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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Statement of Chairman of the Board of Governors. At the annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Canterbury College, held on the 11th July, 1881, the Chairman's statement of the progress made and the work done in the several departments during the year was read as follows: — This being the annual meeting of the Board, I propose to give a short statement showing the work done during the past twelve months. College. The number of matriculated students attending the classes last year was 42. The total number of students, matriculated and non-matriculated, attending lectures was 101. The number of students attending each lecture during the last term was as follows: Pass Latin (translation), 24; pass Latin (composition), 22 ; pass Greek (translation), 3 ; honours and pass Greek, 5 ; honours Latin (translation), 13; honours Latin (composition), 10; honours Greek (translation), 3 ; literature of first half of nineteenth century, 44 ; Marlowe, Greene, and Milton, 49; English language, 35; essay class, 17; Elizabethan literature, 20 ; philological lecture, 17 ; Elizabethan age, 28 ; history of first half of nineteenth century, 16 ; lower mathematics, 25 ; upper mathematics, 2 ; mechanics and hydrostatics, 15 ; advanced mathematics, 1; junior chemistry, 9; senior chemistry, 2 ; honours chemistry, 1; honours physics, 1; junior electricity, 10 ; senior sound and light, 3 ; cosmical physics, 2 ; laboratory practice, 9 ; junior geology, 2 ; senior geology, 3; teachers' geology, 1; junior botany, 5 ; junior zoology, 2 ; senior zoology, 1; honours zoology, 1; senior French, 8 ; junior French, 1 ; honours French, 2; German, 2. Three students, Miss Helen Connon, 8.A., Mr. W. H. Herbert, 8.A., and Mr. J. B. Thornton, 8.A., having entered at the last examination of the University of New Zealand for honours and for the degree of M.A., were all successful. Miss Connon obtained first-class honours in English and Latin ; Mr. Herbert obtained first-class honours in mathematics ; and he and Mr. Thornton obtained third-class honours in chemistry and experimental physics. Of the sixteen students in New Zealand who passed this year the final examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, nine belonged to this College. Their names are, Miss M. L. F. Edger, B. M. Connal, T. S. Foster, John Innes, B. K. S. Lawrence, Charles Chilton, J. B. Wilkinson, William Fidler, and Edwin Watkins. Of five senior scholarships given by the University of New Zealand on the results of the last examination, four were gained by the students of this College —namely, by Miss M. L. F. Edger, in English and French ; B. M. Connal, in English history, political economy, and Greek; J. B. Wilkinson, in history and political economy, chemistry, physical science, and geology; Charles Chilton, in English, physical science, and geology. All the other students of this College—namely, John Innes, T. S. Foster, and G. Watson—who competed at the last senior scholarship examination obtained "great credit" in the pass papers, and "satisfactory proficiency" in the special scholarship papers in one or more subjects. The examination in all the subjects, excepting botany and zoology, were conducted by examiners resident outside the colony.



