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No. 1. The Superintendent, Southland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Telegram.) Invercargill, 2nd December, 1869. The Frovincial Council, by eleven to six, have resolved to unite with Otago. Otago Council meets on the Bth. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Wm. Wood.

No. 2. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Superintendent, Southland. (Telegram.) Buildings, 2nd December, 1869. Hate received your telegram as to uniting with Otago. The Superintendent, Invcrcargill. Gisborne.

No. 3. The Superintendent, Southland, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Southland, 4th December, 1569. I have tho honor to enclose herewith a copy of a series of Besolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Southland, during its recent Session, on the subject of reunion with the Province of Ota»-o. Also copy of Eeport of Beunion Commissioners. I have, &c., Tho Hon. the Colonial Secretary, William Wood, Wellington. Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 3. Besolution passed by the Provincial Council, Southland. Besolved, — Council Chamber, Southland, 29th November, 1869. That the Eeport of the Commissioners appointed on behalf of the respective Provinces of Ota^o and Southland, for the purpose of arranging a basis of union of these two Provinces, be adopted. That some difference of opinion having been expressed by members of the Provincial Council of Southland as to the legitimate interpretation of clause 17 of the Eeport, and it being desirable to secure unanimity of opinion, if possible, on so important a question, this Council is of opinion that no separate account should bo kept, and that Southland should receive its share of revenue as an integral portion of Otago. That this Council, being of opinion that the terms of tho proposed union, as interpreted in the foregoing resolution, are equitable to both Provinces, considers that a union of the two Provinces upon these terms should take place. Tiiat copies of these resolutions be transmitted to His Honor the Superintendent, with a request that he will be pleased to cause steps to be taken, in conjunction with the Government of Ota<>r>, to obtain the introduction into the General Assembly, at its first ensuing Session, of a Bill to effect the proposed union. That copies of these resolutions, and of the abovc-meniioned report, be forwarded to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary. True copy, Duncan McArthur, His Honor the Superintendent of Southland. Clerk of Council.

Enclosure 2 in No. 3. Eeport of Commission appointed for the purpose of arranging a Basis of Beunion of the Provinces of Otago and Southland, to be submitted to tho Provincial Councils of both Provinces for their adoption. The Commissioners appointed for the purpose of determining the basis of reunion between the Provinces of Otago and Southland, having given the matter referred to them their most careful consideration, have tho honour to report as follows : — Having resolved to treat the subject more in tho light of a matter of general policy than of minute detail, they beg to submit the proposals of basis of union (as adopted at meetin" of Commission on 29th September, 1869), which, if approved of, would form heads of a Bill, to be introduced in the General Assembly at its next Session, to provide for the union of the two Provinces.

