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TENTH ANNUAL SHOW. . The out among the hills township of Rangiwabia, situate 3000 feet above sea level, held carnival yester day. Unfortunately heavy rain fell throughout Tuesday night and early on Wednesday morning, and the consequent attendance, ‘though good, did not constitute a record. .However entries in most classes were much better than last year, and the Show proved a great success. The Society is an enterprising one, and the recently-erected yards were very much appreciated. Forty-eight slrong convenient cattle pens were built, along the top of which a stout railing permitted visitors to walk round and criticise. All the material tor the yards was donated, the most prominent contributor being Mr J. Martin, whose gift of posts was equivalent to a donation of £SO, and a working bee did the necessary work voluntarily. One hundred neat sheep p«ms were also erected. The whole work was neatly done and is a credit to the Society and in one sense it is gratifying to find that the accommodation is not sufficient. Many of yesterday’s • entries had to he penned in the saleyards. The Show was to have been officially opened by Hon. Mr Guthrie, but in his unavoidable absence this duty was performed by the president (Mr G. Kreger), who briefly and feelingly thanked all who had done so much to place the Society on , its j resent sound footing. The outside show was controlled by Mr J. J. Bryce, assisted by Mr W. B. Gibbons and those two gentlemen kept their lengthyjprogramme ot well-contested events going merrily, and making an interesting day. The locallyconstructed merry-go-round was a source of delight for the youngsters, and takings were good. The ladies did their share well, putting on an excellent luncheon and afternoon tea. Splendid business was done and half proceeds go to the Memorial Pond. Mr A M R Caird, assisted by Mr M J Vlartin, had charge of the inside show, horticultural exhibits, etc., and their arrangement was a very creditable one. Fruit was cot a strong section hut the showing of vegetables was a better one than ever, most classes being represented, the turnips and swedes being exceptionally fine. A special prize was awarded Mr D T Oonper for the best turnip in the Show. Entries in school children’s classes were disappoint! g in number, owing probably to the very' lengthy holidays t and the fact that some schools are still The quality of the work was of a high order and Kiwi tea School bad the hononr of winning most of the prizes. In toe industrial exhibits Miss O. Bryca won a special prize donated by Mrs J. McNiel. The judge was pleased with the draught horses which were a very strong class, and the showing of hacks and ponies was pleasing, and the competition equal to any show ring. In the fat cattle section tne prize for best fat beast hs the Show went to Mr C. McKincon’s entry, which is not yet 2)4. yaars old. The judge considered this anmial wonid be a credit to any Show in the Dominion. Fat oheep were a very creditable exhibit the lambs being of a very good standard. Flock rams and stud lambs were also very good. The gold medal donated by Mr A. Gower for the winner of the amateur sheep judging competition was won by Mr w. J. Viles. The Society intends still further improving the programme hy adding axemen’s events, and it is hoped that the date they have settled on for next year, 10th March, will not clash with any other district fixture. The Show is growing, and the Society recognise that they are fortunate in having as their secretary Mr A. Sharman. a hard working official, ■whose unfailing tact and courtesy has been largely instrumental in making the Show what it is. Results : CATTLE. Dairy—Judge : Mr W. H. Brewster. Bull calf, calved since July 31st, 1919, separator milk or whey fed : J Rose 1 Heifer calf, calved since July 31st, 1919, separator milk or whey fed, Jersey or Jersey cross: A Morgan 1 and 2 Heifer calf, calved since July 31st, 1919, any breed except Jersey or Jersey cross: J Martin 1, W Boshier 2, E Palmer 3 Three dairy heifers, Jersey or Jersey cross, calved since July 31st, 1918: A Morgan 1 Three dairy heifers, any breed except Jersey or Jersey cross, calved since July 31st, 1918 ; A Deroles 1, H Fagan 2, F Saywell 5 Heifer, Jersey or Jersey cross, calved since July 31st, 1917: 0-0 Deihl 1 Heifer, any breed but Jersey or Jersey cross, calved since July 31st, 1 1917 : H Fagan 1 and 2 Dairy cow calved prior to November Ist A Morgan 1 and 3, Deihl and Elliott 2 Bull for dairying •-purposes: H Fankhauser, 1 S Hodge 2 Fat Cattle—Judge: Mr W J Hair. Bull, beef purposes: Mrs Fox 1 and 2, R E Beckett h.c. Bullock calved since July 31st, 1916; H Martin 1, McGregor’s Estate 2 Pat steer, calved since July 81st, 1917: O McKinnon 1, R E Beckett 2, W Martin h.c. Fat heifer calved since July 31st, 1917: McGregor’s Estate 1, T Palmer 2, R E Becketc h. e. Three steers calved since July Slat, 1918: R E Beckett 1, S Hodge 2 Handfed steer calf; A Morgan 1, D McGregor 2 Fat cow : M Martin 1, J Carey 2, McGregor’s Estate h.c. Best fat beast in show : C McKinnon Cow ‘and calf, beef breed, latter calved since July 31st, 1919, Doth judged: R E Beckett 1, J J Bryce 2 SHEEP. ' Fat Shfeep—Judges: Messrs W J Hair and W London. Three fat wethers, any ; W J Viles 1, J J Biryce 3, C G McKenzie 3 Three fat wethers, freezers: J J Bryce I, RE Beckett 2, Harris Bros g Heaviest wether: W J Viles 1, C G McKenzie 2 , Three fat ewes ; G G McKenzie 1, J J Bryee 2, Harris Bros. 3 Best fat ewe: C G McKenzie 1 Three fat lambs, longwool: H Fankhauser 1, O G McKenzie 3 : Three fat lambs longwool, freezers: R E Beckett 1, C G McKenzie, 3 H DankhauserS ' , _ , Other Sheep—Judge: Mr W Jaeob. f, pet lamb i Miss Wood 1, Miss L Rose 2 Lincoln Flock ram, bought for use this season, open only to competitors

