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WAIPA COMPETITIONS. LAST SATURDAY’S RESULTS. For the last four successive Saturdays the Waipa Rugby Union and its supporters have been favoured with fine weather for matches. The junior match Kihikihi v. United was the first to be set in progress, with Mr Street in charge. Kihikihi took a few minutes to settle down, and then were fairly effective, but their combination was lacking. After a force-down to avoid a United attack the ball was kicked off, and Mit. Grace snapped up quickly and potted a clever goal from 35 yards out. This was the only score until after half-time. The game had been in progress for some time with varying fortunes until Coombes dashed over to get three more points for United. Grace’s kick went just outside the posts. Kihikihi were gradually improving, and from one attack a penalty was awarded in a handy position and Brown sent the leather between the posts. There was no further score, and the game ended: United 7, Kihikihi 3. Korakonui v. Mangahoe. The best senior contest was that between Korakonui and Mangahoe on No. 2 ground, with Mr T.-Moisley in charge. The pace was a cracker all the way, and some bright snappy play was witnessed. Korakonui were Tlrst to score, Winter making an opening cleverly for Kelly to score- Turner failed to add the minor points. Mangahoe equalled a few minutes later, when Omihi Licked a penalty goal. Just before half-time Mangahoe were pressing hard, and when Jackson kicked the ball over the line there was 'a race for possession, in which Telfer obstructed Parish. An obstruction try was awarded, and Onihi added the extra points. At half-time Mangahoe were B—3,8 —3, but the game had not long been resumed when W. Pollard scored a nice try for Korakonui and Winter converted. A few minutes later Turner notched a further three points with a goal from a penalty. No further scores were obtained, though the game was keen right to the final whistle, the final points being: Korakonui 11, Mangahoe 8. Plrongia v. United.

The other senior game, Pirongia vUnited, was not so attractive throughout, but there were bright patches. Pirongia were first to score, E. Bell kicking a penalty. Rodgers, Elliott, Wilkes and Head were battling hard for United, but were unable to break through, and when Pirongia returned to the attack F. Beet secured, and with one of his best swervy runs went over to score a really good try. E. Bell converted. B. Elliott got United’s first score, a penalty goal, and this was repeated a little later by P. Grace — Pirongia 8, United 6. In the final ten minutes R. Bell raced round to score a try for Pirongia, and E. Bell’s kick just skimmed over the bar. A couple of minutes later P. Grace, following fast with the ball at his toe, registered a good try, but the kick failed. With only four points to make a draw of it, United bucked up momentarily, but were very tired and could not keep up the pressure. Pressed back on the defensive they were tricked by the Pirongia backs, and E. Bell dodged over wide out to get another try. The kick was a poor one, and the game ended: Pirongia IC, United 9- Mr G. Parish was referee. Other Games. " Rovers seniors journeyed to Ngutunui, and achieved a somewhat . easy victory over the home team, the totals being when the final whistle sounded: Rovers 27, Ngulunui 0. Te Awamutu juniors played Manga-r hoe juniors at Parawera, and won a very keenly-contested game by 13 points to 3.

High School played Pirongia Thirds on the latter’s home ground, and had to put up with defeat by six points to three- For Pirongia Gray and Mounsey each scored a try, and Snowden kick- 1 ed a penalty goal for High School. TE AWAMUTU v. WAIKERIA. Te Awamutu seniors journeyed to Waikeria and won somewhat easily, after a great exhibition of the passing game. Ably led by Jeffries, the exAuckland rep., their combination was better than most country teams are able to show. Waikeria opened in great style, their hookers getting the ball almost entirely throughout the first quarter. Te Awamutu were also frequently penalised when they did get an opportunity. B. Quin picked out and sent to P. Quin to Jeffries to Sinclair and back to Jeffries, but he was pushed out. A mark under the goalposts relieved Waikeria, who swept down almost to their opponents’ line, Hague just forcing in time. Te Awamutu then were given a "penalty, hut Pat Quin’s kick went wide and the first quarter ended without any score. Waikeria had two penalty kicks that failed, and the blue hacks got going hut the final pass to Jeffries was knocked on. The next attempt was successful. Pat Quin shot the hall well out to L. Spiers to Jeffries, who who ran over behind the posts for a great try. P. Quin converted. Waikeria attacked and a penalty kick went safely over. Te Awamutu were soon hack and in a forward scramble Edwards dropped over for Quin to convert. Again, passing came off, Griggs to Jeffries to Spier, who got over. Quin failed. Waikeria pressed, and Ihc full-back essayed a drop at goal that failed. Half time went with Te j Awamutu leading 13—3. | In the second half Te Awamutu got j more of the ball; from the forwards, j the ball came to Pat Quin, to Jeffries, , to Spiers, who set sail and scored a i great try after a run of 30 yards .or ; more, ijuin failed. Jeffries was next, j scoring wide out. Sinclair failed with I a greal effort. The next score came ; from Brill, who cut in beautifully, to P. Quin, to Jeffries, who scored his . third try under the posts, ijtiiu con- ' verted. Sinclair was next lo show up, hre.aking through nicely, and when' blocked lie tried a short punt, hut Waikeria relieved, <* Again Te Awan'liilu pressed; Quin to Sinclair, lo Pat j Quin, who scored nicely. Waikeria ; then pressed, and were over, but were recalled by Ihe line umpire, the ball having just gone out. Jeffries then

