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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 30</« June, 1881. " That there be laid upon the table a return, Bhowing the number of messages (exclusive of G-overnment messages) sent from each of the telegraph stations at which the extra charge of sixpence per message was imposed by Proclamation published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 60, 1880, during the time the extra charge was enforced, together with the amount of revenue derived from such messages; also the number of private messages sent from each station, and the revenue derived therefrom, during the corresponding months or periods of the previous year."— (Mr. Montgomery.)

Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, and the Revenue derived therefrom, at the following Telegraph Stations, together with the Estimated Value of the Extra Charge on Received Messages, during the period when the Extra Charge of Sixpence was levied, and the Receipts during the corresponding Periods of the previous Year.

I—F 5.

* Number of Messages, and Revenue during Imposition of Extra Charge. Numl: ter and Value of *ded Messages during onding Periods of pious Year. Station. Period during which the Extra Charge Estimated was in force. Number and Value I E J r f Total Forwarded Messages. =«•■»•• Messages. Forwaj Corresp pre' Ahaura Akaroa Carterton Castle Point .. Charleston Clinton Coromandel Drury Duntroon Duvauehelles Featherston FoxhiH Greraldine Grey town, N ... Halcombe Hampden Herbert Hurunui Hutt Kaitarigata Kakanui ICekerangu Kurnara Longford Lyell Maketu Manuherikia Manukau Heads ManutaM Mataura Mercer Miranda Mohaka Mongonui Motueka Newton 1st Aug., 1880, to 31st May, 1881 „ to 12th May, „ to 1st Oct, 1880 „ to 31st May, 1881 "„ "„ to let Oct., 1880 ',', ',', to 31st'May, 1881 1st Dec, 1880, to 31st May, 1881 1st Aug., 1880, to 1st Oct., 1880 ,. to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 )? » )> » " " to 7th April, 1881 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 7th April, „ „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ to 7th April, 1881 No. 743 1,810 405 686 768 156 290 342 1,082 246 311 275 298 352 107 293 243 140 753 89 523 232 443 382 1,577 691 713 159 524 188 506 89 650 634 1,094 470 £ a. d. 62 0 1 166 16 1 34 3 9 60 9 9 57 15 3 12 9 5 25 14 8 28 6 7 96 3 9 22 1 1 24 7 0 22 5 9 24 15 9 30 15 1 8 18 11 24 12 9 18 3 11 11 14 10 64 10 0 7 10 1 45 16 2 19 2 9 37 13 6 33 13 0 135 15 6 60 10 8 60 5 11 14 18 6 43 3 0 15 2 6 41 8 5 7 12 8 56 1 10 52 2 1 85 5 10 89 4 9 £ a. d. 18 11 6 45 5 0 10 2 6 17 3 0 19 4 0 3 18 0 7 5 0 8 11 0 27 1 0 6 3 0 7 15 6 6 17 6 7 9 0 8 16 0 2 13 6 7 6 6 6 16 3 10 0 18 16 6 2 4 6 13 1 6 5 16 0 11 1 6 9 11 0 39 8 1 17 5 6 17 16 6 3 19 6 13 2 0 4 14 0 12 13 0 2 4 6 16 5 0 15 17 0 27 7 0 11 15 0 £ a. d. 80 11 7 212 1 1 44 6 3 77 12 9 76 19 3 16 7 5 32 19 8 36 17 7 123 4 9 28 4 1 32 2 6 29 3 3 32 4 9 39 11 1 11 12 5 31 19 3 24 5 5 15 4 10 83 6 6 9 14 7 58 17 8 24 18 9 48 15 0 43 4 0 175 3 7 77 16 2 78 2 5 18 17 0 56 5 0 19 16 6 54 1 5 9 17 2 72 6 10 67 19 1 112 12 10 50 19 9 No. 1,350 2,453 414 1,249 1,359 270 497 470 1,176 336 586 495 377 614 293 374 348 184 1,004 157 973 291 604 546 1,434 962 1,100 141 817 279 826 145 781 855 1,754 728 £ s. d. 80 13 7 152 11 0 24 6 5 84 1 11 76 2 10 17 1 5 27 13 10 26 18 10 73 11 10 21 1 5 34 7 1 29 8 8 20 2 8 43 16 6 16 15 8 22 6 2 19 10 10 11 10 7 59 9 8 8 7 4. 60 11 10 18 9 5 59 7 3 37 11 8 89 9 3 65 15 2 65 3 8 9 8 7 46 6 5 15 17 ,7 48 14 O 10 3 1 49 17 10 56 2 8 93 1 10 43 2 3 „ to 31st May, „ ,, „ to 7th April, ,, „ to 31st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 31st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ ,, to 7th April, „ „ „ to 31st May, „ ;> »» )» >J )) )) ;i » n >j » n



Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, &c. — continued.

Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, and the Revenue derived therefrom, for the Years ended 31st March, 1880 and 1881.

Number of Messi Impositior igea, and Reveni . of Extra Charg le during re. Sumb jer and Value of rded Messages duriug tonding Period! of vious Year. Forwai Station. Period during which the Extra Charge was in force. Number and Value of Forwarded Messages. Estimated Value of Extra Charge on Received Messages. Total Revenue. Corresp pre1 Ngimiawahia ,, Olmeawai ... j Ohaupo Ophir ... I Otahuhu ... i Outram ... i Owake ... ! Oxford ... | Pahi ... iPovangfiliau i'ovt Albert Kangiora ... Richmond Riverhead Boss Roxburgh ... San son Southbridge ... St. Bathans .. Stratford ... Takapau ... Tarawera ... j Tatipo ... Te Awamutu ... Temuka TiNui Tophouse Turakina Upper Hult Orel ara Waiau Waikaia Waikouaiti .. ' Wainui ...I Waipu ... Waipukurau ... Waitati Waitotara Waiuku Waiwera ... j Warkvvortli ... ! Waverley ... : Whangaroa ... i Winton ... [ Woodlands ... Woodville Wy ndham 1st Aug., 1880, to 1st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 7th April, 1881 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st Oct., ; , „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 1st Oct., 1880, to 7th April, 1881 1st Aug., 1880, to 1st Oct., 1880 15th Nov., 1880, to 31st May, 1.881 1st Aug., 1880, to 31st Oct., 1880 1st Oct., 1880, to 31st May, 1881 1st Aug., 1880, to 1st Oct., 1880 „ ,, to 7th April, 1881 „ „ to 31st May „ „ „ to 31st Oct., 1880 „ to3l8tMay, 1881 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 31st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st May, 1881 „ „ to 7th April, „ „ „ to 31st May, „ „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 " " to 81st May, 1881 ,, „ to 7th April, ,, „ „ to 31st May, „ „ ,, to 7th April, „ „ ,, to 31st May, ,, J) >> 3) >> "„ „ to lBt Oct., 1880 „ „ to 7th April, 1881 ',', " to 1st Oct., 1880 " ',', to 7th'April, 1881 „ „ to 31st May, „ )) )> >y )3 „ „ to 1st Oct., 1880 „ „ to 31st Oct., „ „ ,, to 1st Oct., ,, „ „ to 31st May, 1881 20th Dec, 1880, to 31st May, 1881 1st Aug., 1880, to 1st Oct., 1880 No. 239 599 83 231 496 149 272 138 451 178 348 316 364 190 762 355 647 274 671 216 425 167 2,751 146 504 814 115 636 356 435 589 608 177 372 380 177 94 773 455 1,184 544 229 241 192 291 329 59 £ 6. d. 18 10 0 55 8 11 6 15 4 19 18 8 39 15 "l 11 17 2 22 4 8 11 5 9 39 13 0 15 4 7 30 6 4 24 12 6 28 9 5 15 16 4 69 0 2 28 10 5 52 17 6 23 5 11 57 13 6 18 14 0 28 1 8 14 3 10 284 4 6 11 11 6 45 11 8 70 19 8 9 12 52 18 3 29 6 2 32 9 0 51 9 10 49 10 7 11 10 6 33 18 7 30 14 11 14 5 2 5 16 3 62 12 7 37 14 9 103 3 8 45 2 9 18 14 5 19 12 11 15 8 9 25 0 0 26 19 6 4 16 5 £ a. d. 5 19 6 14 19 6 2 16 5 15 6 12 8 0 3 14 6 6 16 0 3 9 0 1.1 5 6 4 9 0 8 14 0 7 18 0 9 2 0 4 15 0 19 1 0 8 17 6 16 3 6 6 17 0 16 15 6 5 8 0 10 12 6 4 3 6 68 15 6 3 13 0 12 12 0 20 7 0 2 17 6 15 18 0 8 18 0 10 17 6 14 14 6 15 4 0 4 8 6 9 6 0 9 10 0 4 8 6 2 7 0 19 6 6 11 7 6 29 12 0 13 12 0 5 14 6 6 0 6 4 16 0 7 5 6 8 4 6 19 6 £ a. d. 24 9 6 70 8 5 8 16 10 25 14 2 52 3 1 15 11 8 29 0 8 14 14 9 50 18 6 19 13 7 39 0 4 32 10 6 37 11 5 20 11 4 88 1 2 37 7 11 69 1 0 30 2 11 74 9 0 24 2 0 38 14 2 18 7 4 353 0 0 15 4 6 58 3 8 91 6 8 Jl 18 8 68 16 3 38 4 2 43 6 6 66 4 4 64 14 7 15 19 0 43 4 7 40 4 11 18 13 8 8 3 3 81 19 1 49 2 3 132 15 8 58 14 9 24 8 11 25 13 5 20 4 9 32 5 6 35 4 0 6 5 11 No. 397 1,049 181 281 594 230 372 236 417 240 486 447 595 267 1,223 506 1,433 249 910 186 410 229 985 317 731 896 158 1,090 498 145 1,098 1,008 279 274 716 408 99 1,257 867 1,341 920 404 333 349 690 525 42 £ s. d. 24 15 5 70 3 7 11 1 7 17 4 4 34 10 3 11 12 2 21 9 11 15 3 7 27 11 4 15 6 8 31 7 4 25 3 4 33 (i 7 16 11 10 76 9 9 23 2 11 89 3 6 11 3 5 55 3 7 11 14 8 24 19 4 15 2 1 63 8 8 22 14 9 42 19 1 56 8 4 9 11 11 65 2 0 26 10 0 8 14 9 7L 5 10 59 12 10 17 12 9 17 12 11 47 19 3 28 16 5 5 13 4 74 4 10 46 16 5 83 3 1 58 16 0 23 5 9 19 16 3 19 16 5 42 12 5 31 15 9 2 8 1

