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Presented lo both, Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. Return of Immigration from Ist July, 1877, to 30th June, 1878, showing the Numbers, Ordinary and Nominated, the Charterers, Rates of Passage, Total Passage Money, Amount paid by Emigrants prior to leaving England, Amount of Promissory Notes given by the same, Amount Paid in Cash or Bills towards the Passages of Nominated Immigrants, &c. Immigration Land Act, 1873. —Return of Transactions to 30th June, 1878. Nominated Immigration.



RETURN of IMMIGRATION from 1st JULY, 1877, to 30th JUNE, 1878, showing the Numbers, Ordinary and Nominated, the Charterers, Rates of Passage, Total Passage Money, Amounts paid by Emigrants prior to leaving England, Amount of Notes given by the same, Amount paid in Cash or Bills towards the Passages of Nominated Immigrants, &c.— (In continuation of Return D.-5, 1877.)

Number or Ijimigeants . Received in Cash oe Recoverable on Notes oe Bills. No. Ship. Chaeteeees. Poet or Depaetuee. Sailed. Destination. Aeeived to Eh O a o "d a o CO -is o 03 O Rates or Passage. Total Passage Money. Notes given Emigrants .before leaving England. Cash or Bills given in Colony for Nominated Emigrants. m Cash paid by Emigrants^ before leaving England. 1877. 1877. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 290 City of Madras ... N. Z. Shipping Co. London April 14 Wellington ... July 12 89 32 2 34 24| r£1311s.6d. \ per adult, 1 £7 lis. per (. child. ( 344 0 6 1,715 3 6 297 5 0 291 292 Waikato Columbus 33 Plymouth London May 5 „ 4 Canterbury ... Auckland „ 26 Aug. 15 82 103 112 26 33 145 26 127 20i £14 10s. per statute adult. ( £13 lis. 6d. \ per adult, 1 £7 lis. per (. chad. 20 13 0 37 8 6 41 0 0 293 295 294 296 297 300 298 299 301 302 303 304 Waimate J. N. Fleming Waitangi Wairoa ... Otaki ... Marlborough Mataura ...' Eangitikei Waitara Waipa Eakaia ... ... Hurunui 33 P. Henderson & Co. N. Z. Shipping Co. 3 3 33 P. Henderson & Co. N. Z. Shipping Co. Glasgow Plymouth 33 33 Glasgow Plymouth June 6 July 14 „ 12 „ 15 „ 31 Aug. 16 „ 12 „ 12 „ 24 „ 26 Sept. 7 „ 16 Canterbury ... Otago Canterbury ... Wellington ... Auckland Otago (Bluff) Hawke's Bay Canterbury ... Nelson, &c. ... Otago Canterbury ... Taranaki, Wellington Otago Sept. 3 Oct. 3 4 „ 18 Nov. 4 „ 4 „ 9 „ 21 „ 21 Dec. 10 „ 12 80 83 95 96 81 89 89 88 86 94 97 88 48 173 162 145 187 165 139 230 186 162 279 190 75 98 55 27 18 43 48 28 50 13 80 48 248 260 200 214 183 182 278 214 212 292 270 38i 2181 226i 174| 194J I70i 160i 249i 192 191 272i 250 3' J) » V 534 1 9 2,986 17 6 3,097 0 0 2,390 0 0 2,650 8 0 2,327 10 0 2,197 3 3 3,407 14 0 2,615 14 0 2,605 18 0 3,718 5 9 3,404 11 6 42 5 0 109 7 3 13 11 6 60 7 3 20" 7 3 13 17 3 64 5 6 13 11 6 13 11 6 " JJ 45 16 0 49 16 0 31 13 9 76 19 0 40 14 6 2711 0 4 0 0 13 11 6 39 11 6 33 33 J) 33 Glasgow Plymouth JJ JJ 13 11 0 JJ 307 Canterbury P. Henderson & Co. Glasgow „ 28 „ 29 1878. Jan. 3 ,3 4 „ 18 „ 19 „ 27 "Feb. 28 „ 1 „ 5 92 231 31 262 239 JJ 3,260 10 3 82 19 6 13 11 6 27 3 0 305 306 309 310 308 311 312 313 Opawa ... Renfrewshire Oamaru Hereford Apelles ... Gainsborough Carnatic Piako ... N. Z. Shipping Co. Plymouth „ 27 „ 29 Oct. 25 „ 31 „ IG Nov. 3 „ 20 Canterbury ... Hawke's Bay Otago Canterbury ... Auckland Nelson, &c. ... Canterbury ... Otago 98 97 85 80 103 117 88 77 249 183 205 284 178 165 176 158 39 21 56 53 68 87 19 8 288 204 261 337 246 252 195 166 2514 179 240 300*. 211i 219* 177 145! JJ 3,449 6 0 2,465 14 6 3,269 11 0 4,110 14 0 2,904 15 6 2,996 12 0 2,407 10 0 1,985 19 0 61 17 0 7 11 0 37 2 0 P. Henderson & Co. N. Z. Shipping Co. Glasgow 7 Plymouth Glasgow Plymouth JJ J) JJ 48 5 6 40 14 6 31 2 6 74 13 6 34 14 0 5 0 0 13 11 6 17 3 0 11 15 9 67 17 6 13 11 6 33 33 )> 23 11 6 28 11 0 13 11 6 211 0 33 33 I



