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The Argo dredge return last Aveek Avas G2oz. from 12,500 cubic yards AA r orked in 128 hours.

At a meeting of the directors of the Mossy Creek Dredging Company last night a further dividend (the serenth) of one penny per share Avas declared.

The NeAV Zealand Rugby Union has advised the secretary of the Bush Rugby Union (Mr G. L. ChatAvin) that it- has granted a loan of £IOO for repairs to the grandstand at the Pahiatua Slioav grounds. A combined meeting of the' executive and the general committee of the Wellington branch of the Nerv Zealand Crippled Children Society Avas’ held recently, Avhen the executive reported that they norv had on hand 112 cases in 1110 Wellington district. The Minister of Education (Hon. P. Fraser) has advised Mr G. Taylor, chairman of the Pahiatua District High School, that the department has decided to make a grant to Mrs McCullough on account of the death of her daughter Linda —folloAving an accidental fall in the school grounds. Besides paying the funeral and hospital expenses the grant includes a special compassionate alloAVance of £ls.

Reports indicate that the Optimist Club has taken on a. new lease of life. This has come about mainly through the alteration of the meeting time from a luncheon period to a tea period. The change has resulted in more interest being taken in the club by younger men and recent teas have been attended by an enthusiastic group of young felloAvs avlio promise to establish the club as a progressive organisation in the town. To-night’s meeting is to be addressed by Mr 11. B. Massey, who is continuing his talk on cricketing and other experiences in Fiji. An unusual incident occurred at the Castlecliff Golf Club’s links last Friday during the progress of a Avomen s. interclub match. A player drove a long shot from the tee at the sixteenth, and Avhen she approached it for her second stroke a seagull Avliicli had been hovering 0A r er the course, SAVOoped doAvn and snapped up the ball. It Acav Avith the ball in its beak for a short distance and dropped it, repeating the performance several times, at last sending it on to the green at tlie seventeenth. The bird’s actions Avere AA'atched A\-ith interest, and it is said suclr an occurrence is not unusual at the links. The 40-hour Aveek in its application to the clerical staff of the Railways Department Avas referred to yesterday by the General Manager, Mr G. H. Maekley. Ho said that at all main stations and offices throughout the Dominion a 40-hour Aveek Avas already being Avorlcod, and that its. introduction in a general AA’ay Avould be brought about with as much expedition as the circumstances Avould permit. The staffing arrangements necessary for the completion of the scheme are already in hand,” said Mr Maekley, “and although they .are somewhat involved it is not expected that their completion Avill be unduly delayed.” For. the first time NeAV Zealand figured last year as. the A\-orld’s largest exporter of both butter and cheese, according to “Dairy Produce Supplies in 1935,” a survey published last month by the Imperial Economic Committee, copies of Avhich reached Wellington yesterday. Denmark lost to Nerv Zealand her position as cidef butter exoa . er, .aid the Netherlands Avas displaced *>y the I.amnion as the Avorld’s largest exporter of cheese. For the second year in succession NeAV Zealand av&s the principal source of imported but ter an the United Kingdom market, and al though the quantity Avas over one per cent, less than in 1934, she aciacnted far 874 per eentf, of total imports, cr appiovmately the same as in the two tivo preceding years. The annual raid of the Masterton Savage Club upon the Carterton Savage Club took place last Saturday night, Avhen some forty visiting braves savolled the usual attendance of Carterton members. The Rangatira of the Carterton Club, Savage W. C. M. Sorenson, Avith fitting ceremony, initiated the Rangatira of tlie Masterton Club as Chief of the evening, and after acknoAVledging the honour, Rangatira P. Colvin presented a most attractive and amusing programme, Avliich included songs, and thumb-nail sketches most cleverly carried out. Tho Glee Party also contributed an item, and the orchestra, a fine one of some ten instruments, gaA'c tivo A-ery finished recitals. At the. “buttery-hateli” adjournment the usual toasts Avere duly proposed and heartily honoured.

