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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

\_2fote. —The formal Memoranda ordering railway plant have been omitted, but the orders forwarded to, and shipments advised by, the Agent-Grcnoral, have been scheduled and inserted at the end of this paper.] No. 1. Memorandum No. 48, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. The only paragraph in your letter of 10th July (No. 465)* to which I need specially reply, is that in which you say,—" Of course I readily recognize that it would have been cheaper to have paid double or treble the amount of the highest freights above specified, rather than that the public works should have been stopped for want of material. But what I desire to point out is, that the plant has been more rapidly despatched than it could have been, for reasons already given, had it been sent out in ships expressly chartered for its conveyance." With reference to the first portion of the paragraph above quoted, I may remark, generally, that works have been in some cases delayed, owing to want of material and rolling stock; and with reference to the latter portion of the paragraph, that the two vessels chartered for deadweight have respectively made passages of 131 and 100 clays, while, if the passages had even been much longer, the relief occasioned by their large cargoes would still have been very great. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richakdson. 29th September, 1873.

0 No. 2. Memorandum No. 49, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. Your cablegram of February last, in which you stated, " All orders in hand, except two specifications," together with the knowledge that you had chartered two ships specially for carriage of rails and fastenings, led me to believe that all the orders would be speedily executed. During the past two months the contractors for the various lines have been pushing on their works, and are now again complaining of the delay occasioned by their want of rails and fastenings. It is, therefore, with much pleasure I notice by your cablegram of the 2nd instant, that in addition to eight locomotives and sixteen wagons, you had shipped 1,800 tons of rails during the month of September; but this quantity will relieve the pressure very slightly, and after it arrives, works in several directions will continue to be seriously delayed. In enclosing a copy of a cablegram sent to you to-day, I trust that long ere this Memorandum is received, you will have taken such steps as will so effectually relieve the pressure for material on this side, as to allow the works to proceed without further delay on that account; and I avail myself of the present opportunity specially to urge you to spare no reasonable expense to have all the orders for rails and fastenings that have been sent to you completed and shipped with the utmost despatch. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 24th October, 1873.

Enclosure in No. 2. Cablegram to Agent-General, London. October 24.—Works delayed want railway material. Press shipment.—Richardson. I—E.l.

*See Par. Paß E. 4a, 1873, M



No. 3. Memorandum No. 50, 1873, for the Agent-General, London. To relieve the pressing want of the department, you are requested to secure the services of six engineers, three of whom are to receive salary at the rate of £500 a year, and the other three at the rate of £400 a year, with reasonable travelling allowances in both cases. The terms of their agreement to be the same as those you arranged with Mr. Higginson, and reported in your letter of the 2nd March, 1872. You will be good enough to ask Mr. Bruce and Mr. Hemans to recommend these engineers to you, informing those gentlemen that it is desired the engineers should be young men who have had a few years' experience in the actual construction of railway works as well as in their laying out. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 24th October, 1873.

No. 4. Memorandum No. 2, 1874, for Agent-General, London. The cablegram sent to you by the Hon. the Premier on the sth instant, of which a copy is enclosed, will have informed you of the total wreck of the ship " Surat," from London, with immigrants and railway material for the Government, and directed you to replace the material, sending it forward with any other that might be ready, by special ship or ships, as being much wanted. Notwithstanding the explanations you have already made in reference to the disproportionate shipments in the same vessels of rails and fastenings, I take this opportunity of pointing out that every effort should be made to keep the proportion as nearly as possible exact. In the case of the " Surat," there are nearly six miles of rails, ten miles of joints, and upwards of twelve miles of spikes. The schedule of shipments forwarded in your letter of the 3rd October (676), states the amount of insurance on the " Surat's " material, but it does not state the name of the Company in which the insurance has been effected. The New Zealand Company not having any advice, it is presumed the insurance has been made in the Universal. As I pointed out in my Memorandum No. 54, 1873, the necessity for full information on this head, I have no doubt that after the receipt of that Memorandum it will have been regularly supplied. In the absence of a resident agent for the Universal, should any papers be deemed necessary for the recovery of the insurance, they will be forwarded to your care in due course; but it is anticipated that in a case of total loss, such as the " Surat's," the papers forwarded to London by Lloyds or the ship's agents will be found sufficient to enable you to make good your claim. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 10th January, 1874.

Enclosure in No. 4. Cablegram to Agent-General. "Surat" total wreck on coast. Every person on board saved. Replace her cargo railway material with utmost expedition. Hasten besides all orders at home. If enough material ready, charter ship or ships specially. We are very short. Vogel. January sth, 1874.

No. 5. Memorandum No. 5, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. I enclose an original invoice of Messrs. Shaw, Johnson, and Reay, for 446 rails of the various lengths therein specified, and intended to be shipped per " Adamant." I also enclose copy of the Storekeeper's receipt by that ship, from which you will see that although the number of rails received corresponds with the advice, the lengths of the rails do not. Thus there were — Invoiced. Received. 278 rails, each 24 feet. 325 rails, each 24 feet. 156 „ „ 21 „ 116 „ „ 21 „ 12 „ „ 18 ~ 5 „ „ 18 „ Fortunately there is an excess in favour of the Government j but the requirements of the Audit and Storekeeper's Departments demand that in the shipment the material should be tallied by trustworthy persons with the utmost care. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 10th January, 1874.



No. 6. Memorandum No. 12, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. Your attention is called to the backward state of the order for rails and rolling stock, forwarded in Mr. Ormond's Memorandum No. 132, of 25th October, 1872. lam not aware that any of this rolling stock has yet been advised as shipped, and out of upwards of 5,000 tons of rails, only a trifle over 2,000 have been advised to latest date, although a later order—that sent on the 18th of January following—has been nearly completed : 997 tons having been advised out of, say, 1,23.2 tons. The loss and inconvenience arising out of the delay in execution of the first-mentioned order are very great, in some cases amounting to a practical stoppage of works. I shall feel obliged by your giving the matter your earliest attention, and pressing forward with the utmost despatch the execution of whatever portion may still remain unfinished when this reaches you, shipping by special charter, if ordinary freight is not available. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 7th February 1874.

No. 7. • Memorandum No. 14, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. With reference to that portion of your letter of the 25th November, No. 798, in which you state that the shipment of railway material has not been quite so rapid as you could have wished, in consequence of the insufficient freight accommodation on the part of the Shipping Company, I think it well to state—in order to avoid any further misconception on your part relative to the instructions to charter special ships which have from time to time been given to you —that you are directed to charter a special ship to one or more ports in New Zealand whenever the tonnage by the ordinary freight and immigrant ships is insufficient for your purpose. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 6th February, 1874.

No. 8. Memorandum No. 17, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. I observe with satisfaction the arrangement you have made with Messrs. G. D. Tyscr and Company for effecting insurances at Lloyds, in compliance with the instructions contained in my Memorandum of 4th July, No. 31, 1873,* as reported in your letter No. 787, of the 24th November, and have to express my regret that such an arrangement was not made long before. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 6th February, 1874.

Sco Par. Pa] E. 3., 1873, No. 29.

