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Wednesday, Maixh 7,

Note. — Owing to Wednesday, the 21st inst., being a race day, the attendance at Burntide on that day is likely to be small. Farmers would, therefore, do well to consider the position, and reduce their consignments accordingly. •

J?_at Cattle. — 174 head were yarded at Burnside for this day's market, ranging in quality from medium to j good, a few pens only being prime. There was a good attendance of the. trade, but competition lacked spirit, and no improvement in price can be reported. Best bullocks brought £7 5s to £8 15ss; extra heavy, £8 17s 6d to £9 17s 6d; medium, £5 5s to £G 17s 6d; best heifers, £o 5s to £6 12s 6d; medium; £1 3o Gd to £5 ; aged cows, £3 to £i. — The New Zsaland^Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited; sold drafts from Messis i). C. Mitchell and r Lhoniad Godfrey, bullocks at J66 raid cowa ot £5 7& Cd. Dalgety and Co. (Limited) yarded 25, and sold as jollows: — Messrs Sim Bros., -J, buliuon:& at £7 10s, 9 heifers lroni £6 10s to i'-i 10s; Mr £>. Murray, 7 heifers from £1 7s Cd to £3 2s 6d; Mr \V. Kirk, 4 bullocks at £7, 1 heifer at £5; Mr "VV. Little, 2 heifers at £5. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 63 ' head ps foJlowa: — i?or Mr W. S. Mosley (Stirling), 7 prime bullocks at from £7 17s 6d to £8 12s 6d; Mr Allar M'lntyre (G-lenesk Farm), 13 prime bullocks at £8 10s; Mr John Sidcy (Corstorphme), 7 prime steeis at from £6 15s to £7; Mr Lamoncl D. Robeitson (Sandfiy Bay), 6 bullocks at from £Q 12s 6d to £7 7s 6d ; Mr Robert Charters (Ury Park), 4 prime bullocks ai £8 10s ; Messrs John Kirk, Win. Kirk, J. E. Wix, and others, 31 head at quotations. The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 2S, and sold: For Messrs Anderson and Christie, 3 prime bullocks at £9 10s, 1 do at £8 17s Gd, 2 do at £7 15s; Mr W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 heifers at £5 7s Gd, 3 cows at £i 17s 6d; Mr D. Murray, 2 cows at £'Uss; Mr John Kirk, 2 steers at £5 2s 6d, 2^ heifers at £3 Ss; Mes3r3 D. Miller, W. 'JJownley, A. Green, 9 head at quotations. Donald lleid and Co. yarded 57, and sold: For Mr W. G. Scott (Cheetwocd), 7 bullocks at £8 17s 6d to £6 17s 6d ; Mr John Mackie (Tapanu,), 1 bullock at £7 10s, 4 heifers at £5 7s 6d to M- 355; Mr P. Paton (Pukeuri), 3 bullocks at £8 7s Gd to £7 10s, 2 cows at £6 2s Cd; Mr W. Murray (G-arryowen), 12 bullocks at £6 12s Gd to £5 7s 6d ; Messrs G. and J. Wilson (Allanton), 5 heifers at £<L 5s to £i, 12 bullocks at £1 7s (3d; Mr James Williamson (Allanton), G bullocks at £6 17s Gd to '£5 17s Gd; Mr a. Grieve (.North Taieri), 4 heifers a I £6 7s Gd to £5 15s; Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 1 cow at £5 17s 6d.—- -Stronach Bros, and Morris yarded and sold. Mr L. i). Eobertson (Sandfiy Bay), heifers at £3 17s Gd ; Me W. Miller (Sawyers' Bay), A. Green, and others, bullocks and he. f era at quotations. Maclean and Co. sold for Messrs .Early, A. Douglas, W. l£irk, W. Townley, 2-1 head at market rates. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) yaidcd 67, and sod as follows: — FoiMr William Lindsay, 8 bullocks at £7 12s Gd to £d 2s Gd, 8 heifers to £5 15s ; Mr Alexander Douglas, 5 bullocks at £3 17s (id to £9 17s Gd (top price to-day); Mr Dohn Franks, li bu'locks at £5 17s Cd to £7; Mr .Robert Charters, 4 heifes at £6; Mr David Sutherland, 2 cows at £5 15s ; Mrs W. Do.ialdaon, 2 cows vt £3 J3s; Mr W lham Kirkknd, 1 cow at £6 7s Cc 1 ; Mr L. D. liobertson, 8 cows at £3 7s Rd to £i 6s; Mi- W. Hall, 13 steers at £1 10s to £'L 15s; for others, 2 cows at £i 10s to £G 2s Cd.

