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REPORT. Wednesday, June 9. Fat Cattle.— The yarding to-day numbered 163 head, and of these only about one-third were prime quality beef, the balance fair bullocks and inferior cows. Of the bullocks penned the prime lots had most attention, and Hold at, prices equal to last week's quotations, but bullocks half to three-quarters fat were considerably cheaper than lately quoted, and a few peus were turned out unsold. Prime beef to-day was vor Hi about IPs per 1001b. Best bullocks brought £8 to £S 12s 6d ; medium bullocks, £8 5s to £7 15s ; light bullocks, £1 15s to £(5s ; best cows, La 7s (id to £o 12s 6d ; others, £3 2s 6d to £1 15«.— StuonaCH Bkos. AJiD Morris sold : Fur Mr Thomas Smith (Waimate), bullocks at £8 10s. £7 17s od, £7 10.', £7 7s 6d, £7 ss, aud £6 17s 6J ; and for Mr William A. Todd (ilosgiel) and Mr John Foote (Purakanui), cows at quotations.— Donald Reid and Go. yarded 45 atvf sold : For Mr W. Baird (Car,a farm), S3 bullocks at £5 17a 6d to £A 15s ; Mr W. jlsnzie? (Garryowen), 5

heifers nt £5 17c 6cl to £5 IGs ; Mr Alexandor Sutherland (Otakia), 5 do at. £5 12s 6dto £1 7s 6d ; Messrs \V. Kirk, W. C. Lotts, Johu Hunter, John Graham, and others, 13 head at quotations — Tiik New Zealand Loan and Meucantile Agency- Company (Lijiiitkd) yarded 29 head, and sold: For a northern client 21 bullocks a'u £8 7s lid to £G 15s; irfr ][. Flcmin ' (Otakia), 1 do at £S 3 do at Ml 7t (5 i. 2do at M 17s 6d, ai d 2do at £o 17s Gd.— Dalgi-.ty ami Company (Limited) y.irdcd 25, and sold : Mr John Jaffray (ISa-st Taieri), b' steers and heifer* at £6 12s 6d to £5 ; Messrs J. aud A.Souness(Otakia),(iheifeisat£6 ssto£4los; Mr John Kirk (Eubl 'J'aieri), 3 steers at £0, 1 cow at £4 12s (Jd ; other vendors, 4 head at quotations. — The FAitMERs' Agkncy Company(Limited) yaided 11 head, aud sold : For Mr W. Shand (Keith Hall), 2 bullocks at £8 lOa, 2 do at £7 15s ; Mr W. Kirk (ICist Taieri), I cow at £5 7s6d ; Mr W. Lindsay (Allanton), 2 bullocks at £b". Fat Sheep. — 1528 were penned for the week's supply, and of tiie3e the majority were fair to good wether?, the balance a few peps of good crossbred owes and medium ewes, with three or four pens merino wethers. Sales opened poorly, but prices hardened as business progressod, and towards the close sheep were fully la up ou the opening prices, and quite equal to last week's quotation"-. Best crossbred wethtirs brought 13s fad to 14s (si ; medium do, 12', (id !■> Y-U (id ; light wethers, 10s 6d to 12s 3d ; best crossbred ewes, lls 1,0 12s G 1 ; medium do, 9s Oil to 10' (id ; otheip, S3 !) I to <U (Jd ; merino wethers, 9s (id 1,0 10s o'd.— SrnoN'Acii Bros, and Morris sold: For Mr A. W Gillies (Berkley Powns) cro&sbicd ewes at 12s 3d to I2h Od ; Messrs Murray. Roberts, and Co. (Gladbionk c-lale), merino vt cthf.r.-iitOjSil lo 10s 6cl. Donhld Jliud and Co. yarded 814, and sold : For the trustees of the lvte Mr Shaw (Finuegan), 33 iloinncy wethers at l'ls tail, 19 Roiauey ewes at lla jd ; Sir William Grey (Milbuiti), 152 cro-sbred ewea at 10s 3d to Ps ; Mr J.-icob Shearing (Grookston). 65 crossbred ewes at 8s 3d to 8s ; Air John Noone (Ida Valley), 112 halfbred wethers (small) at 0s M, 139 halfbred ewes (small) at Ss Tcf ; Mr James Forbes (The River), 73cios.sVned wethers at 13s 6u tv 11f; Mr W. Biur.l (Oarse faim), 24 1 cvoisured weihers at 11s J)J ; Mr Akx. Douglas (Ibst Taiovi). 