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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Hon. the Colonial Secretart to the Chancellor of the Universitt of New Zealand. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, Bth January, 1878. I have the honor to inform you that the Agent-General, Sir J. Vogel, has drawn the attention of the Government to the fact that the General Medical Council of Great Britain on education and examination, in their recommendations, recognized the matriculation examinations of the Universities of Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide as sufficient testimonials of proficiency in regard to the preliminary examination of medical students ; but that the examination of the New Zealand University is not so recognized, although Christ's College, Canterbury, is one of the collegiate bodies whose certificate is recognized by the Council. The subjects recommended as those in which a student should be necessarily examined before a certificate of proficiency should be accepted appear to be such as would doubtless be covered by the rules of the New Zealand University matriculation examination; consequently there appears no doubt that an application to the Council by the governing body of the University would at once ensure its recognition on the same footing with other colonial Universities in this respect. I have, &c, The Chancellor, University of New Zealand, Christchurch. G. S. Whitmore.

No. 2. The Eegistrar, University of New Zealand, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretart. Sir, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 16th January, 1878. I have the honor, by direction of the Chancellor, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, of the Bth instant, respecting the recognition by the General Medical Council of Great Britain of the matriculation examinations of this University, and to state that the subject will be brought before the Senate at its approaching session. I have, &c, W. M. Maskell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Eegistrar.

No. 3. The Chancellor of the University of New Zealand to the Hon. the Colonial Secretaet. Sir,— University of New Zealand, Auckland, 19th March, 1878. I have the honor to transmit to yon herewith the annual report of the proceedings of the University for the past year, as drawn up by the Senate in accordance with the provisions of clause 2S of " The University Act, 1874." I have, &c, Henrt John Tancred, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Chancellor. I—H. IA.



Enclosure in No. 3. Annual Eeport. 1. In compliance with the 28th clause of " The University Act, 1874," the Senate makes the following report to His Excellency the Governor of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report:— 2. The Senate met on the Gth of March, 1878, at the Museum Building, Auckland, which time and place were fixed at the last annual meeting in 1877, as prescribed by the JN'ew Zealand University Act. 3. The Senate have made certain amendments in the statutes and regulations at present in force. The reflations passed with tho view of giving effect to these amendments are herewith submitted for the approval of the Governor. 4. The Senate desire to draw the attention of the Government to the advisability of defining and proclaiming the reserves which under the University Endowment Act require to be defined and proclaimed. It has been intimated to the Senate that, as the term within which such definition and proclamation should have been made has elapsed, it will be necessary that fresh legislation should take place. Until this is done, the institutions which have an interest in the proceeds are suffering a serious loss. 5. The affiliated institutions have continued to do their work satisfactorily during the past year. 6. The Bowen Prize for this year was awarded, in accordance with the report of the examiners, to John Innes, Canterbury College, Christchurch. 7. There are now in the University nine graduates on whom the degree of Bachelor of Arts has been conferred by the University after examination. Sixty-five graduates from other Universities have been admitted ad eundem gradum. The number of matriculated undergraduates on the books of the University is now ninety-four. 8. The Senate has had under its consideration the question of granting medical degrees ; as yet, however, it has not had before it all the information necessary to enable it to decide upon a matter of such serious importance. 9. The Senate have respectfully to request that your Excellency would be pleased to cause application to be made to the authorities of the London University for the extension to thia colony of the scholarships established by the Gilchrist Educational Trust. 10. A statement of income and expenditure of the University for the eleven months ending 31st January, 1878, audited as prescribed by your Excellency, approved by the Senate, is hereto appended. Henrt John Tanceed, 19th March, 1878. Chancellor. Sub-Enclosure 1 to Enclosure in No. 3. Rrqulation amending Regulation specifying Value and Tenure of Scholarships, and Subjects and Conditions of Scholarship Examinations. I. Section VII. of the regulation specifying value and tenure of Scholarships, and subjects and conditions of Scholarship examinations, is hereby repealed. 11. For the purpose of awarding Senior Scholarships, there shall be added to the examination papers for the B.A. degree questions on the subjects of examination, for the express and sole purpose of awarding Scholarships, and no Senior Scholarship shall be awarded unless the candidato exhibit a degree of proficiency satisfactory to the Examiners. 111. There shall be four Scholarships, to be called third-year Scholarships, of the value of £60 each, tenable for one year. Two of these Scholarships shall be awarded for excellence in Greek ; one for excellence in Chemistry and Experimental Physics ; one for excellence in Natural Science. These Scholarships shall be awarded to students who shall have obtained the highest number of marks inthe several aforesaid subjects at the examination for the degree of 8.A., provided always that at least half-marks shall have been obtained, and that the student shall have passed for the degree. Regulation amending Regulation specifying the Terms to be kept and Examinations to be passed for the B.A. Degree. I. Sections X. and XL of the regulation specifying the terms to be kept and examinations to be passed for the B.A. degree are hereby repealed. 11. The examination for the B.A. degree shall be fixed by the Chancellor for some day in the month of December in each year. 111. Students of the Otago University who matriculated before affiliation with the New Zealand University may, at their option, be and be deemed to have been matriculated students of the University of New Zealand, and the terms which they have kept at the former University may be recognized by the latter. Regulation amending Regulation specifying Conditions to be fulfilled and Examinations to be passed for obtaining Honors. I. Section VI. of the regulation specifying conditions to bo fulfilled and examinations to be passed for obtaining Honors is hereby repealed. 11. The examination for Honors shall be fixed fo» some day in December in each year.