The College exhibitions, given for excellence in honours work at the College annual examination, were awarded to Miss M. L. F. Edger, for mathematics ; B. M. Connal, for English and Greek ; H. B. M. Watson, for Latin and mathematics; T. S. Foster, for Latin ; Charles Chilton, for natural science; and to J. B. Wilkinson, for chemistry, physics, and geology. The College Library has been increased this year by the number of 656 volumes, including a complete set of the " Annales des Sciences Naturelles " from 1824 to 1879, and Transactions of the Boyal Society (Philosophical) from 1665 to 1880. It having been found necessary that the teacher of biology at the School of Agriculture should reside there, arrangements were made with that object in view, and, in consequence, Professor Hutton was relieved of that portion of his duties which necessitated his attendance at the school two days in each week, and is now engaged solely in College work. Buildings. The want of a hall in which examinations could be conducted, degrees conferred, and lectures and addresses given, having been long felt, the Board decided that the erection of such a building could not be longer delayed. The necessity of another class-room and rooms for Professors also was apparent; and, in consequence, the architect was instructed to prepare plans of the proposed buildings. The plans having been approved by the Board, tenders were called for and contracts entered into for the foundations of the buildings and for the erection of the hall. The total amount of contracts entered into was £7,240. The foundations have been completed, and the erection of the hall commenced ; the building should be finished by August, 1882. Museum. Numerous and valuable additions have been made to the natural history and ethnological department during the past year, by exchanges and contributions from other institutions, by presentations from individuals, and by purchases. Presentations were received from ninety-six contributors, and many of their contributions were of considerable value and interest. The most important were from the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury (collection of imitations of ivory-carving procured from the Arundel Society) ; the Commissioners at the Melbourne International Exhibition for New Caledonia, Queensland, and South Australia ; the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society ; Dr. Otto Finch, of Bremen ; Dr. Hector ; Mr. J. D. Enys, F.G.S.; Mr. Bobert Gillies, of Dunedin ; Mr. E. L. Holmes, F.M.S., Bua, Fiji; and the Bajah Sourindro Mohun Tagore, Calcutta. The specimens of buildingstones and timber, moa skeletons, and the series of specimens illustrating the ethnology of New Zealand and foreign countries during the stone age, which were sent to the Sydney and Melbourne Exhibitions, have been returned to the Museum. Forty-three volumes and ninety-six parts of larger works have been added to the library. Technological Department. In order to obtain space for the exhibition of objects of interest in this department, the Board decided to throw a roof, composed partly of glass, over the quadrangle formed by the old and new buildings, and, by the addition of a wall, to connect the two buildings at the northern end. A spacious room, 90 feet by 48 feet, has been added to the Museum at the small cost of £1,536, which includes the expense of* removing and re-erecting the Maori House. Five hundred pounds having been appropriated by the Board for mechanical models, orders were sent to Carl Schroder, of Darmstadt, and Paul Lochmann, of Zeitz, in August, 1880. These orders have been duly executed. The models, &c, have been shipped, and should shortly arrive in Lyttelton. Sixteen contributors made presentations to this department, of which those of Mr. George Gould (specimens of the ceramic art), of the Commissioners of Austria, Germany, and India, of the Plumbago Crucible Company, Battersea Works, London, and of Messrs. Munn and Co., New York, are the most important. The Director, Dr. Julius von Haast, at the request of the Board, visited the Exhibitions at Sydney and Melbourne, and obtained many objects of great interest for the Museum. Some of these were gifts, others were purchased by funds placed at the Director's disposal by the Board. School of Mines. Since last report further extensive collections illustrating the mining and metallurgy of valuable ores have been received from Professor von Hochstetter. From Professor Ward, of Bochester, New York, a collection of raw ores and minerals was obtained. A number of mining models, purchased at Freiburg, Germany, through the Eegistrar of the School of Mines, London, and a collection from Sandhurst, illustrating the timbering of mines in Victoria, have arrived. The specimens and models belonging to this important branch will be exhibited for the present in the technological room when it is completed. The Director expects to have the room and everything in it ready for the inspection of visitors before the close of 1881. The daily attendance of visitors at the Museum during the past year has been much in excess of previous years. An instrument for registering the number of visitors will shortly be provided, so that the exact number may be daily ascertained. School of Art. At the last annual meeting I stated that the Museum Committee was then making out a list of articles to be procured from England for this School. That list was forwarded to Mr. Kennaway, who very kindly gave his valuable services in carrying out the views of the Committee. He entered into communication with Sir Cunliff'e Owen and the authorities of South Kensington Museum, and the result has been the purchase and shipment of twenty-three cases containing books, models, and casts. Four cases have arrived, and nineteen cases are on board the ship " Opawa," daily expected. In accordance with the decision of the Board I wrote to Sir Julius Vogel and Mr. Kennaway on the 31st December, 1880, requesting them to select a competent master for the School of Art. By last advices received from Mr. Kennaway, dated the 19th May, he states that Sir Julius Vogel and himself issued



