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HIGH SCHOOL v. CHRIST'S COLLEGE VICTORY FOR HOME TEAM (Special to Daily Times.) CHRISTCHURCH, July 31. Showing an all round superiority in a sternly contested match, Christ's College beat Otago Boys' High School by 8 points to nil at the Christ's College ground this afternoon. It is SO years since the first game was played between the two schools. The attendance was worthy of such an historic match, all the available points of vantage being occupied and the accommodation, especially supplemented for the occasion, was heavily taxed. The weather was all that could have been desired with a light, warm north-west breeze inducing a temperature more like that of early summer than of late winter. The ground was in magnificent order. Among the spectators were four of those who played in the first match between the two schools in 1883. They were Mr E. R. Webb, bursar of Christ's College; Mr F. J. Hamilton, and Dr W. H. Hargreaves (who played for Christ's College, Dr Hargreaves being, the captain), and Mr R. Wales, who played for Otago. _ . The] match was rather disappointing, with little combined open play. The handling was very erratic, over-eagerness no doubt accounting for a great.many of the errors. To compensate for the lack of sparkle there was plenty of very solid forward rucking, especially by Christ's College, and this proved the deciding feature of the contest. Christ's College had a decided advantage in weight, and though Otago battled gamely to the final whistle and even staged a desperate rally in the last few minutes, they were very tired under the continual battery of their heavier opponents. Early in the match the Christ's College forwards gained an ascendancy in the set scrums and hooked the ball better than the Otago pack. However, either the ball was held up in the back row or it was smothered before Crisp could get it away. It was in the loose play which developed from the tight rucks that the Christ's College pack was at its best, and the play revealed tffat the College has some of the best loose forwards in this year's side that it has produced. They are heavy, fast, very determined, and combine excellently. On the day it 4 was difficult to select any for special mention as all were in the thick of the fray. Bain, Ormond, Fisher, and Hay played very fine games, their dribbling rushes being masterly at times. Orbell was another good forward in the loose, and a resolute tackier on defence. The Otago pack was very light in comparison, but did not lack dash, especially in the loose forays and whan Christ's College seemed likely to run away with the game. Late in the second spell it rallied magnificently in the tight play and turned the tables neatly in one last desperate attack. Georgeson, Gore, Copland, and M'Donald were very resolute in attack and defence, and Harkness, M'Donald, and Georgeson did yeoman service in coming round very sharply on to Crisp, the College half, or Pearson, the first five-eighths. The line out play of both sides wag not attractive, and back attacks developed from line out were not seen.

The packing in the set scrums was also not as well developed as was possible, while the hooking of both sides was not clean. Christ's College had more than a fair share of the ball' in both the first and second half, but there was a lack of precision in the handling of the backs which caused opportunities to be lost many times. Their football was solid rather than attractive, especially in the five-eighths line, where Pearson and Thompson could have given the threequarter line much more to do had they so chosen. Each of the Christ's College wings was given one chance, and he made the most of it for a try. Alexander, the Christ's College full-back, showed good form except once when he failed to go down to a loose rush. He is an extraordinarily good kick for a schoolboy, and tackles accurately and hard. Enough was seen of the Otago backs to demonstrate that had they been given chances they would have made the game close and interesting". The inside backs had to take such a battering from the hard rucking college pack that they were very tired towards the end. and rarely had room to move. M'Kay, the half, was very game and good at close-in play. He went a little too often alone. The captain (Davidson) was a tiger on defence, and on the few occasions when he was