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(From "The. Colonist," April 5.) Tho weather was everything that could be desired on Saturday for the eecond day of the bowling tournament. The greens, drying, improved in running, and a very enjoyable day was spent on both the Nelson and s Maitai greens. In the dternoon the pky was watched by numerous visitors, including many ladies. On the Nelson green afternoon tea wns dispensed by Mrs A. J Redgrave; wifo of the vice-president; and on the Maitai green it was^ provided by the President (Mr G. F. Dodd'O, the vice-president (Mr G. *. Glover), and Mr A. Richards. NELSON GEF.EN . The following are the results of play on the Nelson- ?.reen. As the visiting team.? remain.- the same a-s first published, only the skips are noted, and m each the visiting rink is given first. MORNING (9). i Hataitd v. Nelson, i 'Bailey, 20; Rutherford, Savage, ! Stiles, Winterbmn (s), 10., _.., Hendry. 18; Burns, O'Sulhvan, Wilkinson, Moyes («), 10. Kiniiiburgh, 22 ; Betts, Cooke, H., Leaper, Clutten (s), 23. Hataitai, 60; Nelson, 43. Takaka v. Nelson. A Haldane, 27; Miller, Edwards, Wilmot,. Pitt (b), 19. James Haldane, 23; Jacka, Robinson, Creasy, An^us (s). 10. Takaka, 50; Nelson, 29. Te Hiwi y. Nelson. . ghallcrass^.26; Bes^>Sqtuires,r Watty Grawfjani'Vs)-. 11..-' ; - Wakelield v. Alasterton. H. Tunnicliffe 17; Hollings, 13. "Shapnon v.. Wakefield. ■ Gunning, X&; A. Baigent, 13.

MORNING (11). Shannon v. Nelson. . \ Gunning, 23; Miller, Savage, Rutherord, Pitt, (s), IS. Masterton v. Nelson. Hollings, 20; H. Leaper, Edwards, A.:; E. Cresswell. Creasy ?s), 11. Te Hiwi v. Nelson. Shallcrass, 25; Kiigour, Robinson, CJuttcn, Moyes ;'s), 11. Hataitai v. Nelson, liailey, 17; Shields, Catley, Angus, \v..:.t (s)/io. kinniburgh, 26; H. Hogg, C. Leaper, G;.,>poj, E."J. Allen (s), 3. Heiidry, 15; Hey ward, Mansford, C. ..• xinn\, Haldane (s), 10. iiaiaitai, 58; Nelson, 23. Takaka v. Nelson. Page, 17; Best, O'Sullivan, Wilkinson, Winterburn (s), 16. John Haldana, 14; Betts, Robertson, Redgiave, Wilmot («), 9. Takaka, 31; Nelson, 26. AFTERNOON. Wellington v. Nelson. Buth, 19: Creasy, Moyes, Harkness, ■MoKeo (s), 19. Erskine, 18; Burns. Cutley, Stiles, Haldane (s), 17. Hamilton, 23; Robertson, Cooke, .Clutten, Allen (s), 39. Wellington, 60; Nelson, 55. Court Cards v Nelson. Mannering, 10; Phillips, Betts, J'acka, Wilkinson (s), 31. KhandaUah v. Nelson. , Gollan, 21; Shields, Redgrave, Crawford, Monson (s), 30. Plimmer, 18; Edwards, A. Leoper, Squires, Watt (s), 21. Khandallah, 39; Nelson, 51. Riversdale v. Nelson. Crook, 14; H. Hogg, 0. Leaper, Graham, Mansford is), 23. Grey town v. Nelson. Loasby, 12; Wylie, Angus, Pitt, Wilmot '(«), 25. MAITAI GREEN. Following are the results of the games on the Maitai Club's green, which again played splendidly :— MORNING. Maitai —Laird, A. Richards, E. Richards, W. Dee (s), 20; Wellington —Campbell, -Ledger, Skinner, Erskine Maitai—Servington, Johnston, Whelan, Calder (s), 13; Wellington—Roberts, Norton, Brown, Bush (s), 11. Maitai—Whiting, Lockwood, Hockey, Allen (s), 13; Wellington—Jackman, Wylie, Brodie, Hamilton (s), 15. Ma.tai, 46; Wellington. 