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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Engineee-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. glB __ Public Works Office, Wellington, 27th May, 1886. I have the honour to forward herewith a full report by the Assistant Engineer-in-Chief on the East and West Coast and Nelson Eailway, and on the country traversed and affected by it. Four maps accompany the above report. I have, &0., John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.

The Assistant Engineee-in-Chief to the Engineee-in-Chief, Wellington. „ _ Wellr\;ton, 7th April, 1886. In accordance with your instructions, I have the honour to submit the following general report on the proposed East and West Coast nnd Nelson Raihray, v.vA the country it is intended to accommodate.

GENERAL. Scope of Report —The aim of the report is to give a correct idea of the proposed works and the nresent state of settlement, together with an account of the resources of the country that bear on future settlement and the prospects of the railway. Some of the information having already been published piecemeal in the numerous reports relating to the subject, I purpose, so far as statements of facts are concerned, to make this report an epitome of all that have preceded it, as well as a record of my own observations. . . Former Papers -For facility of reference, I attach hereto (Appendix A) a list of the principal reports and other documents relative to the whole question of railway communication in the northern and western districts of the Middle Island. ' Fresh Explorations.- -In order that I might be able to lay the whole matter before you as clearly as possible, you instructed me to make a further examination of the country I accordindv did so devoting seven weeks to the work, and going to every place with which I previously was not intimately acquainted. Practically, I have seen every part of the country that is calculated to contribute directly or indirectly to the support of the railway. _ Maps.—This report is accompanied by a series of four sketch maps intended to elucidate the various points dealt with: — No 1 Settlement Map, shows where the population is located, and the lands sold and leased ; No' i Land Map, shows the arable flat, arable hilly, and open pastoral lands ; No 3' Forest Map, shows the forest lands, divided into the various kinds of timber; No' 4' Mineral Map, shows the location of the various mineral deposits. The different boundaries shown on the maps, and areas calculated therefrom, are, of course, only approximate, extreme exactness being impossible without minute and expensive surveys. It is, I—D. lα.



however, believed that they give a fair representation of the country, for much of the information on which they are based was procured from the Lands Department and other trustworthy sources. KAILWAY SYSTEM PEOPOSED. Present Proposals. —After full investigation and considerable discussion, the question of routes may now be held as settled, at any rate so far as the lines in immediate prospect are concerned ; and in my opinion the decisions arrived at are undoubtedly correct. The lines in immediate prospect co; uprise the following : — 1. A railway commencing at Springfield, in Canterbury, and proceeding by the Waimakariri Valley, Arthur's Pass, and Lake Brunner to Brunnerton, on the Grey Eiver—a distance of 95 miles. 2. The completion of the railway along the coast from Hokitika to Greymouth—a distance of 24 miles. 3. A railway commencing at Brunnerton, and proceeding by Eeefton, Inangahua Junction, and Tophouse to Belgrove, the terminus of the Nelson Bailway — a distance of 154 miles. 4. A branch railway from Inangahua Junction down the Buller Valley to Westport—a distance of 27 miles. 5. A connection from Tophouse down the Wairau Valley to Blenheim, a distance of 63 miles. Future Connections and Extensions .—ln addition to the railways above enumerated the maps show further connections and extensions that may be required in the future to open up the country, and make the system complete. They are given now, so that it may be seen how far the present proposals work in with the general railway system for the Middle Island and the whole colony. Works already Executed.- —A small quantity of work has already been executed on three of the lines above referred to, viz. :—s£ miles of the Hokitika-Greymouth Eailway have been finished, and 4f miles partly formed. On the Nelson-West Coast line, miles of formation have been finished at the Belgrove end, and -| mile partly done at the Brunnerton end. The expenditure and liabilities on these sections up to the 31st ultimo are, — £ Hokitika-Greymouth ... ... ... ... ... 41,839 Nelson-West Coast ... ... ... ... ... 28,523 Total ... ... ... ... £70,362 On the line southwards from Blenheim the formation has been done for 4J miles, and 8$ miles more are in progress. The expenditure and liabilities are £32,858. Surveys. —Of the lines under the present proposals, working surveys on which contracts can be let have been prepared for the whole of the Hokitika-Greymouth Eailway and a section at each end of the Nelson-West Coast line ; Wai-iti to the Blue Glen, 17 miles; and Stillwater to Nelson Creek, 7-J miles. A working survey has also been made of 2£ miles of the line south of Blenheim, beyond the point up to which the present contract extends. Detailed preliminary surveys of a very complete description have been made of the East and West Coast line, and the heaviest portion of the main line extension by the East Coast. Similar surveys, but less in detail, have also been made of the Nelson-West Coast line, including the branch to Westport, and of the extension southwards from Blenheim as far as the Awatere Eiver. Eeconnaissance surveys only have been made of all the other lines shown on the maps; but the information with reference to them is sufficiently complete to enable a good idea to be formed of the kind of railways that can be got, and the character of the country through which they pass. It is expected that in every case 1 in 50 gradients and 7J-chain curves can be got. Distances. —Appendix B gives in tabular form the distances between the principal centres and other important points on the various lines under discussion. It is inserted to facilitate reference, as the numerous routes and junctions are very confusing to any one not intimately acquainted with the country. Estimates. —The estimates of the lines of which detailed surveys have been made are submitted with considerable confidence, as they are based on actual measurement of work; but in all other cases the figures are only approximations, made by comparison with other railways. The following are tho estimates of the various lines with which we are immediately concerned: — Miles. & 1. East and West Coast ... ... ... 95 1,505,000 2. Hokitika-Greymouth, completion ... ... 24 180,000 3. West Coast and Nelson ... ... ... 154 1,330,000 4. Branch to Westport ... ... ... 27 335,000 5. Tophouse to Blenheim ... ... ... 63 375,000 Totals ... ... ... 363 £3,725,000 GENEEAL DESCRIPTION OF COUNTRY. Area. —A line has been drawn on the maps showing the boundary of the country affected by the proposed East and West Coast and Nelson Railways and the connection from Tophouse and Blenheim, the latter, as already remarked, being the most important in the several lists given above.

Erratum.—Page 3, line 12, for " 7,750,000 acres," read " 6,750,000 acres." The tables show the correct total.



On the eastern side of the main range the area simply includes the Waimakariri watershed down to the plains. It is a moot question as to what is the southern boundary on the western Bide, for there is no break in the general character of the country. The land was temporarily reserved from sale down to the Waiho, sixty miles south of Hokitika. I think, however, that this is too far away, so I have fixed the limit at the Poerua, thirty-five miles south of Hokitika. The eastern boundary follows the main rangs to Mount Franklyn, then strikes north-east to the ocean, along the watershed between the Awatero and Wairau Rivers. The northern boundary runs up the Little Wanganui to its source, then follows the watershed between the Motueka and Takaka Eivers to Mount Eichards, where it strikes direct east to the sea. In the extreme north-east the area affected by the railway is assumed to terminate about midway down the Sounds. The total area of the country that will be benefited by the proposed railways, and within the boundaries above described, is about 10,550 square miles, or 7,750,000 acres. _ The following table shows the general character of the country, the figures being of course approximate : —

Topography. —The main range of mountains which divides the Middle Island longitudinally extends in one unbroken chain from Otago to Nelson. The range is comparatively narrow and compact between Canterbury and Westland, but in Otago and Nelson it has numerous branchranges running in all directions to the sea. There is, however, one well-defined and tolerably straight backbone, parallel with the West Coast, all the way from the Haast Pass to Tophouse. These two places are respectively 1,847 ft. and 2,395 ft. high ; but there is no other pass in the whole distance of about 240 miles that is lower than 2,870 ft., and all the principal passes are within 400 ft. of the same level. At Arthur's Pass—the route adopted for the East and West Coast Railway—the line crosses the range at an altitude of 2,530 ft., and the lowest elevation on any of the surveyed lines —that by the Hurunui—is 2,360 ft. The portion of the main range between Canterbury and Westland has few long spurs, but there is a subsidiary range on the eastern side running parallel with the main one. It extends from the Mackenzie country to the Amuri, and all the main-range rivers run through it in precipitous gorges. There is a similar subsidiary range for a short distance on the western side—the Victoria and Brunner Mountains. It forms the watershed between the Maruia and Inangahua Eivers, and extends from the Grey to the Buller. There is also a second subsidiary range near the coast between these rivers—the Paparoa Mountains. The Maruia Plain lies between the main range and the Victoria and Brunner Mountains ; and the flat country about Eeefton occupies the space between the latter and the Paparoa Eange. South of the Grey right down to Okarito there is no subsidiary range nor long spurs: the slopes of the main range run sharply down to the low country in a line approximately parallel with the coast. The watershed between the Awatere and the Wairau—the boundary of the country affected by the railways—is a branch range leaving the backbone near its northern end. The main range as such terminates at Tophouse, but is continued in two principal branches: one runs north-east to the Sounds between the Wairau Valley and Tasman Bay; and the other, turning sharply westward, is lost in the mass of mountains north of the Buller. The first of these branches has a long spur, the Spooner Eange, which forms the watershed between the Motueka and the Waimea Eivers. It is an insignificant feature in the topography of the country, but is important in this connection, as it determines the route of the railway from Belgrove to the Buller Valley. The main range between Canterbury and Westland is only about twenty-five miles from the west coast, whereas it is about seventy-five miles from the sea on the opposite side. In this and the absence of lateral spurs lie the difficulty of taking a railway across the Middle Island. It is quite easy to get good gradients on the eastern eido on any of the surveyed routes; but the western slope is too steep to admit of flat gradients without heavy works. The country between the two ranges on the Canterbury side is open, but considerably broken up by hills and deep ravines. On the western side there is a long strip of low, flat country all along the coast, from the Poerua to Greymouth, and continuing up the Grey and down the Inangahua to the Buller. The strip is about 120 miles long, and varies in width from sto 20 miles. The country is generally flat, but interspersed with a few isolated mountains and a considerable extent of hilly land. So easy, however, is it that a railway could probably be taken all the way with not more than 30 chains of tunnelling. There is another run of low country back from the coast, between the Teremakau and Buller, close to the main range. It goes through by the Brunner and Haupiri Lakes, and the Nancy and Mary Eivers, to the Maruia Valley; thence by the Warwick to the Matakitaki, and ■down that river to the Buller ; also across by Lake Eotoroa to Tophouse.

Open. Bush. Total. Arable flat lands Arable hilly lands Open pastoral lands Mountainous bush lands Mountain-tops a,nd other rough country of little value Lakes, river-beds, and other waste lands Acres. 298,700 237,800 1,220,500 Acres. 663,000 292,800 2,968,700 Acres. 961,700 530,600 1,220,500 2,968,700 964,000 105,000 964,000 105,000 Totals 2,826,000 3,924,500 6,750,500



With the exception of the 6 miles at its mouth the Buller Eiver runs for the most part through a very narrow valley, gorgy in places. The Wairau Valley is open all the way from Tophouse to Blenheim, gradually widening out from the mere breadth of the river to a well-cultivated plain, 10 miles across. Above Tophouse the Wairau flows most of the way through precipitous gorges and steep mountain-slopes. Between Tophouse and Belgrove the country consists chiefly of high ridges running down from the main range, with narrow valleys intervening. These valleys open out to plains between Belgrove and the sea ; and one of them, the Waimea Plain, is perhaps the most densely-populated rural district in New Zealand. There is, again, a narrow strip of low country between the Paparoa liange and the sea, and continuing up the coast to the Mokihinui River. As will be seen by the forest map, the area affected by the railway in Canterbury and in Marlborough, and that portion of Nelson between Tophouse and Tasman Bay, is mostly open country; but nearly all the western watershed in Nelson and Westland is covered with bush. Scenery. —Much of the country within the area accommodated by the proposed railways abounds in grand and beautiful scenery—an important factor in the traffic estimates. The Otira Gorge and other places on the Hokitika Road have been so often described by pen and pencil that they are now well known both at home and abroad. The Buller, also, which is little, if anything, inferior to the Otira, has received some attention within the last four years, since the road was opened. Practically, however, these are the only two places which have been visited by the regular sightseers, although there are many others equally attractive. I shall mention some of them. The gorge of the Waimakariri is unique in ruggedness —one of the wildest spots in New Zealand —and there is a magnificent waterfall, beautiful peaks, and a number of small glaciers easy of access at the headwaters of the same river. The Waiho glaciers and other Alpine scenery in the neighourhood of Okarito constitute some of the most imposing sights in the colony; and. the district has another attraction in the hot springs, one of which is within 2 miles of the principal glacier. This place even now is not difficult of access. Some of the West Coast lakes are very beautiful, more particularly Kanieri, Wahapo, and Mapourika. The whole of the upland valleys at the base of the main range abound in fine scenery—rapid streams flowing through grassy glades that are skirted with bush and backed by mountains. The Wairau Gorge, about twenty miles from Tophouse, in an accessible situation, is by some considered equal to the Otira. Last of all I should make special mention of Fox's River, which reaches the coast at Brighton. It flows through a limestone ravine of exquisite beauty and grandeur, like some of the finer reaches of the Wanganui. Geology. —The following sketch of the geology of the area affected by the railways is prepared chiefly from the publications of the Geological Department, supplemented by my own observations. The subsidiary range in Canterbury is composed of slates and sandstones of the earlier geological periods, flanked by other sedimentary rocks of more recent formation. The latter contain the Malvern coal-beds, pottery-clays, and other minerals. At Castlehill, between the two ranges, there occurs a small deposit of a still more recent period, containing about eight hundred acres of limestone, the same class as that at Oamaru. The flat lands in the Upper Waimakariri Valley are chiefly fans built up by streams from the mountains. Some of them are a mile or two in width, and, being generally regular in shape and covered with grass or bush, they are not always noticed. The main range for its entire length, from Wakatipu to Cook Strait, is composed of clayslates and schists of varying consistency. Clay-slate occurs again in a long narrow belt, extending from Reefton along the western slopes of the Brunner Mountains to Lyell, and onwards to the headwaters of the Mokihinui and Karamea. The same formation also appears on the southeastern flank of the Paparoa Range, and in a small patch at Ross. The main range is flanked on the western side for nearly the whole length of Westland by granite and other crystalline rocks. These rocks again form a continuous chain in the Victoria, Brunner, and Lyell Mountains, and the main ridge extending therefrom to Separation Point. At Mount Owen, near the middle of this chain, the granitic rocks branch off in a broad belt to the headwaters of the Buller, where they disappear under the slates of the main range. Granite and other crystalline rocks occur again in the top of the Paparoa Range. According to special information kindly furnished by Dr. Hector, the principal coal-bearing formations in the area accommodated by the proposed railways occur as follows : — 1. At Greymouth, extending along the coast from Marsden to the Maukurunui Creek, and up the Grey Valley to the Arnould River. 2. At the Blackball Creek, extending northwards along the eastern slope of the Paparoa Range to the headwaters of Moonlight Creek. 3. From Reefton dowii the Inangahua Valley to the Buller, and across the ranges and Mount Rochfort Plateau to Ngakawau and Mokihinui. 4. In the Upper Buller watershed, extending in one direction from within five miles of Cannibal Gorge to the Owen River, and in the other from Fern Flat to Lake Rotoroa. 5. A small patch on the watershed between the Mokihinui, Karamea, and Wangapeka Rivers. 6. A small patch in the vicinity of the Kanieri Lake. 7. Between the Paparoa Range and the sea, extending along the coast from to the Buller River. 8. In the Motueka watershed, extending from Mount Owen to the Baton River. The last three in the above list occur in newer rocks than the others, and the same formation appears also in the vicinity of Marsden and in the Upper Grey and Lower Motueka Valleys.



