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Fat Cattle. — Only a medium supply came forward to-day — 160 head — consisting for the most part of good to prime beef, and the_ balance medium quality. For prime beef competition was brisk throughout the sales, but for other descriptions bidding was less spirited, and prices obtained all round are just about equal to those of last week. The supply was quite sufficient for trade requirements. Best bullocks brought L 7 10s to L 9; medium quality, L 5 10s to L 7 ss ; light and inferior, L4to L 5 ss ; best cows, L 6 to L 6 17s 6d ; medium, L 4 7s 6d to L 5 15s ; light, L 2 7s 6d to L4.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold : For Mr Thomas Kirk (East Taieri), Mr James Brown (Beaconsfield), Mr Thos. Smith (Oaklands), and others, bullocks to L 8 15s, and cows to L 6 5s. — The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold 30 head for Messrs Gibson, Early, M'Donald, MAuley, Daplyn, Green, Murray, and Warnock, as follows :— 2 cows at L 6 7s Gd, 2 at L 5 17s 6d, 2 at L 5 12s 6d, 2 a,t L 5 7s Gd, 2 at L 3 17s Cd, 2 at L 37s 6d, 2 at

L 32s 6d, 1 at L 5, 1 at L 5 10s, 1 at L 4 15s, 2 at L 4 15s, 2 at L 3 12a Gd, 2 at L 3 2s 6d ; 7 head at quotations.— The Faumers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 3S head, and sold— For Mr A. Douglas (Hopehill), 10 bullocks at L 5 10s to L 7 10s, 4 heifers at L 5; for Mr G. Bottiug (Maniototo), 15 bullocks at L 5 5s to L 7 7s Gd, 3 hoifers to L 6 5s ; for Mr W. Paterson (The Hook), 6 bullocks to L 7 lO3.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded 57, and sold — For Mr Alex. Malcolm, 2 bullocks at L 6 7s Gd, G heifers at L 5 10s ; for Mr William Kirkland (Ehngrove), 8 bullocks at L 6 17s 6d, (5 heifers at Li 2s Gd to L 5 10s ; for Mr Alex. Sutherland (Otakia), 7 bullocks at L 7 2s Gd to L 6 7s 6d, 1 cow at L 4 2s Gd: for Mr G. Botting (Naseby), 11 bullocks at L 7 15s to L 5 12s fid ; for Messrs Miller, Thomson, Fisher, and others, 13 head cows and heifers at L 5 17s Gd to L 4 2s 6d. — Wiuuiit, Stephenson, and Co. sold G7 as follows : — For Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook estate), 22 bullocks at from L 9 17s Gd to L 7, and 8 prime cows at from L7l2s Gd to L6 los ; fora Southland client, 11 bullocks at from L 8 15s to L 7 7s Gd, and 2 cows at LG ss ; for Mr Garibaldi Botting (Maniototo), 11 very small steers at quotations ; and for Mrs William Brown, William Townley, E. Wheeler, C. Ashman, Thomas Kirk, and James Townley, 13 cows at market rates. Fat Sheep. — The entry to-day was only a moderate one, 2298 were penned, and of these 300 were merino wethers. 'Hie crossbreds, with the exception of a few pens, were not first-class. The sale opened well, and a strong demand was experienced right through. Prices obtained to-day are quite up to those lately ruling. Best crossbred wethers brought 17s 6d to 19s ; medium to good, 13s 6tl to lGs 6d ; best crossbred ewes, 15s to lGs 9d ; medium, 13s to 14s 9d ; and merino wethers, 8s to 12s dl.— The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold 544 as follows :— For Mr R. J. Sparks (Middlemarch), 25 crossbreds, principally wethers, at lGs 9d, 31 at lGs Gd, 31 at 16s, 23 halfbreds at 15s ; for the Hon. John M'Kenzio (Shag Point),3l crossbred wethers at 15s 9d, 17 at 14s 9d, 33 half breds at 14s 3d, 33 to 13s 9d ; for Messrs Muir and M'Donald, 33 merino wethers at 10s, 33 at ;ios, 34 at 9s : Jfor Mr R. Wilson (Romania estate), 67 mixed crossbreds at 14s 9d ; 32 halfbreds (light) at 13s 3d ; for Mr William Jaffray, inn. (Greytown), 30 crossbred wethers at 16s 6d, 3S at 14s 9d to 15s, 36 halfbreds at 13s 9d to 14s.— The Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold for Mr James Ross (Kartigi), crossbred wethers to 16s 3d ; for Mr Peter Law (Sowburn), Messrs M. and T. M'Leod (Woodsido), and others, crossbred wethers to 17s 9d, and merino wethers to 12s 6d. — The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 878, and sold for Messrs James Smith and Sons (Greenfield), 170 crossbred wethers (very prime), at 18s 6d to 19s, 336 do ewes at 13s Id to 14s 9d ; for Mr Sinclair Williamson (Waitahuna), 31 crossbred wethers at 15s 9d, 32 halfbrcd do at 13s 3d ; for Mr Peter Law (Maniototo), 28 halfbred wethers at 14s Gd, 44 merino do at 10s 6d; for Mr D. M'Donald (The Valley), 116 crossbred wethers at 16s 3d to 18s ; for Mr C. S. Booth (Gore), 83 crossbred ewes at 12s, 3S merino do at 8s 3d. — Donald Reid and Co. yarded 406, and sold : For Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co., 120 crossbred wethers at 17s 9d to 17s 3d ; for Messrs T. and M. M'Leod (Wardlands), 32 crossbred wethers at 16s 9d to 14s Gd ; for [Mr James Freeman (Abbotsford), 31 crossbred wethers at 15s, 11 merino wethers at 10s, 12 crossbred ewes at 13s 9d ; for Mr John Allen (Waiete), 200 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 15s to 14s. — Wiught, Stephenson, and Co. sold : For Mr John M'Phee (Invaree), 51 prime halfbred wethers at from 17s 9d tol6s9d: for Mr Wm. Grey (Milburn), 120 halfbred wethers (medium quality) at from 16s to 14s ; and for Mr Peter Law (Patearoa), 72 mixed halfbreds and merinos at quotations. Pigs. — Only 27 were penned to-day, mostly suckers, with a few porkers and two or three baconers, and all descriptions sold well. Suckers brought 9s to 12s 6d ; porkers, 21s to 28s ; baconers up to 49s. —The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold a few porkers at quotations.