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Wednesday, August 3. - Fat Cattle.— lßo head were yaided to-day, fully two-thirds of which were little if anything better than stores. The demand for xeally prime beef was good, and bidding spuitsd, but half fats were difficult to sell. Best bullocks brought £d to .ClO 10s; two or three extra heavy, jEll ; good bullocks, £7 Gs to £8 15s ; medium, £G to £1 ; or equal to 22s 6d per 1001b for, prime beef. — The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yaided 35 head, and sold: For Messrs A. and A. Souness (Otakia), S bullocks £8 17s 6d to JEIO 2s 6d, 1 heifer £7 ; Mr W. Kirk (East Taieri), 2 bullocks £1 ss, 1 cow .C 3 ss; Mr Jno. Kirk (Mopgiel), 2 bullocks JE7, 5 heifers £1 7s 6d to £5 2<s 6d; Mr A. Douglas (East Taieri), 7 bullocks £5 5s to £6 10s, 2 cows .-£5 2s Gd; Mr A. M'Kay (Otakia), 6 bullocks £5 5s to £G os ; Mr W. Lindsay (Ailanton), 1 bullock £5 7s Gd. — The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company (Limited) sold: Toy James Ross (Karlagi), 8 bullocks to £6 13s; Messrs Ciauc Bros. (Ott'kia), 8 head bullocks to £G 17s Gd, heifers to £4 ss. Per \hc. Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association : For Mr Jas. Harrison (Stsath-Taicri), 11 head LulJocks to £9 2s Gd, heifers to £5 7s Gd.— Messrs titicnach Bios, and Morris yaided and sold 25 head as follows: For Mr Jas. Gow (Invermay). medium weight shorthorn bullocks at £8 17s 6d to £7 12s Gd; Messrs Wilson and Scotb KBnshvalc), bullocks at £7 ss; Mr D. Andrew (The Grange), heifers tit £5 11a Gd to £5 us; Mr Jno. Kirk (Mo*giel), bullocks at £5 12s Gd ; Mr P. Sutherland (Allanton), light bullocks at £1 10s, do heifers at £3 13s; Mr Jas. Harrison (Sirath-Taicri ; per Olago Farmers' Cooperative Association), bullocks at £8 ss), hf/ht bullocks at £5 12s t Gd, heifers pt £5; Mr John Peas ■(Mount Gowrie), per Otiigo Farmer. Cooperative Association, bullocks at £G 7s Gd, Oieifcrs at £5 5s —Messrs DalpHy and Co. yaided 40 head, and t^!d: For Mr itVm. JafFi.iy (East Taiori), G prime bullocks at £0 12s Gd to .£8 10s ; Mr John Meston (FanBank), 7 bullocks at £8 15s to £5 15s ; Mr J. Spumcls (View Field), 11 bullocks £G 12s 6d to £3 ]jj>; Mr John Jaifray [East Taieri), 2 bullocks at £7 2s Cd ; Mr' T. Keenan (St. Bfithfns), 8 bullocks at £7 to £5 15s; Mr E. Glen (A T a<:eby), 8 bullocks £6 to £5; Mr Thomas Potter (Asliton Vale;, 5 bullocks and 2 heifeis at quotations. — Messrs Donald Reid and Co. yarded 20, and fold • For Messrs Caimichael Bios. (Riverside), 1 bullock at £11 (top price to-day; ro Mr Win. Duke, George street), I bullock at £11 (to Mr It. C. Moore, King street), 1 bullock £10 12s Gd (to Mossis Watson and Logfiie), 3 bullocks at £t) 15s to £8 7s Gd ; Messrs WiKon and Scott (WuihoLi), 9 bullocks at £0 2s 6d to £7 7s Gd ; Mr Win. Jhctie (Allanton), 4 heifers at £5 10s to ,C 4 15s; Messrs Wm. link, Jno. Waldie, and others, 7 head pt marker i afees.— Messrs Maclean and Co. yarded 20 head, and sold- For Mr Jas. Ilanr.on (Strath Toieri; per Co-operative Company), 1 bulloeic sit £7 7s 6d, 1 heifer at £7 2s Gd, 1 lieitcr at .-C6 7s Gd; Mr P. Sutherland (Allanton), 2 bullocks (small) at £1 15s, 2 heifpis at £4 12-j Gd , Mis Balhnga.ll (Shannon), 4 head small cattle at £2 17s Gd to £2 ss; Mr J. H. Joffray (Ol;ikia\ 2 bullocks at £7 ss, 1 heifer at £1 2s Cd ; Me«Ms A. Campbell, G. Barnotfc, J. Grahaia, M'Grcgor, sii'.d Aitchison, G head at to £3.

