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AUCKLAND : 18 64.

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General Post Office, Auckland New Zealand, 21st November, 1864. 8 ie, — I have the honor to present to your Excellency, the Fifth Report on the Postal Servioe of New Zealand. I have, &c, _. _ _ Thomas B. Gillies. His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.8., Postmaster GcneraL Governor of New Zealand, &c, &c.

REPORT. The general progress of the Colony during the past year has been fully shared by the Post Office Department. To meet the public requirements 89 new offices have been opened, and 25 closed, leaving an increase of 64 Post Offices, being about 25 percent, on the total number. The correspondence has, however, increased in a much larger ratio, 3405.380 letters having passed through the various Post Offices during the year ended 31st December, 1863, against 2120, LS3 for the year ended 31st December, 1862, being an increase of about 60 per cent. The number of newspapers conveyed by post lias also increased during the same period from 2064,123 to 3307,669, being an increase of 6i per cent.- The revenue has likewise increased from £22,710 14s. 3d in 1862, 10 £32,32;) Is. lid. in 1863, being an increase of 42 per cent. The increased amount of correspondence has, however, caused more than a corresponding increase in the departmental expenditure, exclusive of conveyance of mails, the departmental expenditure having been £25,001 12s. Id. in 1863, against £15.217 14s. Id in 1862, being an increase of 64 per cent. The current year will, however, show a considerable increase of revenue without a corresponding increase of expenditure. The cosh of the conveyance of mails baa largely increased, both as regards the cost of inland conveyance and steam services, although in both res] ects the cost per mile has been reduced. The expenditure forinlind carriage for 1868 has been £19,138 Od. 9d., against £6,864 ss. 4d. for the year 1862. The expenditure for ste.itn services for the year 1863 has"been £47,080 17s. 4d., against £32,040 Is. 3d.* for the year 1862, whilst for the current your the expenditure under this head will amount to about £ 60,000. Inland Communication. The Mail Contracts at present existing in the various provinces arc giveu in the Appendix hereto. Depaetmental Arrangements. , In accordance with the recommendation of the late Postmaster-General, and the resolution of frie House of Representatives last session, an Inspector of Post Offices has been appointed, the honorable J. C. Crawford, Esq., who has been engaged travelling through the several Provinces, inspecting the various Offices, since sth January last, with the exception of three months during which he was detached as Resident Magistrate at the Pelorus Gold-fields. Sufficient lime has not yet elapsed to enable the beneficial results ofsneb inspections to become very marked, but there is no doubt that the periodical visits of that officer will tend to promote increased efficiency in the various Offices. It having been found that the advantages connected with the appointment of a Secretary in the Dunedin Office, and also in the Auckland Office, were by no means equivalent to the expendi ure, these Secretaryships have been abolished. The Secretary of the Dunedin Office, Mr. Gray, a gentleman of long experience in the Post Office Department in the Home Country, as well as"in the Colony, lias been appointed SubInspector. He has been removed at present to the Auckland Office, lo I us'ist in getting that < Iffice into a thorough state of efficiency, a duty for which his intimate knowledge of the practical working and details of the Post Office system peculiarly qualifies him. The Secretary of th< Auckland Office has been appointed Chief Postmaster at Taranaki, on the resignation of the late en ei< nt Postmaster,Mr. 8. "mith. During the pastyear considerable additional postal facilities ha\ e I c en afforded to the public by the


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placing, in different parts of the principal towns, Iron Pillar Boxes for the receipt of letters, which are regularly cleared by the letter carriers. The hours during which the Offices are open to the public have been extended, being now from 9to 5 instead of from 10 to 4 as formerly. Late letters are also received at the Chief Offices until 20 minutes before the hour for despatch of the mails, on payment of an extra fee of Gd. for Inter-Provincial and Is. for Foreign Letters. Letter Boxes have also been placed on board each of the Inter-Provincial subsidized steamers, into which letters can be at any time posted, the late letter fee, in postage stamps, being affixed to the letters posted. This has been found to be a great convenience to the public, although some complaints have been made of the late fee being too high. An endeavour has been made to increase the efficiency of the Department by instituting an examination of Officers entering the Post Office service as to their geographical knowledge—with what results remains yet to be seen. Buildings. The want of proper buildings in tho two principal towns, Dunediu and Auckland, has boon grievously felt, causing much inconvenience to the public and discomfort to the officers, and necessitating a larger number of officers than would be necessary in properly arranged and commodious buildings. A new Post Office is now in course oi' erection in Dunedin, and it is hoped that the labours of the Public Buildings Commissioners in Auckland will soon give to that city a suitable Post Office. Until that is done it is impossible to expect anything like efficiency even from the ablest officers. In the other Provinces the Post Office buildings are tolerably well suited for present requirements. Monet Okdee System:. The annexed tables will show to what extent the public avail themselves of this mode of transmitting money. In the Province of Otago especially it is very largely made use of by the mining population, no less than £16,740 having been remitted to the Colony of Victoria alone by this means during the past year. Post Office Savings Baisk. The introduction of the Post Office Savings Bank system, which has been so successful in Britain, has been a matter which has received much consideration from the Postmaster General. The English system would require to be considerably modified in order to meet the peculiar conditions of the Colony, but there are no insuperable difficulties in the way of its successful operation. That it would be a groat boon to the public there cannot be a doubt, whilst it would be a useful adjunct to the other financial jlepartments of the Government. It is hoped that an Act will bo passed at the next session of the Assembly, enabling the system to be brought into operation in the Colony. Financial. For some years past the sums provided by the Estimates for payment of the proportion of postages becoming due to Great Britain on the home correspondence have been insufficient, leaving a constantly increasing balance due to the Imperial Government. This balance at 30th September, 1861, amounts to about £3J.,000, which ought to bo provided for in addition to the probable amount required for the ensuing year. Rates of Postage. Early in the current year the Imperial Government intimated its intention of increasing the rate of postage from England to New Zealand and the Australian Colonies, and invited the Colonies to adopt a similar proceeding in reference to the rate from the Colonies to Englan I. New Zealand, in common with the Australian colonies, except New South Wales, remonstrated against the increase, pnd declined to adopt the proposal, so far as they were concerned. Strong remonstrances were also made by the people of England on the subject, and it is satisfactory to find that the Imperial Government have for the present deferred carrying their proposal into effect. _ From the annexed Tables it will be seen that the Post Office expenditure in New Zealand is very fan in excess of the revenue, an excess mainly caused by the very heavy cost of transmission of mails. The inland conveyance of mails is an especially heavy item, and this is to a very larsre extent caused by the great bulk of newspapers transmitted by post. At present newspapers are in New Zealand transmitted free, although such a course is not adopted, as far as can bo ascertained, in any other Colony There seems no good reason why the finances of the Colony should be burdened with the cost of carriage of newspapers, and it is a matter which should receive the consideration of the next General Assembly whether all newspapers transmitted by post should not be subject to a small postage' rate The Fbanking System. This system, which has been almost entirely abolished in England, and the other Colonies, has been gradually extending itself inNcw Zealand. Numerous abuses having been brought under the notice of this department. A careful consideration has led to the conclusion that the system ought to be almost entirely abolished. Not only is it very liable to abuse, as experience has everywhere shewn, but it prevents a propei knowledge of tho cost of the various departments of Government. It is therefore proposed at an eirly date to confine the right of franking within very narrow limits.



