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AN ART GALLERY. Some time ago when Mr E. J. Bell, chief libarian at the Christchurch Public Library, reported on the Oamam Athenaeum, he very ' strongly advised the Athenaeum Committee to erect & new building. At that time the suggestion was made by a newspaper correspondent that a community - movement should be instituted for the purpose of establishing a library, art gallery, and early settlers’ museum. Such a _ movement, he wrote, with its community interest and educational force, would merit the support of every good citizen in -the district, and would provide a link between town and country, which at present is non-existent. The correspondent stated that annually many thousands of pounds were being l spent on the cultiva- , tion of the minds of the children, and he , thought that a start should be made to spend a little money on an object that would make provision for the cultivating of the minds of the parents also. The correspondent’s appeal, like many other good suggestions, failed to bring any response from the public, but the art exhibition now being held at the Balfour has unquestionably stimulated interest in this direction, so that the establishment of an art . gallery in Oamaru has been a subject, of discussion by those interested. A lead has been given by Mr ■Robert Milligan, who has a very fine • collection of pictures on loan to the exhibition, including the canvas “Off Dover,” by E. Hayes, in which the colour and movement of the sea, and boats in the Channel are admirably depicted. Mr Milligan, in the course of conversation ■with the representative of the Daily Times yesterday, authorised the announcement that he would present this picture to Oamaru when suitable housing had been provided for it. This public--spirited offer should meet with a response from those'who are imbued with sufficient enthusiasm to undertake such a project. COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS. The attendances at the cooking demonstrations being held by Miss Una Carter at the gas. department's showrooms have been increasing daily, and those present have been learning much of an interesting and educational nature; A notable ; feature of the new gas cookers which was not possible in the two-burqee ovens, is that four different temperatures may be obtained at once, enabling such things as scones, bread, .cakes, .and fish to be cooked at the same time. Miss Garter demonstrated this procedure, and everything “ turned out to perfection.” An example of the saving to be made with the latest types of cooker was shown, by Miss .Carter, in which, by means of highefficiency burners, sugar for toffee may be brought to 300 degrees .in eight, minutes, thus saving 12 minutes in time on earlier .burners. Miss Carter also demonstrated successfully the cooking of a full dinner for five or six people, consisting of fish, steak, potatoes,’ pumpkin, and turnips, apricot pie, and sago, at an' estimated cost of gas of less than 2d. A batch of cakes may be cooked .at a cost of about - ftd for gas. To-day Miss Carter will



give her final demonstration. A noteworthy feature of cooking by gas is that the ranges are of New Zealand production; while the gas department, out of an expenditure of £12,400 laet year, spent no less than £12,000 in New Zealand. LADIES’ HOCKEY. The following will represent Totara v. Pirata, at Totara, on Saturday:—A. Jackman, M. Flicker, V. Comack, M. Taylor, E, Dalziel, H. Samson, B. Dalziel, E. Jackmaq, V. Clark, B. Clark, P. Davis; emergencies—G, Fricker. C. Sixerwin, B. Keating. J. M'Lay. The. following will represent Arawa Club on Saturday:— ' Seniors v, Watea.—Kidd, B. Campbell, A. Campbell, L. Doran, Carson, A. Doran, 0. Downing, Clelland, F. Brown, Mushett, Barsdell. Junior B v. Herbert.—H. Wilson, Knight, K. Slaven, H, Bain, E. Aikenhead, F. Paterson, Symon, L. MTvor, A. Downing, H. Campbell. Junior. C ,v. Maheno.—Winslade, Woodgate, Jardine. C. Campbell, G. Campbell, U, Paterson, Cunningham, ■ J. Wilson. _ Harper, R. MTvor; emergency, Leslie. RUGBY FOOTBALL. The following teams have been selected to represent Old Boys on Saturday:—■ Junior.—Baird, Muirhead, ' Hedges, Steele, Alison, Stock, Heages, Farrant, Calder, Tempero, Robertson, Cameron. Milmine, Feathers, Kinder. Third Grade. —Miller,, M'Leod, Ball, Joll, Gray, Christie, Stewart, ..Mahoney, Fraser, Robertson, Ashton, M'Kay, Carson, . Cox. Emergency, Barsdell. Fourth Grade.—Tait, Simpson, Sims, Grocott (2), Carson, MTvenzie, Tempero, MLaren, Ross, Millar,'Crawford, Sparks, M*Lean, Emergencies—Grant, Barsdell. Aikenhead. 1 The following teams will represent.