The Marlborough country within the area affected by the railways consists of sedimentary rocks intermediate between the clay-slates of the main range and the sand- and lime-stones of the coal-bearing formations. The low country on the West Coast consists chiefly of. alluvial deposits, in terraces and river-flats, overlying papa or blue reef—a soft argillaceous sandstone. All the principal alluvial gold-diggings occur in these deposits, the papa being the bed-rock. DBSCEIPTION OF LINES. East and West Coast Eailway. Surveys. —Most of the following particulars descriptive of this line appeared in my report of the 12th September, 1884, under the head of " Arthur's Pass Eoute." As already stated, a careful detailed survey of the line has been made; consequently the information on the subject is very complete. Except in the summit tunnel again referred to, the ruling gradient of the line as laid off is 1 in 50, and the sharpest curve is chains radius. Route. —Commencing at Springfield Railway-station, 43 miles 66 chains from Christchurch, the East and West Coast line sweeps across an open terrace to the Kowhai Bush, and strikes the Waimakariri Eivor near Paterson's Creek. The Waimakariri is then followed up to the Broken Biver, which is crossed close to the mouth and followed up to Sloven Creek. The course thence is by the Sloven Valley, St. Bernard Saddle, and Lake Sarah to the Cass. The Waimakariri is crossed near Goldney's Saddle, and followed up to the Bealey, which in turn brings the line to the main range at Arthur's Pass. The saddle is pierced by a long tunnel coming out in the Otira Gorge, near the foot of the " Zigzag." From this point the line follows the southern slopes of the Otira and Teremakau Valleys to a point near Jackson's accommodation-house, where theTeremakau is crossed. The northern bank of the river is then followed to Brace's Paddock, after which there is a straight run to the head of Lake Brunner. The line skirts the western side of the lake to the Hohonu Creek, and, sweeping round the spur into the valley of the Arnould, follows it down to the Grey. A junction is made with the West Coast-Nelson Eailway near Stillwater, 1 mile 30 chains from Brunnerton. Levels. —The East and West Coast line commences at a level of 1,260 ft. at Springfield, and rises, with very few downward gradients, to 2,040 ft. at St. Bernard's Saddle. Thence to the Waimakariri there is a fall, with long undulations, to 1,800 ft., the level at the crossing, after which the rise right to the main range is almost without interruption, the level at the summit being 2,530 ft. The descent westward begins at the eastern end of the tunnel, and continues for about seventeen miles, till the Teremakau Eiver-bed is reached, at a level of 690 ft. After this comes a gradual fall to 300 ft. along the shores of Lake Brunner, a rise to 480 ft. opposite the foot of the lake, and finally a fall to 100 ft. at the terminating point in the Grey Valley. Gradients and Gtirves. —On the eastern side of the range there are a number of l-in-50 gradients, some of them combined with sharp curves; but they are all in favour of the traffic from the West Coast, which will, of course, be much heavier than that from the east. There are three inclines of 1 in 50, with flat curves, against the heavy traffic, their aggregate length being 2J miles. They can, however, be eliminated at a very small cost; and the same remark applies to two similar inclines three-quarters of a mile long in the Teremakau Valley, on the western side Leaving out the long incline on the western slope of the main range, there is no necessity to have any gradient steeper than 1 in 60 against the heavy traffic, and at a moderate outlay the ruling gradient might be still further reduced—say, to 1 in 65 or 70. This would concentrate all the heavy gradients into one place, which is a very great desideratum, for the incline is far enough away from Brunnerton and long enough to be a locomotive stage in itself. Auxiliary power can therefore be used to the best advantage. The incline on the western side of the main range has a continuous gradient of I in 50 for fourteen miles, in combination with 7|-chain curves, and it cannot be materially improved at anything like a reasonable cost. In order to get better places to enter, and a level piece for the commencement of an alternative line over the summit, the gradient of the long tunnel at Arthur's Pass was increased to 1 in 44. This, on a straight line, is quite as easy as the l-in-50 on 7-J-chain curves in the open. Still, if considered desirable, the l-in-44 can be made into 1 in 50 without materially increasing the work. Works. —The rough country on the East and West Coast Eailway commences soon after leaving Springfield; but there are no special works in the first five miles except a large viaduct and heavy earthworks at the crossing of the Kowhai. The line strikes the Waimakariri Gorge at the 6th mile, and from thence to the Sloven Valley, at the 14th mile, the country is very difficult, and the works exceptionally heavy. From Sloven Creek to the head of the Bealey, a length of thirty miles, the works are very light : there are only two heavy cuttings on the whole distance. The Arthur's Pass summit tunnel is nearly 3-J- miles long, and the works on the western incline are exceedingly heavy. The remainder of the line from the Teremakau to Brunnerton runs through very easy country. With the exception of a few small cuttings near Lake Brunner, and a short tunnel in the Arnould Valley, there are no works worth mentioning. Altogether there are twenty-four tunnels on the East and West Coast line, of the aggregate length of 5 miles 30 chains 7 yards: eleven on the eastern side, 1 mile 35 chains 20 yards; the summit tunnel, 3 miles 16|- chains; and twelve on the Westland side, 57 chains 20 yards. One of the tunnels on the eastern side is 24 chains long, and there are three between 15 and 20 chains; but all the others on the line are 11 chains and under. The bridging also forms a considerable item. In addition to ordinary stream and river bridges, there are fourteen iron viaducts over 50ft. in height, the total length of which is 72 chains. Cost. —Including the small section, 1 mile 30 chains, between Stillwater and Brunnerton, partly made, the total length of railway to make between the two coasts of the Island is ninety-five miles.



The estimated cost, including rolling-stock and all other charges necessary to complete the line, is £1,505,000—5 ay £15,900 a mile. Difficulties of Construction. —ln my report of 1879 I pointed out the difficulties of construction and excessive cost of maintenance on this railway, particularly at the crossing of the main range. The detailed surveys that have since been made show the difficulties of construction to be considerably less than was anticipated—not so much in cost as in the superiority of the line obtainable. It was then supposed that a fairly-workable locomotive-railway could not be got at anything like a reasonable cost; and the estimates were based on gradients of 1 in 7 with stationary engines, or lin 15 with central rails, as at the Eimutaka. The best locomotive-gradient calculated on was 1 in 33, and even this was not supposed to bo obtainable at Arthur's Pass. As already stated, the ruling gradient on the latest surveys is 1 in 50, with curves, which is the same as on the Middle Island main line. Comparing this with other railways throughout the colony, wo have, —- . Gradients. Curves. Auckland-Mercer ... ... ... 1 in 40 ... 12 chains. Napier-Woodville ... ... ... lin 45 ... 7 „ Wanganui-New Plymouth ... ... lin 35 ... 5 „ Wellington to Eimutaka Summit ... ... lin 35 ... 5 „ Some of the locomotives already in the colony will pull 100 tons paying load up the Arthur's Pass incline as it is now laid out. Although small when compared with some of the Alpine tunnels that have been constructed in Europe within the last few years, the Arthur's Pass tunnel is a heavy piece of engineering for a new country. It is of great length, inclines all in one direction, and large quantities of water are likely to be met with—a combination of circumstances that can only be met by a liberal expenditure. Beyond this, however, the difficulties are not serious. There has of late years been a great improvement in the art of tunnelling, and the streams in the vicinity afford ample waterpower for machinery, so, considering its magnitude, I have no doubt the work could be done in a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost. IVur and a half miles of the St. Gothard Tunnel were pierced by machinery at the rate of a mile and a third per annum. Maintenance. —With reference to the maintenance of the East and West Coast Eailway : In the Waimakariri Gorge it will always be very heavy, for the line in many places cuts into loose sidling ground that slope,; a long way up the ranges. The best remedy for ■obis evil is tunnelling, which should be resorted to if the slips become excessive. I have no doubt there will be considerable trouble with slips in the Otira during construction and for some time thereafter; but Ido not think it will be a cause of heavy expenditure permanently, for on the West Coast, where there is so much rain, the steepest slopes quickly get covered with vegetation. Hokitika-Geeymouth Eailwat. This line does not call for a very minute description. It extends along the coast between the two towns named. Practically, the railway is level throughout, and the curves are very easy. With the exception of about 22 chains of expensive bridging at the Arahura and Tereraakau, there are no works on the line worth mentioning. The length of the railway is 23f miles, of which 5f miles are finished, and 4£- miles more partly formed. The expenditure and liabilities to date are £41,839, and the estimate to complete is £180,000; which gives a total of, say, £220,000—equal to about £9,170 per mile. West Coast-Nelson Eailway. Route. —This line commences at Brunnerton, the present terminus of the Greymouth-Brun-nerton Eailway, and follows the Grey Valley right up to the watershed between that river and the Inangahua, near Eeefton. The saddle is pierced by a short tunnel, and the valley of the Inangahua followed down to the confluence of that river with the Buller, at which point the branch from Westport joins. The Buller is next followed up on the southern bank to the Mangles, and thence on the northern bank to the watershed near Tophouse. A descent is then made to Belgrove by the Big Bush, Blue Glen, Eay Saddle, and the Wai-iti Valley. Surveys. —As already stated, there is only an ordinary preliminary survey of the railway from Nelson Creek to Tophouse. It is, however, sufficiently in detail to give a fair idea of the line and works, including the 2-J- miles already formed. A contract section has been made of nineteen and three quarter miles out of the twenty-seven between Tophouse and Belgrove, and an ordinary preliminary survey of the remainder. Alignment and Levels. —The survey of the portion between Brunnerton and Hope Junction havirg been made in 1874, when the standard was lower than at present, there are a considerable number of l-in-40 gradients, with 6-chain curves. These are, however, quite unnecessary, for the sections in many of these places show practically a surface-line. Gradients of lin6s or 70, with 7-J-chain curves, can easily be got all the way from Brunnerton to Tophouse ; and there is no necessity to adopt curves anything so sharp as this on the portion between Brunnerton and the Inangahua Landing. As there is a fall of 1,940 ft. over irregular country in the twenty-seven miles between Eoundell Saddle, near Tophouse, and Belgrove, the l-in-50 gradients, with curves, cannot be avoided at anything like a reasonable cost. This is, however, the only long incline on the whole line, and it is in favour of any heavy traffic that comes from the west. Furthermore, the incline is not continuous, as at the Otira, there being several breaks in it—the largest stretch of 1 in 50 is about miles.



Commencing at Brunnerton at a level of 61ft. above the sea, the West Coast-Nelson line rises by easy stages to about 750 ft. at the watershed, the summit of the saddle being 150 ft. higher. After this comes a fall to about 200 ft. at the Inangahua Junction, and a rise to 2,380 ft. at Tophouse, and finally a fall to 452 ft. at Belgrove. Works. —From Brunnerton to the Inangahua Landing, a distance of fifty-three miles, the country is remarkably favourable to railway-construction. With the exception of the river-bridges and the small tunnel at the Inangahua saddle above referred to, the works are exceptionally light. From the Landing to Junkers—ten miles—the ground is more broken ; still, there is no serious difficulty : but from Junkers to the Maruia, a distance of fifteen miles, the works are exceptionally heavy. The Buller runs all the way in a narrow gorge ;so the railway must be scarped out of the solid rock, carried in tunnels through spurs, or supported by retaining-walls, as best suits the configuration of the ground. This portion of the railway closely resembles the, Taieri Gorge on the Otago Central, or the Manawatu on the Woodville-Palmerston line. The most important work is a tunnel, 33 chains long, through a spur opposite the Lyell. From the Maruia right to the summit, near Tophouse—forty-seven miles—there are no difficulties to contend with, and thirty miles of the distance is very easy. Although this railway rises to within 150 ft. of the highest altitude on the East and West Coast line, there is no tunnel at the summit, the ground does not admit of it, being more of a table-land than a saddle. The last section—that from Tophouse to Belgrove—also contains very heavy works. Although the country is open and the slopes easy, there are a number of ridges and sharp spurs to cross at right angles, which make grading difficult. The heaviest work of any kind is a tunnel, 43 chains long, at the head of the Blue Glen; and there are three viaducts, from 80ft. to 110 ft. high, and 18 chains total length. So far as can be ascertained from the preliminary sections, the West Coast and Nelson Railway will have twenty-four tunnels, of the aggregate length of 3 miles 33 chains. Of these, however, only nine are more than 12 chains long. In addition to smaller structures of the same kind, there are thirty river-bridges and viaducts —150 chains. The total length of railway to make from Brunnerton to Belgrove is 154 miles: this includes the 1 mile 30 chains at the Brunnerton end partly made, and common to both this and the East and West Coast lines; also, the 2J miles formed at the Belgrove end. Cost. —The estimated cost, made up, not from detailed measurements, but by comparison with other railways, is £1,330,000 —equal to £8,640 per mile. Westpoet to Inangahua Junction. A trial survey for this railway has been made on each side of the Buller; but the line on the north side is preferred. The surveys, particularly that on the north side, are very complete. The line simply follows up the river-bank to a point about a mile above the Inangahua Junction; then crosses to join the West Coast and Nelson Bailway. The ruling gradient is lin 50, and the sharpest curve 7 chains; but this can easily be made 7A. For the first six miles from Westport the ground is level and the work light; but after that, all the way to the Junction, the ground and works are exactly as described for the portion of the West Coast-Nelson between Junkers and the Maruia. The river is all gorgy, and, as a consequence, the works are exceptionally heavy. In addition to a large amount of rock-cutting, there are six small tunnels, of the aggregate length of 54 chains, and 41 chains of bridging. The length of the line is twenty-seven miles, and the estimated cost £335,000—equal to, say, £12,400 per mile. Tophouse to Blenheim. There has only been a reconnaissance survey of the line between Tophouse and Blenheim, but the country is all open and regular, so it is quite sufficient to give a fair idea of the kind of railway obtainable. There will be some little difficulty in getting good gradients at the upper end of the line, near Tophouse, but nine-tenths of the distance is through remarkably easy country. There are only two river crossings worth mentioning, and the formation works generally will be very light, mainly surface forming. The length of the line is 63 miles, and the estimated cost £375,000—equal to, say, £6,000 a mile.