The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A. Avill hold a flag bridge afternoon on Thursday next at 2.30 p.m. A further increase of 512 in the number of placements effected by the Labour Department’s placement scheme is recorded for the Aveek ended last Saturday. Since its inception 4153 people have found employment through the scheme, 2197 having been placed in permanent positions. There Avms a largo attendance at a meeting held in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms last evening, Avhen an address Avas given by Mr W. N. Pharazyn, general secretary of the Wellington Clerical Workers’ Union. Members Avere enrolled, and another meeting Avill be held, at which a Wairarapa branch of the union Avill probably be formed.

“Every time a motorist comes to a corner he or she should exercise common sense. The other motorist should always be regarded as a fool. . . . And if those elementary rules Avere always observed, there AA'ould be a big reduction in the number of accidents,” said Mr W. 11. Freeman, S.M., in an address on “Motor Negligence” to the annual meeting of the Southland Justices of the Peace Association.

“It is nearly time avc had institutions Avhere Ave could send men like you to Avork for Avages, so that tho money could be fonvarded to your Avife and children. Probably the Government will do something in that direction,” observed Mr J. L. Stout, S.M., in the Palmerston North Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning, when sentencing a defendant to six months’ imprisonment for default over a considerable period in payments under a maintenance order.

After undergoing quarantine on Somes Island the two stud Aberdeen Angus bulls imported from Great Britain for the Avell-knoAvn Akitio breeder Mr F. Armstrong, Avere taken from the island by the Janie Seddon yesterday afternoon. The beasts wvere looking in fine condition Avhen they Avere landed at the Avharf, and they should certainly prove useful sires in the Akitio stud. They Avere railed to their destination shortly after being brought ashore.

In a match played last night, the Winter Sports. Club table tennis team defeated the Kopuaranga Club by 20 matches and 44 games to 4 matches and 17 games. The folloAving are the section results, the first figures relating to Winter Sports Club: —Men’s singles, 5 matches, 11 games; 1 match’, 5 games. Ladies’ singles: 5 matches, 11 games; 1 match, 4 games. Men’s doubles: 3 matches, 6 games; 0 matches, 1 game. Ladies’ doubles: 2 matches, 5 games; 1 match, 2 games. Combined doubles: 5 matches, II games; 1 match, 5 games.

Three cases of theft occurred on the liner Aorangi during the voyage from Sydney to Auckland. The three victims were K. M. Ramsay, Avho is a member of the Australian Rugby touring team, A. G. LaAvson, the ship’s plumber, and K. L. Elliott, Avireless operator, avlio among them had £32 stolen from their clothing. The captain sent a radiogram to the Auckland police. Detective Mahood left on a Customs launch, and on reaching the ship made enquiries. It is understood that a young Australian bell-boy Avill appear at a special sitting of the Children’s Court to ans Aver a numbor of charges.

A subsidy on the carriage of lime to Farmers in districts not served by rail at least equal to the value of free railage of lime in districts served by rail, Avas urged at the recent Dominion conference of the Nerv Zealand Farmers’ Union. In reply to this proposal the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. W. Lee Martin, has Avritten to the union stating that before consideration could be given to the request it Avould be necessary to first ascertain exactly Avliat financial obligations Avould be entailed. Instructions had been giA r en for the necessary data to be secured, and as soon as this Avas to hand the matter Avould receive his careful consideration.

Many matters of importance to motorists are included in the agenda paper for consideration at the annual conference of the North Island Motor Union, Avliich is to be held at Carterton, starting at 10 a.m. to-morrow. Among the remits to be dealt Avith are the following from the Auckland Association: Provision for tho registration and annual licensing of all pedal cycles; adA-isability of adopting a system of different shapes and colours, for the various classes of road signs (not direction signs); provision for refusing a licenco for old motor vehicles not up to standard; adoption of the lighting regulations for motor vehicles to come into force in England; publication of a Aveekly list of road accidents; adoption of a highways code, and of a practical form of road courtesy. Other remits deal Avith the nerv thirty mile per hour speed limit in congested area, major road signs,' situation of tail lights, lights on railway engines, headlight testing, Avhite posts at corners, traffic domes and other matters.