-. Maheno: — Senior v. Old Boys: Clark (2), Newlands, Bruce (2), Hollow (2), Richardson, Yeoman, Gillies, Sim, Sounese, Sinclair, Robinson, Macfarlane, Lindsay. Junior v. School: Johnston (4), Souness, Newlands, Yorston, Watson, M'Gregor, Davis, Dougherty, Guttridge, Wilson, Lawrence, Rapson, Sinclair, Kelcher, Hintz, The following will represent Athletic on Saturday— Senior. —Sampson, Carrington, Pack, Sim, D. Campbell, Baxter, O’Neil, Direen, Free, Turvey, Dowdall, Hansen, Elliott, Borwick, Robertson, G. Campbell. Thirds.—R. Palmer, G.- Firth, Carring-' ton, Ward, Brown, Butts, Morris } Clarke, Lapsiey, Raweliffe, Carrodus, Wilson, A. Firth, Wilson, Eadie, Cleverley. The following nominations have been made by. the selectors —Messrs J. Palmer, F. Whiting, and A. Mays—for the South. Island trial match; —6. Sumpter (wing three-quarter), L. Ross (five-eighths), R. Cameron (lock), A. Sim (side). Old Boys.—Senior: Taylor, Sumpter, Kent, Webb, Ross, M’Donald, Gaffaney, M'Callum, ■ Hendra, A. Clark, Cameron, Spear,-Ballantyne, Kinder, M'Kerrow. M.W.M.U. ■ There-was a good attendance at the Methodist Women’s Missionary Union meeting at the Wesley Hall.. Mrs Bridgman presided, and extended a warm welcome to Mrs Genge. who had been absent from meetings on account of ill-health, and also to Mrs Ashcroft.. The Rev, Mr Ashcroft addressed the meeting, and referred to the missionary work that was being carried on, and to the good work being done by the union. Miss Lane (secretary) read a letter from. Sister Gittas, a missionary -worker amongst the Maoris, and also two very interesting letters from wofkers in the Solomon Islands. A vote of appreciation was passed to Mr Ashcroft for his address. ' KAKANUI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. x The sale of produce and grain in connection with the Kakanui Presbyterian Church harvest festival took place in the Athenaeum Hall on Wednesday evening, and was a great success, over £3O being realised. The Rev. P, C. Rennie thanked ail present for their work and patronage in making the sale so successful. Miss Watson (convener) and Mr Johnston (secretary) had all the arrangements well in hand, and were assisted by the following stall holders;—Work stall—Mesdames M r Ghie, R. Southgate, and Wilson; cake stall—Mesdames T. Watson, Johnston, and Brown; produce stall, Mrs Carruthera: sweets stall, Miss Bardwell and Bible class girls; bran tub—Misses Laurenson, Smith, and Sutton; supper room—Mesdamea George Robertson, Macdonald, Walters, and Miss Southgate; grain stall, Messrs George Robertson and Macdonald. The shooting gallery was in charge of Mr A. Bain, while Mr W. G. Wilson was in charge of the darts, and both did a roaring trade. Competitions resulted as follows:—Hat trimming—Mr D. Richardson 1, Mr T. G. Tyson 2; wool winding, Miss Bardwell and Mr Savillo; cakes (weight) —Messrs George Robertson, P. Docherty, and Miss Johns. MAJESTIC PICTURES. " The Innocents of Paris,” which had its initial _ Screening at the Majestic last night, is one of the most entertaining all-talking productions that have been shown at the theatre to date. Half the charm of Chevalier is to be found in hearing him talk and sing, and in tnis picture he sings several songs in French and a couple in English, accompanied by inimitable pantomime. The principal theme song of the picture is which is undoubtedly a most fascinating melody, and in addition to the other catchy songs there are a number of bright dances in the picture also. Chevalier is supported by Sylvia Beecher, George Fawcet, John Miljan, and others, who assist materially in the excellent entertainment. GOLF. The following is the draw for the bogey match on Saturday':—K, Familton v. M'Kenzie, Cuthbertson v. M'Beath, Armstrong v. Donaldson, Fraser v. Hewat, G. Henry v. Irvine, H. P. Familton v. M'Ewan, Nichols v. Humphries, Matbieson v. Rivers, Roll v. A. Fowler, Gravb v. Kilpatrick, Holmes v. J. Heurv, Douglas v. Hedges, K. Sumpter v. Uttley, Scott v. L. Wright, T. Wright v. L. Sumpter, Woodward v. Mulligan, Wilson v. H. Fowler, Hunter v. Marshall. Orbell v. Ireland. M'Donald v. D. V. Smith, Treseder v. Williams, W. K. Tomlinson v. Currie, Widdowson v. Bird, Pollock v. Bates, Banks v. T. Hedges, Hopgood v. Main, Gillies v. Cobb, Burton v. Milne, Maude v. Panekhurst, Patterson v. M'Dowell, E. K.' Tomlinson a bye. MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING. The best scores at the ■weekly shoot o£ the Duntroon Club were as follow;—H. Dovey; 78 (3), 80, J. Grant, 78 (4), 80; W. Rutherford, 77 (4), 80; H. M'Cullv, 76 (6), 80; A. Coppell, 72 (8), 80; O. Tal entire, 72 (9), 80; W. Wilson, 66 (14), 80; R, O'Connor, 74 (5), 70; W. Sharp, 74 (4), 78; E. Knight, 71 (5),'76. H. Dovey won the A Grade rifle button