PRESENT SETTLEMENT. Disposal of Lands. —Map No. 2 shows the position of the various lands in the country affected by the proposed railways, and the following table gives their approximate areas:—

Leased. Sold. Crown Lands. Total. lanterbury ... Vestland Vestern Nelson forthern Nelson larlborough... Acres. 246,800 Acres. 16,200 59,300 102,800 497,900 384,600 Acres. 298,280 1,012,060 3,007,600 313,080 413,580 Acres. 561,280 1,071,360 3,110,400 913,280 1,094,180 102,300 296,000 Total 645,100 1,060,800 5,044,600 C,750,500



Population. —Map No. 1 shows how the country accommodated by the proposed railways is settled. The information as to the population is given on the authority of the RegistrarGeneral, who kindly accelerated the compilation of the recent census returns for this purpose. As may be gathered from the figures on the map, by far the greater portion of the settlement is on the coast. With the single exception of Eeefton there is no large centre of population anywhere inland; and even on the coast the people are mainly congregated between Eoss and the Grey, and again at the Buller. Including the City of Nelson and the Town of Blenheim, the total population in the area affected by the railways amounts to 51,648 ; and of this number 9,015 are in Marlborough, on the connecting line between Tophouse and Blenheim. It is, in the first instance, only intended to make the East and West Coast and HokitikaNelsou lines. Their combined length is 300 miles. Dividing the population by this we have 142 persons to the mile. But it would not be fair to take this area only as a basis of traffic, for the East and West Coast Railway has the populous districts of Canterbury to draw upon. There is a population of 97,000 within a radius of 60 miles of Springfield, the point where the railway debouches on the plain. As it is difficult to determine what proportion of this population would be served, it is better to leave the East and West Coast line out of the calculation altogether. Taking the population served by the Hokitika-Nelson line, which is easily ascertained, and dividing it by the distance, gives 202 persons to the mile of railway. Comparing these numbers with those in other parts of the colony, where there are no large cities, we find that on the New Plymouth-Foxton Railway there are 209 persons to the mile, and -on the Napier-Woodville line 242 persons. In the whole of south Otago as far north as Clutha there are 120 persons to the mile of railway. It should also be borne in mind that in the case of Nelson and the West Coast the population is taken before the line is made ; whereas the other districts have enjoyed the benefits of railway communication for some years. Taking the four counties on the western side of the watershed, which it is proposed to connect with the rest of the colony by rail, the state of the population is shown by the following:—

Pastoral Settlement. —ln proportion to its extent the pastoral settlement within the area affected by the railways is very small. This is easily accounted for—the prevalence of bush. As already shown, there are only about 1,750,000 acres of open grass country out of a total of 6,750,000. There are 7 runs in the Waimakariri watershed, carrying about 93,000 sheep. With the exception of a few hundreds here and there among the settlers, and a small flock at Lake Brunner —about 10,000 in all—there are no sheep on the western side of the range. The latest returns show that there are about 102,000 sheep in the districts between the Upper Buller and Nelson, and about 282,000 between Tophouse and Picton. The above figures give a total of 487,000 sheep in the country accommodated by the proposed railways. There are a few good herds of cattle on the West Coast, in the country south of Hokitika and the river-beds and upland valleys near the main range ; but they are not nearly sufficient for the local demand, which is mainly supplied from Canterbury and Wanganui. The settlers in the vicinity of Nelson and Blenheim rear considerable numbers of cattle ; but comparatively few of them find their way to the western markets—they are mostly absorbed by the adjoining towns. Altogether there are between thirty and thirty-five thousand head of cattle within the area affected by the railways, the half of which are on the West Coast. Agricultural Settlement. —From the point where the East and West Coast Railway leaves the Canterbury Plains, at the sth mile, to Belgrove, the end of the West Coast-Nelson line, there is no agricultural settlement worth mentioning, and cultivation only begins on the connection between Tophouse and Blenheim, within ten miles from the latter place. In 1885 the total area of land under crop in the four western counties was only 2,121 acres. Oats for horse-feed is grown at Castlehill, and again in small isolated patches on the West Coast; but the quantity hitherto produced is very small—in no way approaching the local demand. In 1885 there were only 1,408 acres of oats grown in the western counties, the greater portion of which would probably be cut for oaten hay. The local demand is therefore met almost entirely by supplies from outside. A few grazing and dairy farms have been reclaimed from the forest, more particularly in the valleys of the Hokitika, Arahura, Grey, and Buller Rivers. Vegetables and ordinary fruits grow well in all parts of the country, and of late years have been extensively cultivated. Mining Settlement. —Hitherto the mainstay of the West Coast has been mining—first alluvial-gold-digging, and latterly quartz-reefing and coal-mining. -As the ordinary alluvial ground became exhausted large hydraulic claims were taken up, and since 1871 the quartz reefs of Reefton and Lyell have yielded considerable quantities of gold, and given employment to a large number of people. Coal-mining has also of recent years become a large and permanent industry.

1871. 1874. 1878. 1881. 1886. Westland Grey Inangahua Buller } 10,781 8,275 9,820 8,204 11,606 7,767 ( 2,970 (3,557 10,246 7,483 2,927 3,558 10,170 8,750 3,152 5,248 4,711 4,886 Totals ... 23,767 22,910 25,900 24,214 27,320



The ordinary diggers are scattered all about the country in small lots; there is scarcely an old diggings anywhere on which an odd man or two cannot be found earning a living. Although in most cases the present condition of things is a mere shadow of the past, there is ample proof everywhere that no one need be unemployed if the surplus labour could only be applied to gold-digging in this way. After the large sluicing claims at Kumara, Boss, and Humphrey's Gully, the principal alluvial diggings at present in active operation are Rimu, Waimea, Maori Creek, Nelson Creek, Barrytown, and Charleston. The quartz reefs in operation are all situated at Reefton, Boatman's, Lyell, and Mokihinui. Coal is mined at Reefton for local demands; but the principal seats of the industry are Greymouth and Westport, where a large export trade is carried on with all parts of the colony. Other Industries. —Leaving out the commercial interests which depend on the producing-power of the country, the only other industry on the West Coast that requires special notice is sawmilling. Some years since, when there was more direct communication with Melbourne, a small export trade in timber was established, and before railways were carried into other timber districts there was a large trade coastwise. All this outside trade has fallen off greatly of late years, and now the industry is confined to the local market and an occasional shipment to the Bast Coast. According to Mr. Kirk, there are at present about 18 saw-mills of various capacities at work on the West Coast; but they are not all working full time. The total yearly output is estimated at 5,500,000 superficial feet, and they give employment to about 150 men. LAND. Pastoral Land. Area. —-As shown on Map No. 2, and hereinbefore mentioned, the open pastoral lands affected by the proposed railway are estimated at 1,220,500 acres. This does not include either of the following : lands now used for pasture which can be converted into arable land, mountaintops and other waste lands of little or no value, rough forest lands which may become fit for pasture at some remote time, when the bush is cleared. diameter. —The character of the ordinary pastoral country in Canterbury, Marlborough, and Nelson is much the same as in other parts of the Middle Island—open tussock lands, affording good pasture in the river-flats, but getting gradually poorer as higher levels are reached. There is a great similarity in most of the river-beds throughout the Middle Island. The Waiho on the west side of the range is little different from the Rangitata on the east, and the head-waters of the Grey are much the same as the head-waters of the Hurunui. There is little or no vegetation on the moun-tain-tops, where the snow lies long in winter, and some of the steeper slopes and shingle-slips are in the same condition. The mountains in Marlborough and Nelson are not so steep as the Canterbury ones; consequently they carry the good pasture further up, particularly on the northern side. The ordinary pasture-lands above referred to are not capable of much improvement. Surfacesowing might be resorted to with advantage in a few isolated spots, but, as a rule, the present vegetation is the best that the country will give. On the western side of the range there are a number of small patches of open country, shown on the maps as arable land, which are at present used for pasture. They amount in the aggregate to about 100,000 acres, and are of two classes—upland valleys and river-flats, and the pakihis of the lowlands. Bruce's paddock, on the Teremakau, and the Ahaura and Addison's Flats are examples of the latter. The upland valleys have generally very good soil, and give rich pasture. I have never seen finer cattle nor more of them on any natural pasture than I saw this summer oa Mr. Macgregor's station in the Tutaki Valley. The pasture on the pakihis is generally poor. The land is very patchy : clay, shingle, and loam predominate in turns ; but, even in the latter case, some of the essentials of good soil seem to be wanting. As already stated, no account is taken herein of rough bush country which may ultimately become pasture lands. Ordinary hill-sides that are denuded of forest sometimes become very bare and sterile, particularly in the poorer upland districts, where mountain-birch has grown ; but in some of the lower ranges, where limestone predominates, grass will grow on the steepest slopes. An instance of this occurs in the Buller Valley, below the Inangahua Junction. Under those circumstances some of the rough bush country may in time become pasture lands. Ageicultueal Land. There is no subject connected with the proposed railways which has evoked so much discussion as the character of the land on the West Coast. I shall therefore endeavour to give all the bearings of the question. Area. —Map No. 1 shows the arable land in the country affected by the proposed railways, divided, irrespective of quality, into two classes —namely, arable flat lands and arable hilly lands. The following table, computed under my directions, gives their approximate areas : —

Plat. Hilly. Total. 1. Canterbury 2. Westland 3. Western Nelson 4. Northern Nelson 5. Marlborough Acres. 34,400 269,300 482,800 98,200 77,000 Acres. 6,800 202,000 90,500 152,500 78,800 Acres. 41,200 471,300 573,300 250,700 155,800 Totals 961,700 530,600 1,492,300



West Coast. —Tho report of the Bailway Commission of 1880 has a statement attached showing the acreage and description of land served by and calculated to contribute traffic to each line of railway. The agricultural lands on certain lines and sections within the area we are now dealing, with are given as follows : — 1. Nelson-Foxhill ... ... ... ... ... 87,000 2. Belgrove-Brunnerton ... ... ... ... 427,350 3. Bast and West Coast ... ... ... ... 652,090 4. Westport-Ngakawau ... ... ... ... 18,960 Total ... ... ... ... 1,185,400 I have no means of making an exact comparison between these two statements ; but tho Commissioners' total ought to agree roughly with the first four items in my statement, which amount to 1,336,500 acres. With reference to the Bast and West Coast Eailway, a special line is inserted , in the schedule to the Commissioners' report, giving the area within two miles of the proposed railway. The agricultural land is given at 84,000 acres. As regards the Nelson-West Coast line, Mr. Calcutt, in 1873, estimated the land fit for settlement between Belgrove and Brunnerton at 213,750 acres—ls6,ooo being forest and 57,750 open land. In 1872 Mr. A. D. Dobson, C.E., reported that 222,000 acres were fit for settlement. About the same time Mr. Thomas Mackay estimated the quantity that can be utilized at 261,000 acres, but limited the agricultural land to 51,000 acres. Going still further back—to 1868—we find an estimate by the late Mr. Wrigg, C.8., of 152,000 acres of flat land within the area proposed to be given to the company that would construct the line. The third item in my statement, which corresponds with the former estimates just quoted, is so near them that it may be taken as correct. In fact, I believe that all the quantities given by me are as close an approximation as can be obtained without an expensive survey. Canterbury. —As shown by the preceding table, agricultural land specially benefited by the proposed railways within the Canterbury district is of limited extent. It is nearly all situated in the Wahnakariri watershed, between the main and subsidiary ranges. The soil generally is good, being composed of sediment from the fans previously referred to, or light loam overlying limestone. Out of the total of 40,000 acres above given, fully 30,000 acres are good even land, capable of cultivation ; the remainder is rough, and lying at exceptionally high levels. This is an objection urged against all tho country in the Waimakariri basin : even the good land just mentioned range 3 from 1,500 to 2,000 above sea-level. Wheat has never, to my knowledge, been tried; and it is supposed that it will not grow at these high altitudes. lam not sure that this is the case. Wheat grows well up to 2,000 ft. in the interior of Otago; and, although there is more rain in the Waimakariri Valley, I think the summer is sufficiently hot and dry to ripen any grain crops. There is, however, no doubt as to the suitableness of the country for oats, grass, and root crops. Nelson and Marlborough. —The low-lying lands on the Wairau and Waimea plains are very fertile and well cultivated, but they get poor as higher levels are reached. The Wairau Valley gets very shingly about the Waihopai, and still further up the stones are imbedded in stiff clay, which grows little but manuka scrub. The valleys on the Nelson side are flatter, and consequently do not change so much, but they terminate abruptly against the steeper mountain-slope. There is a considerable extent of flat land in the upper Buller, near Tophouse. A small portion is swamp, which makes good land when drained. The remainder is a shingly plain, covered with tussock and manuka, with occasional patches of better land. Valuations. —As already shown, there is not much difficulty in determining the quantity of land on the West Coast over which the plough can pass when the bush is cleared off; but it is a different thing as regards its quality, capabilities, and value. Mr. Calcutt says, "Taking, therefore, the piece of country as a whole, and viewing it from an agricultural and pastoral point of view, it is not, in my opinion, adapted for the permanent settlement and support of a large number of people." In my report of 1879 I said, "So far as my judgment goes I can corroborate all that Mr. Calcutt says as to the indifferent character of the land and its limited area." If we look at the matter from an Otago and Canterbury point of view, as I have no doubt Mr. Calcutt did, and as I certainly did myself, there is no occasion to alter or modify these opinions even after such a long lapse of years. The most zealous advocate of the railways does not claim that the West Coast is suited for rapid settlement by an agricultural population. But, if the forest lands of the North are taken as the standard, and an allowance made for a gradual settlement of the country as the timber is utilized, the land must be assumed as of some considerable value. In Otago and Canterbury the plough can be put direct into the tussock, and a good crop of wheat got the first year; and at the time my report was written the profit on that first crop was more than the price of the land. In the bush lands of the North farms are hewn laboriously out of the forest, and it generally takes ten or fifteen years before the plough can be used. Of course the land has not been unproductive all this time : there is in most cases some return from the timber to commence with, and grazing begins from the first year. In this lies the whole question as regards the value of the West Coast lands: Can they be reclaimed and settled in the way adopted in other bush districts throughout the colony ? After remarking that certain localities would, no doubt, grow excellent grass if cleared, and that the climate seemed quite unsuitable for the raising of grain, the East and West Coast Eailway Commission of 1883 said with reference to this subject, " The most important feature in considering the West Coast as a farming district undoubtedly is the dense forest with which the whole country is covered. The present cost of felling and burning the bush is out of all proportion to the value of the land when cleared; and, owing to the humidity of the climate, underscrub and rushes soon appear unless the land is ploughed."



