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At an adjourned meeting’ ol" the \\ estland Licensing Committee a new license was granted Waiuta in lieu of the license allowed to lapse at Humphrey s Gully. The chairman (Mr Hewitt) and one member dissented. The police objected to granting the license. The painters are now at work on the Municipal Fire Brigade station and, with the line weather conditions, are milking rapid progress. The tower has for the main part been completed. and the freshened appearance of the building is appreciable. Referring to the discover,! by Mr Milne-Pott. of Opitiki. of supposed diamonds. the Rotorua Chronicle says that Mr S. .T. Dannefacrd. of Rotorua, an expert in Judging precious stones, has. after careful investigation, pronounced them as nothing more than siliceous crystals, and in no way associated with diamonds. The Colonist understands that there are good grounds for anticipating that among the gentlemen to be called to the Legislative Council. Mr A. T. Maginnity will he included as a representative of Xelson. Mr J. G. Coats (Kaipara) gave notice Jn the House of Representatives on Friday to ask the Minister for Marine whether he could inform the House if, upon the receipt of the report of Professor Prince upon the fishing industry cf Xew Zealand, the Government would entertain proposals to make advances to fishermen and to assist the industry as Is done in the matter of advances to settlers and advances to workers. In the main portion of the town area The number of unoccupied houses attracts attention. This feature is accounted for in a large measure by the fact that suburban sites are attracting fair numbers of town dwellers, who are removing further out to occupy holdings recently purchased. Everywhere the advanced progress in residential building in the outlying areas is noticeable. while "to let” and “for sale” signs are often met with in town streets recall "moving day” in many households. The secretary of the Southland League pas received an intimation from Birchwood to the effect that a strong branch of the League has been formed in that district. The election of officers resulted as follows: —Chairman. Mr Wm. Lambic; vice-chairman, Mr W. J. AMacGregor: committee. Messrs J. RBaird, T>. D. Macdonald. K. S. Cox, S. D. Mills, Thos. Moss. J. J- McLean. Thos. Quested. R. X. Robertson. A. Wilson, and Jas. Wilson. Mr H. F. Weaner was elected secretary and Mr A. W. Rodger, jun.. representative on the council. The branch has a membership of over 60, including 17 ladies. Public meetings in connection with the League are to he held at Wyndham and Orepuki to-night. The suggestion that the fire in the Baptist Church at Xorth Invercargill early on Tuesday morning might have been connected in some way with the recent installation of the electric light was entirely dismissed by information obtained yesterday. It was found that The electric current had been turned off :it the main switch, so that the wires in the building were not carrying current at all. In general, of course, electric installations are now made under such strict regulations and close supervision that it is almost impossible for fires to start from this source, and in the case of the Baptist Church at Xorth Invercargill the installation had successfully passed an unusually severe test. However, the fact that the current was turned off at the main switch finally disposed of the theory in this vase. The tirst shoot conducted by the recently _ formed Southland Miniature .Rifle Association was held in the Garrison Hall on Saturday night. There was a large number of competitors forward. and the contests were keen. In the senior grade. A. Robinson, with 67 points, secured first place, and W. t'onk, with XT points second. In the junior grade Cadet P. rfmith scored first place with -W points, and F, Barclay with a point less, was second. At a meeting of the executive held on .Monday evening It was decided to hold a team’s match, r.nd the first of a series of shoots in this connection will be held on Saturday evening, July 18. It is stipulated that teams consist of live, and that each company may enter as many teams as they please. Point 77 automatic rifles only will be used. A modal will b« awarded to each member of the team winning two shoots in succession or to the team winning three shoots at intervals. Practices will be held before the .match commences, and it is expected ’that entries will be large. The >0 h.p. eight-cylinder fie Pion landed on Monday by .Mr Arthur Stone to the order of Mr .!. A. Horner. Winton. will rank a-; one of the finest ears yet imp' rted to Xew Zealand. The equipment is complete and up-to-date, comprising C.A.V. electric lighting set, Rudge-MTitworth wire detachable wheels, engine tyre pump, double folding wind screens, gahriel horn, one man hood easily operated by one person without leaving the ear. shock absorbers, and a host of smaller contrivances calculated to add tc the comfort and convenience of the owner-driver. The body was built by Gharlesworth. the noted Coventry builder and is of extremely graceful outline. The painting and upholstery are of the highest order, and the car. though” very roomy, is not exceptionally heavy, economy in weight having been achieved in the construction of the body without sacrificing stability The engine and chassis need no description, being Pe Ttjon. Even when standing, the engine runs noiselessly. Mr Horner is the possessor of a luxurious car. the running of which will he marked by extreme flexibility and smoothness. The incomparable Alexander "Watson (as the Melbourne papers call the famous reciter), did not once succeed during his season there in finding a hall large enough r o accommodate all who wished to hear 'Mm. On one occasion a party of four, including an Invercargillite. found o.i reaching the auditorium — which accommodates between two and three thousand —that through some mistake their sears had been booked twice and were already occupied. As people were already being turned away the manager offered to return the money. The leader of the party, however, was determined and announced in stentorian tones. “I don’t want my money; t want to hear .Alexander Watson, and I will." The manager protested in vain and finally chairs were procured from somewhere and the par*w took their places at the end of the rows where were the twice-booked seats. The leader of tho party, it may be added, had previously heard Mr Watson no fewer than fourteen times. Mr Watson will appear in the Municipal Theatre on July 20.