and H. M'Cully the handicap button, while W. Cox won the B Grade rifle button, and H. Wilson the- handicap button. The fern leaf badges were won by J. Grant, R. Hay, W. Rutherford, R. O’Conuor, and A. Coppell, with a score of 361. The best scores at the weekly shoot of the Gleuavy Club were as follow:—S. Maihoroa 70, J. Hollamby 79, N. L. Andrews' 77, N, Gibson 77, A. MCulloch 77, D. MCulloch 77, N. Fleming 76, J. Hollamby, sen.. 70, H. Jackson 76, J. Furdie 76, C. Fleming 75, T. Fleming 75. R. Cochrane 75, L. Mills 75, P. Lindsay 75, W. MCulloch 75. D. M'Lean 75, J. O’Hara 75, C. Dugdale 74, T. Forbes 74, J. Hyland 74, B. Duff 73, J. Hamilton 73, J. MCulloch 73. C. Mills 73, B. Stangcs 71, C. Bishop 70. J. Hyland won the trophy presented by Mr D. M'Naughton, and also the handicap button, and the sniper’s medal, presented by Mr J. Purdie, was won in the first instance by C. Fleming. ST. LUKE’S BIBLE CLASS. The St. Luke’s Young Men’s Bible class 1 social, held in St, Luke’s Hall, was attended by about 300. persons, who spent a very happy time with music and dancing. The programme was contributed by the glee party (selections), Mr L. Harbour (recitations), Mr P. Linton Hodge (songs), and braes band (selections). A choir -contest was exceptionally entertaining, and the judge (Mr Linton Hodge) placed the competitors as follows: —Mothers’ Union 1, St. Luke’s Sunday School 2, St. Luke’s Choir 3, Kihg’a Messengers 4, Newborough Bible Claes 5, Sunday School Kindergarten 6, C.E.M.S. 7,. and Y.M.B.C. 8. The members of the winning choir were each presented with a. cup. Excellent dance music was provided by Mrs Sherwin’s orchestra. AIREDALE HALL TRUST. There was a good attendance at the annual meeting of' the Airedale Hall Trust, over which Mr James Frew presided. The balance sheet disclosed a smaller profit than in the previous year, but sufficient to reduce the mortgage by £lO. The three retiring trustees were re-elecfed. ' Mr A. Bremner was reelected hon. auditor. The following officers were elected at a subsequent meeting of the trustees;—Chairman. Mr T. Stephens; secretary, Mr W. Burdett, treasurer, Mr W. Elder. The opportunity was taken to present Mr A. Bremner with , a fountain pen and tobacco pouch, in recognition of his valued past services to the trust. PERSONAL. Mr J. A. Macpherson, M.P., left for Wellington yesterday, and will return to Oamaru on Tuesday next. Queen’s Hotel: Mr MTntosh (Wellington), Mr M. Kibben (Christchurch), Mr F. Grant, Mr J. A. Anderson (Timaru). Mr G. A. Jamieson (Temuka), Mr Newson (Invercargill). Hew Club Hotel: Mr and Mrs M. O’Brien (Killinchy), Mr A. Brown (Dunedin). Mr W. E. Crewes (Wellington), Mr C. E. Yates, Mr N. H..Graveston, Mr P. C. Reddell, Mr and Mrs J. Thompson, Mr and Mrs A.’ J. Christie (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs de Castro (Blenheim). OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. The fortnightly meeting of the Oamaru Borough Council was held last evening, present—The Mayor (Mr Frank Crawshaw), and Crs H. J. Jenkins, W. S. Crombie, W. Wright, John Fraser, G. A. Mitchell, J. T. Calder. N. H. Colquhoun, J. M. Forrester, J. M'Diarmid, W, H, Frith, and M. F. Cooney. The North Otago Soldiers’ Aid Association submitted the afforestation scheme suggested for the planting of trees on .the shores- of- the lake to be formed by the Waitaki dam in order to provide work for the unemployed.—lt was decided to support the proposal. The curator of the Gardens submitted a report concerning the construction of a permanent platform, and suggesting the removal of the guns under the trees meantime. —It was decided to carry out the work at a suitable time. ' < Messrs A. Slater and Co. submitted a schedule of prices for six months’ requirements of the works department, and acknowledged acceptance of their tender for supplies. , Tire North Otago Ladies’ Hockey Association was granted permission to have a pie cart at King George’s Park on Saturdays during the council’s pleasure. Mrs M. M'Donald requested that a load of screenings should bq placed on the footpath outside her property in beek street. —Referred to the engineer for attention. . . The Maheno Cemetery trustees offered £5 for the small horse mower.