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The crdinary meeting of the C'mtha County Council was held m the County Chambers on Friday; present— Mr W. Hay (chairman), and Crs D. A. Ivl'Lach an, W. Grainger, A. C. Sannders, J. P. Ayso.i, W. Nicol, J. K. Mitchell, J.inieb Cuuiniing, and John Clarke. | D. Farquhsr, TVarepa, wrote re closing \ road through sections 19 and 19a, Caiierhopo Estate, and stated that he was prepared to the closed road if the council were inclined to sell.'— The Chairman explained that tins was held over from last meeting for the member for the riding (Cr Ayson) to interview the pailies interested.— The faimers aJso iiitere'iecl— namely, John Christie, H. Knowlcs, D. R. Jack, and T. Eicldell wrote asking that the road be closed. — Cr Ayson said that he had seen all Hl3 parties except Mr T. Telfcrd. who held a section adjoining the read. He moved that steps be taken, to clo?e the road. — The ve-oaition, on Lemg put, was earned ir.iamrnously. The Urdei-secietray for Public Works wrote ro tho constiuction oi the Catlins-Sea-ward Bush railway, and stated that in conseouenco of its construction certain roads in tlio county we~o diverted, and m order to place these divisions legally under the control of the council an Order-in-Counci! had been issue-.l declaring such diversions to be county roads. Copies of crdcr and plans were . enclosed — Letter received. C. W. Hufsthouse, Chief Engineer Department of., Roads, wrote re Pomahaka bridge at Conical Hills and the application of a. granfc towards Mtmo, that the same would receive cor.sidc-ratior. when the Estimates were being compiled. — Received. He also wrote in similar terms re the grants asked for tlio Clinton-Poinahnka and Clinton-Owaka. roads, and bridge over Waiwera on Clinton-Pueiua road. — Received. The TJjider-seoretary Department of Lands s,vxl Survey wrote re Port Molyneux Public Cemetery and the appointment of Mr Andrew Mitclfell Wylie as a trustee in place of Mr James Steven Resigned). The TJndsr-secre-tary notified tho council that the power of appointing trustees to the cemetery ws.s delegpted to the Clutha County Council on July 14, 1837. If the council wished to have its powers revoked, information as to the names and addresses of the present metabers of 1 the Port Mo]yneiu^_ Cemetery should ba furnished.—The Chairman said it would bY as well t-> bring all the cemeteries' trustees under the same authority. The Port Molyneux Cemetery seemed to be the only one under the control of the council. — The matter was left in the hands of the chairman and clerk to inquire into and take what action they deemed advisable. . , D. Barror., Chief Surveyor Distrirct Lands Office, Dunediu, wrote ro his department's charges for examining certain plans, and could not. see his way to exempt the council from payment of same. — It was agreed to pay the amount — namely, 13s 3d. The Treasury notified thai the sum of £309, being payment of subsidy under " The Local Bodies Finance and Powers Act, 18S5/' etc., bad b9ea paid into the bank. — Received. The Colonial Secretary's Office wrote requesting information as to local bodies that have taken advantage of the increased rating Xiow.ors conferred oy " The Counties Act Act, 1903," etc. — Received. J. K. Lcgan, Superintendent of Electric Lines, wrote, re the erection of tire 1 Kaihiku telephone, that the raatter was under consideration. — Received. A conmHuiieation from the Charitable Aid Board was received showing amounts being contributed , to' deserving cases in the district. — Cr 2\icol said'- there was a .reduction in one case, and it was resolved to write and ask that (ho amount be increased to the original amount Tho Bruce County Council forwarded a resolution passed re the administration of charitable aid. — The Chairman said it was a big question. — Cr Mitchell concurred. The expense of keeping up a hospital and a staff would bs great. — The Chairman said the rate might be heavier if they had a hospital m the district.— Cr Clarke said iiiers was no fault to find with the Dnnedin Hospital. — Or MacLachlan said he believed in supporting their own poor, but hospitals were a different matter. — Cr Nicol was inclined to support the clause re providing for the maintenance of their own poor. — Cr M'Lachlan moved that the council support the Bruce County Council so far as charitable aid was concerned. — Seconded by Cr Nicol and carried. Mr J. M. E. Garrow, secretary Dunedin Hospital Extension Fund, wrote asking the couucil'3 assistance towards project for raising funds for the extension of the Dunedin Hospital. — Tlip Chairman said Mr Wills, one of th& Hospital Trustees, was to have been at the meeting that day. It, might be ns well to defer consideration till next meeting, when Mr "Wills might be able to give them some further information on the subject. — The suggestion was adopted. Dr T. M'Kibbon, Owaka, notified a of typhoid fever at Houipppa, and Dr Fleming notified the existence of an infectious case at Pi] orua. — Received. Sydney Goldsmith, Honeysuckle Lodge, Puerna, wrote re the valuations on his property, which had been increased by £190. He complained that notice of the increase had not been sent . him in time to appeal. — Tho clerk was instructed *o inform Mr Goldsmith that the council did not make the valuations. Andrew Lees, Owaka., wrote re creek at section 23. block IX, Glenomaru, being impeded, and on behalf of the owners asked that the original flow of the stream b& restored. — Left with engineer to attend to. William Turner, Waiwera South, applied for lease of corner of land between the Old Lake road and Ashley Downs on a yearly lease, as Ji& had takei over Mr J. Bowers's ir>tero=t in it along- with that in old school grounds. — It was resolved to grant the use of the land dining the pleasure of the council at a rental of 5s per annum. A. Robert, Warerja, wrote re accident which occurred to him when driving, being upset by a load of stones being tipped tip on the wheel mark He claimed £3 damages. — Cr Nicol said the heap of stones was over the wheel marks and he thought the council was liable. —The Engineer said the fault was the fault of the carter. It was agreed to pay the amount, 011 the motion of Cr Nicol. The Treasury wrote, ye lo?n of .€3500 for works in Richardson Biding, that the srnie had been provisionally approved of. — It was resolved that the necessary formalities be taken to secure the loan. The Clinton Town Board wrote stating thai the subsidy promised for forming water channel 011 Clinton-Tapanui road had not yet been paid. — On looking at the records, it was shown that only the cast of channelling was to be subsidised, and also it was to be done to the satisfaction of the engineer. — The Engineer said lie had intimated to tne Town Board that he was not prepared to certify the work had been satisfactorily ■performed. — Resolved that the engineer and Crs Hay, Nicol, and M'Lachlan visit the place and inquire into tho circumstances. James Cooper, I?a(anui, wrote re setting assistance on behalf of the Upper Catlins settlers to get a road lino cleared and overhanging trees klled on the north &ide of the '

