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■Wednesday, April 28. X Fat Cattle.— 2ls head were yarded to-day, and proved more than sufficient for requirements, owing to several of the larger members of the trade ha viug purchased outside. Bidding for really prime bullocks was fairly keerj, but anythiug hecondary or cow beef was quite neglected. Quotations : Prime ox be«f, 18s to 20s per lOUIb; secondarvand cow beef, 13* to 17b — I'iiß Fahmeiis' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 57 head, and sold : For Mr J. C. Renton (Greenlaw), 8 bullocks at j£*J to £7 15s ; Mr W. Kirkland (Elm<?rove), 5 do at £7 2s 6d to £7 ss, 3 cows at £5 to £ti 10-! : Mr "W. Kiik (Kast I'aieri), B bullocks at £7 17s Gd 1o £9 2s 6r|, 2 cows at *£5 2=i 6d ; Mr John Kirk OIoEgiel), '.) heifers at £4 15s ; Mr R. Shennau (Berwi'-k). 11 bullocks at £6 5s to £S 7« Gd ; Mr V. Perneski (AUantoni, 4 heifers at £1 2s Gd to £4 15s ; Mr A l'Velaii-l (Blacknjore), 9 steor' at £4 7? 6d ; Sir Townley (Kaikorai), 15 cows (aged) al £3 10s. — Tin: New Zealand Loin and JMrkcantii.e Agency Company (Limited) sold : For Messrs A. and A. Souuess (Oakia), 2 bullocks at £8 7s Gd. 2 do at £7 12s tiJ. 2 do at £7 5s 1 heifer at £5 Ins ; Mr John Kiik (East Taieri), '2 bullocks at £5 12 a Cd ; a northern client. 2 bullock* at £7 ss, 2 <io at £7 2=i (id, 1 do at £« 17s Gd, 2 do at £(j 2s fid.— Ktkonacii Bros, and Mokris yarded and sold : For Messrs Murtay, Roberts, and Co, (Glidhro >k estate) a draft of prime medium-weight bullocks at £7 7s lid. £: 2s tid, £G 15s. and £6 10a , and Mr W. Ain j s (Caver.sham). a draft at quotations. — Dalgety and Co (Limited) yarded 43 head, and sold at from £5 5s to £3 12< ftd. — Donald Reid and Co. yarded 47, and sold : For the Me?sr3 M'Ma-ter (Fassferu), 3 prime bullocks at £9 5s to £8 17s 6d, 4 at £7 15s to £5 10s, 2 cows at £i 12-i 6d ; Mr A. Murray (Fairleich), 7 bullocks at £7 2< 6d ; Mr Wm Sh»nd (K.eith Hall), 4 heifers at £5 12a 6d to £4 : Mr John Stevenson CH>nley), !) cows at £1 to £2 10s; Messrs VV. R. Mabson, J Kirk, and others, 1G at quotations. Fat Sheep. —To day's market consisted of 2902 sheep of which P0 were mcrino3, the proportion of ewes wa? greater than it has been for some weeks, and unless for prime prices were a shade easier. Best eweg and wethers, however, sold at fully ud to last week's rates. Best wether*, Us fid to 13* 3d; medium, 10s to 12s; best cwbr, 11s to 123 61; 1 small pen, 15s 3d; medium, 7« Gd to 10s.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 265, and sold : For Mr fe\ Thomas (Highlaud), 20 mixed crosVbreds 9s 9i ; Messr." Brown Bros. (Vallevfielri), 79 crossbred ewes (agei) 6a 9d ; Mr A. Dougla? (Kast Taieri), 84 crossbred ewes 10<i Gd to 12s 3d ; Mr Jame* Gow (fnvcrmay), 2S crossbred ewes 12s to 15s 3d ; Mr W. C Palmer (Otakia), 53 crossbred weth<»i-3 12', 33 crossbred ewes 11s 6d ; Mr James AA r y!lie (Outram), 4 crosabreds 9s 3d.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Aoe^cy Company (Limited) sold . For Mr Jarats Liddle (Taieri Beach), 101 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes to 14s 4d , Mr David MorgaD (Taieri Beach), 1 peu crossbred ewes at 10» 3d; Mr John Sutherland (Pdlmerston), 27 crossbred wethers and ewes s>'r, lla 3d, 25 do at 9s ; Mr Thomas Morton (Hightops), 1 pen crossbred ewes at 10s 9d.— Dalgety and Company (Limithd) yarded 40!) and sold : For Mr J. F. Herbert (Ardmore), 5S piime crossbred ewes at 12s yd to 11b 6J ; Mr 1). M'Donald ("Willowburn), 1G do at 11s 4d to 10, 3d ; Mr R. Ewinfi(Orßiglowrio), 45 do\vethers 55 doewos