picked up in the loose and notched his fourth try. Sinclair again just failed with a good kick. There were no further scores, Te Awarnutu winning by 30 points to 3. Mr McGregor was referee. i

WAIPA RUGBY UNION. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Mr F. Quin presided at B the weekly meeting of the Waipa Rugby Union Management Committee meeting. United Club . entered a protest against Pirongia for having played E. Howard, who \vas transferred in the previous week to the Ngutunui Club. Plrongia’s delegate, in explanation, stated that it was J. Howard and not E. Howard, who applied for transfer, but that through a clerical error the transfer .was granted to the wrong man.

It was shown that in the letter applying for transfer the name E. Howard was written, so that the Pirongia Club was at fault. Actually, H. Grace wrote applying for a transfer, on behalf of himself and E. Howard, so it was decided to ask 11. Grace to appear before the union to give an explanation of the matler.

The grading to junior status was applied for on behalf of E. Brown, of Kihjkihi Club. —Granted. The application of L. Mounsey for transfer from junior to third grade was applied for, and it was decided, to ask him to appear before the Union next Monday. , Mr R. Callis reported having attended jhe annual meeting of the Waikato Referees’ Association, when Mr G JefTs was appointed a vice-presi-dent and Mr Callis a member of the executive. Mr Callis mentioned that an idea was mooted at the meeting to bring about an interchange of referees of the different sub-unions for club matches.—The Idea met with general approval of the meeting, and Mr Callis was thanked for his report. The Waipa Ladies’ Hockey Association applied to have a charge day on Saturday.—Granted. IN MORRINSVILLE DISTRICT. So far the footballers have been most fortunate in the matter of weather, each Saturday being beautifully line and the gate takings have been well up to the average of last year. Play' continues to Improve, the players evidently taking a keen Interest In the game and all doing their best to improve the reputation of their clubs. Both the senior matches were closely contested, the result being in doubt right up to the last moment, and judging from the piny there was choose between the teams. * Terriers v. Tatuanui,

In the first stages of the game the play lor a time was mostly half-way. From an exchange of kicking Terriers gained ground, but smart work by Hooper, Vincent and Pike took play to the other end. Tatuanui, by back passing, took play across the held, but gained little ground. Ragged play followed. From 40 yards out Marx had a good shot at goal from a penalty. Tatuanui had somewhat the best of the scrums and kept the game close. A pass to Anderson, who kicked high, Kouhou dashing up, caused some excitement. There was hard forward play for some time in the second quarter. Terriers occasionally did a bit of good passing, and Anderson and Kouhou looked like scoring but were well stopped by Keeley. Tatuanui' forwards broke through the dribbling rush, but Terriers checked with good kicking. Campbell lost a good chance by failing to gather. Hooper’s kick was charged down by the forwards, and gained ground. A passing movement by Tatuanui and a forward rush nearly secured a score. The third quarter opened with close play about half-way.. Terriers’ backs opened up first, and Kouhou and then Campbell made dashes for the line, but were slopped and play continued in the Tatuanui 25. Anderson from a pass potted a good goal.—Terriers 4, Tatuanui 0. Wooley led a Tatuanui attack, but Campbell managed to stop. At this stage Fuller retired, going to full-back and Donald coming in to three-quarters. A bit of bad play by Tatuanui let Terriers through, and Kouhou scored. Hooper’s kick failed. Terriers 7, TaUianui 0. For the rest of the .quarter play was kept to the centre of the field. The fourth quarter opened with some keen play. Wooley broke through and passed to Vincent, who kicked hard over the line, but Kouhou’s pace enabled him to force. Sampson, with a straight run, took play to the Tatuanui line. Terriers’ passing was not good, and Tatuanui pressed the attack. d’ordorf crossed the line near the corner and with a good kick converted. —Tatuanui 5, Terriers 7. A hard, close game followed to the call of time, but no further scores were made. United 9 v. Kereone 9. In this match 9 all was a fair indication of the merits of the learns. The game was confined almost entirely to the forwards and there was little to choose between the packs. United were certainly the heaviest team, but Kereone held their own well against their heavier opponents. Both sides scored in the first few minutes. United kicked oif and Hancock, Jack and Thrupp followed fast. Thomas missed the ball and Park picked up and crossed at the corner. G. Marshall’s kick failed. —United 3, Kereone 0. Kereone attacked and kept pies close to United’s line, but Cameron cut in and passed to -Aitken, who scored. Cameron failed to convert. Kereone 3, United 3. ..... Play was kept close to United's line. II Scott was prominent in the rush and Jack and Hayes put in some good work for United. From a scrum United secured the ball, but made no ground. W. Cameron, from a penalty, scored for Kereone. —-Kereone (3, United 3. . A line-kick by Aitken was taken by Park, who short-punted, and following fast caught Thomas and the ball rolled into touch,- where the spell ended. Brown and Leeson led a good rush by Kereone, and Thomas attempted a poi, but lailcd. A scrum was ordered cm the line and United forced. Gillespie, Cameron and Aitken made a good rush, but were unable to gel through the United defence. There was a tussle on the line and Richards dived over and scored, making the score 6 all. Some high kicking followed. A smart bit of passing, Gillespie to Aitken, to Harnett, was stopped bv Park close on the line, and the play was taken to United’s quarters, but* Campbell saved, and at half-time no further scores were made. Keen play followed on resumption, Kereone having Ihc best of the game. u'Brien sent out to Gillespie, who

