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E.—No. 6



E.—No. G

(Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 2ith July, 1872.) " That there be laid on the Table of this House, a Eeturn showing —■ " 1. The number of hours which elapsed from the first departure of each New Zealand Mail from San Francisco until its arrival in Auckland and Port Chalmers, during the Financial Year ending 30th June, 1872. " 2. The number of hours which elapsed from tho departure of each mail from Port Chalmers until its arrival in Auckland and San Francisco during the same period. " 3. The amounts deducted from the subsidy to Mr. Webb." (Mr. Johnston.)

RETURN showing the NUMBER of HOURS occupied in performing the VOYAGES from SAN FRANCISCO to AUCKLAND and PORT CHAALMERS, and from PORT CHALMERS to AUCKLAND and SAN FRANCISCO, by the Steamers running under the Contract between the New Zealand Government and Messrs. Webb and Holladay, from the commencement of the Service.


San Francisco to New Zealand. Fori Chalmees ti Sak F: .ANCTSCO. Ti Auckland. To Port Chal ters. Port dial lmers to Auckland. To San Franc: isco. First Date of Departure. Date of Arrival. _■ * . 'BB OR ! j Date of Arrival. ■_ ® . 'S-S fl fl I 2 oW ® fl I' 9 B Date of Despatch. Date of Arrival. _" <_ 5* = 8 o oH 2 a Date of Arrival. ft? '%£ §| s 1871. ipril 8 ... Way 6 Way 24 rune 23 July 20 tug. 16 iiept. 13 1871. May 4 May 31 Juno 23 July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 12 Oct. 12 602 577 *711 634 628 631 675 1871. May 10 ... June 5 June 30 ... July 26 ... Aug. 23 ... Sept. 19 ... Oct. 18 ... 749 702 868 781 790 796 819 1871. May 15 June 9 July 7 Aug. 4 Sept. 1 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 1871. May 20 ... June 14 July 11 ... Aug. 9 ... Sept. 6 ... Oct. 3 ... Nov. 1 ... 114 120 103 108 118 120 124 1871. June 22 July 16 ... Aug. 13 ... Sept. 9 ... Oct. 7 ... Nov. 5 ... Dec. 3 ... 1872. Jan. 4 Feb. 3 ... 926 904 898 875 881 898 912 _(& 11 S Tov. 9 Nov. 7 Dec. 8 1872. Jan. 8 626 t716 Nov. 12 ... Dec. 14 ... 1872. Jan. 12 ... 742 827 Nov. 24 Dec. 22 1872. Jan. 19 Nov. 29 ... Dec. 27 ... 1872. Jan. 24 ... 126 122 1,010 1,057 .ec 12 1872. ran. 9 Teb. 6 Har. 1 tfar. 29 Ipril 27 Hay 24 ... 627 723 114 Feb. 29 ... 998 Feb. 7 Mar. 3 April 6 May 22 May 22 Juno 21 677 J604 848 §1,282 583 663 Feb. 14 ... Mar. 9 ... April 13 ... May 28 ... May 28 ... June 30 845 740 1,017 1,419 71!) 863 Feb, 17 Mar. 15 April 16 May 11 June 7 Feb. 24 ... Mar. 21 ... April 21 ... ||162 137 122 Mar. 27 ... April 24 ... May 22 ... *# 944 982 876 June 12 126 * Delay, accident to " Moses TayL Hails. § Accident to "Mohonga;" n< >r." f Accident to machinery. J Snow blockade; steamer arrived without English steamer arrived. || Detained 24 hours by Government. ** No steamer this month. General Post Office, Wellington, 31st July, 1872. KETL TBN showing the Amoi Holladay, di ints Deducted from the Subsidy payable to Messrs. Webb and .ring the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1872. When Deducted. Reason for Deduction. Amount. May, 1872 For Non-arrival of April Steamer, and Non-despatch of Steamer from Auckland in May £ s. d. 3,384 12 3 General Po; Wellin st Office, gton, 29th Jul 1872.