an advertisement inviting applications from persons qualified to perform the duties of the mastership. Forty-one applications have been sent in, and it is hoped that by the next mail advices will be received by the College giving the name of the gentleman appointed. It may therefore be confidently expected that this School will be opened at an early date. By desire of this Board I wrote to Mr. Kennaway conveying to him the thanks of the College for the valuable services rendered by him from time to time to this institution. Giels' High School. The progress made during the past year has been satisfactory. There is an increase of attendance during the present term, there being 94 pupils compared with SS in the corresponding term of last year. The annual examinations in December were conducted by Professors Brown and Cook, whose report of the work done in the higher classes was very favourable. These gentlemen made valuable suggestions respecting certain portions of the work in the lower classes to which the attention of the Lady Principal has been directed. The report of the Eev. W. J, Habens, Inspector-General of Schools, is as follows :" I visited this school on the 29th November. On the occasion of my first visit in June, 1878, 1 said, ' I am satisfied that, though the present standard of attainment is low, this is to be accounted for by the necessity of laying a good foundation where it has not before been laid, and that the present staff is quite competent to do much higher work when the pupils are ready for it.' The confidence which I then expressed is fully justified by the present state of the school. The work now being done in it is of a high order, very thorough, and altogether worthy of a good secondary school preparing pupils for a course of University studjj. The Lady Principal is still too closely engaged in class-work to have sufficient time to become personally acquainted with the state of the classes taught by other teachers, but the general efficiency of the staff is such as to render this defect in the organization of comparatively little moment —W. J. Habens, Inspector-General of Schools." One of the pupils, Edith Searle, gained a junior University scholarship ; and a second one, Caroline Woodley, was mentioned as proxime accessit. Another pupil, Ellen Pithcaithly, gained a scholarship in Class D, given by the Board of Education. The building near Cranmer Square, in course of erection last year, is now finished. It is admirably adapted for the purposes of a school, the rooms being lofty and well ventilated, and the means of keeping an even temperature in all the rooms carefully provided. The pupils will probably attend there in a few days, the building at present occupied by the school being required for the reception of models for the School of Art. Boys' High School. This school was opened on the 18th May last. The number of pupils in attendance, 78, is quite equal to the expectations of the Board. The Board took every care to make success highly probable by erecting excellent school-buildings, by providing a most efficient staff of teachers, and by fixing the school fees as low as possible. The head master, Thomas Miller, M A.., late Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, and the second master, George Hogben, M.A., late Scholar of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, were selected by the Commissioners in England from a large number of highly qualified applicants. The following assistant masters have been appointed : Thomas Scholfield Foster, B.A. and Senior Scholar, University of New Zealand, Exhibitioner of Canterbury College 1879 and 1880 ; Basil K. S. Lawrence, 8.A., University of New Zealand, formerly Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford ; E. de Montalk, B. es L., Examiner in French in the University of New Zealand ; B. Mainwaring, 8.A., drawing master; W. H. Simms, class singing master; drill instructor, Staff Sergeant-Major Morgan. Public Library. During the past year large additions have been made to the reference and circulating departments ; to the reference library, 1,100 volumes ;to the circulating library, 2,100. The number of volumes at present in the Library i« about 14,000 Thirty-two periodicals are received each mail from England, and the increase in the number of copies of each periodical taken has been thoroughly appreciated by the public, no class of literature being more largely read. The number of subscribers to the circulating department has fallen off considerably, probably owing partly to the increase of the subscription from 10s. to 15s. per annum, and partly to the necessity of economy felt by all classes during the past year. No doubt this matter will receive due consideration from the Library Committee. By the decision of the Board the reference department and reading-room were opened to the public on Sunday for the first time on the 10th April The hours are from 2to 5 and from 7to 9 p.m. None of the ordinary staff attend on Sunday. Two extra assistants are employed at a small cost. The attendance of the public on Sundays has been considerable, perfect order prevailing. School of Medicine. There has been no further progress made towards establishing this School, owing to the want of funds. The reserve of land made for the maintenance of the School, though not of the best quality, has the advantage of a railway-line passing through it. Inquiries have been made as to terms from persons wishing to lease part of the reserve, and it is therefore probable that the Estates Committee will shortly make a recommendation to the Board. School op Agriculture. This School was opened on the 19th July last year with 8 students in residence. Accommodation had been provided for 20 resident students. Shortly after the first term the number of applications received from various parts of the colony, from persons wishing to place their sons at the School, made it evident that the accommodation already provided would be quite insufficient, and in consequence the Board decided to make additions to the buildings. Plans were therefore prepared, tenders called for, and contracts accepted for such additions as would afford accommodation at the School for 56 students, with rooms for the teaching staff and quarters for the servants. The cost of