Station. No. Revenue, 1880. No. Revenue, 1881. Abbotsf ord Addington, opened 26th July, 1879 Ahaura* Akaroa* Alexandra Amberley Arrow Ashburton Auckland Balclutha Bealey Blenheim Blueskin (Waitati)* ... Bluff No. 353 23 1,791 3,087 2,495 2,929 2,950 10,188 92,758 3,412 644 9,826 571 6,407 £ s. d. 20 18 5 15 6 109 6 5 196 9 4 141 9 0 176 5 2 188 16 11 754 12 9 6,444 11 2 201 15 11 39 16 0 718 3 11 31 18 1 366 5 3 No. 360 80 1,063 2,450 1,078 2,564 2,849 8,906 94,699 2,555 672 8,898 545 7,301 £ s. d. 20 12 7 4 12 6 77 1 6 202 0 5 66 11 0 153 4 6 181 5 6 664 9 5 6,540 0 8 156 3 4 43 5 11 610 14 4 367 11 7 * Taxed station.


F.~ 5.

Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, &c. — continued.

Station. No. Revenue, 1880. No. Revenue, 1881. Bulls Burnham Cambridge Carterton* Castlepoint* Caversham Charleston* Chertsey Cheviot Christchurch Clinton* Clyde Coalgate Coromandel* Cromwell Oust Darfield Dargaville, opened 14th February, 1880 Drury* Dunedin Dunedin North Dunedin Railway Dunsandel Duntroon* Duvauchelles, opened 29th November, 1879 ... Edendale* Elbow Farndon Featlierston* Fielding Foxhill* Foxton Geraldine* Gisborne Gore Grahamstown Greymouth Grey town North* Greytown South Halcombe* Hamilton Hampden* Hastings Havelock Hawera Helensville Herbert* Hokianga Hokitika Huntley Hurimui* Hutt* Inglewood Invercargill Kaiapoi Kaikoura Kaitangata* Kaitoke, opened 30th August, 1879 Kakanui* Katikati (Uretara)* Kawakawa Kekerangu* Kihikihi Kingston Kopua ... ... ... Kopuru Kumara* Lawrence Leeston, opened 1st September, 1879 Longford* Lyell* Lyttelton Maketu* Makikibi, opened 13th March, 1880 Manuherikia* Manukau Heads* Manutahi* Marton Masterton Mataura* Mercer* ... ... ... Miranda* No. 4,997 142 7,450 2,753 1,245 519 1,858 598 1,104 82,639 1,895 2,030 752 2,919 3,287 502 237 633 556 106,2 J4 3,855 409 844 1,504 224 871 2,105 896 3,769 5,036 567 6,282 1,971 14,949 3,814 16,002 19,184 3,518 102 1,613 7,242 620 2,526 2,658 6,590 2,119 547 2,396 14,446 429 