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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Lieut.-Colonel Beader to the Hon. the Defence Minister. Sir, — Commissioner's Office, Wellington, 31st May, 1883. I have the honour to submit to you a report of the Constabulary for the year ending the 31st March, 1883. The force is divided into two branches : the Bolice, numbering 461 on the Ist April; and Bield force (formerly termed Beserve), 634. Attached are returns showing the distribution of both branches. In the Bolice there have been 59 casualties during the year, namely, resignations, 34; discharges, 17 (six of which have been on compensation) ; dismissals, 6 ; and by death, 2. In addition to the 461 regular constables, there have been employed 10 district or special and 29 Native constables, at reduced salaries, ranging in the former class from £100 to £20 per annum, and in the latter from £50 to £10 per annum. New stations have been opened at Newmarket, Kamo, and Grafton, in the Auckland District; at North Invercargill and Wyndham, in the Southland District; and at Bimu, in the Westland District. An additional constable has also been given to Bort Chalmers. From the attached criminal statistics it will be seen that, compared with the previous year, there has been an increase of offences reported, to the extent in the North Island of 290, and in the South Island of 1,688. This increase, according to the reports of the local Inspectors, is mainly to be attributed to the increase of drunkenness in the colony. In the North Island, Auckland shows an increase of 8 cases; Napier, 105; Wanganui, 106; and Wellington, 69 : total, 288. In the South Island, Nelson shows an increase of 60 cases ; Westland, 107 ; Christchurch, 353 ; Timaru, 204 ; Dunedin, 192 ; Bake, 9 ; and Southland, 60 : total, 985. Total increase in the colony, 1,273 ; and these figures only represent the bad cases, where, through helplessness or disorderly conduct, the police were bound to interfere. It is satisfactory to note that the increase of offences is confined to the minor ones, and that there is a very marked diminution of the more serious crimes. I have had every reason to be well satisfied with the general very good conduct of the members of the force, and the zeal displayed by both the officers and men in the discharge of not only their legitimate police duties, but also the many others thrown on them by other departments, which, as I have shown in former reports, include having to act as census enumerators, collect agricultural statistics, act as officers of Customs at inland stations, and as licensing officers under the Arms Act; enforce the Dog Nuisance and Trespass of Cattle Acts; report upon all applications for charitable aid, and upon the estates of lunatics and deceased persons ; prosecute all cases for breaches of railway and municipal by-laws ; inquire into the circumstances of persons having children at the Industrial Schools, and summon those failing to comply with the Magistrates' orders for maintenance ; serve all civil summonses ; discharge the duties of inspectors' of- weights and measures ; compile tbe jury lists every year, and serve all jury summonses; assist the Begistrars of Electors in revising and compiling the electoral rolls ; act as gaolers at the police gaols ; act as magazine-keepers at Greymouth, Timaru, Blenheim, and Normanby ; and in the Canterbury District enforce the provisions of the Contagious Diseases Act. In addition to the above, at several country stations they perform the duties of clerks and bailiffs to the Besident Magistrates' Courts. In my last yearly report, dated the 31st May, 1882, the strength of the '' Bield force,'' then designated "Beserve," was stated as having been on the Ist April, 1882, 957 of all ranks. This has been reduced by 323, so that on the Ist April, 1883, the total strength was 634, distributed as follows, by districts, viz.: Waikato, 144; Taranaki, 220 ; Batea, 100; Taupo, 41; Opotiki, 80; and Depot, 49. The tranquil state of the several Native districts has enabled the men, without neglecting their drill and rifle practice, to be most usefully employed in placing their posts in thorough order and repair, in the construction of roads and bridges, carrying mails, assisting the civil branch when required, in collecting agricultural statistics, attending on the Courts, taking over the entire police supervision at several stations, and in making themselves generally useful under the directions of their officers. The road-work in the Taranaki District entailed much heavy bush-falling, clearing of stumps and undergrowth, ditching, draining, and construction of embankments. ■ Lieut.-Colonel Lyon and'dieut.-Colonel Boberts both testify to the zeal and good behaviour of all under them, pr.aise which I believe to be well deserved. The casualties during the past year, amounting to 323, are made up as follow: Transfers to Militia staff, 2 ; recruits to police, 23 ; resignations, 144 ; expiration of service, 99 ; discharges, 25;; desertions, 1; dismissals, 19; medical unfitness, 2; and by deaths, 8. Of the latter, one was a case of accidental drowning, one of suicide, and the remainder the result of fevers and chest and throat diseases. I have, &c, H. E. Beader, The Hon. the Defence Minister. Commissioner., I—H. 8.