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded 16 and sold : For Mr D. Marshall (Bantaskin), 1 at 49s 6d : for Mr R. Wjlkie (Mosgiel), 5 at l#s 6d ; for Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 10 at 10s 6d. Store Cattle. — These still continue to have some inquiry, but buyers now are less anxious to meet sellers. In consequence, the business passing is somewhat restricted, sales being mostly confined to odd lots offering at the various country sales from week to week.. — The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report having sold 40 head of store cattle at current rates. Store Sheep. — The only demand now of any consequence existing is for good crossbred hoggets, also crossbred wethers. Any other descriptions, although saleable at the auction sales, do not command much attention, and while a good business could still be done in forward-conditioned good crossbred wethers or young sheep fit for fattening, prices demanded by sellers are to some extentlimiting the number that would under more favourable rates be disposed of.— Privately and at auction during the week The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) has sold 1577 sheep of various classes at quotations. — The Farmers Agency Company (Limited) report having sold privately and at auction during the week : 500 merino ewes at 63, 1000 crossbred hoggets at 11s, 445 do at 10s 9d, 100 crossbred wethers at 13s Gd, 76 do at 15s sd, 100 do at 14s lOd, 45 crossbred hoggets at 11s 6d ;— total, 2266. Country Sales.— The Mutuai|Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) held its fortnightly stock sale at the Crown yards, Balclutha, on Friday, July 15. There was but a moderate entry of stock, though such lots as were offered brought satisfactory prices. Store crossbred wethers sold at 14s 6d, fat sheep to 17s 9d, cattle and pigs, prices equal to town quotations. On Tuesday, 19th, the usual fortnightly sale at Milton took place, for which about 900 sheep were yarded. The heavy rain during the day, however, had the effect of restricting the attendance, and at auction there was but little business done. Privately after the sale several lots changed hands. Wool. — Since date of our last report we have received our usual London cable advices in reference to the closing of the third series of wool sales there, the tenor of which ia only partially satisfactory, only_ the finest grades of crossbred and merino showing an advance, while all other grades showed an actual decline. The following are particulars : — The sales closed at the level of last sales, except scoured merino, superior, medium, and inferior, which were_ld per lb lower ; greasy crossbred, medium. Id lower ; greasy merino, medium and inferior, and washed merino, medium and inferior, id to Id lower ; coarse greasy crossbred, greasy crossbred lambs, greasy merino, medium and inferior, and coarse scoured crossbred, Jd lower. Fine greasy crossbred advanced id to Id ; best sound combing greasy merino, id higher. Competition on French account was sluggish. The total quantity sold during the past sales is 338,000 bales, of which 164,000 bales have been taken for the Continent and 21,000 for America. It is estimated that 44,000 bales have been held over for future disposal. Press telegrams advise that the prospects of an advance at the next series are doubtful. There are no sales of any consequence effected in the local market. Sheepskins. — Only medium catalogues were submitted this week to a full attendance of the trade, and all lots offered were eagerly competed for, especially well-saved halfbreds and merinos. Merinos show a decided advance on prices lately obtained. Country dry merinos brought Ils 10d to 3s 9d ; do do crossbreds, Is 9d to 3s 6d ; f ullwoolled do, 4s 6d to 6s ; do do merino. 3s 6d to 5s Gd ; pelts, 4d to Is 6d ; butchers' best crpssbreds. 4s Gd to 5s ; good, 3s 6d to 4s 4d ; butchers' green merinos, 2s 9d to 3s 7d ; light, 2s 3d to 2s Bd. Rabbitskins are now arriving in large quantities ; the usual weekly auction sales are well attended and bidding thereat very spirited, Prices obtained this week are decidedly better for medium quality, while for best winters there is also an improvement noticeable. Quotations are : For best winters, Is 4d to Is 4Jd; medium to good, Is 2d to Is 3}d ; autumns, lOd to Is : summers, 7d to Bid ; suckers, 4Jd to 6d. Hides. — The market is steady at late quotations For stout hides, 601b and over, well flayed and free from cuts, 3d can be obtained. Medium weights in like condition are worth 2d to 2id : lieht l*d to Ud ; inferior and slippy, Id to lief. Tallow.— This market has continued unaltered for a considerable period. The demand now is fairly active for local requirements. The quantity coining to hand, however, is limited, and readily placed on arrival ; indeed, there is an outlet for a much larger supply at late rates. We quote prime mutton, 19a to 20s ; medium to good, 16s to