A Papal decree orders all teachers of theology in Roman Catholic universities, colleges, and seminaries to adopt St. Thomas Aquinas’s ‘Summa Theologiae* as a text-book. Mails despatched from Wellington, via Brindisi, .on May 29 arrived in London on 4th inst.—one day early. Sir Thomas Lipton’s firm has been removed from the list of Army contractors. This is probably the result of the recent canteen scandals. At the fortnightly meeting of the Bluff Borough Council last night a number of Invercargill architects tendered for the erection of municipal offices at Bluff, but it was decided to appoint Mr F. R. Annison, the local architect. The question of lighting th© town clock was held over pending the report of an expert. An application from the New Zealand Shipping Company to stack timber in Gore street was granted. The foreman's report was adopted and accounts amounting to one hundred and sixty pounds were referred to the Finance Committee. The Appeal Court yesterday heard argument in the case of Hills v. Ashton. The case raises an important question under the Land Agents Act. 1912, the question being whether th© engagement or appointment of a agent in respect of a sale or other disposition of land, which engagement or appointment is required, by virtue of section thirteen of the above Act, to be in writing signed by the person to be charged with the commission, must be signed personaiiy by such persons or can it be signed by an agent for such person. The appeal : s from the judgment of the Chief Justice, Sir Robert Stout, who hold that a land agent was entitled to recover. The appeal was dismissed with costs on the lowest scale and from a distance.