living within ten miles radinaRangiwabia by formed # road: b Hodge 1 and 2 / *■ . Romney Flock ram, same conditions: AG Morton 1 ahd 2, M MartinS * Romney Flock ram: G Perry 1,2 and 3 , Lincoln Flock ram : Miss Prouse 1, 2 and 8 , Romney Stud ram : A Morton 1 and 3, G Perry 3 Lincoln Stud ram ; Mrs Prouse 1 Stud Romney ram lamb: W J Viles Stud Romuey ewe lamb: W J Viles 2 Three Romney ewe Flock lambs: 0 G McKenzie 1, R E Beckett 2 Three 2th ewes, 40 top, between Lincoln-Romney cross: G G McKenzie 1, F Pearson 2 and 3 Three Lincoln breeding owes: M Martin 1 and 2, G Kreger 3 Three Romney breeding ewes: W J Viles 1, G G McKenzie 2 HORTICULTURAL.

Out Flowers—Juige: Mrs Blleim. Antirrhinums, collection; G Oouper 1, Mrs Oummertield 2 Asters, 8 colours: Oorran McKenzie Carnations, 8: G Oouper 1; double, 0 Oouper 1 Dahlias, double, 3 varieties: Mrs Jamieson 1 Dahlias, cactus, 6 varieties: Dolly Stent 1, Mrs Oommerfield 3 Dahlias, collection : Dolly Stent 1, Mrs Cummerfield 3 Dianthus, collection : Miss Deroles 1 , Mrs Shaw 2 Gladiole, 4 colours :F O Oouper 1, 0 Oouper 3 ; Larkspur, 8 varieties: Dolly Stent 1, G J Oonper 3 . Pansies, 6 varieties: Mrs Jamieson 1 and 3 Petunias, single: Mrs Shaw 1 and 2 Peustemons, collection: Miss Deroles 1 Phlox drummondi, collection : Mrs W P Shaw 1, ’Oonper 2 Boses, best; Miss A McKenzie 1, Miss Fox 3 Roses, collection, 6varieties: Miss A McKenzie 1, Mrs F Fox 2 Champion rose: Mrs Fox Salpiglossis, collection: Mrs Shaw Sweet peas, collection: Miss S Boshier 1 Verbenas, collection : O J Oouper 1, Miss S Boshier 2 Gut flowers, collection; D McKenzie 1, Miss Derolos 2 Collection flowers open to primary public schools : Maungarimu School DECORATIONS. Buttonhole bouquet, 3; Mrs M Guthrie 1 and 2 Bridal bouquet: Enid Deroles 1, Mrs M Guthrie 2 Shower bouquet: Enid Deroles 1, Miss S Boshier 2 Hand bouquet: Miss Deroles 1, Enid Deroles 2 Basket of flowers: Miss A McKenzie 1 Enid Deroles 2 Lady’s Spray: Enid Deroles 1, Mrs Guthrie 2 Vase or epergne: Miss S Boshier 1, Miss A McKenzie 2 Decorated table: Miss D McKenzie 1, Miss M Crosse 2, Miss A McKenzie h.c. POT PLANTS. Plant in bloom : Mrs Jamieson 1, D Stent 3 Best collection flowering plants ; D Stent 1