18s 6d ; inferior to medium, 13s to 15s ; best caul fat, 12s od to 13s ; inferior to medium and good, 9s to 12s per cwt. Grain.— Wheat : This market is dull, and although the arrivals of first-class samples aro limited, prices even for prime milling show no improvement on last week's quotations. Millers are merely buying to meet requirements. Wo quote prune milling, 3s 6d to 3s 9d ; medium to good, 2s 9d to 3s M ; fowl wlieat, 2s 3d to 2s (id • and broken, Is <Jd to 2s 7d (ox store, sacks in)! Oats : Market firm at late quotations. There is a small amount of shipping being done iv good samples. Quotations : Prime milling, Is lOd to la lid ; stout feed, Is 9d to Is lOd; medium, Is 8d to Is 9(1 ; inferior and discoloured, Is 4d to Is 7d • while long tartars arc worth Is 9d to 2s. Barley • Business in this line id dull. There is no prime malting to hand, while for feed there is ne\t to no demand. Quotations: For prime multing (nominal), 3s 6d to 3s !)d ; medium is worth 3s to 3s 4d ; feed, Is 9d to 2s !)d (ex store). Grass Seeds.— No change in the tone of this market. Best machine-dressed ryegrass brings 3s 9d to 4s 3d ; medium, 3s 3d to 3s Gd. Cocksfoot : Best, 3Jd to 4}d ; medium, 3d to 3 ld per lb. Potatoes.— Market overstocked, and very dull of sale. Best Derwents are worth 30s to 35a • ordinary, 25s to 27s Ud per ton. Chaff is inquired for, and readily placed at, for best oaten, up to 555 ; medium, 40s to 47s 0M per ton. GRAIN AND SEED REPORT. Messrs William E. Reynolds and Co. Stafford street, report for the week ending July 20 us follows : — We cannot chronicle any very marked improvement in the state of the weather. Still a slight improvement is acceptable after the wet winter we have had. Wheat.— The market for this cereal is practically in the same state as when last reporting. Advices from Home are anything but encouraging, while the demand for local consumption is poor. Millers are therefore indifferent about purchasing, unless occasional prime lines at a reduced price. Wo repeat quotations— viz. : Prime volvet and Tuscan up to 3s Sd ; medium qualities, 3s 3d to 3s 6a ; inferior and fowls' feed, 2s to 2s 8d (plentiful). Oats.— The business doing in this grain is somowhat limited to-day, owing to holders asking more than buyera for speculative purposes aro prepared to pay. Since last reporting, values have, if anything, receded slightly, and until a demand from outside ports sets in we do not expect to get as high prices as have been ruling dm ing the last three weeks. At the same time we feol sure prices will advance again before spring is over to quite, if not higher, prices than have yet ruled this season. Meantime we quote :— Prime milling, Is lOJd to Is lid ; heavj bright feed, Is 9Jd to Is 10id ; ordinary, Is 7Jd to Is 9d ; inferior, from Is 5d to Is od. Barley.— Nearly if not all lines of this grain are now in brewers' hands, and consequently there is practically no business doing, and therefore we do not quote. Chaff.— As reported last week, prime is not hard to sell at up to 555. At the same time the demand is not large. Ordinary, 47s 6d to 60s ; inferior, 35s to 42s Gd. Potatoes.— Very best Derwents are selling at up to iisa, while other sorts have almost to be given away for next to nothing. Seeds.— Ryegrass : This seed is meeting with fair demand at quotations, and there is every prospect of prices keeping firm throughout the season, owing to large amis being sown down. We are of the opinion, however, that prices will not rise any during the season, owing to the large stocks hpld everywhere, and would therefore advise our farmer friends to sell during this or the early part of next month at latest. We quote §rime old pasture lines up to 4s 3d ; goodmachinoressed, 3s 6d to 3s 9d ; ordinary, 3s to 3s 4d. Cocksfoot : This seed is now in request, and some large lines are changing hands at quotations, which we give as follows : — Best dressed, 4d ; ordinary, 2?d to 3id, according to quality; timothy, from 3Jd to 4jd per lb for best quality. Clovers : Our importations are landing next week, aftor which we shall be glad to post samples and lowept quotations on application.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 22

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, July 20. Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 22

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, July 20. Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 22