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Panama Cowthact. The correspondence on this subject having been already printed and widely circulated, it is unnecessary here to make further remarks on it, especially as it will form a subject of important consideration for next meeting of the General Assembly. Steam Postal Services. Anglo-Australian Service. This service has been performed during the past year by the Peninsular and Oriental Company with greater punctuality than formerly, the mails having with one or two exceptions arrived in Australia at or before their due date. There is every reason to expect an increasing punctuality, and proposals have been made for the establishment, by the Peninsular and Oriental Company, at a very small increase on the present subsidy, of a fortnightly instead of the present monthly service. "Were this proposal carried into effect the course of post between England and New Zealand would be reduced to •!.} months, whilst by the progressive extension of telegraphic communication with England, important intelligence may always be received by that route up to within about 43 days of its arrival in New Zealand. In consequence of the determination of the Imperial Government to continue convict transportation to Western Australia, it has been proposed by the Colony of Victoria to cut off communication with that Colony by the Mail Steamers, and threats have been made that if that oourse be not agreed to the Colony of V ictoria will withdraw its contribution to the present main line of mail service. However objectionable the system of transportation to the colonies may be, the mode thus threatened to be adopted cannot be considered a wise one, nor one likely, upon mature consideration, to be adopted. Proposals have been made by the Colony of Queensland for the co-operation of this Colony in the establishment of a postal line via Singapore and Torres Straits, but these proposals have been declined until it be shown what advantage New Zealand could derive from such a line. The contribution of New Zealand to the existing Anglo-Australian line for the current vear amounts, as will be seen from the annexed papers, to £16,771 12s. Intee-coloniai Sehvices. The Melbourne and Otago service has, since the 11th January, 1864, been most efficiently performed by the contractors at a subsidy of £17,000 per annum. It terminates in January, 1865, and as the decision of the Assembly on the Panama contract might seriously affect the necessity for this line, it is proposed to call for fresh tenders for 6 months only. It is believed that the service will be tendered for at a rate much lower than the present one. The service between Sydney and Auckland has also been efficiently performed by the Inter-Colo-nial Company during the past year. Proposals, however, have been made by the Auckland Chamber of Commerce, and by the Government of Victoria, for the change of the Australian port from Sydney to Melbourne. This would certainly give to Auckland an earlier arrival and later departure of its English mails, and would, to a small extent, reduce the contribution payable by New Zealand to the Suez line. As, however, notice has, in accordance with the resolution of the Assembly, been given to the InterColonial Royal Mail Company of the termination of their contract in November 1565, it has not been thought advisable to make any alteration of port until the General Assembly shall have had an opportunity of dealing with the whole question The service between Sydney and Nelson has, during the past year, been efficiently performed, The subsidy of £1600 per annum for the continuation of this line from Nelson to Otago has been discontinued, as the new arrangements for the Inter-Provincial Rervipps rendered that line unnecessary. At the request of the Company the date of departure from Sydney was altered, so as to provide for the arrival of the English mail at Nelson several days earlier than under the former arrangements. ■ Inter-peovincial Services. In accordance with the resoluiions of the House of Representatives 'last session, the Postmaster General, on the termination of the then subsisting contracts, called for tenders for a bi-weekly inter-pro-vincial service. Sufficient tenders for theservicewere not received, and the Inter-Colonial Company having pointed out the injustice to which such a service would subject them, and declined to co-operate in it, the Postmaster General determined to obtain as efficient a service as possible for the amount voted by the General Assembly. After considerable negotiation with the Inter-Colonial Royal Mail Company and thoNew Zealand Steam Navigation Comvnny, he succeeded in arranging the present service, by which a steamer leaves and arrives at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Otago every fifth day, and at each of the other ports every tenth day. Punctuality of arrival and departure has been rigorously insisted upon, and the services have been performed most satisfactorily by both companies. The subsidy paid to the Inter-Colonial Royal Mail Company is about ss. per mile, whilst that paid to the New Zealand Steam Navigation Company is about 3s. lid. per mile. The boats of the latter Company are not so large as those of the former, but it is hoped that the rapidly increasing passenger trade of the Colony will soon justify the placing of larger and more powerful vessels on the coast. No wreck of any of the subsidized Steamers has occurred during the past year. Reports from the Telegraphic Engineer, Mr. Sheath, as to the progress of the Telegraph, and from the Marine Board as to the progress of Lighthouses, are hereto annexed. Thomas B. Gillies. General Post Office, Auckland, November 1864.



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APPEND ! X. PABTICJJLABS OP MAIL CONTRACTS, 1864—65. PROVINCE OP SOUTHLAND—17 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned places, j How often conveyed. Cost of Service per Annum. 1 2 3 4 5 ; 6 7 Invereargil Ditto Ditto Ditto Kiverton Ditto Wallace Town and Campbelltown . . . Daily „ Lake Whakatip . J Twice a Week . „ Grore . . . . Twice a Week . „ Eiverton . . . Thrice a Week „ Gkimmy's Bush . . Thrice a Week „ Mararoa (Te Amu Lakes) Fortnightly „ Waianiwa . . . Twice a Week . £ 1,200 1,200 400 300 75 200 55 8. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Cost of Conveyance £3,430 0 0 52,400 Miles to be travelled during the Tear, being at the rate of In. Bid. per Mile. /. 1864^-65. 0 PEOVINCE OP OTAGO.—68 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned places. How often Conveyed. Cost of Service per Annum. 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dun cdin and Hindon Ditto „ Port Chalmers Ditto „ Waitaki Ditto „ Clutha Ferry Tokomairiro „ Tuapeka .... Tuapeka . „ Dunstan .... Waikouaiti „ Dunstan .... Blackstonehil] „ Dunstan Creek . . ■ . Dunstan „ Queenstown . . . Ditto „ Cardrona . . .... Queenstown „ Moke Creek .... Dunedin „ Waipori . . /. Thrice a Week Twice a Day Weekly . Daily " . Daily Twice a Week . Twice a Week . Weekly . Thrice a Week Weekly . Weekly Weekly to Waipori Junction, Thrice a Week to Lake Waipori Twice a Week . Twice a Week . Twice a Week . Daily ... Thrice a Week Twice a Week . Twice a Week . Twice a Week . Twice a AVeek . Twice a Week . Weekly . £ s. d. 200 0 0 285 0 0 1,525 0 0 1,400 0 0 750 0 0 1,100 0 0 4,500 0 0 275 0 0 1,800 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Clutha Perry „ Mataura Ferry Ditto „ Port Molyneui Ditto „ Kaitangata Tuapeka „ 8ub-01Rees . . . Queenstown „ Kingston Ditto „ Maori Point . Waimera „ Waipahi .... Mataura „ Switzi .... Uimstan „ Nevis Athol „ Nokomai .... Oa.naru '■ .. Morvi a Hills .... 500 0 0 550 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 750 0 0 416 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 360 0 0 90 0 I 3S0 0 * Total Cost of Coi uveyance . . ; £10,501 0 0 O,, 254,824 Miles to be travelled during the Year, being at the rate of Is. 3£d. per Mile. •Note. —Tnc above does'not include a sum of i6800 paid annually for Conveyance^of Mails by Sea .'• between Dimodin and Port Chalmers, u