No. 9. Memorandum No. 28, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. Advices of the further shipment of material not having been received by the mail arrived here on the sth instant, the usual statement of plant and rolling stock has not been printed this month. In the shipping lists of the European Mail, of 23rd January and 10th February, I notice that several vessels (names quoted in the margin*) have sailed for New Zealand, and in some of them large quantities of public works material have no doubt been forwarded. The absence of invoices, bills of lading, or advices of any kind, causes most serious inconvenience and loss, and I desire very strongly to impress on you, not only the importance, but the positive necessity there exists for my being informed by every opportunity of the shipments that have taken place. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 9th April, 1874.

No. 10. Memorandum No. 32, 1874, for the Agent-General, London. Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Government Agent at Napier, in which he calls my attention to the tonnage required for the conveyance from London to that port of the railway material ordered to arrive during the next twelve months, and the necessity for taking advantage of ships direct to Napier. Although the delay and expense occasioned by transhipping in the colony, arising mainly from the large amount of private work there is for the coasting vessels, render it desirable that * Extracts from European Mail of 23rd January : " Durham,' ' Southern Cross,' ' Golden Sea.'" Extracts from European Mail of 10th October: "Apelles,' • Fratelli Gaggino,' 'Syren,' 'Taruna,' 'Atrato,' 'Asia,' 'Undine' Schiehalhon, ' »»"-"-»i



direct shipments should be made whenever practicable, yet it is scarcely necessary to add that you will of course take care that in doing so no larger tonnage of material is placed on board immigrant ships than can be carried with the most perfect safety. Public Works Office, Wellington, New Zealand, Edward Richardson. 9th May, 1874.

Enclosure in No. 10. Mr. Ormond to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir, — General Government Agent's Office, Napier, 30th April, 1874. Having looked over the statement of railway plant and rolling stock compiled to the 17th instant, I venture to call your attention to the large quantity of rails and iron for bridges that will be wanted for the Napier to Waipukurau Railway within twelve months from the present time. The tonnage is so considerable that it will require full advantage to be taken of the immigrant ships expected to be sent here during that time. I have, &c., The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington. J. D. Ormond.


Order ci impleted:— 19th Feb., 1872—28 pairs Wheels and Axles. Oedebs feom Colony to Agent-1 ENEEAL. Shipments foe Colony. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, us per IJill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. Ko. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1872. Mar. 18 Oct. 25 Toii3cwt.qrs.lbi 1874. Tons cwt. qrs.lbs 1 Locomotive (Fairlie's).* 2 Locomotives, 9J-in cylinder G-vheel coupled. 1 First-das* Carriage, small 2 Second-class Carriages, small 2 Composite Carriages, small ... 1873. June 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (18 miles) 1,131 8 2 8 Jan. 9 » 10 >i 14 Feb. 4 » 9 „ 10 „ 10 Jubilee Auckland Dorette „ Rooparell „ 1,207 823 351 1,482 673 723 777 170 5 1 12 116 0 2 24 50 2 3 12 200 12 2 O 94 5 1 12 100 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 1874. 15 May. 14 April. 14 May. 30 „ 30 „ 28 „ 28 „ Iluntly Castle ',', i Fang Bolts and Nuts 1873. Dec. 10 1874. Jan. 1 h 9 >) n Mongol G,03G 842 6 3 4 15 Mar. 12,200 10 0 0 0 Jubilee „ Dorelte „ 10,000 44,000 8 4 0 7 35 4 0 14 15 May. 14 April. Spikes 1873. Dec. 10 1874. Jan. 1 n 9 Mongol „ 06,200 20,800 53 8 0 21 5 0 0 0 15 Mar. Jubilee ,, Doretto „ 18,000 83,500 4 5 2 8 19 1G 3 14 15 May. 14 April. Top Clips 1873. Dee. 10 » 10 1874. Jan. 15 „ 19 Mongol „ 122300 12,006 13,120 7 5 0 0 8 0 0 0 29 2 1 22 15 Mar. 15 „ n >> Doretle „ Jubilee „ 39,984 9,920 24 10 0 0 6 13 4 14 April. 15 May. * Cancelled 75,030 45 1G 3 4 a of lOlk January, 1874, substitute! if not tendered For. Ordi d.



Kaipara '0 Auckland — continued. IRDERS FROM COLONY TO AGENT-GENERAL. Shipments foe lOLONY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. June 2 Sole Plates ... Tons cwt. qrs. lbs Dec. 10 Mongol „ 1 A „ 10 „ 1 874. 1»V4. Jan. 19 Jubilee ,, Feb. 19 lluntly Castle 1873. Dec. 10 „ 10 1874. Jan. 19 Feb. 19 G,424 6,132 4,960 20,016 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 11 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 8 11 2 12 34 12 2 2 1873. 15 Mar. 15 „ 15 May. 28 „ Steel Rail Joints... „ 12 Dorette „ „ 12 37,532 64 14 0 14 14 April, 5,000 25 10 2 0 30 sets Points and Crossings ... Mar. 13 James Wishart ,, Mar. 13 30 sets 1874. Jan. 10 2 Locomotives, 10}-in, cylindor 6-whcel coupled. Arc !KLAND TO MeECER. Orders completed : —25th K fov., 1871 —10 miles Rails and Fastenings. ,, ,, Machinery and Tools, ran., 1872 —3 Locomotives and Rolling Stock, fov., 1872 —25 sets Points and Crossings. 23rd J 23rd IS 1872. Oct. 25 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles) 1,571 8 2 8 1873. Sept. 9 Hindostan Auckland 1873. 29 Dec. 1874. 30 Jan. 2 Mar. 15 „ 15 „ 28 „ 1,423 199 1 1 20 Oct. 10 Lauderdale ,, Nov. 4 Queen of the Age „ Dec. 10 Mongol „ „ 17 „ 1 Hvlton Castle „ 1874. Jan. 9 Dorette ,, Mar. 11 James Wishart „ „ 14 Queen of Nations „ April 1 Loch Awe ,, 2,163 1,414 257 588 1,605 615 1,674 394 1,788 1,964 301 6 3 4 200 11 1 20 35 19 2 16 80 7 0 24 21S 16 0 10 87 17 0 16 238 6 1 20 56 5 2 24 250 2 2 2 273 10 2 24 14 April, 1873. Sept. 2 Hindostan Auckland 13,885 1942 4 3 10 Oct. 25 Fang Bolts and Nuts 25,010 20 10 0 0 29 Dec. 1874. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 28 „ 28 „ Oct. 16 Lauderdale „ Dec. 17 Mongol , „ 1 Hylton Castle ,, jj ■*■ jj jj 16,165 10,000 20,130 20,000 13 5 0 0 7 19 2 21 16 10 0 0 16 2 2 15 Spikes 91,305 74 7 1 8 Sept. 2 Hindostan „ Oct. 16 Lauderdale „ Dec. 17 Mongol „ „ 1 Hylton Castle „ i Sept. 2 Oct. 16 Dec. 17 „ 1 „ 1 10,560 24,960 16,000 30,160 14,000 9 15 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 16 0 10 7 5 0 0 10 8 3 4 1873. 29 Dec. 1874. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 28 „ 28 „ Top Clips jj -*■ jj jj Sept. 2 Hindostan „ Sept. 2 155680 18,225 37 4 3 14 11 5 0 0 1873. 29 Dec. 1874. 30 Jan. 2 Mar. 15 „ Oct. 16 Lauderdale „ Nov. 13 Queen of the Age ,, Dec. 17 Mongol „ 1874. Oct. 16 Nov. 13 Dee. 17 1874. Mar. 10 20,250 20,250 9,920 12 10 0 0 12 10 0 0 6 13 4 Sole Plates 107* Mar. 10 James Wishart „ 4,284 2 12 2 0 1873. Sept. 2 Hindostan „ Oct. 16 Lauderdale ,, Nov. 15 Queen of the Age ,, Dee. 1 Hylton Castle ,, ,, 17 Mongol „ 1873. Sept. 2 Oct. 16 Nov. 15 Dec. 1 „ 17 72,929 9,052 10,074 8,176 1,898 4,960 44 19 1 4 15 10 0 0 17 5 0 0 14 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 8 11 2 12 1873. 29 Dec. 1874. 30 Jan. 2 Mar. 28 „ 15 „ 34,160 58 11 2 12



