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Notice is given in another column by the Deputy Assignee, Mr W. Sellar, that the bankruptcy is declared closed in the estates of Joseph Creelman, Morgan Ward O’Meara, Frederick Francis Hoe and Hubert Crawford. The Daily says that the Hov. J. N. Buttle is forming a Temperance Society aud Baud of Hope in connection with the Wesleyan Church, Masterton. This is au outcome of the lecuro delivered by the Rev. L. ’M. Isitt on Friday last.

There will be several detectives stationed at Wellington during the Exhibition season.

The larks, as well as the sparrows, are troubling our farmers —in some places to a considerable extent.

Whitebait have made their appearance at the Grey, and the Maoris think that the fact of these fish making their appearance in July instead of September, augms well for a long and fine summer.

A correspondent of a West Coast paper complains of the way in which the Press crack up the Baldwins, when they are in reality shams. The Greytowu audience certainly thought very little of the entertainment presented to them. A terrible storm occurred at Newfoundland on June '/. An enormous amount of shipping was destroyed, and many lives were lost. It was the worst storm for forty years. The Service of Song at Carterton, on Monday night, by the Wesleyan Choir, drew a crowded house. Everybody was delighted with the music, and at the close of the entertainment, three cheers were given for the Rev Mr Ward, his wife and the choir. The expenditure for defence purposes in Victoria during the war scare was £130,000. The first underground telegraph in Victoria has been laid at Sandhurst. The Waste Lands Board have resolved that residence be compulsory on the deferred payment sections.

Indigestion and Liver Complaints.—For these complaints Baxter’s Compound Quinine Pills have proved a specific, acting powerfully on the liver and mildly on the stomach.—Sold everywhere, or post free from J. Baxter, Chemist, Christchurch, for 19 or 44 stamps.

The Rev. 0. H. Spurgeon has created great excitement by an article in the Monthly Review of 27th June, in which he narrates in detail the circumstances attending the death of the late Justice Williams, and the disclosures brought out in the Jefferies case. He makes these examples from high official life the basis of a full flavoured denunciation of English morality. Mr Boyd, of Waihenga, calls for tenders for brickmaking. Particulars can be found in our advertising columns. “ Rough On Corns.” Ask tor Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Agents, Christchurch. Owing to the late severe drought in New South Wales butter has brought very high prices. Within the last few weeks, however, prices have so come down that some of the Sydney produce merchants advise their New Zealand clients to discontinue shipments. The Christchurch Telegraph of a late date states that “ a bacon and Ham Curing Company which was started at Rangiora six weeks ago, has done the farmers of the northern district, who were in doubt about the sale of their pork, a good service. The Company referred to was started to cure bacon and hams in a first-class way, and will subsequently enter into the curing of butter and cheese-making. The works are exceedingly complete, and the quality of the meat produced is excellent. About a thousand carcases were in process of curing ou Tuesday, and in a day or two the first few tons will be in a condition ready for shipment.” Will the cheese-makers of the Wairarapa take the bint ? We think the matter is receiving attention in the Wairarapa in the contemplated Starch Factory here. There is little doubt but that the making of good cheese and butter, the growth of potatoes, and the curing of good bacon and hams are the most profitable industries for the settlers of New Zealand.

The Test of Actual Trial.—This is what proves the merit of a preparation. The proprietor of Green’s August Flower, knowing its valuable properties, meets this test boldly by preparing sample bottles of this remedy, which are sold at 6d. This enables doubters to Jry its virtues at a trilling expense. August FJower is a panacea for Dyspepsia and all disorders of the Liver, rviv. lujigcsiiou, ok.iv Headache, Costiveness, &c. Three doses will relieve any of the above, and a faithful use will certainly cure. No medicine in the world has ever given such prooi of its merits. Druggists recommend it with perfect confidence, and physicians prescribe it regularly. Price for full sized bottle zs Cd. Sold by all druggists. John Willett, a shoemaker, attempted to commit suicide on Sunday morning, at Masterton by cutting his throat with a razor. Ho had gone out of town into a paddock, and lay down under a lo,g where he committed the deed. He was found by some children who gave information. He is progressing favourably. The Star says that Willett, who is better known as “ Little Jack,” has been in the employ of J. W. Leahy & Co., for the last two years. Willett had not been drinking, and the only explanation he gives for the attempt on his life is that he is suffering from low spirits. The Featherston Volunteers mustered strongly on Monday night; Lieuts Donald and Smith, and about 40 rank and file were on parade. Drill-Instruotor Bexar put the men through the various batallion movements, outside the Oddfellows’ Hall.