kicked to the line, Lecson and Roach following, the latter to touch down. W. Cameron's kick fell short. —Kcreone 9, United 6.

United attacked vigorously. Marshall made a good run and sent the hail to his forwards. Exciting play followed. Richards was within an ace of scoring. From a five , yards scrum the ball came out to G. Marshall, to Park, who passed to Brown, who got over. G. Marshall just missed scoring.—United 9, Kereone 9. Keen and exciting play followed up and down the ground. Kereone were defending when time was called and the game ended.—United 9, Kereone 9. Mr D. Pirrit was referee. JUNIORS.

The junior matches were too onesided to be of much interest. Kereone beat the Maori team, Kiwitahi, by 23 points to nil, and United beat Terriers by 24 points to nil. The match between Te Puninga and Springdale was one of the most exciting played on the ground during the afternoon. Considering that the Te Puninga Club has only started this season and that several of their men had never played a game of football before, it is wonderful how well they are shaping. Springdale is a heavier team, and last season showed up well, and with more practice will make a strong team. Both teams were keen and worked hard from start to finish, play being kept almost entirely to the forwards. In the first spell no scores were made. In the second spell Te Puninga kept up the pressure and Arthur made an opening for Major to score. The kick failed. Back play was faulty on both sides. Diamond was playing well for Te Puninga, and looked like scoring, but a knock on spoiled his chance. In the last spell Hallin goj, through and scored, but Walters failed with the kick. A fast pace was kept up until the end of the game, with the scores even, three all. Mr F. Dickinson was referee. morrinsville union.

At a meeting of the Management Committee of the Morrinsville Union, at which the president, Mr W. Hogg, presided, after some discussion as to the difference in the rules of the Morrinsville Union and the Waikato Union, Mr Mclntyre’s appointment as the Morrinsville delegate was confirmed. In reply to the Mangateparu School Committee's application for a football, the secretary said the Union only subsidised up .to 50 per cent, and that if a receipt w r as sent in the Union would contribute, its share. During the Kiwitahi-Kereone match a player was ordered off, hut the referee* did not send in a full report.— It was .decided to refer the matter to the Referees’ Association. The chairman reported that it had been decided to call a conference of all school teachers to arrange for a primary schools competition. It was decided that three rounds be played for the senior championship. The secretary asked, in the. event of a referee being unable to take a match who was to appoint a substitute. . , Mr Pirrit replied that the Referees Association was notified, and in turn advised the appointment board, which took the next man on the list. It was agreed to approve of an exchange of a senior and a junior referee with Matamata next Saturday. The chairman and the secretary were instructed to go into the question of the cost of putting in seats and confer with the .A. and P. Association and report at the next meeting. A motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs Lcask was carried.

WELLINGTON RUGBY UNION. MR HORNIG NOT STANDINGWELLINGTON, Wednesday. Mr W. F. Hornig. manager of the All Blacks in South Africa, is not standing for re-election to the management committee of the Rugby Union.

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Waikato Times, Volume 105, Issue 17712, 16 May 1929, Page 3

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. Waikato Times, Volume 105, Issue 17712, 16 May 1929, Page 3

RUGBY FOOTBALL. Waikato Times, Volume 105, Issue 17712, 16 May 1929, Page 3