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The ordinary monthly meeting of the above Council was held in the County Chambers, Lawrence, yesterday afternoon at the ÜBual hour. Present — Messrs Clayton (Chairman), Bennet, Cotton, Edie, Livingston, M'Nab, M'Farlane, and Smith.


Mr M'Nab took exception to the wording of a minute dealing with the vote for the Bungtown road, in which the work was spoken of as to be charged to the main roads' account. He moved : " That the motion be altered so as to make the work chargeable to the riding." Mr Bennet said that he had moved that there be a main roads' account, in which certain revenues were to be set apart in accordance with the Act. Mr M'Nab was quite right in moving in the direction he had. '

The Chairman said that the money would be chargeable to the revenue of the riding. Mr M'Nab objected to the minute because there was no revenue set apart for main roads.

Mr Bennet stated that the Act provided that certain revenues, inter alia, were to be set apart for main roads. The motion was carried. The minutes ' were then confirmed as altered, CORRESPONDENCE. The inward correspondence consisted of letters as follow :—: — From the Mines Department stating I that there ware no further funds available for subsidies toward prospecting. Received.

From D. Stewart (solicitor for A. D. Johnstone, Tapanui), repudiating the Council's claim for rates on property at Glenkenich. From A. T. Brazil, pointing out that he had paid his rates (£1 16s) on his property at Ettrick twice over.— lt was agreed on the motion of Mr Smith, that the amount be refunded.

From John Eady, puntraan, Millers Flat, asking for permission to build a dwellingbouse on the west side of the river, convenient to the punt.— No objection to be offered.

From W. Ramsay, Crookston, on behalf of the Crookston Progress Committee, asking the Council to metal from the end of Matheson's corner to Adam's store ; also, to open up the road from the school to Swan's homestead.— To be attended to when the Council is in funds. From the Mines Department, stating that no payments after the end of the present month (January) could be allowed from the undermentioned subsidies promised to the Tuapeka County, namely :—

Aids to prospecting, £50, road to open up quarry for Waitahuna bridge, £133 63 Bd, Waipori road via Bungtown, £375, and snow poles, Roxburgh to Campbells, £249 0s Bd.— A wire, bearing a later date, was also received from the same Department, stating that the balance of WaiporiBungtown road vote (£6O) would be paid as the contraot had already been entered into. Before deciding as. to the snow poles it would be necessary for the Council to forward the oontraot which had been entered into to the Department. — Received.

From O. M'Kenzie, Dunrobln, re an application to the member for the riding (Mr Edie) asking him to have the road between sections 17 and 20 closed. The writer strongly objeoted to the dosing of the road, as he had to use it frequently for stock. — Mr Edie remarked that, at the lait meeting of the Council, Mr Muir applied to put a gate on the road referred to, which was granted. He moved : " That the clerk write Mr M'Kenzie that the road was not closed) but permission was granted to put on a gate." — Carried. From the Wallace County Council, asking the co-operation of the Council in inducing the Government to add a clause to the Counties Act, giving power to the County Councils to authorise the erection of gates on County road-lines. — The Chairman said the County already had the power.— Mr Bennet moved; "That the Chairman and clerk enquire into the matter, and, if not already empowered, that the County support the request." Mr Edie seconded the motion, which was carried.

From John R. £err, drawing attention to the road leading from the Beaumont station to Millers Flat. The present road was very steep and dangerous. There were also a few places near the Ormaglade boundary fence which required looking after. — Mr Bennet moved : " That the engineer report as to the necessity and cost of the work by next meeting." — Carried. From the Undersecretary of Justice, stating that the matter of making provision for the issue of billiard licenses would receive consideration should any amendments to the Licensing Act bs brought forward. — Received.

OL&BKS FLAT ROAD. A. petition waa received from a number of settlers at Clarkg Flat, calling attention to their position in respect of road communication. In the winter it was almost impossible to get their produce to market. They had been a settled community for twenty years, and the road was much the same as when first formed.

Mr Livingston mentioned that the road in question was very bad in the winter season. The nature of the ground required some attention.

Mr G. S. Walker, who was present, said that when Mr Buchanan was chairman tenders were called for this work and were withdrawn. The road was in a deplorable state during wet weather. He trusted the Council would see their way to do something. He did a little carting last winter himself, but he could not be expected to put the road in repair.

The Chairman said that the riding would be overdrawn as soon as the present contraot (No. 315) was completed ; and if this work was done, the surfacemen in the riding would have to be dispensed with for the next six months.

Mr Livingston was quite willing to dispense with the surfacemen if the work could be done.