at 83 lid ; Mr John Simpson (Totara), 60 do ewes at 10s to 93 fid ; Messrs A. and A. Sounneas (Otakia), 31 halfbred wethers at lls ; Mr S. M'lntosh (Mortons), HI crossbred do at lls 'id to lOj 3d. Donald lleid and Co. penned 963, and sold : For Mr Wm. Robertson (Maheno), 23 crossbred wethew and ewes at 12s 3d ; the Now Zealand aud Australian Land Company (Totara), 133 do ewes at lls to 10j; Mr Andrew M'Kerrow (Hampden), 57 do and wethfrs at lls Gd to 9s 3d ; Mr John Allan (Taurima), 230 do wethers and owes at lls Gd to 9s 9d ; Lee Flat station, 127 do wethers at 10s fid to 8s 9d ; Mr Wm Lobb (Otakia), 3S do ewes at6b9d; Mr V,'. H. Lobb (Brighton), 30 do at 8? 3d ; Mr Ohas. Higgins (Taiorna), 'M do wethers at lls lOd, 105 do at lls 9d, 63 merino do at 5s 9d ; MiGeorge Webb (Taioma). 49 crossbred ewes at, 6s 7d ; Mr Win. Currie (North Taieri), 7G do at quotation?. lambs.— As far as butchers arc concerned the lamb trade is practically ovor for tho .season, and competition i 3 restricted to exporters for prime and to graziers for medium. Sill) penned to-day, all fit for export, going at 0s fld to 10s 9d ; medium, 7s to !)s. — The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 093 and sold : For Mr M. Dauie'.s (Avoca), 60 at 10? 7d ; Mr F. Thomas (Highland), 211 at 7s- 6d to S>s ; Mr Waller Murray (SpriDjrtieW). 70 at 10s ; Mr James Wyllie (Qutram), 43 at ts Gd to 9s.— The New Zeaiano Loan AND MkRCANTII.K AISHNCY COMPANY (LIMITED) sold : For Mr David Morgan (Taieri Beach), 12 at 10s Gd, 1R at 9s ; Mr John Sutherland (Palmerston), 18 at 93 3d ; Mr Thomas Morton (Hightops), 20 at 5s 9d to 63 3d ; for a southern client. 140 at quotations. — Stuonach Bros, and Mourns sold a draft of prime lambi for Mr John Foote (Purakanui) at Us 3<l to 9s.— Daliety and Company (Limited) yarded 210, and sold: For Mr D. M'DonaK (Willowburn), 125 prime lambs at 10s od to 8s 9J ; Messrs A. and A. Sounness (Otakia), 20 at 10s: Mr .1 . Sutherland (Otakia), 27 at 9s Gd to !)j 3d ; Mr R. Ewing (Craiglowrie), 3S at 93.— Donald Keib and Co. penned 365, »nd sold : For Mr Wm. Robertson (Maheno), 20 at lls, 25 at 10s 3d ; Mr John Allan ( laurima), 30 at 7s dd ; Mr Ja . Wjllie (Outram), 28 at 10i; Mr Geo. Webb (Taionia), 6-2 at quotations.

