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San Francisco, Nov. 23,

The British s.s, Oberon, from Boston (Nov. 10th) for Liverpool, was totally wrecked on the 21st on the south-west coast of Ireland.

The Rev. N. W. Morrel, the St. Albans' ritualist, who was recently reported to be gone to Rome, appears to be Jiving in retirement on the income from L 30,000 left him three years ago by Miss Marx, one of his parishioners. Her surviving relations propose to contest tbe bequest on the ground of undue influence. An extensive fire in Portland street, Manchester (Nov. 31), destroyed property valued, at LIOO,OOO. The special staff of Irish constables organised in London early in the dynamite scare have been ordered back to Ireland, as their services are no longer needed. The Despatch of November 21st says a terrible cyclone swept over Pbilltpine Islands tbe day before. It was reported that 800 buildings, including numerous churches and sohool houses, were destroyed or damaged and 22 persons killed. The London Exchange Telegraph Company received a telegraph despatch from Paris (November 21st) stating that the Frenoh Government had resolved to terminate the Madagascar expedition, and mentioned that in all probability the Frenoh troops would also soon be with* drawn from Tonquin.

A despatch to the Times from Calcutta (November 21st) says that 500 people had been drowned and 100 villages submerged in Arissa by a cyclone, and 1241 square miles of the Hydrabad and Sudder districts dsvaatatedi

Hardwood's cotton mills, Boltofij have been burned I Jobs LIO,OOO. Lady iLatnpson bas procured & divorce from her husband, Sir Qeo, Ourtis LampROQ) Bart, on the grouqd of infidelity, A free fight occurred in a political meeting held by tbe Cooßeryativea at Burton on November I4tb, ia which Charles AUsop, M.P., who presided, was beaten almost out of recognition.

The London papers of 18th November mention the elopement of a beautiful heiresß, yet in her teens) and a ward in Chancery and under the guardianship of the Hon. Gathorne Hardy, with the letter's steward, a man named Anderson. The lady's name is Ridgway. Anderson, in order to evade the severe penalty for ab* ducting or elopiog with a ward in Chancery, caused Miss Kid g way to bind herself to him as a domestio servant,

The case of Adams v. Lor<T Chief- Justioe Coleridge came up on November 10th in the Court of Queen's Benoh, but Sir Henry James begged an adjournment on the plea that an understanding had been arrived at outside the court. The plaintiff Adams is to receive a large sUai for damages and the costs of the suit brought by him on mcOotlnt of tho libellous letter written by **•"** Bernard Coleridge but inspired the uw 7 ■^-.tasfcige hidiaelf. by the Lord Onie*. . . • i.. a fiit jat Pf i *„, The depression which ..«„ Swle l^ come time in the ship-building trauo . the Clyde is increasing in severity. There are so many men out of employment that a Belief Committee find great difficulty even in supplying food for the distressed people. Jforty-Beven Btowaways were discovered in the hold of a vessel bound for America.

Owing to recent civilian attacks a large party o£ the King's Royal Rifles broke oat of. Limeriok barracks on the night of November 10th, and made an indiscriminate . attack upon people residing in the vicinity. Several were badly Rtabbed, and the disturbance was with difficulty quelled, and the soldiers conveyed back to barracks by the police Wfcili Michael Nugeat was proceelin* to Ballymsghon to record his vote adverse to the Nationalist party, be was drasrged from a car and beaten nearly to death. Boger O'Brien, a prominent leaguer, was ehok at Athlone on the same day, od account of agrarian trouWlea. Dean O'Loghlih fell dead on November ,9th- while at Mass, in University College, Dublin.

