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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Under-Secretary for Defence to the Hon. the Defence Minister. Sir, — Defence Office, Wellington, Ist June, 1883. Since the date of my last report on the Volunteers of the colony for the year ending the 31st March, 1882, the new regulations for the reorganization of the force, framed under your own personal supervision, were brought into operation on the Ist January last. The old regulations remained in force to the end of the year; the returns to the 31st December, 1882, showing a total strength, inclusive of cadets, of 121 corps, amounting of all ranks to 8,593, as detailed in accompanying return. This strength has been considerably reduced since the Ist January by the disbandment, at their own request, of many country corps, who did not wish to continue their services, as no longer required for the protection of their districts, and also by the maximum establishment of all corps having been reduced to 63. Attached are returns showing the strength and distribution of the Volunteer Force on the 31st March, 1883, and of all ordnance, small arms, and ammunition in the colony. The provisions of the new regulations initiated by you for a thorough reorganization may be briefly summed up as follow : — . . Volunteer corps to bo divided into two classes, viz. ; Garrison or head-quarter corps, and country corps. Garrison corps, being such as should form part of the fixed establishment, the Government considered necessary for the service of the colony in centres of population. Country corps, all others in out-districts. The qualification for capitation for garrison corps : Attendance at twelve Government parades of not less than two hours' duration, one hour of which must be devoted absolutely to drill; four of these parades to be held in daylight; to fire in first and second periods of target practice, and go through the first and second periods of judging-distance practice. Country corps to attend one inspection of arms, accoutrements, &c, in each quarter, undergo not less than one hour's drill, fire in the first and second periods of target practice, and go through the first and second periods of judging-distance practice. No parade, drill, or inspection to reckon towards capitation in either garrison or country corps if less than two-thirds of the strength of the corps are present; an increased scale of fines for nonattendance being strictly enforced. The maximum and minimum strength of corps of all arms to be as follows : Garrison corps—■ maximum 63, minimum 43 ; country corps—maximum 50, minimum 30. Enrolments for untrained men to take place only in the months of January and July in each year, unless specially authorized by the Governor. Recruits to be formed into squads irrespective of corps, to attend thirty hours' recruit drill, and go through the first and second periods of target and judging-distance practices before being allowed to join the ranks of their corps. Capitation to be claimed for these recruits provided the period under instruction has not exceeded six months, and a free issue of a serge suit granted to enable them to attend recruit drill in uniform. Men who had previously received a military training permitted to enrol at any period during the year, but they would not receive capitation unless they qualified for it by attending the requisite number of parades. Officers and non-commissioned officers to undergo an examination, before, their appointments are confirmed, in certain subjects specified in the regulations. Garrison bands only to be permitted in stations where there are four corps or upwards, of a strength in proportion of five men to each corps, to be under the immediate control of the officer in command of the district. Capitation to be granted to bandsmen who attend the proper number of parades, and Government assistance to the extent of £20 afforded towards defraying expenses of professional instruction. At other places, where there are less than four corps, although the proportion of five to a corps will'still be allowed, no other assistance granted. Volunteer corps above the maximum strength laid down in regulations required to reduce their numbers to the fixed establishment before the 31st January, 1883, and adopt such means, by ballot or otherwise, as. would be deemed best to carry out the required reduction. Corps failing to do so before the above date to be disbanded, and new corps of the authorized establishment formed in their place. Cadet corps, except those in connection with schools, to be disbanded. Regulation uniforms to be paid for as heretofore out of capitation, the Government obtaining them from Home on application from corps. Corps hitherto designated Engineers to cease to be recognized as such, j Naval Volunteers to be reconstructed as Naval Artillery Volunteers, on the Home system, to be trained at the four H. 17—1.