Regulation amending Regulation specifying the Terms to be kept and Examinations to be passed for obtaining the Degrees of Bachelor and Doctor- of Laws. I. Section 11. of the regulation specifying the terms to be kept and examinations to be passed for obtaining the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Laws is hereby repealed. 11. Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Laws shall pass four University examinations—two at the end of their first year, namely, one iv Arts, in the compulsory subjects of examination for the degree of 8.A.; and one in Law," of which the subjects shall be: —1. Jurisprudence ; 2. English language and literature; 3. History of the British Empire; 4. Political economy. The subjects of the third examination shall be: —1. Eoman law; 2. Constitutional law; 3. The law of property; 4. The law of obligations. The subjects of the fourth examination shall be: —1. International law; 2. The law of wrongs (civil and criminal) ; 3. The law of procedure. 111. Students who have passed in the compulsory subjects of examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the end of their second year may proceed to the degree of Bachelor of Laws by completing two additional years, and passing the second, third, and fourth examinations prescribed by Section 11. of the regulation —viz., the second and third at the end of the first of such additional years, and the fourth at the end of the second of such additional years: Provided that any candidates who shall have attained the degree of 8.A., either after examination or "ad eundem," shall be at liberty to pass the third and fourth examinations prescribed in Section 11. either together or in two separate years. Regulation repealing Regulation permitting certain Teachers to proceed to the B.A. Degree. I. The regulation permitting certain teachers to proceed to the B.A. degree is hereby repealed. 11. Teachers in affiliated institutions and certificated teachers of good repute in any school established or conducted under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly or of a Provincial Council of this colony, having been in the practice of their profession for at least five years, may be admitted, on the recommendation of the Chancellor or of the Vice-Chancellor, to the examination for the B.A. degree, to be passed either in one or two sections, on payment of the ordinary fees, without matriculation and the keeping of the University terms; and on passing that examination shall be entitled to all the other privileges of the undergraduates of the University of the same standing anything in other regulations of the University notwithstanding: Provided that under this regulation no teacher shall be admitted to the first section of his examination beyond the B.A. exmination before the year 1883. Regulation amending Regulation specifying the Proceedings necessary for obtaining the Degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Music. I. Section VI. of the regulation specifying the proceedings necessary for obtaining degrees in Music is hereby repealed. 11. A Bachelor of Music wishing to proceed to the degree of Doctor is required to pass an examination iv writing, and to compose a piece of vocal music in eight parts, with an accompaniment for a full orchestra, which, when approved, is to be performed in public, and a copy of it is to be deposited in the Music School.


I. Members of Senate —Atteni iev. T. Buddie _lr. Heale iev. W. Johnstone _Ir. Gisborne iev. Mr. Bruce Ur. Carleton klr. Tancred DANCE. £ s. d. 16 18 0 25 0 0 39 0 0 23 14 0 23 0 0 37 6 0 32 10 0 £ s. d Brought forward ... ... £3110 0 G. P. Sale ... ... ... 32 5 0 J.M.Brown ... ... ... 33 5 0 Professor Shand ... ... ... 47 5 0 „ Cook ... ... ... 47 5 0 Black ... ... ... 15 15 (1 „ Bickerlon ... ... ... 15 15 (J H. H. Lusk ... ... ... 15 15 0 C.J. Foster ... ... ... 15 15 0 Professor Shand ... ... ... 3 13 6 II. Salaries. W. M. Maskell III. Examinations. __. A. Worthy r. Curnow £197 8 0 £ s. d. ... £419 8 0 £ s. d. 15 15 0 15 15 0 £258 3 6 IV. Affiliated Institutions. £ s. d. Auckland College ... ... ... 75 0 0 Nelson College ... ... ... 675 0 0 Auckland College ... ... ... 75 0 0 Carried forward... ... £31 10 0 Carried forward... ... ... £825 6 0