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1881, and Year ending 31st December, 1882.


Offences. rH <"" <*"?! *3» few jD CO a Q a § 13 fl Committed for Trial. Person: I Apprehended, 1881. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. fl 03 r5«H 3a o 3 SH 303 Bl. >6 ■—t ° •a I 2& as 1 s*i b- CO O Committed for Trial. Persi ms Apprehended, 1882. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. o o © Ph o CQ 2 C3 14 O a CD o S O fl o M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Noeth Island. Abduction Absconding from bail Abusive language Accessory to a felony Adulteration of Pood Act, breaches of Arms Act, breaches of Arson Assaults, common Assaults, indecent Assaults on constables Assaults on lunatic-asylum patients Assault and robbery Assault -with intent to do grievous bodily harm Assault with intent to ravish Assault with intent to rob Assisting a prisoner to escape Auctioneers Ordinance, breaches of Bankruptcy Act, breaches of Bestiality Bawdyhouse keeping Beer Duty Act, breaches of Bigamy Brands and Branding Act, breaches of Breaches of the peace Breaking and entering a store Breaking and entering, and stealing therefrom Broaching cargo Burglary Burglary, attempted Burglary with attempt to ravish .. Cattle-maiming Cattle- and horse-stealing Cattle-stealing Child-stealing Cattle Trespass Ordinance, breaches of Cemeteries Act, breaches of Concealment of birth Conspiracy Contempt of Court Constabulary Force Ordinance, offences against Corporation Waterworks Act, Auckland, breaches of Counties Act, breaches of.. Cruelty to animals Cutting and wounding Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, offences against Customs Regulations, breaches of .. Destitute Persons Act, offences against Debtors and Creditors Act, breaches of .. Defacing coin Demanding money by threats Deserting from H.M. service Desertion from A.C. Force Diseased Sheep Act, offences against Disobeying summonses Disobeying maintenance orders Disorderly conduct Distillation Act, offences against .. Dog Registration Act, breaches of .. Drunkenness Education Act, breaches of Embezzlement Employment of Females Act, breaches of Escaping from Industrial Schools .. Escaping from Naval Training-Schools Escaping from legal custody Exposure, indecent -Eailing to pay for children at Industrial School 1 1 48 "l 22 1 '±4 "8 1 1 48 1 1 33 3 4 5 17 480 8 98 "l 22 7 2 2 1 2 132 4 12 1 1 1 33 2 4 5 4 480 8 96 is 4 4 "3 6 2 16 566 19 79 4 1 4 1 11 "l 2 323 1 70 "l *33 4 1 6 178 5 6 31 6j 2 12 566 17 79 4 3 1 2 4 1 i "2 1 316 *17 13 "3 1 '2 86 11 "2 "l 3 79 4 'l9 "l "2 "2 "i 2 2 4 4 4 12 3 9 2 3 1 12 3 8 3 "2 2 "l "2 "l "2 2 h 2 2 "l 1 2 "2 "l 1 "l "l 'i 1 13 34 1 1 12 7 3 128 3 12 "1 1 12 7 3 128 2 "l '34 1 '21 "4 22 "l *3 2 105 1 "l 19 6 3 24 104 3 "3 *85 "7 'll "l 104 3 "l 2 "2 33 13 19 1 12 "2 io 1 4 3 17 13 2 17 11 7 3 '2 14 16 13 3 "7 65 "2 21 "2 25 "4 46 16 2 1 1 48 1 3 "l -23 "6 9 1 29 1 3 "l 1 e> 17 "l "l 3 "l 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 1 1 4 2 8 "l 1 1 1 4 -2 3 1 'il 7 'io 2 "1 ii 7 "1 '3 1 "1 "4 9 "5 "3 "2 "2 "1 "l 6 6 6 7 1 2 2 2 *33 4 2 4 52 7 2 4 38 3 2 4 52 7 '33 4 'hi "9 1 "1 'i 2 12 2 4 19 3 "2 "l 6 18 1 'is 5 6 6 18 3 6 "5 3 1 3 6 12 132 79 2 41 4 126 84 53 2 26 2 83 5 2 1 1 4 1 5 2 8 1 2 3 "6 1 6 "1 1 "l 7 1 14 3 3 "5 "l 1 1 6 6 42 2,313 6 25 2 5 23 1,919 5 3 *14 "l 1 19 102 1 5 14 3 2 6 42 2,314 6 21 8 5 13 12 8 143 2,601 5 23 8 1 9 12 5 95 2,204 2 11 "l "2 253 "2 1 3 43 127 3 6 "l "2 17 8 4 11 12 8 142 2,601 5 20 2 10 12 2 101 288 265 28 'l2 "l "3 'i 2 2 15 5 2 15 1 i 1 15 5 1 11 2 15 5 2 15 1 10 2 2 27 "l 1 10 2 1 20 1 10 2 2 26 I 5 3 "2 '2 "3 "l "2 .is 11 10 11 11