principal ports in the working of the heavy batteries about to be erected, for which a special allowance will be granted for each drill required of them. The regulations framed according to these provisions met, I am assured, with general approval with few exceptions throughout the colony, as it was felt by all who had the good of volunteering at heart that they would tend to tbe establishment of stricter discipline, and therefore greater efficiency, uniformity of dress, and more general attention to training and musketry practice. The appointment of properly-qualified staff officers to districts has already effected a marked improvement. This is especially apparent in Canterbury, where the interest in Volunteer matters had in past years declined to such an extent that of rifle corps only one existed in Christchurch at the end of last year and for a long time before. On the present regulations coming into effect three new corps were raised at once, and when I passed through Christchurch in April last I was surprised to find them already not only very proficient in company drill, but showing they were rapidly acquiring a knowledge of battalion drill, several movements being executed by the five corps on parade in a manner most creditable to themselves and the officers who trained them. I heard very good accounts of both the Dunedin and Oamaru corps, but I regret that my visit South on Constabulary matters was so hurried as to give me no opportunity of seeing any of the Southern Volunteers on parade, except in Christchurch as I have stated, where the monthly parade of all corps happened to fall on one of the days I was detained there. In the North Island I have had no opportunity of seeing anything of the corps since the reorganization, except in Wellington, where I can with confidence assert that the Volunteers were never in a better condition than they are now. An annual inspection of all corps by a thoroughly competent officer would be very desirable, and highly appreciated by all members of the force. I have, &c, H. E. Reader, Lieut.-Colonel, The Hon. the Defence Minister, Wellington. Under-Secretary for Defence.

Return of Small Arms and Ammunition.

Return of Volunteers to the 31st December, 1882.


Bifles, dc. —In Store and on Issue— Snider (all sizes)—On issue In store Enfield—In store On issue 5,317 6,129 10,402 1,091 Ammunition — Snider—In store ... ... ..." Enfield—In store Cadet Arms — 1,340,296 520,780 ("Muzzle-loaders (On issue ... ....-, i . ,, [In store -Carbines Terry>s " On issue ... ( ,, (In store ... 246 457 94 783 * For drill purposes only.

Cavalry. Artillery. Engineer. Rifle. Naval. Total. Cadets. District. ft g Strength. D & Strength. o j Strength. O m g Strength. o CD S 1 Strength. O g Strength, o & Strength. 1 o Auckland Waiuku Waikato Taranaki Wanganui, Patea, and Bangitikei .. Wellington Napier Poverty Bay Wairarapa Thames 1 84 1 79 5 1 367 50 1 78 8 2 1 13 608 105 130 543 1 57 1 •1 2 55 130 83 ii 460 3 200 1 1 1 87 54 101 1 46 8 4 1 624 233 41 1 1 97 203 12 7 2 1 3 i 921 569 95 101 185 405 2 3 122 226 1 97 *8 2 185 148 1 160 ' 1 1 125 64 Total N. I. .. 468 326 222 35 2,108 538 53 3,662 594 kelson Marlborough Canterbury Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill Lake Westland 1 181 1 2 1 2 2 1 90 163 78 122 140 66 3 3 3 8 9 2 2 3 169 176 199 241 555 195 124 184 1 1 2 56 67 260 5 3 7 4 18 5 3 3 315 176 560 319 937 485 190 184 1 2 1 2 7 1 2 51 156 68 131 553 106 106 *1 150 • *L^ Total S. I. vV' 281 659 28 1,843 383 43 3,166 16 1,171 Grand Total.. 749 13 985 222 63 3,951 8 921 96 6,828 25 1,765 * Begiments of Cavalry of three troops each.

H 17.

Return of Volunteers to the 31st March, 1883.

Return showing Distribution of Ordnance on 31st March, 1883.


