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The Land Board met on Monday. Present : The Commissioner (in the chair), Messrs. Standishj Syme, Kelly, aud Crompton.

Tho BUwk House at Hawem.—llw Keli,y said that there was a block house ou the laud which had been granted to the Inspector of Police for the purpouo of grazing Government horses, at Hawcra, and he believed the .settlers wore opposed to the permission which had been granted, thinking that it would interfere with their using the block house for religious worship and public meetings. The Inspector had informed him that the police only wished for the use of the land as a paddock for grazing the horses, and did not wish to interfere with the rights of the settlers in using the block house. — Tho Secretary was instructed to write to the settlers informing them that the block house would still be at their service for the purposes it had been used by them hitherto. Surveyor's Report— The following report, made by the Chief Surveyor, was read :— " 1 have the honour to report that the surveys for settlement purposes that will be in hand this month arc tho following : Completion of Block VI., Huiroa, about 1,000 acres ; 400 acres between sold lands and tho 5,000 acres iv the Tavurutangi District, surveyed for the Titanic Steel Company ; the remainder in the Ngaire District, making in all about 10,000 acres, of which 1,000 acres will bo completed by tho end of this mouth."

Jlawca Road JBoard.—'Xho Chairman read a memo from the General Crown Lauds Ofiicc, staling that a voucher had been made out in favour of the Hawcra Road Board for the sum of £457 9s. for roads on deferred payment lands in the Whakamura district. Extension of Time,— -A letter was read from Messrs. J. and R. Gordon, stating their reasons for having failed to comply with the provisions of the deferred payment lands, not having resided on their sections at Otoia Block within the time prescribed by the Act. The letter stated that they had been unable to take their families to reside on the land, as no road had been made to it, and it was dense bush land. They had been engaged cutting and felling the bush since Augnst, and had also let a contract for £150 to other men for cleaving the land.— Mr. Standish said the Messrs. Gordon evidently intended to apply to the Board to extend the time for residence, although thoy had not actually done so in their letter ; he would thorcfore move " That the timo for residence on tho land held by Messrs. Gordon on deferred payment in the Otoia Block be extended until the Ist Jnlv next." — Tho motion was seconded by Mr. SrAfE, and carried. Native Reserve at Nonnanby.—A. letter was read from Messrs. J. and T. Robson, addressed to the Hon. Major Atkinson, and referred by Major Atkinson to the Board. Ifc stated that the land which they had agreed with the native owners for the right of cutting timber upon for sawmill purposes, was being interfered with by the surveyors making a Government line through the same, ami that if the land was sold by the Government they would lose two-thirds of the best of tho timber which they had bought from the native owner.-*. They had gone to considerable expense lately in erecting a more powerful engine, aud making other improvements to their mill, in the belief that they would havo the bush which they had purchased from the natives for sawmill purposes. Timber was diflicult to obtain in that locality, and if the bush was taken from them they would sustain- a great loss. They therefore requested Major Aikiuson to use his iniiuunce in securing the timber to them. — The Board decided to ask Messrs. Robson for the terms of their agreement with the natives, and the Board would consider tho matter at a futiuc sitting. Section 77 Manganui.—A certificate was received from tho Ranger to the clEect that Mr. It. H. Thompson had complied with the provisions of the Immigrants Land Act, in respect to section No. 77, Manganui, and the Board ordered a Crown Grant to be issued for the same.

Non-fulfilment of Condition. — A letter was received by the Commissioner from Messrs. Ganc Brothers, making an explanation of the circuinstaucea attending their non-fulfilment of the conditions of their sctions held on deferred payment, and it was resolved, " That, under the special circumstances mentioned by them, an extension of time for the payment of the instalment due ou their section be granted until the Ist January next." Transfer. — An application by A. Connor to transfer section 12, block 11, liuiroa District (Midhnrst Settlement), to W. S. Moyle, was granted. Cemetery Sites. — Mr. Kellt requested that a full description of the laud required for the proposed cemetery sites be made for the purpose of having the same inserted in the schedule of the Bill, to be brought before the next Parliament. — Tho CoMMiaaiONKR undertook to see that the description of the various sites was made out. This concluded the business.

Keg butter is in full supply at Wellington at lOd. to lid. per lb. "In Mnstei'tou," says tho local paper, " wo pay Is. M. per lb. for a very bad sample." Telegraphic communication between Batavia and Siugapore has been interrupted siuco 8 o'clock last night. A special steamer will leave Batavia for Singapore to-morrow, . (17th), at noon, conveying all tologrms. The s.s. liangatira leaves Wellington today on a special trip for Napier, and will not arrive at New Plymouth until Tuesday next. At the Police Court this morning, James m Kenny, proprietor of the Imperial Hotel, was fined ss. and costs for supplying liquor on Sunday, ihc 7th instant, to porsons not being bond fide lodgers or travellers. Two cases of sly grog-selling at Paritutu wcro on tho charge-sheet, bub were not concluded before going to press. A report of the proceedings will appear to-morrow. It is not very complimentary of the Hawke's Hay Herald to style Colonel Trimble, and Mr. Shepherd of Nelson, " doubtful members," because tho editor docs not happen to know those gentlemen's political opinions' So far as the former is concerned, we think we need havo no hesitation in sayiug that he cau be classified under the head of the Opposition.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3228, 16 September 1879, Page 2

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LAND BOAKD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3228, 16 September 1879, Page 2

LAND BOAKD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 3228, 16 September 1879, Page 2