E.—No. 6.



(Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated Ith August, 1872.) " That there be laid upon the Table, a Statement of the Amount of Penalties agreed to be remitted by the Colonial Treasurer to the Contractors for the San Francisco Mail Service, and by what authority so remitted." (Mr. Gillies.) EETUEN of the Amount of Penalties not claimed from the Contractors for the San Francisco Mail Service. £ s. d. Outward Voyages ... ... ... ... ... ... £2,736 0 0 Inward „ ... ... ... ... ..." ... 982 0 0 __ 3,718 0 0 Deduct Premiums earned ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 0 0 ! Total ... ... ... £3,644 0 0 Note.' —By clau.e 21 of the Contract the penalties have to be adjusted once a year, and by clause 18 the PoßtmasterGeneral has power to remit them. Similar power existed in the Panama Contract, also in the Contract of the Peninsular and Oriental Company with the Imperial Post Office. There has been no formal remission of any penalties. On Mr. Webb's arrival in New Zealand he gave the Postmaster-General to understand that he had great difficulty in commencing the line, and had sustained considerable loss, and that if the full penalties were to he inflicted there would be an end of the line. The Postmaster-General gave no pledge beyond the general assurance that the Government desired to deal liberally with the Contractors. Subsequently, when Mr. Webb agreed to reduce the payment receivable from the New Zealand Government up to the termination of the arrangement with the Australasian Steam Navigation Company from £50,000 to £46,000, the Postmaster-General informed him that it was his intention not to recommend to the Government to enforce the penalties for breaches of the agreement committed up to that time. The reduction in the rate of subsidy is equivalent to a saving to the Colony of £2,000. Since that date an amount of £3,384 12s. 3d. haß not been paid to the Contractors, owing to no boat leaving one month. General Post Office, Wellington, 9th August, 1872.

5 E.—No. 6.

(Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 25th July, 1872.) " That there be laid upon the Table a Eeturn showing, from the commencement of the Service, the due dates in each month, according to contract, of the delivery of the Mails by the Steamers subsidized to carry the said Mails between San Francisco and New Zealand ; and the actual dates in each month of the delivery of the said Mails at the Contract Ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, and at the Ports of New Plymouth, Nelson, Picton, Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika respectively. Eeturn to be furnished within one w (Hon. Mr. Stafford.)

RETURN showing, from the Commencement of Messrs. Webb and Holladay's Service, the Due Dates in each Month, ACCORDING to Contract, of the DELIVERY of the MAILS by the Steamers subsidized to carry the said MAILS between San Francisco and New Zealand; and the ACTUAL DATES in each Month of the DELIVERY of the said MAILS at the Contract Ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, and the Ports of New Plymouth, Nelson, Picton, Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika.


