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Tbo Mutual Improvement Society held their meeting last night, and went through a very good programme. An advertisement appears in another column about ibuir teameetiug and cutenammeut. The Gospel Temperance and Blue Ribbon Society bad a good meeting last Monday night. The programme for the evening consisted of songs, recitations, ami readings, which were well given. Mr (j. Weston, of Cartertou, gave a -hort address. TheCanterbuiy Rugby Union have decided to send a loam to urn Wa ' , apa district *his season if prai lioabie. Professor J U. iiicUoi. will give an exhibition of iiis Imrso taming powers in next Monday evening.

Messrs Maxtuu pad Webster offer (or private aula a valuable freehold dairy farm in Mutarawa, eoatuiutug 'll) acres, with well fenced land, dwell";# home and out buildings, Jio. Mr F. H. Wood held a very sucutasiul sale m the Greytnwii rooms uu Saturday laid, aud though pet haps there was a heavier stock than there n:;e n or. in the mart for some time past, he sf.coeeded in clearing every line during the altemoon. ft seems that if everything else oVs, an auction ss'e at least will always draw a crowd, as when we passed the rooms at 8 o’clock there must have been close upon a hund'ed people present. Silvered peumes representing half-crowns have been circulated in Wef'-igton.

The 1 fttmual examination of the pope teachers in tl « :J -tvioe of tiro Board of Bdu, is ti. Le ini? ,' n UW Wril an d 2it!r of tire present mon'h Tire p" 11 ' 1 Joaclrcrs bi longing to the Waaarapa wtd be exiuT’ , “’ u at Maatcrrou 'tut papers axe to be examinee liv the K«v 'V. H. West aud M" Kenneth Wiisuu.

I Captain Colton won tire walking match i against Suit nt Diu.nlci uicli on Saturday. A )0 jieoplv; were piosenl. Thu liroyiown uanr.iug assembly will hold a mug night's dancing at the Town Hall, toiui'now night, and cveiy tor* light during the season. Mr F. H. Woui! has an inset in Ihis isauu calling attention to the extensive general sales he is holding on Tiiday at Martin borough, and on Saturday at Fi „:,.erstou A reference to the advertisement will inform those interested as to the goods to ho ottered They include dranciy and clothing, groceries, furniture, fruit trees, and various other useful lines.

The Hoo| ( r Variety Company will perI'fn' at the Town liall, (rreytowo, on Friday i.l ut, They w‘ I appeal at Carterton tumor > ' night.

I The Wanderers, a junior fooloa" c.'uh at | (rn-ytr-iv: will meet at Mrs Morson's house cn Saturday night, at seven. Mr iT'cidsin, conior, father of Mr lieorge ticdhum. MHH., baa just paiutod in oils n H,i i;, Jltcir.w ;•» Sir Julias Vogtl Mr ; id ,-,i If I- ,v m I'if 'iK'\ p 1 ). -iVst. W i.V. Mcdd.i ih m ou:.--o ; . Ids ; tiou •ilc*ou*‘“ 4 tii)g the North W-ur.irapa so-d at t‘jo approaching general elections. I here was a heavy full ot scow in Vic-

It is reported that Sir Wm Fox »■ b i JDu for Nelson at the next election. A newly born infant was found in Harding street, Auckland, last Sunday evening. It was wrapped in a piece of old tweed and some newspapers. It bad only been born auout three hours, and was alive when picked up

The New Plymouth breakwater is nearly completed.

Spalding’s Club Hotel at Hawera has been burned down. The Union Bank building was seriously damaged and the Post Office slightly. Mr Caselberg denies the rumor that be is a candidate for Parliamentary honors. On Jubilee Day tbe Wellington Salvation Army intend giving a tea to 1000 poor children. This is a noble example, John Cler, until recently Town Clerk of Winton, Invercargill, was arrested on Monday, on the information of the Mayor, on a charge of forgery. Defalcations amounting to L 703 arc said to have been already traced, a id more are expected. The Hal of Hall, the prisoner, cost the Government L3OOO.

In the Legislative Council tbe motion for tbo second reading’of the Local Bodies Loans Act Amendment B ;1 1 was lost.

Two papers have been laid before Parliament which state that notwithstanding all 4 the efforts made, rabbits are on the increase In the colony. The suggestion that some form of disease might be introduced amongst the rabbits, which would spread quickly and prove fatal, does not find favor. Scientific authorities at Home have been consulted on the subject, but they seem to think that any communicable disease which would kill the rabbits, would also be dangerous to sheep and other animals, including man in some oases.