41. Mailai—Camo-roni Hurley, Leyen-j-ton, Court (s), 11 j Nelson—Phillips, Oooke, Leaper, McKee (s), 10. Riversdale—Young, Blyth, Crook, Wemyss {■&), 17. Khandallah—Grant. Matthewman, Gollan, Plimmer (s), 8. Maitai—Bartlott, Hounsell, Sherwood; Thorn (s), 14; Khandallah—Davie, Stafford, Thompson, Williams (s), ''Grevtown—Trotman, Wyett, Day, Loasby (s), 16; McEaehen, McCartney, W. Simpson, Frost (s), 7. Mai bai—Stevens, Logan, Stallard, Pegler (s), 19; Court Cards—Warwick, Graystone, Bush, Mannering (s), 4. Wellington—JackmaD, Wylie, Brodie, Hamilton (s), 14; Maitai—Levy, Eades, Whiting, Thorn (s), 6. Wellington—Roberts, Norton, Brown, Bush (s), 5-, Maitai—Calder, Logan, Court, Lockwood (s), 16." . Wellington—Campbell, Ledger, feJanner, Etskine- (s), 17; Maitai—Levenston Armstrong;, Bartlett, Hockey (s), 13. Wellington, 36; Maitai, 35. . Maxtai—A. Ricliards, McCartney, Sievwright, Jolinston (s), 14; Grey town --Day, Wvett, Trotraan, Loasby (s), U. Riversdale—Young, Blyth, Crook, Wemyss (s), 17; Maitai—Pegler, Stevens, Hounsell, Laird (sju 33. Maitai—McEaehen, ""HiVhelan, W. Dee, Sherwood (s), 19; Khandallah^Plimmer, Matthewman, Willans, Davie SMartai—Stallard, W. Frost, J. Milcer, B. Richards (s), 13; Khandallah— Stafford, Grant, Gollar>, Thompson (s), 19. Maitai, 32; Khandallah, 30. Maitai—Cook, Simpson, Allen, Cray (s), J-7^; Nelson—Phillips, Cameron, Leaper, McKee (s)", 16. AFTERNOON. Te Hiwi—Wiggins, McClintock, Shallcrass, Benzies (s), 22; Maitai—Frost, Hockey, Calder. Simpson (s), 14. Shannon—Mitchell ? Butt, Stevenson, Gunning (s), 23; Maitai—Milner, Johnston, Armstrong. A. Richards (s), 13. "Takaka—-Manson, Boyes, James Haldane, .lohn Haldane,,(s), 15; Wakefield —Cook, Perry, Boyce, Baigent (s), IS. Talkaka—Page, A. Haldane, Barnett, Johnston (&), 31 j Wakefield^-Eoan, Arnold, Batt,- Tiinnieliffe (s>. 18. I Takaka, 46; Wakefield, 30. Masterton —Wi'kes, Blinkhorne, Ewington, Hollings (s), 22; Maitai—Levy, Sievwright, Jacobs, Sherwood (s), 10. Maitai--Pegler Thorn. Milner, Brundell (s), 24; Hataitai—Blick. Ross Claridke 'Kinniburgh (s), 19. Maiiai—Court,' McEaehen, Whiting,. G: Dea (s), 15 ; Hataitai—MeWbanneli, D*. Claridge; Grnar, Bailey <s)',. 