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BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY The summer show of the Tolaga Bay Amateur Horticultural Society was held in the Reynolds Hall yesterday and attracted a very large attendance. The entries were consiilernbly more numerous than in recent years, particularly in the cut flower section. .1 he sweet peas made a 'beautiful display and some very unusual and pretty shades wore on view. In the delphinium and calceolaria sections some very pretty blooms were exhibited. The decorative section was keenly contested and made very attractive displays. 11l the needlework section splendid specimens of work were exhibited. The children’s section was, as usual, very keenly contested. The following is a list of the prize winners:— SPECIAL PRIZES Challenge Cup, for moth points in swept pea classes. —A. lb Jackman. Good Cup, for most points for six varieties of cut flowers, distinct, excluding sweet peas. —Mrs R. Murphy. Decorative section, trophy. —Mrs E. Loiscl. Vegetables, Silver Challenge Cup. G. Pape. Best bloom in section 1, Silver Challenge Cup.—Mrs C. W. Taylor. Cooking trophy.—Mrs F. Lawrence. Needlework, Silver Cup.—Mrs Gordon Reeves. Junior cooking.—Margaret Fraser. CUT FLOWERS Sweet peas. —Collection, G varieties; A. 11. Jackman, 1; Dr. Weeks, 2. Collection, 3 varieties: A. 11. Jackman, 1, 2, and 3. White: A. 11. Jackman, 1. Pink: A. H. Jackman, 1 and 2; Dr. Weeks, 3. Rose, cerise or carmine: Dr. Weeks, 1; A. 11. Jackman, 2. Orini-J son: Dr. Weeks, 1; A. 11. Jackman, 2.! Scarlet: A. 11. Jackman, 1. Orange or salmon: A. 11. Jackman, 1; Dr. Weeks, 2. Purple: A. 11. Jackman, 1; Dr. Weeks and -Mrs 11. Loisel, 2. Maroon or chocolate: Mrs H. Loisel, 1. Blue or mauve: A. H. Jackman, 1 and 2; - Mrs G. Fitzgerald, 3. Cream: A. H. Jackman, 1: Miss IL Spencer, 2; Mrs H. Loisel, 3. Lilac or lavender: A. H. Jackman, 1; D.r. Weeks, 2; Mrs J. Morris, 3. Picottee: A. 11. Jackman, 1; Miss H. Spencer, 2. Three blooms of any other color: A. H. Jackman, 1. Vase of peas, any one color: A. 11. Jackman, 1,2, and 3. Carnations.—Collection: Miss J. McDonald, 2. Three varieties: Mrs JL Loisel, 2. One variety: Mrs E. Loisel, 1; 31 rs C. Taylor, 2; 3lrs If. Loisel, 3. One variety, three blooms: Mrs 0. Taylor, 1; Mrs 11. Loisel, 2. Roses. —Six varieties: Mrs. h. Loisel, 1 - A. 11. Jackman, 2. Three varieties: Mrs. E. Loisel, 1; Mrs. J. Morns, 2; Mrs. 11. Loisel, 3. One bloom: Mrs. C. Taylor, T; Mrs. J. Morris, 2; Mrs. E. Loisel, 3. Single: Mrs. H. Loisel, 1; Mrs. E. Loisel, 2. Miscellaneous.—Antirrhinums : Mrs. Morris, 1; Airs. R. Murphy, 2; Mrs. J. Reeves, 3. Calceolaria-: Mrs. J. Morris, 1 • Mrs. O. Bertram, 2; Mrs. G. Black, 3. Delphinium: Mrs. Murphy, 1; I)r. Weeks, 2. Geraniums: Mrs. J. Reeves, 1; Mrs. J. Morris, 2. Gerbera: Mrs. ,1. 3lorris, 2. Campanulas: Mrs. O'. Bartram, 1; Mrs. J. Morris, 2. Penstemons: Aliss McDonald and 3lrs. 11. Loisel, 2. Pelargoniums: Mrs. J. Morris and Mrs. 0. Bartram, 2: Mrs. Holder, 3. Stocks: Mrs. Rob. Murphy, 1. SweetWilliam: 31 rs. J. Morris, 1; Mrs. J. Reeves, 2; Mrs. A. Donald, 3. Poppies, any variety: Mrs. Pickett, 1; Mrs. Cl. Reeves. 