Fuschia in pot: Mrs W J Beard 1, Dolly Stent 3 Geranium : Dolly Stent 1 and 2

Buttonhole bouquet: Stewart Oouper I, Arthur Couper 2 Hand bouquet: Marsha Doughty 1, Frank G 1 boons 3 VEGETABLES. Judges : Messrs A O Banner and W London. Broad beans: Mrs K McKenzie 1 French beaus: W P Shaw 1, D Oouper^ Scarlet runners : Mrs K McKenzie 1

Butter beans: W Tompkins 1, J Bose 3 Silver beet: Miss Hall 1, J Deroles

Table cabbage, 2 beads: D Oouper and W Jensen 1 Table cabbage, heaviest: S Stent 1, W P Shaw 3 Red cabbage ; O Deihl 1, W Jensen 2 Table carrots, long : Albert Lilley 1, Bluff Road School 2 Table carrots, short; H G Kreger 1, H L Fagan 2 Cauliflower: J Rose 1, C Deihl 2 Celery: Mrs W Gibbons 2 Eschalots : Mrs O McKinnon 1, H K Fagan 2 Eschalots, pickling; A B Doughty 1, G Kreger 2 Lettuce, cabbage ; J Rose 1 Onions, keeping: J Maher 1, A Lilly 2 Onions, heaviest; A Lilley 1, H Pritchard 3 Parsnips: A Lilley 1, J Maher 2 Potatoes, coloured : J J Bryce 1, W Gibbons 2 Potatoes, collection : Leslie Ireland 1 J G Carver 3 Potatoes, live heaviest; Robt Hancock 1, Caird 2 Peas: Rose 1, Mrs K McKenzie 2 Peas, skinless: Mrs Pemberton 1, J Rose 3 Pumpkin, table. A Lilly 1, J Maher 2 Rhubarb, best six stalks: R Hancock Vegetable marrow, table: H Pritchard 1, J Caird 2 Vegetable marrow, heaviest: A Lilly 1, H Pritchard 3 Best collection vegetables, eight varieties, grown in exhibitor’s garden : Mrs A E Doughty 1, W Gibbons 2 FARM PRODUCE. Butter, dairy: W Watt 1, Mrs J Caird 2, A Caird h.c. Butter, separator: Mrs Haythorne 1, Mrs A O Morton 3, Mrs W Brllinghurst 3 • Eggs, hen, heaviest single yolk, oest shaped; Mrs K McKenzie 1 and 2, Mrs R Hancock 3 Carrots, white : F Billinghurst 1, Mrs F Fox 2 ‘ Mangold, Yellow Globe; R D Rose 1, J J B Bryce 3 Mangold, Golden Tankard: E Rose _ . Pumpkin, heaviest; Mrs J Maher 1-and 3 , Sunflower: Mrs Gibbons 1, J MaherS , ...... , , Turnip, swede: H Pritchard 1, E W Pemberton 2 _ Turnips, , field: F Pearson 1, Sydney Meads 3, W Boshier 3 Oats, one sheaf. M Martin _ Collection farm roots : W Boshier F|IUIT. Judge; Mr W T London. Apples, cooking * Miss O J J Bryce 2 _ T Apples, dessert: Miss Nancv Morton . . _ „ . Apples, collection : T Palmer Greengages: T Palmer