Vigs. — Only 57 penned to-day, bidding was very brisk, -aud all sold readily at tho following rates : — Suckers, 8 to 10s ; 81ip3, 12s Gd to 15a ; porkers, 283 to 30s ; baconers, 32s to 50s, according to weight. — I)okai,i) lleid and Co. sold : For Mr A. E. Young (Breadalbane). 6 at quota' ions. Country Sales.— The New Zeajand loanand MICRCA.NTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED) report holding their fortnightly auction sale at Milton on Tuesday, 27ih mit, when a veiy largt? entry of sheep was presai.tud, in all about 3000 *heep being penned, all of whith were spiritedly competed for by the numerous seekers ot sheep in attendance, aud pr czt ruling were sat sfaotory to the vendors. Stuonach Bros, and Morkis report having held a sale at Waikouaiti on Monday last, but osving to a large nuruber of farmers being busy threshing, the entry and attendance were smaller than Übual. They sold f>y various vendor 3 cittle and sheep of all description? at prices on a par with current quotations. — Daloett ani> Company (Limited) report as follows . — We held the last series of our Central Otago stork sales for this season at Becks on the 22nd, at Wedderburu on the 23rd, and Ewebura on the 24th inst. The attendance at all these salus was good, and the demand all that could be desired. Outside buyers were present for all good crossbred and halfbred wethers fit to put on turnips, and also for big crossbred lamb*, while local buyers took up all the ewes, small two-tooth sheep, and lambs that were offered. Prices for all classes showed a decided improvement on previous sales, rnoio particularly for wethers, which brought exceptiooally good prices. In all we sold 3022 sheep at the following range of values :— Hesb crossbred and halfbred wethers iv forward condition brought from 9s G<i tol03ld; smaller, 7a, Gd to 8s Gd ; young half breds, 5s 6d to Gs 6d ; aged halfbred ewes, 2s ]0d to 5s Gd ; fat ewes. 7s to 8s 8d ; best crossbred lambs (stores), 5s 6d to 6s 3d ; small. 33 to 4a 3d; rams, £1 Is to £2 2*. On Monday, the 26th inst., we held a rlearing salp at Mr Cooper's farm, Palmerston, where iv addition to his stock we offered about 70 head of cattle on account of other vendors. Thero was but a small attendance, and the demand was anything but brisk The only sorts in demand were well-grown steers in good condition The daily cows offered were mostly spring calvers. and for this sort there was practically no demand. In all we sold about 60 head at — for dairy cows, £3 10s to £2 ; two and three-year-old steers and heifers in forward condition, £3 5a to £4 —Donald Reid and Co. report having held a clearing sale ou account of Mr Wm. Thomson, at his farm, Momoun, West Taieri, on Tuesday, the 27th inst., when, owing to the estate having been fold to the Government for cutting up for settlement, thq whole of his vcluable farm, stock, and implements were offered for sale. The day proved exceedingly fine, and as Mr Thomson's dairy cowa and other stock were well and favourably known, there wa* a very large gathering of buyers from the Taieri, Clutha, Tokomairiro, and surrounding districts, who bid with commendable s.p : rit for nearly every lot offered, the result being that with thb exception of potatoes (growing crop, which were passed in at £19 per acre) and the line of breeding ewes (which also were passed) every lot offered found buyers at very satisfactory prices. Dairy cows, close to or in profit, Hold at £5 to £8 ; do, spring calvers, £2 10<3 to £5 10* ; forward bullocks, £5 ; young cattle, £1 IG-s to £2 2s Gd ; ofilves, 13s ; brood sow*, £2 5? to £3 10i ; draught horses, £18 10s to £32 10s ; straw sfacks, implements, and sundries all makinsc fair prices. Sheepskins.— There wan a good attendance at the weekly auction sales on Tuesday, when prices were considerably in advance of last week's, all lots being sold to sellers' advantage. Beat, dry crossbreds brought 4s to 63 fid ; medium, 2s Gl to 3s 9<i ; best dry merinos, 3s 6d to 5s 3d ; medium do,' 2s to 3s ; inferior. Is to Is 9d ; pelts up to 3s ; green lambskins, Is b'd to 33 3d ; green crossbred?, 2s to 2s (id ;_ extra heavy, 2s 9d to 3s 31. Tlabbitskins. — The market is still bare of supplies, all lots bfling well competed for at the sales, summers fetching up to sid, autumn aud medium winters 51 to i)d. suoker* Id to 2Jd per lb. Hides.— A fair quantity is coming forward. Quotations: For best 3d to 3J.i ; extra heavy, 3Jd to :i?d ; medium, 2Jd to 2?d ; light, l.}i to 2d ; inferior, Id lo l}d pev lb.