On the supposition that it would be sold during the construction of the railway, Mr. Wrigg in 1868 valued tho 152,000 acres of fiat land he found between Nelson and Cobden at £3 10s. an acre—equal to £380,000. The Westland Eailway League in 1879 valued 65,000 acres of bush land within two miles of the East and West Coast line at £5 an acre ; and 100,000 acres more within five miles at £3 an acre —£625,000 for 165,000 acres. This is the estimated value after the railway is made. Mr. Mueller, Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands for Westland, in hia evidence before the Eailway Commission of 1880, endorsed these figures both as regards quantity and value. Looking at it, as he expressly said, solely from an agricultural and pastoral point of view, Mr. Calcutt valued the settlement land between Nelson and Grey mouth in the hands of the Crown—--202,340 acres —at £137,340; and he estimated that the value would be increased to about £290,000 by the construction of the railway. Mr. Thomas Mackay, in his evidence before the Eailway Commission of 1880, said that Mr. Calcutt had under-estimated the increase due to the making of the railway, and that 50,000 acres of forest land in the Buller watershed would alone be worth £500,000 when the railway is made. This indicates the correct way of estimating those forest lands : their real value is the price of the natural crop of timber that is on them, added to their capacity for producing artificial crops when the timber is removed. What these amount to is a difficult question to answer, so much depends on the market that is opened up for the timber and the facilities that are provided for bringing it to that market, as well as on the subsequent outlet for agricultural produce. Capabilities. —lt is admitted on all sides that the climate of the West Coast is not suited for the growth of grain. With the exception of a small plot in the Buller Valley, lam not aware of wheat having ever been grown even as an experiment, and I question if it will ever be grown in quantity till the climate is completely changed by the denudation of the forest lands. It does not, of course, follow herefrom that the country is altogether unfit for settlement. Some of the finest districts in New Zealand, where the land is richest, are unsuited for growing wheat. As for grass and root crops, I see no reason why they should not grow as well on the West as on the Bast Coast. The rapid growth of rushes on cultivated land, which is frequently mentioned as a serious evil, does not seem much worse than in many other districts throughout the colony where the drainage is defective. I saw very little of it south of Boss, where the soil is porous. The rapid vegetation of this and all other kind on the West Coast is not due so much to the excessive rainfall and the number of rainy days as to the mildness of climate and the long retention of the moisture by the all-prevailing forest. The mildness of the West Coast climate is evinced by the luxuriance of the semi-tropical vegetation, and the altitude to which it rises. In the eastern watershed nothing but the hardiest beech is seen at high levels ; but the range is no sooner crossed than pines and other delicate plants are met with. Young rimu and kahikatea grow quite freely in the open on the West Coast, a thing unheard of in the south-eastern provinces of the Middle Island. The North Island rata is quite common at Westport, and nikau palms grow on the exposed seashore as far south as Barrytown. With reference to the rainfall on the West Coast as compared with other bush districts throughout the colony, unfortunately the records are not sufficiently numerous to enable a correct comparison to be made ; but Hokitika is believed to be no wetter than some parts of the country round the base of Mount Egmont, and Westport is very much on a par with Woodville. Classification. —In the previous tables no account is taken of the n-iality of the land; and, in consequence of the density of the bush, the frequent changes in the character of the country, and the absence of cultivation, anything like a correct classification is mT""issiW n . T , however, submit the following rough approximation as regards the arable lands on the West Coast : — Acres. Quality No. 1 ... ... ... ... ... 100,000 Quality No. 2 ... ... ... ... ... 350,000 Quality No. 3 ... ... ... ... ... 300,000 Quality No. 4 ... ... ... ... ... 294,600 Total ... ... ... ... 1,044,600 No. 1 represents the alluvial lands south of Eoss, and other river-flats of smaller area, such as the Four-Eiver Plain, on the Buller. No. 2 includes the ordinary low-lying forest country and the better kind of hilly lands. No. 3 is ordinary hilly country and terraces, and other lands of similar character. No. 4 represents the poorer class of pakihis and the rougher hilly lands. As my report of 1879 dealt mainly with the railway between the two coasts and northward from Christchurch, the through communication from Hokitika to Nelson was not considered ; consequently no notice was taken of the lands south of Hokitika. It is, however, quite fair to notice them now in connection with the present proposals, for they undoubtedly affect and are affected by any extensive system of railways terminating at Hokitika. How far south this effect operates is a moot question, to which I have already referred. The Pluvial lands south of Eoss are undoubtedly good, and decidedly the best on the West Coast. They begin at the Waitaha, and continue in a narrow strip with more or less intermission right down to the Otago boundary. The land is schist alluvium, like Inch Clutha, or the Taieri Plain. The best portions are covered, not with heavy timber, but with flax and light scrub-ribbon-wood —koromiko, and other shrubs indicative of good land. And not only is the land good, but it is easily cleared. The only drawback is its comparatively small extent and remoteness from the railway. I came across a few small patches of the same quality of schist land at the Poerua Lake, Upper Grey Valley, and several other places north of Hokitika. The character of the soil was readily noticeable by the luxuriance of the vegetation and its peculiar character.



The next best land on the West Coast is the ordinary alluvial found on all the rivers in more or less quantities. There is a considerable breadth in the Hokitika and Arahura Valleys, and narrower strips and patches in the Grey and Buller. Particularly good patches also occur on the eastern side of Lake Brunner, and at the confluence of the Kopara and Ahaura Eivers. The latter aro only covered with scrub. The second quality of land in the preceding schedule is generally covered with dense forests, growing in soft ground, with a considerable depth of vegetable matter overlying a shingly or sandy subsoil. There is always a deep layer of peat where the smaller pines grow. The third quality is chiefly terrace land—dense forests growing in peaty soil overlying clay on cemented shingle, which in turn lies on the sandstone reef. Some of the land in the fourth class finds a parallel in the moors of Ireland and Scotland. Addison's Flat, between Westport and Charleston, is almost a facsimile of a Highland deer-forest. The general impression is that these lands are good for nothing; but I do not think so. lam of opinion that a moderate expenditure would make them fair pasture lands. Some of the pakihis contain very poor land — shingle imbedded in stiff clay, that only grows stunted manuka scrub. A large amount of labour and capital must be expended on them before they can be called good land. The flats at Ahaura and Squaretown are samples of these poorer pakihis. FOBESTS. General Desceiption. There is as much unanimity about the value of the West Coast forests as there is diversity of opinion about the value of the land. All authorities agree in considering them a large item in the assets of the colony, more particularly as the wetness of the climate prevents their destruction by fire. Extent. —There is comparatively little forest lands in Canterbury, Marlborough, and Northern Nelson within the area accommodated by the proposed railways, but to all intents and purposes the whole of the western watershed is continuous bush. In fact, all the west coast of the Middle Island, from end to end, is one immense forest. The preceding tables give the total quantities of bush and open country in the area we are dealing with, and the accompanying map shows their relative positions and the different kinds of the predominating timbers. Subdivided the quantities appear as follows :—

In estimating forest lands it is difficult to know how much should be allowed for scrub and inferior timber. Taking it, however, at 50 per cent., the quantity of timber-producing bush in the country affected by the railways will stand, in round numbers, thus: —

Beech Fobests. Beech—or, as it is more commonly called, birch—constitutes the greater portion of the forest. It is the only timber on the Canterbury side, and north of the Ahaura it occupies all the country except a belt along the coast and narrow strips in some of the river-beds. The three beeches best known to commerce as red, black, and silver beech— Fagus fusca, F. solandri, and F. menzicsii — are all found. Fagus solandri —also known indifferently as entire-leaved, black-heart, white, and Oxford birch — occupies the greater portion of the Waimakariri watershed and the higher ridges in the northern districts. At high levels it merges into a variety known only to botanists— Fagus cliffortioides, or n.ountain-beech. The Oxford birch is comparatively small, seldom exceeding 35ft. or 40ft. in

Beech. Pine. Mixed. Total. Acres. 76,700 40,900 1,699,000 221,900 169,800 Acres. Acres. Acres. 76,700 721,700 2,355,100 409,200 361,800 Canterbury Westland Western Nelson Northern Nelson Marlborough 453,700 193,700 227,100 462,400 187,300 192,000 Totals 2,208,300 647,400 1,068,800 3,924,500

Beech. Pine. Mixed. Totals. Acres. 40,000 20,000 850,000 110,000 80,000 Acres. Acres. Acres. 40,000 360,000 1,180,000 200,000 180,000 Canterbury 'Westland Western Nelson Northern Nelson Mailborough 230,000 100,000 110,000 230,000 90,000 100,000 Totals 1,100,000 330,000 530,000 1,960,000



length, and 2ft. 6in. in diameter, and considerably smaller on the higher levels. Of late years this timber has been extensively used for, sleepers in Canterbury. It is much given to warping and cracking, so is quite unsuitable for joiner-work; but it stands well in the ground. Fagus fusca. —Next to kauri, Fagus fusea —called indifferently red, black, brown, and toothleaved birch —is perhaps the most important timber in New Zealand. It is strong, straightgrained, and durable, and of large scantling and in long lengths. It is scarcely suitable for fine joiner-work, being hard and easily split, and given to excessive shrinking and warping if not particularly well seasoned. It, however, answers well in house-framing, and is particularly well adapted for railway-sleepers and engineering works generally. It is also a good substitute for oak and English beech in staves for casks and tubs. There is a curious belt of Fagus fusca in the Upper Waimakariri, referred to in Mr. Kirk's report of November last. It is from sto 10 chains wide, with F. solandri on each side, its lower edge being sor 10 chains from the lower edge of the bush. The belt extends practically from the Bealey to the Esk. It contains trees up to 3ft. diameter and 30ft to 40ft. long in the trunk. The timber is good, but many of the trees are hollow, having long passed their maturity. With the exception of occasional clumps of menziesii all the low-lying birch forest in Westland and Nelson is Fagus fusca. On the East and West Coast Eailway the birch is first met with near the confluence of the Otira and Teremakau. There is a considerable patch here, and another on the north side of the Teremakau, at the entrance to the Paddock. It next appears in quantitymixed with pines between Lake Brunnor and the Ahaura, and after that there is practically nothing but birch forest all the way to Nelson, and, in a less degree, right on to the Sounds. The birch in the Teremakau is not very large : trunks up to 4ft. diameter are occasionally seen, but the average is not more than 2ft. 6in. or 3ft., the length of trunk being from 40ft. to 60ft. The heavy timber begins about Nelson Creek, and continues all the way to the Buller watershed, wherever the soil is favourable. The popular impression that birch grows on very poor land is only correct as regards the upland varieties, that affect a stiff clayey hillside. The largest Fusca grows in the valleys, where the soil is best. Birch trees up to 4ft. diameter and 80ft. or 90ft. in the trunk are quite common through the long stretch of country I have mentioned, and trees of still larger dimensions are frequently met with. I measured one in the Upper Grey 24ft. Bin. girth, 7ft. from the ground. This tree grows on one of the patches of schist soil I have previously referred to. There was a large number of trees in the same locality up to sft. diameter, and from 80ft. to 100 ft. long in the trunk. One which had fallen alongside the track was 110 ft. long in the trunk, 4ft. diameter at the base, and 12in. at the top. An important point in connection with the birch forests on the West Coast is that the trees are of all ages, from year-old seedlings to hoary giants, long past maturity. I travelled through a remarkable patch of comparatively young trees in a valley near the Clarke Eiver. They seldom exceeded 2ft. diameter at the base, but were of great height and perfectly straight. One cut down in making the track measured 80ft. long in the trunk by 21in. diameter at the base and 12in. at the top, the total length of the tree being 120 ft. It was quite small when compared with hundreds standing round. Many of them only 18in. diameter at the base were 120 ft. long in the trunk. Silver Birch. —Silver birch (Fagus menziesii) —known also as red and white birch—is a far less important timber than Fagus fusca. The tree is not nearly so large nor straight, and the timber is neither strong nor durable. On the other hand, it is suitable for joiner-work, even of the finer kinds, being smooth-grained and soft, and not liable to excessive shrinking or warping. It also answers well for the light kind of cooper-work. The timber is, however, comparatively little used in any part of the colony. Silver birch has no special habitat, but grows in small clumps and individual trees all through the beech forest shown on the map. There is a patch at the Blackwater, on the opposite side of the Teremakau from Kumara, and several in the Upper Grey, Inangahua, Maruia, Matakitaki, and Buller. The crees are seldom more than 3ft. in diameter and 40ft. or 50ft. long in the trunk, the average size being considerably less. Pine Forests. There is no forest of pine wood north of Teremakau. Numerous bushes and clumps almost exclusively pine are met with, and the timber is found in considerable quantities mixed with beech, but there is nothing that can be called a forest in its more comprehensive sense. On the other hand, there is practically no timber but pine south of the Teremakau. I did not see a single beech-tree of any description right down to Okarito, and I understand it is the same for fifty miles further south. Totara. —Totara, probably the most valuable of the New Zealand pines, is not plentiful in the area accommodated by the proposed railways. In the extreme north of Nelson and the Sounds there is a fair sprinkling among the other trees ; but, with the exception of two or three patches in the Buller and Grey basins, and a few smaller clumps and isolated trees at long intervals, there is practically no totara from Belgrove to Eoss. From the Mikonui southwards totara in small quantities and of small size appears among the scrub on the richer river-flats, but it is too insignificant to notice. The only valuable totara bush that I heard of on the West Coast is on the south bank of the Wanganui, where there is about three square miles of good timber, fifty-feet piles being obtainable. Matai. —The next best pine—matai—is also comparatively rare in the country under discussion. It only grows in very small clumps and individual trees among the other pines. Practically the Pelorus Valley is the only place where this timber has a commercial significance. The trees there run up to 4£fo. in diameter and 50ft. long in the trunk ; but on the West Coast they seldom exceed 3ft. in diameter and 40ft. in the trunk. Matai has a high reputation for durability on the West Coast, but is not thought so much of in Nelson.



