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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Extract from Twelfth Annual Eeport of the Minister of Education. The number of children admitted to industrial schools during the year was 190 (a smaller number than usual), and the number of inmates discharged was 159, so that the number of young persons under the control of the schools has been increased by 31, the number at the end of the year being 1,554. But the number of children maintained by the institutions has declined from 1,158 at the beginning of the year to 1,106 at the end of the year, the number in the schools having been increased by 10, and the number of boarded-out children diminished by 62. Among the 159 cases of discharge are reckoned 5 boys transferred from Kohimararna to the Costley Institute in Auckland, 4 girls adopted, 1 girl married, 3 inmates who attained the age of twenty-one during the year, and 4 deaths. Two little girls died at St. Mary's, Nelson—one (eight years old) of croup, after an illness of three days, and another (five years and nine months) of rheumatic fever and heart disease, after a prolonged illness. A girl of seventeen, belonging to the Caversham School, died at service, of inflammation of the lungs, and an infant of six months, who had been boarded out, died within two months of her commitment to Caversham. The numbers of inmates maintained by the several institutions at the beginning and end of the year respectively are shown in Table T, and the boarded-out children are distinguished from the resident inmates.

TABLE T.—Children maintained.

The difference between the number of young persons under the control of the institutions (1,554) and the number of children dependent on the institutions for maintenance (1,106) is thus accounted for : 299 were at service under license,

I—E. 3.

Boardi :d out. In Eesidence. Dec, 1887. Increase. Decrease. Dec, 1888. Dec, 1887. Increase. Decrease Dec, 1888. Government Schools— Auckland, Kohimararna Parnell Burnham Caversham Local School— Thames Industrial School Private Schools— St. Mary's, Ponsonby .. St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson 78 37 230 218 17 3 19 24 61 34 211 194 56 9 94 126 5 I 10 0 4 9 52 10 104 117 11 1 i 47 21 237 3 8 5 42 24 245 Totals 563 63 501 595 28 18 605



118 were licensed to reside with friends. 5 were at the Costley Institute on probation, 3 were in hospitals, 2 in lunatic asylums, 1 in an asylum for the blind in Melbourne, lin a Magdalen asylum, and 1 in gaol; and 18 (all boys) were absent without leave —7 having absconded from the schools, 10 having left their places of service without consulting the managers of the schools to which they belong, and 1 having absconded from the Costley Institute, to which he had been sent on probation. The number of girls belonging to the schools was 633 (out of a total of 1,554 "inmates") : 240 residing in the schools, 225 boarded out, 124 at service, 41 with friends, 1 on probation at Costley Institute, 1 in a lunatic asylum, and 1 in a Magdalen asylum. Of 190 children admitted, 84 were simply destitute, 16 vagrant, 22 living in disreputable places, 9 uncontrollable, 56 guilty of punishable offences, and 3 admitted privately at the request of the parents and Charitable Aid Board. With respect to religious denomination, 81 are described as belonging to the Church of England, 66 to the Soman Catholic, 32 to the Presbyterian, 6 to the Methodist, 1 to the Baptist, and 4 as " Protestant." Of the 1,106 inmates dependent for maintenance, 667 are Protestant and 439 Boman Catholic; and, of the remaining 448 inmates, 316 are Protestant and 132 Boman Catholic. Out of 190 cases admitted, it appears, from the facts stated in Table U, that 67 are probably due to misfortune, and 97 to the character of the parents (of both parents in 25 cases, of the fathers in 46, of the mothers in 26), and that in 26 cases there is not sufficient ground for judgment in this respect.

TABLE U. —Admissions classified according to Parents' Circumstances and Character, 1888.

The expenditure for the year on account of Government schools was £18,805 2s. Bd., against which is to be set £7,154 2s. 9d., recovered from Charitable Aid Boards and from parents. It is not easy to ascertain the exact average cost for one child. The expenditure for 1888 includes an unusually large proportion of accounts of the previous year, and part of the expenses is on account of outfit furnished to children sent out to board for the first time. The average number of children resident in the Government schools or boarded out from them was 812 (285 resident and 527 boarded out). The apparent cost for each of these children (ascertained by dividing the total cost by 812) is £23. The rate of payment for boarded-out children has until lately been 7s. a week. In new cases the rate is now 65., and steps are being taken to make this rate general. Table W shows the cost of each of the Government schools.