42 crosj-br-d 'vt-vher-. a">, 12s. ; Mr 'lliomas itobe tsoii (Silveratiesm), 5 cro-sbred wethtra at Cz. lOd ; Mr W. H. Lobb (Brighton), IS halfbred ewes (small) nt ss; Messrs VV. T. Cairie (SilvtJ&treain), TO crossbred wethers at 12s (j:i, 13 crossbied ewes at 8a ; Mr R. Miluer (iS T oith Taieri), 20 crossbred wethers at lls. — Thk Nr.w Zealand Loan and Mercantile Acjencv Company (Limited) sold : For a northern diem., 1 pen crossbred evve3 at f>s 3d ; Mr Janieci Wyllie (OutMin), 1 pan crossbred wethers at l'2s. Uaiaikty and Company (Limited) yarded 153, aud fold : For Mr W. Blackie (Kasb Taieri), -Ji crossbred wethera at 11s (3d ; Mr A. Brown (Green Island), 39 wethers at LOs to 10s od ; Mi- John Ayton (Ciinpbelton), 'A 7 crosibred wether* at Us 9fl ; Air F. Cameron (The (Vlen), 53 mixed croFsbr-da at quotations.— -Tiik Farmers' Agkncy Company (Limii'itd) penned ?AM, mm f old : For SlrJt. 'lhonpson iMaht-no), 59 rvossbrcd \rethei-s at 11? Gd to 13, ; Mv P. Spratt (Middlemarchi, 02 h°lfbred wetumih at 9s to 11 <• 3d ; Mr James Wyllie (Outivin), >'?2 crossbred wuthoiM a^ IU M ; Jlwsrs A and J Brown (Abbotsford), 27 halfbred wethers at 9» 9d ; Mr A. M'Suuger (Gleu fallow), 12i cio'sbred wetheis at 11s 9d to 12s. Fat Lambs. — I'he Total of lambs was 163, and these found buyers at : for best 9s to 10j 3d, other 7s 3>i to 8s 3d.— Donald Hud and Co. fold a pen for Mr Jomes Forbes (The }!iver) at 10<. 3d to 8s o\i. — 'liik NkwZeatam) Loan and Mercantii/e Agency Company (Limited) sold 105 at 10s; for Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow F*vm), 30 At 10s aud 14 at 9s 3d.— Dalikty and omfany (Limited) yarded and sold Ui at from 8s h d to 9s b'd. — 'iiiE Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) sold 264 for Mr W. Nicolsou (Hampiifn), at 7s to Bs. Pigs. — There were only 48 penned, aud all classes forward sold in favour of vendors At present there is a pood demand for porkers bacoueis, and the'C could be readily placed to vendors' satisfaction. Suckers to-day brought fc's to 10a 6d, stores 18s to 2'U, iiorker.s 22rs b'n to 325, lighi. bacouers 34s (5d to 37b.- Stronacii Bros and Morris sold 3 pens for Mr W. Allen (St. Kilda) at 28s, 21s, and 17s.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) t,otd a draft for Mr 11. (j amble (North T^ieri) at 82s tn 31s. Country Sale. — Daloety and Company (Ltd) report having held their monthly sale of cattle at Owaka on FriuUy, tlie 4th inst. There was but a small entry of cattle, and the <'emand, owinp to thp scarcity of grass in the locilitv, was not very brisk, but notwithstanding they cleared the yard at the following rates :— Four-year-old steer*., £4 5a lo £i 17s 6d ; dairy cows. £4 6s to £5; store cowe, £-i 12s Gd to £'i 5s ; yearlings and 18-month-olds. £1 10s to £1 17s 6d. Sht-epskins. — The usual Tuesday sale was well attended, but the shipping representatives were not operating lo any great extent, and the bulk of the lots oll'ered were taken at late rates by the fellmongers. Catalogues were large, and some of them included a few lines of best green crossbred skins, /or which class competition was keenest, and prices ruled for these at 3s 9d to 4a 3d ; medium groen crossbred, 3^ to 3s 8d ; others, 2s to 2s lOd ; best well-saved dry crossbred and halfbred bioucht up to 5d psr lb ; do merino to 4rt. ; medium cro.ssbivd and Jialthred, 4d to 4id ; medium quality merino, 3d to 34d ; inferior cvossbied, 3d to 3i<l vei lb ; aud dry pelts (best), Is to la 5d ; others, 4d to lOd each. Hides.