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Tenders are invited for the erection of n Dairy Factory at DalefieM, up to June 7th inst. The members of the Carterton Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association held their first meeting on Wednesday evening, when addresses were delivered by Dr Johnston, and Messrs Catnpin and Samuel, and songs and recitations were contributed by the members. Any persons wishing to register as electors for Wairarapa South cen get the necessary forms required at the office of the Wairarapa Standard, where all the necessary infortpa ■ tiou appertaining thereto can also be supplied with pleasure.

The weekly dancing assembly at Greytown was a great success notwithstanding the unfavourable weather towards the evening. About 20 couples were present, and the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed until 12 p.m., the closing time. A typographical error occurred in our report concerning the death of the Rev Mr Stewart, late of Waihouga. In stating that he resided in the Waihenga district 14 years it should read 4 years. The ladies should attend the sale at the People’s Auction Mart tomorrow, when Messrs Maxtou and Webster will submit a very large consignment of family goods -and jewellery. Mr 0 Ticohurst has resumed business as butcher in Greytown. A meeting of the Greytown Hoitleuluival .Souiciy’s Committee, will be held on sinter., Jay, tomorrow week, tit the ~'lnb Hotel at s Dm.

T);e Hoard of Education have received cones from the Government that tiro capita ■iou giant for the cuite it year will be reduced from 5s to 4s per bead. The school children are to have a week’s holiday before the usual midwinter holidays o celebrate the jubileo of Her Majesty. Parents would rather that their children were it school instead of kicking up high jinks 490)0, A very interesting address was given to the members of the Greytown Mutual Improve, ment Society on Wednesday evening by ii> B. W. late He chose lor his subject Cuttle Fisbes, and dealt with it in such a pleasing way that with the aid of diagrams and specimens the members weie both entertained and instructed. At the close of the address Mias E. Uornblow proposed a vote of thanks, and this was seconded by Mies M. Jlaigh and carried Mr Nation also thanked Mr Tato for hie kindness in taking an interest iu the Society, Mr Tate in reply promised on another occasion to take up another sub* ject. Mr F. H. Wood's new advertisements include a largo iime.-ei r*’ t i sals of the greater portion of the stock »t Messrs Fabian Bros, store, Greytown, on Monday and Tuesdrv next, and an extensive sain < f furniture, new and second hand in the Gi")town rooms on Saturday, 4th June. The date of the Featherston stock sale il will ho noticed has been made a week later, viz , on Tuesday, 7tit June.

Tho Geographical Society of Victoria have decided to despatch, at an early date, an expedition to New Guinea, under the leadership of Mr Guthbertson. The French Grown jewels which were submitted to auction have realised seven million francs, The Dunedin Gaelic Society have decided to aid the crofters by every means in their power. The J discoverer of the Teetulpa goldfield is to be paid £IOOO by the Bonth Australian Government. Applications will probably be made shortly in England for a Professor of Music for the University of Melbourne. The Hobart City Council has decided to erect a Jubilee clock tower in connection with the new Telegraph office. The Mayor of Sydney has received a second instalment of £IOOO from the Melbourne committee for the Bull! food. According to Mr O. Morris, an expert on fruit, the orange is destined to be the commercial fruit of New South Wales. A correspondent who signs himself “ A Victim ” complains of the conduct of certain young men in Greytown. He says "It is not very pleasant to be awakened at midnight by a load knocking at your door, immediately followed by the appearance of a dozen or more half dressed young men in your room about two-thirds of whom were (in the state they were then) just fit for a lunatic asylum, or some other institution where they would be taken care of If they want to celebrate the 24th of May by getting drunk they are welcome to do so, bat I advise them to go straight home next time, or they may probably get into trouble. I think it is time that such performances as what happened I between midnight and 2 o’clock on Wednesday morning, in the vicinity of the Town Hall were put a stop to." Feels Young Again.—" My mother was nffiicted a long time with neuralgia and a dull, heavy, inactive condition of the whole system, headache, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did her any good. Three months ago she began to use Ur Soule’s Hop Bitters with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although over seventy years oid.”-A lady in B 1., D.S.A. Look up The Oddfellows’ Hall, Fentherston, the other night was found quite inadequate to accommodate the number of dancers present. It is a sure sign that Featherston now require a building of larger dimensions.