TABLE W.—Cost of Government Schools, 1888.

Children of Sick, Deuel Lunatic, jjeace. j Disabled, &c. Mothers Of Good Character (or Poor). [escribed as Total. Not known or not stated. Of Bad Character. Deserters. Fathers described as— Dead Sick, lunatic, disabled, &e. Of good character (or poor) Not known or not stated Of bad character Deserters 15 2 14 2 14 3 6 6 12 12 4 1 7 1 16 3 4 2 7 2 5 7 19 3 2 2 i 43 6 53 17 42 29 "i 11 3 Totals .. 50 27 36 26 43 190

School. Cost of School. Cost of Boarding out. Recoveries. Net Cost. Auckland Kohimararna Burnham Caversham £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 337 17 11 752 8 0 280 7 1 1,353 11 3 1,504 1 6 846 16 0 3,180 3 10 4,502 12 1 2,916 4 10 2,809 14 5 4,106 1 1 3,110 14 10 7,681 7 5 10,865 2 8 I 7,154 2 9 £ s. a. 809 18 10 2,010 16 9 4,766 11 1 3,805 0 8 11,392 7 4 Totals Salary and expenses of Visiting Office: r 258 12 7 Total 11,650 19 11



Table X shows the payments made by the Department for the maintenance of children in " private" schools. The " local" school at the Thames is maintained wholly by the local authorities.

TABLE X.—Government Expenditure on Private Schools, 1888.

No. 2. Additional Statistics. "Inmates," 31st December, 1888.

Table X shows the payments made by the Department for the maintenance of children in " private" schools. The " local" school at the Thames is maintained wholly by the local authorities. TABLE X. —Govebnment Expenditure on Pbivate Schools, 1888. School. Payments. Recoveries. Net Expenditure by Government. St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals i £ s. a. C22 19 0 123 2 0 1,640 1 1 2,386 2 1 £ s. d. ,-e s. a. 47 12 2 575 6 10 30 19 2 92 2 10 260 14 9 1,379 0 4 339 6 1 2,046 16 0 2,386 2 1 No. 2. Additional Static stics. " Inmates," 31st Decemi bee, 1888, Government Schools. Ijocal School. Private Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnbain. Caversham. B. G. B. G. Thames. B. G. a'2 O £ CJ3 .2 * 1d£ Nelson. B. G. 15 b o EH s 1 i 2 1 ft O J i B. G. G. G. o ffl In the schools) -. ing f Boarded out j | With friends At service In hospital In lunatic asylum .. In Blind Asylum, Victoria In Magdalen Asylum At Costley Institute on probation In gaol Absent without leave 52 61 20 17 10 34 2 17 80 118 20 79 i 1 24 93 12 51 76 97 23 61 2 1 41 97 10 42 1 5 *7 6 2 42 3 4 24 1 4 152 8 11 1 93 [() 8 1 365 276 77 175 3 1 1 240 225 41 124 1 1 605 501 118 299 3 2 1 1 232 435 71 222 3 1 1 373 66 47 77 1 1 4 "i 1 3 1 10 1 •• 4 1 18 1 5 i 18 3 1 14 2 4 Totals 164 64 301 180 271 191 13 8 49 29 172 921 633 1,554 I 983 f I 571 112 28 32 11 i 49 29 554 154 1, 1,5; lECBDENT Condition o: Children admitte: IN .888. Gov ■ermni int Sclii ools. Lo< Boh ical lool. rivate Schools. All Sohoo: !s. Committed Auc! dand. Bum lham. Caver 'sham. Tha: ies. Id Ne: ion. o m r/. b o B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. Vs destitute Ls vagrant .. is living in disreputable places is uncontrollable is guilty of punishable offences Dn transfer from other schools 3y arrangement 1 2 2 9 2 1 14 6 2 5 26 2 5 5 8 2 8 13 16 3 1 3 5 3 8 15 2 1 1 3 11 1 2 42 10 5 8 51 2 3 42 6 17 1 5 84 1& 22 9 56 2 3 3 * " ; J * * Totals 17 3 55 20 22 23 5 3 8 22 14 121 71 192 20 75 45 3 8 S6