As the outcome of the trouble which arose on a tramcar on Saturday night hist, a young man named Jas. Ballantyne appeared before Mr Wm. Smith, J.P., at the Police Court yesterday morning, charged on three informations of assaulting Wrn. Clarence Denham, motorman, W. Lewis, conductor, and Jas. Troon, conductor. He was also further charged with being found drunk in conon street and with having used obscene language in a public place. On the application of the police the case was adjourned until this morning. Among the passengers who arrived by the express from Dunedin yesterday was Mr J. 11. Lang, the representative in India of the Y.M.C.A. of New Zealand and Australia. Mr Lang, who is a New Zealander, has spent several years in the interesting capital of the Nizam of Ilydraha l. and will be welcomed to In-vert-argill at a luncheon of business men to-morrow at one p.m. In the evening at eight o'clock Mr Lang will give a lantern lecture on "India and Its Problems." end will deal with some of the political and social phases of that interesting Eastern British dependency, which Mr Lang has had special opportunities of observing and studying. Before a crowded audience in the Victoria Hal! last evening the members of the Invercargill Shakesperian Society read "The Taming of the Shrew." The reading was done in good style and it reflected credit on the members and the Society as a whole. The audience expressed its .appreciation by repeated rounds of hearty applause and followed the reading with the keenest attention. The parts were read by the following ladies and gentleman-—Baptista. Mr K. llur'ey; Vinccntio. Mr S. Strang: Lucentio, Mr S. M. Macalister: Petmchio. Mr A. Grenfell; Gremio. Mr A. CTedgington: Hortensio. Mr L. A’.sweiler: Tranio. Mr B. Moodie: Biondello. Miss Wild: Gniraio, Mr F. P.jdgrave; Curtis, Miss H. Smith: Pedant. Mr J. B. Struthers: Katharina, Miss N. .lobson: Bianca. .Miss M. Macalister: Widow. Miss XI. Perrin; Tailor. Miss M. Potter; Haberdasher, Miss W. J. McFerran. Miss L. Officer sang and Mr C. P.. S. Baj-rett played a violin solo, both of the items being heartily applauded. A report issued by the Lands Department s'ows that the rabbit pest ;s diminish’ng in Queensland. Dry seasons have destroyed rabbits in a wonderful way between Wompali and I'ooper’s Creek, a distance of one hundred ami fifty miles. In that part of the State there is not a single rabbit, and very few traces of them are to be seen. Increases, however are reported in some districts where the rainfall lias been copious and conditions favourable, but the largest portion of the State is now singularly free from the pest. There lias boon an incursion of rabbits into the Carnarvon district from New South Wales across dried-up watercourses, which are usually filled. Foxes are aiding the dr}- weather in exterminating the pest in the south-west. The opinion generallv held is that what with the diminution of rabbits and the high prices ruling for stock, and the good seasons being experienced in most districts, pastoralists in Queensland are enjoying an exceptionally prosperous time. As July 24 approaches excitement in connection with the position of the different candidates in the Carnival Queen election becomes more acute, and the various nominating committees are hard at work with socials and concerts. A special inducement is offered for this ivcek by way of two prizes to be awarded after the announcement of the poll up to and inc’uding Saturday. The first is £2 for the candidate making the most progress, and a similar amount will he given for competition amongst the last eight candidates. It will, therefore, he seen that it is possible for any one candidate to secure £4 worth of votes, and this should bo the means of spurring on the various committees. The alteration of the flags at the Albion Hotel continues to create considerable interest, and altogether everything is progressing favourably. Good progress is being made in connection with the erection of the drill hall on the new show ground, and the men tire now busily engaged in the corn pi ft ion of the roof. The spaciousness of the building is now more apparent *:ian formerly, and there can be no mistaking the fact that next year the Southland Metropolitan A. and P. Association v ill have a much-appreciated amount of additional room. The building promises also to be a very attractive one in the matter of appearance. Tire grandstand is being steadily persevered with, and the contractors, Messrs Shields and Andrews hope, with ordinary good fortune, to have everything in spick and span order for the next summer show. Owing to 'material not coming to hand delay was experienced in connection with the construction of the roof, otherwise the building would, in ordinary circumstances. have been completed by the end of October at latest. The building is being constructed on the most solid lines imaginable, concrete anil steel being in evidence throughout. So much is this so that the contractors contend that no weight that could he placed on top of it could cause it to collapse. When finished it will be a. most imposing structure, and will indubitably command admiration. The ground : s in excellent order, witli the except!’ m of where the heavy traffic had been conveyed, and even in such places the ground has stood the test admirably. Judging hy present appearances, the critics who were so free with adverse criticism in the past have been very badly worsted in the matter of argument. A local fish merchant exhibited to a Southland Times reporter an account which had been sent, nut by him, and which had been returned endorsed to the effect that nothing was known about the items which had been charged up. The merchant explained that lie had receiver! the order by telephone, and he mentioned that he had been taken in on setcial occasions in a similar way. A call would he received on the telephone. and someone using a name of some person of standing would give an order for oysters, fish or muttonbirds, as the case might be, which would be duly sent to the railway station and forwarded hy rail. When the account was forwarded to the person whose name had been used, wrangling and trouble ensued, and invariably the result was that the merchant became th© loser. He said that he understood that other merchants had been victimised in a similar way. On some occasions an order was received, a name given, and afterwards the letter returning the account was returned through the dead letter office. He had decided that in future cases where an officer was in charge, he would forward consignments on cash on delivery c mdltions. Of course, in the case of flag stations this could not be done, and in the circumstances he was chary of accepting orders from such places by telephone. Waste not. want not. Boiling water, a teaspoonful of Camp Coffee, sugar and milk to taste, and then you have it—an object lesson in practical economy. No bother, no haste, no waste. _ x.

Reduced prices for good underwear and gloves at UndriU’s, Opposite Post Office. x Briefly Stated. —At Baxter’s Bonus Bazaar there are bargains of the best for the buying people. Don't miss McNeil and Clark’s big sale of men’s and boys’ clothing and mercery now on. Secure an outfit in suits, trousers, shirts, tics and underwear while the prices arc right down. Our sale bargains are unsurpassed. x Fifteen Men’s serviceable Tweed Overcoats in all sizes from 4 to 7 are on offer at Thomson and Beattie’s Re-build-ing Sale. They are In fashionable colours, and made of good Quality Tweeds. To be cleared at 29/6 each, usually sold at 45/- and 55/- each. If you want a bargain, see these. x Tour own life or death may depend at some crisis" on the quality of'the medicine dispensed. Even in less serious cases you wana strict accuracy. Mr R. Sommer ville, chemist. Dee street, Invercargill, assures us that he treats ©very prescription as if he knew that it meant the turning point in some deseprate case. He treats every prescription as equally important and he could not give better drugs, closer attention, or, greater promptitude if he were dispensing for the King. You may place Implicit reliance in his pharmacy. Doctors will tell you so. He leaves nothing to chance. He supervises everything. You will bo wise to take your prescriptions to him. Prices are always reasonable. x