Peaches Mrs J Maher 1 and 2 Pears, cooking: Mrs J Manor 1 and 2 _ .. . * Pears, dessert: Mrs J Maher 1 and 2 , Plums, lifiit coloured: T Palmer Plums, dark coloured: J J Bryce 1 and 2 GENERAL. Judges: Messrs E Whitehead and A Eng. Beer, home made; Mrs K McKenzie h.c . „ Wine, home made; Mrs Pearson Collection preserved fruits: Mrs K McKenzie 1, Mrs A H Morgan 3 Collection jams : Mrs H McKenzie 1, Mrs W B Gibbons 2 -Mqrmalade : Mrs K McKenzie h.c Chutney: Mrs Haythorne 1, Mrs K McKenzie 3 „ Pickles : Mrs W J Beard 1, Mrs K McKenzie 2 _ Tomato Sauce: Mrs K McKenzie Plum sauce: Mrs K McKenzie 2,. Mrs S Meads h.e. Preserved tomatoes: Mrs A H Morgan h.c BREAD AND SWEETS. Bread, white, not made with compressed yeast: Mrs ’ A Caird 1, Mrs Haythorne 3, Mrs Pearson 3 Bread, brown, do: Mrs A Caird 1, Mrs J Caird 2, Mrs Haythorne 3 Bread, two small loaves and brown made with compressed yeast: Miss G Morgan 1, Mrs A Morgan 2 Cottage loaf, not made with compressed yeast: Mrs A Caird 1, Mrs Gibbons 2 Yeast buns, currant, not made with compressed yeast: Mrs A 1, Mrs Mclntyre 3 Biscuits, collection: Mrs A Caird h.o

Cake, iced: Mrs W Beard h.c Cake, fruit: Mrs Cummerfield 1, Miss Bessie Morgan 3, Mrs Morgan h.o

Cake, seed : Mrs Hall 1, Mrs Haythorne 2, Mrs A Caird h.c Cake, Madiera: Mrs A Caird 1, Miss D Billinghurst 2 Cake, eggless: Mrs A Morgan 1, Miss Billinghurst 2 Cake, plum: Mrs A Caird 1, Mrs Haythorne 2 Cake, ginger bread: Mrs Haythorne 1, Mrs A Morton 2 Oat cake: Miss Maitland and Miss Pyers 1, Mrs J Caird 2, Mrs A Caird h.c Pastry, short crust; Mrs A Caird h.c Apple pie: Miss S Boshier l, Miss McKenzie 2 Cream puffs: Mrs P O Ireland 1 and 2, Miss Morgan h.c Meringues; Miss Myers h.c Puff paste jam tarts and fancy: Mrs A Morgan 1, Mrs W Billinghurst 2 Pikelets: Miss R Billinghurst 1, Miss L Baldwin 3 Sponge, sanwdich; Mrs A Caird 1, Miss Austin 2, Mrs A Morgan 3 Shortbread; Miss L Baldwin 1, Miss P Ireland 3, Mrs C Oonper h e Sausage rolls: Mrs P Ireland 1, Mrs W Billinghurst 3 Scones, oven baked: Mrs Haythorne I, Miss Austin 3, Miss Frost h.c Scones, girdle: Mrs Haythorne Scones, brown : Mrs Haythorne 1, Mrs A Morton 2, Mrs J Thomas 3 Scones, collection ; Mrs Haythorne Small cakes, collection: Mrs A Morgan Oocoanut ice: Mrs Haythorne Plain toffee : Miss Myers INDUSTRIAL. Judge : Mrs J, McNeil.

Plain sewing: Miss O Bryce 1, Mrs J Munro 3 Lady’s embroidered blouse : Miss O Bryce 1 and 3 Best hand made embroidered camisole ; Miss D McKenzie 1, Miss C Bryce 3 English or eyelet hole embroidery: Miss M Crosse 1, Mrs J 3, Miss Cowan 8 '

Best example of embroidery: Mias E Deroles 1, Miss O Bryce ? Needle painting ; Mrs Fox Neatest pair of darned socks: Miss H Hancock

Baby’s crochet petticoat; Mrs Munro / « Crochet lace, tine Mrs Prujean 1, Mrs J Munro 2