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1. " Provinces of Otago and Southland to be re-united—Southland ceasing to exist and the whole united Province to be called Otago." 2. " That one Provincial Council govern the united Province, taking as a general basis of representation the population, and in conformity With Resolutions b., c, and d., Appendix to the Report of the. Select Committee on the Otago Representation Bill (passed the Provincial Council of Otago, Session 25, 1869), as follows: — (b.) 'That wherever practicable, the boundaries of the Provincial Electoral Districts should coincide with the boundaries of the General Assembly Electoral Districts; and that, as far as possible, the Provincial Districts should be subdivisions of the General Assembly Districts.' (c.) ' That all fresh boundaries of Provincial Electoral Districts should coincide as much as possible with boundaries already existing, or with well-marked natural boundaries —as the limits of Hundreds, survey districts or blocks, runs, &c, and the watersheds of mountain ranges, broad rivers, &c.' (d.) ' That while the population should, to a large extent, be taken into account in the formation of districts, regard should also be had to identity of interest of the inhabitants of the different districts, and to the physical configuration of the, country, so as to ensure, as much as possible, ease and convenience as regards communication .between all parts of the same district.' " 3. " That there shall be one Executive Council for the united Province." 4. " That the various departments of Government be under the control of one head of department." 5. " Superintendent and Provincial Council of Otago to bo Superintendent and Provincial Council of united Province." 6. " If within one year after the coming into operation of this Act tho services of any officer in tho employment of the Government of the Colony or of tho Provincial Government of the late Province of Southland are dispensed with in consequence of the union of the said Province with the Province constituted hereby, he shall be paid out of the revenue of the Province constituted hereby, for each year of service, one month's salary according to the rate payable to him at the time of the coming into operation of this Act, and also a further sum equal to three months' salary according to the said rate, if such services be dispensed with without three months' notice." 7. " That the united Province be subject to the same laws as at present govern the Province of Otago —with the exception of tho Waste Lands Begulations—subject to said laws being altered by the united Provincial Council." 8. " Laws to be assimilated by united Provincial Council as soon as possible, saving all existing rights under existing laws of both Provinces." 9. " Notwithstanding the dissolution of the Provincial Council of the Province of Southland, the persons who immediately before the coming into operation of this Act were members of the said Council shall, on a day and at a time and place to be fixed by the Governor, by Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette, assemble, and by lot or by ballot, to be taken in such manner as shall Ins prescribed in and by such Proclamation, select eight of their number to represent iv the Provincial Council of the Province constituted hereby, that part of the said Province which immediately before the coming into operation of this Act was included in the late Province of Southland ; and if at such time and place appointed as aforesaid no such persons or a less number of persons than hereby required shall have been selected as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Governor, by warrant under his hand, to appoint a number of persons equal to the number so deficient, either from among the persons who were members of the said Provincial Council of Southland, or from amongst any other persons, being electors registered on any electoral roll for any electoral district returning members to the House of Representatives, lying wholly or in part in the said late Province of Southland ; and the persons so selected or appointed as aforesaid shall be members of the Provincial Council of the Province of Otago, as if duly elected. 10. " Tho united Council so constituted as above to continue until new electoral districts are defined, and present Provincial Council of Otago expires" (by effluxion of time). 11. "Land district to be created by the Act to consist of the area presently included within the boundaries of the Province of Southland, together with.such portions of the Province of Otago as shall, in the opinion of the united Council of the Province, bo geographically connected with the present Province of Southland." 12. " Land district to have a Crown Lands Commissioner and a Waste Lands .Board, as provided in clause 14, ' Southland and Otago Union Bill,' passed the House of Representatives during its last Session." 13. "All business relating to the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of Waste Lands within limits of the land district to bo constituted by united Provincial Council, shall be conducted by district Waste Lands Board." 14. " The jurisdiction and operation of the offices of the Registrar of Deeds, the Registrar of tho Supremo Court (both as regards the ordinary business of the Supreme Court, as well as to the filing of bills of sale and registration of mortgages of stock), and of the Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, shall extend to the whole of the area to be included in boundary of land district." 15. " Tho revenue and expenditure in each Province to be kept separate and distinct, as a matter of Treasury account, at Dunedin and Invercargill." 16. " A proportion of the cost of departments to be chargeable against each Province upon an equitable basis." 17. " The revenue and expenditure to be kept as a separate matter of account, with the view to Southland deriving the entire benefit of revenue raised in Southland. The Otago Commissioners contemplate, for a time at least, a portion of the revenues of Otago will be absorbed by the present absolute necessities of Southland." 18. " United Province to take over assets and liabilities of both Provinces." The Commissioners may be allowed, in support of these propositions, to express a few of the grounds upon which they recommend to the representatives of both Provinces the adoption of the general principle of reunion, and heartily urge the people to consider for themselves the advantages