Classified Statement of Acc< >unt —Expenditure— continued. IV. Affiliated Institutions— continued. £ a. A. Brought forward ... ... £25 0 0 Wellington College ... ... ... 42 13 4 150 0 0 Auckland College ... ... ... 42 13 4 Nelson College ... ... ... 117 13 4 XI. Scholarships— continued. £ e. dBrought forward ... ... 41 5 0 Eeid ... ... ... 5 0 0 Edger ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bell ... ... ... 11 5 O Williams ... ... ... 11 5 0 Eeid 45 0 0 Eattray ... ... ... 35 0 0 Edger ... ... ... 80 0 0 Hay 11 5 0 Harkness ... ... ... 30 0 0 Bullard 10 0 0 Edger ... ... ... 15 0 0 Herbert ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bamicoat ... ... ... 15 0 O Eeid 15 0 0 Innes ... ... ... 11 5 0 Webb 5 0 0 Kirk ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bell 11 5 0 Williams ... ... ... 11 5 0 Eeid ... ... ... 5 0 0 Rattray ... ... ... 5 0 0 Hav ... ... ... 11 5 0 Kirk ... ... ... 10 0 0 Webb ... ... ... 5 0 0 Herbert ... ... ... 10 0 0 Bullard ... ... ... 5 0 0 Eeid 5 0 0 Innes ... ... ... 11 5 0 Bell 11 5 0 Williams ... ... ... 11 5 0 Hay ... ... ... 11 5 0 Herbert ... ... ... 10 0 O Bullard ... ... ... 5 0 0 Williams ... ... ... 11 5 0 Eeid 5 0 0 Bell 11 5 0 Webb 5 0 0 Kirk ... ... ... 10 0 0 Hay 11 5 O Innes ... ... ... 11 5 0 £1,178 0 0 V. Adveetising. £ s. d. Otago Guardian ... ... ... 12 6 New Zealand Times ... ... ... 180 Grey River Argus ... ... ... 1 11 6 New Zealand Herald ... ... ... 1 10 0 Otago Daily Times ... ... ... 12 6 Press Company ... ... ... 170 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 120 Otago Daily Times ... ... ... 3 18 9 Grey Eiver Argus ... ... ... 550 Timaru Herald ... ... ... 4 0 0 New Zealand Times ... ... ... 4180 New Zealand Herald ... ... ... 3 0 0 Otago Daily Times ... ... ... 12 6 Grey Eiver Argus ... ... ... 1 11 6 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 590 Taianaki Herald ... ... ... 616 New Zealand Herald ... ... ... 4 16 0 Hawke's Bay Herald ... ... ... 3 13 Press Company ... ... ... 564 Southland Daily News ... ... ... 3 17 0 Marlborough Press ... ... ... 413 Otago Guardian ... ... ,.. 5 10 0 Colonist ... ... ... 18 3 3 Otago Daily Times ... ... ... 10 0 New Zealand Herald ... ... ... 2 10 0 Press Company ... ... ... 1 0 10 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 0 14 8 £94 16 4 VI. General Printing. £ s. d. Otago Dailv Times ... ... ... 4 10 0 Press Company ... ... ... 157 18 0 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 3 11 0 Press Company ... ... ... 226 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 58 16 6 Press Company ... ... ... 300 Tombs &Co. ... ... ... 1 10 0 Lyttelton Times ... ... ... 9 13 G £575 0 0 XII. Transfer (Scholarship Account). £ s. dTransfer to General Account ... ... 1,000 0 0 XIII. Deposit (Scholarship Account). £241 1 6 £ s. d. Fixed deposit ... ... ... 3,500 0 0 ... 1,000 0 0 VII. Payments to Petty Cash. £ s. d. Petty cash ... ... ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 £4,500 0 0 XIV. Petty- Expenses. £ s. d. £15 0 0 Eegistrar, freight, &c, on case of L Tniyersity papers, &e., Christchurch to Nelson, and back ... ... ... 3 10 11 Nalder 2 2 0 Postage and registration ... ... ... 0 2 10 Postal Bne ... ... ... 0 0 2 I Hughes ... ... ... 0 14 6 I Andrew, P.O. Order, and transmission ... 0 6 6 j Postage and registration ... ... ... 0 8 10 Postal fine ... ... ... 0 0 4 0 ° 4 I Southland Daily News, P.O. Order, and trans1 mission ... ... ••• 0 16 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, P.O. Order, and transmission ... ••■ ■•• 0 14 6 Postage line ... ... ... 0 0 4 Telegram ... ... ••• 1 15 4 New Zealand Times, P.O. Order, and transmission ... •■• ••• 0 18 0 Timaru Herald, P.O. Order, and transmission 0 15 6 Evening Mail, P.O. Order, and transmission... 0 9 6 Postage fine ... ... •■• 0 0 4 Postage ... ••• ••• 0 0 4 Telegram ... ••• •■■ 2 8 8 Stationery ... ■•• ■•• 0 7 0 Postage fine .'.. ... ••■ 0 0 4 „ ... ... ... 0 0 4 Telegram ... ... ••• 0 10 Atkin, P.O. Order, and transmission ... 0 16 6 VIII. Miscellaneous. £ s. d. Professor Shand ... ... ... 21 10 0 Chequebook ... ... ... 0 8 0 Potton ... ... ... 15 0 H. H. Lusk ... ... ... 3 0 0 Stationery ... ... ... 1 19 6 1 10 0 Potton ... .,. ... 15 0 15 0 Stationery ... 18 6 Exchange ou cheque (see Pee Account, Ewen) 0 10 £33 12 0 IX. Deposit (General Account). £ s. d. Fixed deposit ... ... ... £300 0 0 X. Transfer (General Account). £ s. d. Transfer to Scholarship Account ... ... 1,500 0 0 XL Scholarships. £ s. d. Innes ... ... ... 11 5 0 H. B. Kirk ... ... ... 10 0 0 Herbert ... ... ... 10 0 0 Brandon ... ... ... 5 0 0 Webb ... ... ... 5 0 0 Carried forward... ... ... £41 5 0 £16 10 4