The earthquake on Sunday evening was felt in Canterbury and in Westland, as well as in the different parts of this provincial district.

A Wairarapa settler has informed the editor of the New Zealand Times that there is a dispute between our newly-appointed Kesideut Magistrate and one of the police constables. The Besideut Magistrate appears to entertain an opinion that it Is necessary for the dignity of Iris office that the constable should salute him, whether he meets him insido the Courthouse or in the street. The constable, on the other hand, contends that there is nothing whatever in the regulations to compel him to salute a Besideut Magistrate in the street, and he therefore refuses to do so.

The Daily calls attention to the pretty appearance of the western sky after sunset at the present time. Three of the planets, namely, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, stand in a row in the order named, the latter highest np. The bright star between them is Itegulus, in the constellation of Leo. Those who wish to see them should do so on the first fine evening, and within an hour after sunset.

We have received from Messrs T. Kennedy McDonald & Co., Wellington, their Lauded Property Guide, which is a most valuable hand bo"k, giving a quantity of information on laud topics from the various parts of the colony, with details of laud sold privately, aud by the various Crown Land Commissioners as well as complete details of the various properties for sale by the firm throughout the colony. fJo pains have evidently been spared in preparing for gratuitous circulation, this publication, which excels all the pamphlets of the kind that has come under our notice in N Z. The Advertisers’ aud Monthly Circular incorporated with the Guide will form an advertising medium which will no doubt betaken advantage of by advertisers in all parts of the colony, as having an extensive circulation, in both N.Z. aud Australia it bus mauy advantages that commeud it to all. Copies will be posted regularly, on applying to Mess)a T. Kennedy McDonald cv; Co., Panama street, Wellington.

The Ctaraiaitrafiio bridge has been a very expensive structure, but we regret to say that its durability is not commensurate with the money spent upon it. Just now it is very shaky, aud a gentleman who has just driven over in a buggy, says he was thankful when be got to terra firma. He is of opinion that a heavily laden wagon attempting to cross would biing itself and the bridge to grief, if this is true, the bridge should be made safe for traffic at ouce. Tic-doloreux, toothache, or any other neuralgia pain speedily yields to Baxter’s Anli-nenralgic Pills. Hkiuny Men. “ Wells’ Health Ronewer” restores health aud vigor, cures, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Debility. At druggists. Kemp- . thovno, Prosser & Co,, Agents, Christchurch. * i

The Rev E. A. Lingard, of Christchurch, has been appointed Archdeacon of Akaioa. At the Sydney sheep sales on the 22nd, a ram by Grand Prince brought 262 guineas, and was bought by a New Zealand breeder. Mr A. Matthews has been invited by the Featherston Rifles to accept the Captaincy of the company. Mr Matthews has promised to givo his decision in the matter in a few days.

Messrs J. H. Wallace & Co's second stock sale, takes place at the Lower Hutt, to-morrow. Some fresh stock have been added in to-day's issue.

The Carterton Fire Brigade has accepted the challenge for a competitive match with the Masterton Brigade. Tenders are invited by Mr Sellar, Deputy Assignee, for the purchase of the lease, plant etc., of the butchering business lately carried on by Mr G. Bowleg, at Carterton. The annual meeting of the members of St John’s church, Featherston, takes plaeo tomorrow evening.