1 allow and Fat.— Market easier, best rendered bringing 133 fi i to 15s ; inferior, 10s 6d to 13s ; beat caul fat, 10h (i i to lls 6d ; medium, 9d (id to 10s 6 I ; inferior, Si Gd to 9s.

GraiD.— Wheat : Millers are still operating Bparinglv. and oi)ly buying the buot lots. Quotations: For northern velvet, 4s Id to 4s 3d; southern. .3s lid to 4s ; prime red sorts and Tusnan. 3s lOd tn 3s lljd ; medium, 3j BJd to 3s 9id ; fowl wheat, 2* 3d to 3s fid (ex store, sacks weighed in). Oats : Deliveries are coming in very treely, but mostly are for storage on growers' account, and those for sale are snapped up immediately. Prime milling Sutherland* are selling from 2s Id to 2-) 2Jd ; best stout feed, 2i to 24 Id ; nipdium, Is lid to la 11 Jd; inferior, Is 10J to Is lOJd (ex store, sacks extra) Barley : All torta are in {food demand. Prime malting is worth 3s Sd to 4a ; medium, 3a 3d to 3s 6} ; milling, 2s 4d to 2s 9d ; feed, 2jto2s2d.

Grass Seed. — Market is very quiet, oolv an odd line being sold. Byegrass has changed bandH at 33 Gd to 3» 9d for best dres3ed : medium, 2rf 6d to 2s 9d ; coarse seed, 2s to 2s Gd (ex store, sacks extra, net).

Cocksfoot.— Moderate demand. Bssfc dressed, •!Jd to Ud ; farmers' dressed, 3}d to 4Jd. Chaff —leather scarce. Quotations for prime, £3 to .£3 , r H ; extra do, to £3 10s ; medium, £2 10a to £2 173 Gd ; inferior, hard to place, at from £1 103 to £2 5s (ex truck, sacks extra, net). Potatoes.— 'Ihe3e aie in good demand. Prime Oamaru Derwents are celling from £3 23 6d to £3 53 ; southern," £2 17s Gd to £3 2s 6d ; medium, £2 7s b'd to £2 12s (Jd (sacks in, net).

I [The individual repot Is "/ Stock Agents, Wool, ftabbitskm. of Grain Broker,-, can he in^rrled in the Daily Times and Otago Witness at SpccuU Hates.]

fat Cattle.— The .supply was greatly in exceai J of the demand, particularly so in the case of medium and ordinary quality cattle, of which quite two-thirdd of the 215 head yarded consisted. Prices for primeßt bullocks were unchanged, but ordinary and medium suffered a deciine of from