Mr M'Nab said that some months ago, the Council resolved that no more new works could be entered on until the Council was out of debt. He did nob approve of entertaining the tenders called for this meeting, as the riding would be left without funds.

At a later stage, Mr Livingston moved : " That contract No. 315 (Olarks Biding) be reduced from 40 chains to 25 chains, and that the tender be accepted as altered."— Agreed to. Mr Livingston also moved : " That the engineer invite tenders for rubbling tea chains of road opposite Mr Geo. Walker's, Clarks Flat."

Mr Bennet seconded the motion, which was carried.


In response to a motion by Mr Livingstop, the clerk laid on the table a return shdwing the number of cattle registered. On Waipori commonage during 1886, 189 head were registered, bringing in a revenue of £66 4s; in 1887, only £30 4s was received ; and for thu year only two persons had registered cattle, and the fees received were £9 4s. On the Gabriels commonage in 1886, 602 head were registered ; the fees received were £108 14s. In 1887, only 254 head were registered ; and the fees received amounted to £40 6s. This year 265 head were registered, and the fees received were £41 Ba.

Mr Livingston said that this was a source of revenue which should be looked after. To his knowledge, a number of people at Waipori and Gabriels were not regiaterirg their cattle. He thought that the ranger should be instructed to muster the cattle and see that they were paid for.

Mr M'Nab said that the ranger had power to make a muster. If a day were appointed to make a muster, the cattle would be removed. The matter then dropped. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. The following report was submitted by Mr Edie, Gonnty Engineer : — REPORT FOR MONTH. There is nothing fresh to report for the month ended. The roads are in fair order for summer traffic. I have prepared plans and specifications for seven contracts during the month, tenders for which are returnable at to-day's meeting. During the month several small jobs, as per works register, have been carried ont by the surfacemen. The -grader has been at work in the Beaumont and James ridings. In the Beaumont riding, over four miles was formed at a cost of about Is lOd per chain, which is very satisfactory. Particulars of James riding are not I to hand.

REPORT AS PER WORKS BEGISTBE. Main Eoad Bepairs.— Docherty's bridge towards Evans Flat, 30 chains of gravelling are required, cost £40 ; repairs opposite Cotton's paddock, £5 ; gravelling 10 chains of road opposite schoolhouse at Evans Flat, £15 ; rubbling 6 chains of road at bridge No. 8, Wbitetfs, £15; repairs opposite Robins' farm, £20; gravelling 30 chains east approach to Beaumont bridge, £60; gravelling 10 chains beyond Cliften Hotel, £15; repairs to bill opposite Coskery'B farm, £7 ; repairs to hill township of Bastings, £30 : repairs to hill, Evans Pinch, £15; repairs to road hollow near stables, £20 j repairs to road Judge's Creek to punt, £20. Metalling Eoad, Heriot Township.— The length of road required is 40 chains, more or less. Approximate cost to rubble same, say 12 x 8, would be £130 to £140.

Sharp Bends on Main Eoad, Beaumont to Eaeß Junction.— To widen embankments at the places referred to would coat £30.

Eepair to Culvert, &c.— Culvert up Murray's Flat on main road requires new decking very badly. Bridge near Livingston's requires new decking. _ Miller's Bridge (beyond Evans Plat).— This bridge is m a very snaky condition. It was patched up about three years ago. The beams are very bad; The span is 36ft in the clear, from which it will be seen that a great deal of timber is required to renew it. I would recommend that for this bridge iron girders be procured. Bridge, Whittet No. I.— This bridge is in a shaky condition. The decking is very bad; The original beams are completely gone. The traffic is now being carried by 12x6 beams, put in three years ago. Cost to repair it, £20. ' Bridge, Whittet No. 2.— This bridge requires attention also. The original beams are very rotten. three years ago. Cost to renew same, £20 Bridge, Whittet No. 3.— This bridge is not so baa as the last named one. No immediate danger. Cost to renew same and repoint the masonry, £21. Teyfot Bridge,— Thi3 bridge requirea reptiriat

very badly. Some of the present planking is completely gone. BBFOXT OS OONTBACTS, No. 809 (Hogg), formation from Switzers track to Spylaw Creek.— Completed; made a very good job. No. 310 (Gillies), gvarelling road south of Tapanui, —Made a start. The Chairman moved " That the engineer be empowered to repair Miller's bridge, and, if necessary, to reconstruct smaller bridges ; tenders to be called for next meeting. "—Mr Bennet seconded.— ' Carried. Re the dilapidated state of several of the bridges, Mr Smith Baid it was the duty of the engineer to see that these bridges were repaired. He was getting disgusted with this sorb of work. The Teviot bridge was being crossed by soores of people, and when a few planks wete wanted the engineer instead of attending to the matter brought it before the Council. The Council might be let in for hundreds of pounds before the matter could he attended to. He (the engineer) should attend to these matters and report afterward to the Council. TENDERS. The engineer recommended the acceptanoe of the following tenders : — No. 313— Road formation, block ill., Benger. — M. Whelan. No. 314— Gravelling main road at M'Connell's, Moa Flat.— M. Whelan.