“ Uncle Tom,” the hero of that book written by Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe, which some years ago brought vividly before the public the horrors of American slavery, was presented to a numerous Greytown audience last evening in a Service of Song. In our last we noticed its performance in Featherston on the previous Friday evening, aud our remarks as to the merits of the service then wore fully borne out by the way in which the Greytown choir acquitted themselves last evening. Mr Hillier read the extracts from “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” but it was evident that the Rev Mr Ward was the soul of the whole of the proceedings. He is a thorough musician and wilds the baton with excellent precision and effect, and it is to his efforts that tho public of the Wairarapa townships are indebted for these musical treats. We must also compliment the choir on their style of singing ; the voices blended well in the choruses and were very effective. Nor can we pass over the exquisite playing upon tho harmonium of Mrs Ward ; she drew out the soft chorda with a sensitive touch, and where required brought out the full power of the instrument in the fortissimo passages. With such a player as Mrs Ward and such a conductor as her husband, the choir of the Greytown Wesleyan Church, bids fair to attain great proficiency. Sore Throat quickly yields to “ Baxter’s Lung Preserver.” For Coughs and Colds, Baxter’s Lung Preserver ” is unrivalled. In Croup, " Baxter’s Lung Preserver " operates magically, its expectorant and other properties affording speedy relief. In Whooping Cough, “ Baxter’s Lung Preserver ” is a specific. In Bronchitis and Asthma, " Baxter’s Lung Preserver ’’ affords immediate relief. In Consumption, "Baxter’s Lung Preserver” has been signally successful. Don’t Die In Tho House. “Rough on rata ” clears out rats, mice, beetles, roaches, bed bugs, flies, ants, moles, jack-rabbits, insects, gophers. Kempthorue, Prosser and Co., Agents.

The Masterton Farmers’ Olnb have appointed a committee to ascertain what support is likely to be given to the new Pastoral and Agricultural Society, and to call a public meeting to consider the matter. Edward Churton, an old Wanganui resident, died on Saturday last. He was Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, and had been Mayor, and held a number of responsible positions. Ho was resident at Wanganui since 18G2.

A fire in Upper Willis street, Wellington, last night destroyed Hensen’s Venetian Blind manufactory. Tire Geographical Society is equipping another African expedition. It is intended to start in August from Zanzibar, and to proceed thence to Italy. A shocking accident occurred on board the steamer Woonona when off Botany Hoads early on the morning of July 6 One of the sludge boles suddenly blew out and an immense rush of scalding steam and hot water poured into the main engine room. The chief and second engineers escaped without injury, but llobert Bell, was caught iu a blinding cloud of steam, aud being in a partially suffocated condition rushed backwards and turned iu the wrong direction for safety. He ran to the corner of the engine room and remained there for fully threequarters of au hour until absolutely boiled. The other hands in the vessel were unable to render any assistance. When the body was recovered it presented a horrible spectacle, being literally cooked. A week or two ago a Mr and Mrs Scaramelli, living at Island Bay, partook of some broth aud showed symptoms of having been poisoned. The broth and what the suffering persons vomited has been analysed aud found to contain a large amount of arsenic. On Monday Joseph and Tcleua Moore, son-in-law and daughter of Mr aud Mrs Scaramelli, were arrested and lodged iu the lock-up, on au information charging them wilh having attempted the lives of Mr aud Mrs Scaramelli by poisoning. It is believed that has been some bad feeling between the parties concerned for some time past. Accused was remanded until Tuesday next. Tho following bail was allowed: —The husband in one surety of £IOO or two of £SO each, and the wife in one surety of £SO.

The adjourned meeting of the Lower Valley Jockey Club was held on Saturday last, Mr J. Martin, jun., in the chair. About twenty members were present. The accounts for last year, as audited by Mr Martin and Mr A. It. McFarlane, wore passed as correct. Mr G. Pain was elected Treasurer, and Mr W. Armstrong was proposed as Secretary. Mr Evans was asked to act. pro tem, and write to Mr Armstrong asking upon what terms he will act as Secretary to the club. It was resolved that a general meeting of the club be called for Saturday, August 8, when some important business will be considered. At a meeting of the Carterton Town Board on Monday, Mr James Itidgway waited on the Board and complained about the disturbance which was created at the old Town Hall, which is just opposite his residence, stating that he, being a ratepayer, had a right to be protected. He pointed out to the Board that they had refused to let the hall to the Mormons some little time ago. The Chairman, npmt from this matter, remarked that the Salvation Army had agreed to give 10s per week for the lease of the Town Hall, but having failed in that, they wanted it for 8, and lastly for ss. It was resolved that the Salvationists have the use of the hall for 8s per week, but that the windows, which had been broken since they had taken it must be replaced at ouee.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1713, 29 July 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1713, 29 July 1885, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1713, 29 July 1885, Page 2