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(Fkojc Oub Ows Coeeeseoxdekt.) BALCLUTHA, February 28,

The monthly meeting to-day was attended by Crs George Hay (chairman), W. S. Thomson, R. MTndoe, A. T. Harris, Thomas Maginness, E. King, J. R. Wilson, W. J. MTvenzie, D. Jack, and James Gumming. The chairman moved a motion of sympathy with the relatives of Sir Thomas Mackenzie and Mr Joseph Anderson (who had been a member of the council in 1882). —Carried in silence. ENGINEER’S REPORT. The engineer (Mr G. S.- Gould) reported for the period ended February 28: — MAIN HIGHWAYS. Dunedin-Invercargill.—Grading and light maintenance work only has been undertaken during the period, but with the exception of the Balclutha-Kihiku section this road is in fair order throughout. The work of preparing this section for gravelling was suspended on account of a breakdown on the roller. The work holding the front roller was fractured, and as it was necessary to re-tyre rolls at an early date, I considered it advisable to forward the engine to Dunedin and have both jobs carried out at the one time. I expect to recommence the work next week. Balclutha-Papatowai.—Grading work only has been carried out on the Bal-clutha-Owafca section, and this portion is in fair order excepting between Romahapa and Glenotnaru, which is in a very rough state, and the matter of preparing this section for gravel surfacing at an Gtirlv Hjltp milsf. 11/a corirmclff nAnei/lat<A/1

Balclutha-Papatowai.—Grading work only has been carried out on the Bal-clutha-Owafca section, and this portion is in fair order excepting between Romahapa and Glenotnaru, which is in a very rough state, and the matter of preparing this section for gravel surfacing at an early date must be seriously considered. The preparing of the remaining portion of the Owaka-Catlins bridge section for gravelling is again in hand. The low edges are being built up with clay, and the surface is being repaired with crushed rock.

Waiwera-Clydevale.—A power grader was employed for some days in scarifying and grading in the high edges between Ashley Downs i and Pomahaka River, and I propose to carry out further repairs to the road with Pomahaka River gravel when satisfactory haulage arrangements can be made. The road generally is in fair order’ and has been much improved during the past few mouths.

Waipahi-Pomahaka,—The work of widening the rock cutting near Conical Hills railway station is now in hand, and the spoil is being used for metalling. About 20 chains have now been completed.

Kelso-Waikaka.—About 200 cubic yards of maintenance gravel has been used in repairs to this road, and it is now in reasonably. good repair. General.—Grading and light maintenance work has been carried out on all other highways, and they are at present in good order.

Gatlins Hiding.—The metalling contract on Barr's road has been completed, also similar work on Kewhaven road, and the gravelling of Mason's road. A start has also been made with the metalling work on Lakeside road. I was advised yesterday that the plans and specifications of the Houipapa suspension bridge have been approved, and I propose to invite tenders tor the work to close at an early date. Clutha Biding.—The surfacemen has been chiefly employed on the main highway, but light repair work was carried out on Kaihiku-Waiwera road and Byers road. The power grader was also employed in grading (jlifton Settlement roada.

Clydevale Riding.—General maintenance work has been carried out on Clyde-vale-Rongahere road, Clinton-Clydevale, and Quaifes road. Several new culverts were also put in on Chapman’s road and various wash-outs filled up. Clinton Biding.—Extensive repair work has been completed on Main South road, and the surfacemen are now engaged in metalling CHnton-Owaka road. The metalling contract on Clinton-Wyndham road lias been completed. Glenkenich Riding.—Gravelling and general repair work has been carried out on Rodgers’ Road, Kelso-Koi, Kelso, Maitland, Seddon road, and Crossaiv's I'oad. The gravelling contract on Tweedie's Ford road has been completed, and similarwork on MTntyre's road is well in hand.