We are asked to direct attention to the sale which takes place under the conduct of Mr F. H. Wood at Messrs Fabian Brea’ store, Greytown, on Monday and Tuesday next. The stock to be sold is a most extensive one, including almost everything and thoso interested cannot do better than attend. The sale each day starts at eleven o’clock and luncheon is provided. Additions are made to Mr Wood’s Featherstou stock sale. Further entries should be made as early as possible. Mr K. H. Wood’s now advertisements include the stuck sale at Taratabi yard, on ihursday, IHh June; a general sale at M.irtinborough on 10th June ; and a similar sate at Featherston on 11th June. The People’s Auction Mart at Greytown should bo well attended tomorrow afternoon, when Messrs Maxton and Webster will oiler for sale by auction one of the largest stocks of groceries, drapery, ironmongery, &0., yet pre seuteil in Greytown, A special large oousignmeut of fancy goods of every description, including jewellery and also a special line of blankets. Opossum and Wallaby Buga will also be offered, in fact as their advertisement says, something for everybody. Great preparations are being made for the forthcoming Volunteer Soiree, on the 31st Inst. It is ou a Tuesday, a very convenient night; and if the same interest is taken in this event as in former years, the volunteers, with their present strength, should be able to command a large gathering. The soiree committee intend to decorate the hall in an elaborate manner. The lady friends of the volunteers have promised liberal support in the way of refreshments, and excellent music has been engaged. There was a very large and representative attendance at the Carterton bhow Grounds yesterday, the occasion being the sale of Mr 1) McMaster’s herd of pure bred shorthorns, the whole of which weie disposed of, the competition fur some being particularly keen. The sale commenced with the young bulls—the first offered, a ten months old calf, Glenroy by Count U nderley being knocked down at 32 guineas ; fair prices were averaged throughout the sale. Heifers going up to 28 guineas, top price for cows being 28 guineas. Both Mr McMaster and Mr Wood (the auctioneer entrusted with the sale), are to be congratulated ou the result, not more so, however, than the purchasers, who had at a comparatively small outlay, been enabled to secure some of the best and purest strains of shorthorn cattle to be found in New Zealand. It is also a grand thing for the district, the effect of which will be seen in a few years by the improvement in the class of stock reared. Mr McMaster has certainly done more in this direction than any other settler, Doctors Gave Him Up.—“ Is it possible that Mr Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?” ‘I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Am. Co’s Hop Bitters, and only tun days ago bis doctors gave him up and* said ho must die.” “ Well-a-duy !” If that is so 1 will go tlris minute aud get some lot my poor George. I know hope are good. Read The Greytown Amateur Dramatic Club hold a meeting of members the other night, ami the balance sheet and report oi tbe late year's proceedings was read. The Society considering the attendant drawbacks, such us had weather, Ac., is in a satisfactory position. They have been pat to a great expense in properties, Ac., but they confidently hope for the next financial year to he in a position to be clear of debt. The amateurs do not wish to make any money by their performances, is ml ore only 100 pleased to gratuitously render their services for the entertainment of the public during the dull and uneventful winter mouths, but all they expect is that these entertainments will be self supporting and that the members do not plunge their hands too deep m their pockets, us well as give their t lurgios towards the matter. The Club has come fotw ird on many occasions for the benefit of loe d institutions and if an entertainment or two is unnnged for the nuipose of milking up deficiencies surely they can rely im the support of their fellow towns'people, providing they cater for public at popular prices. At the recent meeting a very hearty vote of thanks was passed to the ■ inly amateurs for their valuable assistance.

Mia* Edith O’Gormau (Mrs AuftVay) Ims Issued a writ for alleged libel against an Adelaide satirical paper, the Lantern, A fundjs being r-Vj in Napier fol , the ‘ l’ uluo "“ C. erecting a memorial to Captain Setter, tire skipper of the unfortunate Boojum. Surveys havebeen commenced for a spaid settlement atOropi, Tauranga district. Ben Crisp, sen., an old Nelson iudeutity, known as •• The Children’s friend,” is to be presented with a testimonial. The agricultural statistics for 13 out of 34 districts in Tasmania show an increase of •2080 sores of wheat in the area under cultivation, and an increase of 22,000 bushels in ihe total production. " Bough on Bats.” Clears out rats, mice, loaches, flies, ants, bed bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, sparrows, and gophers. A t chemists and druggists. A mushtoom nine inches in diameter has been found near Timaru. The Maoaadrew Mamoiial Fund collected 1 i date amounts to £371 7s Bd. “ Bough on ftch.” Bough on Itch ” cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, '. tier, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, peb, ivy poison, barber s itch.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2073, 27 May 1887, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2073, 27 May 1887, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2073, 27 May 1887, Page 2