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1864-65, PEOVINCE OF CANTEEBUEY—42 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often Conveyed. Cost of Service per annum. I 2 :! 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 1] 12 18 II 1", 16 Christchurch and Lytteltou Ditto „ Tiinaru Ditto „ Kowai. Ditto „ Snowdon Ditto „ St. Albans . Lyttelton „ Akaroa Ditto „ O'Kain'sBay Ditto „ Port Levy . D! „ Governor's Bay Kaipora „ Eangiora Kowai „ Hawkswood Timaru „ Waitangi Ditto „ McKenzie & Co. . Eangiora „ Oxford Ashburton „ Forks of Ashburton Crossing the Eiver Waitangi Twice a Day . Thrice a AVeek. . Daily . Weekly . Twice a Week . Tlirice a Week. . Weekly . . Weekly . Weekly . . Daily . Weekly . . Weekly . Weekly . Twice a Week . Weekly . .1 Weekly . £ 550 2725 430 250 18 30G 90 40 50 70 450 350 200 ■ 50 100 25 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total cost of Conveyance.... . £5704 0 0 107,332 miles to be travelled during the Tear, being at the rate of Is. Of d. per mile. * 1864-65. PROVINCE OF MAELBOEOTTGH—15 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often Conveyed. Cosfof Service per annum. 1 2 .'{ 4 5 Picton Ditto Ditto Ditto Blenheim and » Hawkeswood Blenheim .... Hayelock and Deep Creek. Havelock (extra) Eeuwick and Birch Hill . Fornightly Thrice a Week. Twice a week . Weekly . Twice a Week to Wairau Valley, Fortnightly to Birch Hill . Weekly . Fortnightly Twice a Week to Deep Creek, Thrice a Week to Forks . £ 375 133 375 114 S. o 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 <; 7 s Ditto Ditto Hnvolnek Benopai .... Awatere .... Porks .... 180 83 47 0 4 10 0 0 0 200 0 0 Toti il cost of Conveyance . . £1507 14 0 37,050 miles travelled annually being, at the rate of 9Jd. per mile.

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1864-65. PEOVINCE OP NELSON—20 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often Conveyed. Cost of Service per annum. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nelson Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto | Wakefield Ditto and Tapiikuaka Wakefleld Bewaka . Havelock. Richmond Tadmore . Fox Hill . " Weekly . Thrice a "Week. Twice a "Week . Weekly . Daily Fortnightly Weekly . ■| .n 25 80 170 195 20 24 10 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toti il cost of Conveyance . . £524 0 0 26,104 miles travelled annually, being at the rate of 5d. per mile. 1864-65. . PEOVINCE OP WELLINGTON—20 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often Conveyed. Cost of Service per annum. 1 2 8 4 6 6 Wellington Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Masterton and » Upper Hutt Wanganui Karori Masterton. ditto . Castle Point Daily Weekly . Twice a Week . Weekly . Weekly ] Fortnightly ) ' £ 45 360 12 180 8. 0 0 0 0 d. 0 o 0 0 289 0 0 * Toti il cost of Conveyance . . £886 0 0 35,728 Miles travelled Annually, being at the rate of 6d per Mile. •Notb. —The above does not include a sum of £75 paid per Annum for carrying Letters, <fcc, from Grey Town to upper part of Wairarapa Valley,—a like amount ia paid by the Settlers.'

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1861-65. PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND—75 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often conveyed. Cost of Service per annum. 1 2 8 Auckland and Newton Auckland and North Shore of the Waitemata Auckland and Onehunga ..... Twice daily Daily Twice daily C As often as ship < mails are received or ( despatched f Twice daily to and j from Drury, daily to I Wairoa and Queen's | Redoubt, twice a week to and from l^Waiuku . » . Three times a week . Twice a week . Daily 10 0 0 25 0 0 156 0 0 ■1 Auckland and Manukau ..... 128 0 0 Auckland, Drury and Queen's Redoubt, Wairoa andWaiuku ....... - • GOO 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Queen's Redoubt and the Bluff, Waikato River . Waiuku, Port Waikato, and Raglan .Auckland, St. John's College, Panmure and Howick Auckland and Whan Bridge, Helensville and Kaukapakapa ....... Whau Bridge and Muddy Creek .... Helensville (Kiapara), Port Albert and Paparoa . Helensville and Mangawhare, Wairoa River . Auckland and Matakana . . . Matakana and Mangawai and Mangapai Mangawai and Port Albert . • . Mangawai and Paparoa Wangarei Heads and Waipu .... Wangarei Heads and Paroa Bay .... Russell and Herd's Point, Hokianga ... Herd's Point and Onoke, Hokuoga Russsell, Mongonui and Ahipara .... Weekly . Weekly . Weekly Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Fortnightly 182 0 0 IDS' 0 0 90 0 0 196 0 0 23 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 156 0 0 180 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 31 4 0 20 16 0 57 4 0 10 0 0 90 0 0 Total cost of Conveyance . . £2210 4 0 111.436 miles to be travelled during flic Tear, being at tfie rate of 5d. per mile. 'K 7 1864-65. -»i. PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAT—27 Offices. No. Mail Services between the undermentioned Places. How often Conveyed. -■Cost of Service per annum. 1 2 3 4 5 8 Napier and Waipawa ..... Waipawa „ Porangahau .... Porangahau „ Castle Point Clive „ Pourerere. Te Aute „ Patangata Waipukerau by G rants and Lambert's, Ruatauiwha, and G-wavas, and on to Waipawa Napier and Puhitapu and Kereru Pukitapu „ Waipuna . . . Napier „ Wairoa . . Wairoa „ Turanga Weekly . Weekly . Twice a Week Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . £ 8. d. 297- 0 -0 66 0 0 70 0 0 GO 0 0 23 10' 0 60 0 0 7 8 9 10 Weekly . Weekly . Weekly . Twice a Week (33 0 0 39 12 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 Tot :al cost of Conveyance . . £S39 o 0 45,406 Miles to be travelled during the Tear, being at the rate of 4d. Mile.