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1881, and Year ending 31st December, 1882— continued.


Offences. '16 t*q .w ■ft a as O Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehended, 1881. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. 03 u © ©rCJ !§ 1* en Sa o o © ■d --< ° «i *H a Ufa fl w a ° a o (7- 03 o Committed jfor Trial. Perso) ls AppreheiK Summarily Convicted. led, 1882. Discharged. © II is 3§ o o 03 6 5 u a i H d QQ 3 u rH o fl M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. North Island— continued. Failing to pay for children at Naval Training School False pretences .. Fish Protection Act, breaches of .. Forcible entryForeign Seamen's Act, breaches of.. Forging and uttering Forgery Furious driving Friendly Societies Act, breaches of Gaming and Lotteries Act, breaches of Harbour Regulations, breaches of .. Highways Act, breaches of Housebreaking Illegally on premises Impounding Act, offences against .. Inspection of Machinery Act, offences against Larceny Larceny from vessels Larceny from dwellings Larceny as a bailee Larceny from the person Licensing Act, breaches of Libel Lunacy Local Boards Act, breaches of Malicious injury to property Manslaughter Masters andApprenticesAct.breaches of Married Women's Property Protection Act, breaches of Municipal by-laws Municipal Police Act, breaches of .. Murder Murder, attempted Naval Discipline Act, breaches of .. Naval Training Schools Act, breaches of Neglected and criminal children .. Obscene and profane language Obstructing and resisting police Obstructing surveyors Pawnbrokers Act, breaches of Perjury ProtectionofAnimalsAct, breaches of Post Office Act, breaches of Prisons Act, breaches' of .. Provoking language Public Works Act, breaches of Public Health Act, breaches of 3 92 19 24 5 9 24 8 10 13 41 71 2 968 16 45 2 24 137 10 160 10 190 2 '*6 ie 3 4 1 51 2 6 2 1 "e "3 3 48 "i4 "8 10 7 7 1 28 61 1 265 3 7 2 72 1 78 10 111 "6 "l 1 "3 2 -63 "l "2 9 ~27 '20 2 4 1 1 13 1 3 2 9 8 139 "l 2 47 3 49 "3 'i7 "1 "5 "*6 3 83 16 20 5 9 24 8 10 7 40 71 2 535 5 16 2 10 133 10 160 10 "177 2 18 3 15 38 260 772 11 53 8 25 238 1 174 38 218 7 52 1 16 38 31 3 30 1 "2 "2 '28 3 "l 16 7 13 2 5 'i *i '29 *25 '21 1 4 18 1 3 23 221 335 8 2 6 163 "93 36 110 "4 "l 8 '37 "2 'ii '32 13 1 14 "3 "7 2 2 4 14 30 133 10 2 1 56 1 42 2 75 2 "l *22 "l 8 "5 48 1 16 25 31 3 28 1 6 18 3 9 38 260 543 7 34 6 13 238 1 172 38 205 7 1 16 19 7 '21 1 'io "2 189 8 6 1 101 14 28 28 5 191 40 18 "1 2 "i6 '41 "8 "3 4 'i3 "4 1 4 2 2 4 3 2 1 3 • ■ 4 409 128 6 1 1 3 302 84 'i2 2 1 84 31 1 1 11 4 399 128 6 7 418 69 6 3 338 66 'io 4 67 3 "l 7 416 69 6 3 9 59 "4 "l '*6 "l "l 1 "l 1 17 79 114 10 17 51 05 9 '23 34 4 12 1 "l 3 17 79 114 10 82 142 7 9 4 11 28 49 85 4 '27 38 4 16 3 "2 3 82 142 7 9 4 11 28 "3 28 17 "9 "9 4 13 8 8 2 3 65 3 7 2 61 "3 1 6 4 1 4 12 8 3 1 -3 65 3 7 2 61 "5 "2 1 6 11 "l "5 "l 4 1 1 'l6 "l '20 "l 4 2 "l " 3 "2 2 11 1 1 1 7 "l '56 5 "4 16 2 3 5 10 "2 78 7 6 6 103 13 4 1 4 42 Rape Rape, attempted.. Railway by-laws, breaches of Rabbit Nuisance Act, offences against Registration of Births, -fee, Act, breaches of Receiving stolen property Riot Rural Police Act, Auckland, breaches of Sedition Sending threatening letters Sheep-stealing Shipping and Seamen's Act, breaches of Sheep Act, breaches of .. Shooting with intent to do bodily harm .. .. Slaughterhouse Act, breaches of .. Sly grog-selling .. .. ,»>, .. Smuggling Soliciting alms Sodomy, soliciting to commit "6 1 '53 2 "l 78 7 8 6 103 "3 1 '52 "l "l '91 "2 15 15 15 37 21 16 37 22 5 7 5 4 "3 5 7 6 8 7 "2 3 3 3 2 7 "l 6 8 7 1 1 7 12 2 3 5 12 12 2 3 5 19 17 2 19 7 "2 3 2 2 "5 "2 2 119 7 71 7 33 104 7 135 8 70 7 22 1 92 8 16 1 1 14 13 6 14 8 5 2 1 "5 1 1 14 13 6 3 5 "5 5 13 "l 1 3 2 .1 3 1 3 2 "l "l



Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1881, and Year ending 31st December, 1882— continued.

Offences. rH -P 3* 0 £• 433 m as s a \-~ C3 o Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehended, 1881. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. ■8 ® Is 1*5 «sj "3 2 11 EH g 33 - Ph _, ® rH -P •3 5 o ft ° 03 ■88 o ComI mitted ,for Trial. Ferso: Summarily Convicted. is Apprehem led, 1882. Discharged. C3 ■s| U 0) ■5-g a « Is Is charged. j £;<< 1 hi 1 o o g m. f. I *g 1 a fir " CD 03 1 CD R M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Noeth Island — continued. Stamp Act, breaches of .. Sureties of the peace .. Suicide, attempted Threatening language Tramways Act, breaches of Trig. Surveys Act, breaches of Vagrancy Weights and Measures Act, breaches of West Coast Settlement, offences against Wife-desertion 15 6 10 92 649 3 "0 7 5 '38 390 1 2 '40 4! ' 1 2 41 '94 "2 11 '38 .. 15 6 10 92 562 4 3 11 93 2 3 480 4 i 1 5 47 2 313 3 "l 6 "l 76 "2 '35 "2 71 1 "5 'is 4 3 11 93 2 3 475 1 1 2 3 11 3 169 2 2 2 2 2 16 2 "8 2 8 "l3 "0 "6 "l2 2 3 Totals .. 7,567 214 3 4,675 565 1,193 189 6,842 7,857 185 12 5,364 579 1,172 119 7,431 1,200 910 South Island. 1 5 5 5 6 Abduction Adulteration of Food Act, breaches of Absconding from Industrial Schools Absconding from hired service Absconding from bail Absconding witness Accessories Act, breaches of Arms Act, breaches of Arson .. Arson, attempted Arson, supposed Assault, accessory to Assaults, aggravated Assaults on bailiffs Assaults, common Assaults, indecent Assaults on constables Assault and robbery Assault and robbery with violence.. Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm .. .. Assault occasioning bodily harm .. Assault with intent to ravish Assault with violence Assault with intent to rob _ .. Auctioneers Ordinance, breaches of Bankruptcy Act, breaches of Bestiality Beef Duty Act, breaches of Bigamy Breaches of the peace Breaking and entering premises Breaking and entering a store Breaking into premises and stealing therefrom Breaking into and stealing from a dwelling Breaking into an office Breaking into a safe, attempting .. Burglary Burglary, attempted Cattle-maiming Cattle- and horse-stealing Cattle-stealing Child-desertion Child-stealing Cemeteries Management Act, breaches of Contempt of Court Conspiring to defraud Concealment of birth Coinage Act, offences against Constabulary Force Ordinance, offences against Contagious Diseases Act, breaches of Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, offences against *• 7. Cruelty to animals Cutting and wounding Customs Regulations, breaches of .. 1 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 4 "l 1 5 9 5 3 "9 "l 2 9 1 2 5 2 5 "3 1 1 3 1 1 3 "l 1 5 50 1 1 1 2 1 306 15 118 4 11 "2 12 "2 "l 1 1 173 5 108 "3 3 "l "2 "5 19 1 2 1 306 13 118 47 2 1 5 "8 "4 'i "l "i7 9 "l "l9 5 "l "3 '5 3 'i i "3 7 'l6 105 1 8 '9 347 14 139 18 1 9 1 5 195 2 126 1 118 3 10 8 "7 338 14 139 14 'it "2 "2 '21 14 'i "6 4 "l 11 ii 5 2 2 10 3 2 1 1 2 2 "l 2 1 "l "3 1 5 2 1 10 3 10 2 4 9 3 4 5 2 25 2 164 5 5 2 5 3 "l 4 5 2 1 10 2 4 9 3 4 4 2 25 5 "2 i 4 "2 2 2 4 4 1 25 2 5 1 1 "l "l "l 1 "2 2 'i7 8 159 9 1 "2 "l 118 2 1 4 '36 2 "l 159 7 1 140 2 4 'l9 "l 164 2 '4 1 11 1 3 4 20 11 3 2 16 9 33 6 9 1 1 17 24 1 3 5 12 20 9 "l 9 "l i "2 "2 "4 21 1 3 10 4 10 1 "4 "l 5 '12 1 8 12 6 7 1 2 1 "l 1 1 4 2' 4 5; 3 1 2 2 "l 3 "4 "l 2 1 6 5 2 2 "3 "1 1 1 7 1 "3 1 I 1 16 1 12 "3 "l 1 16 "l3 4 'l3 "l3 4 1 3 2 2 "l 2 4 4 "l "l 'l '2 2 S, g 11 7 1 2 1 14 8 1 28 1 "•24 "i\ 1 28 '20 13 1 61 12 2 "1 1 54 12 2 5 78 9 4 64 1 - 2 1 14 2 5 78 8 2 4 17 "e "2 40 'is 3 "3 '2 3 "2



Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1881, and Year ending 31st December, 1882— continued.

Offences. ■d H 03 *3j *s a as a a rr C3 «|g O Committed for Trial. Persons Apprehended, 1881. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. 03 U 03 03 r] .a a rH<J o o big fa _. <D I-H +-* ° 03 "HQ3 03-H JC3 co cj 03 a C3 3 fl r. 03 o mitted Summarily mitten: Convicte( j for Trial.i '-'"«•»>»"=«• Persons Apprehem led, 1882. Discharged. © U <D *»H 1 8 44 P. o o 03 M. F. M. F. CD CO ce 03 8 a M <D o I R M. F. M. F. j M. F. M. F. South Island — continued. Damaging constable's uniform Default of bail Destitute Persons Act, breaches of.. Default of payment of penalty Debtors and Creditors Act, breaches of Disobeying summonses Disorderly conduct Disobeying orders of Court Dog-stealing Dog Registration Act, breaches of .. Drunkenness Embezzlement Employmentof FomalesAct,breaches of Escaping from Industrial and Naval Training Schools Escaping from legal custody Exposure, indecent Exposing obscene pictures False pretences .. Eish Protection Act, breaches of .. Eorcible entry Forging and uttering Forgery Furious driving Furious riding Fraudulent conveyance of deeds .. Gold-Mining Act, breaches of Gaming and LotteriesAct.breaches of Harbour Regulations, breaches of .. House-breaking Horse-stealing Illegally on premises Impounding Act, offences against .. Inciting prisoners to resist Infanticide Keeping houses of ill-fame Larceny Larceny of post letters Larceny from dwellings Larceny as a bailee Larceny from the person Lands Act, breaches of Licensing Act, breaches of Licensed Hawkers Ordinance, broaches of Libel .. Lunacy Local Boards Act, breaches of Malicious injury to property Maliciously killing a cow Manslaughter Merchant Shipping Act, breaches of Masters and Apprentices Act, breaches of Married Women's Property Protection Act, breaches of Malicious attempt to upset a train.. Municipal Corporations Act, breaches of Murder Murder, attempted _ Neglected and criminal children .. Neglecting to maintain children .. Obscene and profane language Obstructing and