At/cklan: to Mercer — continued. irders from: Colony to Agent-1 ENERAI. Shipments fob !OIX)NY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date i Arrivi 1873. Jan. 10 Tons cwt.qrs. lbs. 1873. Oct. 16 Nov. 7 Dec. 17 ,. 1 1874. Jan. 9 iTonscwt.qrs.lbs. I 22 13 2 12 12 8 1 9 i 10 5 0 0 10 5 0 0 187< 30 Jo 2 M 15 , 28 , Jan. 10 Steel Bail Joints Lauderdale Queen of the Age Mongol Hylton Castle JJ JJ JJ JJ 4,491 2,502 2,000 2,000 Jubilee JJ 2,000 , 10 5 1 0 15 Mi 1 First-class Carriage, large. 2 Second-class Carriages, large. 1 Composite Carriage, large. 2 Brake Vans, large Wheels and Axles April 2 >, 2 i. 2 ., 2 >. 2 Loch Awo 12,993 1 2 1 2 65 17 0 21 jj jj jj 30 pre. May 7 May 7 7 Waggon Traversers Feb. 9 Rooparell JJ 7 30 Mi June 2 June 2 50 sets Waggon Ironwork. 150 Tarpaulins, 18' x 24' James Wishart JJ Mar. 12 150 July July 5 1«74 G 1 10-ton 21 ft. Travelling Crane. 2 Hydraulic Wheel Prossos 1 Wheel Lathe. 1 Hydraulic Boiler Testing Apparatus 2 4-ft. Grindstones and fittings, and I spare stone. 1 Cylinder Boring Machine. 4 sets Smiths' Tools. Mar. 12 Mar. 12 jj jj JJ JJ 5 1 1874. Jan. 10 1874. Jan. 10 3 13-ft. Turntables, for 20-ton Engines. 1 10-ton Hand Wharf Crane. 3 2-ton Vertical BoilersonTrollies. 6 li-ton Warehouse Cranes. Pneumatic Apparatus for sinking Iron Cylinders. 1873. Aug. 29 2 Piers, 2 cylinders each, Wai kato Bridge. Wai: :ato. Oct. 27 3 Girders, 120-fcet span, do. t 1874. Jan. 10 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles) !l571 8 2 8 Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. 3 Locomotives, 10V in. cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 2 First-class Carriages, large. 3 Second-class Carriages „ 3 Composite Carriages „ « 2 Brake Vans, large. Wheels and Axles. 50 Sets Waggon Ironwork.


WAITARA TO NEW PLYMOUTH. Orders completed :—23rd Jan., 1872—2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock.


Orders from Colony to Agent-i -ENERAI;. Shipments for lOLONY, late. Number and Description, Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Dato of Arrival. .872. l. 23 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 628 11 1 20 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs Rails, 40 lbs. (10 miles) 628 11 1 20 Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. .873. 10 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (2 miles) 125 14 1 4 125 14 1 4 Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. t. 27 2 Locomotives, 8-inch cylinder, 4 wheels. 1 Carriage, 2nd class, small. 2 Composite Carriages, small. * 1 Locomotive diverted to B runner-Grey mouth. Napiee to "V fAIPUKUEAU. Orders cor mpleted :—23rd Jan., 18' '2 —12 miles Rails and Fastenings. , 2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock. JJ }J ! [1873. lie 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles) 1873. 2200 0 0 0 Oct. 10 Nov. 3 1874. Jan. 19 „ 22 jj 26 „ 26 Mar. 2 „ 2 „ 20 Queen of the North Napier 2,547 Invererne „ 1,767 Schiehallion „ 221 223 270 575 Waikato via Wellington 1,396 1,808 Halcione Napier 2,157 10,964 330 3 2 8 230 1 1 20 30 17 3 12 31 15 2 24 36 5 1 12 80 19 1 4 194 2 0 16 252 12 0 16 307 10 2 24 1874. 2 Feb. 9 Mar. 2G May. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ Fang Bolts and Nuts 1873. Oct. 15 Nov. 20 „ 20 Queen of the North „ 16,000 Invererne „ 7,320 „ „ 10,000 33,320 1534 8 0 24 13 7 3 21 6 0 0 0 8 3 0 3 2 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 „ Spikes Oct. 15 Nov. 20 „ 20 27 10 3 24 Oct. 15 Nov. 20 „ 20 Queen of the North „ 24,000 Invererne „ 24,960 if? nnn 24,000 24,960 16,000 5 13 3 20 6 0 0 0 3 15 3 23 2 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 „ 16,000 Top Clips Oct. 15 Nov. 20 1874. Jan. 16 Mar. 2 Oct. 15 Nov. 20 1874. Jan. 16 Mar. 2 ., 16 04,y60 Queen of the North „ 16,000 Invererne „ 10,125 64,960 16,000 10,125 15 9 3 15 10 0 0 0 6 5 0 0 2 Feb. 9 Mar. Schiehallion „ 24,072 Waikato via Wellington . 9,920 Halcione Napier 20,000 ,90.117 24,072 9,920 20,000 14 15 0 0 6 1 2 20 12 5 2 12 26 May. Sole Plates ., 16 1873. Oct. 15 Nov. 20 „ 20 1874. Jan. 16 Mar. 2 1873. Oct. 15 Nov. 20 „ 20 1874. Jan. 16 Mar. 2 „ 16 SU.IIV Queen of the North „ 8,000 Invererne „ 3,796 80,117 8,000 3,796 3,504 49 7 1 4 13 15 0 0 6 10 0 0 6 0 0 0 2 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 „ „ „ 3,504 Schiehallion „ 12,024 Waikato via Wellington 4,960 Halcione Napier 10,000 12,024 4,960 10,000 20 16 0 1 8 10 2 12 17 6 1 14 26 May. „ 16 42,284 72 17 S 27