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that are likely to accrue, especially to the outlying districts of both Provinces. The Commissioners are fully convinced that the principal cause of the present comparative stagnation of trade in the Province of Southland arises from the crippled state of her finances, and the inability, consequently, of carrying out provision for rapid and easy communication with outlying districts, excepting by a ruinous sacrifice of her landed estate. Her indebtedness to the General Government constantly accumulating, must shortly necessitate a realizing of securities, as it cannot be expected that other provinces will long submit to the course that has been hitherto pursued of relieving special Provinces or Counties of any difficulties they may please to rush into. The Commissioners believe that a reunion of Otago and Southland would relieve the latter from her unenviable position, and so restore confidence as to give a fresh impetus to settlement, trade and commerce, and although, more immediately, would be a burden on Otago, would ultimately, in one united, powerful, and prosperous Province, conduce also to her benefit and welfare. The Commissioners cherish hopes that it would bo the first stepping-stone towards one united Middle Island Government. The Commissioners, believing the Government of Otago to be in earnest in their desire to establish a settlement on the West Coast, are of opinion that reunion would facilitate the establishment of a steam coastal service, and that tho Bluff being made a regular port of call for such service, would encourage the development of many industries now dormant; this, in its turn, would improve the traffic upon the railways, and render them in their turn a profitable investment. The Commissioners would also point out that by opening up means of communication through some of the districts of Southland, some of the requirements of the outlyingdistricts of Otago would be more speedily and economically met than had those requirements to be met by expenditure within the Province of Otago. That, under the seventh head, the Commissioners would call particular attention to the exclusion from any change of "The Southland Waste Lands Act, 1865," should reunion with Otago be affected, during, at least, the tenure of the pastoral leases issued under its provisions, until the expiry of which any alteration would be incompatible with justice. The recommendation under clause 11, the Commissioners consider, would naturally suggest itself to the inhabitants of the consolidated Province and intelligence of the united Council. The fundamental principles which should, in tho opinion of the Commissioners, dictate the action of a wise Government, are tho consideration of the moral and material requirements of the people, economy of expenditure, and efficiency of administration. These requisites can be best obtained by affording every facility to the inhabitants of a district to transact their business from a place which is its geographical centre, and with which their interests are identified. Some of the special advantages that would be derived from reunion would be the extension, better •development, and more economical working of many of what have proved themselves to be, by experience, excellent ordinances and institutions of Olago. Immigration. In connection with this subject, without addition to the cost of working, and in addition to the present provision for keeping up a constant stream of immigrants, or in any future scheme, the Commissioners arc of opinion that a stipulation should be entered into that immigrants for the Bluff should be landed there free of additional cost of passage, and that at least every third vessel should make the Bluff an advertised port of call, or oftener, if found necessary. Such a course would afford valuable facilities to the mercantile community in the district for the importation of merchandise, and ensure an equal measure of justice to all outlying districts. Postal Service. The Commissioners are agreed that in any postal scheme entertained by the General Government, in which the mail service is conducted by way of Eoveaux Straits, tho united Provincial Government, should use their utmost endeavours to secure that the Bluff Harbour should be the first and last port of call; and in entertaining any contract for a coastal service, the Provincial Council should insert the provision that the Bluff should be one of the ports of call. Roads. Though immediately on the consolidation of the Province, that portion of the district formerly comprised within the limits of the present Province of Southland would come under tho operation of the Otago Boads Ordinance in regard to the formation of main roads by the Government, and subsidies to the district roads, as presently obtains in the Province of Otago, the Commissioners also contemplate, for a time at least, a portion of the revenues of Otago will be absorbed by the present absolute necessities of Southland. Education. The universally acknowledged success of the Otago scheme of education renders it unnecessary for the Commissioners to enlarge upon the advantages of having that scheme extended to Southland. John L. Gillies (Chairman) ) Wm. H. Beynolus |- Otago Commissioners. James Suand ) William Johnston ) Walter H. Pearson > Southland Commissioners. John Boss ) Minutes of Commission in re Union of Otago and Southland. Council Chambers, Invercargill, 27th September, 1869. Met this day, the Commissioners appointed by the Provincial Council of Southland, and the Commissioners appointed under resolution of Provincial Council of Otago, dated ltth May, 1869, to consider the terms upon which a reunion of the Provinces of Southland and Otago might be affected. Present—Messrs W. 11. Pearson, John Boss, William Johnson, W. H. Beynolds, James Shand, John L. Gillies. 2