18. Maitai, 67: Hataitai, 67. Maitai—Whelan, Logan, Allen, W. Dee (s), ■ 28; Khdndallah—Eyles, Stonebark, Penney 4 llendry (s), 20. .. HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL GATHERING (From "The Colonist;" April 6.) / Yesterday saw the conclusion of the most successful friendly bowling tournament ever held in Nelson. There was a large attendance on both greens, and the ladies were in strong force. The played splendidly, and the visitors made complimentary remarks upon their good condition. The following are the results: — NELSON GREEN. MOUSING (9). Te Hiwi v. Court Cards. ' Wiggins, McCh'nLock, Wilson, Shallcrass (s), 18; Graystone Bush, Manneriiig, Warwick (s), 8. Hataita' v. Nelson. Blick, Rose, Claridge, Kinniburgh (s), 0; Burns, Watt, iJaldane, Moyes (s), 33. Gyles. Stonebanks, llendry, Penney 18; Best, Squires, Stiles, Angus (s), 56. McWhannel, D. Claridge, Gruar, Bailey <$■), 20; Jac.ka, Cray, Wilkinson, Monson (s), 13. Haiaitai, 47; Nelson, 52 v. Nelson,. Loasl)y, Wyett, Day, Ti-qtnian (s), 8; Scott, Savage; Clutten, Winierbuni (s) 1:'-. Riversdale v. Nelson. - - , - Blyth Young, Crook, Wemyss (s), ■11; Phillip's, C. Leaper/..Kiigour, A. E. ! Cfcssw'-elt', 15. MORNING (11). , - Court Cards v. Nelson. Gravstcnej Bush, Mannerinjr, Warwick U), 8; C. Leaper, Hey ward, H. Hogg. Robinson (s), 30. .

Takakd v... Nelson. Barnett, A. Haldane, Johnston, Page' (s), j.2; Clutten, A. Leaper, Pitt, Best; (s), 20. ; J Grey town v. Nelson. . I 1 Trotman, Wyett, Loasby, Day (s), 21; Phillips, Horn's, Stile-:, Mansi'ord (s), 10. Te Hiwi v. Nelson. . Wi-^ins, McClintock, Wilson, Shallcrass (s), 14; Jacka, Haklane, Angus, Crawford (s), 11. ■ lliversd.ilo v. Nelson. Young, Blytb, Wemyss. Crook (s), 31: Robertson, Cray, Redgrave, Moycs (s), 19. Hatai +-ai v. Nelson. Gyles, Stonebanks, Hendry, Penney (s), 17; Burns, Squires, A. E. Cresswell, McKee (s), 13. Blick, Roso, Claridge, Kinmourgh (s), 13;-Cooke. Catley, Wintcrburn, Allen (s), 10. McWhannel. L\ Claridge, Gruar, Bailey '.s), 14; Robertson, Creasy, Mon&on, Karkness (s), 13. Hataitai, 41; Kelson, 36. AFTERNOON. Wakefield v. Nelson. Batt, Arnold, Eban, Tunnicliffe (s), 20; Edwards, Robertson, Wyllie, Mansford (s), 22. Khandallah v. Nelson. Stafford, Grant, Willans, Davie (s), J6; Catley, Savaae, Squires, McKee («), 21. Gollan, Maithewman, Plimmer, Thomson (s), 20; Robinson, Cooke, Jackson, Pitt (s), 21. Khandallah, 30; Nelson, 42. Wellington v. Nelson. Jackman, Wjlie, Brodie, Hamilton (s), 18; Watt, best. Moyes, Stiles (s), ]8. Tanner, Roberts, Burns. Bush (s), 23; \ E. Cresswell, Monsou, Haldane, Crawford (s), 15. Campbell, Ledger, Skinner, Erskine (s), 14; Clutten, Graham. Richards, Angus (s), 25. Wellington, '"55; Nelson, 58. Grey town v. Nelson. Trotman, Wyett, Loasby, Day (s), 15; Tacka, A. Leapei, Creasy, Allen (s), 18. Shannon v. Nelson. Mitchell, Butt SLephenson, Gunning (.s), 14; Bums, R. Hogg, Wilkinson, Harkness (s), 18. MAITAI GREEN. MORNING (9.30). Maitai v. Takaka. Munson, BoyeSj Haldane, James Haldane (s), 17: Brundell, McArtney, E. Richards, Loekivood (s); 10. ' Barnett, Page, Johnston, A. Haldane (s), 23; Shone, McEachen, Sherwood, Simpson (s), 12. .Twcaka, 40; lMaitai, 22. Maitai