Garrison Corps. Cavalry. 3"aval . iillery. Atillery. Eifli Co, C< mtry >rps. \>tal. Cadeta. District. Corps. & o o 1 i 4 I at s 4 I I % f 4 g m g 3 % 1 m o o 1 g h DO Auckland Waiuku Waikato Taranaki Wanganui, Patoa, and Rangitikei Wellington Napier Poverty Bay Wairarapa Thames 1 $3 55 61 1 61 1 60 3 190 • 2 1 94 38 7 2 3 1 10 8 2 1 3 3 405 93 61 52 454 407 132 51 132 100 1 40 {8 '94 i 1 63 63 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 52 188 179 70 *3 109 109 1 2 3 42 82 227 56 62 51 3 132 4 188 "i *47 l'|2 53 I •' Totals, Noeth Island .. 7 210 1 4J 234 4 229 13 732 12 482 40 1,887 I 11 579 1 Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Oaniaru Dunedin Invorcargill Lake Westland 1 1 1 I 51 63 62 1 "i 2 1 57 03 124 58 1 2 1 2 1 43 122 62 110 62 2 1 4 1 4 1 110 44 273 78 244 78 1 1 2 2 5 1 '.3 1 35 32 73 69 182 43 128 42 5 2 10 4 14 5 3 3 245 76 582 209 723 303 128 89 1 2 1 2 5 1 2 55 118 68 106 367 109 89 J2 15 I '47 Totals, South Island .. 3 [ « 302 7 .399 604 46 2,355 14 I I 912 176 874 16 I 1I Totals, all New Zealand I 10 9 536 11 628 28 1,086 86 4,242 I 25 ! 386 28 1,606 1,491 * Includes garrison and local ba t Includes new corps since form J Includes corps to be disbandec § One a naval artillery corps. || One corps not yet reorganized. One an artillery corps. inds. led. 1, but not ac icounted for in ' ' strengt ;h." not includi sd in " strength.

Distribution. 40-pr. 12-pr. Armstrong. 6-pr. 24-pr. Howitzers. 7-ton Guns. M-pr. Guns. . „ Iron *? Guns, Mortars, various. Armed Constabulary Force, Taranaki Auckland Thames Napier Wellington Gisborne .. .. ,. Christchurch Timaru .. .. .. Nelson Dunedin Invercargill Oamaru Port Chalmers .. Queenstown .. .. ,. 1 1 "2 2 4 •1 "l 2 1 1 1 2 "2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 "2 1 On issue to Volunteers In store 1 6 10 10 'ii 'ii 4 7 13 2 Totals 10 10 11 11 11 IS * Since issued.


Return of Volunteers, and how Armed.


District. Corps. § 'i a o 3 a CD CD 3 a e3 I CD i DO w -2 o ft S a 1 3 o g o <1 Sniders. CO 1 0 i4 Ar: let as. q I o B a H i > i I o < 1 o W. 1 f Auckland Staff Naval Artillery A Battery Victoria Rifles City Guards Rifles Hobson Rifles Garrison Band Whangarei Rifles Coromandel „ Artillery Cadets Waiuku Cavalry Wairoa Rifles Staff Te Awamutu Cavalry Cambridge ,,* Hamilton ,,* Staff Alexandra Cavalry Wairoa Light Horse Hawera ,,* Naval Artillery Wanganui Rifles Taranaki ,, Wanganui City Bifles Patea Rifles Garrison Band Royal (Marton) Rifles Palmcrston North Rifles Manchester Rifles Wanganui Collegiate School Cadets New Plymouth High School Cadetst Wanganui High School Cadetst Staff Naval Artillery D Battery Wellington City Rifles Guards Wellington Rifles Garrison Band Petone Naval Artillery Makara Rifles Kaiwarawara Rifles College Cadets Te Aro School Cadets Mount Cook School Cadets .. Staff Greytown Rifles Masterton ,, Carterton ,, Masterton School Cadets Greytown „ Carterton ,,t Peatherston ,,t Staff P Battery .. . Napier Rifles Band Staff J Battery Staff Naval Artillery Ranger Rifles Hauraki „} Staff Naval Artillery H Battery City Rifles Stoke „ .. Garrison Band Waimea Rifles College Cadets Staff ..■'»-.. Blenheim Rifles Spring Creek Rifles Blenheim School Cadets Tuamarina ,,t 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 5 5 5 4 i 1 51 51 53 45 43 63 60 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 1 1 35 46 35 47 31 61 60 61 54 52 23 42 52 40 55 38 1 61 60 59 52 39 47 "5 40 63 Waiuku 1 1 63 *50 60 Waikato 1 1 '2 1 '5 i '51 *54 "52 *58 Tar ana ki, Patoa, Wangamii, and Kangitikei i 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 46 36 2 55 39 65 72 "2 58 67 59 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 54 55 43 44 45 63 63 52 52 54 19 37 36 36 50 60 63 50 63 63 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 30 29 28 50 50 52 42 Wellington Wairarapa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 7 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 i 5 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 47 50 44 44 38 26 23 84 53 75 31 45 32 59 32 32 4 63 56 56 51 53 19 46 33 30 91 54 82 o 39 53 40 67 39 38 44 O 62 60 10 1 51 1 47 53 '63 63 49 50 25 20 63 52 50 "se 46 3 50 50 50 50 io 10 47 50 Napier 1 1 '55 52 *68 l l 2 1 3 5 i i 60 Poverty Bay .. l l "2 5 l 42 63 Thames l i l 41 45 *78 63 l l l 1 2 2 61 ■Nelson 57 43 54 39 17 35 55 1 44 32 97 21 i l 1 48 36 46 34 '28 49 60 60 i 2 1 1 1 6 6 5 2 i l i 1 60 60 i l 2 2 3 3 l 56 "49 Marlborough .. i l l l 2 2 2 1 2 5 40 27 89 60 50 • About to be disbanded. tNe:orps. } Not yet organized.