I 10a to 15s per head. "We quote prime ox beef at ! £03 per 1001 b ; ordinary, 153 to 17s fid. We solrt j Si head as follows :— For Mr WiHiam Shand (Keith Kail), 6 piimo shoitlic -n bullocks at £9 2s b'd; Mr llomild M'Lcod (Gleufallock), 1 prime bullock at £9 7s 6d, 1 do at £9. ami 3 steers .it to £7 J7s Cd ; Mr A. Aitchcson (Hampden), 36 bill. looks at. up to £8 10ii; Hon. Richard Oliver (Corriedalo), 7 prime steer? at from £6 to £8 ; Me Charles Clark (AUanton). 13 very prime bullocks lit ,£8 s* ; Mr John Nicholson (Owaka), )1 bullocks j at up to £7, and 3 heifers at £4 10s to £G 2s b'd ; i Mr F. Cannon (Mount Cargill), S steer* at quotations ; nnd for Messrs W. Leckie, A Michael, A. Watt, W. Townley, A. iirockie, L. D. .Robertson, and others, 14 head at quotations. Fat Sheep.— 2flO2pennud. Ovvin? to the fact that ("grazier's were operating freely for sheep suitable for turnip feuding, the sale was brisk throughout, and satisfactory prices were tho order of the day. Best crossbred welhois brought from 13s to 14s 4d, I ordinary 11s to 123 Gd. and light from 93 to 10s GJ ; J extra heavy crossbred ewea sold at from 12s to lb's i 3d, ordinary 10s to Us frl, light 7s to ite ; merino wethers, (is 3d to Ps (jd. We told 1208 as follows :— For Mr Peter Ormond (The Elms), (JO very prime crossbred wethers at 1-Jh to 14s 3.1, 56 extra prime I crossbred ewes at 12s (id to ISs 3d ; New Zealand and Australian land Company (Moeraki), st> prime longwool ewes at from lis 3d to 13s 3d ; Mr Thomas (i. Robertson (Spylaw), 36' crossbred wethers at 13s lid, 40 crossbred ewes at lls 9d ; Mr Samuel Younp (Mo'gipl), 38 prime crossbred ewea at 12s ; Mr Robert l'otter (Roteueath), 170 crossbred wethers at from lls 9d to ]2s Oil ; M>: Robert Logftn (Maritnngn), 17 ciossbred wethers at lls 3d ; Mr Alex. Douglas (lliccarton), 82 prime crossbred ewes at l»s lid to 12s 3d, 90 crossbred , wothers (small) at. 10a 9d ; Colonel Chalmers (Mount Linton), ISO merino wetbera at from b"s 3d to 8* (id ; Mr W H. Mitchell (Hakatei-Amea), 393 halfbred wethers and maiden owes at quotations. Frf. Laml«. — 5)10 penued. Exporter* competed freely for thosa suitable for freezing. The demand for' local con»uu ption, owieg to the season being almost over, was not quite so good, and graziers in consequence wore able to purchaso ordinary lavrbs et reasonable prices. Best lambs sold at fi-G^ 9? to lls, ordinary lots at from 7s to 8s 6d, and small at from 5s to 63. For Mr W. B. Galloway (Palmerston), a"! assent, we sold 31 very prim<) at 10a 9d, and 35 at 9s 9d ; Mr Adam Fleming (Waikaka), 40 very prime at 10s 6d, and 31 at 103 ; Mr Samuel Young (Mosgiel), 11 at 9s ; Mr Robert Logan (Maritanga), 44 at Gb 6"d to 7s 3d. Piga were in short supply, only 57 forward, and 1 these mostly baconers. Tho demand was keen, and late quotations were fully maintained. There i« an unlimited demand for prime bacon pigs, and we were pleased to notice buyers in the market for well-bred grown stores, a consignment of which would sail well next week. We sold 47 as follows : Bacon pigs— 2 at 50*. 3at 47s 6d, 3 at 4(5, 3at 455, 5 at 44, 3 at 39s 6d, 9 at 3S, 3 at 355, and 3 at 34s 6d ; dips— 2 at 14s (id aud 9 at 10s. Store Cattle.— Beyond a few sales of half and three-narts fat bullocks in the Burnside Yards for iinishinc off on turnips we do not hear of any important transactions. We sold several pens of this class to-day at from £4 153 to £fi. Store Sheap. — Three-qunrterbred wethf ra for turnip feeding are in demand at prices ranging from JO* to lls, according to class ; extra forward lines, in lots from 100 to 200, have been sold at from lls 6d to 12s. Good crossbred lambs rind a nyuket at from Bs to 7d ; small do, 4s 64 to 5s 6d. Sheepskins.— There was a good attendance of buyers at the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, when we offered a large catalogue, comprising all descriptions of skins. Bidding throughout our sale was spirited, but prices as compared with la^t sale show little or no improvement. We quote : Given crossbreds, Is 9d to 2s b'd ; extra good, 2* 9d to 3a ; do lambs. Is 9d to 2s 4d ; dry crossbreds (beat), 3s 8d to 5s 3d ; do medium, 2s Id ' to 3* ; do p'ilts and inferior, 7d to Is Gd ; dry . merinos (best), 2s 9d to 3s 6d ; do medium, ls'6d to 2^ 6d ; pelts (small or damaged), 3d to Is each. Kabbitskins. — Advices from London by the ']'ri sco mail this week show lhat at the March sales rather better prices wova ruling, and the case of prime winter blacks aud silver grays furrieis gave phenomenal values, blacks making from U)d to 23Jd per Ib, and silver greys from 16Jd ' to 2IJd ; nrime winter greys (does) brought from 14 Jd to 15£ d ; and prime winter buek<<, 12id to 13d. We offered a large catalogue, including some station lines, at our weekly auction aale on Monday. The attendance of buyers was greater thaa usual, and competition was of the keenest character, prices all round showing an improvement on ; late quotations. Several lots of lately taken skins ' brought from 8d to 9d per lb. H ide?. — No change to report. All consignments ninva off at following prices :— Prim o heavy ox, Sid to .THI; medium, 2Jd to 2}d ; light and inferior, I{d to 2J.1 pp.r lb. J'aUow — Mttrliet firm at quotations. Best rendered mutton, 14s fid to 15.-1 6J ; medium, 133 (5d to 14s ; rough fat. 83 to lls per cwt. Grain.— Wheat : Inquiry during the week has been bettpr and prices in the north have firmed cousidnrably The business passing here has increased during the week, and to-day the following are current quotations : Prime southern Tuscan and red sorts, 3s lljd'to 4s (extra prime shade more) ; medium to fio^, 3s 10id to 3s lid ; fair to medium, 3a9Jd to 3s lOd ; whole chick, 3a 3d ■ to 3s b'd ; prime velvet, 4j 2<Jd to 4s 3d ptr bu«hel (sacks in, terms). We can place large quantities of Tuscan and red sorts. Oats : 'there is not such brisk demand for these, and pricea hay» ea«ed slightly &inca the Tasmania sailed on Tuesday, but no quotable chaugo is apparent in brightest sorts, although off-colour may bo quoted 1 per bushel dowu. The amount of business passing irf comparatively small to tho amount ' of grain arriving, as most of the erain is coming into store on farmers' account. We have made 1 some very satisfactory sales during the week, and shall be clad to receive samples ot any at present for disposal. We quote : Good to prime feed, 2s to 2i Id: fa>r to medium do, Is lid to Is llkl; best milling and seed, 2s lid to 2s 3d. Barley : There is still a good demand for , this, and during the week we have placed several fairpized parcels at satisfactory price?. We quote : Good to best malting, 3s 9d to 4s (extra superior, up to 4s 3d ; fair to medium malting, 3s 3d to 33 i 6d ; fetfd and millicg,' 2s 3d to 2s 9d per bushel I (s^cks extra, net), Chaff. — Good demand at last week's prices. Prime oaten sheaf, £3 2s 6d to £3 5s (extva heavy sind well-cut, shade more) ; fair to medium, £'Z I Jss to £2 17a 6d per ton (ex truck, bags extra, I net).