Napier h Waipukurau— continued. Orders from Colony to Agent-1 ENEEAL. SniMIENTS FOE !0LONY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. Juno 2 Steel Rail Joints... ... ... ... Oct. 15 Nov. 20 1874. Jan. 29 Tons cwt.qrs.lbs 1873. Oct. 15 Nov. 20 1874. Jan. 29 Queen of the North Invererne jj 2,800 2,000 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 14 G 1 0 10 5 0 0 1874. 2 Feb. 9 Mar. Schiehallion » 4,000 20 10 0 0 26 May, 1873. 30 sets Switches ... Nov. 20 30 sets Crossings ... ... ... „ 20 1873. Nov. 20 „ 20 Invererne jj 12 sets 8 or 12 8,800 45 1 1 0 9 Mar. 9 „ jj jj 2 Locomotives, 10i-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 50 sets Waggon Ironwork. Sept. 27 24 Girders, 60-feet span, Waipawa Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork,for 14i-feet spans, Waipawa Bridge. 3 set s Ironwork, for 13-feet spans, Waipawa Bridge. 21 Girders, 60-feet span, Tuki Tuki Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 144-feet spans, Tuki Tuki Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 13-feet Bpans, Tuki Tuki Bridge. 1874, Jan. 10 2 Locomotives, 9|- in. cylinder, 4-wheel, coupled. 1 First-class Carriage, large 3 Second-class Carriages, large 2 Composite Carriages, large ... 2 lirnko Vans, large 30 sets Waggon Ironwork. Wellington a '0 Masteeton. Orders completed :—2Gth Nov., 18! 23rd Jan., IS; ?1—10 miles Rails and Fastenings. T2 —11 miles Rails and Fastenings. 2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock. 12 —25 sets Points and Crossings. f3 —12 Girders, Hutt Bridge. 23rd Nov., 18' 15th Feb., 18' 1872. Oct. 25 2 Locomotives, 91-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 1873. June 2 50 sets Waggon Ironwork. 150 Tarpaulins, 18' by 24' 1874, Jan. 10 6 13-ft. Turntables, for 20-ton Engines. 1 10-ton Band Wharf Crane. 3 2-ton Vertical Boilers on Trollies. 6 11-ton Warehouse Cranes. 3 Locomotives, 10-inch cylinder, 8 wheels (Fairlie's). April 9 May 2 Summit Incline. 3 miles Steel Rails, special pattern (3-rail system). 2 Locomotives to suit. 2 Brake Vans to suit.



MANAWATU TO WANGANUI. Order completed :—2nd June, 1873—15 miles Rails and Fastenings.

lEDEES FROM COLONY TO AGENT-' rENEBAL. Shipments for !OLONY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. une 2 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1874. Mar. 3 Weymouth Wellington 10 sets Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 10 sets Points and Crossings ... 2 Locomotives, 101-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 1 First-class Carriage, small. 4 Second-class Carriages, small. 2 Composite Carriages, small. 2 Brake Vans, small. 20 sets Waggon Ironwork. .ug. 2 4 Piers, 2 cylinders each, Wanganui Bridge. •» let. 24 5 Girders, 120-feet span, ditto. >ec. 24 2 Girders, 80-fect span, Turakina Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 30-feet spans, Turakina Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 11-feet spans, Turakina Bridge. 5 Girders,60-feetspan,Wangaehu Bridge. 4 sets Ironwork, for 20-feet spans, Wangaehu Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 13-feet spans, Wangaehu Bridge. 1 set Ironwork, for 11-feet spans, Wangaehu Bridge. i 1874. "an 10 53 Pile Shoes and Fittings, Turakina Bridge. 99 Pile Shoes and Fittings, Wangaehu Bridge. Manawat 0 GrORG e Road Bridge. Order completed :-15thI 'ebruary, 1873 —1 Girder. Beun: S'ER TO Grexmoutu. 1871. ov. 25 I Rails, 40 lbs. (8 miles) , I , 502 17 0 16 1872. June 30 Asterope* Nelson 103 11 3 0 1872. 22 Oct, 1873. 5 April 2 Mar. 834 Oct. 31 Nov. 11 Joyce Phillips* „ Forfarshiref ,, via Wellington Echo* Nelson 881 456 110 2 2 0 57 5 3 0 v Dec. 3 419 49 8 3 24 13 May Fang Bolts aud Nuts Nov. 7 Joyce Phillips* „ 2,590 320 8 3 24 5 April 9,129 10 6 0 14 Spikes Nov. 7 1873. Jan. 16 Joyce Phillips* „ i 27,030 I 5 3 3 10 5 „ Excelsior* „ 13,000 2 10 0 0 24 Juno Top Clips 1872. Nov. 7 1873. Jan. 16 40,030 7 13 3 10 Joyce Phillips* „ 5 April 9,129 5 12 1 26 Excelsior* „ 2,430 1 10 0 0 24 June Solo Plates 11,559 7 2 1 26 1872. Nov. 7 1873. Jan. 16 Joyce Phillips* „ 4,556 5 April 8 1 3 24 Excelsior* „ 1,350 2 8 0 0 24 June * Rails and Fast t Dive: 5,906 10 9 3 24 •crted to Nelson-Foxhill. .•ton-Blenhcini. ceilings dii rted to Pii o



Brunner to Greymouth— continued. Orders from Colony to Agent-Genebal. Shipments fob !olony, Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1871. Nov. 25 Steel Rail Joints... Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1872. Oct. 22 1873. Feb. 19 Joyce Phillips* Nelson 2,000 Tons cwt.qrs.lbs 10 2 1 26 1872. 5 April Excelsior* 2,300 11 14 1 25 24 Juno 1873. Oct. 27 3 Second-class Carriages, small. 2 Composite Carriages, small. 50 6-ton Hopper Waggons. 4,300 21 16 3 23 1874. Jan. 10 2 13-feet Turntables, for 20-ton Engines. ■erted to Nclson-Foxhill. Feb. 12 2 12-ton Travelling Cranes. * Rails and Fast ;enings dr Rails, 40 lbs. (20 miles) Mount R OCHFOET Coal Railway. 1874. Jan. 10 1257 2 3 12 Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Solo Plates. Steel Rail Joints. 3 Locomotives, 9| in. cylinder, 4-wheel, coupled. 1 First-class Carriage, small. 2 Second-class Carriages, small 50 6-ton Hopper Waggons. Rails, 40 lbs. (21 miles) Ne: .SON TO FOXUILL. 1873. Jan. 18 / 1,320 0 0 0 1873. Dec. 17 Mallard 1874. Jan. 14 Wennington Feb. 9 Inverallan „ 10 „ 10 La Hogue „ 13 Inverallan „ 20 La Paix Mar. 4 „ Nelson via Wellington jj » jj u Nelson j. 3,133 1,349 1,318 435 2,114 144 676 239 441 4 14 190 18 2 8 185 19 2 16 62 2 3 12 299 6 0 8 20 2 3 12 95 2 3 12 34 2 3 12 1874. 5 June. 25 May. 28 „ 28 „ 26 „ 28 „ 9,408 1329 0 0 0 Fang Bolts and Nuts 1873. Dec. 16 Mallard 1874. Feb. 9 Inverallan „ 12 La Hogue Nelson via Wellington jj 5 June. '25,010 20 10 0 0 ,12,000 !30,000 9 17 0 1 24 11 2 3 28 May. 26 7 Spikes :. 1873. Dec. 16 Mallard 1874. Feb. 9 Inverallan „ 12 La Hogue Nelson via Wellington 67,010 54 18 2 4 5 June. 40,560 9 15 0 0 20,000 50,000 4 15 0 8 11 17 2 23 28 May. 26 / 110560 26 7 3 3