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ABSTRACT OF INLAND MATL CONTRACTS 1864—65. No. Province. Miles to be travelled in the Tear. Tearly Amount of Contracts. 1 Southland . 2 Otago . . . . . 3 Canterbury . . . . . 4 Marlborough . 5 Nelson . 6 Wellington . 7 Auckland . 8 Hawke's Bay ... 52,400 254,824 107,332 37,050 2C.KU 35,728 111,436 45,406 £ 3,430 16,501 5,704 1,507 r>?,< 886 2,210 S39 s. 0 0 0 14 0 o 4 2 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Miles to be travelled in the Tear throughout the Colony Total Amount of Contracts .... 670,280 £31,632 0 0 Average rate of Cost per Mile throughout the Colony, Hid. per Mile. G. ELIOTT ELIOTT, Secretary, P.G.O. COMPA ]> AT!VE STATEMENT OF INLAND MAIL CONTRACTS IN THE COLONT OF . NEW ZEALAND FOE THE FINANCIAL TEAES 1861-2, 1862-3, 1863-4, 1864-5. Fo. Piwinces. Gross Sums paid for Mail Contracts in the Financial Tears 1802-;) 1863-4. 1 84-5. I 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 <) Southland Otago Canterbury Marlborough Nelson Wellington Taranaki Auckland Hawke's Bay . £ *. 11. 3,272 0 0 1,743 0 0 475 0 0 256 0 0 613 0 0 £ s. u. 2,400 0 0 17,207 0 0 2,866 10 0 69o 0 0 300 0 0 504 0 0: £ &. d. 4,700 0 0 16,327 4 0 3,367 8 0 770 0 0 334 0 0 645 0 0 £ h. d. 3,430 0 0 16,501 0 OT 0 5,704 0* 0 1,507 14 524 0 0 886 0 0 2,025 14." 0 538 0 0 1,559 17" 0 652 0 0 1,494 16" 0 788 0 0 2,240 4" 0 839 2 0 Toti Js £8,922 14 0 26,299 7 0 28,426 S o 31,632 0 0 G. ELIOT* ELI(X Secretai 'a. p. o.

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LIST OF POST OFFICES IN THE COLONY OP NEW ZEALAND. NOTE: The Chief Post Office of each Province is printed in Capitals. The Money Order Offices are distinguished by an Asterisk * The Second-class Offices are marked thus f PEOVINCE OF AUCKLAND : *tAUCKLAND *f Port Waikato Port Albert Newton *fEaglan Paparoa Newmarket St. John's College Matakohe •fOxtabunga I'anmure Mangawai do "" Queen .Street Howick Mangapai ' ♦Otahuhu Whau Bridge Coromandel Papatoitoi Muddy Creek Port Fitzroj Papakura Henderson's Mill Whitiangi Wairoa Waitemata Mill Tauranga Druiy Kaukapakapa Maketu Queen's Eedoubt Helensville Poverty Bay Eangiriri Arat a p 11 W angarei Heads Newcastle Mauugawhare *Waipu Waikato Coal Mines North Shore *fWangarei Ngahinepouri Lucas Creek Russell Whata Wlata Wade Keri Keri Te Eori Orewa Waimate Alexandra Waiwera Hokianga Hamilton Mahurangi Heads Tairaire Pukerimu Mahurangi Wangaroa Te Avamutu Central Mahurangi *Mongonui Cambridge Matakana Kaitaia Miranda Eedoubt Pakiri Ahipara Mauku Te Arai Tarawera Waiuku Maungaturoto Opotiki PSOTINCE OP TAEAIfAKI : *NEW PLYMOUTH PEOTINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY: ♦NAPIi'H Gwavas Kereru Shakespnere Eoad Waipukerau Woodthorp Cli\ e Wallingford Peka Peka Pourere Porangahau Waipuna Havelock Wainui Petane Te Ante Castle point Mohaka Patangata Meanee Bridge Wairoa Waipawa Puketapu Mahia Euataniwha Maraekakahu Turanga PEOTINCE OF WELLINGTON: ♦WELLINGTON Pahautanui Masterton *fWanganui Hutt Whareama Turakina Taita Castle Point Middle Eangitiki Upper Hutt Karori Manawatu Featherston Porirua Otaki Grey Town Eangitiki Waikanae Carterton PEOVINCE OF NELSON: *NELSON Upper Moutere Slate Eiver Stoke Lower Moutere Buller Eiver Eichmond Motueka Tadmor Spring Grove Eiwaka _ Amuri Waimea West Takaka Wakapuaka Wakefield Motupipi Fox Hill Appleby *Collmgwood



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PROVINCE Or MABLBOHOUGH : •PICTON Wairau Valley Canviura Town *tßlenhemi Birch Hill Deep Creek *fHavelock Benopai Porks Goulands Ferry Grove Awatere Eenwick Town Mahakipawa Kekerangu PROVINCE Or CANTERBURY: •CHEISTCHUECH *tLyttelton Rangitata fAkaroa McKenzie Country Eiccarton Arowhemia Moeraki Downs Bobinson's Bay •fAshburton O'Kains Bay Saltwater Creek Duvauchelles Bay . Orari . Sdwyn Ferry Eoad Oxford Snowdon Forks of Ashburton Papanui St. Albaa's Grey Eiver Pareora *Thnaru Governor's Bay Pigeon Bay Temukaka Heathcote Eailway Station Port Levy Wahnate Heathcote Valley Racecourse Hill Waitaki Hurunui Eakaia N. Weedcn ♦Kaiapoi do. S. Woodend K°wai Ranijiora Wijidwliistle House Little Akaloa PROVINCE OF OTAOO : ♦DUNEDIN Monroe's Gully Maori Point •fPort Chalmers Gabriel's Gully Moke Creek *Oamaru We;itherstone Buckler's Burn ♦Waikowaiti Warepa JS'ortli Taieri ♦Waitahuna Puarua West Taieri ♦Tuapeka Molyneux Township W'aipori *Dunstan Kaiiangata El Dorado •Mamiherikia Junction Pomahaku Lake Waipori ♦Queenstown Switzers • iiindou #Arro\v Ei\er Nokomai Blueskin *T'okomairiro Linburn Palmerston Mount Ida ]S>vis liampdcn Caversham Miller^ Hat Otepopo Green Island Long Valley Omarama East Taieri 1\ \ iot Junction Morven Hills Otakia Kawarau Junction Waitaki Perry Taieri Ferry Kawarau Gorge Kyeburn Waihola Rocky Point Blacks "Wailiola Gorge Albert Town Blackstone Hill Clutha Perry Cardrona Hamilton's Kaihiku Bridge Franktown Hyde Popotunoa IviTigston Dunstan Creek Glenore Arthur's Point PROVINCE OF SOUTHLAND : •INVEECAEGILL dummy's Bush Waianiwa Atholl Long Bush Wairaki Benmore Lowther V^allace Town Campbelltown Mararoa Wiiiton Green Hills Otautau Mataura Gore *l?iverton Or. Eiioxt Eliott, Secretary General Post Office.