The Mutuat, Agency Cojipa:\y of Kr/w Zealand (Limited) report :— A good average vftrdinj* of cattle at Burnside this we^k, about half beinK good to prime beef. Prices at the commencement of the sales were quite fqual to those of last week, tout bidding was easier towards tha unish. In sheep, the number forward was just about equal to the demand, all gontl mutton being placed at lato rates, .a few extra prime pens a shade more money. J ambs were well represented, but all lots found buyers at about late rates. CRttle.— We sold for Mi 1 Geo. Ruthven (Mos« giel), 4 head at up to £6 IDs ; a client, S head ; and Mr W. Townley 3 head at market rateB. Per Otag:o Farmers : For Mr It. Charters (Ury Park), 8 bullocks to £S 10=>, 1 row at £5; Mr D. Sutherland (Lichend), 4 bullocks to £5, 4 heifers aL market rates. Sheep.— We sold : For Mr John Bruce (The lTir<-), 61 crossbred ewes to 8«. 9d ; a southern client, 84 do to 11s Od ; Mr W. Jaffray, aen. (Saddle Hill), 90 crossbred wetliera at 10s 3d. Sheepskins. — We offered a «tnall catalogue on Tuesday, and under good competition from the usual attendance of the trade we cleared all loin at satisfactory pvice3. Grain and Produce. — Since our usual weekly report we have sold : Wheat, 3s lOd to 4s Id ; oate, 2s to 2s Id. Prime chaff is wanted, and full prices can be obtained. Country Sales.—We held our usual monthly snle ;it Waikouaiti on Mondar, and although the yarding was a small one business: was keen, and all loti found purchasers at full rates. Wo will hold our usual fortnightly sale at Balclulba on Fricay and at i'tilmcrston on Tuesday, May i, when we hope to no some good business.