Fat Sheep — 1531 were penned, 'ihi^ tup-ply wag acain bjlo-.v the average, competition 1.1 consequence v/ns fairly active, and pi-ices cotai led showo 1 a slight advance compared v."uli lssl week's. Best crossbred wethers biou,ht Us 6d to 15s Cd, extra heavy 15s 94 io IGi I'd, medium 12a 9-i to Us 3d, best cioisb.-ed eves .13s to 13^ GJ, extra heavy 14s OJ, me imt.i It s 9d to 12s Gd The N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold- Foi Mis&.s Murray, Robsrlss, and Co. (U-lacbiook estate), 12 crossbred wether?, at 15s 9d, 2G do at 15s Cd;Mr Thomas Allan (JjillydV.e). '21 clo sis los, 17 crossbred ewes to 11s 9d ; .Mcssus JJicksoji (3 cs (Boln-oiil), 41 do at I 3& 6J, <10 co at Ijs 3d. _vlr Dr.vid Mo-j.a.l ('laion' Beach), 31 ero-sb el wet'u.s at i*s. 3d. JJa'f,cry ai:d Company (Limited) yai^rd siaa bold C 73 ?i fo io'.vs . — T?o.' Mr F. Murphy (Crr-inloi G o,c). C 7 -,yd ,ers noir. ir,:s 3d la lls 9d:":.rr V. Fitzscn'd (Fr-r-hilli. d ov. z ~. ' -o: iILiS J. i o l?.o 3J T i^s 2-\n i" £•'-311 (Mnu J an). 12 vpfi^ B ■><■, n? ; Mr J. irGieco 1 (Kelvin v.o ---;>, G; uo 'n: i Ms to 1'"VTTi h.. S eo':c:.'o i, tuvi Co. -od dU :o io'lo :;;■'— y"r_ M'-, ILillcr (T'"'r.iO '-.'a I, 13 orinio crossb:od veiheia a', lGs 3d. Mr

George Wright (HeathfieH), IG7 do at from 14a Gd to 15s 3d; Mr John Elder (Eoseneath), 79 do at 15s" 6d ; Mesßrs Murray, Eoherts, and Co. (Gladbrook station), 68 prime halfbred wethers at 15s to 15s 6d; Mr Peter Oliver (Oakbank)/ .85 crossbred wethers at 14s 9d to 15s 3d; Mr John Bruce (The Firs), 32 crossbred ewes at 13s 9d. The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 211, and sold: For Mr H. 1 Little (Stirling), 45 crossbred wethers at 15s ; Mr It. Robinson, sen. (Berwick), 50 prime maiden ewes at 14s, and turned out 106 unsold. Stronach Bros, and Morris penned and sold: For a client, 2 pens ewes at 13s 6d to 8s 6d. Maclean and Co. penned 359, and sold: For the New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Clydevale estate), 240 wethera at 16s, 15s 9d, 15s 6d, 15s 3d, 15s, 14s 9d ; Mr John Bruce (The Firs), 32 ewes at 12s 6d ; a northern client, 59 wethers and maiden ewes at 16s, 13s 9d, 13s; Messrs Ford Bros. (Allajiton), 14 ewes at 133 3d; Mr R. Cullen (Owhiro), 14 do at 10s. Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) penned 664 and sold as follows : — For Mr Simon Wright, 38 crossbred wethers 15s 3d , 31 do 15s ; Mr W. J. Jones, 34 do 15s 3d, 29 do 14s 9d; Mr W. Kirkland, 70 half bred ewes 12s 3d to 13s 3d; Mr John Bruce, 33 crossbred ewes 13s 6d; Mr John Smith, 29 do 12s; privately outside, 400 prime wethers 15s. Lambs. — 685 were penned, medium to good with a few prime. Competition for best was very good, but medium sorts had less attention. The best brought 10s 9d to 12s; j medium, 8s 9d to 9s 9d. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold : For Mr Thomas Allan (Lillydale), 24 at lls 9d ; Mr Jamea Brown (Long Valley), 19 at 10s 9d to lls; Mr Walter Merrilees (Taieri Beach), 2 at 10s; Mr S. 3. Green (Taieri Beach), 75 at 10s 3d, 36 at 9s, 4 at lls ; Mr John Watson (Spring Hill), 35 at 9s 9d, and 35 at 8s 9d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 104 as follows:— For Mr Donald Miller (Palmerston), 48 extra prime at lls 6d to 12s; Mr James Sime (Furakaniu), 56 at 10s to 10s 9d. — The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited), sold: For Mr H. Palmer (Otakia), 54 at lls 6d, 22 at 10s 3d; Mr R. Robinson, sen., 7 at 11s, 26 at 103 3d. Donald Reid aDd Co. yarded 80, and sold: For Mr Henry Palmer (Otakia), 76 at lls to 10s; Mr John Butters, 4 at lls. Maclean and Co. t-old: For Messrs Ford Bros., 21 at 10s Od to 10s 6d : Mr R. Cullen, 29 at lls 3d to 9s 6d; 3lr 0. Bruce, 8 at lls 6d. Otago Fainieis' Co-operative Association (Limited) penned 231, i'nd sold as follows: — For Mr John Franks, S3 i.t 10ri 6d to lls; Mr W. J. G-iddings, T2 at 10a; ilr W. Hall, 60 at 9s to 10s 6cl ; Mr A. Wright, lat9s 3d