v. Khandallah. Matthowman, Grant, Golian, Willans (s), 4; Armstrong, Logan^ Levenston, Laird (s), 24, Stafford, Davie, Plimmer, M. Thomson ;s); Murston, Staliard, Court-, Allen vs), 11. , Maitai, '35; Khandallah, ]3. Masterton v. Shannon. Masterton —Wilkes, Blinkliorne, Ewington, Hollings (s), 26; ShannonMitchell, Bull, Stephenson, Gunning (s), 13. Maitai v. Wellington. Jackman, Wwlie, Brodie, Hamilton is), lt«; Levy, Jacobs, Hockej', Whiting b Roberts, Nor ton, Brown, Bush (s), 15; A. •Richardsr'VV. Milner. J. Johnston, T, Dee (s), 15. ■ . _ Campbell, -Ledger, Skinner, Erskine (s) 23; Bartleit, Hounsell, Calder, MiW-(s), 9- _ ._ ~ . o - Wellmgton, o3; Maitai, Sp. MORNING (11) Maitai v. Khandallah. Stafford, Grant, Plimmer, Gollan (s), 21; J. Milner, McArtney, Johnston, Armstrong (s), 14. W'.'.lans. Matthew man, Thomson, Davie (s), 12; Calder, W. Milner, T. Dee, Hounsell (s), 27. Maitai, 4]; Khandallah, 3d. Maitai v. Masterton. Hollings (s), 16; W. Simpson, Logan, ■Brumlell, Levy (s), 14. Maitai v. Wellington. Erskine (s), 17; Jacobs, McEacheni Court Hockey (s), 17. ' Bush (s), 24; Allen, Marston, E Richards, Levengton.. (s), 11 Hamilton (s), 17; Lockwood, Laird, Sherwood, Shone (s), 11. • Wellington, 58; Maitai, 39. Maitai v Wakefield. Eban, W. Arnold, Batt, Tunniclifl'e <«), 15; Eades. Sherwood^ Whelan, Thoru (s), 18/ ' . ' Cooky Perry, Boyce, Baigent (s)^ll; A. Richards, Staliard, Whiting, Bart■6tMwtaif 42 j Wakefield, 26. Maitai v. Te Hi-wi. Wi"gins, McClintock, Shallcrass, Wilson (s), 22 ;■ Levenston, Shone, Allen, Lockwood \.s)j 14. Maitai v. Hataitiii. Gyles, Stonebanks,- Hendry, Penney j (5),'27; Bockmann, Laird, T. Dee, ] Wiiiting (s), 18. Rose, Blick, Claridge, Kmmburgh (s), 18; Bart-lett, Levy, Hockey, Sherwood (s) '^4. Harris, D. Claridge, Gniar, Bailey (s), 14; Armstrong, Staliard, Court, Simpson (s), 17. . Hataitai, 59; Maitai, 59. i Maitai v. Takaka. Barnett, Page A. Haldane Johnston (s), 23; A. Richards, W. Miluei, Whelan, J. Milner (s), 13. . . Score cards second rink missing: Takaka,, 14; Maitai, 26 Maitai, 39; Takaka,, 37. .« Maitai v. Riversdale. - .Womyss,., BJyth, Crook, Young: (s), 2a; Bounsell, McEachen, Brundell, E. Tlicfeids (s), 24. Maitai v. Court Cards. Bush, Graystone, Mannering, Warwick (s), 23; Logan, Shenvood, Karsten, Simpson (s), 11. Mrs McGillivray gave afternoon tea on tb.'i Maitai green yesterday.

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Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13757, 21 April 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)

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SATURDAY'S GAMES. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13757, 21 April 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)

SATURDAY'S GAMES. Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 13757, 21 April 1915, Page 3 (Supplement)