2; 3lrs. Rob. Murphy, 3. Any other flower: Mrs. R. Murphy, 1; Mrs. C. Taylor and Mrs. H. Loisel, 2. Six varieties of cot flowers, distinct, no sweet peas: Airs. Rob. Murphy', 1; Mrs. G. Fitzgerald, 2; Mrs, J. Reeves, 3. VEGETABLES Beans, broad: 3lr. G. Pape, 3. Silver; beet: Mrs. G. Reeves, 2. Cabbage: 3lr. i G. Pape, 3. Lettuce: Dr. Weeks, 1; Mrs. 0. Reeves, 2. Onions, spring: Dr. 11. Weeks. 1. Peas, long: Mr. G. Pape, 1. Peas, short: Mrs. F. Lawrence, 1; Mr. G. Pape, 2. Potatoes, collection; Mrs. F. Lawrence. 1, Rhubarb: Dr. Weeks, 1 and 2 ; Mrs. F, Lawrence, 3. Turnips: Mr, G. Pape, 1; Mrs. J. Morris, 2. FRUIT Gooseberries: Miss AlcDonald, 1. Lemons: Mrs. J. Morris, 1; Dr. Weeks, 2 and 3. Oranges: Airs. H. Loisel, 2. Oranges, marmalade: Mrs. IL. Loisel, 1. c DECORATIVE Decorated table, any vase; Airs. A. Reid, t; Airs. E. Loisel, 2; Miss AI. Reeves, 3, Decorated mantelpiece: Airs. E. Loisel, 1; Mrs. A. Bartram, 2; Miss M. Reeves, 3. Basket of flowers: Airs. A. Reid, 1; Mrs. A. Bartram, 2; Airs. E. Loisel, 3. Posy: Miss AL Reeves, 1 Mrs. j. Morris, 2; Mrs. A. Reid, 3. Bowl of any flowers: Miss J. Ludbrook, 1; Airs. J. Morris, 2; Miss K. Bartram, 3. Bowl of sweet peas: Airs. E. Loisel, 1; Afrs. J. Morris, 2; Aliss AL Reeves, 3. Vase of flowers: Mrs. A. Reid, 1; Afrs. E. Loisel, 2; Airs. A. Bartram, 3. Basket of blue or pink flowers: Airs. J. Morris, 1: Aliss AI. Reeves, 2; Airs. A. Bartram, 3. COOKERY Christmas cake: Airs. A. Donald, 1;! Airs. Holder, 2; Airs. H. Loisel, 3. J Sponge (butter): Aliss H. Donald, 1; Airs. F. Lawrence, 2; Airs. A- Reid, 0., Madeira cake: Afi’S. F. Lawrence, 1 ; Aliss it. Donald, 2; Airs. A. Reid, 3. j Shortbread: Mrs. A. Reid, 1; Airs. F. Lawrence, 2; Aliss H. Donald, 3. Queen cakes: Airs. F. Lawrence, 1; Aliss 11. ■ Donald, 2; Airs. A. Reid, 3. Loaf, white: Airs. A. Donald. 1; Airs. F. Lawrence, 2; Miss'J. AlacDonald, 3. Raisin/ and nut loaf: Miss IL Donald, 1; Mrs. ■ F. Lawrence, 2; Airs. A. Reul, 3. J JUNIOR- COOKING j Biscuits; Margaret Fraser, 1; Thelma' Lawrence, 2; Blanche Burgess, 3. j Scones: Margaret Fraser, 1; Blanche Burgess and lan Shaw, 2. Small cakes: j Thelma Lawrence, 1; Blanche Burgess, j 2; lan Shaw and June Harries, 3. IIOAIE INDUSTRIES | Hen eggs: Airs. A. Reid, 1. Duck eggs: Airs. A. Reid, 1. Home-made soap: Airs. Weeks, 1; Mrs. F. Lawrence, i 2. Marmalade: Mrs. A. Reid, 1; Airs. S. J. Relly and Airs. F. Lawrence, 2. Lemon cheese: Mrs. F. Lawrence, 1 ; Miss H. Donald, 3. NEEDLEWORK Knitting, socks: Airs. If. Loisel, 1. Knitted jumper: Ms. C. Reid, 1 and 2; Mrs. Hammond. 3. Tray cloth: Airs. (L Reeves, 1; Airs. H. Loisel. 2• Aliss C. Hale, 3. Knitting!, baby's jackpt or jumper: Mrs. T. McCrepdv, 1. Table mats: Miss A. Reeves, 1; Airs. G. Reeves, 2; Airs. H. Loisel, 3. Work bag: Mrs. F. Lawrence, 1. Petticoat: Mrs. 0. Reeves, 1; Mrs. E. Loisel, 2. Goat hanger: Mrs. F. Lawrence, 1; Mrs. C. Reifl, 2; Airs. T. McCreedy, 3. Nightdress: Mrs. H. Loisel, 1; Airs. (I. Reeves, 2: Aliss A. Reeves, 3. Child’s frock : Airs. G. Reeves, 1. WOArEN’S INSTITUTE Cured skin: Airs. F. Lawrence, 1 and 2. Prettiest article made from sugar