No. 316— Gravelling road near Livingston's (Tuapeka Mouth road).— Miohael Byan. No. 316 — Road formation to Scrubby Point, block rv., Waitabuna East.— Jeremiah Byan.

No. 317— Clearing scrub, Tuapeka West.— John Crawford.


Mr Smith Baid that complaints had been made to him by Messrs Cargill and Anderson about the oondition of the road between Shiela' and Borton's claim. He moved : " That the engineer report on the matter by next meeting." — Carried.


Mr Smith read a letter on the above subject from Mr Y. Pyke, in which it was stated that Mr Jas. Smith (Greenfield) had a oopy of the report made by Mr Johnston, C.E., on the above subject. Mr Bennet moved : " That the olerk write to Mr Smith, asking for a oopy of the report."— Carried. ROAD LABOUR. Mr Livingston moved : <! That the engineer bring up a report at next meeting as to the most practicable means of having the surfaoing done by tender." Mr Bennet seconded. It would be wise to give the tender system a trial. The motion was carried. PROPOSED ROXBURGH TRAMWAY.

Mr Smith said he had received prices from three firms in England for the construction of the tramway between Lawrence and Roxburgh. The cost was estimated at from £55,000 to £75,000. Either of these firms was willing to construct the tramway on debentures, bearing interest at 5 per cent. The Tuapeka Times was in error in representing that the Council would have to supply the funds for the work. All the Council would have to do was guarantee the five per cent. In the estimate which had been published as to the pqobable amount of traffic, several large items had been omitted, auch as carriage of timber, &0., and the Millers Flat traffic. He considered that the terms were very favourable, and that the line could be made to pay more than the five per cent. The question was, Gould the Council guarantee the five per cent ? He would like the members to carefully consider the matter before next meeting.


Mr Edie said he had asked at last meeting for a report as to the cost of gravelling the road Heriot to Finlay's. As the cost was too great, he would move : " That tenders be called for gravelling 25 ohains from Heriot bridge towards Dunrobin." — Carried.


The Finance Committee (Messrs ßennet, M'Nab, Livingston, M'Farlane, and Cotton) submitted their report. In the matter of the Chairman's and members' expenses, the limit being fixed by act of Parliament, the committee had no suggestion to make. They suggested that the salary for the office of clerk and treasurer be reduced to £250 ; that as the engineer had travelling expensea to pay, the committee did not consider him overpaid. They suggested that the present surfacemen be dismissed and that applications be invited for the vacancies, applicants to state wages required ; and that all printing, where practicable, be tendered for. The Council adopted the Committee's report, except in the matter of the clerk's salary, which The Chairman moved Bhould be £275. He thought that £75 was too much of a reduction. Mr Woods was an exceptionally good officer. Mr Smith seconded the motion. He considered that £50 waß quite enough to take off the salary of the clerk.

Mr Bennet stated that £250 was the amount originally paid, and then the finances of the County were better. The Olutha clerk only received £175, and the Taieri clerk £200.

The Chairman put the motion with the following result : Ayes — Messrs Smith, Cotton M'Nab, and Clayton. Noes — Messrs Bennet, Edie, Livingston, and M'Farlane. — The Chairman gave his casting vote in favour of the motion, which was declared carried. DOG REGISTRAR. Mr A. Sutherland was appointed to collect the dog-tax for Beaumont riding. MAIN ROAD EXPENDITURE. In reply to a question, the Chairman stated that the amount expended on the main road last year was £1,340. RECOVERY OF RATES. Mr Bennet moved and Mr M'Nab seconded : " That the clerk be given the necessary power to sue for all outstanding rates."— Carried. ACCOUNTS. The accounts for the months of January, amounting to £469 Is 4d, were passed for payment. The Council then adjourned.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XX, Issue 1428, 11 February 1888, Page 3

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XX, Issue 1428, 11 February 1888, Page 3

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XX, Issue 1428, 11 February 1888, Page 3