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Tho New Zealand Loan nnd Mercantile Agency Company, Limitod, report under date London, Juno 17th, as follows : — WOOL. As stated m a former issue, tho limit of fresh arrivals for tho third series was reached on 14th nit., and at 4 p.m. on that day tho list was closed. Subjoined aro the particulars of the quantities available : — Bales. Now Sonth Wales 74,907 Queensland 14,296 Victoria 65,861 Sonth Australia 21,372 Western Australia 10,294 Tasmania 12,251 New Zealand 113,862 Cape of Good Hopo 36,320 Total 352,169 Of theso, Homo 27,000 bales havo boon forwarded to tho manufacturing districts direct. About 17,000 bales wore beM over from the Erevioua series, but of theso, aay, 17,000 bales avo boen disposed of by private troaty. It accordingly follows that tho net quantity available for disposal m tho series which oponod yesterday aggregates about 355,000 bales. Tho two catalogues comprising the first day's auctions embraced tho following 1 selection : — Bales. New South Wnle.s 4,311 Queensland ltfl Victoria 1,167 South Australia 602 Western Australia. 617 Tasmania 36 New Zealand • ... 4,309 Cape of Good Hopo 1,219 Total 12,422 At tho opening thoro was a. numorous attondauco both of homo and foreign buyers, and exceptionally eager competition was displayed by the latter, which resulted m an advance on April dosing rates of quite 20 per cent on merino and 10 per cent on fino and medium orossbreds, coarse aorta, although not throughout quotably dearer, rnling distinctly m sellera' favour. Lambs wool, although dearer, did not participate to tho full m tho foregoing advance. As tho sales progress, should the firm attitndo exhibited by the foreign section' be maintained, it is not unlikely that the homo trado will beootno more eager iv theit pur-

chasos, tho low level at which values havo stood during tho earlier months of this year having now induced a gonoral bolief that m order to replonish stocks a material advance must be paid on last sales' qnotations. Tho following aro tho arrivals to date for the fourth scrios :— Bales. Now South Wales 31,744 Queensland 7,039 Victoria 21,901 South Australia 4,008 Western Australia 623 Tasmania 2,092 New Zealand 39,677 Capo of Good Hope 26,814 Total 13-1,048 CORN MARKET. This market has beon devoid of animation during tho past two weeks, and prices havo fnrthor recoded. Tho weather has. on tho wholo, been favourable to tho growing crops m this country, which, howover, aro still unusually backward for tho timo of tho year. Reports regarding tho American crops continuo to bo satisfactory. Moro especially is this the case with respect to California, whorq tho harvest, which hna already commenced, is cxpectod to bo exceptionally heavy. Amorican quotations havo shown further signs of weakness, and this fact, together with tho large shipments of wheat thonco and from India, has had a depressing effect upon our market hero. A small cargo of Australian whoat, ex " Solid," has been sold for tho Continent at 35s Cd per 4Solbs c.i.f. Ex stand, tho business passing both m Australian and Now Zealand descriptions has beon very modorato, having been checked to somo extont by the incidqneo of tho Whitsuntide holidays. Flour, owing to heavy arrivals of American, has boon very dull of salo. Feeding staffs aro without material change. Supplies on passage and shipping to tho United Kingdom aro now given at 2,266,500 quarters, a3 compared with 2,103,500 quartors a fortnight aco, and 2,762,000 quarters at tho same unio m lboo. iuo au...: <■ _:_;ui<, supply" 13 at present 32,424,180 bushels, as against 34,888,596 bushels two weeks ago, and ■11,991,519 bushels at a corresponding period last year. 1 We quote present prieo3 ex granary, as fol--1 low: — Wheat — Australian, 35a to 36a per 496 lbs ; Now Zealand long-borried, fino, 32s 6d to 33s 6d ; do, do, medium, 31s to 325 ; do, do, inferior, 30s 6d to 31s ; do, short-berried, i fino, 313 Gd to 333 ; do, do, medium, 31s to 31s 6d ; do, do, inferior, 30s to 31s. Flour—Aus- • tralian, patent, 25s to 263 per 280 lbs (gross); do, superfine, 23s 6d to 243 6d ; Now Zealand, patent, 233 Gd to 24s 6d ; do, fine, 20a to 21s. Barley— New Zealand, No. 1, — ; No. 2, 28s to 30s per 418 lbs. Oats — New Zealand, heavy, 30s Gd to 31s 6d per Imp. qr. ; do, ordinary, 27a to 283. Beans — New Zealand, I old crop, 35s to 36s per 504 lbs; do, new crop 33s to 345. Peas — New Zealand, average, 3t3 to 35s per 50-4 lbs; do, wrinkle, noin., , 30a to 50s. TALLOW. At the two public auctions held during tho past fortnight 3642 casks Australian and Now , Zealand were offored, of which 2643 wore sold under the hammer, whilst a fair proportion of the bought-in lotg found buyers by privato treaty between the sales. The improved demand reported m onr last issue has been well maintained thronghont. Tho home trade has continued to operate freely at an advance of abont Is per cwt on fine mutton and Is to la 3d on fino beef. Continental buyers, too, have purchased readily, the result of their compet'tion being shown m an advance of Is to Is 6d por cwt on all parcels suitable for export. Tho market closes steady, being supported by tho rise m valnes reported from the Continent and America, and by a further decrease m tho available supplies m first hands. Wo quote :— P.Y.C., new, 30a 6d per cwt; Australian mutton, fino, 27s 6d to 28s ; do, do, medium, 26a to 275; do beef, fine, 243 fid to 2G3 ; do, do, modinm, 23a to 245. Importatiaus into London during the fortnight ended 12th inst. amounted to 3622 casks. For to-morrow's auctions 1532 casks are advertised. The estimated stock m warohonso is 15,250 oask3, of which 114 aro Russian. FROZEN MEATS. The market for home-fed mutton has remained rather quiet since the date of our last isouo, the quantities available for salo from day to day having sufficed to meet tho curront domand. Relative quotations receded appreciably during tho course of last week, but havo again ralliod, and close at a level fully equal to that last reported. Frozen mntton consignments havo been m comparatively short supply, and as tho enquiry has been steady, though quiet, the value of good ordinary carcases has been maintained throughout. The- market has remained virtually bare of prime New Zealand produce, the recent arrivals per s.s. Rimntaka being still m courao of discharge from ship. Lambs of all descriptions have continued rather dull of sale ; and iv tho case of New Zealand parcols (which comprise a largo proportion of inferior carcases) slightly lower rates havo occasionally toon accepted. Beef has woll supported tho advance reported m onr last iasuo. iv tho provincial markets a limited trade has been dono at prices on a par with those current here. To-day's London qnotations are aa follow : — Prime English mutton (wothors), 5a 8d to 6a 2d per atone of 81bs ; do Scotch do (do), Ga 2d to Ga Gd ; do town-killed foreign do, 4s 6d to 5s 2d ; do English beef, la 2d to 4s Gd ; do Scotch do, 4s 6d to 43 lOd : do town-killed foreign do. 4s to 4s 3d; do New Zealand mntton, 3a Gd to 3s lOd ; do do lamb, 43 4d to 4s lOd ; do Melbourne mutton, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; do Kiver Plato do, 2s lOd to 3a. IBy Telegraph.)

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3688, 28 July 1886, Page 2

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ENGLISH MARKETS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3688, 28 July 1886, Page 2

ENGLISH MARKETS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3688, 28 July 1886, Page 2