Nelson 'O Foxhill — continued. Obders fbom Colony to Agent-' ENERAL. Shipments fob Colony. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. Jan. 18 Tons cwt. qrs. lb: 1873. Dec. 16 1874. Feb. 3 „ 11 Mar. 3 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 11,171 6 15 0 0 1874. 5 June. Top Clips Mallard Nelson Inverallan La Hogue La Paix via Wellington Nelson 24,888; 15 5 0 0 25,296 15 10 0 0 4,692 2 17 2 0 28 May. 2G „ i 1873. Dec. 16 1874. Feb. 3 „ 11 Mar. 3 66,047 40 7 2 0 5 June. Sole Plates Mallard Nelson 5,840 10 0 0 0 Inverallan La Hogue La Paix ria Wellington Nelson 12,168 12,888 2,160 21 0 3 27 22 5 3 17 3 14 2 26 28 Mar. 2G „' Steel Rail Joints 1873. Dec. 17 1874. Jan. 12 Feb. 13 0 Mallard Nelson 33,056 57 1 2 14 5 June. 1,000 4 18 3 15 Wennington La Hogue via Wellington 5,000 5,000 25 10 0 0 25 11 3 10 25 May. 26 „ 2 Locomotives, 91-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 2 First-class Carriages, small. 2 Second-class Carriages, small. 2 Composite Carriages, small. 2 Brake Vans, small. 11,000 56 0 2 25 9 Mar. 12 sets Points and Crossings 3 Girders, 80-feet span, Wairoa Bridge. 1 Girder, 80-feet span, 88 Creek Bridge. 2 13-ft. Turntables, for 20-ton Engines. Nov. 20 Invererne Napier* '. Dec. 15 Mallard Nelson 1873. Nov. 20 Dec. 15 12 sets 1 12 sets 1 f 50 G 0 9 Feb. 15 1 50 6 0 9 5 June. 1874. Jan. 10 Dec. 15 „ jj Dec. 15 jton to Blenheim. Orders comp] Pic letcd :—23rd Ji M0., 1872 —2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock* 1872. Jan. 23 Rails, 40 lbs. (12 miles) 754 5 2 24 1872. Dec. 4 G. A. nolt via Wellington 3,205 397 13 0 4 1873. 16 June. Faug Bolts and Nuts Nov. 22 St. Andrew's Castlo „ I 1874. Mar. 18 Waikato „ i 22,660 22,660 2,590 25.250 18 5 0 0 2 1 3 18 20 6 3 18 18 5 0 0 2 1 3 18 1 May. 2,590 Spikes 25,250 20 6 3 18 1 „ 2 1872. Nov. 22 St. Andrew's Castle „ 1 1874. Mar. 18 Waikato „ 4 42,800 2,080 _o,_ou 42,800 2,080 44,880 _V U O J.O 10 0 0 0 0 9 3 13 10 9 3 13 10 0 0 0 0 9 3 13 Top Clips. 44,880 10 9 3 13 Sole Plates 1872. Nov. 22 St. Andrew's Castle „ S 1872. Nov. 22 34,400 61 10 0 0 34,400 61 10 0 0 1 „ Steel Rail Joints Nov. 29 1873 Nov. 29 1873. Jan. 13 1874. Mar. 18 2,052 2,052 10 3 2 27 10 3 2 27 1 „ 1873. Jan. 13 Lucerne t jj 1S74. 2,623 2,623 8 15 0 21 8 15 0 21 13 „ 1874. Mar. 18 Waikato „ 1,280 1,280 5,955 6 G 2 26 G G 2 26 25 5 2 18 Rails, 40 lbs. (8 miles) 5,955 25 5 2 18 1874. Jan. 28 Inverallan „ 1874. Jan. 28 444 63 8 2 8 28 „ 1873. June 2 444 63 8 2 8 Fang Bolts and Nuts. 502 17 0 16 Spikes. Top Clips. * Divert< ;cd to Timaru-Ti ;cd to Napier-Waipukurau. ?cmuka. t Diverted to Canterbury Bra anch Li ines. * 1 Locomotive divert id to Nap: *muka. •anch Li mcs.



Picto: to Blenheim— continued. Ordees from Colony to Agent-i rENERAL. Shipments foe Colony. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. June 2 Tons cwt.qrs. lbs 1874. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1873. June 2 Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. ... 10 sets Points and Crossings. ... Mar. 3 Weymouth via Wellington 10 sets Mar. 3 10 sets Nov. 24 fov. 24 1 Girder, 80-fcct span, Opawa Bridge. 2 Girders, 60-feet span, Opawa Bridge. 12 Girders, 30-feet span, Opawa Bridge. 2 Girders, 11-feet span, Opawa Bridge. I Rangiora to Kowai. Ra: :giora ! 1873. Jan. 18 1873. 1873. "an. 18 Rails, 56 lbs. (14 miles) ... 1232 0 0 0 Oct. 24 Isles of the South Lyttelton 1,012 20 Nov. 8 China ,, 4,063 79 „ 21 Dilliaree „ 531 10 1874. 1232 0 0 0 1873. Oct. 24 Nov. 8 „ 21 1874. Feb. 6 1,012 4,063 531 200 2 0 0 797 4 0 0 106 4 0 0 00 2 0 97 4 0 06 4 0 3 0 3 0 D 0 1874. 2 Feb. 18 Mar. 11 „ 18/4. Feb. 6 Fratelli Gaggino „ 272 5 5,878 115 272 53 2 0 0 53 2 0 56 12 0 3 0 3 0 13 June. 1873. Nov. 7 1874. Jan. 27 5,878 1156 12 0 0 1873. Fang Bolts and Nuts ... Nov. 7 China „ 25,025 1 1874. 13 15 0 3 0 18 Mar. 25,025 13 15 0 0 19/4. Jan. 27 Atrato „ 20,020 1 -IS 0.45 9 20,020 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 94 is n 3 0 3 n 20 June. 4&,U45 2 1873. Spikes ... Nov. 7 China „ 42,6-10 1 1874. 1873. Nov. 7 1874. Jan. 27 45,045 42,610 24 15 0 0 10 5 0 0 2 J- 15 0 10 5 0 J o 3 0 18 Mar. 18/4. Jan. 27 Atrato „ 32,360 75,000 1 32,360 7 15 0 0 7 15 0 18 0 0 3 0 3 0 20 June. 1873. Oct. 24 Nov. 8 75,000 18 0 0 0 1873. FishPlates ... Oct. 24 Isles of the South „ 1,015 Nov. 8 China „ 12,990 4 lAftnr; a 1,015 12,990 6 9 0 16 41 6 2 14 6 9 0 41 6 2 d.7 is a 3 16 2 14 a 9 2 Feb. 18 Mar. 14,005 47 15 3 2 14,005 4 Bolts and Nuts ... Nov. 7 China „ 17,080 1874. Nov. 7 1874. Jan. 27 17,080 47 15 3 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 J 2 3 0 18 „ 10/4. Jan. 27 Atrato „ 12,920 annnn l 12,920 5 5 0 19. s n 5 5 0 0 3 0 20 June. 30,000 1 10 sets Points and Crossings. 30,000 12 5 0 0 Canterbury Branch Lines—Geneeally. Orders completed : —20th Jan., 1872 —20 miles Rails and Fastenings. 23rd „ ,, 12 miles Rails and Fastenings. 8th June, „ 92 miles Rails and Fastenings. „ „ „ 12 Locomotives and Rolling Stock. 1873. 2 Feb. 2 „ 9 Mar. 14 April. 1872. June 8 1872. 1873. I June 8 100 sets Waggon Ironwork ... ... Oct. 6 Crusader Lyttelton. 25 sets „ 27 „ „ 25 „ Nov. 29 Hudson „ 25 „ 1 Dee. 30 Portland ) 1874. [ „ 24 „ Feb. 5 Atrato .1 18 12 1 23 ... { 18 12 1 1 23 [ 20 Juno. \ 99 sets Selwyn to Rakaia. Order completed:—15th Mar., 1871—12 miles Rails and Fastenings. 1873. . 1874. May 7 1 Locomotive, 8 wheels, 14-inch ! cylinder 2 First-class Carriages, large ... ... Mar. 25 Duucdin Lyttelton 2 Wheels and Axles | ... „ 25 „ „ 6pairs