l'\t Sheep.— To-day's supply coiv.i4ed of 26-15 '-ill crossbred 1 ; — and the bulk of them wethers ot I'Ktlnun to fair quality, with only a few pens top II \ pi imp. Prices were about on o par with tuoH- iuhng last week, with the exception of the !>!•;. «ip-.fc blippj^ M -hicli went a shade higher, s<iy, Jjc per head. BB e ,fc w-thers brought Us to 16s M , do, 12s to ].3s Gd; best ewe?, lls Gd to A, o° % u }\ nm tlc >» fls to 10-3 6d.--Thc Farmers' Mewq A l iimilefl >. Pomu-rt 3<55, and sold ■ For SwetheS^^l^ W i a n irUnl °'' V" 12*- Mi-r wir ,»° 14s > 10 ciossbred ewer, Tau), 16 crossbred Aior's ?3 B ?y? y (i"( i "

A. Dougl.") (F-ist Taieri), 15 two-tooths 12s 3d — 'J ho New Zial.'.i'l Lo.-m and Msieanlile Agency Co. (Innute.b, r^.d: For Mr David Morgan (Taieri Beach), 31 aossbicd wethers at lis 3d, 34 crossbred ewes at lls 3d; Mi- Waiter MemIces (Taieri BoaehS 33 crossbred v/ethers and esves at lls; Messrs R. Craigie and Son (Henley), 62 crossbred wethers to lls — Messrs Stronach Bros, and Morris sold: For Mr Peder Fuldscth (Waita'aiiia), light crossbred wethers at lls to 10s G'l ; Messrs Strong Bros., crossbred wethers at lls Gd; and Mr James Freeman (per Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association), crossbred welhers at 13s to lls and ewes at lls Id. — Messrs Dalgety and Co. yarded 521, and sold: For Mr John Tough (Milton), 58 prime cros.sbrecl ewes at 13s 9d to 12s Gd; southern client, 56 crossbred c-ivcs <i l'3s to 12s 9d; Mr Thomas Potter (Ashton Val?), 53 wethers at lls 9d to 10s; Mr John R. Campbell (The Glen), 115 crossbred r.ves at 12s Set to lls Gd; Mr James Caldwell (Wcdderburn), wethers at quotations. — j Mc.-jsrs Donald Reid and Co. yarded G22, and sold: For Mr Robert Gibson (Kcinton), 31 prime wethers at IGs 9d (top price to-day; Mr Thomas Carioll, Morniiigton, being the purchaser), G(3 prime wethers a 15s to 14s 9d ; Mr Henry Pal- j mer (Otakia), 120 wethers at 14s 9d to 13s 9d ; ] Mr J. P. Shaw (Finnpgand), 54 prime maiden I ewc-5 at 15^ to 13s 9d ; Mr IX. Huderson, 57 ewes at 13s to 12s; Mr William Bell (Titn), 10 wethers at 14s 9d to lls dd; Mr John Murray (Middlennrch), 20 ewes at 8s 9d, 38 wethers, (small) at 7s del; MrCkas Russell (Seacliff), GS j wethers at 12s 9d to lls ; Hon.Jaa. Fulton's mis- • tees (Kuvenscliffc), 55 wethers at 12<s to lls 3d, 20 ! ewes at lls Oil; Mr John Findlay (Findlayston), I 15 wethers at 14s to 13$ 6d .— lvlcfe&r 3 Maclc-m and j Co. penned 367, and sold: For Mr D. Peat ! (Hopefield ; per Co-operative), 99 wethers at 13s | 9d to 12s Gd; Mr H. Palmer (Otakia), 82 i wethers at 13s 9dto 13s 3d ; Mrs Ballingall (Shannon), 65 wethers at 12s Od to 10s 4d ; Mr Joseph Smith, jun. (Ihe Bush), 11 v/ethers at 13s Gd, 7 ewes at 12s, 43 ewes at 7s 6d to 5s 3d; Mr T. j Parker (Stirling), GO n-.'Uicrs and ewes at lls to j 0s GJ.

Loinbs.-^fhil; 78 penned io-flriy, and for the so the demand was good, best bringing 9s to 10s; medium, Gs Gd to Ss 6d.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) sold 43 at 9s 3d to 10s.— The New Zealand Lonn and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr David Morgan (Taieii Beach), 10 at 9s; Mr Walter Merrilees (Taieri Beach), 8 at 9s 3d.--Donald R?id and Co. yarded and sold: For Air John Murray (Middlemarch), 12 at 9s to 7s 3d.

