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D—No. 1

Xo. 1. MR. PETSCnLER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Auckland, 23rd August, 1862. Sir,— I take the liberty of handing Your Excellency an Enclosure which I received by the last mail from my Hamburg friends, Messrs. J. C. Godeffroy and Son. On your return to Auckland, I will do myself the honor of waiting upon Your Excellency. I have, &c, C. Petschler. His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

Enclosure in No. 1. MESSES. GODEFFROY TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Hamburg, 25th June, 1862. Tour Excellency, When Governor at the Cape of Good Hope, confided to our hands through the intercession of our Agent, Mr. William Berg, a contract for 2000 German settlers to bo sent to British Caffraria, with the execution of which, we are proud to say, Your Excellency expressed your entire satisfaction. In virtue of the great confidence which Your Excellency granted to us on that occasion, and the great interest which Your Excellency always has taken, and we hope, still takes in German Immigration, we venture to address these lines to Your Excellency and to tender our best services in case the Government of New Zealand should feel inclined to further German Immigration to that Colony by mode of a Government contract, as adopted by Your Excellency some years ago for Caffraria. We need not assure Your Excellency that in case our firm should be honored on the part of the Government of New Zealand with such contract for German Immigrants, our utmost care and attention will be used to carry out the views of the Government and to meet its approbation, which we have been so happy to deserve with all contracts that have hitherto been confided to our care. We beg to add, that we have furnished Mr. C. Petschler, of Auckland, with all particulars on this subject, and he will therefore be able to treat in our name and on our behalf with the Government of New Zealand. We are glad that we are able to report favorably on behalf of the people sent to British Caffraria; according to the last news received from Mr. W. Berg, Cape Town, they were all doing extremely well, and as the climate and country of New Zealand is still more adapted for German immigration, and the soil more fertile, we are convinced that German settlers will prove of great benefit to New Zealand, on which Nature has bestowed its richest gifts, and that the German immigrants will soon rank amongst the most attached colonists to their new home. We beg to tender Your Excellency our sincerest thanks for favors received, and have the honor to remain with the greatest consideration, Your Excellency's most humble and obedient servants, John Cesar Godeffroy & Son. To His Excellency Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor of New Zealand.



D—No. 1

No. 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH GERMAN EMIGRANTS WERE INTRODUCED INTO CAFFUARIA AND UPON WHICH THE OFFER IS MADE TO INTRODUCE THEM INTO NEW ZUALAND. The German Agents to find the capital required for selecting the Emigrants and forwarding them to, and landing them in New Zealand. Such capital to be secured on the resources of the Province —to he payable in ten years, in the meantime to pay six | er cent, interest. A Board to be appointed by the Province to approve Emigrants on arrival, none but &2)provcd Emigrants to be paid for. The Emigrants before embarking to sign an agreement to pay the passage money of themselves and families, and interest thereon, in ten years, in three equal payments, at the end of the fourth, seventh, and tenth years. Each Emigrant to receive a one acre village lot and twenty acres of country land, and an additional acre of country land for every child. £2 per acre to be paid for such land. Grant not to issue until all monies paid up (time not to exceed ten years). Provincial Government to find rations for one year, cost of which is to be repaid.



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Bibliographic details

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF GERMAN IMMIGRANTS INTO NEW ZEALAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF GERMAN IMMIGRANTS INTO NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, D-01

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF GERMAN IMMIGRANTS INTO NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, D-01