RAKAIA TO TIMARU. Orders completed :—23rd Jan., 1872—15 miles Rails and Fastenings. 23rd Nov., 1872—25 sets Points and Crossings.

Obdees feom Colony to Agent-Geneeal. Shipments fob lOLONY, Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1872. Oct. 25 Rails, 40 lbs. (30 miles) Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1885 14 0 4 is cwt. qrs. lbs 1872. S5 14 0 4 May 15 July 9 „ 15 „ 20 Adamant Merope Cardigan Castle Soukar Lyttelton jj j j # jj 443 1,438 999 1,923 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 60 9 3 18 200 0 0 0 139 10 1 12 ' 270 10 0 0 1873. 17 Oct. 31 „ 14 Nov. 18 Dec. 1874. 27 April. Dee. 13 1874. Jan. 2 „ 9 „ 21 Feb. 2 Mar. 3 Rakaia jj 2,859 402 15 1 12 Auriga Golden Sea Apelles Varuna Peeress j, jj jj 325 2,876 1,826 45 4 2 16 404 9 2 16 258 19 1 4 118 0 0 0 65 14 1 4 13 May. 30 April. 6 May. 27 „ Fang Bolts and Nuts ... 1873. July 11 „ 21 „ 31 1874. Jan. 1 Mar. 5 460 |1965 13 1 26 1 Merope Cardigan Castle Soukar t> it 10,000 110,000 12,000 8 14 0 6 8 13 0 8 10 6 2 18 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 18 Dec. 1874. 27 April. Rakaia Peeress 11 19,000 15 2 0 17 32 4 0 7 75 0 0 0 * 150 tons diverted to '. Invercargill-Mataura. Rakaia to Tim. leu — continued. 1872. Spikes I 1873. July 11 „ 21 „ 31 1874. Jan. 1 Mar. 5 „ 11 Merope Cardigan Castle Soukar Lyttelton 11 it 16,000 16,000 18,000 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 20 4 4 2 10 9 0 2 12 11 17 2 25 4 13 3 21 1873. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 18 Dec. 1874. 27 April. Rakaia Peeress ti 38,000 50,000 jj ft 1873. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 18 Dec. 1874. 27 April. Sole Plates 37 10 2 20 1873. June 28 July 11 „ 30 Merope Cardigan Castle Soukar 11 n ti 6,000 6,000 6,000 10 5 0 0 10 5 0 0 10 5 0 0 Dec. 31 1874. Jan. 21 Rakaia it 9,490 16 5 0 0 Top Clips 1873. June 28 July 11 „ 30 Golden Sea Merope Cardigan Castle Soukar ti it it it 15,048 42,538 12,000 12,000 12,000 26 0 2 15 73 0 2 15 7 5 0 0 7 5 0 0 7 5 0 0 30 „ 1873. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 18 Dee. 1874. 27 April. Dec. 31 1874. Jan. 21 Rakaia it 19,044 11 10 0 0 Steel Rail Joints c Golden Sea t 29,888 18 7 2 0 30 „ 1873. Dec. 30 1874. Feb. 20 Mar. 24 Rakaia it 84,932 6,000 51 12 2 0 30 10 1 0 1874. 27 April. City of Agra Peeress it 5,000 4,400 25 19 1 14 22 11 1 8 29 May. 4 15,400 79 0 3 22



Rakaia to Ttmaeit — continued. irdees from Colony to Agent-1 :ENERAL. Shipments foe Colony. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1872. 4 Locomotives, 6-wheel, 10^-inch cylinders, on a Bogie. 50 sets Waggon Ironwork 4 Carriages, First-class, large ... 8 Carriages, Second-class, large Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1873. Mar. 25 ' Dunedin Lyttelton 2 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1874. „ 25 ., 6 „ 6 1874, Feb. 5 Mar. 6 Feb. 3 Peeress City of Agra jj jj 25 sets 4 8 29 Mav. 29 _ u jj ... 6 Carriages, Composite, large ... 4 Brake Vans, large. Wheels and axles Atrato City of Agra Atrato jj jj jj prts 6 4 I 20 June. 29 May. 20 June. 18 prs. June 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (20 miles) 1257 2 3 12 „ 2 „ 2 >, 6 Mar. 11 Varuna j, Ballochmyle Northampton jj jj jj 1,699 4,260 800 74 12 2 0 242 14 1 4 600 1 3 4 113 15 1 2 27 May. 27 „ 1 June. 6 „ Fang Bolts and Nuts Feb. 6 „ 23 Mar. 5 Varuna Ballochmyle Peeress »j jj jj 25,000 30,000 1031 3 20 8 0 2 24 9 3 13 3 6 0 9 3 20 27 May. 1 June. Spikes Feb. 6 23 Mar. 11 Varuna Ballochmyle Peeress JJ JJ JJ 50,000 50,000 48 3 3 24 11 17 3 0 11 17 3 6 3 14 1 22 27 May. 1 June. Top Clips. Feb. 6 Mar. 11 Ballochmyle Northampton JJ JJ 9,920 31,212 27 10 0 0 6 13 4 19 2 2 0 1 „ 6 „ Sole Plates. Feb. 6 Mar. 11 Ballochmyle Northampton JJ JJ 41,132 4,960 15,552 25 4 1 4 8 11 2 4 26 18 0 8 1 „ 6 „ Steel Rail Joints. „ 18 „ 24 jj Peeress JJ JJ 20,512 6,214 1,700 35 9 2 12 31 18 0 5 8 14 2 6 40 sets Points and Crossings. j. JJ 7,914 40 12 2 11 a 10 40 sets 50 sets Waggon Ironwork 150 Tarpaulins, 18' x 24'. l Beidge. Ra GITAT 1873. Aug. 29 40 Girders (60-ft. span) and Piers, First Crossing. 2 sets Ironwork, for 14i-ft. spans, First Crossing. 24 Girders (60-ft. span) and Piers, Second Crossing. 2 sets Ironwork, for 14^-ft. spans, Second Crossing. Taitaki Bridge. Orders completei I, 3rd April, 23n I Aug., 30th Sept., 1871:—125 Spans and Fii 1872. Jul.11,15 Palmerston Port Chalmers „ 19 „ 23 ;tings. 1871. Nov. 26 111 Piers and Fittings ... (2 Columns to each Pier). 557 4 0 0 20 20 10 103 16 1 0 104 14 3 20 51 2 2 12 1872. 6 Dec. 6 „ 6 „ 1873. 7 Mar. 5 April. 4 „ Oct. 24 City of Bombay „ Nov. 8 Euterpe „ „ 30 Lutterworth „ 1873. Jan. 17 Oberon ,, Feb. 7 Michael Angelo ,, April 22 St. Kilda „ w 228 0 1 16 127 3 1 22 98 4 3 4 222 6-ft, Cylinders 47 241 8 3 0 4 17 2 4 206 3 0 9 1 May. 28 „ 18 Aug. 40 212 :1165 11 3 3 1873. Aug. 29