Pigs. — Only 11 pigs came forward this wee!--, and sold readily at last week's quotations. Country Sales. — Donald Reid and Co. repoit having held their usual monthly sale at the Taieri ssileyaids, Allanton, on Tuesday last, the 2nd inst., when they submitted some 40 hoscl of stock, chiefly daiiy and dry cows and horses. There was a good attendance of buyers, and although prices were not high there was a decidedly better demand, and the market showed a firmer tone than it has at any time during the season, and under fair competition nearly eveiy lot enteied was disposed of at fairly satisfactory prices. Mr John Gamble's held of dairy cows, which had been specially advertised, all found buyers at pi iocs ranging from £4 2h Gd to £2; other stock, dairy cows (near calving), sold at £1 10s to £3; dry cowa, JSI 10s lo j:l; young cattle, to £1 10 d. Grain. — Wheyt: Theie is nothing doing in milling wheat. Fowl wheat is slow of Clean, whole fowl wheat is worth 3s to 3s 2d ; inferior and broken, 2s 3d to 2s lOd (sacks in, ex store). Oats: There has been a little more inquiiy during the lasi week for shipping l.'nps; but buyers' prices are lower than market quotations. Theie are always a few linos that can be picked up at a shade less than the mliug prices, and those are enough to supply the demand. Quotations are: Seed duns, Danish, End long Tartars, 2s Gd to 23 lid; seed sparrowbills, 2s 3d to 2s Gd; good feed, 2s Id to 2s 2d; medium, 2s to 2s Id; inferior, Is 9d to Is lid; damp and discoloured, Is 3d to Is 6d (sacks extra, ex store). Barley: There is nothing doing, and quotations remain unchanged. Chaff. — A fair quantity has been offering this week. Prices remain the same as last -\\eok, but are likely to harden owing to the snow and wet weather. Prime oaten chaff is woith £3 12s 6d to £3 IGs; medium, £3 to £3 7s 6d (sacks extra,).

Potatoes. — There is only a small quantity coming forward, but sufficient for the inquiry. Prime Derwents are still bringing up to £7 10s, but medium are hard to r,cll at from £7 to £7 5s (sacks in). Rabbitskins. — There is still a very good demand for rabbitskins, and prices are nigh. Best silver greys are worth 21|d ; winter blacks, 39d to 20|d; prime winter does (greys), 20^d , medium winters, 17d to 19d; autumns, 30d to lid.

Sheepskins. — The \isual number of buyers were at the auction sales on Tuesday, and bidding was brisk. The demand for merinos still continues, and cro,=sbreds are more m demand.

Tallow. — Quotations: Best rendered, i3s to 15s; medium, 10s to 12s Gd; inferior and discoloured, 8s to 9s Gd; lough fat, 8s to lls. Hides.— Quotations : Heavy well-flayed ox, 3id to 3^d ; extra prime, 4d ; medium, 2!d to 3d, light, lid to'2id.

[The indieittval ie?t»ts of Stoch Jyents, Wool, Rabhitskin. or Grain, Brokers can lr. i,i°eited in the Duxly Times and Otago Witness at Special Hates ]


Messrs Wright, Stei'Henson, and Co.'s weekly report, Wednesday, August 3: —

Fat Cattle —180 head yarded, a large proportion being ot second-rate quality, very little prime stuff being in. Competition was keen, and anything at all good f.old at ail advance upon last week's rates. Prime bullocks brought £3 10s to £10, two extra prime animals fiom Messrs Caimichael Eic* , of Riverside, bringing £11 ; good bullocks, £7 to £6 ; medium, £5 10s to £6 10s; light, £'i 10s to £5. We yarded 27 head, and sold: For Mr Thomas Keenan, St. Bathans, 9 brdlocks at £5 12s to £6 ss, Mr J. Sutherland, Otakia, 3 bullocks at £G to £6 15s; for Messrs Town ley, Deveney, Keenan, md Sutherland, 12 head at quotations.

Fal Sheep. — 2615 penned. Prices were much the same as last week. Prime crossbied wethcis sold at 14b to 15s (one pen extra good 16s Gd) , modmm do, 12s to 13s Gd , light, 8s Gd to lls, prime crossbred ewes, lls Gd to 13s, modnnn, do, 10s to lls; light, 7s to 9s Gd. We \ardecl 497 ,and sold- For Mr A. Reid, Waikoikoi, 00 crossbred wethers and ewes at lls 9d to I'l'i 3d; Mr G. Smith, Warepa, 60 crossbred wctheis and ewes at 13d 3d to 12s; Mr W. G. Rich, Fortrose, 51 crossbred ewes at 13s to 12s , a .southern client, 51 crossbred ewes at 13s to 12s 9d ; Mr S. Parkfr, Stirling, 118 crossbred ewes at lls 3d to 9s 3d ; Mr James Caldwell, Weddcrburn, 151 crossbred wethci'h at quotations.