Return of Volunteers, and how Armed— continued.

By Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3. 11. 17—2.


Snlders. Cai An let is. District. Corps. a _c *o 3 a a CD 3 i I © 3 49 & © I? © CO -A u o I <s a g EH J2 'Za a M a m I il\ i 3 ? h. s o 5 n» S j Eh Q <l Ph S OS XI g I S © s % a s I Q o w .2 I O Canterbury .. Oamaru Staff Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry Lyttelton Naval Artillery C Battery .. .. ' E City Guards Rifles Christ's College Rifles Christchurch ,, Sydenham „ Garrison Band Temuka Rifles Ashburton Rifles Christ's College Cadets Staff I Battery Oamaru Rifles Band Hampdon Rifles Otepopo ,, .. High School Cadets Oamaru North School Cadets Staff Dunedin Cavalry Dunedin Naval Artillery Port Chalmers Naval Artillery B Battery .. L City Guards Rifles North Dunedin Rifles Waikari Rifles .. South Dunedin Rifles Garrison Band Bruce Bifle's East Taiei'i Rifles Clutha South District Rifles Waikouaiti ,, High School Art Cadetst North District School Cadets South District ,, Middle District Normal. School Cadets Staff Southland Hussars Bluff Naval Artillery G Battery Invercargill Rifles Band Riverton Rifles Central School Art Cadets Staff M Battery Arrow Rifles Cromwell Rifles Queenstown School Cadets .. Arrow School Cadets Staff 1st Westland Rifles Kumara Rifles Greymouth Riflosf .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2| 2 2 2 1 "i 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 3 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 'i 1 1 1 2| 1 'SO 55 53 54 55 59 60 60 32 28 62 56 55 28 27 4 51 63 59 63 62 62 63 63 23 38 35 68 2 62 62 16 34 35 59 47 5 63 63 61 58 52 57 52 51 54 30 32 38 34 34 44 59 63 62 61 60 61 15 15 63 60 63 63 SI 50 63 50 50 '" ! 1 " i I i " I 30 •15 61 Dunediii 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2! 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 54 54 51 50 44 49 43 43 46 63 64 64 63 47 631 1 1 57 53 51 57 ■■I 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 4 1 25 31 27 ■J'J 38 32 38 33 34 44 Invercargill .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 5 5 6 7 5 5 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 92 59 92 91 51 49 53 54 35 100 100 67 100 100 2 62 58 62 63 15 43 109 1 47 35 46 88 51 1 47 42 79 15 6 7 ~56 63 68 50 ■" ! 106 "6 "58 Lake 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 27 37 40 11 50 50 <3s 1 2 2 1 o 1 2 2 i 4 5 1 1 1 "'f> 5 6 ■• I .. • • ! •16 Westland i l "i O i 1 '39 35 63 48 * * * Lancaster Ri >s. t About ti be ciisbai tded.

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Bibliographic details

VOLUNTEER FORCE OF NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-17

Word Count

VOLUNTEER FORCE OF NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-17

VOLUNTEER FORCE OF NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-17