Testerday Arthur Fallout, landlord of tbe Awahnri Hotel, Feilding, burst a blood vessel, and died in a few hours.

On Saturday night the bouse of Mr Wm. Beid, st Stoney Creek, Feilding, was burned down. The skeleton of Beid was discovered in the debris the next morning. Mr P H Wood’s list for Thursday’s (tomorrow’s) sale at the Taratahi yards now includes eleven hundred sheep and lambs, sixty bead of cattle, and sundry other lines of stock. Several additions are made in this issue. Mr Buchanan has given notice to ask the Minister of Lands whether he will so arrange that the periodical payments under the de° ferred payments and perpetual lease systems can be made through the post offices, as well as by the methods at present stipulated? The return of village settlements laid on the table of the House shows the number of sections proclaimed to be 2216 ; number of sections taken up, 1186; advances made on account of buildings, L 1315 ; advances made on account of bushfelling, dtc., L 950; liabilities on account of land taken up, L 62,820. Mr F, H. Wood held his usual stock sale in the Featberston yards yesterday There was a large attendance of buyers and all the stock was sold. The following were average prices at the sale:—Ewes 6s 9d, fat cows Cos to 755, heifers in calf 40s to 50s, store cows 40s, horses 10s to Lls. Entries, both in sheep and in cattle, have been received for the next Featberston sale, and the auctioneer’s advertisement will appear in out next issue. The election campaign was opened at Mas* tenon on Monday evening by Mr B S Hawkins. who addressed about 600 persons in the Theatre. His address lasted over two hours, and dealt almost entirely with largo questions of State policy. He proclaimed himself a Democrat, and expressed a contempt for titular distinctions, and warned his audience against the dangers of Imperialism or mixing up the affairs of the colony with the foreign policy of England. He pronounced himself a free-trader, but expressed strong approval of Mr Ballance’s special settlement policy, and ridiculed the faultfinders who begrudged him a few thousands for settling the nnemployed, while they voted tens of thousands for useless public works. These sentiments were doubly applied. At the conclusion of his address, Mr A W Eennall, after advocating a protec* tire policy, moved a cordial vote of thanks, which was seconded by Mr Edwin Meredith, and carried by acclamation. The meeting tbronghout was very enthusiastic.

At the auanal licensing meeting at Masterton the police submitted that as the B.M. at Christchurch bad ruled that 11 o’clock licenses could not be granted under the Act, the licenses must either be issued for 10 or 12 o’clock. The committee having granted 11 o’clock licenses, the Sergeant warned the dark to demand £SO license fee. To this the licensees objected. It is now found that under clause 9 of the Amendment Act of 1882 extensions of the licenses to 11 o’clock are authorised on payment of an additional fee of £6, and the licenses will be issued at £45, as foimerly.

Mr PModere, a settler fit Tiranmca, has had two horses killed, and two crippled and rendered useless by a young Berkshire boar. A one logged expressman named Clifford sustained serious injuries which may deprive him of his remaining leg, besides receiving a fracture of his aim and a severe shaking, on Monday morning at Wellington, lie was driving down Ghuzneo street when his horse bolted and threw him out of the express.

George Thomas $ Co., report produce prices “ There ate no material alterations in prices of leading lines. Oats still come f Ol ward m large parcels, and rule at Is lOd to 2s 2d, according to quality ; oatmeal, steady at £lO 5s per ton ; oaten ehoat chaff 04 10a ; straw do £3 10s ; fowls' wheat is very scarce good whole samples being almost unobtainable ; prices have advanced to 3s 7d and 3s 8d per bushel; pollard and bran also iiave stiffened in quotations, and supplies are hardly equal to demand ! prices rule from £4 10s lot pollard and £4 for bran ; flour commends £lO 5s to £lO 10s per ton for leading brands in sacks; Oamara potatoes are briskly enquired for at £2 15s per ton ; Blenheim and Kaikoura descriptions rule at 7s (id to 10s lower per ton; feed barley, 2s ill ; maize, 4s 6d ; beans, 3s 8d ; peas, 3a 9d ; rye grass seed, 3s 6d per bushel; onions, £7 per ton ; cheese, 4d to sd; fresh butter, fully worth lid per lb j salt do, 7d ; eggs, 2s ; bouey, 4d to 5d per lb. Poultry—We have seldom seen such a disinclination on the part of the trade and consumers to purchase usual arrivals as exists at the present time; this is -.a doubt due to the fact of there being large -j of game offering which now bold tee irokot; turkeys are hard to movent Os to 7s , fowls, 2a 3d to 2s Od ; ducks, 3a (Id ; and geese 5s per pair.’