D.—No. 1A. ENDIX.




> t • s s ( F LETTERS RECEIVED AT TIFU SEVERAL CHIEF POST OFFICES IN NEW ZEALAND DURING ) i|. 1863. THE Auckland. Plymouth. Wellington. Napier Nelson. Picton. Lyttelton. Dunedin. [nvercvgill. i Total: Totals. Without tiik Colony. 5,579 20,347 7,740 15,539 "| 7i)0 84,968 12 :-;s United Kingdom (a) . 66,086 Australian Colonies (a) 25,099 1,250 -,.720 1,093 7,000 \- •8,695 11,515 L78.609 ! »S5 31 1,905 24 231 J | • 288 2,055 99 Other Places (a) 4,115 Total Foreign r 95,900 0,800 27,978 8,857 23,486 3,695 -,-,03 266,232 40 772 546,32 540,323 I . I Withix the Colony. Other Provinces of New ZeaL nd 57,532 21,812 15,201 14,619 23,663 20,031 ' \!S2 62,274 34,745 | 15.201 14,619 19,886 2 |,663 I 1,257 11,24] 1-2,182 02,2 7-i 34 745 328,05 328,059 Offices within the Province 131,402 1 75? 19,886 I i,257 ll.^M '.230 364,990 2 314 f 4 I 757 202,236 244,418 364,990 127,264 I 59.5.-,!) SI 5,503 815,56 i __ .. Total Inland 188,93 1 21,812 «:),:. ."S. 84, 30.920 37.272 244.418 197".; I sokkq ia 53. 84,485 30,920 37,272 1,143,622 i a o no General Totals, 1 SG'i . Ditto 1862 . 284,834 185,755 28,672 22,227 117,930 101.013 13,342 03,350 ■iu,<m;7 317,011 215,712 693,496 360,2 10 100,331 31,104 1,089.945 I 12,800 1,021,735 3G.11G 50,132 1 • $'a- T^t ™mbem iu(- lude "ill Letters so originatiag, I a1 exclude all I any other Prpvince or Place, received thence with the Mail for the Province named * No direct Mails were received at Picton from the United Kin ;dom or the Australian Colonies. The above rotal wa* a»certained by sub-division from Maflareceiv. dfrom Nelson, &c.

D.—No. 1A. DIX.




'Ap: ,S RECEIVED AT THE SEVERAL CHIEF POST OFFICES IN NEW ZEALAND DURING THE YEAR 1S03. i^-DUE, oxi^j vv J.i> VT IN I -DJiJin UJ JM Ji W S.TA.tMi.K > Auckland. D1 1*ew. 1 Plymouth. Wellingi in. Napier. Nelson. Picton. Lyttleton. Dunedin. Invercargill. Totals Without the Colony. United Kingdom 115,900 0,700 63,970 18,212 68,410 150,411 161,186 24,000 Australian Colonies . 28,175 1,972 9,487 1,516 7,954 - 8,400 16,868 117,068 47,561 Other Places 2,892 220 49 429 J 441 2,990 24 Total Foreign 146,973 8,672 73,089 19,770 76,793 8,100 173,220 281,250 71,645 800,418 Within thk Colony. Other Provinces of Now Zealand. 40,328 22,996 48,120 27,509 27,087 28,890 44,256 40,650 33,459 325,300 Oflices within the Province. 18,125 10,086 20,156 2,854 3,230 187,929 40,549 5,528 288,407 | Total Inland 64,463 22,990 47,666 29,911 87,199 38,987 013,707 58,156 32,120 232,184 General Totals, 1S63 . Ditto 1862 . 211,426 179,250 31,668 24,818 131,845 102,730 67,441 35,434 106,734 102,889 40,526 7,895 405,404 181,881 36s,449 110,032 1,474,125 187,132 32,751 854,786 Newspapers having > dealt with in the same way as Letters in the Returns from which this Table was compiled, the Notes to the preceding Table (No. applicable here. ) are equally

D.—No. 1A. ENDIX.




NUMBERS OP LETTERS DESPATCHED FROM THE SEVERAL CHIEF POST OFFICES, AND PASSING THROUGH TH! POST OFFICES IN THE SEVERAL PROVINCES OF NEW ZEALAND DURING THE TEAR 1863. Auckland. Plymouth. Wellington. Napier. Nelson. Pictpn. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Invereargill. Totals. i Without the Coloicy. 7,388 i 14,438 United Kingdom (b) . 75,639 7,679 19,600 8,164 (iO,443 101,188 18,3 tO 307,879 Australian Colonies (b) 24,497 I 1,410 .~>,S97 1,076 5,440 829 15,183 187,103 31,005 272,440 Other Places (b) 3,439 301 625 [ 2 1,125 (>6 786 4,245 862 10,951 Total Foreign 103,575 9,390 26,122 8,466 76,412 591,270 21,003 4,059 292,536 49,707 Witutn the Colony. Other Provinces of N. Z. (b) 23,311 38,607 13,895 33,879 57,191 16,229 38,350 68,769 29,670 319,401 Offices within the Province (c) 161,829 49,159 26,356 40,251 29,219 62,598 13,779 197,450 299,584 27.388 804,764 } Total Inland 219.020 23,311 S7.76G 30,008 235,800 368,353 57,058 1,124,165 General Totals, 1863 Ditto 1862 322,595 196,282 32,701 21,798 113,888 104,879 48,717 38,474 83,601 68,399 34,067 312,212 060,889 106,705 1,715,435 12,260 23 fc,459 389,234 32,063 1,098,448 (b). These Numbers include only Letters posted in the respective Provinces for such destination. (c) These Numbers include all Letters posted at any Office within the Province for any other Office in the same

D.—No. 1A.