Miro. —Miro occurs occasionally in small clumps and individual trees in the Nelson District, but practically it does not appear in the western forests. I only saw a few dozen specimens in all my travels. WJdte Pine. —Kahikatea—generally called white pine in the South Island—is the second most plentiful of the pine family within the area accommodated by the proposed railways. In Nelson and Marlborough it constitutes probably about one-half of the marketable timber in the mixed bush, and on the western side of the range there are large quantities dispersed in clumps all through the pine forests. In the aggregate, however, it only occupies a mere fraction of the western pine forests : they are composed chiefly of rimu. White pine affects low swamp ground, and the richer river-flats. The trees grow closer together and are taller in the swamps, but attain a greater girth in drier ground. Some remarkable patches of tall, thin trees occur in the Arahura and Grey Valleys and other low-lying places. The trunks are perfectly straight and nearly cylindrical, and the branches spread very little. Poles 90ft. and 100 ft. long, and from 12in. to 18in. diameter at the base, are readily procurable. White pine frequently grows to a diameter of sft. and over, but these trees are seldom so tall as the smaller ones. Sawing-timber is generally about 3ft. diameter and 40ft. to 50ft. long in the trunk. The East and West Coast Railway first strikes white-pine bush after crossing the Teremakau. There is a considerable quantity here, and at Lake Brunner, a few miles further on, and again in the Arnould Valley. The Nelson line and Westport branch run right through considerable-sized patches at short intervals. One of the best occurs near the Inangahua Junction, and there are several other good ones further up and down the Buller. There are also large patches close to the line in the Grey and Inangahua Valleys, and nearly all the river-flats south of Greymouth contain white pine in greater or less quantities. Rimu. —Next to Fagus fusca, rimu occupies by far the greatest area in the forests under consideration. It occupies a considerable percentage of the mixed bush in Nelson and Marlborough, and is the all-prevailing timber in the western pine woods. South of the Teremakau there is rimu everywhere, and frequently for miles nothing else. The timber is always good, sound, straight, and of large dimensions, and the trees grow very closely together. There are specially fine tracts around Lake Brunner and south of the Mikonui. The timber is particularly good at the latter place. The trees attain an extreme height of from 120 ft. to 150 ft., and about 3ft. diameter at the base. One lying alongside the track measured 140 ft. over all : the trunk was 90ft. long, by 2ft. 9in. at the base and lft. 3in. at the top. Another in the same position measured 85ft. in the trunk; it would square 12in. for this length. In Nelson and Marlborough rimu grows to sft. diameter, but the trees are not so high as in Westland. Like fusca, the rimu on the West Coast is of all ages. In a large tract between Marsden and Maori Creek the trees are about 100 ft. high, but only 18in. in diameter at the base. Kawaha and Silver Pines. —The next most important timbers in Westland are the two smaller pines, kawaka and silver pine. They are all small trees, ranging from 30ft. to 45ft. high and lft. 6in. to 2ft. 6in. diameter. Kawaka is somewhat larger than the others; but the trunk tapers very much, so it does not yield more timber. Although the trees are small, and occurring only in small quantities, these timbers are very valuable on account of their durability in all situations. The silver pines also give beautiful furniture-woods. These small pines are dispersed all through the mixed forests of the West Coast, particularly on the margin of swamps. Sometimes the kawaka climbs the spurs of the ranges, as at the Lyell. Yield of Timber. —Eeferring to the yield of timber in the Westland pine forests, Mr. Kirk, in his report of November last, says, " The average quantity of timber per acre is very high on the fiats and lower levels, and may be estimated at 40,000 superficial feet for red and white pine. Near Lake Brunner several acres of red, white, and black pine gave over 80,000 superficial feet to the acre. Mr. Malfroy informed me that he had recently purchased 300 acres near Hokitika which would average fully 70,000 ft. per acre for the entire block." Mr. Kirk averages the yield of all the Southland bushes at 25,000, and that of the Pelorus bush at 15,000 superficial feet per acre. Occasional patches of bush that would yield from 60,000 ft. to 80,000 ft. have been met with in Southland and the Pelorus, but Westland is the only place in the South Island where such heavy bush exists in large quantities. I had the number of trees worth sawing counted on three separate acres near Arahura: they ranged from 65 to 85 per acre, the average being 73. Similar information obtained from seven places in Southland shows the number of trees on the acre to range from Bto 32, the average being 20. At Catlin's Eiver the number ia estimated at 16, and in the Pelorus at 17. Mixed Bush. The mixed and pine forests in the area accommodated by the proposed railways contain the usual proportion of less important timbers. The only ones of this class deserving special notice are rata, kamai, and tawa. Both the northern and southern ratas are found. The former goes down the coast as far as Eazorback, and the latter is scattered all over the forests. The southern rata is plentiful at Kuinara, where it is used for firewood—a deplorable waste, this being the best wheelwright-wood in New Zealand. There are two kinds of kamai— Weinmannia racemosa, the one known by that name in other parts of the Middle Island; and native lilac— Quintinia serrata. They are locally known as red and white birch. The former, which is very plentiful, grows to 3ft. diameter and 30ft. or 40ft. long in the trunk. It furnishes timber much given to warping and splitting, but very durable. It is now extensively used in Southland for railway-sleepers! The bark of kamai is one of the most valuable in the colony for tanning. Its use hitherto for this purpose has been restricted solely by the difficulty of getting a supply. The lilac is a much smaller tree than the kamai, and ia not a durable timber.



Tawa is essentially a North Island tree. It only appears in the Middle Island in tho Pelorus district. It is a small tree, furnishing soft, even-grained timber, suitable for joiner- and cooperwork. MINBEALS. There is no district in New Zealand that contains anything like so much mineral wealth as the one traversed by the proposed East and West Coast and Nelson Bailway. The land has some value, present and prospective, even to those who think least of it; and the forests are admitted on all sides to be exceedingly valuable: but the minerals are of far greater importance than land and forest together. From Nelson all down the West Coast to Otago there is scarcely twenty miles in which minerals of some economic value have not been discovered. In many cases the discoveries are little more than indications; but it is fair to assume therefrom that workable deposits are likely to be met with sooner or later. The great drawback in following up these discoveries is the difficulty of prospecting the mineral country, which is generally very rough and covered with dense wet bush. On the other hand, what are now hindrances will ultimately become aids to mining. The rough country covered with bush and teeming with water furnishes two of the greatest desiderata —timber and water-power. Up till now the only minerals known to exist in workable quantities are gold, coal, iron, copper, and antimony. Gold. Location and Extent of Mining. —The very existence of the West Coast as a field for settlement of any kind is due entirely to the presence of gold. The accompanying Map No. 4 shows that auriferous ground is widely dispersed all over the country affected by the proposed railways, and, as already stated, gold-digging and -mining is equally well diffused. It must not, however, be assumed that payable gold-fields on a large scale exist wherever the yellow colour appears on the map. It is impossible to classify the auriferous country ; and, although gold is still found in all the places shown, the richer ground in many of the larger diggings has long since been worked out. With the exception of the larger sluicing claims at Boss, Humphrey's, and Kumara, nearly all the alluvial digging is carried on by private parties of miners working their own claims. Eegarded as a basis of speculation at which fortunes are made in a day quartz-reefing on the West Coast has seen better days, but viewed as a steady industry it is now on a more satisfactory footing than ever it was. Eeckless speculation has ceased, and a large number of men are engaged in legitimate mining, getting fair returns. There are at present seven dividend-paying claims at Eeefton, Boatman's, Lyell, and Mokihinui. The machinery at some of the larger mines, both alluvial and quartz, is of the most improved description, and the works are carried on in a scientific and business-like manner ; but in many cases the appliances are imperfect, so the best results are not obtained. The best way of showing the location and extent of gold-mining in the districts affected by the proposed railways is to give the returns of miners and mining machinery. The following are the figures as regards the West Coast for the year just ended : —

Number of Miners employed during the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

Alluvial Miners. Quartz-miners. Totals. Locality. Grand Totals. European. Chinese. European. Chinese. European. Chinese. jiangahua Ujaura Charleston iVestporfc Lyell tfurchison iVaimea and Stafford Potara .. rlokitika and Kanieri iumara .. Jreymouth Arnold greenstone ikarito 116 350 220 157 50 120 375 329 476 400 322 450 100 65 240 233 300 416 350 220 202 180 140 375 335 476 400 322 450 100 65 2-10 2 j 656 583 220 207 210 148 580 416 600 425 590 545 150 65 5 30 8 205 81 124 25 268 95 50 45 130 20 "6 5 30 8 205 81 124 25 268 95 50 Totals 3,530 1,304 501 4,031 1,364 5,395


Machines employed in Alluvial and Quartz-mining for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

Present Position of Gold-mining. —The permanence of the West Coast gold-mines is an important factor in estimating the prospects of the railways, and, like the value of the lands, it is a subject on which there is a great diversity of opinion. There has been nothing like a large rush since 1876, when the Kumara field was opened out. We have therefore had seven or eight years of normal working. The foi '.owing tables show the state of the gold-mining industries on the West Coast during that period—the last seven years : —

Yield of Gold.

Number of Miners Employed.

Value of Machinery Employed.

These tables show that, while alluvial mining is on the decline, quartz-reefing has not onlyheld its own. but made a slight advance. The Mokihinui reefs appeared in the returns for the first time last year ; and in all probability the Owen reefs will appear next year. Permanence of Gold-mining. — With reference to the permanence of alluvial mining, the ordinary river-diggings are undoubtedly coming to an end; but the hydraulic workings in gravel and cement terraces will last many years. So also will the beach workings, which afford employment to small parties all along the coast.


Machines em-ployed in Alluvial and Quartz-mining f or t, ear eni ling 31st arc ■; 1 Iβ. ac. linory erapl oyed ii Ai: iuvial M: iniri; Machii ier: emplo ■ed in Quartz M: ining. Locality. a B 1 a a Q o i S g "3 il I 3 ! tS o o K u i M El So ■ j'Ec £ 0J c to [43 c 4 h to O i CO a I Steamengines employed winding, crushing, &c. 2 M u J 3 o m s t i sa q> o ft u o O to d S V o pq 8 £ Approximate Value of all Mining Plant and Machinery § o C AggreNo. gate h.y. 1 Inangahua Charleston Lyell Murcliison Westport Ahaura Waimea and Stafford Totara Hokitika and Kanieri Greymouth Arnould Kumara Goldsborough Greenstone Okarito 80 23 45 4G 500 1,000 40 70 1 2' '70 27 350 230 40 30 1 1 6 50 *3 13 12 228 is "i 8 285 5 45 20 15 'ii 2 2 3 55 124,580 3,000 11,000 1,200 7,000 6,800 4,000 14,000 2,500 1 8 40 6 220 '2 1,800 882 70 i G o 356 118 55 25 1 40 8 *3 88 5,000 2,596 5,000 8 20 1,000 50 ii 34 3 1,500 'l Totals 10 09 5,606 G9 1,310 37 1 90 3 13 9 20 481 24 355 '20 55 188,176 Present Posit: factor in estimatii on which there is when the Kumara working. The fo during that period ion of ng the a grea i field ■ li'.owini 1—the Gold-min 3 prospect it diversit lincj ts ( tyo led she jr.—Thepe af the rail if opinion, out. W< >w the sta irmaner srn ways, £ Then L\v. :nce of the V and, like th re has been therefore 1 the gold-mi: Zest Coas' .e value < nothing 1 iad sever ning inch] t gold-mines is an important )f the lands, it is a subject ike a large rush since 1876, l or eight years of normal istries on the West Coast was opei: ig tables ! last seve i have jte of t. in \ ream : — Yi, eld of ( Gold. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial gold Quartz-gold... £ 470,871 100,190 £ 505,958 69,300 £ 419,881 90,090 £ 425,653 94,325 £ 378,217 88,935 £ 377,217 69,300 £ 361,985 109,340 Totals £ 571,061 575,258 509,971 519,978 467,152 446,517 471,325 Numbe of Mine , , s Employed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-miners Quartz-miners 6,497 447 6,886 476 7,633 479 7,332 499 6,986 834 5,924 563 5.344 563 Totals 6,944 7,362 8,112 7,831 7,820 6,487 5,907 Value of Machine: •y Emph njed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-mining Quarts-mining ) £ £ £ 107,370 114,179 113,450 £ 127,630 £ 158,536 £ £ 182,980 186,280 These tables show that, while alluvial mining is on the decline, quartz-re; held its own. but made a slight advance. The Mokihinui reefs appeared in the : time last year ; and in all probability the Owen reefs will appear next year. Permanence of Gold-mining. — With reference to the permanence of ai ordinary river-diggings are undoubtedly coming to an end; but the hydraulic and cement terraces will last many years. So also will the beach workings, wl ment to small parties all along the coast. ifing has not only returns for the first luvial mining, the workings in gravel lich afford employ-

Machines em-ployed in Alluvial and Quartz-mining f or t, ear eni ling 31st arc ■; 1 Iβ. ac. linory erapl oyed ii Ai: iuvial M: iniri; Machii ier: emplo ■ed in Quartz M: ining. Locality. a B 1 a a Q o i S g "3 il I 3 ! tS o o K u i M El So ■ j'Ec £ 0J c to [43 c 4 h to O i CO a I Steamengines employed winding, crushing, &c. 2 M u J 3 o m s t i sa q> o ft u o O to d S V o pq 8 £ Approximate Value of all Mining Plant and Machinery § o C AggreNo. gate h.y. 1 Inangahua Charleston Lyell Murcliison Westport Ahaura Waimea and Stafford Totara Hokitika and Kanieri Greymouth Arnould Kumara Goldsborough Greenstone Okarito 80 23 45 4G 500 1,000 40 70 1 2' '70 27 350 230 40 30 1 1 6 50 *3 13 12 228 is "i 8 285 5 45 20 15 'ii 2 2 3 55 124,580 3,000 11,000 1,200 7,000 6,800 4,000 14,000 2,500 1 8 40 6 220 '2 1,800 882 70 i G o 356 118 55 25 1 40 8 *3 88 5,000 2,596 5,000 8 20 1,000 50 ii 34 3 1,500 'l Totals 10 09 5,606 G9 1,310 37 1 90 3 13 9 20 481 24 355 '20 55 188,176 Present Posit: factor in estimatii on which there is when the Kumara working. The fo during that period ion of ng the a grea i field ■ li'.owini 1—the Gold-min 3 prospect it diversit lincj ts ( tyo led she jr.—Thepe af the rail if opinion, out. W< >w the sta irmaner srn ways, £ Then L\v. :nce of the V and, like th re has been therefore 1 the gold-mi: Zest Coas' .e value < nothing 1 iad sever ning inch] t gold-mines is an important )f the lands, it is a subject ike a large rush since 1876, l or eight years of normal istries on the West Coast was opei: ig tables ! last seve i have jte of t. in \ ream : — Yi, eld of ( Gold. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial gold Quartz-gold... £ 470,871 100,190 £ 505,958 69,300 £ 419,881 90,090 £ 425,653 94,325 £ 378,217 88,935 £ 377,217 69,300 £ 361,985 109,340 Totals £ 571,061 575,258 509,971 519,978 467,152 446,517 471,325 Numbe of Mine , , s Employed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-miners Quartz-miners 6,497 447 6,886 476 7,633 479 7,332 499 6,986 834 5,924 563 5.344 563 Totals 6,944 7,362 8,112 7,831 7,820 6,487 5,907 Value of Machine: •y Emph njed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-mining Quarts-mining ) £ £ £ 107,370 114,179 113,450 £ 127,630 £ 158,536 £ £ 182,980 186,280 These tables show that, while alluvial mining is on the decline, quartz-re; held its own. but made a slight advance. The Mokihinui reefs appeared in the : time last year ; and in all probability the Owen reefs will appear next year. Permanence of Gold-mining. — With reference to the permanence of ai ordinary river-diggings are undoubtedly coming to an end; but the hydraulic and cement terraces will last many years. So also will the beach workings, wl ment to small parties all along the coast. ifing has not only returns for the first luvial mining, the workings in gravel lich afford employ-