resisting police Obstructing public roads Pawnbrokers Act, breaches of Perjury Police Ordinance, Dunedin, breaches of Police Ordinance, Christchurch, breaches of .. .... Post Office Act, breaches of ~'-" .. Protection of Animals Act, breaches of .. Placing stones on railway-line 3 6 65 7 3 7 21 2 4 40 5 1 3 "l '25 1 3 6 65 7, l 1 1\ 21 1 72 3 4 5 31 14 2 146 4,259 37 '•il "2 3 '21 "1 1 1 65 3 4 5 31 13 2 146 4,259 32 "7 3 5 'i "1 5 16 "l 2 1 3 "2 1 2 30 9 1 118 3,498 7 1 3 "1 2 "l 1 3 1 28 178 8 'io 14 9 105 3,274 51 3 73 2,688 16 2 32 169 6 5: 105: 3,274 50! '41 985 '7 '28 399 'l8 549 '34 i7 ii 10 5 1 4 10 11 4 1 1 11 1 4 3 34 1 70 2 2 29 "l 4 2! 3 33 5 6 45 5 3 37 "a 7 5 5 44 1 3 11 "8 '30 1 'l8 3 "a 58 4 "86 "8 "I i '38 ' 7 ao "2 "76 i 'i6 "i 1 45 1 8 2 "1 1 42 1 8 2 "l 15 30 8 15 '20 7 "3 ii 1 "4 24 7 15 41 "l "6 2 ' 1 2 '7 7 3 39 9 1 9 16 52 15 2 2 "2 "1 "2 38 9 1 "l 3 . 39 9 1 "32 50 31 30 "l 21 "32 51 '3 7 . . "il "3 26 11 2 2 "l 6 22 3 "1 9 49 15 2 2 1 11 35 2 1 1 8 965 1 73 10 21 "l 5 22 1 1 "l 1 11 1 1 6 34 2 1 1 8 606 1 8 5 17 13 1 1 "2 21 i 2 "2 331 "2 88 "8 1,040 '51 io 324 'oo 148 '33 626 iso *16 75 21 9 4 4 88 4 3 3 4 3 1 2 38 "5 1 1 1 14 8 4 4 87 '12 h 20 5 4 "3 6 3 5 5 1 4 48 9 19 1 52 1 17 "2 36 "5 "l "7 "6 'l34 "2 65 "5 '49 13 134 "i '46 1 2 293 6 262 "l 177 5 155 61 1 1 43 1 44 12 1 2 293 6 235 3 315 17 330 1 "l 196 12 247 63 2 43 4 38 13 1 4 3 315 17 309 1 22 11 68 1 1 ' 7 "l *27 "l "l "l9 "4 172 "2 2 106 17 4 123 182 iis "i "8 121 io 7 5 2 7 1 6 12 2 6 6 12 2 467 2 "2 376 12 73 2 463 2 543 3 3 270 "2 1 496 6 40 "l 16 1 543 2 2 269 76 1 3 46 224 3 212 48 118 3 143 43 '84 'ii 'ii 224 3 211 48 163 *85: "5 '54 1 "9 4 "5 207 51 3 140 47 3 48 1 is 3 "4 207 51 3 '3 5 "3 3 "l 4 1 2 "2 "l 4 "4 "3 "3 i 7 7 77 61 1 14 1 77 132 112 1 19 132 55 64 1 49 4! 9 2 64 86 63 6 16 85 22 'i 26 25 1 26 17 2 8 1 9 17 2 "2 9 "l


Return showing the Number of Offences Reported, Persons Apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1881, and Year ending 31st December, 1882— continued.

Return showing the Distribution of Field Force on the 31st March, 1883.