given latitude on attack he was convincing.' Mahoney was the star back of the visitors. He showed promise of developing into a high-class five-eighths. He has pace, speed off the mark, and a clever swerve. His defeusive work was also inspiring. The three-quarter .line had one chance all day. It was given a rare opportunity to score near the western goal. Macassey, on the . right wing was quite sound, but in llarpur■ lie had a verv difficult man to mark, Ihe full-back (Smith) had a difficult day, and although his fielding was at fault at times in the face of loose rushes by the College forwards his performance generally was very creditable. Ihe tackling of both sides varied from' mediocre to brilliant. In the close-in play near the pack there was too much high tackling all of which was ineffective. Christ's College has won 25 matches, and Bovs' High School 22, Ayhile two have been drawn. There was not a match in 1918 and a second omission was in 1923 Last year the contest was a six-all draw. College won in ID3I by eight points to three, and Otago won in 1930 by 21 P °Harpur and Broad scored for College, Alexander converting one try. MARLBOROUGH TEAM'S TOUR (Per United Press Association.) BLENHEIM, July 31. The Marlborough Rugby touring' team will leave Blenheim to-morrow for Christchurch to commence a fortnights tour ot the east coast of the South Island, during which it will play five matches liie party will comprise 21 players while the manager will be Mr J. H. Pruldle, treasurer of the union and chairman of the Management Committee. Mr J. Casey, the sole selector, will accompany the. team. The first match of the tour will be against Canterbury B, at Ohnstchurcli, on Wednesday, and the selector has announced the following to represent Marlborough:—R. Wilson, J. MacDonaid, H. Phillips, F. Oldham, A. Robinson D. Lane, C. Mellish, L. Patchett J- Best, J. Tapley, .K. Woolley, M. MacDonaid, J Drake, R. Hippolite D. Hammond The tourists play Otago at Dunedin next Saturday; Southland at Invereargill on August 9; North Otago at Oamaru on Wust 12; and play the final match of the tour against Asliburton, at Ashburton, on August 16, returning home the following day.

OTAGO v. SOUTHLAND LOCAL TEAM CHOSEN The following players hav e been selected to represent Otago in the match against Southland at Invercargill on Saturday:— Full-back, Taylor (Pirates. . Three-quarters Dunne (University), Smith (Southern), M'Skimming (Mamo-Five-eigbths, Rae (University), Uttley (University). Half-back, Simon (Southern). Forwards: Front row—Service (University), Hore (Southern), M'Donald (Southern). _ Middle row, M'Farlane (University), Vorrath (Vincent). Back row—Gibson (Kaikorai), Fmdlay (Taieri), Slyfield (Taieri). Emergencies—Allen (Pirates), Gillies (University), Abel .(South Tuapeka), Agnew (Vincent). Fookes was not available. OTAGO v. MARLBOROUGH The following players have been chosen to represent Otago against Marlborough at Dunedin on Saturday:—-Full-back, Ruff (Uuniversity). Three-quarters Procter (Zingari), M'Skimming (Taieri), Jones (University). Five-eighths, Sutherland (Southern), Martin (Pirates). Half-back, Francis (Kaikorai). Forwards: Front row—M'Leod (Taieri), Lucy (Kaikbrai)/ Hamilton (University). Middle row, Niven (Southern), Chapman (University). Back row—Finlayson (Taieri, captain), Anderson (South Otago), Murphy (Kaikorai). Emergencies—Bolton (Southern), Cara- ! dua (Zingari), Morrison (Zingari), Strachan (Southern). Both teams will practise at Carisbrook at 5 p.m. to-morrow. OTAGO RUGBY UNION COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT The weekly meeting of the Committee of Management of the Otago Rugby Union was held last night. The president (Mr John Mitchell) occupied the . chair. The chairman said that before starting the business of the meeting he would like to refer to the death of their old friend Mr " Sandy " Paterson. He thought every member of the committee knew Mr Paterson. He was one .of the stalwarts of the Rugby game and one of the fairest and cleanest players who had every gone on to the field. The chairman said that Mr "Teddy" Beissel had also been buried that day. He was well known to the older generation of players and followers of the game, and in his time wag a very staunch supporter of the Alhambra Club. Mr I. Grant said that ,the Southlarid Sub-union team which had played at Carisbrook on Saturday had