Irish crochet: Mrs J Munro Collection six pieces of fancy work: Mrs Prujean 1, Miss E Deroles 2. 5 Mrs J Maher 3 Afternoon tray cloth, linen ; Miss M Crosse 1 and 2, Miss N Bryce h.c Tea cosy: Mrs A Doughty 1, Miss Maher 2, Miss Prujean h.c Knitted or crochet quilt; Mrs J Munro Hand sewn nightdress; Miss M Crosse 1, Miss N Bryce 2 Men’s haudknitted socks; Miss D McDonald 1, Miss Maitland 2 Six hand made buttonholes: Miss A Hancock Laundered white dress: Mrs W Beard CHILDREN’S SECTION. Child’s or doll’s pinafore or dress, with buttonholes, Std VI and VII: Marsha Doughty ‘AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY, Judge; Mr L. J. Watkin. Portraiture and picture: Mrs H A Hore / Gonntry life; Mrs H A Hore Points prize: Mrs Hore SCHOOL WORK. Judge: Mr L J Watkin. Freehand, pupils under 16, study of flowering from nature ;* Violet Sou thee 1, Gladys Kilgonr ?, Lucy Ross and Evelyn McDougall v.h.c, all Kiwitea; Gordon Waugh, Karewarewa h. c Freehand, pupils under 13, study of flowering from nature: Grace Williams, Kiwitea 1, Florence Brown, Kiwitea, 2, Mary Ritchie, Bluff Road, v.h.c Freehand drawing, group: Lucy Ross 1, Gladys Kilgonr 2, both Kiwitea.

Six geometrical drawings ; Edwin Bourkb, Karewarewa, 1 Colour design, pupils nnder ,16: Marion Sandilands 1, Gladys jKllgour 2, Violet Southie and Evelyn McDougall v.h.c, Lucy Ross h.c, all Kiwitea

design, basket or plant forms, under 13: Franeis Hills 1, Maisle Young 2, Doris Kilgonr v.h.c., all Kiwitea; Mary Ritonie, Bluff Road, v.h.c. Paper folding, Stds I and II: Laurence Doughty 1» Kathleen Marchand, Clarence Doughty and Ethel Palmer equal 2, all Main South Road Penmanship, under 16: Martha Doughty 1, Gladys Kilgonr 3, Mary Livingstone h.c. Penmanship, under 10 : Florence Brown 1, Mary Ritchie 2, Doris Kilgonr 8 ... HORSES, DRAUGHTS. Judge. Mr O. McElroy. 7 Utility horse for farm work; H S

Harris I, A Ireland 2 3 sßpring cart turn out: W E Gibbons 1, S Hodge 2 Draught mare or gelding: W J Vile 1, M Martin 3 Two horse plough team: W J Vile HACKS, PONIES, ETC. Judge: Mr J. Parsons Weight carrying hack, under 14 stone . R Osborne 1, H Harris 2 Beat hack, 12 stone: J H Guthrie 1, Mrs McGuiiiesa 2 Military horse: R Osborne 1, T O’Reilly 3 Lady’s Hack : J Guthrie 1, Mrs MoGuinness 3 Trotting hdrse: B Hore 1, R Caldwell 2 Walking horse: R Harland 1, P Ireland 2 Boy rider nnder 15 r C McGregor 1, Guthrie 3. Lady rider: Miss O Bryce 1, Miss McGuinness 2 Maiden Hunters: Mrs McGuianess’s Kathleen 1, Strachan’s entry 3 Girl rider, under 15: Mona Guthrie 1, Awdry Meyer 3 Open Hunters, 12 stone up : H Pritchard’s Tom I, Mrs McGuiunesa’s entry 2 Child’s pony, under 14 hands, ridden by child under 15: Buster Guthrie 1, G McGregor 3 Child’s pony, under 13 hands,-rider under 13years: Awdry Harris 1, D McGregor 2 > Leaping competition, ponies 14,2 or* under, riders under 15: T O’Reilly 1, ~ Dobbs 3 Tilting at the Ring: J J Bryee 1, S Hodge 2 * Flag Race: W E Gibbons 1, M Deroleo 3 Trotting horse in harness: B Hore 1, Calder 3 Gig, horse and harness: R Osborne , J Goodwin 3 Lady’s driving: Miss E Osborne I, Miss McGuinness 3 Harness horse, 15 hands, belonging to owner not more than 10 miles from Rangiwabia by road: H Osborne

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XLV, Issue 12010, 11 March 1920, Page 5

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RANGIWAHIA'S BIG DAY. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XLV, Issue 12010, 11 March 1920, Page 5

RANGIWAHIA'S BIG DAY. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XLV, Issue 12010, 11 March 1920, Page 5