o .. 226 14 0 1,000 0 o 1,062 10 0 .. 237 0 o 166 13 4 868 19 0193 2 1o 401 0 3 151 V 3 1,002 10 (U50 O 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 25 7) 0 61 16 7 0 5 G .. 1,000 0 0150 0 0 50 10 0 .'. '.', ' ' 3 0 81 13 4 .. 210 9 5 195 17 6 1,720 16 8 81 I 0 1 13 1!) 0 137 5 6 1 ,250 0 0 .. 137 11 0 225 16 o 1,250 0 0 .. 260 6 6 205 12 o .. .. 57 8 0 j 172 13 6 1.250 0 0 1770 4 10 327 6 O 76 i 8 1.250 0 0 .. 103 4 6 ! )0 0 150 0 o 34 14 o 591 8 0 70 l'i I .. •• 845 16 8 .. 320 11 1 1,508 ON .. 266 5 9 1.250 0 0 .. 88 4 0 159 1 0 I,250 0 0150 0 0 012 10 3 1,250 00 .. 39 ,j 0 so:) o 6 07 1 .-.' 251 12 6 1.2-,.) 0 0 159 o o 615 16 8 77 10 O 140 19 6 .. 7 15 0 .. .. Totals .. |2 ' 756 3 27 > 7ao " 7J489 18 41,226 13 10 7,018 5 7312 10 01,189 2~28,643"lS 0 432 5 21,274 18 5J9,250 0 "ol^ITi flT.111 let .lull- f n coir,*. T\ 1 -.,-,-,•, . ™ ... -. ~~ ■ ■ ! ,374 1 2 95 3 2 1,744 19 7 * As ei itered in Treasury books from 1st July to 31st December, 1878. I Travelling-allowance and exi >enses are for calendar years, as por parliamentary >or H.-



Return showing the Names of all Persons who have been Members of the Executive Government of the Colony, and the Sums drawn by each, &c.-continued.

James B. Heywood, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. 30th July, 1890. [Approximate Cost of Paper. Preparation, nil; printing (1,300 copies). £9 Sβ.

By Authority : Geobge Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—- 1890.

Salary. Travelling- ! House- allowance 'allowance. and Expenses. Salary. 1 , TravellingHouse- allowance allowance. and Expenses. Salary. TravellingHouse- allowance allowance. and Expenses. Salary. TravellinRHouso- allowanco j allowance. and Expenses. Salary. TraveHingHouse- allowance allowance. and Expenses. Name. 18S6-87. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1884-85.* 1885-8G. Atkinson, Hon. II. A. Kolleston, W. .. Oliver, P.. Bryce, J. Dick, T. Montgomery, W. Macandrew, J. .. McLean, G. Morris, G. B. .. Wakefield, E. . . Hursthouse, R... Russell, W. R. .. Mitclielson, E. .. Conolly, E. T. .. Stout, Sir R. .. Vogel, Sir J. Richardson, Hon. E. Ballance, J. Tole, J. A. Buckley, P. A. .. Larnach, W. J. M. Atkinson, Sir H. A. Whitaker, Sir P. Mitchelson, E. .. Hislop, T. W. .. Fergus, T. Fisher, G. Richardson, G. F. Russell, W. B. .. Reynolds, W. H. Stevens, E. C. J. £ s. a. GS7 5 11 470 8 7 470 8 7 470 8 7 470 8 7 40 G 5 40 6 5 20 9 11 30 4 10 20 9 11 20 9 11 20 9 11 490 18 6 470 8 7 1,062 14 1 7-59 1 G 759 1 G 759 1 « 718 15 1 718 15 1 299 1 2 s. s. a.i £ s. a. £ a. £ s. a. 298 13 2 112 8 0 56 9 0 111 15 6 98 19 0 299 12 G 15 8 6 4 10 9 4 10 9 3 12 7 2 9 2 3 9 2 £ g. d. £* b. d.l £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. e s. a. £ b, a. £ s. a.. £ s. a. •■ '■ .. ! :: :: :: .. ■• •• .. .. •• •• i ■' .. .. 38 15 0 50 9 0 1G 19 .. 1,750 0 0 16 19 .. o a 75 0 4 2 0 01,250 0 0 91 1 9 29 8 01,250 0 0150 0 0 01 5 0 5 10 01,250 0 0 80 5 0 .. 1,250 0 0150 0 0 85 17 9 .. 1,250 0 0150 0 0 .. t-315 2 0 L.750 0 Oj .. 455 11 2 t385 4 61,250 0 0 .. 171 9 7 |492 18 01,250 0 0 .. 205 0 10 '524 8 4:i,250 0 0150 0 0 514 17 11 1120 13 01,250 0 0 .. 197 10 0 U97 6 Oil, 250 0 0150 0 0, 225 15 9 +719 15 0 1,250 0 0150 0 0 575 15 1 ■• •■ 912 12 8 651 17 7 051 17 "• 051 17 7 G51 17 7 051 17 7 651 17 7 478 9 11 389 15 11 816 2 7 889 10 0 882 15 11 382 10 0 882 15 11 209 16 11 .. , 135 7 5 180 10 6 78 4 6 145 19 10 111 13 0 78 4 0 20 12 0 78 4 6 347 12 0 95 18 11 2*17 6 95 18 11 151 17 0| 95 13 11 i 0 0 29 10 0! 95 13 11 2G 4 6 36 1 0, 'i,ooo"o 0 800 0 0 I 806 13 4 I 800 0 0 j 800 0 0 800 0 0 , 800 0 0 " 8 6 6 200 18 6 .. .. 259 1 0 183 0 8 4 4 0 183 0 8 284 18 6 183 6 8 ' 103 15 0 111 10 6 183 0 8 183 4 0 127 10 0 ..... •• I .. 29 14 0 !! 81 9 6 ;'. 110"4 0 2 0 0 .. 2 12 0 • • •• Totals .. 1,108 9 89,250 0 0 450 0 02,755 7 4, i t ! 9,250 0 01 450 0 0, 2,517 15 10 7,589 10 5 ,17 9 21,520 12 7 5,800 13 4 733 6 81,077 1 8,799 14 7 645 9 9' I ! As entered in reasury boo] :s from 1st January, 1885, to 31st March, 1880. * Travelling-allowances and expenses are for calendar years, a; per parliamentary paper H.-3H of 1885.

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Bibliographic details

SALARIES, HOUSE-ALLOWANCE, AND TRAVELLINGALLOWANCE AND EXPENSES OF MINISTERS (RETURN OF), FOR EACH YEAR FROM 1869-70 TO 1888-89., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-37

Word Count

SALARIES, HOUSE-ALLOWANCE, AND TRAVELLINGALLOWANCE AND EXPENSES OF MINISTERS (RETURN OF), FOR EACH YEAR FROM 1869-70 TO 1888-89. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-37

SALARIES, HOUSE-ALLOWANCE, AND TRAVELLINGALLOWANCE AND EXPENSES OF MINISTERS (RETURN OF), FOR EACH YEAR FROM 1869-70 TO 1888-89. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-37