bag: Airs. C. Reid, 1; Airs. Pickett, 2; Mrs. Cranswiek, 3. Apron made from flour bag: Airs. C.. Reid, 1. CHILDREN’S WORK. Flowers. —Collection from school garden: Secondary school, L Vase: Brenda Cranswiek, 1; Jean Donald, 2; Thelma Lawrence, 3. Basket: Brenda Cranswiek, 1; Jean Donald, 2. Posy: Jean Donald, 1; Noeliue James, 2; Brenda Cranswiek, 3. Sowing. High School; Brenda. ; Cranswiek, 1. Stds. 3 and 4: Pcllicoat: Blanche Burgess, 1; Norma Snelton, 2. Stds. 1 and 2, kettle holder: Leigh Kelly, 1; Phyllis Weeks, 2; Alary Warn, 3. Slds. 5 and (>: Shirley Alii lor. 1; Matikai Maurirere, 2. Stds. 3 and 4, pillow ease: Blanche Burgess, 1; Clara Hale, 2. Stds. Panel 2, handkerchiefs: 0. Hale, 1. Stds. 5, • fi, and 7: Jean Donald, 1. Darning.—High School: Jean Donald, 1. Stds. 5 and 6: Shirley Aliller, 1; Girlie Ferris, 2; Alatakai Maurirere,. 3. Stds. 3 and 4: Ray Aliller, 1; /Blanche Burgess, 2. i Knitting.—• High School: Brenda Cranswiek, 1. Stds. 3 and 4: Blanche .Burgess, 1. Drawing. —Pencil, Stds. 3 and (>: (Albert Wanoa, 1. Stds. 3 and 4: Brian Day, 2; Nora Hale, 3. Stds. 1 apd 2: Adelaino Mulm, .1; Alary ; Maurirere, 2; N. Kcelan, 3. Floral design, High School: Noeliue James, '1; Joyce AlcNamara, 2: Alargarot 'Thatcher, 3. Geometrical design, High j School: Afargaret Thatcher, 1; Ivan ICraill, 2; Aforrip Robison, 3. Model 1 drawing, Stds. 3 and 4: Ralph Olsen, 1 1; Bert Smith, 2; Claire Halo, 3. j Writing.—Stds. 5 and fi: Shirley ' AJiller, 1; Girlie Ferris, 2; Nan Bartllott, 3. Stds. 3 and 4: Whare Crawj ford, 1; Walker, 2; Ray Aliller,! 13. Rtd. 3: Rota Tong,alum, 1; Leigh Kelly, 2; Betty' Tamaho, 3. Std. 1: j ' Doris Wharoinga, 1; Emma Wharcingn, , 2; Isabel Walker, 3, | Miscellaneous.—Map, High School: Jean Donald, 1; Joyce AlcNamara, 2; Noolitie James, 3. Alnp, Stds. 3 and 4: ; Rangi Maurirere, 1; Heta Clarke, 2; | Whare Crawford, 3. Essay, High School: Joyce AlcNamara, 1; Bob I Donald, 2; Jean Donald, 3. Essay, . IStds. 8 and 4: Norma Shelton, ]; Nora ; I Ijalo, 2; Robert King, 3. Crayon •jdrawing, Stds. 3 and 4: Whare Cravv- • 'ford, 1; Tuahine Smith, 2; Frank r i Keane, 3. Crayon drawing, Stds. 1 and E l2: Nance Kcelan, I; Billy Henry, 2; •j Adelaino Mulm. 3. Crayon drawing, ‘ primers 3 and 4: Fanny Bartlett, 1; ‘ Charlie White and Barbara King, 2; ' j Freda Wilson ami Alary Milne, 3. j ;Crayon drawing, infants: Mary Morris, 11; Teddy Henry, 2; Barbara Ifurlstone r s 3. Writing, primers: Luc.v 'Glover, 1; ’ | Barbara King, 2; Print scrip, primers: Sunny Wharoinga, 1; Lucy Glover, 2; jMoyr'a O’Connell, 3. 'Story in 9 'pic- ■( tures, with descriptive notes: Keith r Smith, .1; Colin Day, 2.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18255, 25 November 1933, Page 2

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SUMMER SHOW Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18255, 25 November 1933, Page 2

SUMMER SHOW Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18255, 25 November 1933, Page 2