TABLE SHEWING THE NUMBERS OF NEWSPAPE JS DESPATCHED FROM THE SEVERAL CHIEF POST OFSTC !B8, AND P/ SSING THROUGH TH1 POST OFFICES IN THE i iEVERAL PROVINCES OF NEW ZEALAND, DURING THE I EAR 1863. I I i I ' ■ i New Wellington. Napier. Nelson. Picton. Lyttleton. Nelson. Dimediu. Invercargill. Totals. Auckland. Wellington. Napier. Plymouth. Without the Colony. United Kingdom 55,205 16.302 415,059 96,939 8,115 34,914 6,604 55,205 3,240 70,883 34,914 6,604 122,857 16.302 Australian Colonies . 26,272 1,218 10,067 924 7,431 573 12,167 10,067 924 7,431 115,756 22 : 403 196,811 22 : 403 Other Places 3,689 368 1,161 3 1,753 8 1,381 1,161 3 1,753 1,664 280 10,307 280 Total Foreign 126,900 9,701 46,142 7,531 64,389 3,821 84,431 210,277 38.985 622,177 38.985 "Within the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. 87,546 9,637 50,947 8,474 30,481 11,871 52,709 77,497 16,273 315,435 Offices within the Province. 239,0S9 112,603 40,772 ! 34,917 i 21,576 225,014 232,095 40,866 955,932 277,723 309,592 i 60.139 Total Inland 326,635 9,637 163,550 49,246 65,398 33,417 1301,367 General Totals, 1863 . Ditto 1862 . 453,535 302,815 19,338 209,692 56,777 39,512 129,7S7 117,150 37,268 10,289 862,154 198,500 549,869 310,883 105.124 23,974 1,923,544 14,341 191,873 12O9,:i37 Newspapers having been dealt with in the same way as Letters in the Eeturns, the Notes to the preceding <-' Table No. uall ilicable here. are ei

D.—No. 1A..




TIT7? NUMBERS OF LETTEES DESPATCHED FROM NEW ZEALAND TO PL CES OUT OF THE COLONY DURING THE TEAR 1863. "V.'JIEXCE •espat< !HED. Destination. I I 3 5 s f o 4a d d I c & 'p. c 7. to a c t so I £ Aden Alexandria .... Austrian Post Office at Alexandria . . . Batavia Beyrout .... Bombay .... Borneo Boston, U. S. . Cairo Calcutta .... Callao Cape of Good Hope'. Ceylon Corfu . . . Fiji ...... France ..... Friendly Islands . . Gibraltar .... Hong Kong . . . Honolulu .... Japan King George's Sound London via Southamptn „ Marseilles „ other routes Madras Malta Manilla Marseilles .... Mauritius .... Moulmein .... Natal Navigators' Islands . New Caledonia . . New South Wales . Norfolk Islands . . Panama i;enang Point-de-Galle . . Queensland . . . Sandwich Islands San Francisco . . . Singapore .... South Australia . . St. Helena .... Suez Tahiti Tasmania .... Travelling Post OfficeMarseilles to Lyons Triest . . . Valparaiso . . . Vancouver's Island Victoria Western Australia . 14 0 6 226 783 11 358 131 41 6 29 139 25 13 65,217 10,418 4 181 68 8 180 99 223 1 1 1 17 7 2 "20" 17 6,310 1,369 12 1 "i" 98 74 4 42 9 l" 7" 28 15,054 4,519 27 79 3 6,239 1,149 6 103 485 "67" 94 129 ""70" U,759 2,679 "82" 12 9 23 13 6 1 2,668 496 12 1 3 2 1 1 69 1 1 378 81 78 21 1 2 9 a 46 1 48 49,972 10,400 71 68 14 3 13 84 60 10 187 519 20 155 68 5 16 103 1 82,028 19,160 80 19 4 554 95 5 6 "sis" 85 22 50 '"$' IS 15,310 3,030 "2o" 4 31 107 60 18 I 940 2 1 1 2,347 67 752 386 3 52 129 15 75 421 25 14 49 254,557 53,220 102 527 163 15 763 285 5 I 1 38 39,336 20 I 8 8 2,480 3 311 69 3,327 44 7 " 20 15 29 12 1 14 11,951 14 1 861 2,460 498 2,686 361' ...„. 5 3,697 1 "l9 15,062 l,760" 5 7 "l 716 198 16 1,049 17 2 6 2,465 ' 16 105 3 3 321 155 14 1 '""311" s 1,002 3 102 17 161 7 a 706 93 348 15 "'36' 795 T 429 "27" 4 118 "2" 324 "33" 2,139 li,837 6,352 23,69 679 138 4 22 8,209 107 7s" 10 2,556 26 57 1,986 5 46 164,048 5,154 65 1 2,722 281 10 78 198,244 5,308 322 "578" 1,927 395 11 8,193 22,016 10 r Totals, 1863 . Do. 1862 . 103,575 83,308 9,390 7,860 25,990 26,237 8,466 7,586 21,003 19,897 4,059 2,668 76 412 55,041 292,536 206,687 W.7O7 12,572 591,138 421,855

D.—No. 1A.