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Mr. Gillies was appointed chairman. On tho general question, whether the reunion of the Provinces would be advisable, the Commissioners representing both Provinces were unanimous that it would be advisable if terms could be arrived at. Mr Eeynolds gave notice that, at the next sitting, he would move that the proceedings of the Conference be open to the public. Resolved, That each Commissioner submit to the Conference propositions on the subject of union, to bo considered at a future meeting. Meeting adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. John L. Gillies, Chairman. Council Chambers, Invercargill, September 28th, 1869. Adjourned meeting of the Otago and Southland Commission. Bresent—Messrs. .1. L, Gillies (chairman), W. H. Eeynolds, James Shand, W. 11. Pearson, John Boss, William Johnston. Minutes of meeting held on the 27th instant were read and confirmed. Mr Eeynolds moved, and Mr Shand seconded, " That the proceedings of the Commission be open to the public." Mr Johnston suggested the alteration of the word " public" to the word " Press," which was agreed to by tho mover and seconder, and unanimously carried. A memo, to the above effect was forwarded to the Editors of the Southland News and the Southland Times. Mr Eeynolds moved the following resolutions as basis of reunion: — 1. "That one Provincial Council govern the united Province, taking as a general basis of representation the population, and in conformity with. Besolutions b., c., and d., Appendix to the Eeport of the Select Committee on the Otago Eepresentation Bill, as follows (passed the Provincial Council of Otago, Session 25,1869) : — (b.) ' That, wherever practicable, the boundaries of the Provincial Electoral Districts should coincide with the General Assembly Electoral Districts ; and that, as far as possible, the Provincial Districts should be subdivisions of the General Assembly Districts.' (c.) 'That all fresh boundaries of Provincial Electoral Districts should coincide as much as possible with boundaries already existing, or with well-marked natural boundaries —as the limits of Hundreds, survey districts, or blocks, runs, &c, and the watersheds of mountain ranges, broad rivers, &c.' (d.) 'That while the population should, to a large extent, be taken into account in the formation of districts, regard should also be had to identity of interest of the inhabitants of the different districts, and to the physical configuration of the country, so as to ensure, as much as possible, case and convenience as regards communication between all parts of the same district.' " 2. "That there shall be one Executive Council for the united Province." 3. " That the various departments of Government be under the control of one head of department." 4. "Laws to be assimilated by the United Provincial Council as soon as possible; saving all existing rights under existing laws of both Provinces." 5. " The revenue and expenditure in each Province to bo kept separate and distinct, as a matter of Treasury account-." 6. "A proportion of the cost of departments to be chargable against each province, in proportion to revenue and expenditure, as a matter of account." 7. " That in the event of union taking place, the united province to be subject to the same laws as at present govern the Province of Otago, with the exception of the Waste Lands Begulations, subject to said laws being altered by the united Provincial Council." 8. " United Province to take over assets and liabilities of both Provinces." The above propositions were unanimously agreed to. Agreed that the following memo, be forwarded to the Editors of the local newspapers : —"Asa matter of courtesy, the Commission request that the Press abstain from reporting or remarking on its proceedings until, at all even's, the groundwork of basis of union bo decided upon." (Signed) " John L. Gillies, Chairman of Commission." —Memo, forwarded accordingly. The following proposals were submitted by Mr. Pearson on behalf of the Southland Commissioners as heads of Bill of reunion:— 1. " Provinces of Otago and Southland to be reunited, Southland ceasing to exist, and the whole united Province to be called Otago." 2. " All laws in force in area of Southland to remain in force until repealed or altered by Provincial Council of Otago." 3. " Superintendent and Provincial Council of Otago to be Superintendent and Provincial Council of united Province." 4. " If, within one year after the coming into operation of this Act, the services of any officer in the employment of the Government of the Colony, or of the Provincial Government of the late Province of Southland, are dispensed with, in consequence of the union of the said Province with the Province constituted hereby, he shall be paid out of the revenue of the Province constituted hereby — for each year of service, one month's salary ; according to the rate payable to him at the time of the coming into operation of this Act, and also a further sum equal to three months' salary according to the said rate, if such services be dispensed with without three months' notice." 5. " Until provision is made by the Provincial Council of united Province, respecting number of members of Provincial Council and electoral districts, members to represent following districts in the Province formerly included in .Southland, viz. : — Town of Invercargill, 3 members New Biver 1 „ Biverton 1 „ Aparima 1 „ Oreti 1 Oteramika 1 ~ 6. " Immediately upon the coming into operation of this Act, Provincial Council to be dissolved by Governor, and a Provincial Council of united Provinces to be elected." 7. " Land district to be created by this Act with the following boundaries : — East - A line drawn from Chasland's Mistake northwards, following the watershed of the Mataura Biver till it cuts the Kawarau Biver at Eranktown, thence by the east bank of