1,142 1,181 1,423 25,703 3,113 2,735 956 188 1,151 175 3,176 369 783 631 1,531 £ s. d. 26 9 5 8 13 11 502 8 0 163 7 0 81 12 11 28 1 5 112 1 4 33 9 6 146 11 6 6,332 0 11 115 3 11 137 8 3 47 2 2 161 6 3 126 16 6 32 18 9 14 6 2 44 16 7 32 14 11 7,526 17 8 225 8 5 23 11 8 51 2 10 92 5 8 13 12 7 51 7 11 122 10 1 52 8 5 216 12 8 306 11 6 32 18 9 400 13 3 118 17 3 1,216 13 11 227 13 5 1,181 0 7 1,277 16 2 245 19 8 5 16 3 93 4 2 550 3 11 36 9 0 190 17 3 53 1 0 390 1 4 144 5 0 30 5 2 175 18 9 925 2 1 25 5 4 72 11 6 69 4 4 84 6 6 1,811 0 3 186 8 2 168 10 8 55 16 7 10 3 1 70 13 1 10 13 11 227 9 4 23 3 7 48 5 5 35 13 6 90 10 6 No. 3,990 134 9,844 | 3,197 | 1,014 409 1,057 608 1,039 ! 81,666 1,171 1,922 672 2,749 3,164 611 201 3,585 449 [ 107,662 1,858 187 593 1,327 501 603 1,871 820 2,375 4,274 343 5,513 1,820 ; 14,521 3,455 14,918 18,960 2,738 195 1,028 6,677 515 2,989 2,943 7,410 1,554 416 2,380 14,325 680 816 1,011 1,039 24,645 3,056 3,043 721 201 831 103 2,654 351 791 514 916 1,115 3,455 3,871 1,020 578 2,255 14,572 1,074 464 1,162 652 700 4,637 6,471 1,122 668 143 £ s. d. 253 1 2 7 17 6 710 14 5 210 11 4 80 2 1 22 13 4 72 1 6 35 5 7 119 11 10 5,944 10 6 74 2 2 135 2 11 40 9 10 164 11 5 220 9 1 40 16 0 11 19 2 272 15 11 32 0 9 7,398 3 9 109 17 10 10 17 5 33 18 7 105 12 10 39 10 9 36 2 7 '110 11 1 48 7 9 145 9 11 251 18 2 24 3 4 360 18 2 116 8 8 1,076 11 9 216 17 8 1,142 13 11 1,219 8 7 199 1 10 11 3 8 64 5 4 480 0 9 36 14 9 202 7 2 164 13 2 480 17 4 93 9 4 27 6 4 176 9 11 900 10 3 41 17 9 51 14 10 74 10 9 61 7 5 1,637 15 8 187 15 6 189 2 2 43 1 5 12 3 9 63 4 4 7 12 7 176 10 6 26 15 4 50 15 0 28 18 3 54 6 4 82 19 9 228 7 9 231 15 3 62 16 7 46 4 8 175 16 5 894 10 9 81 13 2 25 13 11 86 11 4 46 7 11 49 4 6 321 7 7 435 14 4 68 18 8 47 16 5 10 16 10 4,356 4,728 598 738 2,159 15,166 1,208 22 1,526 574 972 4,810 7,538 1,277 1,079 235 290 0 0 291 0 2 35 19 5 51 0 7 136 17 10 921 17 7 83 14 10 14 9 92 0 7 35 14 10 57 1 7 327 3 3 534 12 6 73 1 2 62 11 8 16 15 4 * Taxed station.



Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, &c.— continued.

8tation. No. Revenue, 1880. No. Revenue, 1881. Mohaka* Mongonui* Mosgiel Motueka* Napier Naseby Nelson Newmarket New Plymouth Newton, opened 23rd August, 1879* Ngaruawabia* Normanby, opened 20th July, 1879 Oamaru Ohaeawai* Ohaupo, opened 1st August, 1879* Ohinemutu Okato Onehunga Ophir* Opotiki Opunake Orari Oreti Otago Heads Otahuhu* Otaki ... ... '„, Outram* Owake, opened 1st October, 1879* Oxford* Pabi, opened 10th November, 1879* Palmerston South Palmerston North Patea Penrose, opened 8th November, 1879 Picton Pokeno Porangahau* Port Albert, opened 1st October, 1879* Port Chalmers Pukekobe Queenstown Rakaia Rangiora* Rangitata (Ealing) Rangitata South, opened 20th August, 1879 .. Reef ton Richmond* Riverhead* ... Riverton Rolleston Ross* Roxburgh* Russell Sanson* Southbridge* Spit Springston St. Bathans* Stirling Stratford, opened 13th July, 1879* Takapau* Tapanui Tarawera* Taupo* Tauranga Te Awamutu* Temuka* Timaru TiNui* Tokomairiro Tophouse* Tutakina* Upper Hutt* Waiau* Waihola Waikaia* Waikari, opened 20th March, 1880 Waikouaiti* Waimate Waimate Junction (Studholme) Wainui* Waipahi No. 889 927 1,173 2,077 25,973 2,572 28,512 1,297 16,024 583 2,318 1,374 23,986 1,447 791 3,387 433 3,219 1,375 2,797 1,382 401 761 482 647 1,947 1,280 365 1,193 297 5,189 6,945 6,963 72 4,840 3,323 1,101 362 8,667 700 4,934 2,581 2,496 201 153 9,154 947 280 4,644 326 1,594 1,705 4,010 1,746 1,912 6,501 302 1,044 540 732 494 2,860 358 1,245 11,027 1,376 3,762 26,461 1,228 3,939 216 1,340 723 1,298 516 1,302 37 1,382 5,682 368 422 724 £ s. d. 57 3 5 59 8 6 66 0 7 111 3 0 1,928 13 6 183 19 2 1,927 3 10 76 12 1 1,214 1 0 34 16 7 142 3 5 81 8 1 1,692 18 4 96 11 10 45 17 10 245 2 7 26 0 10 184 13 2 85 18 2 179 14 4 84 0 4 23 0 7 45 15 8 30 3 11 36 15 9 140 17 0 72 0 7 20 14 3 72 9 10 19 12 4 331 19 6 427 19 6 460 12 11 4 13 7 296 1 8 18 11 0 71 8 0 22 14 3 414 18 5 38 13 1 342 8 5 161 12 8 146 14 2 13 0 11 9 4 4 646 17 0 52 10 0 17 6 6 297 8 7 19 13 10 98 1 7 97 19 0 220 10 11 110 1 1 107 2 8 412 19 10 17 7 4 63 18 3 30 15 4 44 12 4 31 14 10 171 8 10 23 8 11 79 13 7 784 13 1 85 17 5 231 2 1 1,675 8 9 79 11 2 227 18 1 12 14 1 80 16 5 40 3 4 86 9 0 29 9 5 77 3 4 2 3 11 99 15 6 371 3 4 21 10 10 27 2 8 42 6 11 No. 734 828 1,036 1,493 26,597 2,670 28,963 1,255 17,563 678 1,819 1,792 23,968 959 800 3,302 349 3,156 1,165 2,556 2,001 365 530 418 655 2,454 1,165 589 1,048 834 4,385 6,005 8,098 137 4,754 289 1,073 597 7,355 714 5,136 2,169 2,500 157 323 8,680 626 286 3,390 328 1,062 1,459 4,855 994 1,939 6,434 336 879 542 1,108 482 2,809 284 1,971 8,878 1,196 2,886 25,216 951 3,126 171 955 598 855 429 853 1,112 1,214 4,161 300 489 681 £ a. d. 53 10 2 60 10 8 60 13 8 99 4 9 2,064 16 0 182 17 10 1,937 0 2 77 19 10 1,230 3 2 48 0 5 113 4 5 102 13 2 1,732 19 5 76 7 10 48 17 11 231 2 3 22 9 2 190 18 4 77 17 1 152 14 2 117 11 11 21 3 11 32 18 10 23 7 3 47 10 3 160 3 6 68 7 7 41 19 2 65 4 9 65 9 4 283 11 5 378 0 4 520 2 4 8 12 9 292 0 10 16 9 6 76 19 4 43 9 3 425 18 1 40 5 6 331 3 5 134 13 2 152 4 7 9 8 6 18 17 6 596 16 8 42 7 4 21 3 5 208 4 4 19 18 0 84 18 6 93 11 8 238 0 3 71 2 1 23 1 6 415 11 2 19 6 4 65 18 11 31 3 0 73 18 6 38 4 2 158 17 6 21 7 0 177 14 6 626 1 10 73 15 2 185 14 7 1,834 15 9 75 0 1 181 5 1 12 6 8 66 19 6 42 0 7 65 7 9 24 11 3 60 3 6 69 8 11 71 19 3 262 16 9 16 18 10 40 17 10 38 15 6 *Taxed station.