Orders from Colony to Agent-' •ENEEAL. Shipments foe lOLONY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight.' Date of j Shipment, , as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival. 1873. line 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (41 miles) 2577 2 3 12 Tonscwt.qrslbs. 2577 2 3 12 1874. Jan. 9 „ 29 Mar. 3 Feb. 20 Mar. 11 „ 13 „ 23 „ 23 „ 24 Wm. Davie Port Chalmers Asia „ Buckinghamshire „ jj jj Hindostan „ Caroline „ Dunedin „ Hindostan „ Cartsburn „ 1,269 722 720 388 618 1,400 2,348 2,605 402 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 175 6 3 4 101 4 14 102 17 0 16 55 8 2 8 88 5 2 24 200 0 0 0 330 5 1 12 370 5 1 14 56 15 2 24 1874. 12 April 27 „ 29 May. 29 „ Fang Bolts and Nuts Asia „ Buckinghamshire „ Caroline „ 10,472 ; 1480 9 3 22 Jan. 12 Mar. 3 „ 16 20,000 25,000 30,000 16 9 0 10 19 17 3 18 24 3 1 26 27 April. 29 May. Spikes ... ... Jan. 12 Mar. 16 Asia „ Caroline „ 75,000 40,000 25,000 60 10 1 26 9 10 1 10 5 19 0 12 27 April. Top Clips ... Feb. 15 Mar. 9 April 10 Buckinghamshire „ Roslin Castle „ Sussex „ 65,000 15 9 1 22 39,984 40,000 80,000 24 10 0 0 24 11 1 0 49 2 2 0 29 May. Sole Plates 159984 98 3 3 0 Jan. 27 Mar. 9 April 10 Asia „ Roslin Castle „ Sussex „ 20,016 20,000 40,000 34 12 2 2 34 12 3 0 69 5 2 0 27 April. * 80,016 138 10 3 2 Steel Rail Joints Jan. 19 April 10 Asia „ Sussex „ 2,000 5,102 10 5 0 0 25 5 0 16 27 „ 25 sets Points and Crossings. 4 Locomotives, lOJ-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 100 sets Waggon Ironwork. 4 Carriages, First-class, large. 14 Carriages, Second-class, large. 6 Carriages, Composite, large. Wheels and Axles 4 Brake Vans, large. 3 Waggon Weighbridges. 3 Cart Weighbridges. 6 Girders, 60-feet span, Kakanui Bridge. 4 sets Ironwork, for 30-feet spans, Kakanui Bridge. 11 sets Ironwork, for 30-feet spans, Island Creek Bridge. Mar. 2 Buckinghamshire, Port Chalmers lOOprs 7,102 35 10 0 16 1874. 29 May. !ept. 27 1874. 'eb. 7 6 sets Ironwork, for 60-feet spans, Kakanui Bridge. 4 sets Ironwork, for 30-feet spans, Kakanui Bridge. 1 set Ironwork, for 11-feet spans, Kakanui Bridge. 11 sets Ironwork, for 30-feet spans, Island Creek Bridge. 2 sets Ironwork, for 11-feet spans, Island Creek Bridge. - I IRAKI T< DUNEDIN. Mo: 1874. Jan. 10 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles). Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. 1571 8 2 8 »




Orders completed, 27th May, 1871 —6 miles Rails and Fastenings. 27th „ „ 2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock. * 31st Aug., „ 10 miles Rails and Fastenings. 31st ,, „ 1 Locomotive and Rolling Stock. 23rd Jan., 1872 —12 miles Rails and Fastenings. 25th Oct., ,, 2 Locomotives. 23rd Nov., „ 25 sets Points and Crossings. 21st Dec, ,, 1 Locomotive. 5th May, 1873—5 Waggon Traversers. iees feoji Colony to Agent-G: INEEAL. Shipments toe !OLONY. Date. >*uniber and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date of Arrival, 1872. let. 25 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles) Tons cwt.qrs.lbi 1571 8 2 8 1873. Sept. 22 Oct. 20 Not. 14 » 19 Dec. 2 » 9 u 17 „ 22 Surat Port Chalmers Dunfillan „ Caruatic ,, Jungfrau „ 2,491 1,566 1,020 1,414 149 450 2,713 Tons cwt.qrs. lbs 350 5 2 24f 211 18 3 20 140 2 2 0 200 11 1 20 27 12 3 10 64 5 2 24 384 17 3 12 223 5 2 26 1874. 16 Jan. 28 Feb. 28 „ 9 Mar. 9 „ 6 „ 27 April. Scimitar ,, Asia „ 1603 0 2 24 Fang Bolts and Nuts Sept. 22 Nov. 19 „ 27 Surat „ Caraatic „ Jungfrau „ 30,195 21,960 12,810 24 15 0 Of 18 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 28 Feb. 9 Mar. Spikes t Sept. 22 Nov. 19 ,. 27 Surat „ Carnatic ,, Jungfrau „ 64,965 45,760 37,440 5,200 53 5 0 0 11 0 0 Of 9 0 0 0 15 0 0 28 Feb. 9 Mar. Top Clips Sept. 22 Nov. 19 „ 27 .. 27 Dec. 22 „ 22 Surat „ Carnatic ,, JuDgfrau „ 88,400 24,300 22,275 5,265 20,250 4,800 6,400 21 5 0 0 3* 15 0 0 0+ 13 15 0 0 3 5 0 0 12 10 0 0 2 18 3 20 3 18 2 8 28 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 » 27 April. 27 „ H I* Asia |, Solo Plates 11 » 83,290 51 7 2 0 1874. Sept. 22 Nov. 19 „ 27 „ 27 Dec. 22 „ 22 Surat „ Carnatio „ Juugfrau „ 12,118 11,096 6,570 3,796 2,400 3,200 20 15 0 Of 19 0 0 0 11 5 0 0 6 10 0 0 4 3 0 4 5 10 2 24 28 Feb. 9 Mar. 9 ., 27 April. 27 „ i) ri Asia „ Steel Rail Joints Sept. 20 Oct. 24 Dec. 2 1874. Jan. 19 » yt Surat ,, Dunfillan „ Jungfrau „ 39,180 5,000 5,000 2,000 •25 0 2 26t 25 14 2 5 9 17 3 0 67 3 3 0 16 Jan. 9 Mar. 5 Carriages, First-class, largo. 4 Carriages, Second-class, large. 100 sets Waggon Ironwork. 1 10-ton 21-ft. Travelling Crane. 2 Hydraulic Wheel Presses 1 Hydraulic Boiler Testing Apparatus 1 Wheel Lathe. 2 4-ft. Grindstones and Fittings, and 1 Bpare Stone. 1 Cylinder Boring Machine. 4 sets Smiths' Tools. 7 Girders, 120-ft. spans, Clutha Bridge. G Piers, 2 cylinders each. 3 13-ft. Turntables for 20-ton Engines. 1 10-ton Hand Wharf Crane. 3 2-ton Vertical Boilers on Trollies 6 l|-ton Warehouse Cranes. Asia „ 1,000 5 2 2 0 27 April. 13,000 65 15 2 3 1873. uly 5 Koslin Castle „ Mar. 9 2 „ 9 » » 1 Not. 24 1874. Jan. 10 * 1 Locoinotivi *1 t Wrecked at I diverted to Invcreargill-Mataura. Auckland-Mercer, iver, Otago. htlin't R.