—The clerk was instructed to reply that .it was not the council’s intention to sell at present. The Otago Mounted Rifles Band was granted the use ■ of the Public Gardens on May 11. „ The Invercargill Gasworks offered to supply tar at 5d per gallon, with drums at 2s 6d each. —Cr Wright’s action in ordering 4000 gallons was approved. The Finance Committee reported the following balances;—D.F. account (cr), £1057 15s 7d; loan account (cr), £53 9s lOd; (loan P. 0.5.8., £lOlO. _ Gjstxeral accounts totalling £1362 13s and .loan £39 9s 7d were passed for payment. The High Schools Board was granted £25 for technical classes. It was decided to construct two paddock crossings at Doig’s farm, at a cost of £45 for material. It was decided that the council should bring in the lease of section 22, block 92, Oamaru, with a view to submitting it by auction in three separate allotments. The application of Mr Bone for a gas supply to his pie-cart at the Oak was approved. Cr Colquhoun gave notice of motion to move at the nest meeting that on and after July 1 the price for gas per 1000 cubic feet be reduced from 7s 6d to 75.On the suggestion of Cr Calder, the engineer was instructed to report on the condition of the upper portion of the Town Hall with a view to repairs and renovations. Cr Forrester reported that the question of a safety zone at the, post office had been referred to the engineer, * . Cr Colquhoun was appointed chairman of the Municipal Baths Committee. STREET SALES. The By-laws Committee reported to the Oamaru Borough Council last night that’ it considered that in the interests of the ( shopkeepers the time had arrived when thfe promiscuous sale of goods in the streets should be abolished. The committee recommended that in future no stalls for the sale of, goods should be erected in any street without the written permission of the council. 1 and that such permission, if given, should be subject to such restrictions and conditions as the council might determine.—The recommendation was adopted. BOROUGH RESERVES. Dealing with the question of reserves at the Borough Council meeting last night, Cr Calder stated that the income from the reserves last year was £122, and he thought the reserves Were not being put to the fullest use. He thought they should put their case before Parliament with the object of having the reserves placed entirely under the control of the council, when opportunity would be provided, by means or tree-planting, to give work to the unemployed. The reserves were for public utility and recreation, and they were not fully serving that purpose. He moved that the Mayor, Crs Jenldns, Forrester, M'Diarmid. Familton. and Calder be a committee to go into the matter with a view to approaching Parliament to get some improvement effected. He also suggested that a committee of citizens should be added to confer with the council committee. The members of the council were not at all satisfied with the present position, Cr Colquhoun supported the motion, which was carried. Cr Calder then moved that the committee of citizens to act with the council committee be Dr Douglas, Messrs R. Milligan, E, P. Lee. and F. Jones. This resolution met with considerable opposition on the grounds that although an emphatic

expression of opinion from the citizens would be very valuable, the step was premature, and the council was quite competent to deal with the question and carry out the preliminary investigations. The motion was lost. OAMARU ATHEN/EUM. A pica for the taking over of the Athenaeum with a view to providing further civic amenities for the town was made at the Borough Council meeting last night by Cr M'Diarmid, who recalled that a month ago a deputation from the AthenCommittee had waited on the council soliciting financial assistance. He thought that the time had come to give very serious thought to the council taking over the Athenaeum for the citizens. The assets to be handed over included a valuable building and block of land and rural lands, and he thought it was an opportunity to be availed of. The opportunity would be a very good one to provide the town with some of the civic amenities that were needed. There was need for an art gallery and museum, and the ladies wanted a Plunket room and a restroom, if the council took’over the AtheniEuin i c °nld make these amenities an objective as time went on. The matter had been referred to the Finance Committee, but he thought it so important that the whole council should consider it. The subject was further discussed by councillors in an informal manner with a view to giving the proposal consideration before the estimates are considered prior to the next meeting.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 21021, 9 May 1930, Page 12

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21021, 9 May 1930, Page 12

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 21021, 9 May 1930, Page 12