Tjik Faiuif.iis' Agkncy Company (Limited) report having sold during the week 20,5!5 theup, 16-1 lams, 11 horses, 271 cattle, as uuder :— At Lauder on 'lhursday last wo penuecl 1877 crossbred sliecp, mostly of superior quality

"Buyers were keen, and with extra spirited bidding prices wei'Q-all in favour of stllers, rverytliing. changing hands at : For crossbred wethers, 9s to 12s 3d ; crossbred ewes, 4s lOd to 7s 6d ; crossbred lambs, 3s to 6s 2d ; horses, £18 10s. On Friday, 23rd inst., we held our fourth Wedderburu sale, and penned 3573 sheep, 86 rams, 42 cattle. Ex"epting one pen of Cheviot rams everything offered was disposed of at further advanced rates. The feature of the sale was the high price paid for Mr A. Murdoch's English Leicester rams, which sold at 3gs each for a pen of 25. Messrs Ross and Glendining's merino ewes per Blackstone Hill also attracted much attention. They have been carefully mouthed by the manager (Mr Elliott), and buyers having confidence that the sheep were exactly as represented they were welt competed for, and brought 4s lOd for full-mouthed, and 3s Gd to 4s for others. Crossbred wethers brought 8s 6d to 10s 9d ; do ewes, 5s Gd to f)s 4d ; do lambs, 4s to 8s ; merino ewei>, Is 6i to 4s lOd. The following day (Saturday) we were at it again at ICweburu, and penned 5493 sheep, 11 rams, 17 rattle, 5 draught horses, hacks, buggy, dogcart, and dray. The sale went off meriily, everything finding purchasers at the fully advanced ratss. Among the best lots we were 1000 lambs from Hamilton station out of-merino_ ewes by Gladbrookbred Leice=teis; they went off in Email lotsats^2d. Mr L Murdoch sent in 1000 four-tooth halfbred wethers (tussock fed) ; they went in a line at Ss Bd. Extra wethers sold up to 10a fld, crossbred lambs 4s 2d to 8= 2d, cattle up to £4 19s, horses £17 12s Gd. At Middlemareh sale on Tuesday, 27th inst., we were again favoured with a lirge entry of 5077 sheep, 20 cattle, 75 rams. There was a good attendance of buyers, and with spirited bidding everything was sold, sellers expre -sing their satisfaction at priceß obtained. Wethers brought 7s 9d to 9s Bd, extr* to 10s 31, smaller do (halfbred3) 5s to 7s 6d, crossbred ewe* 4s lid to 7s Bd, crossbred lambs 5e 3d to 6s 4d ; 20 young cattle, 39s to £4 ; Leicester rams Us, Komney do £1 Is. Privately during the week : 192 fat cattle, 1009 two-tooth wethers (tussock) at 7s 6d, 104(i wethera at 9s 6d, 850 maiden ewev at 9s 6d, 600 fulmouthed crossbred ewes at 6s u'd.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2252, 29 April 1897, Page 26

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