forwarded a wreath as a mark of respect to Mr Paterson. On the motion of the chairman, it was decided to send letters of sympathy to the relatives of Mr Paterson and Mr Beissel. Some discussion took place regarding a convenient date for the Payne Shield match between University A and Sydenham. It was decided to hold the matter over till next meeting of the committee, the secretary to write to the Canterbury Union and ask if Wednesday, August 23, would be a suitable date. Mr D. C. Jolly wanted to know if it was absolutely necessary that the Payne Shield match should be played every year. It seemed that in some years it was inconvenient for the Otagd champion team to play the match, and in other years it was inconvenient for the Canterbury team. He thought the game could be cut out altogether. It might be a good thing to hold a conference with the Canterbury Union and consider whether the fixture should be abandoned. There had always been trouble in getting teams away. He did not think it was a very important fixture. Mr H. Harris said that their committee had, after consideration, accepted, the trophy, and he thought, in the circumstances, it would be discourteous to drop the fixture now. Mr Douglas Spedding agreed with Mr Harris. The clubs, he said, looked forward to the match. Mr Jolly: Question. Mr Spedding said he thought the game was on a par with a representative game. Mr V. G. Cavanagh said that the trouble regarding arranging a convenient date for the match had cropped up since Canterbury had held the Ranfurly Shield. Voices: "Hear! Hear!" Mr Spedding said that when the rules governing the Ranfurly Shield matches had been revised probably not so many challenges for the shield would be allowed. The discussion then ended. It was decided that the Otago team to play Southland on Saturday should leave Dunedin by corporation bus about 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. It was also decided that 19 players should travel to Invercargill. „.„,, n j Mr J. Bond, referee in the Fifth Grade match Southern v. High School, reported having cautioned a Southern player tor calling out to him, "Are you blind, referee? "—The referee and the player appeared before the committee.—Mr Bond said that it was a growing practice among junior players to question reterees decisions. He paid a tribute to the excellent manner in which the Mosgiel High School players accepted the rulings ot referees.—lt was decided to place the boy's name on the cautioned list.—Mr W. Pearson said that the Southern Club had spoken to the boy regarding his conduct. • . c It was decided to refer the question ot the appointment of a refers for- the match between the Taieri Plain s team and the Otago junior representative team : on August 10 to the Referees Appointment Board. The match will be played at Outram. .. . , . f Andrew Fleming applied for a transfer from the Taieri Club to the West laieri Club; The applicant stated that he was now residing at Woodside— Mr Harris pointed out that under the Mag rules transfers were not permitted after July 15 and it was decided to inform the applicant to this effect.—lt was also desided to make a similar reply to J. is. Henry, who applied for a transfer from Matakanui to Pirates. . . G. A. Broadley, secretary of the .Laieri Club, wrote with reference to the request of the committee that 3d be collected for the accident fund (in addition to the ordinary charge of 6d). He had been instructed to state that owing to the unfinancial position of his club at present it was considered that the charging of an additional 3d would seriously affect their takings, and it had, therefore, been decided not to comply with the request.—Members strongly disapproved of the attitude taken up by the Taieri Club. —Mr D. M. Stuart said that the committee had issued an instruction to the Taieri Club, and it was going to ignore it. A principle was involved. He thought they should express their disapproval of