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the Shotover, taking its eastern tributary to the western boundary of the Province of Otago. North —Present Northern boundary of Otago, till it reaches the West Coast. West—The Ocean. South —Boveaux Straits and the Ocean, and to include Stewart's Island. 8. " Land district to have a Crown Lands Commissioner and a Waste Lands Board, to consist of the Commissioner of Crown Lands (who shall be Chairman of the Board) and other Commissioners, who shall be appointed by and removeable by Warrant under tho hand of the Governor. 9. "All business relating to the sale, letting, disposal, and occupation of Waste Lands within limits of district shall be conducted by District Waste Lands Board." 10. "All offices specified in the schedule, and now existing in the Brovince of Southland, on coming into operation of this Act, shall continue to exist." 11. " The jurisdiction and operation of the offices of the Begistrar of Deeds and the Begistrar of the Supreme Court, both as regards the ordinary business of the Supreme Court, as well as to the filing of bills of sale and registration of mortgages of stock, and of the Begistrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, shall extend to tho whole of the area included in boundary of land district." 12. "In case of sale of railways in the late Province of Southland, tho proceeds shall be expended on immigration and reproductive works in the district; such expenditure to bo carried on under the direction of a local authority appointed for the purpose." 13. " No Ordinance of tho Provincial Council of the united Province authorizing the sale of the railways, shall be assented to by the Superintendent unless provision is thereby made for the expendit tire of the proceeds of such railways upon immigration and specific public works within the district, according to the previous section." 14. " In addition to the share of tho ordinary appropriations of revenue of the United Province, district to have absolute use of one of the land revenue arising within it, to be expended by the above-mentioned local authority." Schedule. Customs, Besident Magistrate, Land, Survey, Begistrar of Deeds, Begistrar of Supreme Court, Crown Solicitor, Begistrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Railway Engineer, Treasury Accountant, Post Office.

Tho following letter was received from tho Editor of the Southland Times : —■ Mr. C. 11. Eeynolds, to Mr. J. L. Gillies, Sir, — Times Office, Invercargill, 28th September, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of two communications from you of this date. The first intimating that the Commission had resolved to admit the Bress to its sittings; the second requesting that the Press " abstain from reporting or remarking on its proceedings." You must perceive that if due publicity is desired, there can be no restriction imposed. If the meetings are open to the Press, it must rest with its representatives to determine what should not be published, and when. Until you inform me that your second memo, is withdrawn, it will, I need hardly say, be unnecessary to send a reporter to take notes of tho deliberatious of a body which he is practically debarred from making public. J. L. Gillies, Esq. I am, &c, Chairman of Commission in re Eouuion. C. H Eeynolds. The following reply was sent: — Mr. J. L. Gillies to the Editor of the Southland Times. Sir, — Council Chambers, 28th September, 1869. I regret to observe you have misunderstood the purport of my memo., or rather that of the Commission. The object of our last note was not to preclude your reporter from taking notes of the proceedings, but simply that, until some basis of proposals of union was decided, premature conclusions should not be arrived at from merely preliminary desultory conversations. This was only asked as a matter of courtesy. Having nothing to conceal from the public, the Commission are ouly anxious that full publicity (but not partial) should be given to the public of all their proceedings. I am, &c. Editor of the Southland Times. J. L. Gillies, Chairman. The Commission meet at half-past 7 o'clock this evening. Meeting adjourned at 6 o'clock till half-past 7 same evening.

Evenino Sitting. Present —Messrs. Jno. L. Gillies (Chairman), W. H. Eeynolds, Jas. Shand, W. 11. Pearson, and Wm. Johnston. The following replies were made by the Otago Commissioners to the propositions submitted by the Southland Commissioners :— Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. —Agreed to. 5. Eight members to be elected by the Provincial Council of Southland to represent the Provincial Council of Otago until the general election. Although the Commissioners deem the number eight: a larger proportion of representation than Southland is entitled to, still they would waive such objection until a general redistribution of the electoral districts took place on the basis proposed by the Otago Commissioners. 6. The united Council, so constituted as above, to continue until the new electoral districts are defined, and the present Provincial Council of Otago expires (by effluxion of time, early in 1871). 7. The part of the Colony included in the Province of Southland, with any addition that shall bo deemed advisable by the united Council to make from the Province of Otago, shall be a separate