d rH g SH S. o£ ■hq3 ,5 m § 2 13 fl O Person! Apprehended, 1881. d ■e| J a +-> H O O B g o .. rH ■d rH 03 ■all ,Q CO Persons Apprehended, 1882. d a) •S-g 1*3 rl^ as Offence-). Committed for Trial. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. Committed for Trial. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. 6 to ■rf « P M. F. M. F. M. F. k. 03 o M. F. M. F. o o 03 ft o w d 03 3 a M. F. South Island — continued. Prisons Act, breaches of .. Publichouse Ordinance, breaches of Public Works Act, breaches of Public Health Act, breaches of Babbit Nuisance Act, breaches of .. 14 27 88 14 22 78 "2 "5 7 "l 14 27 88 29 1C5 1 26 89 4 .11 "l 3 4 2 12 3 1 3 4 29 104 7 12 9 1 2 17 7 15 5 10 Eape Rape, attempted.. Rape, aiding and abetting Railway By-laws, breaches of Registration of Births, &c, Act, breaches of Registration of Electors Act, breaches of Receiving stolen property Refusing to give evidence Refusing to enter into recognizance Rescuing prisoners from police Rescuing goods seized by bailiffs .. Riot Sale of Food and Drugs Act, breaches of Sacrilege Salmon and Trout Act, breaches of Seal Fisheries Act, breaches of Sheep Act, breaches of Sheep-stealing Shipping & Seamen's Act, b eaohes of Shooting with intent to do bodily harm Slaughterhouse Act, breaches of .. Soliciting alms Sodomy Stage-carriage Ordinance, breaches of Stamp Act, breaches of .. Sureties of the peace Suicide Suicide, attempted Sunday Observance Ordinance, broaches of Threatening language Tramways Act, breaches of Trespass of Cattle Ordinance, breaches of Trespass on lands Uttering a forgery Vagrancy Weights & Measures Act, breaches of Wife-desertion Wounding with intent 5 6 1 47 "2 3 "l '" 4 1 2 9 "l 6 6 2 46 7 15 10 1 "6 "l 5 1 '35 "2 "iie '58 '49 "4 "5 "iiG 69 9 3 4 2 1 9 5 1 4 5 4 2 4 "3 2 "l 2 4 54 12 1 1 4 1 "3 36 5 1 1 18 "3 54 12 1 1 4 1 52 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 "l "l 3 "l "7 "7 "l "7 '7 5 1 5 5 5 1 7 2 22 "5 "2 7 1 19 6 1 2 4 44 2 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 34 "6 1 "l "l "3 4 "2 22 5 'l6 "3 'so 2 9 3 2 3 1 1 "2 "6 2 1 3 1 2 9 3 2 3 1 2 5 1 "5 2 "l 2 5 1 4 2 2 3 "2 "l 1 "l 1 1 "l 1 1 "l "3 16 "l 2 "l "l 6 "l 5 "3 14 'l7 "2 ' 7 "7 "16 1 '3 2 81 1 49 2 22 "5 2 80j "45 '24 "6 'l3 2 "45 2 36 1 4 77 6 70 3 7 3 77j 6 84 6 1 765 5 25 5 75 4 9 1 "l 84 6 7 702 16 31 353 14 11 228 71 2 8 '38 690 16 19 376 2 14 3 199 67 3 5 1 '27 669 5 19 5 "l 63 ii 6 "l "5 Totals 9,068 26 5,868 984 1,105 8,370 217 9 7,289 1,200 170 10,039 2,103 415 223 164 10,756 1,154

Stations. 03 a o O Non-com-missioned Officers. Constables. Total. Stations. CO © g o Non-com-missioned Officers. Constables. Total. bC* Waikato District,— Cambridge Alexandra Kihikihi Eotorua Eoad 2 1 1 9 6 3 1 51 49 20 1 62 56 24 2 Taupo District, — Taupo Opepe Tarawera Eoads .. 1 7 1 1 19 6 0 27 7 7 Opotiki District, — Tauranga Opotiki .. Te Kapu Onepoto Ohuka Ormond Gisborne Eotorua Eoad 41 Taranaki District, — New Plymouth Urenui Pukearuhe n Parihaka Pungarehu Waitaha Eoad - ... 144 2 i 4 4 10 2 5 5 1 27 89 15 53 7 1 32 103 17 59 l 2 1 1 9 7 4 5 1 1 1 42 12 8 5 5 1 1 1 47 i 219 'i "4 Patea District, — Waihi Patea Opunake Manaia Wanganui 1 7 5 1 2 2 1 61 36 1 80 49 'h l 52 30 Dep6t i 6 42 Totals 19 77 552 364 101


Return showing the Strength and Distribution of the New Zealand Constabulary (Police Branch) on the 31st March, 1883.