Table X shows the payments made by the Department for the maintenance of children in " private" schools. The " local" school at the Thames is maintained wholly by the local authorities. TABLE X.—Govebnment Expenditure on Pbivate Schools, 1888. School. Payments. Recoveries. Net Expenditure by Government. St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson Totals i £ s. a. C22 19 0 123 2 0 1,640 1 1 2,386 2 1 £ s. d. ,-e s. a. 47 12 2 575 6 10 30 19 2 92 2 10 260 14 9 1,379 0 4 339 6 1 2,046 16 0 2,386 2 1 No. 2. Additional Static stics. " Inmates," 31st Decemi bee, 1888, Government Schools. Ijocal School. Private Schools. All Schools. Inmates. Auckland. Burnbain. Caversham. B. G. B. G. Thames. B. G. a'2 O £ CJ3 .2 * 1d£ Nelson. B. G. 15 b o EH s 1 i 2 1 ft O J i B. G. G. G. o ffl In the schools) -. ing f Boarded out j | With friends At service In hospital In lunatic asylum .. In Blind Asylum, Victoria In Magdalen Asylum At Costley Institute on probation In gaol Absent without leave 52 61 20 17 10 34 2 17 80 118 20 79 i 1 24 93 12 51 76 97 23 61 2 1 41 97 10 42 1 5 *7 6 2 42 3 4 24 1 4 152 8 11 1 93 [() 8 1 365 276 77 175 3 1 1 240 225 41 124 1 1 605 501 118 299 3 2 1 1 232 435 71 222 3 1 1 373 66 47 77 1 1 4 "i 1 3 1 10 1 •• 4 1 18 1 5 i 18 3 1 14 2 4 Totals 164 64 301 180 271 191 13 8 49 29 172 921 633 1,554 I 983 f I 571 112 28 32 11 i 49 29 554 154 1, 1,5; lECBDENT Condition o: Children admitte: IN .888. Gov ■ermni int Sclii ools. Lo< Boh ical lool. rivate Schools. All Sohoo: !s. Committed Auc! dand. Bum lham. Caver 'sham. Tha: ies. Id Ne: ion. o m r/. b o B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. Vs destitute Ls vagrant .. is living in disreputable places is uncontrollable is guilty of punishable offences Dn transfer from other schools 3y arrangement 1 2 2 9 2 1 14 6 2 5 26 2 5 5 8 2 8 13 16 3 1 3 5 3 8 15 2 1 1 3 11 1 2 42 10 5 8 51 2 3 42 6 17 1 5 84 1& 22 9 56 2 3 3 * " ; J * * Totals 17 3 55 20 22 23 5 3 8 22 14 121 71 192 20 75 45 3 8 S6



Discharges in 1888.

No. 3. Dr. Pukchas's Eeport on Kohimarama. Sir,— Auckland, 30th March, 1889. I have to report that I this day visited and inspected the Kohimararna Industrial School. I found all the premises in the usual good order with the exception of the urinals, to which I have called attention in a previous report. The floor had been washed to-day, but was again wet from an overflow of urine. As it was Saturday afternoon, some of the boys were absent with the master in a boat, and others were away fishing. There were 41 present, and 11 were reported to be in the two boats, making a total of 52. All the boys I saw were well except J. B , who was suffering from numerous sores on his legs, for which I gave him medicine. There are two or three little boys who are too young to be kept at the school: they were recently admitted, and should be boarded out as soon as possible. There has been very little sickness among the children under my charge during the last year, and no death. I think there is every reason to be satisfied with the boardingout system, and if suitable homes could be found I believe that a large proportion of those who are classed as criminal children would be reclaimed. I am, &c, A. G. Purchas, M.E.C.S. Bng., The Secretary, Education Department. Medical Officer.