Machines em-ployed in Alluvial and Quartz-mining f or t, ear eni ling 31st arc ■; 1 Iβ. ac. linory erapl oyed ii Ai: iuvial M: iniri; Machii ier: emplo ■ed in Quartz M: ining. Locality. a B 1 a a Q o i S g "3 il I 3 ! tS o o K u i M El So ■ j'Ec £ 0J c to [43 c 4 h to O i CO a I Steamengines employed winding, crushing, &c. 2 M u J 3 o m s t i sa q> o ft u o O to d S V o pq 8 £ Approximate Value of all Mining Plant and Machinery § o C AggreNo. gate h.y. 1 Inangahua Charleston Lyell Murcliison Westport Ahaura Waimea and Stafford Totara Hokitika and Kanieri Greymouth Arnould Kumara Goldsborough Greenstone Okarito 80 23 45 4G 500 1,000 40 70 1 2' '70 27 350 230 40 30 1 1 6 50 *3 13 12 228 is "i 8 285 5 45 20 15 'ii 2 2 3 55 124,580 3,000 11,000 1,200 7,000 6,800 4,000 14,000 2,500 1 8 40 6 220 '2 1,800 882 70 i G o 356 118 55 25 1 40 8 *3 88 5,000 2,596 5,000 8 20 1,000 50 ii 34 3 1,500 'l Totals 10 09 5,606 G9 1,310 37 1 90 3 13 9 20 481 24 355 '20 55 188,176 Present Posit: factor in estimatii on which there is when the Kumara working. The fo during that period ion of ng the a grea i field ■ li'.owini 1—the Gold-min 3 prospect it diversit lincj ts ( tyo led she jr.—Thepe af the rail if opinion, out. W< >w the sta irmaner srn ways, £ Then L\v. :nce of the V and, like th re has been therefore 1 the gold-mi: Zest Coas' .e value < nothing 1 iad sever ning inch] t gold-mines is an important )f the lands, it is a subject ike a large rush since 1876, l or eight years of normal istries on the West Coast was opei: ig tables ! last seve i have jte of t. in \ ream : — Yi, eld of ( Gold. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial gold Quartz-gold... £ 470,871 100,190 £ 505,958 69,300 £ 419,881 90,090 £ 425,653 94,325 £ 378,217 88,935 £ 377,217 69,300 £ 361,985 109,340 Totals £ 571,061 575,258 509,971 519,978 467,152 446,517 471,325 Numbe of Mine , , s Employed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-miners Quartz-miners 6,497 447 6,886 476 7,633 479 7,332 499 6,986 834 5,924 563 5.344 563 Totals 6,944 7,362 8,112 7,831 7,820 6,487 5,907 Value of Machine: •y Emph njed. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-mining Quarts-mining ) £ £ £ 107,370 114,179 113,450 £ 127,630 £ 158,536 £ £ 182,980 186,280 These tables show that, while alluvial mining is on the decline, quartz-re; held its own. but made a slight advance. The Mokihinui reefs appeared in the : time last year ; and in all probability the Owen reefs will appear next year. Permanence of Gold-mining. — With reference to the permanence of ai ordinary river-diggings are undoubtedly coming to an end; but the hydraulic and cement terraces will last many years. So also will the beach workings, wl ment to small parties all along the coast. ifing has not only returns for the first luvial mining, the workings in gravel lich afford employ-

1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Alluvial-mining Quarts-mining ) £ £ £ 107,370 114,179 113,450 £ 127,630 £ 158,536 £ £ 182,980 186,280



In his evidence before the Bast and West Coast Eailway Commission in 1883, Mr. Gordon, Inspecting Engineer for Mines, estimated that the hydraulic workings at Kumara would last twenty or thirty years. Mr. Thomas Bailie, of Westport, before the same Commission, said, "I do not think Addison's Mat will be any worse than now for the next thirty or forty years." In 1882 the Public Works Department investigated this question as regards the Boss and Ahaura districts, with the following results : The ground near Eoss was expected to last twenty-five years; 150 acres on Callaghan's Creek was estimated to give employment to seventy men for thirteen years ; and 500 acres on the Ahaura to seventy-five men for thirty-five years. In the two latter cases only about half the auriferous ground was taken as workable. This indicates one of the great difficulties in predicting the future of hydraulic gold-mining on the West Coast. There are large areas of auriferous ground all over the country which will not pay to work now, but which will become payable as greater facilities are provided for working them. Although at present on the decline, it is quite possible that the yield of alluvial gold on the West Coast will bo as great in twenty-five years as it is now. So far as quartz-reefing is concerned, there is little doubt as to the permanency of the industry, and the general impression is that it is only in its infancy. As a rule, the West Coast reefs are not particularly rich, but there are many of them, and they contain large quantities of stone which will pay for working with improved appliances and better means of communication. Auriferous quartz, of different degrees of richness, has been found at various places in the slate formation all along the ranges from the Little Grey to Mokihinui. Eeferring to the quartz reefs near Eeefton, Mr. Patrick Brennan, in his evidence before the Eailway Commission of 1880, said, "There are seventeen miles of country, as the reefs run, which have been proved to be payably auriferous." In a paper recently sent to the Colonial Exhibition in London Mr. Gordon says, " The quartz reefs have been traced, containing payable gold, through a belt of country extending from the Big Eiver to the Mokihinui Eiver, a distance of about fifty-five miles." The mineral map hereto attached shows the position of these and other known quartz reefs on the West Coast. It will be seen that there is a remarkable regularity in the belt of quartzbearing country above referred to. The paying reefs at Eeefton, Boatman's, Lyell, and Mokihinui are all on this line. For the reasons already given this belt of country has never been thoroughly prospected. It is known to contain a large number of quartz reefs more or less auriferous, particularly on the section between Boatman's and the Lyell—a very rough piece of country, exceedingly difficult to prospect. The Owen Eeefs are on another belt of slate —the one that flanks the main range. Quartz reefs have been found in it at Wangapeka, the Tiraumea Eiver, Lake Brunner, the Taipo Eiver, and the head-waters of the Arahura, the latter being in close proximity to the reefs at the head of the Wilberforce, on the Canterbury side. Quartz reefs have also been found near Eoss and Lake Kanieri, and on the south-eastern flanks of the Paparoa Mountains. In fact, all the schist and clay-slate rocks on the West Coast give everywhere indications oE quartz reefs. To what extent these reefs are auriferous, and whether it will pay to work them, are questions that the future only can solve. For the present it is fair to assume that quartz-mining has every prospect of becoming a permanent industry on the West Coast. Coal. So far as its prospects are concerned, coal-mining on the West Coast bears the same relation to gold-digging that the timber industry bears to agriculture —there is no uncertainty about it. Extent of Coal-mining. —There is no industry within the area accommodated by the proposed railways which has made such satisfactory progress during recent years as coal-mining. The increase in the population of the West Coast since the former census is due entirely to the development of the mines at Westport and Greymouth. The growth and magnitude of the industry are shown by the following tables : —

Output of Coals.

Number of Men Employed.

3-D. lα,

1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1384. 1885. Grey mouth Westport Eeefton Mokihinui Tons. 52,679 3,860 2,232 Tons. 46,835 4,772 3,101 500 Tons. 50,719 24,198 2,002 Tons. 63,053 48,544 2,827 Tons. 86,074 38,297 3,533 Tons. 97,357 80,196 1,331 Tons. 140,182 78,009 2,151 275 Totals 58,771 55,208 76,919 114,424 127,904 178,884 220,617

1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. rreymouth Vestport ieefton [okihiuui 89 29 14 106 39 15 5 110 76 12 146 153 16 223 170 22 215 225 9 335 273 11 31 Totals 132 165 198 315 415 449 650



The mines at Greymouth were the first to be opened out; and a considerable trade had been established prior to 1879. The total output up till December, 1878, was estimated at 117,400 tons. The Westport mines were of no importance till 1881. As already stated, these are the only two places on the West Coast where coal is raised in quantity for transmission to other parts of the colony. The Eeefton mine only supplies the local demand. There are three large mines at Greymouth and two at Westport; but one at each of these places is not yet in complete working order: the other three have been in full operation for several years. There are six small mines at Eeefton and one each at Westport and Greymouth. The Mokihinui coalfield is just opening up; it will not, however, be of much importance till connected by rail with Westport. The mines at Westport and Greymouth yield bituminous coal of the best description, suitable for the highest purposes both as steam-coal and in manufactures. The Westport coal is particularly good for steam, and that from Greymouth is believed to be unexcelled anywhere for making gas—it makes 25 per cent, more than the best Newcastle. Some of the smaller seams at Eeefton are bituminous ; but the majority are glance- or pitch-coals of the Kaitangata class. They are deficient in gas, but make good steam-coal, and for household purposes are probably superior to bituminous coal. Extent of Coalfields. —The aspect of affairs as regards the coal deposits on the West Coast and their relation to the railways is considerably altered since my report of 1879 was written. Speaking from the best information then available I said, " It should be pointed out that the main deposits occur in a narrow belt along the sea-coast, which entails the maximum length of carriage right across the country. Coal has been discovered in small quantities up the Buller Valley to within forty-five miles from Nelson, and this has been urged as a reason for the construction of a railway in that direction. But the deposits are small, and, according to the geological map, there is not much likelihood of a large coalfield being found in that or any other locality many miles from the coast at the Grey or Buller—at any rate, in the vicinity of the direct lines across the country." It will be seen from the accompanying map that, instead of being confined to a narrow strip along the coast, as above stated, the bulk of the coal-formations is in the interior. In a previous section of this report I enumerated the coal-bearing formations within the area affected by the proposed railway so far as yet determined. There are eight separate though scarcely distinct fields, containing in the aggregate about 1,250 square miles. The two classes of coal —bituminous and non-bituminous—are found in different proportions in all the fields; but the only extensive tracts of the latter, as yet known, are situated in the upper Inangahua basin, around Eeefton, and along the coast near Brighton. It must not, however, be assumed that coal exists continuously all over the extensive area above given : it is the area of the coal-producing formations, not of the coal-beds they contain. In the present state of our information it is quite impossible to give even an approximate estimate of the coal-beds. The country is in many places very rough and densely bushed, and no survey has been made; so any estimate would be little more than a random guess. A portion of the Westport field has been accurately surveyed, and found to contain about 140,000,000 tons of coal; and the present coal leases at Brunnerton and Blackball are calculated to contain 62,000,000 tons of workable coal. Greymouth. —The Greymouth coalfield is admirably placed for the transmission of coal both by sea and land. It is only about eight miles by rail from Greymouth, where a good harbour is in course of construction; and the proposed East and West Coast Eailway terminates in the middle of the field. At present some little inconvenience is experienced in getting the coal across the Grey by a horsebridge taking one truck only at a time; but another bridge is in contemplation, and ultimately, I have no doubt, there will be a railway on both sides of the river. The thickness of the coal-seams at present worked at the Grey is from Bft. to 16ft. Blackball.— The Blackball coalfield is practically an extension of the Greymouth one. The coal is the same quality and the seams of much the same thickness. There are no mines on this field yet, but arrangements are now being made to open one. Beef ton. —There is a seam in one of the Eeefton mines 21ft. thick; but the usual thickness is from 6ft. to lift. The mines are accessible, and easily worked. Westport. —Although so far apart, the Westport mines are really in the same field as the Eeefton ones. The Westport mines are not so favourably situated as those at the Grey, being on the top of a plateau I,Booft. above the sea. The coal is lowered down steep inclines by wire ropes—a somewhat cumbersome and expensive arrangement. Doubtless a more convenient method of getting the coal to the sea-level will be adopted when the mines are further developed. A locomotive railway will possibly be got to some of the mines. The Koranui mine is working in a seam 7ft. to 10ft. thick, and the Banbury mine is one of 16ft. There is practically no outlet for the Westport coal except by sea. The distance to Nelson and Picton —156 and 188 miles respectively—will always be a barrier to its transmission by rail ; but there will be great facility for shipping at Westport when the harbour is finished. Mokihinui. —The Mokihinui mines are situated at the northern end of the great field that runs obliquely across the country from Eeefton. They have not yet been fully developed, but one mine has been opened out on a 4ft. seam. So far as facility of working is concerned the mine is favourably situated on a low level near the sea ; but, as already stated, there is at present a difficulty in getting the coal to a market. Upper Buller.—The coalfield in the Upper Buller is a comparatively recent discovery—at any rate, as regards its extent. The first official notice of it is in memoranda submitted to the Eailway Extension Commission of 1883 by Dr. Hector, who had a special survey made for the Commission— a detailed report and plan by Mr. Cox is given. They show that an extensive area of coal-bearing formation exists in a favourable position for working and distributing coal. Dr. Hector says, "The great advantage that will follow the opening-up of coal and other mineral deposits at the summit-level



of such a line is very obvious, as the heavy freights would be downhill in all directions, whether to Canterbury, Cook Strait, or the "West Coast." The extent of the coal-beds in the Upper Buller field has not, of course, been ascertained; but several outcrops of high-class bituminous coal have been discovered. There is a seam at Glenroy 2ft. thick, three seams near Murchison 3ft., 4ft., and 6ft. thick respectively, and one or two near Lake Eotoroa, thickness unknown. The analysis of the coal from the three first-mentioned of these seams has shown it to be quite equal to that from the Greymouth and Westport mines. The distance along the proposed railways from the middle of the Upper Buller coalfield to important centres is as follows: Westport 55, Nelson 90, Blenheim 104, and Picton 122 miles. Karamea Watershed. —Beyond the fact that it yields good bituminous coal, and that the country is very inaccessible, there is very little known about the patch of coal-formation on the watershed between the Mokihinui, Karamea, and Wangapeka Eivers. Kanieri. —The Kanieri coalfield is the smallest in the list, but the coal is bituminous and of excellent quality. The great drawback is that the seam is quite vertical, which makes it difficult to work. Experts are, however, of opinion that it will yet be found lying flat. The field is easy of access, and the seam runs from 2ft. to Bft. thick. Paparoa Range. —The coal-formation between the Paparoa Range and the sea is the largest in area of any on the West Coast; but none of the coal has been worked, and the country is not in the direct line of settlement. As a coalfield, therefore, it has not received much attention, and our information regarding it is somewhat meagre. Practically, all that we know is that coal of various qualities is dispersed at different levels all over a very wide area. Upper Motueka. —The last coalfield in the list is the large one in the Motueka watershed, between Mount Owen and the Baton River. It is situated high up among the ranges, in a somewhat inaccessible situation, and far out of the main line of communication. Beyond the fact that there is a wide extent of country producing good bituminous coal, our information on the subject is not very complete. When the time comes for opening out the field it will be best done by a railway running up the Motueka Valley. Prospects of Goal Industries. —lt is quite unnecessary to consider the question of the permanency of the West Coast coalfields; it is admitted on all sides. What we want to consider is how best to dispose of our enormous supplies. The following table shows the demand and supply of coal for the whole of New Zealand during the past seven years:—

As shown by the table, the coal-mines of New Zealand depend almost entirely on the home consumption, which has hitherto been more than sufficient to absorb the supply. It is evident, however, that the home market is not sufficient to cause anything like a proper development of the industry, no matter how rapidly the colony may progress, or how much local manufactures are extended. Furthermore, the nature of our trade with New South Wales enables the imported coal to compete with the native product in all the larger centres. The New Zealand steamers have less cargo offering from Sydney than New Zealand ; consequently they can carry coal at very low freight. All these circumstances point Co the necessity for finding a market for the New Zealand coal outside the colony. I believe that the only real difficulty in the way is the West Coast harbours, and that a large export trade will spring up so soon as vessels of large draught can come in. For gas purposes the Greymouth coal is worth about 2s. 6d. per ton more than Newcastle ; and this opens the door to all the colonies that have no coal of their own. With improved means of transport, I see no reason why New Zealand coal should not compete all round, and for all purposes, with the coal from New South Wales. The amount of coal imported into Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania during 1884 was over 600,000 tons; and these are not the only markets open to the New Zeal and coal if it can only be supplied cheap enough. Including the colonies just mentioned, it is estimated that the demand for coal in the southern seas and other places commanded by New Zealand is over 4,000,000 tons per annum, of which Newcastle only supplies about 1,700,000, the remain der being obtained from England. This shows that the possibilities of the coal industries on the West Coast are very great. Othee Mineeals. As already stated, a great variety of minerals have been found in greater or less quantities all the way down the West Coast, from Cook Strait to Otago. Nelson possesses a wonderful assortment. So also does Reefton and the Paringa district. The latter is, however, outside the area immediately affected by the railway.