road. The settlers we:e prepared to assist, and askcrl for a visit from the engineer, when the worst, plat-eg would be pointed out — Engineer to report. C. J. Wood, Balclutha. applied for the uso of one of the pipe mcula.s to nuke a roller for a fccwhss green which Mr G. Simt'i, sen, vas now making a I Kak.i Point —Tho recjiu-st r;a3 granted The keal Bevartrcc-nt of Agricu Hire (Mr Thorns 9 ClihiiLUi. iuspntcri asked the coopeiption of tho council ,>i h'tviu" noxious weeds gjorse, broom, a. id sweet briai: cleared frcni all lands uncle 1 tho central of Ihe council. -Loft -v. it>. ers.iyr t.-> attend to. Alexander N-e'--o.i, Cv>pka, wiota i-pplyiii^ for right to cut fla» o i icvl iir>o=. — Left with member c? .-rlt'i;; to ij:quu3 :;rto. /.ccorns. The receipts for the rannth were' — Dcg tay, 2s 6d; rents, £10 • lcfund-s rcado and woiks, €10 17s td; subsidy, fSOO; r.i'.cs, v>2i2 lbs 3d;— •'•ota 1 .. £SSI 18 * 5d The expenditmo Irani! fund ~- 2t ; ge.icinl account, £554 6s lid,— tat A. i'SiG Ss lid.— Adopted, ar.d pay sheet rascacl for raj-in?nt. EKuiNEES'S EEPORT. Ibe Engineer (Mr J. Va.lkei Jolmpton) reported as follow-, for period ended Ai'gust rg- — '• Tho principal vutks don? during tlis :rionth bryord a, diir.inislud quantity of surfacing i^i%e been as follown :— By dqy labour: Mcintcnrjnrc metal fcr Owaka ?ncl Waikaiva Mtiiu leads, msintei.ance metal for Shaw s track oud Poit icad (.Kicl-arJ^on) ; mainL'aiiance meu>l for Warepa Station io?d and for Port Molyneux read (South Molyneux). By contract. Bridge ever Kaihiku at Warc x ;a. Material has beea oideied as follows : For the bridge on School road. Ka> hiku, arid for repairs to bridges at Poiiia-ha'ka-A 7 - T aikoikoi roa<l. At the diction o' the chairman I made- application io t'-ie Minister of Works for votes f<~r a i- l ii T r>er of roa<ds in the county, and have received the usual reply that our representation? will i-c-osive careful consideration. The roads included (not otherwise mentioned in to-day 1 ? correspondence) % the PoTt road, bridge over fuenia Tjear Glenomaru road. Hay's rr?d, Main Owaka road, Owakj. Valley ro?:1, Minn WaikawEi road, Cafelm's Eiver Valley road. Hunt's ioac?, TPue-rua Valley ro^d, Clin-ton-Paeriia road, road bridge over W?.ipahi, Kildervan road, bridge over Kaihiku, ClintoaQoro load, Waipahi to Attiiu.rtori, Tapan\ii Jforth Gleukenich new road. All tbr detail instructions of the month have been carried' out. I examined the block roads in connection with the applications of Mrs Grant and o+hei"3 for a new road through Morton's and Souie.rvillo's. I find from information supplied by tho Survey Department that ctcps vrere takes to close theso roads in 1865, but (hat thei steps taken were ncvar completed, and chs roads are still open. The distance by the block road 3 is tv.-o ancl a-quarfcer mi'.es, ard by the pioposed r.e-w road Ijj miles. Tiie grades on the block roads are. naturally steep, but a t^ack sufficient for -light traffic could be mads for, say, £100. Of matters referred to in last month's report and consideration, deferred to this month I .have to remind the council of Mr Gtryn's application for road closing.'-' Cr Saund'srs moved that steps be taken to cloee Gwyn's road, blook IV, Woodlands.— Cpirried. The engineer's report \ras then adopted. GENERAL. Tho tender of E. Dynes (£142) for ccaitrac& No." 157 w?s accepted. Returning officers wero appointed for the various ridings, and the county clerk was authorised to procure 36 copies d " Tjis Local Elections Act, J904." Cr Saimders moved that tenders be called, for metalling to the extent of .630 near Waipahi Hall.— Carried. On the motion of Cr Saunck'rs it wag pgr-esd to expend £50 on repairing Owai* road between Hunt's read and Duttcn's.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 30

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 30

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 30