■STATEMENT OF FEES EeCEIVED. £ s. d. j £ s. d. J. M. Brown ... ... ... 1 1 Oi Brought forward ... ... 14 14 0 J. Elmslic ... ... ... 110 B. Hutsou ... ... ... 110 R. Ewen (including Is. for exchange) ... 12 0 W. Wright ... ... ... 110 J. B. Acland ... ... ... 110 J. Maekay ... ... ... 110 J.Anderson ... ... ... 1 1 0 | J. A. J. Murray . ... ... 110 J. A. Newth ... ... ... 1 1 0 I W. Fidler ... ... ... 110 G. H. Grierson ... ... ... 1 1 0 H, M. Edger ... . ... ... 2 2 0 A. P. Douglas ... ... ... 1 1 0 ] W. Burton ... ... 110 W. J. Cotton ... ... ... 1 1 0 ! C. McCormick . ... ... 110 W.D.Milne ... ... ... 1 0 0 j T. S. Grace ... ... ... 110 P. Levi ... ... ... 1 1 0 I J. Wilson ... ... ... 110 C. Freeman ... ... ... 1 1 0 i J. Young ... ... ... 110 A. Busehlcr ... ... ... 1 1 0 W. H. Holmes . .. ... 110 J. J. Eeid ... ... ... 1 1 0 G. Grant ... ... ... 110 | Carried forward... ... ... £1-414 0 £29 9 0 Balance Sheet—Geneeal Account. 1877. £ s. d. , 1877. £ s. d. March 1. To Balance ... ... ... 385 3 9 March 1. By Paid Members of Senate ... 197 8 0 Receipts— " Salaries ... ... ... 419 8 0 Colonial Grant ... ... 3,000 0 0 Examinations ... ... 258 3 6 Eees ... ... ... 29 9 0 Affiliated Institutions ... 1,178 0 0 Sale of Calendar ... ... 2 5 6 General Printing ... ... 241 1 6 Transfer from Scholarships Ac- Advertising ... ... 94 16 4 count ... ... ... 1,000 0 0 Transfer to Scholarships Account 1,500 0 0 Interest on Fixed Deposit of £300 7 10 0 Miscellaneous ...£33 12 0 Petty Expenses ... 16 10 4 50 2 4 Balance in Bank ... 484 13 7 Cash in hand ... 15 0 485 8 7 £4,424 8 3 £4,424 8 3 February 1. To Balance brought down ... £485 8 7 • Scholaeship Account. 1877. £ s. d. l 1878. £ s. d. March 1. To Balance ... ... ... 4,661 2 6 By Paid Scholarships ... ... ... 575 0 0 Receipts— Transfer to General Account ... ... 1,000 0 0 April 16. Transfer from General Account ... 1,500 0 Oi Balance in Bank ... ... £333 12 6 Interest on Fixed Deposits ... 247 10 0 „ on Fixed Deposit ... 4,500 0 0 4,833 12 6 £6.408 12 6 £6,408 12 C, February 1. To Balance brought down ...£4,833 12 6| — , Bowen Peize Account. 1877. £ s. d. 1878. £ s. d. March 1. To Balance ... ... ... 109 14 4 By Balance in Bank ... ... ... 114 13 5 Interest ... ... ... 4 19 1 £114 13 5 £114 13 5 February 1. To Balance brought down ... £114 13 5 Genebal Balance Sheet. 1877. £ a. d. 1877. _ £ s. d. March 1. To Balances ... ... ... 5,156 0 7 By Expenditure as per several Balance Sheets 5,513 19 8 Receipts as per Balance Sheets... 5,79113 7 Balance on Fixed Deposit... £4,500 0 0 „ in Bank of New Zealand ... 818 6 1 „ in Savings Bank ... 114 13 5 ,, in hand ... 15 0 5,433 14 6 £10,947 14 2 £10,917 14 2 1878. ==^_ February 1. To Balance brought down ...£5,433 14 6 Henet John Tanceed, February 7, 1878. Chancellor. Audit Office, Wellington, 27th February, 1878. The annexed accounts of the University of New Zealand have, as required by " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," been duly audited and found correct. James Edwabd FitzGeeald, Commissioner of Audit. 2—H. 1a.



