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NEW ZEALAND UTILITY POULTR\ CLUB The following are the results of the thirty-first week of the New Zealand Utility Poultry Club’s thirtieth egg-laying competition at Papanui:— FLOCK TEAMS CONTEST. For “ Oteg ” Cup and Liggins Shield. Six Birds (Light and Heavy Breeds).

B signifies 14 broody.” XI. signifies Minorca. Lang, signifies Laugshun. 8.0. signifies Buff Orpington. Bnrn. signifies Barnevelder. S.VV. signifies Silver Wyandotte. W.R. signifies White Rock. L.S. signifies Light Sussex. K.C. signifies Khaki Campbell,

Total Week’s Weight, to Total. oz. dr. Date. J. Liggins (IB) 30 58 5 868 W. E. Ward (I D) 27 55 11 874 MissH. Keddell,'No. 1 32 60 13 782 Miss H. Keddell, No. 2 39 77 9 J41 W. Turner, No. 1 (ID).. .. 31 63 5 749 Mrs B. B. Andrews 33 67 4 835 M. C. Craig (1 D) 12 26 S 626 Green Bros. (1 D) 19 38 1 863 M. Holroyd 20 42 2 680 L. Brumby (A.O.) (1 D) .. .. 24 54 5 008 W. Turner, No. 2 (ID) 25 51 10 705 E. P. Anderson 36 76 9 825 A.O signifies Austral Orpington. B signifies “ broody.’ 9 D signifies “ dead.” J.H. SHAW MEMORIAL CHALLENGE. For Light and 3eav\ Breeds (single penned) Total Week’s to. Total. Weight. Date. oz. dr. L. P. Hawke (B.O.). B 93 J. Campbell (B.O.) . 7 17 2 166 J. R. Griffen (Wei.). 6 14 0 85 F. Hughes .. 5 11 3 159 A. C. Goodlet, No. 1. 5 11 6 93 E. P. Anderson, No. 5 13 2 110 E. J. Ross .. 2 4 6 96 G. D. Holly man 2 4 1 113 E. F. Butler 3 6 7 153 W. Stephenson 6 13 0 162 J. Still .. .. 7 15 13 134 Miss A. MTntyre 5 11 0 122 A. C. Goodlet, No. 2. 0 .H T. S. Dove .. 5 11 0 158 W. Turner .. 7 13 3 175 J. H. Jones 7 14 1 175 E. P. Anderson, No.6 13 13 128 J. Ibbotson .. G 11 14 164 Ken. Tabart D 98 J. Brennan . r * 4 8 11 160 Green Bros. 3 6 7 157 S. F. Marshall 7 15 0 128 S.W. signifies Silver Wyandotte. B.O. signifies Black Orpington. Wei. siginfii s Welsuinmer B signifies “ broodv. - D signifies “ dead ” WHITE LEGHORN SINGLE HEN TEST Each Competitor to enter Three Purebred Pullets, to bo sing le penned Week’s Grand Total Total. to Date. Bird No Bird No 1 2 3. 1 2 3 R. H. Taylor .. 7 4 6 165 68 147 G. Miller, No. 1 .. 5 4 7 169 155 171 A. J. Maclaine .. 7 7 5 181 175 134 Green Bros. .. ., 4 - 0 170 — 133 J. Liggins .. 7 6 5 103 140 160 A. C. Goodlet .. 4 7 6 130 155 155 G. Miller, No. 2 .. 7 7 5 148 186 95 W. MTntyre.. .. 0 7 5 148 153 116 T. S. Dove, No. 1 6 8 6 130 159 123 T. S. Dove, No. 2 5 5 4 127 104 168 A. E. Kitto .. .. 0 3 7 118 153 107 R. Allison .. 6 5 4 145 90 164 J. 1). Jackson .. 5 4 7 164 J 47 163 W. Turner .. .. 5 5 3 165 151 120 L. J. Glasson .. 0 7 6 138 124 153 M. C. Craig .. .. 4 5 7 125 176 178 Miss H. Keddell .. 6 7 5 160 187 ,f79 J. H. Jones .. .. 7 7 - 176 165 — C. Bartley .. .. 6 7 5 170 166 118 E. P. Anderson .. 6 7 6 94 152 102 J. Ibbotson .. .. 7 7 5 158 187 170 J. Maitland .. .. 5 2 0 147 136 131 Miss D. While .. 6 5 .5 148 150 116 J. Wilde .. (i 6 4 149 183 158 Miss F. Kerr .. 4 5 6 116 108 158 H. Tabart .. 5 6 6 111 109 157 H. Williams, No 1 - 7 5 — 118 169 H. Williams. No. 2 6 6 5 177 172 159 Mrs H. Williams .. 5 6 4 155 177 171 J. '1, Hazelwood .. 7 G 6 164 150 185 T. B. Grant .. . . - i) 4 - 154 103 iMi’B B. B. Andrews 6 G 4 103 131 139 W. Barrel! .. .. 7 n 5 135 107 152 A. II. Corey .. .. 5 G 3 148 77 134 W. M. Evans .. 0 0 5 109 160 165 D. II. Law .. .. 6 4 5 113 146 112 BLACK ORPINGTON AND AUSTRAL ORPINGTON SINGLE HEN TEST. Competitors to enter Throe Birds Week *s Grand Total Total. to Date. Bird No. Bird No. 1 2 3. 1 2 3 A. S. Corinack . 0 6 7 57 120 99 R. M. Cookson (A.O.) 3 4 5 75 110 119 F. Hughes (A.O.) . . 5 3 3 140 97 147 W. Jepson (A.O.) . . G 5 3 165 126 173 S. Brumby (A.O.) 4 0 ~) 170 107 167 J. Smith (A.O.) .. r, 5 7 131 J77 198 Mis* F. Kerr .. 6 3 G 136 132 129 J. Campbell .. 0 4 159 167 333 G. Wheeler .. .. 4 7 4 117 82 123 D. A. M Kie.. .. 6 5 5 150 89 160 A. S. Barrett .. G 4 s 147 154 122 B. Cotttrell, No. 1 4 4 4 156 128 119 B. Rotteiell, No. 2 7 5 4 138 69 137 L. I’. Hawke . 5 G 0 70 118 48 G. I), Hoflvinan . - G 7 — 149 187 A. H. Fowler, . 4 7 4 138 138 92 A.O. signifies Austral Orpington. S signifies “ sick.”