Uneglia, the most important tdwq aftor (temi.i and Savona, on tho Italian Riviera, lias boon completely wrecked by tlie roeont earthquake shocks, and the whole population numbering B*' K>. have been rendered homeless, A San Bemo oorrespondom has visited the desolated town, and states, as the result of personal examination, that complete as is the ruin of property in tho mountain villages, and great as is the. distress amongst the peasantry, both are entirely eclipsed by the position of matters at Uneglia, The damage to property is officially estimated at £2O ),000.

Whan Moriarty’s Jubilee prio« list, wag read, Itcrcated the greatest sensation ; All the small dealers m-itedly said 11 He’ll certainly startle the nation." They were right indubitably—wait and you’ll see, ’Tie the best celebration of onr Qu r ou’s J übileo, You have no doubt read the price list; gee that you now examine the goods. Kongh on files." Why suffer fil-s ? Immediate relief and 0 uiip’otH cure guaranteed. Ask for " Bough on files." Bur» sum for itching, pro’.-iuimg, bleeding, or any (mm of files.

" Kor.rli .01 Catarrh " corrects offensive odois at once. Conq.’-.;-.< no of worst chronic cases ; also niioquatled as gargle for dipthemi. sort throat, foul breath.

The Eaitara School Committee met at the schoolroom ou Saturday evening last at 7.30 p.m. Present—Messrs Ward (chairman), W. S. Wakelin (treasurer), Wood, Mclntyre, Briokell, Dick, and Waite. The Inspector’s examination report was read. Jane Murphy wrote about extra work thrown upon her, and it was agreed to relieve her of it. The following accounts were passed for paymentJ. Murphy 18s, H. Waite 10s, and Miss Campbell £l. The teacher asked for science apparatus to the value of £2, the Inspector having complained cf the want of the means for making experiments. A discussion took place. Several members thought the children were being taught too many things and that a few essential subjects should be well taught. The teacher advocated the teaching of science to older scholars, and explained that the science lessons chiefly related to every day life, such as ventilation and the weather, &o. It was agreed to defer the matter till next meeting. A fresh arrangement was made with the Winter Amusement Club.

Messrs Maxton and Webster hold an im • portaot auction sale on Saturday, Jnue 25th, at Oddfellows' Hall, Featherston, when they will offer a large quantity of farm produce, groceries, drapery, furniture, and miscoN laneous other items.

Taranaki is sending butter to Napier for sale, where it realises 9d per lb. On tbe occasion of next Monday’s concert the Greytown Fire Brigade intend to form a torchlight procession from the Post Office to the Town Hall. A meeting was held at the Foresters' Hall, Carterton, on Monday evening to make final arrangements in reference to the programme. Sub committees were appointed to arrange the supply of torches for the evening’s procession and for tbe selection of jubilee mementoes for the children. Mr Campin was engaged to erect triumphal arches, Ac. Colors for tbe professioDal committee to v ear are scarlet; sports committee, pink ; ball committee, white ; entertainment committee. Cambridge blue. Tbe Greytown Druids intend to be present ; perhaps, also the Foresters of Greytown. A serious accident happened on Monday morning to Mr Bicbard Evernden, whilst ou his way to Mastertou from Opaki. He was driving a baggy in company with his son, and when descending a steep cutting, the animal in the shafts commenced kicking, and caps sized the vehicle. Mr Evernden was thrown out and seriously injured his bead, arms and body ; but luckily no bones were broken. His sou was thrown out, but beyond the wheel passing over him, which caused a slight bruise, be escaped unhurt.—Daily. The full programme for next Monday evening’s entertainment will be published in out next issue, as it is the last one of tbe series the promoters, Messrs Black & Webster, have taken considerable trouble to make it a good one. Visitors from Featherston, Carterton, and Waihakeke have signified their intention of assisting, and by kind permission of Mr Barnard the Maypole dance will be again produced, as the wet weather prevented a great number from seeing tbe children on former occasions. There will also be an instrumental as well as a vocal trio.

The new Representation Act has received his Excellency’s assent.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2078, 8 June 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2078, 8 June 1887, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2078, 8 June 1887, Page 2