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district for tho purposes of "The Eegistration Act, 1868," and shall, for the purpose of the delivery of pleadings, and other proceedings iv the Supreme Court, and for the purpose of filing bills of sale, mortgages, and leases of stock, wool, and oil securities, and other instruments which by law are required to be filed in the Supreme Court Office of a Province, be deemed to be a separate district. 8. District Waste Lands Board to be provided for as proposed in a Bill passed the House of Bcpresentatives, as follows : —Clause 1.4. "There shall be one Waste Lands Board for so much of the Province constituted hereby as is included within the present Province of Otago, and the Waste Lands Board constituted and established by law under ' The Otago Waste Lands Act, 1860,' shall be such Board, and there shall be one Commissioner of Crown Lands for the same part of the Province constituted hereby, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Otago holding office immediately before the coining into operation of this Act shall be such Commissioner ; and there shall be one Waste Lands Board for so much of the Province constituted hereby as is included within the present Province of Southland, and the Waste Lands Board constituted and established by law under ' The Southland Waste Lands Act, 1865,' shall be such Board; and there shall be one Commissioner of Crown Lands for the same part of the Province constituted hereby, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands holding office immediately before the coming into operation of this Act shall be such Commissioner." 9. Considered unnecessary, as all matters appertaining to Waste Lauds would be administered by District Waste Lands Board. 10. Almost all the offices referred to in the schedule being beyond the control of the Provincial Councils, and under that of the General Government, it is unnecessary to make any stipulations with regard to them ; at the same time, the Commissioners may express the view that the offices referred to are absolutely necessary. Those that are under Provincial control must be dealt with by the united Council, with a view to economical administration. 11. See answer to proposition 7, which will virtually carry out this proposal. 12. The Commissioners do not contemplate the sale of the railway; they consider it one of the assets of the Province. Any action with regard to it would of necessity be subject to the action of the united Provincial Council, and also subject to the control or approval of the Assembly. Nos. 13 and 14. The Commissioners do not approve of any special legislation with regard to any property of the Province, as it would be a constant source of contention with other districts. If, as proposed by the Otago Commissioners, the revenue and expenditure be kept as a separate matter of account, with a view to Southland deriving the entire benefit of revenues raised in Southland, the object of propositions 13 and 14 of the Southland Commissioners will be obtained. The Otago Commissioners contemplate, for a time at least, a portion of the revenues of Otago will be absorbed by the present absolute necessities of Southland. Mr. Eeynolds requested that the Otago Commissioners should be supplied with the following information, certified to by tho proper officers : — 1. Total liabilities of Southland in detail. 2. Present agreement for tho leasing of the Bluff Bailway. 3. Appropriation Ordinance for last financial year. 4. Revenue and expenditure for last financial year. 5. Quantity of land unsold, classified. Meeting adjourned at 10 o"clock p.m. to 10 o'clock a.m. next day. John L. Gillies, Chairman.

Adjourned meeting of the Otago and Southland Commissioners, held in tho Council Chamber, Invercargill, on Wednesday, September 29th, 1869. Present —Messrs. J. L. Gillies (Chairman), W. H. Eeynolds, James Shand, W. 11. Pearson, John Boss, William Johnston. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Proposed by Mr Eeynolds, and seconded by Mr. Shand—" That His Honor the Superintendent be requested to give such instructions as will enable the Commission to procure any documents and information they may require from the various Departments." In accordance with the above resolution, the following letter was forwarded : — Sir, — Council Chambers, Invercargill, 29th September, 1869. I have the honor to request, on behalf of tho Commissioners in re union of Otago and Southland, that your Honor would be kind enough to instruct tho officers of your Government to furnish any returns or copies of documents that may be required by the Commissioners. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, John L. Gillies, Province of Southland. Chairman. Meeting adjourned at 5.30 p.m. to the following day, Thursday, September 30th, at 7.30 p.m. John L. Gillies, Chairman.