• ,i K\ Ijj hi8' P REVENUE of NEW ZEALAND for the Tear 1863, and of the POSTAL Years ending 31st December, 1862, and 1863. EXPENDITURE from the Colonial Treasury, during the Eevenue 18G3. Expenditure, 1862. Expenditure, 1S63. Local. Commission Postal Eevenue on Money Orders Salaries. Contingencies Mails. Totals. Salaries. Contingencies Mails. Totals. - Auckland . Taranaki . . Wellington . Ilawke's Bay . Nelson. Marlborougli . Canterbury Otago . Southland Chatham Islands 5,254 10 10 49S 2 1 2,013 17 5 679 10 10 1,197 6 6 317 6 2 6,498 18 1 14,324 2 7 2,482 7 5 3 0 0 136 5 23 7 46 10 18 10 35 4 17 10 207 4 473 11 96 3 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.343 11 0 200 0 0 1.203 6 8 257 8 8 795 0 4 218 3 8 1,111 10 11 3,591 12 3 204 3 4 0 0 0 53 1 6 9 174 16 11 185 14 9 41 11 9 433 8 1 92 0 8 8G7 12 1 2,752 17 6 236 14 0 0 0 0 358 1 6 0 0 0 641 5 7 391 0 3 237 14 6 311 9 4 1,398 7 0 3,012 2 2 16 5 0 0 0 0 2,730 19 3 874 1G 11 2,030 7 0 093 0 8 1,466 2 11 621 13 8 3,377 10 0 9,356 11 11 457 2 4 0 0 0 3,147 11 8 225 0 0 1,190 16 5 449 19 0 923 5 7 307 10 0 1,586 18 11 6,532 10 4 1,578 10 6 0 0 0 1.215 3 124 17 346 12 257 7 303 9 125 0 1,148 6 5,884 1 618 7 0 0 3 1 0 1 9 8 0 2 9 0 2.331 6 6 0 0 0 595 14 8 700 3 4 385 6 0 678 6 8 2,627 10 0 10,486 6 11 1,333 6 8 0 0 0 (a) 6,694 1 5 349 17 1 2,133 3 1 1,407 9 5 1,612 1 4 1,170 17 4 5,362 14 11 22,852 18 5 3,530 4 11 0 0 0 Totals Bevenue, &c, 1863 £ 32,329 1 11 1,054 5 0 8,924 10 10 ! 924 10 10 15,319 2 6 6,864 5 5,319 2 6 6,864 5 4 4 21,108 4 8 Genkeal, — General Expenses, 1862 . . Steam Subsidies, „ (c) . . 3,225 16 0 . 32,040 1 3 Total Expenditure, 1862 . £56,374 1 11 16,002 5,002 2 5 j 9,973 4 9 19,138 2 5 0 • 9 45,113 7 11 Gexebju, — General Expenses, 1863 . . Steam Subsidies, 1868 . . . (b) 4,025 11 1 . (c) 47,080 17 4 Total Expenditure, 1863 . . . . £96,219 16 4 (a) Including arrears of 1862, amounting to £973 14s. 9d. (b) Exclusive of salary of Postmaster-General, 26th November, 1862, to October, 1863, amounting to £498 15b. W „ of Imperial portion of Steam Subsidy.

D.—No. 1A.




COMPAEATIVE TABLE SHO PEOVINCES OF NEW 1862, and 1863. ING THE POSTAL EEVENUE OF THE SEVERAL IEALAND FOE TILE YEARS 1858, 1859, I860, 1861, March Quarter. June Quarter. Sept. Quarter. Dec. Quarter. Totals. Auckland. 1858 . L868 . 1860 . 1801 . 1862 . 1863 . £ s. d. 428 13 1 640 2 6 766 18 5 932 9 11 1124 7 0 964 5 10 £ s. d. 523 19 3 565 1 11 704 8 9 848 0 4 1036 11 8 1111 2 0 £ b. d. 454 3 9 081 15 1 703 17 5 974 0 7 90O 12 1 1365 12 8 £ s. d. 571 5 6 634 17 1 843 16 10 925 5 0 923 14 6 1818 10 t £ s. d. 1978 1 7 2521 16 7 3079 1 5 3679 16 4 4045 5 3 5254 10 10 Tarnaki. 1858 . 1859 . 1860 . 1861 , 1862 . 1863 . 62 0 0 71 0 8 80 8 9 197 12 9 130 1 8 101 1 8 75 1 4i 88 13 10 109 15 7 147 14 0 128 18 2 141 17 • 8 68 18 3 69 5 8 L61 4 8 96 14 1 106 2 8 13S 11 3 73 18 0. 1, 71 0 5 155 2 6 86 15 2 98 3 1 110 8 0 274 17 8 300 0 2 506 11 I 528 16 0 463 0 2 498 2 1 Havre's Bay. 1858 . 1859 . 1860 . 1861 . 1862 . 1863 . 27 14 9 44 15 4 113 8 10 101 4 0 129 9 5 123 8 10 40 12 8 54 17 0 116 16 8 128 1 7 156 3 2 182 6 2 44 4 4 92 19 6 109 8 8 140 S 4 133 6 4 200 2 2 10 15 2 103 14 9 105 9 1 135 17 0 174 10 2 173 13 8 158 6 11 296 6 7 444 17 10 505 7 11 593 9 1 679 10 10 Wellington 1868 . 1859 . 1860 . 1861 . 1S02 . 1863 . 270 2 6 332 3 4 386 8 3 425 8 0 480 14 3 510 18 7 387 12 5 300 14 4 384 4 1 304 12 8 511 2 8 517 13 11 292 12 4 387 8 7 866 11 1 120 16 9 517 1 2 511 7 11 340 11 2 317 4 4 303 14 2 III 11 0 160 19 10 503 17 <i 1290 11 5 1397 10 7 1501 0 7 1662 8 11 1959 17 11 2043 17 5 Nelson. 1858) Inclusive 1859 [ of 1860 ) Marlboro'. 1861 . 1S02 . 1863 . 159 5 1 171 9 7 229 3 0 250 0 8 279 5 2 298 17 5 1S9 1 6 191 7 9 245 19 3 295 10 5 308 0 11 290 17 7 194 10 2 l>:!n 7 3 251 6 0 268 0 11 296 10 7 29!) 16 4 1 88 4 4 221 13 S 268 II 9 304 IS 2 305 S 1 ••{07 15 2 731 1 I 831 S 1 995 3 0 1114 2 2 1189 10 9 1157 0 6 M VRUSOEOUGH. 1801 . 1802 . 1863 . 30 9 7 84 3 (5 67 4 0 54 9 2 70 3 4 ill' 16 4 68 17 3 74 15 7 91 !) 0 •17 10 7 05 S 11 95 10 4 200 12 7 294 11 !■ 347 0 2 Canterbury. 1858 . 1859 . 1S00 . 1801 . 1862 . 1863 . 177 3 7 308 12 1 513 10 10 730 1 9 949 13 0 1230 2 1 255 14 6 419 6 5.', 517 17 5 670 4 9 1067 10 0 1279 11 7 250 12 7 462 IL 71 l!)0 3 8 054 IS 10 994 16 10 1510 1 0 866 0 8 373 1 4 580 is 2 734 10 1 1004 15 9 1173 3 2 1049 11 1 1503 11 6 2052 15 8 2790 1 5 4016 10 7 5498 18 1 Otago. 1868 . 1859 . 1860 . 1801 . 1862 . 1863 . 103 9 <>.', 184 12 1 334 14 0 525 2 11 2495 S 2 3279 10 9 131 IS 1 208 10 2 309 12 o 5(19 12 10 2159 19 5 :{7(»2 13 3 139 8 W 260 8 :H 884 7 0 GS2 5 0 L942 17 2 3597 7 1 171 12 7 218 15 0! 200 10 4 I7!»l 10 3 2721 4 5 3714 11 6 546 8 8 90i 7 5 1489 3 10 .'{508 11 5 9319 9 2 14,324 2 7 Southland. 1861 . 1862 . 1803. Included in Otago 141 8 1 495 11 10 45 17 11 197 14 1 640 2 S 30 16 2 227 10 11 650 1!) !) 35 17 2 200 14 11 089 13 2 112 11 ;; 828 14 (i 24S2 7 5 Chatham Islands. 1863 . 3 0 0 3 0 0 Totals. 1858 . 1859 . 1800 . 1801 . 1802 . 1803 . 1228 8 64 1752 15 7 2424 18 7 3192 9 7 5814 10 9 7077 1 9 1003 19 9^ 1897 1 84 2488 13 9 3104 9 8 5031 4 11 7905 1 2 1439 9 lOi 2192 15 7 2520 15 9 3327 1 !< 5253 18 11 8305 10 2 1752 7 5| 1790 (i 7^ 202S 5 10 4484 7 5 5010 19 8 8921 8 10 6024 5 s 7812 19 1 10,068 13 11 14,108 8 N 22,710 14 3 32,329 1 11 G-. Eliott ■Secnti Eliott, »ry G. P. O.