Fat Lamb:.. — '3 Prices lcmam unchanged. Pigs. — About the Miialle'-tt maiket on record, only 11 in, and tiic-bc .ill came to us. Slips sold at 10s to lls; poikors, up to 38s, haconcrs, up to 545. We have a lot of inquiry for good bacoiiers and porkers, and can place them either privately or at auction at very good rates.

Sheepskins. — Only moderate quantities ucic offered at Tuesday's <.ole, when (hero was ifraiii a good attendance of buycis. Prices for halfbretls and cios'-biedj v.oie equal to thocc mlrig at our last sale, ami in fine halfbicds 'md merinos theie was an ddvvnce of equal to id to Jd pci lb. We quote: Ciossbred (half to full woollcd), fioni 3s to 5s Gd, do qiunter to full woolled, Is Gd to 3a, do pelts and small, 5d to Is Gd ; meiinos (half to full woolled), 2s Gd to 4s Gd; quaitei- to half do, Is 3d to 2s fd ; do pelts, 2d to Sd , gieeii cros^breds, 3s to l<i each. llabbilskins.— Theie was a full attendance of the trade at cur sale on Monday, when we offered a large catalogue. Values are on a par

"" v.-ith those luling last week. We quote: Prime winter greys, l'Jd to 10] d; do bucks, I7d to 17Jd; do mixed, 18d to 19d; prime winter blacks, 18d to 20H1; medium greys (mixed), 16d to 17d; incoming do (mixed), 13d to IHW ; autumns do (mixed), lOd to 13d; summers do (mixed), Gd to 3]kl; runners (mixed), -lid to oUl; suckers (mixed), 2d to 31d per lb. Hides. — Splendid demand at late rates. We would advise country butchers and others who have hides for disposal to give us an opportunity of selling for them. We quote: Piime heavy ox, 3id lo 32d; extia prime, up to Id; medium, 2Jd to 3d; light and inferior, ]jd to 23d per lb. Tallow.— Good demand, and prices on a par with those ruling at our last sale. We quote: | Best leadc-ed mutton, lls Gd lo 14s Gd; extra j good, up to 16s; medium, 10s Cd to 31«; discoloured and inferior, 8s Gd to 12s; lough fat, 8s 6d to r.« per cwt. j Wheat. — Milling wheat is practically unsaleable at present, milleis declining to buy except at veiy low prices. There is fair demand for chick wheat, which shows a slight iir.pioveuicnt, and is quoted at fiom 3s to 3-< 4d for good j whole samples. Nominally to-d 1 }' 1 . \.uuej ?re 1 as follows — Prime Tuscan ai. \ vefl .^r.i Vi, <is 7d to Is Gd ; medium to good. 4 3 5d to 4s 7d ; prime vehet, 4s Sd io 4s lOd ; muluivn to tood, <li Gd to 4s 8d; chick wheat (v/hole\ 2* JUd to 3s 4d per bush<»l (off tiuckr-. Uu'.edin, f,«j<.k,-i i in, teitns).

Oals — The m i i\.'-t ictn^ias R-m at last week's prices ; very lew offering, and with the exception of seed lines 'outness is quiet, vendors preferring to liold than to accept present piices. We quote: Good to best feed, 2s 2d to 2s od; fair to medium, 2s Id to 2s J?.d; discoloured and inferior, Is 9d to 2s; milling, Qs 4d to 2s sd , long Tartarian s and duns, 2o Gd per ton (ex tiuck, sacks extra, not).

Bar Joy — Business in this ceieul is at piesent quiet, and few samples offenng. There is good inquiry for milling descriptions at quotations. V» 7 e quote: Prime malting, 4s 9d to 5a Id; fair to medium, 4s 2d to -Is 8d ; feed and milling, 2s 6d to 3s 6d per bushel (sacks extra, net).

Chaff. — Deliveries during the week have been somewhat limited, and prices have advanced slightly. The stormy weather is likely to affect deliveries, and prices are expected to adviuice towards tho end of this week. We have buyers for large and small quantities, and shall be glad to receive particulars of any lines farmers have to offer. We quote: Prime oaten sheaf, £3 12s 6d tD £.$ 15s ; extra prime, up to £3 17s Get ; good, £'i 5s to £3 7s 6d per ton (ex truck, sacks extra, net).

Potatoes.— S*ill good demand for these, although prices aic a shade easier. We quote: Prime llerwents, up to £7 10s ; medium, £7 to £7 5s per ton (off trucks, Dunedin, bags in). Seeds. — We hold very large stocks of clovers, grasses, turnip seed, etc., specially selected and of splendid qu.ihiy. S.ii'iplea and quotations on application.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 27

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 27

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Issue 2318, 4 August 1898, Page 27