Maclennan Riding.—General repair work with gravel has been carried out on Stoddart’s road and Papatowai-Taha-kopa road, and the surfacemen are now •employed in repairing Back Creek road, for which good quality rotten rock, is being used. About 50 chains of Centre road has also been gravelled, and various roads have been surface graded. Pomahaka Riding.—A large quantity of rock has been quarried for repairs to Clinton-Taumata road, Ranch road, and others, and this will be applied to the roads when the new lorry is available. Repair work has also been completed on Ashley Downs road, Clinton-Clydevale, Pomahaka Downs road. Old School road, and others. As no satisfactory tender was received for metalling ■ Taumata School road it is now proposed to do this work with the council employees, and to use Pomahaka River gravel. Richardson. Riding.—The surfaceman has been chiefly employed on the main highway, but the loose gravel on Shaw’s track and Waitepeka-Warepa road has been graded in, and light maintenance work carried out on Whiteflat road, main Wnrepa road and : Kaihiku road. __ South Molyneux.—The Kaka Point to Nuggets road has been completed from Kaka Point to join with the formed road beyond Karoro Stream bridge, a distance of 85 chains. Maintenance work has been carried out on Puerua Valley road. Dent’s road, Sargent’s road, Karoro Creek road, Kennedy’s road, and others. The metalling contract on Havard’s road is nearing completion.

Waipahi Riding.—The gravelling contract on Shennan’a road has been completed, and good progress is being made with similar work on Reid’s Hill road. Repairs have been made to Shenroad, Glenshee, Cemetery road, Reid’s Hill road, and others. The power grader has also been employed in surface grading various roads throughout the riding. FINANCIAL. Receipts for the sis weeks ended February 26 amounted to £5764 2s 6d, and the expenditure to £5046 17s 4d.—The Finance Committee’s report was adopted and the paysheet passed for payment. EQUALISING THE BURDEN. Cr King gave notice of motion—" That an equal proportion of each ridipg’s roads be declared highway or county roads, io be maintained out of the general fund, and that the county roads be those carrying the heaviest traffic in each riding.” The mover said that the ridings with the heaviest percentage of highway were escaping the upkeep of other roads within their boundaries, as the highways were maintained out of the general county fund.—The chairman said there was certainly an unfairness about the present system. The matter should be deferred until the result of their application for other highways was known. TENDERS. Contract No. 13, gravelling 60 chains, Burke’s Ford road—A. Melvin, 6s 6d a’ yard; -J. I, Miller. 5s 9d (accepted). No. 14, gravelling 32 chains, RangahercJohn o’ Groat’s road A. Melvju, 5s a yard.—Left to the engineer and Cr King. No. 15, gravelling 61.61-chains, Ballantyne’s road —A. Melvin, 6s 6d a yard; J. I. Miller, 5s 9d a yard (accepted). No. 16, re-forming and metalling 28 chains, MHenzie’s Stream road—Sudden and Hay, 7s a yard for metal and £1 a chain for wid-cning (accepted); A. A. Eaton, Ss 6d a yard.

No. 17, formation and metalling, Morris Pass road—Kohertson and Roulston, f 175 10s; A. A. Eaton, £163 17s 3d (accepted) ; D. Murphy, £231 10s Cd. No. 18, metalling. White Flat rpad—D. Murphy, £lB3 3s. —Left to the engineer and Cr Thomsou.

CORRESPONDENCE. ■ The manager of the Bank of New Zealand advised that the rate of interest on the councils overdraft had been raised to 7 per cent, as from February 1. — Received. The Public Works Department forwarded authorisation for expenditure on the main highways:—Dunedin-Invercar-gill, £1283 12s 4d; Balclutha-Papatowai, £325 19s Id; Balclutha-Kaka Point, £240; N'Nab-Rae’s Junction, £ll 11s 7d; Bal-clutha-Owaka, £46 10s 3d; BalcluthaKaka Point, £100; Owaka-Papatowai, £350; Balclutha-Arthurton, £400; Bal-clutha-Papatowai main, £640 2s Id, The following Public Works authorisations were also received:—Reid’s Hill road, £225 (£ for f); Clark road, £75 (£ for £); Havard road, £IOO {£ for £); Ballantyne road, £IOO (£ for •£); Burkes Ford road, £IOO (£ for f); RangahercJohn o’ Groat’s road, £SO (£2 for £1); MKenzie Stream road, £125 (free); Clin-ton-Owaka, £468 14s 5d (£ for f). —Received.