— The demand for these continues good. Best stoui. ox hides command keen competition, and can be placed at 3d tn V.d per lb ; medium ox, 2id to 2?d ; inferior, 11*1 to 2£rt ; slippy and damaged hides, ljd to lid. Rabbitskins.— Catalogues are "larger every week, and it is satisfactory to note that the demand is also on the increase. This week's auctions showed a full attendance of the trade, and keen rcnipotition for all linen offered. Lately-ovught s,kina avo worth up to lid, «ood autumns to OJd, surniners to ?id, small skiu» to 4d per lb. Horsehair cm be readily placed in any quantity at up to 15d per lb if clean. Tallow. — The supply, though limited, is quite sufficient for the local niauufactuier»' demand, who at pieseut aie the only buyers operating. i Quotations : Bet rendered mutton, 15* t,o 15s (id ; medium, 12s (sc! to 14s ; inferior, lls to 12s ; rough f \t, S, 6u to Us 8d p"i- cwt. Giain. — When : Values for prime vuillii\g reman firm, and all consignments of this grade for disposal iirt- i - ea«ily placed. Inquiiies arc slso made for fowl whe/t. Quotations : Prime millinp; velvet, 4s 4d to 4s Gd, oo Tuscan, 4» 3d to 4s 4d ; medium fcaraples, 4^ to 4.s Id ; whole fowl wheat, 3s 3d to 3s Sd ; broken do, 2s to 3^> (ex store, sscks in). Oats : The rnaiket is very strong, with no indication of prices £<nng back. At the time ot writing shippers aie perhans not quite so busy, but this is owing to the fact of no boat being on tbe berth for Sydney. Notwithstanding thi*, the highest prices yet given have been paid !a-?t weekly report. Quotations : Prime milling Sutherlands »nd seed lines, 2s 4d to 2s 6d ; good to best feed, 2s 3d to 2s 4d ; medium do, 2s to 2s 2d ; inferior, Is 9d to Is lid per bu3hel ('wks extra). Barley: Sticks of choice malting hotts are practically sold out, and business done is almost entirely confined to parcels of medium grade. Quotations: Choice malting, 4s to 4s 3d ; good 00, 3s b'd to 4s ; milling «nd medium, 2s 10d to 3s Cd ; feed, 2s GJ >o 2s 9d per bushel (sacks extra). Chaff. — Values have improved cons'clerably, and supplies are short of requireni'-nts. Primo oaten hheaf. £1 5.-S to £4. 10s ; medium to good, £'.) IQi lo i; 4 !!; 6-i; interior, £2 100 to £3; straw chaff, £2 to £2 5, per ton. Potatoes. — There is inquiry for prime northern Derwents and consignments of this quality are snort Southern Derwents are plentiful, but ouly thfi best of these are reaeJily placed. Primo northern Derwents. £3 2s Gd to .-£3 7s Ctl ; do southern do, £3 to j£3 2s 6d ; medium, £1 12s b'd to 17s 6d per ton (sacks in). {The individual reports of Stock Af/cnts, Wool, Babbitskin. or Grain Broken can be iw-ei ted in the Daily Time* and Qtayo Witness at Special Hales J

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Otago Witness, Issue 2258, 10 June 1897, Page 26

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE Otago Witness, Issue 2258, 10 June 1897, Page 26

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE Otago Witness, Issue 2258, 10 June 1897, Page 26