Auckland. WELLINGTON. LYTTELTON. Poet Chalmees. New Plymouth:. Nelson. Picton. Westpokt. Oeevmouth. Hokitika. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. Due Arrival. Actual Arrival. 1871. May 4 May 31 June 19 July 17 Aug. 14 Sept. 11 Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 1871. May 4 May 31 June 23* July 20 Aug. 16 Sept. 12 Oct. 12 Nov. 7 Dec. 8f 1871. May 8 June 4 June 23 July 21 Aug. 18 Sept. 15 Oct, 13 Nov. 10 Dec. 8 1871. May 8 June 3 June 26 July 24 Aug. 20 Sept. 17 Oct. 16 Nov. 9 Dec. 11 1871. May 9 June 5 June 24 July 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 16 Oct. 14 Nov. 11 Dec. 9 1871. May 9 June 4 June 29 July 25 Aug. 22 Sept. 18 Oct. 17 Nov. 10 Dec. 13 1871. May 10 June 6 June 25 July 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 17 Oct. 15 Nov. 12 Dec. 10 1871. May 10 June 5 June 30 July 26 Aug. 23 Sept. 19 Oct. 18 Nov. 12 Dec. 14 1871. May 6 June 2 June 21 July 19 Aug. 16 Sept. 13 Oct. 11 Nov. 8 Dec. 6 1871. May 6 June 1 June 25 July 25 Aug. 19 Sept. 15 Oct. 14 Nov. 8 Dec. 10 1871. May 7 June 3 June 22 July 20 Aug. 17 Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 7 1871. May 6 June 2 June 26 July 26 Aug. 20 Sept. 16 Oct. 15 Nov. 9 Dec. 11 1871. May 8 June 4 June 23 July 21 Aug. 18 Sept. 15 Oct. 13 Nov. 10 Dec. 8 1871. May 7 June 2 June 26 July 27 Aug. 20 Sept. 16 Oct. 15 Nov. 9 Dec. 11 1871. May 8 June 4 June 24 July 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 16 Oct. 14 I 1871. May 11 June 7 June 27 July 29 Aug. 20 Sept. 22 Oct, 18 Nov. 12 Dec. 16 1871. May 9 June 5 June 25 July 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 17 Oct. 15 1 1871. May 12 June 8 June 28 July 30 Aug. 21 Sept. 24 Oct, 19 Nov. 12 Dec. 18 1871. May 9 June 5 June 25 July 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 17 Oct. 15 1871. May 12 June 8 June 28 July 30 Aug. 21 Sept. 25 Oct. 20 Nov. 13 Dec. 17 1872. Jan. IX Jan. 29J Feb. 26J Mar. 25J April 22 May 20 June 17 July 15 1872. Jan. 8 Feb. 7 Mar. 3|| April 6 Mav 22§ May 22 June 21 July 20 1872. Jan. 5 Feb. 2 Mar. 1 Mar. 29 April 26 May 24 June 21 July 19 1872. Jan. 10 Feb. 12 Mar. 7 April 11 May 26 May 26 June 26 July 24 1872. Jan. 6 Feb. 3 Mar. 2 Mar. 30 April 27 May 25 June 22 July 20 1872. Jan. 11 Feb. 13 Mar. 8 April 12 May 27 May 27 June 28 July 28 1872. Jan. 7 Feb. 4 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 21 1872. Jan. 12 Feb. 14 Mar. 9 April 13 May 28 May 28 June 30 July 29 1872. Jan. 3 Jan 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 27 April 24 May 22 June 19 July 17 1872. Jan. 9 Feb. 11 Mar. 5 April 8 May 27 May 27 June 23 July 23 1872. Jan. 4 Feb. 1 Feb. 29 Mar. 28 April 25 May 23 June 20 July 18 1872. Jan. 10 Feb. 12 Mar. 5 April 14 May 28 May 28 June 29 1872. Jan. 5 Feb. 2 Mar. 1 Mar. 29 April 26 May 24 June 21 July 19 1872. Jan. 11 Feb. 13 Mar. 6 April 14 May 28 May 28 July 2 I 1872, 1872. Jan. 11 Feb. 15 Mar. 8 April 16 May 30 May 30 July 1 1872. 1872. Jan. 12 Feb. 16 Mar. 9 April 14 June 1 June 1 July 1 1872. Jan. 12 Feb. 16 Mar. 9 April 14 June 1 June 1 July 1 1872. I No Con- [ tract. I NoConf tract. No Contract. * Accident to " Moses Taylor." t Accident to machinery. J Snow blockade on line of railway between New York and San Francisco, preventing mails leaving on advertised dates. § Accident to " Mohonga ;" " Nebraska," in consequence, proceeded through to San Francisco from Honolulu. || Steamer arrived with San Francisco mails only. English mails detained on line of railroad, east of Ogden, through snow storms. General Post Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1872.

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Bibliographic details

RETURNS RELATING TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, E-06

Word Count

RETURNS RELATING TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, E-06

RETURNS RELATING TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, E-06