SINGLE BIRD TEST, , Any Variety Liffht or Heavy Breeds other than White Leghorns or Black Orpingtons. Competitors to enter Three Birds. Week’s Grand Total Total. t<? Date. Bird No, Bird No. 1 2 3. 1 2 3. A. D. Fabian (M.) 6 6 5 107 156 110 Mrs V Crowther (M.) 13 6 124 134 138 C. M. Goodman (M.) 6 4 0 117 139 97 W. Stephenson (B.L.) .. ..54 5 100 106 122 A. Dalziel (Lang.) 3 - 0 41 — 142 Miss F. Kerr (B.O.) 0 1 2 80 83 84 A. W. Pritchard (B.O.) .. ..4 0 6 103 98 147 A. W. Adams (S.W.) 5 6 5 120 155 97 S. Atkinson (L.S.) 0 7 5 116 134 121 E. R. Buckley (R.I.R.) .. ..4 5 6 139 96 127 B.L. signifies Black Leghorn. S.W. signifies Silver Wyandotte. R.I.R. signifies Rhode Island Red. L.S. signifies Light Sussex. B.O. signifies Buff Orpington. Lang, signifies Langshan. M. signifies Minorca. ! SINGLE DUCK TEST. Each Competitor to enter Three Purebred Ducks. Week’s Grand Total Total. to Date. Bird No, Bird No. 1 2 3. 1 2 3. Mrs G. R. Pollard and Son (I.R.) ..45 6 129 186 166 H. A. Lucas (P.) 0 0 7 147 97 154 A. C. Adsett (W.R.) 7 6 6 80 61 114 J. W. Thomson (I.R.) .. ..6 7 7 102 188 102 F. Ashworth, No. 1 (K.C.) .. .. - 6 2 — 165 129 F. Ashworth, No. 2 (K.C.) .. ..7 7 5 188 177 171 S. F, M a r e h a 11 (K.C.) .. ..7 5 6 153 115 188 W. A. Pollard (I.R.) 4 6 6 170 200 113 The following are the results at the close of the thirtieth week: — EXPERIMENTAL TEST. For Light and Heavy Breeds (single penned) Total Week’s to Total. Weight. Date. White Leghorns and oz. dr. Black Orpingtons— J. Still 6 12 11 181 E. P. Anderson, No. 1 7 16 13 126 E. P. Anderson, No. 2 e> 14 7 133 F. Hughes .. .. 5 12 0 121 Miss F. Kerr, No. 1 5 10 0 167 MiSs F. Kerr, No. 2 4 8 3 123 W. Dove 5 11 7 124 N. Dove 5 10 10 123 A. E. Kitto .. .. 6 13 10 93 T. B. Grant .. .. 5 10 8 140 L. J. Glasson, No. 1 5 10 7 156 S. F. Marshall 4 7 3 90 L. J. Glasson, No. 2 5 11 5 151 W. Turner 5 11 7 140 D. A. MTvie .. .. 5 10 12 154 J. Brennan 5 10 9 106 E. F. Butler .. 3 7 5 119 A. W. Adams.. .. 1 2 4 99 W. MTutyre, No. 1 6 12 10 132 W. AITntyre, No. 2 4 9 2 73 R. Allison .. .. 3 7 6 104 R. M. Cookson, No. 1 5 10 10 116 R. M. Cookson, No. 2 6 12 1 115 A. H. Corev .. 6 12 13 149 0. L). Hollvnian, No. 1 3 6 14 140 G. I). Hollyman. No. 2 3 5 11 135 W. Barrel! 0 71 H. Williams, No. 1 7 15 0 176 H. Williams, No. 2 6 12 8 146 W. E. Ward .. .. 6 13 6 148 A. C. Goodlet.. 3 7 7 144 L. Brumbv 7 14 5 IG6 '1'. Smith <i 13 6 139 W. Stephenson (3 12 7 139 Miss D. White 4 9 1 140 C. Hartley 4 7 11 130 L. P. Hawke (B.O.) 0 27 J. Campbell (B.O.) 4 9 6 A. S. Cormack, No. 1 (B.O.) .. .. (3 12 3 95 L. Brumbv (A.O.).. 7 14 3 132 W. Jepson (A.O.).. 6 12 7 10T A. S. Barrett (B.O.) 6 11 9 170 A. S. Cormack. No. 2 (B.O.) .. .. 5 11 7 81 A. H. Fowles (B.O.) 4 8 3 150 Any Other Variety L or H. Breeds other than W.L. or B.O.— L. J. Glasson (L.S.) B — . 124 A. D. Fabian, No. 1 (M.) 5 10 6 107 A. Dalziel (Lang.) 3 6 10 Miss F. Kerr ( B.O.) 0 — Patty Griffon (Barn.) 5 13 8 130 Locky Griffen (Barn.) 4 8 6 130 A. W. Adams (S.W.) 6 13 5 147 M. C, Craig (W.R.) 1 2 5 75 Single Duck— J. W. Thomson* (W.R.) .. .. 6 17 7 176 F. Ashworth (K.C.) 5 12 14 147

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 11

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EGG LAYING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 11

EGG LAYING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 11