In the Lecture Room, Municipal Hall, a A-ery interesting address on the Avork of the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Avas given by Mrs Barltrop, Lady District Officer. Mrs Barltrop said that tho brigade Avas an Order of Chivalry and Service, and that members should be proud to be members of such an order. Mrs Barltrop spoke of the Amlue of a course of training in first aid and home nursing, as it enabled persons to treat accidents AA'hich might occur in their home or in the street. Mrs Barltrop said she Avould like to see bigger divisions in Masterton. At one time the division Avas strong enough to have competitions here. She hoped that Masterton Avould be able to send a team to Wellington to compete in the. competitions in October and bring back to Masterton the WilloAv Bank Cup, Avliich Avas at one time held by the local division. Miss Whitehouse, district secretary, thanked Mrs Barltrop for a A r ery interesting address, .and said that she hoped they Avould have the pleasure of hearing her again. Members of the Masterton Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Avish to express their deep appreciation of a donation received fi-om the Wairarapa Basketball Association.

The Okarito return for the past Aveek is 15om of gold for 120 hours Avork.

A dance Avill be held in the Taueru Hall on Friday, 21st August, at 8 p.m. A bus Avill leaA r e the Post Office at 7.30.

Mrs Peter Fraser Avill visit Masterton to-morroAV (Wednesday), 19th August. Ladies are invited to meet her at. 7.30 p.m. in the Y.M.C.A. Hall. A grand instrumental recital Avill be given in St. Mattherv’s Parish Hall on Thursday, 27tli August, at 8 p.m. by the pupils and ex-pupils of Mr Edward Larsen, R.M.T., assisted by Mr B. Tenner (baritone). The charge for admission Avill be adults 1/6, children 1/-.

A dance, under the auspices of tho Ladies’ Guild, Avill be held in the Epiphany Hall, Kuripuni, on Thursday next, 20th inst., at 8 p.m. The dance music Avill be supplied by Messrs E. Green and C. Jackson. The programme will include novelty dances for Avliich prizes Avill be arvarded. Repairs to tho storm damage are slioAvn to have cost the ManaAvatu Racing Club £3597, according to the balance sheet to be presented to tho annual meeting on Thursday. As the loss on tho year’s working is, slioAvn at £2129, it Avill be seen that Avitliout that unfortunate Aisitation last February the club AA'ould have had a satisfactory year.

Appnwal of the principle of dancing under proper control, in association Avith church organisations, Avas expressed at the annual meeting of the congregation of John Knox Presbyterian Church, Rangiora, this week. Opinion Avas divided on the subject. After both sides of the question had been debated at length, the approval Avas given on a ■shoAv of hands. It Avas emphasised that the young people of the church danced elservliere if not allorved to do so at church functions.

A Tricolour Fair Avill be held at the Salvation Army Hall on Wednesday and Thursday next. It Avill be opened at 2.30 to-morroAV by His Worship- the Mayor, Mr T. Jordan. On Wednesday night a programme Avill be presented by the Anglican Church Choir and on Thursday night the young people from Whatman Home Avill provide the entertainment. The various stalls Avill be Avell stocked Avith goods Avliich will bo sold at very reasonable prices. The public are invited.

Taventy-five cases of infectious disease and four deaths (from tuberculosis) Avere reported to the Wellington office of the Health Department for the Aveek ended 17th August. In the Wanganui-Horewhenua area one case of diphtheria, one of enteric fever and one of erysipelas Avere reported; in Waira-rapa-HaAvke’s Bay, seven cases of scarlet fever, two of erysipelas, and one each of diphtheria, tuberculosis and ophthalmia neonatorum; and in central Wellington, five cases of scarlet fever, four of tuberculosis, and one of diphtheria. No cases Avere reported from Nelson-Marlborough.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, 18 August 1936, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, 18 August 1936, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, 18 August 1936, Page 4