D.—No. 1A. DIX.




JMBER AND AMOUNT OF MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AND PAID IN THE COLONY OF NEW ZEALAND DURING THE TEAR 1863. Mokei Orders Issued. Province ■where Tssued. On United Kingdom. On Victoria. On Nev i" South "Wales. On h Australia. On Queensland. On Western Australia. On Places in New Zealand, Totals. Sout No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. i No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. (• i 916 17 4 22 s 0 172 17 6 19 19 G 145 2 0 97 7 1 s23 19 G 16,7 K) 1 t 3,151 5 10 E 511 1 8 11 13 0 71 Gil 7 17 0 112 G 1 33 13 6 140 19 G 167 0 1 G9 9 0 £ 8. d. 7 15 6 0 £ s. d. 2 9 0 6 Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay . Nelson .... Marlboroufjli . Canterbury Ota#o . . . Southland £ s. d. 051 1,052 4 0 09 104 I 7 312 1,251 IS 2 114 510 0 9 199 888 19 8 54 310 6 6 1215 5,750 (i 1 1484 7.260 10 2 282 1.481 3 2 £ s. 4,052 4 104 I 1.251 18 519 0 888 19 340 6 5.750 (i 7.260 10 1,481 3 d. 0 7 9 8 G 1 2 2 2G9 31 25 13 175 3114 5G3 130 8 19 21 8 3 2 2 — I £ s. d. 5 1 0 10 10 0 3 11 10 I 184 173 115 55 87 104 128 747 308 £ a. d. 867 11 7 591 16 4 365 2 7 221 16 3 393 18 5 446 8 11 1852 12 I 3621 15 2 1252 10 7 15 Mi 286 179 179 336 179 1880 5520 1181 £ s. d. 6,377 2 1 1,040 11 1 1,8(54 17 0 768 13 6 1,552 16 2 917 16 0 8,580 7 2 28,555 9 0 6,0-15 8 7 I 17 10 0 I - 20 98 13 3 65 15 12 10 0 392 4 0 01 0 0 5 32 9 0 7 41 0 0 _ Totals . 47 10 21,941 o 1 1205 22,0S9 is 1 325 1,425 7 0 94 532 6 10 12 47 15 0 I - 9 50 0 6 2201 9613 11 11 12 11,586 55,703 1 5 Money Ojideus Paid. Issued in United Kingdom. Issued in New South Wales. ■ Issued in Victoria. Issued in tli Australia. Issued in Queensland Issued in AYest-ei-n Australia. Issued in New Zealand. Province where Paid. Sou Totals. i - . i No. No. Amount. No. So. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. No. A mount. No. Amount. No. Amount. Amouut. 102 12 33 25 ' 3 7(> 66 6 854 15 129 17 3 12 112 13 I 0 331 4 315 9 39 0 0 o 0 7 1 7 5 0 30 I Auckland Tarnnaki. Wellington Hauke's Bay . Nelson .YTarlborougli . Canterbury Otago Southland 30 171 8 G 22 101 1 G 4 13 3 G 1 3 0 0 381 1,199 19 2 31 107 2 11 191 s!>7 17 1 ; 19 : 79 ia 9 171 785 0 3 23 111 11 2 278 1.076 16 2 836 -1,019 12 11 131 j 591 H 1 633 16 239 22 206 27 374 13 is 175 2,643 7 0 137 II 11 1.076 11 10 84 1 4 963 16 I 125 II 2 1,495 3 9 6,696 7 3 848 7 9 - s 2L 5 18] 0 1 10 () S :! I G 21 150 19 7 39 0 15 IS 17 9 L 0 15 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 <i 12 19 16 G (i ■ 372 2,053 3 8 0 :il 178 10 8 1 1 2 9 1 10 () 0 •>o 119 8 G 7 13 3 _ . | Totals . 115 1,824 0 8 72 453 14 6 456 2,439 11 1 I 27 163 1t 9 3 20 13 3 I 2067 ,0,169 4 6 3,040 14,070 18 9

D.—No. 1A. DIX.




STATEMENT OF THE NUMBEE ANI ) VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS STATEMENT OF THE IS PHINTED FOR UMBER AND VALUE OF PC •STAGE STAMPS PRINTED FJR THE YEAR E NDING JUNE 30th, 1863. THE YEAR ENDED 30th JL^ E, 1864. Description. j No. of Sheets. No. of Stamps. Value. No. of Sheets. I No. of Stamps. I Description. Value. At One Shilling . 452 108,480 £ 5,421 s. 0 d. 0 £ s. d. 5,196 0 0 At One Shilling . 433 103,920 At Sixpence 1,511 363,360 9,084 0 0 At Sixpence 8,405 817,200 20,430 0 0 At Threepence 500 120,000 1,500 0 0 At Threepence At Two] once At One Penny _ At Twopence 1,003 960,720 ,8,006 0 0 7,373 1,769,520 14,746 0 0 At One Penny . 813 195,120 813 0 0 2,863 ' 567,600 2,365 0 0 i |__ Tola I 7,282 1,747,680 '£24,827 0 0 ! Total . • 13,576 3,258,240 £41,737 0 0 I G. Elliot Elliot, Secretary G. P. O.

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Bibliographic details

FIFTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, 1863--4. BY THE POSTMASTER GENERAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, D-01a

Word Count

FIFTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, 1863--4. BY THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, D-01a

FIFTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, 1863--4. BY THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, D-01a