No. 4. The Secretary- of Education to the Chancellor of the University of New Zealand. Sic, — Education Department, Wellington, 17th May, 1878. Eeferring to your letter of the Bth instant, I have the honor, by direction of the Minister acting for the Minister of Education to return to you the regulations {vide Enclosures to No. 3) of the Senate, duly approved by the Governor in Council, together with a copy of the Gazette in which they have been published. I have, &c, The Chancellor, University of New Zealand, Christchurch. John Hislop.

No. 5. The Hon. the Colonial Secretart to the Agent-General, London. Sir,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 22nd May, 1878. _ The Senate of the University of New Zealand has forwarded a recommendation that application should be made to the authorities of the University of Loudon for the extension to this colony of the Scholarships established by the Gilchrist Educational Trust. I have to request you to be good enough to place yourself in communication with the authorities of the University of London, and to take such other steps as you may deem advisable for securing to this colony the advantages of the Scholarships referred to. I enclose an extract from " The Sydney University Calendar," which furnishes information as to the terms upon which the Scholarships are held. I forward also copies of the New Zealand University Calendar, and other papers, which will enable you to inform the authorities of the University of Loudon as to what is doing here in regard to University education. I may mention that Dr. Hector, when in England, had a conversation with Dr. Carpenter, the Eegistrar of the London University, on the subject of the Gilchrist Scholarships, and ascertained from him that these are open to New Zealand in common with the other Australian colonies. I have, &c, The Agent-Gener_tl for New Zealand, J. Ballance, London. (in the absence of the Colonial Secretary). • Enclosure in No. 5. Extract from "The Sydney University Calendar," IS7O, p. 125. 11. Gilchrist Scholarship. A Scholarship of the annual value of £100 per annum, and tenable for three years, has been established by the Gilchrist Educational Trust to be awarded to a candidate who shall have graduated in arts either iv the University of Sydney or in the University of Melbourne, and who shall have been resident in Australia for the five years immediately preceding his graduation. The award of the Scholarship will be made alternately by the authorities of the two Universities. The holder of the Scholarship is allowed an option as to place of study between the University of Edinburgh and University College, London, but is expected to pursue his studies with a view to graduation in one of the four faculties of the University of London. By Authority : Geoege DiDSBrKT, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB7B. [Price 6d.

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EDUCATION. PAPERS RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-01a

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EDUCATION. PAPERS RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-01a

EDUCATION. PAPERS RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, H-01a