The chairman of the District Highways Council wrote asking what steps were being taken to provide the funds necessary’ for the local bodies’ conference towards the cost of the Balclutha traffic bridge, and asking the council to confer with the other contributing bodies to ascertain their attitude—The clerk to notify the board that the council had £2OOO of a bridge loan available. The district engineer wrote for.plans and specifications for expenditure of £l5O free grant on Houipapa Settlement road. —Left to the engineer. T. M. Ball, chairman District Highways Council, advised that the board had agreed to pay a subsidy of £2 for fl toward the cost of completing the metalling on the Conical Hills road, and would also advance the council’s contribution of the cost over a period of three tears at 5J per cent.—Cr Maginness said this road should have been metalled by the riding concerned and the Public Works Department years ago.—The chairman suggested that Cr Gumming find the county’s proportion from his own riding funds.—Cr Gumming said he would he willing to pay the interest.—The engineer said the county would have to find about £soo.—Cr Wilson suggested that this was a case for the employment of free labour (relief workers). He moved that the board be informed that the councail could not take Up the offered subsidy, and desired a free grant for the work.—Cr Maginness seconded, and the motion was carried by five votes to four. It was further agreed that Tuapeka County Council be asked to co-operate in getting a' free grant. W. Roy. secretary South Otago Hospital Board, advised that Mr Joseph Mosley had resigned from the board, and the council would roouire to take steps to fill the Vacancy.—Cr Jack proposed Cr King for the vacancy.—Seconded by Cr Gumming and carried.—Cr King moved that ilr ’Mosley he heartily thanked for his services on the hoard.—Carried. W. B. Steel, secretary Otago Expansion League, wrote on the subject of opening up communication with the interior by the construction of a road from Tuapeka Mouth to Beaumont, which would involve the building of a bridge over the Molyneux River at Tuapeka Mouth. Before the league took any action it desired to know the opinion of the County Council on the subject.—Cr King proposed that the question be left to the end of the meeting, when it could be taken in committee—Ct Davis seconded, and the motion was carried.

S. G. M'Donald, secretary of the committee set up after meeting of local body delegates in Dunedin regarding appointment of traffic inspectors, wrote asking for council’s opinion, and stating that the Highways Board would be willing to pay a subsidy on the salary of an inspector for the group not exceeding £ for £. —To be informed that the council already had a competent inspector.

Irving Dent (Puerua) wrote requesting that the road from the Swamp road end to Puerua be metalled,—Left to the chairman and the engineer, J. H. Jones ■ (Waipahi) again wrote drawing attention to the state of the road leading to bis property—The engineer to inspect and report. Joseph George (Kahuika) wrote offering to cut scrub on the road line at* the rate of os a chain.-—Left to the enginecr and Cr Wilson.

The executor of the late W. M'Callum (Waipahi) wrote requesting that ruts on road at pinch leading to t: Marama ” be filled in.—The engineer to mate inquiries.

R. Linwood, and six other ratepayerof Houipapa wrote that they had decided to withhold payment of rates until the proposed traffic bridge was built.—Gr Maginness moved that the engineer call tenders for the work as soon as the authority was received from the department. —Agreed to.

William Day (Warepa) wrote requesting that the approaches be made safer at the®ford over Kahika Stream.—Left to the engineer and Cr Thomson.

The secretary, Houipapa Sawmilling Company, wrote asking that metalling be done on a small section of the road between the mill and the main road leading to Tahakopa, which was almost impassable in winter.—Left to the engineer and Cr Wilson to attend to.

Gus. Neumann (Puketiro) wrote asking to have the heavy second growth cleared from part of the Aurora Creek road,—Application to be forwarded to the Public Works Department. Robert Falconer (Owaka) wrote offering to lease .an unused road adjoininy his property.—Granted at 10s a year during the pleasure of the council. RANGER’S REPORT. The ranger (H. Adams) reported that 24 head of cattle had been impounded. One heavy traffic and one hawker’s license had been issued. NEXT MEETING. The date of nest meeting was fixed for April 1. , GENERAL. It was decided to apply to the Highways Board to have the Panatowai-Wai-pati Stream road declared a Government road.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 8

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 8

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20964, 1 March 1930, Page 8