Govi srnment Schc ioIs. Local School. 'rivate Schools. 11 Sch. ioIs. Removed by Aucl dand. Bur] lham. Cavei ■sham. Tb; .mes. si? Ph o m to a . HH o is Nei: >on. B. G. B. (i. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. G. rfl >, o M 3 *«3 O Tarrant of discharge >eath Warrant of transfer to other schools Warrant of transfer to Costley Institute ttaining age of 21.. Iarriage .doption 21 5 35 5 30 27 2 6 3 7 3 2 93 49 4 142 4 2 2 2 5 i 1 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 4 5 3 1 4 - 2 Totals ( 25 6 35 9 33 31 6 3 7 5 101 60 161 6 3 II Nu: :bebs of li 187 and 188! compar: ID. Inmates. 1887. 1888. Increase or Decrease. In the schools Boarded out With friends At service In hospital In lunatic asylum In blind asylum, Victoria In Magdalen Asylum At Costley Institute, on probation In refuge In gaol Absent without leave 595 563 85 253 3 3 605 501 118 299 3 2 1 1 5 + 10 - 62 + 33 + 46 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 - 1 1 1 19 "l 18 - 1 1,523 1,554 + 31


No. 4. Dr. Pbins's Bepoet on Burnham. Sir,— Christchurch, May, 1889. I have the honour to submit the following report on the Industrial School at Burnham for the year ending 30th April, 1889 : — Boys. Girls. Total. 1. In the school ... ... ... ... 73 25 98 2. At service under license ... ... ... 88 50 138 3. Boarded out under license .. ... ... 108 98 206 4. With friends under license ... ... ... 24 13 37 5. Missing or absconded ... ... ... 10 0 10 6. In prison (four-months sentence) ... ... 1 0 1 Total ... ... ... 304 186 490 "With the exception of a small number who have suffered from a few trifling ailments and accidents, the health of the inmates has been very good. The school is kept clean and orderly, all sanitary requirements being strictly attended to. The children are attending regularly and are making good progress in their studies under the careful tuition of the schoolmaster. In addition, the boys are made useful on the farm, and the girls are being taught needlework and trained in domestic duties. The brass band continues to give pleasure to the inmates. Considering the frequent changes in the membership, caused by some of the boys being sent away and fresh ones taught, the band is kept in an efficient state. The orchard and vegetable gardens are now complete, and watered by the water-race. The boarding-out system, of which I have spoken favourably in recent reports, continues to give satisfaction. The Master and Matron give unremitting attention to their duties, and show the greatest kindness to the inmates. The other members of the staff also do their duty, and work amicably together. I have, &c, H. H. Pbins, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Medical Officer.

No. 5. Dr. Burns's Beport on Caversham. Sir,— Dunedin, 18th April, 1889. I have this year the pleasure of again reporting that the sanitary condition of the school has been all that could be desired; amongst our 121 inmates (80 boys, 41 girls), no epidemic, illness, nor indeed any case of disease of a serious nature having occurred. The same can be said of those boarded-out children who are living in and around Dunedin, and whom it is my duty to visit in case of sickness. I must, however, call attention to a state of matters which, unless rectified, time will only aggravate. It is highly creditable to our Magistrates that they are evincing a strong disinclination to commit young offenders of both sexes to the common gaols, from a very proper fear of opening the gate to their entrance on a career of professional crime. But, as many of our young people are presumably honest and pure-minded, coming to us not from the haunts of crime but the abodes of poverty and sickness, our duty is equally clear to prevent their young minds being contaminated by association with older people who have already matriculated in crime. The two classes ought to be completely separated. There is ample room within the spacious grounds of the institution for the building of a reformatory, in the working of which the same staff would be mainly available. I know that Mr. Titchener has been wonderfully successful in reclaiming many apparently desperatte cases, and it would be a pity if the good work were stopped, when, by a slight expenditure, the evil I refer to could be eliminated. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Bobeet Burns, E.B.C.S. Edin.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,500 copies), £2 lls. 6cV|

By Authority: George Didsbuhy, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB9.

2—E. 3.


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, E-03

Word Count

EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, E-03

EDUCATION: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, E-03