Pigs. — 90 were penned, comprising all sorts. A \ory fair demand existed for porkeis and medium "baconers, but Backers, fiiips, and hccii'--pigs have little or ro intention. Socket* biought 5s 6d to 11s ; pirns, 13s io IPs : stores, 193 to 21s; porkezs, 26s 8d to 30s; baconers, 40s to 48a. Dalgety and Co. sold 12 suckers to 8s 6d. Wright, Stephen: on, and Co. sold 58 at qtiotaiions. Donald Reid and Co. yarded 23, and sold: For Mr S. Townley, 4 ni 18s; Mr T. Murphy (Pine Hill), 9 at 10s 6d; Mr It. M'Kegg (Taieri), 6at 40s to 30a ; l[r W. Faulds, 4at 45s to 39s Gd.^ Otpqo RumfiV Co-operative Association (Litmte-l) sod for clients 24, at — for porkers, 3'3r-; slips, 32s to 16s; suckers, 8s to 12.=.

Store Cattle. — The demand for ihe&o is now somewhat less active, still sales aie effected, and prices ruling much the same as of late. Store Sheep. — With a superabundance offered, a good dennincl exists, and a much larger business could be done 11 buyers' and sellers' ideas -of value were more in aocord. Ihere is an idea prevailing that immediately the harvest, is .finished that a very considerable number must change hands ; also that prices are likely to be maintained. ilaclean and Co. report the fol-lowing--sales during the wasfc fortnight : — Tapanui district, C 500; Clinton, 750; J3alclutha, 1300; MUton, 1600; Taieri, 540; — total, 10,6J0— all at highlj satisiaetory puces.

Country Saies. — Tho is'ew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company leport having- held their fortniglitly sale aC ±salclutha on Friday last, 2nd inst., when they ottered a veiy full y Aiding ox sheep to public competit.on. .Xot as many changed hands as they should have wished, owing to the fact that farmers are busy hitrvesUiig, and will j:ol buy anything until the stubbies are clear. Ihis being a state of things that usually prevails at tn a time oi the jcar, is not a sign that prices are going to be much easier permanently, but is 3iierely in, accordance %vith what has happened tor the^pa&t two or three ycaia at this imie. They tully expect prices to harden up aga n somewhat when, as staged above, the stuobies aie clear, larmois are laying m their winter supply Oi stock for turnip feeding, etc. They f.oid ta: wetbers to 13s Ca, &1010 do to"l'2-j 4cl, b:eeaing ewes fioin 9s Gd to 12s sd, mid lambs to 10s Id. b?iga wcie in slack demand, and oaly a few cuttle wore offered, which., like the sheep, were somewhat neglected. Dona'd Eeiu and Co. report held Iheir usual monthly sale ai the 'iaievi Siileyards at Allanton 011 'luesday, the fcth Alarcji. There was an entry oi IS horses, 11 tiauy cows, and 40 ftore cattle 'lherc was a good attendance of buy 01s, and b.-isk competitioj throughour the sale, ioung iio.-ses sold at £10 to £13 53; broken do hacks, £7 10s to £14 10s; bullocks, £3 10s to £5 ss; £2 Ids to £'6 7s 6d. Donald Heid and Jo. report havhigr held a clearing sale on account of Mr Thomas .Brown, at his farm, near Allanlon, on Friday, the 2nd inst., when IJIO ■irhols ot lilS herd oi daiiy cows, horses, farm implemeuts, etc., wcie disposed or. There was a largo attendance oi iarmers, daiiyinen, and apeculnto.-s, who bid with commendable spmt for every lot offered. For dairy cows there was a very good demand, and any of this sort m full profit or coming to calving secured keen competic on. Horses sold up to £27 10s; dairy cows to £j 17s Gd; implements, furniture, etc., all findiag buyers at fair values. Maclean and Co. repoit holding their usual fortnightly sale a« .baiclutha oa Friday last, when they yarded 800 sheep, 12 head caltle, and S pigs. .Business was good/and under keen compefc.tioii we sold for the following owners at 3ates given below: — Messrs 33ojd ±Sro3., Calder, J. F. Ayson. M'Phail Bios., K. Kobmson, H. T. Stoddart, J. Lindsay, J. Lawrence, and ethers, ewes at 10s 6d to 4s 6d, ewes and kinibs at 8s 2d. lambs at to 11s 3d, sheep at 12s 3d, pigs at 8b to 6s 6d, sheers to £5 10s, heifers at Jo to £3 17s Gd, cows io £3 Ss.