Meeting of Otago and Southland Beunion Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber, Invercargill, on Thursday evening, September 30th, 1869. Present —Messrs. Gillies (Chairman), Eeynolds, Shand, Pearson, Boss, and Johnston. The Chairman submitted tho following letter received by him from His Honor the Superintendent of Southland:— Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Southland, N.Z., 30th September, 1369. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday, received only this moment, in which you request that I will instruct the officers of the Governnent to furnish any returns or copies of documents that may be required by the Commissioners.


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In reply, I have the honor to state that I received a similar request on the 25th from Mr. Johnston, to which I replied, " I shall be glad to procure for you, from any head of a Department whatever information you may desire to have." I beg to repeat the same assurance, and shall much regret if the possible miscarriage of my reply to Mr. Johnston's letter should have led you to suppose that I had not given immediate attention to his request. I have &c, Jno. P. Taylor, John L. Gillies, Esq., Superintendent.

On the motion of Mr. Eeynolds, the Chairman was requested to obtain the following returns for the Commissioners : — 1. Total liabilities of Southland in detail. 2. Heads of agreement for leasing the B. H. and I. Bailway. 3. Cost of each railway to present time, and present liabilities. 4. Appropriation Ordinance for last financial year. 5. Revenue and expenditure for last financial year. 6. Quantity of land in the Province unsold, classified. 7. Total expenditure on roads and bridges. 8. Total expenditure on other public works. In compliance with the above, the following letter was forwarded to His Honor : — Sir, — Council Chambers, 30th September, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of this day's date, and have now the honor to request that you will be good enough to supply the under-mentioned information to the Commissioners of Otago and Southland as early as practicable. I have, &c, John L. Gillies, His Honor the Superintendent, Southland. Chairman. (Returns 1 to 8 enumerated.)

Draft of report read and considered. To bo reconsidered at next meeting. Moved by Mr. Eeynolds, and seconded by Mr. Shand—" That the minutes and report of the Commissioners be forthwith printed in a form similar to reports printed for the Votes and Broceedings of the Provincial Council of Otago, and that the Chairman bo requested to attend to the same." Carried. The Southland Commissioners requested that the following information should be supplied : — " Votes and Proceedings of the Provincial Council of Otago, containing finance, reports of public departments, assets and liabilities ; also, Appropriation Ordinance for last financial period, and quantity of unsold land, classified." In reply, Mr. Eeynolds supplied all the information required, excepting return of unsold land, which the Chairman undertook to forward as soon as practicable after his return to Dunedin. Meeting adjourned at 10.15 p.m. to 11 o'clock a.m. next day (Friday). John L. Gillies, Chairman. Meeting of Otago and Southland Beunion Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber, Invercargill, on Eriday, October Ist, 1869. Bresent —Messrs. J. L. Gillies, W. H. Eeynolds, W. H. Bearson, and J. Boss. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Chairman reported having received a letter from His Honor the Superintendent as follows: — Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Southland, N.Z., Ist October, 1869. In reply to your letter of yesterday's date, received only to-day, I have the honor to enclose for the information of the Commissioners the documents you desired to be furnished with. I have, &c.-, John P. Taylor, John L. Gillies, Esq., Superintendent.

The following reply was forwarded : —■ Sir, —■ Council Chamber, Invercargill, Ist October, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your favour of this date, enclosing returns asked for by the Commissioners in re Beunion of Otago and Southland, and on their behalf I have to thank your Honor for your prompt attention to their wishes. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, John L. Gillies, Province of Southland. Chairman. Moved by Mr. Boss, and seconded by Mr. Eeynolds, That the report as read be adopted. Carried. Mr. Eeynolds moved, and Mr. Pearson seconded, That the Commissioners adjourn sine die. Carried. John L. Gillies, Chairman. 3

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No. 4 The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor the Superintendent, Southland. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sic,— Wellington, 14th December, 1869. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter of the 4th instant, enclosing Eesolutions of the Southland Provincial Council on the subject of the reunion with the Province of Otago; also, copy of Eeport of the Eeunion Commissioners. I have, &c. His Honor the Superintendent, Southland. W. Gisborne.