Demand. Sui >p!yConsumption within the Colony. Exported. Total Demand. Raised in the Colony. Imported. .879 .880 .881 .882 .883 .884 .885 Tons. 382,099 416,200 460,598 503,609 538,132 622,921 638,894 Tons. 7,195 7,021 6,626 4,245 7,172 6,354 2,371 Tons. 389,294 423,221 467,224 507,854 545,304 629,275 641,265 Tons. 231,218 299,923 337,262 378,272 421,764 480,831 511,063 Tons. 158,076 123,298 129,962 129,582 123,540 148,444 130,202



Iron. —The only places within the area where iron-ore has been found are Dun Mountain, Biwaka, Baton Eiver, and Eeefton. But just outside the area, at Mount Peel, and further north, at Parapara, there are immense deposits of hematite, which ultimately will be of great value. Again, south of the area, in the Paringa district, there are three or four places in which iron-ores occur. Ironsand has been found near Hokitika, and in the Motueka, Wairati, and Buller Valleys. Except in the case of the hematite deposits, which have been surveyed, we have no definite information with reference to the iron-ores in the country accommodated by the proposed railways. Copper. —Copper has been found at the Dun Mountains, Boding Eiver, and other places in Nelson, and again near Beefton, and on the Hokitika and Wanganui Rivers. Copper-mines have been in operation for some time at Boding Biver, and smolting-works have recently been built. There is every prospect of the industry being a success. Antimony. —Antimony is worked on a somewhat extensive scale outside the area affected by the railways in Endeavour Inlet, and considerable deposits of the ore have been found within the area near Eeefton, Brumierton, and Barrytown. Lead. —Lead has been found at Wangapeka, Boding Eiver, Cannibal Gorge, Eeefton, Mount Bangitoto, and in the Grey Valley. Workable lodes are believed to exist. Zinc and Tin. —Zinc-ores have been found at Beefton and Mount Baugitoto, and tin at Beefton, Kanieri, and the Browning Bivcr, all in small quantities. Building Stone. —A hard sandstone suitable for building is found in the Waimakariri (Jorge, on the East and West Coast Bailway, and again, associated with limestone, in the Grey Valley. The Buller Valley contains a great variety of good building-stone, from granite down to soft sandand lime-stone. As already stated, there is a considerable deposit of soft limestone at Castlehill, on the East and West Coast Eailway, the distance from Christchurch being about 64 miles. It is of the same class as the Oainaru stone, but somewhat more compact and less porous. It contains 50 per cent, of carbonate of lime and 30 per cent, of silica. There would, I have no doubt, be a considerable market for the stone in Christchurch; but there will be considerable difficulty in getting it to the railway. It lies seven miles off the line, up the Broken Biver, and the intervening ground is very rough for either a road or railway ; an easier route can, however, be got by going further round. There is a great variety of excellent building-stone on Eox's Biver, both sand- and lime-stones. I have never seen finer anywhere. At present they are far from any of the proposed lines, but ultimately they will be utilized. Marble. —Marbles are found within the area affected by the railways at Mount Arthur, Eiwaka Bange, and Maruia. Many of them are fine-grained and of good colour. Unfortunately, some of the best are difficult to get at. The deposit on the Maruia is very large: there are two varieties, one blue-veined and the other pure white. The rock seems to be moderately solid, but I cannot say what size of blocks are obtainable ; and the same remarks apply to all the other marble deposits: their quality cannot be judged without quarrying into them. Mineral Springs. —There are six or seven hot springs known on the West Coast, situated on the Maruia, Wanganui, and Waiho Bivers. Ido not think the properties of these springs have been fully investigated; but the last-named is already resorted to by invalids. There are several cold mineral springs near Lake lanthe and at other places on the West Coast. FUTUEE PEOSPECTS. The main object of this report is to give a description of the proposed railways and the resources of the country they traverse. That has now been done; but it is necessary to consider further how far the railways will promote the development of these resources, and how much these resources will contribute to the success of the railways. East and West Coast Bailway. Traffic Estimates. —Various traffic-estimates have from time to time been made for the East and West Coast Bailway. In 1879 the Westland Bailway League estimated the revenue at £168,910, and the working expenses at £126,683. Apparently this was considered too high even by others who were equally interested, for an estimate made by the Canterbury Bailway League in 1882 gave the revenue at £134,375. In 1882 Mr. O'Connor estimated the revenue at £139,650, and the working expenses at £97,020. The balance—£42,63o—gave a return of 2-J per cent, on £1,700,000, the cost of the whole line from Bolleston to Brunnerton as then estimated. In 1883 Mr. Maxwell, on quantities furnished by the East and West Coast Bailway Commission, calculated the revenue at £120,000 ; but he showed no profit whatever, the working expenses being estimated to absorb the whole of the revenue. In a letter to the Commissioners Mr. Maxwell says this is accounted for by the nature of the traffic—that coal, agricultural produce, and live stock, which will constitute the bulk of the traffic on this line, are carried on the New Zealand Bailways at unremunerative rates. He, however, expected that the line would pay with increasing traffic, and that when the revenue reached £240,000 the profit would be £75,000. The Commissioners do not expressly endorse these views of the General Manager, but in effect they do so; for their report does not give any estimate of the actual return on the capital —it simply says that full interest cannot be hoped for in less than ten years. Erom the above it seems that the whole question of the railway paying is narrowed down to the cost of working. Under ordinary circumstances a revenue of £120,000 would leave £40,000 clear profit: this is equal to nearly 2f per cent, on the cost of the line. The railway authorities say that in this case there is nothing left for profit. As I have had no practical experience in the working of the railways I will not venture an opinion on the subject, but will leave the matter at this point, and simply indicate the way in which I think traffic will develop.



So far as quantities are concerned, there is very little difference between the estimates of the Eailway Commission and those of the Canterbury League. The Commission takes 70,000 tons of coal, 21,000 tons of general merchandise and agricultural produce, and 15,000,000 superficial feet of timber; the League's figures for these articles are 75,000, 20,000, and 12,000,000 respectively. In my report of 1879 I also estimated in'a general way that the East and West Coast Eailway would barely pay working expenses. Viewing the subject " entirely from a professional and commercial point of view," I came to the conclusion that there was little prospect of a direct return from the railway, and that the collateral advantages were not commensurate with the enormous expenditure involved. I shall now consider these conclusions in the light of the conditions at present existing. A period of seven years having elapsed, all the surroundings of the question are, of course, considerably altered, and the prospects of the railway improved. Improvements in Gradients. —As already noticed, the professional aspect of the case is greatly changed by the result of the detailed surveys made since 1879. Instead of an Alpine railway ■worked by Tell locomotives or stationary engines, which would carry a small traffic at a high cost, we have now a line that can be worked by ordinary locomotives, equal in carrying capacity to the best railway in the colony. Although the capital cost is somewhat increased, there can be no comparison as to ultimate results. The additional interest to be met is more than balanced by the saving in working expenses. Traffic Data. —ln 1878 the total consumption of Newcastle coal in Canterbury was 53,615 tons, and of seaborne timber of the ordinary market kinds 6,000,000 superficial feet. On this basis I took the coal-traffic on the East and West Coast Eailway at 40,000 tons, and the timber at 3,000,000 ft. These figures are, of course, far too low for 1886, but they are also too low for any year since 1880, the demand in Canterbury for these commodities being greatly in excess of what could be anticipated. The following table shows what it has been for the last five years:—



In addition to the above the annual consumption of coal in Canterbury includes about 15,000 tons from the local mines at Malvern, and a few hundred tons that find their way from Kaitangata to Timaru. The local bushes also supply 1,500,000 superficial feet of timber and 13,000 tons of firewood. Passenger-traffic. —The Commission of 1883 estimated the passenger-traffic on the East and West Coast Eailway at £10,000; but Mr. Maxwell thought this out of proportion to the goodstraffic, and increased the amount to £20,000. Independently of these considerations, I think that the tourist-traffic will be considerable with such a large population as Christchurch to draw upon. Agricultural-traffic. —As already indicated, the traffic from agricultural settlement on the heavier bush-lands will be of slow growth if the land is not cleared faster than the timber is required. The highest consumption of timber calculated on will not clear more than 1,000 acres per annum. It is possible, however, that as the population increases it may pay to clear land near the large centres, even though the timber is not all sold. On the alluvial flats south of Hokitika, where the land is good and the bush light, settlement will undoubtedly take place so soon as the country is opened up by roads. Timber-traffic— -The timber-traffic on the East and West Coast Eailway is sure to be large. The line strikes good bush at Lake Brunner, 117 miles from Christchurch ; so I have no doubt the greater portion of the Canterbury timber trade will be commanded by Westland. The Southland timber now comes as far north as Ashburton, 300 miles from the forest. At this rate the Westland timber would go as far south as Dunedin : but the Southland timber has the advantage there ; consequently the former can only go to the Waitaki, where, as regards carriage, the two supplies meet on equal terms. Another point in favour of the Westland timber industry is the superior character of the bush. In consequence of the large yield, it can be produced at the minimum cost —Mr. Kirk says, not exceeding 4s. per 100 ft., and possibly less if the mills could be kept fully employed. Kauri is largely used in the South for ordinary building purposes. According to Mr. Kirk, the supply of this timber is rapidly giving out. We must therefore depend more on the other pines ; and rimu, which is so plentiful in Westland, is the best substitute for kauri.

1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. landed at Lyttelton landed at Timaru .. Tons. 58,194 9,197 Tons. 56,583 10,952 Tons. 66,429 10,445 Tons. 96,523 8,881 Tons. 80,169 13,265 Totals 67,391 67,535 76,874 105,404 93,434

1881. 1882. 1883. 1S84. 18S5. Landed at Lyttelton Landed at Timaru ... Brought by rail from Southland Sup. Feet. 19,675,774 2,439,176 2,569,900 Sup. Feet. 20,941,450 3,222,267 1,917,900 Sup. Feet. 13,496,469 1,869,464 1,998,700 Sup. Feet. 12,013,624 1,922,291 2,079,700 Sup. Feet. ll,917,88i 1,769,19! l,993,10i Totals 24,684,850 26,081,617 17,364,633 16,015,615 15,680,17:



As for the more durable timbers, totara —the one hitherto most used—is also getting scarce and dear. It must be replaced by birch, by far the most plentiful timber on the West Coast. I have no doubt the greater portion of the sleepers for the Middle Island railways will be of this timber. 100,000 sleepers per annum are taken on the Hurunui-Bluff lines for maintenance, and the requirements for construction during the last five years have averaged about 85,000. The two together make about 4,316,000 superficial feet. The question of exporting timber from New Zealand bears to some little extent on the prospects of the East and West Coast Railway. Ido not think it will pay to send ordinary buildingtimber to England in competition with the supplies from the Baltic and North America ; but it is possible that a small trade in furniture-woods might be established, and there is said to be a large market on the Continent of Europe for cask-staves, for which birch is suitable. A small quantity of timber was exported from Westland to Melbourne when the communication was more direct; but for some years it has entirely ceased. It is probable, however, that the trade will revive when the harbours are made and direct communication resumed. Taken altogether, it is clear that the timber trade of the West Coast has every prospect of becoming an important industry, and that it will contribute largely to the revenues of the East and West Coast Railway. Mineral-traffic. —Although gold-mining of one kind or another is bound to be a permanent industry on the West Coast, we cannot anticipate such an expansion as will materially affect the prospects of the railway. Beyond augmenting the general traffic, it will not contribute much to the revenue. As already indicated, I am clearly of opinion that the main strength of the West Coast lies in its coalfields, and that, directly and indirectly, this is the source from whence the railway-traffic will chiefly come. The direct traffic in coal will, however, be very small when compared with the indirect traffic that must ultimately accrue from the development of the coal industries. The railway will, no doubt, carry all the coal consumed in Canterbury, and possibly supply steamers at Lyttelton. The line ends in the middle of a coalfield, the coal goes direct from the mine into the truck, and thence to the consumers, thereby saving two handlings. This secures the whole of the Canterbury traffic to the railway: but that is all; coal cannot be carried by rail to the large centres further south, nor exported by way of Lyttelton. There is, however, no such limit to the possibilities of the indirect traffic, and anomalous though it may appear this traffic is augmented by the construction of the harbours. Effect of Harbours. —Hitherto we have all looked on the West Coast harbours as antagonistic to the East and West Coast Railway. I believe this view is not correct —that they are really the complements of each other. Without the harbours the coalfields will never be properly developed; and the development of the coal industries is necessary for the success of the railway. On the other side, the railway is a factor in developing the mines. With a large population on the West Coast mining coal and carrying on an extensive export trade, it is immaterial to the railway whether all that coal is carried or not. The general traffic, which pays better, would increase in proportion to the population. Summing-up. —To sum up the traffic prospects of the East and West Coast Railway : The Eoyal Commission in 1883 estimated the receipts at £120,000. Since then there has been a substantial increase in the population of the West Coast through the growth of coal-mining alone. That industry is capable of great expansion, and so also is the timber trade, which carry with them an increase of settlement generally. I think, therefore, that it would be fair to calculate that the railway revenue of the colony would be increased by fully £120,000 by the construction of the East and West Coast Railway. But, for the reason previously given, I am not in a position to say how much of this is profit. West Coast-Nelson Railway. There has been no detailed traffic-estimate made for the Nelson-West Coast line since 1868, when the late Mr. Wrigg estimated the balance of receipts over expenditure at about £10,000. It is more difficult to give an idea of the probable traffic on this line than on the one between the two coasts. There will be a considerable through-traffic between Greymouth and Reefton, and between Westport and Reefton; also, a fair amount for intermediate places on the Greymouth-Reefton section : but it is not easy to predict what will be the nature and extent of the traffic on other parts of the line. Until the coalfields in the Upper Buller are opened out, there will be no mineral-traffic worth mentioning; when this takes place, Blenheim and Nelson will be supplied from these fields; and, under exceptionally favourable conditions for working the mines, coal for export may possibly be sent to Nelson and Picton. The passenger-traffic on the Nelson-West Coast Railway will be considerable, particularly when the connection is made between Tophouse and Blenheim. This will be the direct route from Wellington to the West Coast. Westport can be reached in thirteen hours, and Greymouth in fourteen hours. The Rotoroa and Rotoiti Lakes and the gorges of the Wairau and Buller will also attract large numbers of sightseers. RECAPITULATION. I shall now briefly summarize the leading points of the report and the principal conclusions arrived at. 1. The route adopted for the East and West Coast and Nelson Railway is the best available, and it fits in with the future railway system of the colony. 2. The alignment and levels of the railways are equal to those on the Middle Island main line, and the engineering difficulties are confined to the crossing of the main range and the gorges of the Waimakariri and Buller.