the attitude taken up by the Taieri Club. —Some discussion ensued regarding whether Taieri had or had not charged the extra 3d for the second round of matches last year, and it was decided to hold over the matter till next meeting to enable the secretary to look into the position. .The following referees were submitted by the Referees' Association as available for the Otago-Marlborough match on Saturday:—Messrs Blagdon, Briggs, Aitcheson, Jenkins, and Reardon. It was decided to forward the names to the manager of the Marlborough team. It wa« decided to appoint Messrs D. M. Stuart and W. Pearson managers of the Otago team which is to tour north this year. Dr Perry was appointed manager of the Otago team which is to play at Invercargill on Saturday. On the motion of Mr J. B. Wootton, it was decided to forward a letter congratulating the University A team on its success in this year's Senior Competition. Mr Harris moved—" That in the event of the sports bodies in Dunedin protesting against the suggestion to tax incorporated societies, this union will cooperate in any protest that may be forwarded to the Acting Prime Minister."— The motion was carried. It wag decided to communicate with the South Canterbury Union and ascertain if it would be prepared to send a team to Dunedin to play a game against an Otago B team, the funds to be devoted to the Sports Queen Fund. MATCHES FOR SATURDAY The following is the draw for Saturday, with grounds and referees:— Second Grade.—Union v. Kaikorai, Logan Park No. 1, 3 p.m. (Mr Kingston); University D v. West Taieri, Outram. (Mr Procter); Pirates A v. Ravensbourne, Ravensbourne No. 1 (Mr Fleury); Alhambra. B v. Dunedin, Opoho No. 1 (Mr Palenski); Southern v. Alhambra A, Main Ground, Logan Park (Mr Aitcheson); University C v. Pirates B, University Oval No.' 1 (Mr Shanks); Zingari v. Port Chalmers, 'Port Chalmers (Mr Jenkins); Taieri, a bye. Third Grade. —Brighton v. University G, Brighton (Mr Burnnand); Pirates B v. University F, Culling Park (Mr Himburg); University E v. High School, Carisbrook, 1.30 p.m. (Mr Blagdon); Pirates A v. Ravensbourne,- Logan Park No. 3 (Mr Strode); Alhambra v. Dunedin, Oval No. 2 (Mr Sheridan); Union v. Southern, North Ground (Mr Gray); Zingari v. Port Chalmers, Logan Park No. 2 (Mr Stallard); Taieri v.Jlaikorai, Bishopscourt No. 1 (Mr Duff). Fourth Grade. —Christian Brothers v. Southern A, Tahuna No. 1 (Mr Reardon); M'Glashan v. Dunedin, Oval No. 3, 1.30 p.m. (Mr Heather); Zingari A v. Port . Chalmers, Montecillo No. 2 (Mr, Jones); Southern B v. Alhambra, Bathgate Park No. 1 (Mr S. Butler); Taieri v. Kaikorai, Mosgiel No. 1. (Mr FlaWn); Zingari B v. Pirates, De' Carle, Park .(Mr Stone); High School v. Union, North Ground, 1.30 p.m. (Mr More). Fifth Grade.—High School A v. Zingari. Littlebourne Park, 1.30 p.m. (Mr . Williamson); High School B v. Alhambra, Opoho No. 2 (Mr Warwick); Southern v. Christian Brothers, Bathgate Park No. 2 (Mr Tilley). If wet, curtain-raiser will be played at Hancock Park No. 2 at 3 p.m. EASTERN DISTRICT MATCHES. Dunback v. Waikouaiti, at Waikouaiti (Mr Burton); Sha'g Point v. Palmerston, at Palmerston (Mr Macassey): Karitane v. Seacliff, at Karitane (Mr Baxter). Line umpires, Carisbrook. —1.30, Messrs T. Sonntag and L. Wright; 3 p.m., Messrs F. Swete and J. Peat. SECONDARY SCHOOLS' COMPETITION The following is the secondary school draw for Saturday, all srames to commence at 9.15: A Grade.—Technical A v. High School B, Oval No. 1; High School A v. Chris- . tian Brothers A, Oval No. 2; M'Glashan A, a bye. •'_ . ■ B Grade.—Technical B v. High School D, Bathgate Park No. 1; High School C, C Grade.—Technical C v. High School E, Montecillo; High School F v. High School G. East Park No. 1; Christian Brothers B v. High School H. East Park No. 2; M'Glashan B v. Technical F, Tahuna No. 1. ■ ■'..; D Grade.—Technical D v. Christian Brothers C. Tahuna No. 2; M'Glashan C v. Christian Brothers D, M'Glashan Ground; High School I v.. High School J, Littlebourne; Technical E, a bye. RANFURLY SHIELD MATCH THE CANTERBURY TEAM. (Per United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, July 31. The Canterbury Ranfurly Shield team to play Ashburton on Wednesday is:— Backs—N. Mussen, W. J. Brown, C. J. Oliver, N. Dunshea, K. S. Mortlock, R. Hazlehurst, G. Stevens; forwards—A. 1. Cottrell, J. Wade, A. Bowes, A. H. Andrews, A. M. Hartnell, G. J. Howell, J. E. Manchester, R. K. King. Hart was not available for this match, but may play against Wellington, at Wellington, on Saturday.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22020, 1 August 1933, Page 9

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RUGBY FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22020, 1 August 1933, Page 9

RUGBY FOOTBALL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22020, 1 August 1933, Page 9