No. 5. His Honor the Superintendent, Otago, to the Hon. W. Eoy. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 21st December, 1869. The Provincial Council decided in favour of reunion with Southland. The Hon. W. Eox, Wellington. J. Macandrew, Superintendent.

No. 6. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. (Telegram.) Buildings, 21st December, 1869. Received your telegram as to reunion with Southland. The Superintendent, Dunedin. Gisborne.

No. 7. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. (Telegram.)! Buildings, 12th May, 1870. Please send copy of Eesolutions of Provincial Council deciding in favour of reunion with Southland. The Superintendent, Dunedin. W. Gisborne.

No. 8. His Honor the Superintendent, Otago, to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir,— jpr: Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 13th May, 1870. In accordance with the request contained in your telegram of this date, I forward herewith copies of the Eesolutions passed by the Brovincial Council on the subject of the reunion of Otago and Southland ; together with my Message No. 2, of the Bth December, 1869, and its enclosures. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. J. Macandrew, Superintendent.

Enclosure 1 in No. 8. Besolution of the Provincial Council of Otago. That a respectful address be presented to His Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to offer, on behalf of the Provincial Council of Otago, to reunite the two Provinces of Southland and Otago; the basis of union to be determined upon by three members of each Provincial Council, with power to choose an umpire ; such basis to be ratified by each Council. Passed the Provincial Council, 11th May, 1869. Charles Smith, Clerk of Council. William H. Eeynolds, Speaker.

Enclosure 2 in No. 8. Resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Otago. Resolved, — Council Chambers, 29th November, 1869. That the Report of the Commissioners appointed on behalf of the respective Provinces of Otago and Southland, for the purpose of arranging a basis of union of these two Provinces, be adopted. That some difference of opinion having been expressed by members of the Provincial Council of Southland as to the legitimate interpretation of clause 17 (seventeen) of the Report, it being desirable to secure unanimity of opinion, if possible, on so important a question, this Council is of opinion that no separate account should be kept, and that Southland should receive its share of revenue as an integral portion of Otago. )j That copies of these resolutions be transmitted to His Honor the Superintendent, with a request that he will be pleased to cause steps to be taken, in conjunction with the Government of Otago, to obtain the introduction into the General Assembly, at its first ensuing Session, of a Bill to effect the proposed union. That copies of these resolutions, and of the above-mentioned report, be forwarded to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. True copy resolutions carried by eleven " Ayes" to six " Noes." Duncan McArthur, Clerk of Council. His Honor the Superintendent of Southland.

A—No. 15.

Enclosure 3 in No. 8. Message No. 2. The Superintendent transmits herewith the Report of the Commission appointed for the purpose of arranging a basis of reunion of the Provinces of Otago and Southland ; also, copy of Resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Southland upon the same subject. The Superintendent ventures to hope that the Provincial Council will reciprocate the views of the Provincial Council of Southland as to the proposed reunion ; and that resolutions may be adopted in favour of an Act of the Colonial Legislature being passed for the purpose of giving effect to the joint desire of the two Provinces. Bth December, 1869. James Macandrew, Superintendent.

Vide Enclosure 2 in No. 3.

Enclosure 4 in No. 8. Resolution of the Provincial Council of Otago in reply to Message No. 2. That this Council concurs with the suggestions contained in His Honor the Superintendent's Message, No. 2, and generally with the views expressed in the Commissioners' Report, and that His Honor be requested to introduce a Bill into the General Assembly, to carry out the object in view. Passed the Provincial Council, 20th December, 1869. Charles Smith, Clerk of Council. William H. Reynolds, Speaker.

No. 9. The Hon. W. Gisborne to the Superintendent, Otago. Sib,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 23rd May, 1870. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter, No. 9,738-16, of the 13th instant, forwarding copies of the Eesolutions passed by the Brovincial Council on the subject of the reunion of Otago and Southland, together with your Honor's Message, No. 2, of Bth December last, with its enclosures. I have, <fee, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Gisborne.



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Bibliographic details

PAPERS RELATING TO PROPOSED REUNION OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, A-15

Word Count

PAPERS RELATING TO PROPOSED REUNION OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, A-15

PAPERS RELATING TO PROPOSED REUNION OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1870 Session I, A-15