Intending motor cyclists are now offered a rare opportunity of securing cecond-hand motor cycles at ridiculously low prices. XVe have fourteen which we intend clearing at such prices that will Induce motorists to buy now. They have been all thoroughly overhauled, and include the following makes Triumph, Douglas, 8.5.A., New Hudson, Indian. Matchless, King Dick, Premier, Humber, Aerial, Rover. In every instance they are offered at £lO under their value. They absolutely must be cleared irrespective of ’ rice. Every year a number of our customers commence the spring by exf°r the latest new models which makes it necessary for our stocks of second-hands to be sold out so that we can accept the business. We are consequently compelled to clear our stocks irrespective of price, and herein lies the orrortunlty for those who want a second-hand motor cycle at many pounds under its value. Easy terms arranged. Inspection invited. Wilson and Fraser, Ltd., Invercargill. x You should read ibo Econqmic Outfitters’ list of Sale Prices on the leader pag© of this paper; they are genuine. x Special Sale Tit-bits at Price and Bulloid’s for the winter weather are now showing. Heavy White Blankets, size 9 x 4, sale price 10/6, 11/6 and 12/ G. Heavy White Blankets, full size double beds, sale price 18/9, 19/9. 21/6. Nice Warm Wadded Quilt.s, good colours, sale price 7/11. 8/6, and 10/6. 20 only Comfy Down Quilts, sale price. 10/6, IS/9. 19/6 and 21/6. White Fleecy Snug Flette Blankets, sale price 2/3, 2/9, 3/3 and 3/11. Warm Coloured Heavy Bed Rugs, sale price 3/6. 4/6, 5/9 and 6/11. Special offer this week; 2 pieces only 72in White Sheeting, original price Is 4%d, sale price this week, ll>Ad per yard. The great sale offerings in house' furnishing'/ are as large in variety as they are low in price. Re-furnish to-day at Price a Bulleid’s. - c Sale, mid-winter sale to-day. All high-grade clothing for men, youths and boys for absolute clearance at big genuine reductions, and no reserves to-day, McNeil and Clark. Dee street. x DRAINAGE. If you are installing a drainage system, get a price from Anchor and Co., street, and see what you save. We employ a full staff of licensed drainlayevs, and are Sole Agents for the local drain piP es and fittings. All estimates free. Telephone 320. Opposite Times Office. _ x SYNOPSIS NEW ADVERTISEMENT#. On Pago I. Wanted —Board. Wanted —Boys 15 to 16. Wesnoys for Ericka soap. Mercantile firm requires canvasser. Experienced man wants farm managorship. Pudding steamers cheap at Wcsnoy and Clark’s —Greatly reduced prices. A. and XL Ibbotson’s Art Depot—.Sale now on* Tenders for shop fittings—P. K. "Wilson. „ „ ... H H Port-in for all classes of asphalt-

ing. On Bag® 3. , Inspect the grey horse at Ritchies for winter clothing. On Pago 4 Good gifts for ladies at V» esneys. Last four days of Herbert, Haynes and Co.’s Sale. On Page 6. Vote for No. 10. Lvceum Pictures to-night at 8. Fullers’ Pictures to-night at 8. Football matches at Rugby Park. Special prizes for Queen Election. No meeting Rugby Referees’ Association to-night. Lecture, "India and its Problems, on Thursday. Lands Department—Notice, re land at Aparima open tor optional tenure. Annual meeting Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Association on Thursday. Lands Department —Auction of Crown lands. , _ ~ Special meeting of Southland Ladies Hockey Association on Friday. Meeting of shareholders of Ourawcra Gold Mining Co. , Special meeting of To R;tngi Bowling Club on Thursday. Alexander Watson. reciter, at Invercargill on July 20 and 21. Notice re arrangements for North Invercargill Baptist Church. On Page 7. — Broad. Small and Go. make show eases and shop fittings. On Page B. TocUl and Co.'s weekly .furniture Sa lnvercargill Slock Agents—Entries for Woodlands stock sale. Wright, Stephenson and Co. —Special entry for Otautau stock sale. Invercargill Stock Agents—Entries for Otautau stock sale. "Wm. Todd and Co. have land for salo at Bluff.

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Southland Times, Issue 17697, 8 July 1914, Page 5

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17697, 8 July 1914, Page 5

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17697, 8 July 1914, Page 5