"-Earl Carnarvon has declined to interfere with the conviction of eleven men obarged with conspiracy to murder an obnoxious landlord of' Buramill. Five of the convicted parties bave been given seven years, and the rest six and twelvo months' imprisonment. A London cablegram of November Bth Bays that a movement of {<reat importance is being quietly organised among the; various Bodetioa of Irishmen. It is pronoesd to form ft vast f edereuoD, opojpriejpg

all representatives of organised labour in ■Ireland,. for the sole parpose of keeping out of the country all goods of „ British manufacture, \vjth the exception of such as Ireland is unable -k to produce. The movement is warmly approvi^ by Miohael iDavitt, and^cleputation waited on J*ani§iU to secare his approval and that of the Irish National^League. , '"■-., A .Great excitement wa«j caused , fi,t Killairney on Bth NovembeF by Me auction' of a number of cattle that bad been seized for non-payment of rent. Representatives of the National League bought the animals vio-,,:fp^/L60.:. ,-Fatherv:O*O6iiDbCv-inacle-.'.a:- :- --speech, in which he encouraged the 200 peasants present,' bat advised them against a breach of the peace. ' The nomination of Sir Thonaaß Esmond for M.P. was ratifieid at Dublin on Noy; 1. He pledged himself unflinchingly for Parnell.

A large crowd of factory girls mobbed Chae. Edward Lewis, the . Conservative M.P. at Londonderry on 20th November. They treated him in a most shameful manner. •■.-'■" '-'■■

j^Three hundred tenant farmers at Youghal, §County Cork, have demanded a 25f per cent, reduction in their rente. The landlords' offer of 15 per cent/redaction vvas rejected by the tenants, who deposited the rent money they proposed to pay in the bank. At Oarrick-on-Suir on Nov. 14, th, a mob of 200 persons, armed with? pitchforks and scythes, expelled the police who were trying to serve writs of ejectment

The agent of the e.s, Zealandia the right to carry the Eaglish mails to the colonies, arguing that the contract had not expired with the New Zealand Government. The postal authorities placed the mails aboard the Alameda ; the agent of the Zealandia formally protesting, and threatening to hold the New Zealand Government responsible for damages.

Senator Sharon, the Californian millionaire, is dead, and has left 100,000 dollars to charities. He made a solemn affidavit on his death-bed that marital relations never existed -between himself and Sarah Althea Hill, the plaintiff in the celebrated case against him.

Wra. Heath, a leading New York broker, recently failed for several millions and was arrested.

A tremendous fire at Galveston, Texas, destroyed 52 blocks. The loss was 2,000,000 dollars, and the insurance was 1,000,000 dollars, mostly in foreign companies.

Governor Stanford, of California, has endowed the University at Palo with landed estate valued at 500,000 dollars. Minister Carter, of the Hawaiian Islands, is about to propose a plan to England, France, and Germany to secure the neutrality of the Pacific Islands, and centralise authority in the Sandwich Islands, their integrity being guaraateed by the Powers. Mrs Parneli, mother of the agitator, is stumping tbe United States in favour of Parneli.

Ferdinand "Ward, Grant's partner, has been sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. A crusade against the liquor business in the United States, under Catholic auspices, is threatened by the Pope's endorsement on the anti-liquor decree of the American Plenary Counoil.

There is a great revival of the Araerioan iron trade, and the mills are active. John Bowan, Ex-Mayor of St. Louis, was assassinated within a few feet of his own door, it is believed by a political opponent. A Free Trade Conference at Chicago was largely attended. Mr Beech denounced Protection as the jugglery of the devil. Mr Rodriques, who accompanied. De Lesaeps to Panama, has published a book in New York containing damaging criticisms regarding the canal. He declares the scheme has already cost L 20,000,000 sterling, and is doomed to inevitable failure. The Economist (San Francisco) warns its countrymen that the whole concern is on the verge of probable bankruptcy, and the collapse will be the most terrible of the 19 th century.

The Canadian Pacidc Railway runs its first through train from Montreal to the Rocky Mountains on 3rd November, but it is understood there will be no regular through service to the Pacifio Coast till next spring. Opposition to vaccination continues in Montreal and Toronto, and smallpox continues its ravages. It has also npread to Prinoe Edwards Island, and 41 cases are reported from Oharlottetown. By a conflagration at Iquique, Pennsylvania, the loss was a million dollars, and the insurances 375,000 in a British Company. Civil war continues to rage in Peru.

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Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2

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GENERAL SUMMARY. Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2

GENERAL SUMMARY. Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2