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By Authority: Geobge Didsbcet, GoYernment Printer, Wellington.—lB7B. Price 3d.]

Registeations. Foeeeittjees. Exercised in taking up Land upon Deferred Payments. Total District. of Persons Registered. Total Sum represented by Registrations. Amount expended in Purchase of Land. Area of Land Purchased. Actual Cost of Land. Amount Recovered by Sale of Land, &e. Adults over 14 years. Children under 14 years. Number. Nominal Value of Interests. Amount Expended by Government. aickland ... 'aranaki ... lawke's Bay Vellington f elson larlborough Vestland ... Janterbury )tago M. 211 19 11 173 16 3 4 185 417 E. 81 9 8 95 12 M. 60 10 61 10 E. 60 12 54 4 412 50 24 383 42 3 4 407 696 £ s, d. 7,040 0 0 780 0 0 430 0 0 6,510 0 0 700 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 6,880 0 0 12,590 0 0 £ s. d. 353 10 0 1,424 8 6 110 0 0 1,759 0 0 A. E. P. 447 0 0 671 1 30 80 0 0 1,305 0 31 £ s. d. 353 10 0 1,727 17 6 120 0 0 1,976 0 0 ... 3 £ s. d. 1500 0 £ s. d. 140 "o 0 £ s. d. ... ... 2 1 20 "0 0 17 0 0 20 "0 0 i 96 146 79 70 47 63 3,128 0 0 985 17 0 l,63l'"o 0 789 3 21 3,262 "0 0 1,339 0 6 1 1 50 0 0 50 0 0 5o"o 0 12 10 0 60 "5 0 1,039 447 295 240 7,780 15 6 4,941 2 2 8,798 8 0 5 250 0 0 202 10 0 60 5 0 3 2,021 35,070 0 0

From Commencement of Scheme to 30th June, 1877, vide Return D. 5,1877. Between 30th June, 1877, and 30th June, 1878. Total from Commencement of Scheme to 30th June, 1878. District. Nominated. Arrived. Nominated. Arrived. Nominated. Arrived. Auckland 'aranaki lawke's Bay Vellington felson larlborough Vestland ianterbury Itago 4,088 690 1,658 5,080 804 400 1,709 9,822 14,630 1,128 158 464 999 287 101 386 2,833 2,873 525 163 201 850 80 40 188 1,198 1,174 92 6 72 175 12 9 46 324 293 4,613 853 1,859 5,930 884 440 1,897 11,020 15,804 1,220 164 536 1,174 299 110 432 3,157 3,166 Totals 38,881 9,229 4,419 I 10,258 1,029 43,300 H. J. H. Eliott, Under Secretary for Inimij ;ration.

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Bibliographic details

IMMIGRATION RETURNS. (IN CONTINUATION OF D.-5. 1877.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, D-07

Word Count

IMMIGRATION RETURNS. (IN CONTINUATION OF D.-5. 1877.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, D-07

IMMIGRATION RETURNS. (IN CONTINUATION OF D.-5. 1877.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, D-07