[DEES FBOM COLONY TO AgENT-i rENERAL. Shipments foe lOLONY. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, as per Bill of Lading. Ship's Name and Port of Delivery. No. Weight. Date ot Arrival. 1873. June 2 lune 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (23 miles) ... 1445 14 1 4 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 1445 14 1 4 1873. Dec. 22 Asia Port Chalmers Tons cwt 126 18 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs 126 18 3 18 rt. qrs. lbs 1 3 18 1874. 27 April. Fang Bolts and Nuts 1874. Jan. 27 jj i: ] 16 6 16 6 1 14 5 1 14 27 „ 20,000 Spikes ... Top Clips. Sole Plates. „ 27 jj jj 40,000 ) 9 10 9 10 1 0 3 1 0 27 „ Steel Rail Joints. 40 sets Points and Crossings. 1874. • 18/4. Ipril 9 3 Locomotives, 10-inch cylinder, 8 wheels (Fairlie). 1874. pril 9 Cl 1874. an. 10 Rails, 40 lbs. (25 miles) ...1571 0 0 0 Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. Cl 1571 ooo UTHA TO MATAt/EA. THA Ti lARGLXL TO MATAURA. Inter* Orders completed, 25th No' 23rd Jar '., 1871 —12 miles Rails and Fastenings. ., 1872 —2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock. 1872. 3ct. 25 1 Locomotive, 9J-inch cylinder, 6 wheels, Bogie. 2 Carriages, First-class, small. 4 Carriages, Second-class, small. 1 Brake Van, small. 1873 1872. ict. 25 )' 28 12 ) 454 19 I] 700 2 S1183 14 ! 1 20 » 2 16 ! 0 16 fc 0 24 1874. 8 Mar. 8 „ 9 May. • 1873. 'une 2 1873. 'une 2 Rails, 40 lbs. (28 miles) ... 1760 0 0 0 1873. Dec. 3 „ 3 „ 11 1873. Dec. 3 Omega Bluff 1760 0 0 0 200' 3,229 4,954 28 12 1 20 454 19 2 16 700 2 0 16 Q "„ 11 City of Dublin ',', Fang Bolts and Nuts ... Dec. 1 „ 16 1874. Mar. 2 Dec. 1 Omega „ „ 16 City of Dublin „ 1874. 18,000 31,000 8,383 I HOO 14 ) 14 8 ) 24 17 ) 16 1 1183 14 0 24 14 8 1 24 24 17 2 22 * U _4 ( 1 24 ' 2 22 . 2 22 8 Mar. 9 May. 18/4. Mar. 2 Waikato „ 20,000 16 1 2 22 Spikes 1873. Dec. 1 „ 16 1874. Mar. 2 1873. Dec. 1 Omega „ „ 16 City of Dublin „ 1874. 69,000 36,000 62,000 ) 55 7 ) 8 10 ) 14 14 ) 7 2 55 7 3 12 8 10 3 7 14 14 1 8 ' 3 12 ) 3 7 » 1 8 S 2 12 8 Mar. 9 May. 18/4. Mar. 2 Waikato „ 30,000 7 2 2 12 Top Clips 1873. Nov. 28 Dec. 16 1873. Nov. 28 Omega „ Dec. 16 City of Dublin „ 128000 ) 30 7 ) 7 5 ) 18 15 ) 26 0 30 7 2 27 ' 2 27 ; o o i 0 0 ) 0 0 8 Mar. 9 May. 11,890 31,050 7 5 0 0 18 15 0 0 I Sole Plates Nov. 28 Dec. 16 Nov. 28 Omega „ Dec. 16 City of Dublin „ 42,940 5,986! 15,476 1 _o u H 10 5 i 26 10 ! 36 15 26 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 26 10 0 0 i u u i 0 0 ) 0 0 i 0 0 8 Mar. 9 May. Steel Rail Joints Nov. 25 Dec. 16 Nov. 25 Omega „ Dec. 16 City of Dublin 21,462 2,500 5,200 : co 10 ) 12 15 ) 26 10 36 15 0 0 12 15 0 0 26 10 0 0 > o u > 0 0 ) 0 0 8 Mar. 9 May. 1874. an. 10 1874. ran. 10 4 13-ft, Turntables for 20-ton Engines. 1 10-ton Hand Wharf Crane. 1 2-ton Vertical Boiler on Trolly. 7,700 39 5 0 0 I | 3—E. 1.




Obdebs from Colony to Aoent-Genebal. Shipments to Matauea. Date. Number and Description. Estimated Weight. Date of Shipment, is per Bill )f Lading. Ship's Name and Port of De ivery. No. Weight. Date oi Arrival. 1873. une 2 Tonscwt. qrs.lbs 1445 14 1 4 Tonscwt.qrs. lbs Rails, 40 lbs. (23 miles) Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. \ Sole Plates. 9 Steel Rail Joints. 30 sets Points and Crossings. 3 Locomotives, 10^-inch cylinder, 6-wheel, coupled. 100 sets Waggon Ironwork. 3 Carriages, First-class, large. 5 Carriages, Second-class, large. 4 Carriages, Composite, large. 4 Brake Vans large. 1874. ran. 10 Rails, 40 lbs. (27 miles) Fang Bolts and Nuts. Spikes. Top Clips. Sole Plates. Steel Rail Joints. 1697 2 3 12 Price Is.] Pr, ice Is.] By Authority : Geokge Dldsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—1874. • t

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Bibliographic details

CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL LONDON. MEMORANDA FOR THE AGENT-GENERAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, E-01

Word Count

CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL LONDON. MEMORANDA FOR THE AGENT-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, E-01

CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL LONDON. MEMORANDA FOR THE AGENT-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, E-01