D.— 1a

3. After being almost stationary for a long time, the population of the West Coast has begun to increase through the development of the coal industries. 4. There is a considerable extent of arable land on the West Coast; but the principal resources of the country are timber and minerals. Most of the good land is covered with dense forest, so it cannot be settled rapidly. 5. The forests are of great extent and value, and many of them are favourably situated as regards a market for the timber. 6. The West Coast contains a great variety of minerals; but gold and coal are the only ones as yet found in quantity and worked. 7. Alluvial gold-digging will last for many years, but there is no prospect of new fields. Quartz mining is a permanent industry, capable of considerable extension. 8. The coalfields on the West Coast are of very great extent, and yield first-class coal, and the coal-mining industry is capable of enormous expansion. 9. The East and West Coast Eailway will probably yield a revenue of £120,000; but the net return cannot be estimated. Conclusion. In making this report I have endeavoured to give a full description of the proposed railways and the country affected by them, and to show the bearing that the resources of the country have on the prospects of the lines, estimating the future by the past and present. I regret that the report is of unusual length : my excuse is the importance of the subject. Pour maps, a list of papers referring to the railways, and a table of distances are hereto appended. I have, &c, W. N. Blaie, Assistant Engineer-in-Chief.





Date. I Prom To Subject. Keferenco. 31 Mar., 1868 5 July, 1873 Henry Wrigg T. Calcutt His Honor the Superintendent, Nelson Hon. Minister for Public Works Report on proposed railway from Nelson to Cobden, with branch to Wrstport Report on lands proposed to be set aside for railway from i'oxhill to Grcymouth Memorandum on Mr. Calcutt's report re lands for railway fiom Foxriill to Greymouth Memorandum asking Government to continue lino f from Foxhill to junction of Owen and Buller Forwarding, with remarks, Mr. Browning's report on survey between Hokitika and MaJvcrn Eeport on survey for railway from lfokitika to Malvern via Browning's Pass Eeport on survey for railway Foxhill to Brunnerton Report on Mr. Foy's survey from Canterbury to the West Coast Reports on surveys via Hope Saddle, Amuri Pass, and Hurunui routes Report on Mr. Poy's surveys to connect Nelson and Picton with North Canterbury Report on surveys to connect Nelson and Pieton with North Canterbury Proposals, first by Mr. Handj'side, afterwards by company, for constructing railway Nelson to Cobden Report on survey from Amberlcy to Blenheim via Hurunui and Kaikoura, also branch to West Coast Report on survey from Blenheim to Nelson via Rai Valley Report on surveys, East and West Coast and Northern Railways Report on surveys for routes of railway lines in northern districts of the Middle Island Report on proposed railways in the northern districts of the Middle Island Report on Ada Pass route Nelson Provincial Government Gazette of 28 April, 1868. Parliamentary paper, 1873, E.-8. Not dated .. 0. Curtis and others Government 1873, E.-8a. Not dated .. 0. Curtis and others Government 1873, E.-Ba. 20 April, 1874 Engineer in Chief .. Hon. Minister for Public Works 1874, E.-3. Appendix D. 81 Mar., 1874 J. S. Browning Engineer-in-Chief .. 1874, E.-3, Appendix D. Enclosure. 1 Aug., 1874 J. Rochfort Enginecr-in-Chief .. 1875, E.-3., Appendix A., Enclosure 2. 1875, E.-4. 1 Aug., 1875 Enginccr-in-Cliief .. Hon. Minister for . Public Works Engineer-in-Chief .. 21 Dec, 1874 G Mar., 1875 T. M. Foy 1875, E.-4., Enclosures 1 and 1. 5 Aug., 1875 Engineer-in-Chief.. Hon. Minister for Public Works 1875, E.-4., No. 2. 30 June, 1875 T. M. Foy Engineer-in-Chief.. 1875, E.-4., Enclosure to No. 2. 28 April, 1875 Premier (London).. Colonial Secretary.. 1875, E.-4a. 22 June, 1876 T. M. Foy Engineer-in-Chief.. 1876, E.-l., Appendix A., Enclosure 1. 22 June. 1876 T. M. Foy Engineer-in-Chief.. 1876, E.-l., Appendix A., Enclosure 2. 1878, E.-l. Appendix 1878, E.-8 and E.-8a. 1 July, 1878 22 Jan., 1877 24 Oct., 1877 26 July, 1878 21 June, 1879 Engineer-in-Charge, Middle Island T. M. Poy Hon. Minister for Public Works District Engineer, Hokitika Engineer-in-Chargo, Middle Island Hon. Minister for Public Works 1879, E.-l., Appendix 28 Dec, 1880 G. Thornton and J. R. Browne Promoters East and West Coast Railway Engineer-in-Charge Middle Island Lyttelton Times, 8th January, 1881. 12 April, 1881 13 May, 1881 C. Y. O'Connor .. G. Thornton Report on inspection of Ada Pass route and generally re route via Reefton Replyto Mr. O'Connor's report.. Lyttelton Times, 26th May, 1881. 30 May, 1881 Promoters East and West Coast RailLyttelton Times, 31st 'May, 1881. 1881 Engineer-in-Charge, Middle Island way Hon. Minister for Public Works Annual Report. lie urvoys via Whitcombe and Mathias Passes, &c. Report on prospects of line 1881, D,-l., page 44. 16 Jan., 1882 Canterbury Chamber of Commerce Commissioners Royal Commission — J. Pulton, D. Pollen, J. T.Thomson C. Y. O'Connor Promoters East and West Coast Rail1883, D.-2a., page 22. 1882 way Report Middle Island railway extension 1883, D.-2. 30 Dec, 1882 Royal Commissioners Report on proposed lines Christchurch to Picton and Christchurch to Nelson,with branches to West Coast Report on proposed lines between Canterbury and West Coast 1883, D.-2., Appendix No. 2. 1883 1883 Royal Commission —W. R. Russell, J. G. Wilson, C. N. Bell Canterbury and Westland Members Assistant Engineer-in-Chief Report Government Correspondence re proposed surveys East and West Coast Railways Report on various routes after detailed surveys finished 1883, D.-2a. 1883, D.-2b. 12 Sept., 1884 Engineer-in-Chief.. 1884, Sess. II., D.-5.



TABLE OF DISTANCES. East and West Coast Railway.

West Coast-Nelson Railway. Hokitika to Nelson.

West Coast-Nelson Railway. Hokitika to Picton.


o B ■ I O J <u o 2 .9 is d I 1 u 9 u ij © H m 1-1 i CQ o u cq 0 o 3 I 1-1 4 s I ■i M '-3 I o c/l o Christohuroh .. Miles Kolleston .. , Springfield .. „ Cass .. .. » Arthur's Pass .. , Upper Teremakau.. Lake Brunner .. „ Stillwater .. „ Brunnerton .. „ Greymouth .. „ Lower Teremakau „ Kapitea .. „ Hokitika .. ... 14 43f 71J 88| 108J 116| 137 138| 145J 155 159 169J 14 29| 671 74| 94i 102| 123 124J 13l| 141 145 155| 43} 29J 27J 45 64J 73 93| 94J lOlj 111? 115J 125J 711 57J 27J "4 37J 45J 65| 67 74J 83| 87| 98 88j 74j 45 17J 19f 28 48J 49J 56| 66J 70J 80| 108J 94| 64J 37j 19} 116J 102| 73 45J 28 8J 137 123 93J 65} 48J 28| 20| 138J 124J 94J 67 49J 29| 24 1* 145J 131J 101} 74£ 56} 37 28} 8i 155 141 Hit 83| 66| 46J 38| 18 16| 94 159 145 115 J 87} 70| 50| 421 22 20} 134 4 109J 155| 125| 98 80J 60} 52J 32| 31 23} i4 10i 8J 28J 29} 37 46J 50| 60} 20J 21J 28| 38J 42| 52J 8:V 18" 22 32J it 16| 20| 31 13J 23} 4 141 ioj

1 I B I d H W 8 C3 d o a; A 68} 45 37| 36£ 25J c3 m a a d o m o c 3 o a o o s I a o I Hokitika .. Greymouth Brunnerton Stillwater Ahaura .. Eeefton .. Inangahua Lyell Murohison Tophouse Belgrovo .. Nelson Wellington .. Miles 23} 31 32£ 43J 68} 89J 96J 115} 157* 184J 206J 322J 23} 7£ 84 19} 45 65} 724 92 133} 160} 182} 298} 31 7J il 124 37} 584 G5J 84} 126J 1534 1754 2914 321 8i iij 36J 57| 64 83J 125J 152J 174J 290| 43J 19| 12* 11J 25J 46 52f 72J 114 141 163 279 20} 274 47 88} 115} 137} 253} 89J 65} 58J 57J 46 20} 96£ 72j 66* 64 52} 27i 6} 115} 92 84} 83J 72J 47 26J 19J 1574 133} 1264 125| 114 88} 68 61£ 41} 184J 160} 153J 152J 141 115} 95 88J 03} 2 J 206J 182} 1754 174| 103 137} 117 11Q£ 90| 19 22 3224 298} 291J 2U0| 279 253| 233 22GJ 206} 165 138 116 2C| 68 95 117 233 19J 611 88J 110| 226J 41} 681 90} 206f 27 49 165 22 138 116

pi M 3 O K 3 o B I H m g i eg E o a) I p I 00 a H t5' i to 2 3 d a o I '3 a s d o o d o Hokitika .. Greymouth Brunnerton Stillwater Ahaura .. Eeefton .. Inangahua Lyoll .. Murchison Tophouse Blenheim Picton Wellington .. Miles 23-i 31 32J 43i 68| 89J 96J 115| 157| 220J 288J 296J 23} "7i 8* 19} 45 65} 72J 92 1888 196} 214} 272} 31 4 37} 58J G5£ 84} 126J 166} 207J 265J 32J 8* 1* Hi 36J 57J 64 83J 125J 188J 206J 264J 19| 124 11J 68f 45 37} 36J 25J 89J 65| 58J 57J 46 20J 96J 72J 65J 64 52| 27J 6f 115§ 92 84} 83J 72J 47 26J 19J 157J 133} 126§ 125| 114 88} 68 61| 41} 220J 196J 165| 188J 177 151} 131 124 104} 63 238J 214} 207| 206J 195 169} 149 142 122} 81 18 2964 272| 265J 264| 253 227f 207 200 180f 139 76 58 25J 46 52J 72£ 114 177 195 253 20j 27J 47 88§ 151| 169| 227| Of 26J 68 131 149 207 19* 6l| 124 142 200 41f 104} 122| 180} 63 81 139 18 7G 58


West Coast-Nelson Railway. Westport to Nelson and Picton.

Various Lines and Combinations. Christchurch to Hokitika, by Teremakau Junction ... ... ... 145f miles. „ Greymouth, „ ... ... ... 149 „ „ Eeefton direct, by Still water Junction ... ... 173J „ Westport direct, „ ... ... 222 „ Nelson, by Stillwater and Tophouse ... ... 311J „ „ „ by inland route ... ... ... ... 213 „ „ „ by coast route and Tophouse .. ... 299 „ Eai Valley ... ... 259 „ Pieton, by Stillwater and Tophouse ... ... 343 J „ „ „ by inland route ... ... ... ... 245 „ „ „ by coast route ... ... ... ... 205 „ Eakaia to Greymouth direct .. ... ... ... ... 132-J- „ byEolleston ... ... ... ... 152| „ Hokitika to Pieton, by Nelson and Eai Valley ... ... ... 286|- „ „ Westport ... ... ... ... ... ... 117} „ Greymouth to Westport ... ... ... ... ... 93 J „ Eeefton to Westport ... ... ... ... ... ... 48-| „ Nelson to Pieton, by Tophouse ... ... ... ... ... 130 „ „ by Eai Valley and Tuamarina ... ... ... 80 „ Distances by Sea. Nautical Statute Miles. Miles. Lyttelton to Wellington ... ... ... ... 175 202 Pieton to Wellington ... ... ... ... 51 58 Pieton to Nelson... ... ... ... ... 85 98 Wellington to Nelson direct ... ... ... 101 116 Nelson to Westport ... ... ... ... 158 182 Westport to Greymouth ... ... ... ... 63 72

By Authority: Geokge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB6.


To Nβ: ■SON. PlCTi IN. 13 o & Xβ c> P d o o u ID to O EH 6 I a P3 i d o bo J 1 3 I Q ft d o Westport.. Inangahua Lyoll Murchison Tophouso Belgrovo .. Nelson Wellington .. Miles • • n • • u • • u 27.f 34| 54.f ael 122} Mi200} 27J 26J 68 95 117 233 34j m 6| 26J 10} C1J Hi 88J 68J 110.| 90| 22G-J: 206J 95} 68 61* 41* 27 49 165 122} 95 88J 68J 27" 144} 117 110J 90J 49" 22 260} 233 226* 206| 165" 138 116 158} 131 1241 104J 63" 17G} 149 142J 122| 81 234J 207 200J 180J 139 22 138 116 Blenheim Pioton Wellington • • It 158} 176* 234} 131 149 207 To Pioto: r. 18 76 58 124J 104J 142J 122J 200| 180J 63 81 139 18 70 58





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Bibliographic details

EAST AND WEST COAST AND NELSON (MIDLAND) RAILWAY (GENERAL REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF ON THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01a

Word Count

EAST AND WEST COAST AND NELSON (MIDLAND) RAILWAY (GENERAL REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF ON THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01a

EAST AND WEST COAST AND NELSON (MIDLAND) RAILWAY (GENERAL REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF ON THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01a