Wool.— Since the last miblic sales nothing oi importance, has bse-n done here. A few odd lots are still coming todiand, but the bulk of the season's crop" 13 now disposed of. Reports of the opc-ans of the secou'd seiies cf colonirl wool cales in London ai<: now ahx ; ously looked

Sheepskins. — The demand for these is very good, and ai' offeiecl icalise pricos quite in keepl/ig \sith those obtaiaiPS Xor v,-oo! Lito'.y. 30 ry cioscbreds, idterior to nicdi'ini, iet^h 2s io 3s 3d; jnediiiai to iull-woo'lccl, 3s S.M lo 5s Cd : exti'a hra\y and vciy fine halfb-eds, os Sd to Gs )d; lcewi'in to toec 1 mennos. 3s Pd to 5s Gd ; e.ura heavy, Gs 3o to 7^ oil ; !,iceii c ossbved I'^'ts, 2s to 2s id; green lambskins, 2s fid to ?s .Sd

R~>bb*t?ki ." — Fo. the "ew ccniiag foiwaid '. icxe i1?i 1 ? a vciy tcou dpn'auci. Prime winter c]?. mixed fetoii Is 3'_ dto Is oni , f.elecxecl dopg, Js Ca lo Is Cid; mcd.-ani. li to is -2\d; infeiioiL^ ;ucc"auu:. io ]Jd; fv,-lfCLs 3:id hall-giowii. C'! lo li; bes' V.,1; 1 : a.ic %'Axe; g^cy, Is Cd to 1= I'd; -rvr. and medium black, 7d io is 2d ■oov lb

BjC-- — 'shis maiket cor.^iir.ies vciy nun. Le?c c: JV, -li i'yl 'o 'i^tJ , r;:.;.i \cv.\\. -ijcl ; r 'c.iii"-, 3ici lo 3 ] d; uifei-or, 2Vd to 'ild per lb.

Vallnw and Fat. — A eood deniand exists for

all coming forward. Best rendered mutton, broken packages, fetch 16s to 17s 6d; extra pure, 18s 6d to 20s ; medium, 13s to 15s 6d ; Best mutton caul fat, 13s to 13s 6d; medium, 11s 63 to 12s 6d ; inf erior, 10s to 11s per cwt (ex store, net).'

Grain. — Wheat: A very considerable quantity of last year's wheat is being still offered. At present, however, and for a long while back, the demand for any except really prime ha 3no existence. Medium quality is hard to quit, except at fowls' feed price. Prime milling Tuscan and velvet can be readily placed at 2s 5d to 2s 6d. Quotations for medium are nominal, say, from 2s 2d to 2s 4d; inferior to medium, Is lOd to 2s Id ; broken and thin, Is 6d to Is Bel (ex store, sacks weighed in, terms). Oats: The demand during the past week has been somewhat less pronounced, and prices then' obtaining are now difficult to secure. Quotatations: For prime feed and milling, Is lid to 2s ; medium to good feed, Is 9d to Is lid ; inferior to medium, Is 5d to Is 8d (ex store, saclrs extra, net). Barley: A few samples of the new crop are offering, but buyers are not disposed, to operate very extensively at the moment, xintil they know more about the quantity available. Quotations are merely nominal, say, for prime malting, 2s 6d to 2s 9d ; medium, 2s 2d to 2s 3d ; inferior, Is 3d to Is 9d (ex store, sacks extra, net).

Grass Seeds. — Sales of the new ryegrass seed are being effected, Imt the demand is weak and prices low, farmers' best-dressed only fetching Is Id to Is 4d; extra clean and shotty, Is 5d to Is 6d ; 'ight and dirty, 3d to Is (ex store, sacks extra, net). Cocksfoot: Slow snle, fetching, in retail lots, for best-dressed 4Jd to sdj medium, 3|d to 4£d ; light, 2Jd to 3d per lb (ex store, sack extra, net). Chaff. — The market shows hut little change. Well-cut, bright, and heavy is readily placed at £2 15s to JE2 17s 6d; extra prime, occasionally, at £3 ; medium is difficult to place at from £2 75 6d to JE2. l2s 6d (inferior unsaleable) per ton (ex truck, sacks extra, net).

Potatoes. — The supply is in excess of requirements. Sales in consequence are difficult to effect. Newly-dug, fresh on the market, are only £2 to £2 2s Gel; medium, £1 15s to £1 17s 6d per ton (ex store, sacks weigkcd,in, net).

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Otago Witness, Issue 2401, 8 March 1900, Page 38

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Issue 2401, 8 March 1900, Page 38

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Issue 2401, 8 March 1900, Page 38