Stations. i $ o 1 I! |l a 1 en a O o R fill jjjjf 4|-g H o M o o B Stations. 03 ! ft I Si If 8 a ■ § i o I 111 m 11 .3" o R I o o 3 o H North Island. Auckland, — Auckland Cambridge Coromandel Dargaville Devonport Freeman's Bay .. Grafton Grahamstown .. Hamilton East .. Hamilton West .. Helensville Hokianga Howiok Kawakawa Kamo Maketu Mangawai Mercer Mercury Bay Mongonui Newmarket Newton Ngaruawahia Ohinemutu Onehunga Opotiki Otahuhu Paeroa .. Papakura Parnell Port Albert Raglan Russell Tairua Tauranga Te Aroha Te Awamutu Te Kopuru Waiuku Warkworth Watorford Whakatane Whangarei Whangaroa Wood Hill 1 8 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 4 1 35 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 2 1 1 Hawke's Bay,— Napier Taradale Olive Hastings Havelock Waipawa Makatoku Woodville Porangaliau Port Ahuriri Wairoa Gisborne Tolago Bay Awanui Mangaiti Tokano Waiohetei 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 "l 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals 1 6 21 29* 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 "2 Depott 1 1 1 1 "l 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "6 O 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 South Island. Dunedin, — Maclaggan Street King Street North-East Valley South Dunedin .. Caversham Anderson's Bay .. Mornington Roslyn -(Linden).. Green Island Mosgiel Outram Port Chalmers .. Hawksbury Palmerston Blueskin Macrae's Milton Balclutha Clinton Tapanui Lawrence Roxburgh Waipori Waitahuna Oamaru Hampden Duntroon Ngapara 1 1 o o 22 8 o o 1 1 67 3 29 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals 1 1 14 71 4 22 92' 1 1 Wellington,— Wellington Molesworth Street Newtown Lower Hutt Featherston Greytown Cartcrton Masterton Tenui .. Porirua 1 i 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 o 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Totals Southland, — Invercargill North Invercargill Campbelltown .. Riverton Winton Lumsden Orepuki Wyndham Mataura Gore Waikaia Half-Moon Bay .. 1 1 1 O 10 Q 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 i 85 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "l 1 Totals 1 g 35 o 44 Wanganui,— ' Wanganui Marton Bull's .. Feilding Palmerston North Foxton Otaki New Plymouth .. Waitara Normanby Hawera Manutahi Patea .. Waverley .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 2 1 2 1 Totals Lake, — Clyde .. Alexandra Arrowtown Cromwell Naseby.. Ophir .. Pembroke Queenstown St. Bathans 1 1 . . 4 1 16 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 22* 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 "l 'i "l "l i Totals 1 2 23 1 30* Totals 3 14 1 18* * Distriot and Native constables not included in total. t Compiling Police Gazette,


Return showing the Strength, &c., of the New Zealand Constabulary— continued.

Beturn showing Casualties in the Armed Constabulary Field Force during the Year ended 31st March, 1883. Transfers to Militia Staff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Recruits to police .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Resignations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 Discharges on expiration of term of service .. .. .. .. .. 99 Discharges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 25 Desertions .. .. .. .. .. .. ». ~ .. 1, Dismissals .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Medical unfitness .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 323

Eeturn showing Casualties in the Bolice Branch of the New Zealand Constablary during the Year ended 31st March, 1883. Resignations .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Dicharges on compensation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Discharges.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Dismissals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 59

By Authority : Gboege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.


Stations. 8 & s S I Ii If I I U3 CD O o V p co en" -p © © is ?3 2"S da; Sg *g "3 +3 O & Stations. to O o © Pi to d H CO 1& 02 o5 a o h © 03 O 3 ca oo q o O » 8 t* !§3 5 S o P O CD © c3 co o O South Island— continued. Christchurch, — Christchurch Addington Sydenham Phillipstown Bingsland St. Albans Papanui Lincoln Lyttelton Akaroa Little River Southbridge Leeston Malvern Coalgate Bealey Kaiapoi Rangiora Oxford Amberley Hurunui Waiau Kaikoura 1 1 4 "l 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 3 31 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 South Island— continued. Westland, — Hokitika Kumara Waimea Stafford Kanieri Rimu Ross Okarito Greymouth Dunganville Ahaura Reefton Lyell Westport Charleston 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 3 1 "l "l "l "l ' 1 I "l Totals 5 24 31 Totals 1 1 9 49 3 1 63* Nelson, — Nelson The Port Spring Grove Collingwood Motueka Motueka Valley.. Moutere Takaka Blenheim Havelock Picton 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 Timaru, — Timaru Ashburton Waimate Rakaia Geraldine Albury Temuka Pleasant Point .. 1 1 1 1 8 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 i "l 4 1 2 5 1 3 Totals 1 3 16 4 21* Grand totals 2 356 20 10 29 461* 11 6G Totals 1 3 20 25 Total North Island .. .. 196 Total South Island .. ., 265 461 * District and Native constables not included in total.

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Bibliographic details

NEW ZEALAND CONSTABULARY (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-08

Word Count

NEW ZEALAND CONSTABULARY (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-08

NEW ZEALAND CONSTABULARY (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, H-08