Comparative Statement showing the Number of Forwarded Messages, &c. — continued.

Authority: G-eobge Didsbfey, G-oYernment Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.

2—F 5.

Station. No. Revenue, 1880. No. Revenue, 1881. Waipawa Waipu* Waipukurau* Wairoa Waitahuna Waitaki Waitara Waitotara* Waiuku* Waiwera* Wakapuaka Wakefield Wanganui Warkworth* Washdyke Waverley* Wellington Westport Winchester, opened 1st January, 1880 Whangarei Whangaroa* Winslow Winton* Woodland* Woodville, opened 14th December, 1879* Wyndham, opened 13th September, 1879* No. 3,554 957 2,258 3,138 729 291 2,675 1,901 1,014 1,705 21,241 408 36,147 1,091 404 2,592 151,661 9,793 103 3,075 1,229 345 1,903 852 343 609 £ s. d. 231 6 6 61 5 3 147 7 4 221 5 0 40 12 4 19 13 0 152 12 7 113 18 2 60 12 6 106 4 9 1,139 3 6 23 6 1 2,547 16 6 69 6 4 24 5 6 150 5 3 7,724 18 2 688 17 5 5 15 11 205 17 2 75 4 7 21 3 2 108 12 8 51 12 7 20 15 0 35 7 8 No. 3,111 687 1,664 3,032 606 306 3,758 1,342 708 1,402 16,680 474 30,777 762 211 2,216 135,150 7,949 413 3,563 1.166 400 1,475 665 739 1,252 £ s. d. 205 7 6 49 0 3 101 1 9 194 14 8 34 9 8 19 5 9 223 11 10 94 9 4 48 18 6 109 13 1 1,071 2 9 2S 15 2 1,908 15 5 55 7 5 12 11 2 134 8 4. 6,836 18 10 553 2 3 23 12 0 225 9 2 74 11 9' 24 1 3 89 11 8 46 9 10 52 7 4 79 3 10 * Taxed station.

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Bibliographic details

BUSINESS DONE AT TELEGRAPH STATIONS WHERE EXTRA CHARGE IMPOSED (RETURN OF), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, F-05

Word Count

BUSINESS DONE AT TELEGRAPH STATIONS WHERE EXTRA CHARGE IMPOSED (RETURN OF) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, F-05

BUSINESS DONE AT TELEGRAPH STATIONS WHERE EXTRA CHARGE IMPOSED (RETURN OF) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, F-05