these additions will amount to £7,776 16s. The anticipations of the Board respecting the necessity of these large additions to the original building have been fully borne out by subsequent events, as there are now 38 students in residence, and fresh applications are continually being received for admission next term. Indeed, the Board had to consider whether they should refuse applications while the building was in progress, or receive the students applying and provide temporary accommodation. The latter alternative was decided on, and comfortable quarters were provided, but until the buildings are completed on the 31st October the arrangements for teaching and discipline tax to the utmost the energies of the Director. The Board had the good fortune to secure the services of Mr. T. Kirk, F.L.S., late Lecturer on Physical Science at Wellington College, as Lecturer in Natural Science, his appointment dating from the 12th April. Mr. E. M. Clarke has been appointed Instructor in Mathematics. Applications have been invited for an Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, and a number of applications have been received. The Committee of the School of Agriculture will shortly make a recommendation to the Board. At the examination held in September last, C. F. White and E. H. Bogers gained the two vacant scholarships. The result of the examination just finished, for two scholarships, is not yet known. Candidates from Nelson, Otago, and Christchurch competed. The extent of land held for the purposes of the School having been considered insufficient, the Board decided to purchase 160 acres in addition. Additional farm stocks and implements have been purchased. The Committee confidently hope that this farm will, when everything is in complete working order, be an institution of great colonial interest. Accounts. The accounts of the Board for the financial year ending on the 31st December have been duly audited and certified as being correct by Mr. Ollivier, who was appointed by the Government for that purpose. A copy of the accounts thus audited, together with the monthly balance-sheets, made up to the Ist instant, showing the exact state of the accounts of the various departments under the control of the Board, is now on the table for the inspection of Governors.

No. 2. Abstract of Accounts of the Board of Governors for the Year ending 31st December, 1880. Balance brought forward—■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fixed deposit ... ... 8,500 0 0 College—Maintenance ... ... 5,774 12 0 Less due to Bank ... ... 8,125 0 3 „ Buildings ... ... 52 4 4 „ Fees ... ... ... 560 14 0 374 19 9 „ Text-books ... ... 162 8 3 Government grants ... ... 556 15 4 „ Library ... ... 301 19 10 Rents ... ... ... 8,140 0 8 6,851 18 5 Girls' High School fees ... ... 1,322 It 6 Public Library—Maintenance ... 1,498 14 5 Professors' fees ... ... ... 543 7 6 „ Reference-books ... 748 14 10 Library—Subscriptions and fines ... 638 15 3 2,247 9 3 Text-books, &c. ... ... ... 129 19 2 Museum—Maintenance ... ... ... 1,756 12 2 Interest on loans... ... ... 7,257 0 6 Laboratory —Working expenses ... ... 228 1 5 fixed deposit ... ... 428 14 9 Girls'High School—Maintenance ... 2,150 16 11 Laboratory ... ... ... 16 0 8 „ Buildings ... 2,754 4 6 Land Bales ... ... ... 3,052 0 0 4,905 1 5 Refund of loans ... ... ...12,338 0 0 Boys'High School—Buildings ... 4,939 8 6 School of Agriculture — „ Maintenance... 133 6 8 Students' fees ... ... 320 0 0 5,072 15 2 Sale of produce and stock ... 1,327 1 2 School of Agriculture— Proceeds of loans negotiated ... 2,200 0 0 Land, buildings, plantations, and Overdraft at Bank on 31st December, permanent improvements ... 10,283 10 1 1880, after payment of outstanding Labour and maintenance ... 3,545 8 9 cheques ... ... ... 654 9 3 Livestock ... ... ... 357 17 0 Implements ... ... ... 267 12 11 —— 14,454 8 9 School of Technical Science ... ... 629 9 6 Mines ... ... ... 145 5 0 Loans ... 2,750 .0 0 Refund deposits ... ... ... 218 5 0 Fencing ... ... ... ... 0 7 6 Interest on current account ... ... 40 1 11 £39,299 15 6 £39,299 15 6 I.have audited this aceount, and have compared the items with the vouchers, and find it correct. 9th February, 1881. J. Ollivier, Provincial District Auditor.

Authority : Geobcib Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—188.1.

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EDUCATION: THE CANTERBURY COLLEGE (PAPERS RELATING TO). [In Continuation of H.-1d, 1880.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, E-04

Word Count

EDUCATION: THE CANTERBURY COLLEGE (PAPERS RELATING TO). [In Continuation of H.-1d, 1880.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, E-04

EDUCATION: THE CANTERBURY COLLEGE (PAPERS RELATING TO). [In Continuation of H.-1d, 1880.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, E-04